TUESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1900. 1UAL BARE, Bditou amd Pnoi'itiETon 8UDBOKIPTION RATES. On Year, cash In ndTnnee,.. fllx Months, cash In acWrnce... 75 0nU' Rnlsrtd BlthKotthritte(MbTMk)po(toffleRi cond-clnmMtKr. Republican Ticket. NATIONAL, For President, WILLIAN MoKINLEY. For Vico-Prosidont, THEODORE ROOSEVELT. STATE. For Governor, CHARLES II. DIETRICH. For Lleutommt Govornor, E. P. SAVAGE, For Soorotnry of Stato, GEORGE W. MARSH. For Treasurer. WILLIAM 8TEUFFER. For Auditor, CHARLES WESTON. For Attorney Gonornl, FRANK N. PROUT. For Land CommiBionor, FRED D. FOLMER. For Sunt, or Publlo Instruction, W. K. FOWLER, Presidential Elootors. JOHN F. NE9HITT, R. 1$. WINDHAM, EDWARD ROYSE, L. W. HArsUE, S. P. DAVI! SON. JACOH L. JACOnSON, JOHN L. KENNEDY, JOSEPH L. LANOER. For Congress, Sixth District, MOSES T. KINK AID. COUNTY. For County Attornoy. II. S. RIDGLEY. Colonel Bryan !b probably tbc only man in Nebraska who is ahead in the game of politics. Since 18 the assessed valuation of his prop erty has increased over four hundred per cent. As an attorney he made a bare living, as a politic iau he has mady more money than a "Wall street plutocrat. In 1899 ten staple crops were worth upwards of $323,000,000 more to the American farmer than in. 1895, Add to this increase an ad vancc of $663,000,000 in the value of livestock and there is a round billion of dollars that has been paid in prosperity dividends by the republican party to the farmers for the single year of 189!). .Tun Dcb Moines Leader, an "anti imperialism" organ in Iowa, says: "Let it be granted that imperialism will slay its hundreds; 16 to 1 would slay its thousands. Let the November news be that Bryan is elected, and although it may bring gladness to the faroff-Filippiuos, as to the struggle for their liberties, it wilt bring despair and a short larder to the American business and working man." When Senator Clarke, the wealthiest mine owner in the United States, if not in the world, contri butes $100,000 to the democratic campaign fund and agrees to bear all the expenses of the campaign in his own state of Montana, it is pretty hard to pursttadc the people that the mine owners are not back ing Bryan itt his efforts to give a substantial impetus to 16 to 1. Had some trust magnate or manu facturer given to the republican committee $100,000 what a demo cratic howl there would have been. The democratic cry of "imperial iBtn'is like the thief'u cry of "stop thief," in order to divert the pur suing crowd from himself. The re publican party was the means of freeing the slaves, whom the demo crats would liuve kept in chains hud the election of Lincoln not forced them from power. The republican party, under McKiuley, is continu ing the niiti imperialium work of Lincoln. "To over ten millions of the human race living m the Philip pine Islands, it has given 'a new birth of freedom. "' The responsi bility of caring for the new "wards of tbc nation" will be met as faith fully by the republican party as it has been in the case of the freedom of the south schools lor the chil dren, fair trials by jury, equality of opportunity with the white man, these are some of the things the re publican party has accomplished for the negro race of this coutitry, aftr it rescued them troin their bonds; and will do also for the millions it has since rescued from the cruel dominion of Spaiu. In China the republican administra tion is opposing Imperialistic partition by European nation, and l advocating the ''open door." BRIGHT III, A M. Stevenson. Senator Lee Mantle, Pcffer and Others Out for McKinlcy. fntcrcst Charges Hcducctl and Dank Deposits Rapidly Increasing, Fusion llucnboos Intruded to Divert At tentlon I'rom tlio Ileal I mum. Omnhn. Aug. 20.-The outlook for the re-election of President McKinlcy crows brighter ench dny. Judged from tlio prosperous conditions that exist everywhere In the United Btntcs, nnd from tho magnificent administration of uffnlrs during the pnst four years his re-election litis never been doubted for n moment. We nnd, however, other forces working, though less pow crful and lesH Important, than thoso above referred to, that nro worthy of notice. In looking over tho list of big guns In tbc Popullstlc and Democratic party wo And them one by one drop ping out of rank and announcing themselves for McKinlcy. Noted among these Is tho Hon. A. M. Btcvcn son of Denver, Colorndo. Mr. Htovcn sou will bo remembered us chnlrman of tho Colorado-Teller Republican stato committee and one of thoso who walked out with Teller from tho St Louis convention In 1800. Kx-Senator Lee Mantle of Montana 1b another of thoso Silver ItepubllcanH who fol lowed Senator Teller In '00. He, llko Stevenson, announces: that not only will ho refUHO to support Hryan, but that ho will uhc every efTort to securo tho re-election of President McKinlcy. Ex-Senator W. A. PelTcr of Kouboh, ono of tho most widely known Popu lists In the United States, has within tho past ton days made positive an nounccment of his Intention to