Local News in Brief. Mrs. II. Grimes will entertain her Sunday-school class at a water melon party this evening, A boy baby was born Saturday to Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Iddings, making two pair that are hard to beat. Thos. Ilcalcy and Miss Kath arine Barker will be married at St. Patrick's church at five o'clock to morrow morning. Jtulfre Neville was called to Omaha Saturday morning by a tele gram announcing the death of his brother Dr. Neville, of that city. Stone sidewalks will be laid in front of the Ross and Odd Fellows buildings on Dewey street. The stone for the walks was received Saturday. Company E left yesterday fore noon for Hastings to attend the state encampment. The boys looked forward to a week ol lively fun and enjoyable experiences. M. C. Harrington has received a handBomc rubber tire carriage and used it to good advantage Sat urday in driving Senator Allen and other fusion politicians around the city. J, ii. Aveline, of I2!itman precinct, will go to New York as soon as he can dispose of his ranch. He will remove there for the purpose of looking after the properly interests of a widowed sister. A party of local fishermen brought in about sixty pounds of nice fish Sunday which they caught in.the river wcs,t of town. Among the fish were scyeral pike which weighed from three to five pounds. Ike Watts, son of Mrs. M. 10. Watt of this city, was thrown from a mower on his farm near Corning, Iowa, by a runaway team last'week and received ugly wounds on his head. The report says that his escape from death was miracu lous. Wc arc now showing all the latest patterns in carpets. Prices guaranteed right, Ginn & WE1NOANI). Wooi) W. White returned Sunday from Appleton, Wis., where he spent several days looking after his business interests in the Stannard Whltc Mfg, Co Mrs. White, who accompanied him, stopped over in Chicago and will remain there this "week. Walker Hainline is spending to day in town while enroute to Hono lulu, Sandwich Island, where he goes to take charge of a steam laundry at a very lucrative salary. Ho secured the position through 15d. Grady who has been living in Honolulu since last spring. A Becksinith Round Oak Heat ing Stove for sale cheap. Mrs. H. F. JKWRr.Y. Thos. Je iters and Miss Mary A.- l People and Events. I I T-i T -: 1 1 l u .1 11H..,1 w ivev. iviruy wuni iu uiunu ibiuuu yesterday to visit his mother for a week. Miss Addic Kocken returned the latter part of the week from her visit in the cast, John Ottenstcin returns to Quincy, 111., next week to resume his studies in college. Roy Vernon returned Saturday evening from Wyoming, where he spent several days fishing. Dr. Northup is home from a week's professional visit to Gandy and other Logan county villages. Mrs. W. T. Wilcox and children, lett Saturday morning for a visit in Denver, and other Colorado towns. Joe McGraw, who is working at Chappcll, came down Sunday to accompany Co. 10 to the Hastings encampment, Prof, Garlich and Master Carroll Evans, who had been visiting in townfor ten days, returned to Co lumbus yesterday. W. II. C. Woodhurst went to Seward last night to adjust a fire loss which his com pan v sustained at that place last week. The W. R. C, which shared in the profits at Iloagland's soda fountain last Friday, netted twenty- one dollars by their earnest work. Mrs. W. H. C. Woodhurst and children went to Denver Sunday where they will visit for some time. The trip is made with the hope that the climate will lessen the attack ot hay fever with which Mrs. Wood hurst is troubled. Mr. and Mrs. II. S. White leave next Friday for Chicago to take in the sights during the national Grand Army reunion to be held next week. Mr. White will also attend a reunion of the members of the regiment of which he belotiged during the civil war. YOUNG MEN'S CLOTHING..... Of Proper Style and At Reasonable Prices Is rather difficult to find. This is be cause there is really very little differ ence in the cost of manufacture between young men's and men's sizes. The only difference is in the quantity of material used. The tailoring costs precisely the same. Wc, however, recognize that young men, or boys, as their mothers prefer to call them, must have clothes of smaller cost than men; clothes must be stronger at many points than men's clothes. "Wc solved the problem -by simply cutting off a big portion of our legitimate profit on Young Men's Suits, which is the only way. wc can sell garments of exceptional quality at popular low prices. Young Men's or Boys' Suits in sizes 30 to 3f inches breast measures from 9 $2.50 to $10.00, And all the in-between for the asking." prices. "And your money b Otje PH'ce atjcl IPiaii? Figures. STAR CLOTHING HOUSE. W. A. VOLLMER, Proprietor. Opposite old location. Wall Paper. We are showing an exceptionally fine line of Wall