Wat SIXTEENTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 1900. NO. 61. WW mm if? if? mm www r m m mmm mm mmmm HAYING TOOLS... i r i ( MOWERS, McCorinick-l bakes, ITUAAJl IlllWIi BI0KLE GRINDERS, and repairs for same. Champion lISs, and repairs for same. If AVC AHA i HAY LOADERS, ivey sione side deliver rake. Call and see them. DAIN SWEEPS. OSBORNE RAKES, LIGHTNING HAY PRESS, MACHINE OIL. JOS. HERSHEY. Locust St., North Platte, Neb. aiWiuwiuiffiuwiuwiuwjuwiuwiuwiuwiuwiiiWK I PAINTS.. i A FULL LINE OF f John W. Masury's l Celebrated Paint E ON SALE AT. I Dayis' Hardware Store. When you get ready to paint your house, call on us and let us sell you first-class j Paint at reasonable prices. g WmWIttWiUWiUWJttWlllWttlWttiWiUWiUWittWlttR AS A HOT WEATHER BEVERAGE .,vr,.... Good, properly cooled and $ ?&fZy&-' served beer is always a strong1 f'f'WVX favorite you try other drinks, but you come back to beer. Made of pure water, pure hops C and other materials and manu- factured by skilled workmen, t Schlitz is hard to equal, impos- 6 siblc to excel. Sold in cases W containing 36 pints at $3.50, delivered. Henry Waltemaths. TH QU ESTION s often asked, What Paint shall we use? THE ANSWER f you are looking for covering capacity, wearing qualities, general appearance, and your money s worm, you must buy The Sherwn-Wiluams Paint. Otmtl Uott, lOOkt Best, Wears Longest, Most economical, Full Measure. RUSHES, COLORS IN OIL. HOUSE 4. COACH VARNISHES, Our prices are for "best goods' first, last and all the time. We are in the business to stay and S. W. P. stays with us. A. F. STRBITZ, DRUGGIST. O. F. IDDINQ6 LumToei, Coal Yards and Elevators at North Platte, Neb., Sutherland, Neb., Julesburg, Colorado. NORTH PLATTE MILLS, (C. P. IDDfKOS.) Manufacturer of HIGH AND MEDIUM GRADE FLOUR BRAN AND OHOP PEED. Order by telephone from Newton's Book Store. Suicido at Wallace, Tuesday afternoon Dr. McCabe received a telegram from "Wallace reading "Man dead, come at ouce." Supposing1 tliat the telegram was Intended lor the county coroner, it was handed over to Cor oner Uaker and the latter, in Company with County Attorney Ridtflev, left for Wallace at four o'clock Wednesday mornlucf. Ar riving there they found that Martin I. Meyers, aged thirty-five, and who had lived at Wallace for a number of years, had been kiUcd by the discharge of a shotgun and that his death had been by his own nanus. The body lay in a small hallway at the foot of the stairs leading to the second story, and the head was literally blown off, there being no semblance of a head left. The sur roundings showed that Mycr had carefully planned his destruction. He had loaded the eun a muzzle oader and left the powder and I caps near by. fiacinjj a oroom landle through the guard at the breech so that it would touch the , trigger when moved, he fastened one end to the stair railing, placed the muzzle of the gun to his left,' ear, and wilu anotucr buck in ins right hand moved the brootiibtick ' in the guard so that it Btruck the ' trigger and his soul was hurled to eternity. When the charge ex- plodcd it broke the glass in the hall door, and passers-by Tuesday motn ng noticing the broken glass, j ooked in the window and discov- rcd the dead body. It was then the coroner waB wired. 1 Myers was a quiet man of gentle disposition, a hard worker and a i good inannger. By his thrift he J had acquired two houses in Wallace and owned a ranch three miles from Wallace on which he had 3,000 head of sheep. He was married and had j a wife-and two.children, who went; to Portland, Oregon, on a viblt about the first of June. From the evidence given at the inquest Cor oner Baker uavinir empaneled a jury it seems that Mrs. Myers re fused to live on the ranch with him, libistiug that they reside in Wal lace. This seemed to worry him. He looked upon his wife's action as neglectful of him and his best in terests, and their differences on this particular subject caused more or less dissension. Japers were found showing that he had sent a draft to his wife at Portland, and it is surmised that this drain upon his financial resources had some thing to do with him taking his life. The jury returned a verdict of suicide. Coroner Baker and Attorney Ridgley returned home yesterday afternoon. MYRTLE NEWS. Geo. Shaffer and family, of near Brady, have filed on a claim on sec tion 6 and will make their home