Paper of the newest designs. If you you contemplate papering your house, call and see our stock. Wc can suit you in both style and price. E. B. WARNER. & It is said that the supply of ice at the Onion Pacific houses will not last to exceed three weeks with the ordinary run of fruit. A meas urement of the ice is being mailt: today. Joe Ottman went to Sidn'cy yes terday and in company with other section foremen will make a trip today over the Third dintriet in an observation car. These trips are made at stated interval in order that the foremen inny oberye the conditions in which the respective sections are kept. Kuebcti lAeco is scouring the country to find hay hands at. SI. 50 per day. Wonder how this sounds to the IJrvanitcs who were getting 50c and 75c in 18 and who took so much pleasure in quoting what Bryan said to the republicans at the Chicago convention? "You shall not press down on the brow of Churchijl were united in marriage labor this crown of thorns, you at St. Patrick's church yesterday shall not crucify mankind on a cross morning by Rev. Haley. The con tracting parties arc well known in town, the groom having lived here many years. The bride, we believe, came to thin city from Kearney. Buy boy's clothes here and you won't have to buy so often. Ages 3 to 1G. Prices as low as $1.35. $1.50, $1.75, $2 and upwards. Star Ci.otiiino Housk. Nineteen members ot the Kcbckah Degree, including the working staff, went to Cozad Sat urday morning to confer degrees on a candidate, and to attend a picnic. On the way home lrom the picnic a carriage containing several North Platte ladies was over turned through reckless driving. MrB. Miltonberger was Injured on the shoulder, Mrs. Dick was con siderably bruised and Mrs. Klein had her lace and head scratched, but they all considered themselves lortuuate that the injuries were not more severe. At the picnic Judge Hoagland, who accompanied theparty as chaperone, organized two ball teams, one composed of Cozad ladies, the other of North PlaUe ladies, Mrs. Cunningham being the captain of the latter. The game, which waB won by Co.ad by a score of ten by live, proved very amusing. Barring the accident the ladiep enjoyed their viBit atCozad very much. i Bargains in Seal Estate, ttpv sale cheap for cash, 1 four, 1 six and 1 seven roomed house, well located. One lf0 acre irrigated farm with 5 acres black locust and 5 acres box elders, 13 years old, one of the best farms in tlie vaucy. For particulars see me. J. K. Ottenstein. of gold." If a man had madu as many lalse prophesies two thousand years ago as Bryan did in 18 they would have stoned him to death. Chappcll Register. The two engines which came to gether near Suuol were brought down Sunday and have gone into the shops for repairs. Both were in pretty bad shape. Wen. Willclti, an employe of the u!l I , r- - - uuiivr !uup, ioscou jvcesr, a imy laborer at the machine shop, took their time checks vesterdav and will leave for other field. John A til tier, of Dorp, whowas in town estvrdar, says he will have i-.vciilhnt corn this year. Lntt year ne iai o.uuu publieis ot corn thisve.'frhe will have more. He iilo has. lorty stacks of small grain. .Mr. Ambler h a good tanner ann seems to he making money out of Logan county land. Prol. Boyce, chairman of the state populist committee will ad dress the people ot North Platte and Lincoln county in this city on Tuesday of next week, August 28, Populists of the county are invited to attend this meeting and select delegates to the congressional con ventioirto be held at Broken. Bow on September 7lh. L. Stumuns o Yellow Front Shoe Store, Geo. M. Graham, Mgr., North Platto.Noh. Throo Dooru South of 1 O. 4 o e e a o o o o a m o a xw Many Lady Customers Came last wool: for the special offerings in Tan Footwear. "We 'look for double the number this week. Ladies' Tail Shoes (Oxfords.) New, stylish, handsome Tan Low Shoes, including many patterns and weights, turn soles and weit soles, fancy vesting or plain kid tops, mannish shapes and dress shapes, footwear constructed by careful and competent makers, conservatory priced at S2.5U during the earlier part of the season. Your choice of any pniivnbw for : $2.00 Tan Low Shoos, now vi r $190 u a 9 a a o e a a e a a a a a a e o o o o a u a a a a a a Tho Fool Bonoilt Concert. The benefit concert given Alvin Pool at the opera house Friday evening was attended oy a, large audience and the program rendered suemed to give evcellent satistae tion. The twelve numbers con sisted of two selections by the Parlor Koncet t Klub, vocal solos by Mrs llershey, MUs Webber and Mr. Bare, violin solos by Prof. Garlichs, Mr. Pool and Master Carrol lQvans, readings by Miss Grace Bratt, piano solo by Miss Jessie Bratt and a trio by Mr. and Mrs. Doolittle and Mr. Clinton. llic perlorrners were liberally ap plauded