here. lSrnest Keblar nnd Mr. Shaffer were North Platte visitors Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Null were Maxwell visitors the first ol the week. Roy Ross waB somewhat sur prised last Tuesday evening when a number of his friends gathered at the Koss residence to remind Roy that it was his birthday. Refresh ments were served during the even ing Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Moore were taking in the bights of Maxwell the last of the week. Ben Wilson has put down a three inch well on his farm. It is reported that a threshing machine will be in our midst next week. The reading matter contributed by Mrs. Home of Maxwell has been sent on its mission of good cheer to invalid members ot the I. S. S, Reading matter has also reached the office from Mrs. A. A. Foster and R. F., of Brooklyn, N. Y. Birthday greetings and cheer ful letters were sent to Mies Rozilla Lee, of Crab Orchard, last week by several members. Mrs. Lottie Fuller and Rlsie Fuller contributed two needle book) and a scrap book, neatly made, as their year's dues.. A Baltimore oriole's nest reached the Sunshine office last week nnd will be placed in the school room of Diat. No. 03. A number of our citizens expect to attend the street fair at North Platte. A heavy hail storm passed oyer a strip of land in our precinct Monday. How wide or the amount of damage done has not yet been learned. BETWEEN THE RIVERS. L. R. .Jones and C. S. Trovillo are putting up the hay on the Frazicr land again this season. Jake Myers of the south side is ruuning a milk route from that side over to the Nichols separator station. Mrs. Brown of North Platte and little daughter Helen, visited rela tives in the valley a couple of days this week. W. W. Young of Lodge Pole, has discontinued his lumber business at Paxton and has shipped the stock down to his yard at Hcrshcy. Merchant Mickclscn, wife nnd daughter Garnctt, of Hcrshcy, de parted Tuesday night for Colorado Springs, where they will attend the farmer's convention now in ses sion at that place. F. C. Calloway is erecting a new porch on the front of the Nichols School house. Contractor Hinman completed his work on the new school building at Her&hey the first of the week and returned to his home in North Platte. As soon as it is equipped on the inside it will be ready for use. "Del" Brownfield has the con tract for plowing the fire guards along the Nichols section. Con Walker of North Platte is kalsomining the walls of the Nich ols school building this week. Ev Spitznogle had a stack of grain struck by lightning Monday' night during the rain storm. Timely assibtance saved a part' of the one struck and several others standing near by. V. M. Loker, foreman of the U. P. yards at Kearney, spent a part of Tuesday with his family at Hershey. We understand that the school directors have not accepted the new school building r.ccently erected by J. F. Hinman, of North Platte, at Hershey. The Kelly boys are cutting and baling the hay on the Aveline farm. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hill of Her shey, accompanied by Wm. Day and wife of Oswego, Penn., went to Denver Tuesday night. Mrs. Day is a niece of Mr, Hill. They will be gone a week or more. Dr. Morrill of North Platte, was up in the valley a few days since where he was trying to dispose of a number ot stock hogs that arc now on the F. J. Cook farm but we understand he failed to make a sale. Leonard Laubner has been down in the vicinity of Maywood on bus iness lately. G. W. Brown is erecting an addi tion to the west end of his store building at Hcrhhcy. J. R. Young of Lodge Pole was at Hershey on Tuesday lust en route by team to Gaudy. Corn in the valley has gotten the upper hand of the grasshoppers nnd ih doing well and will make a very fair crop. Next week will about wind up the threshing of small grain in the valley for this season. The annual district Sabbath school picnic for 1900 will be held in Wm. Ware's grove to-morrow. DICKENS DOINGS. Mrs, L. P. Hodges left Saturday night on the west bound train via Grant forQgallala wlier she will visit with relatives and friends for a week or ten day. Cecil Tuell returned Saturday night from St. Joe where he had been about a week visiting and buying tiis fall goods, Charles Bailey went to Welllleet the first of the week to work on the section. The B. & M. tax workers are here this