and nearly all responded with encores, Master lOyans, of Columbus, seven years ot age, won tlie -ap plausc of the audience by the clever manipulation of the violin, and he certainly gives promise of becoming a violinist of note. Mr. Pool leaves tor Clncago in about a week to enter a musical' school for the purpose of further perfecting himself on the violin, The best wishes of our people will accompany mm, and we teel cer tain that he will make excellent use of his time while there. The piano used at the concert was kindly' donated by Giuu & Wciiigaud. J. V. Hiles, living near Gothen burg, has 210 acres of broom corn which he figures will yield tifty tons, lie will receive in tlie neigh borhood of twenty-live hundred dollars for the crop. The Subject Most Discussed. An Important Innovation. The Omaha Bee of last Saturday says that an important innovation relative to the operating employes of the Union Pacific railroad com pany will be inaugurated Septem ber 1. It will be the introduction of the system of discipline by re cord, and after its operation begins the suspension of employes from duty, with consequent loss of time, will be discontinued. Instead of this practice, which has been in dulged in from the beginning of the history of the Union Pacific system, discipline will be main tained by reprimand, book suspen sion or dismissal from the service. When an employe has had a rep rimand or a suspension entered on his record satisfactory service for a given length of time will cancel the debit side ot the account. A rep rimand will be canceled by a clean record ot three months, five days of suspension canceled by a clean record of six mouths and so on until sixty days of supsensiou will will be wiped off the list by a clean record of eighteen months. In this way an employe who through some act of indiscretion or inattention to duty gets a suspension charge against him, instead of being com pelled to quit work, continues on with his duties and by performing satisfactory service for a certain length of time is enabled to clear up his record. For Sale Forty head of cowa and heifers, and twenty head of brood mares. Inquire at Pawnee Ranch or address 13. C. Baker, North Platte. NOTICE. All persons are hereby warned against trespassing on my farm and hay land southwest of the city limits. Ciias. McDonald. Notice to Huntors. Any violators of the game laws in the vicinity of Hersbey will be prosecuted. Farmers will please notify the undersigned of any one shooting prairie chickens or quail during the closed season. The Hershey Gun Cluii. Miss Nellie Sullivan, v TACllKIt OF PIANO, MANDOLIN, X AND HARMONY, At Mr. James Hart's. i A Fact no Longer Questioned. Physicians and laymen alike now fully recog nize the benefit yes, the necessity of using cereal foods in the daily bill of fare, especially for breakfast. Always up to the times, wc have about all the best brands and will get those we have not in short order if requested. Have you tried Cream of Wheat, Grape Nuts, Whcatel, Postum Cereal, whole Wheat Flour, Schred ed Whole Wheat Bis cuit for sale by the pure food house. RUSH & MURRAY. NOTICE Partios trespassing on my lnnd by hunting or driving, pnrtioulnrly on Sec tion 31, Town 11, Unngo 32, or destroy ing any trees on tho hind, will be prono cutod to tho full extont ot thojnw. This is n wnrning to thoso who hnvo been in the habit of crossing tho lnnd; don't do it again. MAX BEER. We are Kept Busy 4 Hi Repairing shoes for people who appreciate l; the only kind we do. it not aireacy a custo mer we solicit your 'ly work. GEO. TEKULVE, "J Yellow Front Shoe Store.. X FOR SALE. FARM WAGONS, . SPRING WAGONS TOP BUGGIES, And all kinds of Farm fflaehinepy. Standard Goods at Reasonable Prices. LOCK S SALISBURY, NORTH PLATTE. COPYRIGHT North Platte Pharmacy, i 3Jrugs aiad Druggists' Sundries. $1.50 Tan Low Shoes, now $1.50 125 I e Ladies' Tail Shoes Still enough left to permit most any foot getting-a perfect lit in some style. High grade footwear that former- ifuced12:50 f. sir9o,to $2.90 19 e e u 0 o u a u e to o u among dressy men at this season of the year is the new Fall shoe. Clothing and linen may be just right, but a poorly shaped, illfit- ting out-of-date shoe will depreci ate their good effect. Here you will get not Only good shoe style, shoe value and shoe finish, but solid shoe comfort. The shoes we keep nre worth examining, worth buy ing, worth wearing. . Wllco Department fcofe, We aim to handle the best grades of goods Sell everything at reasonable prices, and warrant all goods to be just as represented. All Proscriptions Carefully Filled by n Llconsod Phnrmnclst. j Orders from the country and along the line of the Pacific Railway is respectfully solicited. First door north of First National Bank. Union 4 I 4 4 4 4 4 .J Five Cent Cigar J5, A.rJ? SOHMALZE-IED'S.