week working out the company's tax, Mr. and Mrs. Beach oi North Fashions Change With The Times and Fall will be here before you have consulted the thermometer, hied to the refrigerator and plied the fan. New Fall styles in dress goods already? We ordered them month ago and they arc now ar riving. Of course you know that the finest selection awaits first-comers. Wilcox; Department fStitfe, JOHN BR ATT. E. R. GOODMAN. ...JOHN BRATf & CO.,... Real Estate, Loans Insurance A: NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. X v T TT.1 T m Pasteur "Vac cine. s t r K SUCCESSFUL RBOTEDY. Write for proofs covorlnp Hvo vonrs' ubo in tho Uultod Stntco. Oyor ono million hoad Ruccossfully trentod. SIiirIo Vncoino f 1.50 por lOdono pnokotsj Doublo Vncoino $2 por 10-doae pnokota.OtitlUe complete 15.00. , BLICKLEGZVE'-Anothor form of PASTEUR BIdrIo Vao oino, roiuly for immediate ufo, 81.60 per 10-doso pRckota; 2.50 nor 20 iloeo pnokote, $0.00 porCO-doeo phcltotu. LIVE STOCK VACCINE ft MEDICINE CO., 37 Railroad Building, IS & Larimer Mi., Semrtr, CoL VOll SAI.K 111' A. K STltKITZ, XOliTll PLATTE. Platte were in town Saturday. Mrs, Beach left Sunday morning for Chicago where she will visit about two weeks. Mr. Bench who formerly lived here will visit for a few days with his old friends before returning to his home near North Platte. Votaw and Pristo received another car of lumber Saturday. Watermelons and politics are about all the people talk about" now-a-dayB. U'h pretty nice when a fellow enn sit in the shade these hot days and eat watermelon and talk politics. Just try it once. 10 R. Segascr and J. ICverlanchc went to North Platte the first of the week with two loadB of water melons. W, H. Sccleyc had a fine cow killed by the east bound train Fri day morning. The train aiso struck a steer and bruised it up pretty badly but it is believed it will live. Mr. Shccscr the B. & M. pump man at this station has taken a week's lay-off and is visiting in McCook, C. J. Rice, of Eddy, was on our streets Saturday. He sayfc crops nn Tine m his part of the state. He look out quite a lot of lumber with him which he will use to build a barn on his farm. Round and Half Round Stock Tanks, all sizes, for sale by Jos. Horshey. HUMPHREYS' Witch Hazel Oil THE PILE OINTMENT. One Application Gives Relief. It curoal'llcsor Hemorrhoids-External or Inter nal, Wind orlllccdluir,ltchlniorllurnlui,l,liiurvi ami rutulai. ltellcf Immediate cm o certain. Itcnroillurn,8caldi and Ulceration! and Con traction from Uurni. Tho Relief lintant-lieallng wonderful, It cure Torn, Cut or Lacerated Wound oud llrulica. It curct llolla, Carnuncloi, J'oloin, " Iluuroundi," Ulcom, Old Boron, Itching Kruptloua, Scurfy or Scald Head. It euro Inflamed or Caked Breuti and Soro Nlpploi. Invaluable. It cnrei Salt Ilheum, Tettert, Scurf y Eruptlom, Chapped llandi, Fever UlUteri, Soro LI pi or KoitrlU, Conn, Iluuloni, Soro nnd Chared Poet, Bttngi of Inaecu, Mosquito llltei und Sunburns. Throo Slzoo, 25o., 50o. and $1.00 Sold by Druggist, or tent pre-paid on receipt of price. HUMPHREYS' MED. CO., Cor. William dc Jobu till., NEW YORK. A MAN who takes pride in his per sonal appearance a good "dresser" does not buy his dress suits from ready made stocks he gets a tai lor to make his clothes and thus secures a perfect fit. We moke suits nnd guar antee them to fit at prices from .... $25.00 Up. We have a fine line of Fall and Winter Suitings. F. J. BROEKER Merchant Tailor Ovor Morsel) 's Barber Shop. PROFESSIONAL OARDS. F. P. DENNIS, M, D., HOMOEOPATHIST, Over Flrit National Dank. NOHT1I l'LATTE, . - NKUHABKA. O, V, IIKUKI.U a. 1). DT JJEDKLL & DENT, PIIYSinrANR AND RI 1 1 .fl F.fl NM . Oflloos: North Plotto National Bank Uuilutng, North lMatte, Neb. T. O. PATTERSON, KTTO H M BY-HT-LHW, Oftlee ovor Yollow Front Shoe Store . NORTH PLATTE, NEB. H. S. RIDQELY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW . Ofllco in flintimu Blook, Dewoy streot. NORTH PLATTE, - - NEBRASKA A. II, IUvlB. r.AVIS & ROACH L, E. Boacu ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. NORTH PLATTE., Ormly Moult NEBRASKA Rooms 1 &. '1. yiLCOX & HALLIGAN, ATTORN K78-AT.LAW, rtOHTII PIjATTE, - NEBRASKA Office over North Platte National Dank. Jv y. HOAOCAND. W. V, Ho AO LAND Hoagland& Hoagland, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELOR! Office over McUohkld'e Dank. NOKTII PLATTE, NEB,