support McKinlcy. Coming nenrcr homo we And tho Hon. .7. K. lloyd, Nebraska's only Democratic governor, announcing that ho will not support Mr. Bryan thlB year. Mr. Uoyd. however, docs not announce that ho will support Mc Klnlcy. W. F. Wapplch, ono of tho stalwart Democrats of Omaha, on oniccr of tho Into Knnsns City conven tlon nnd n delegate to the late Demo crattc stato convention; tho Hon. E. Wyman, at tho present tlmo it member of tho state legislature from Buffalo county, nro among those prominent In Nebraska polities who refuse to stand for Bryan and his fallacies. In his an nounccment. W. F. Wapplch brands Imperialism ns n falno Issue and an nounces In his discussion of tlio Philip plno question thut Mr. Bryan has put tho cart before tho horse. In speak Ing of this Important subject Mr. op plch says: "I am a thorough bpllovor In tho course being pursued by tho present administration as legnrds tho Phlllnn no Islands. I can think or no other courso of procedure for tho croc tlon of stablo government there. First of all order must ho wrought out of chaos nnd tho Filipinos forced to re spect tho law. Until this Is done a stablo government for them Ih Impossi ble nnd lndopcndcnco for them Is not to bo considered. After tho establish racnt of law nnd order In tho Philip pines will bo tho best tlmo to consider what kind of n government they nro nt for. I think tho preaching of Fill plno lndcpendenco Is promnturo. Mr, Bryan probably knows that ho Is put ting tho cart nhcad of tho horse, hut by doing so ho Is enabled to uso tho Flllnlnos for campaign purposes and that Is nil ho wants to do." Imxt Itctn of Interest. Bencllts resulting from sound Ilium elnl legislation promulgated by tho an thorlzed representatives of the Hopub lleau narty aro beginning to fall Into tho bauds of tho people. Already tho rate of Interest on farm and renl estate loans has dropped to about r per cent, which means a sav Ing nlono In Interest to tho debtors of Nobrnska of more than $1,000,000 per year. Four years ago It was dllllcult to borrow money on good .security at less than 10 per cont, and very few If any loans wero made at a lower rate than 8 nor cont. Today money Is abundant nt r and BV4 per cent. Tho llgures rep resenting tho full amount of tlio mort gage Indebtedness of Nebraska aro not nt hand, so the exact amount thus saved can not bo accurately com nuted. Tho report of tho stato labor commissioner Just Hindu public, how over, shows that during tlio llrst six months of 1000 farm mortgages wero filed to tho amount of $11,472,208, aud tho Interest saving In ono year on this sum nlono, compared with tho rate of Interest charged four years ago, omouutB to upwards of $S00,000. Tho saino reports show that there wero 578 less farm mortgages tiled In tho llrst six mouths of 1000 than In the nrnt six months of 1809. They further show thnt In tlio llrst six months or 1000 tho farm mortgages filed amounted to $11,472,208, whilo thoso paid off amounted to $12,7-17,102, n dif ference In favor of tho borrower or debtor class of $1,271,081. On town and city property thero wero 217 "moro mortgages paid off during tho llrst half of 1000 than during tho llrst half of tho previous year, and tho amount paid off exceeded tho amount addition ally mortgaged by $1,031,248, showing a reduction in mortgaged Indebtedness on town and city property for tlio first six months of 1000 or $1,051,218. Theso reports also show, that while tho amount of chattel mortgages tiled for tho first hulf .f 1000 exceeds tho u mount tiled far the 11 rat hulf of 1800 by $1,207,000, tho amount paid off for the first half of 1000 exceeds tho amount paid off during the first half of 1809 by more than $3,000,000. Other Evidence of rfosperltjr. Nothing contributes more to evidence of prosperity In Nebraska than tho figures setting forth tho amount of money deposited In the various banks of the state. Today tho deposits of the national banks In Nebraska amount to more than $.10,000,000. Tho deposits of tho state banks amount to moro than $25, 000,000, a net gain In four years of over 40 per cent. In tho last three months tho deposits In the stato banks have Increased more than $3,000,000, or at tho rato of moro than $1,000,000 per month. Think of the people of Nobrnska In creasing their bank deposits at the rate of moro than $1,000,000 per month and then talk about calamity! Nor docs this lncludo the deposits In tho national banks, which would per- Jiaps double tho amount, or Rhow an Increase In tho deposits of more than $2,000,000 per month. Under such conditions what excuse have Mr. Bryan's followers to offer for making a change? Bryan's predictions of hard times are completely shattered by those exhibits. If the Republican policy bus brought prosperity, which It surely has, how could an opposite policy, Intended to upset the Republican policy, bring other than tho reverse? Tho Demo cratic policy Is the opposite and It would bring opposlto results It would mean hard times Instead of prosperity. This problem will admit or no other philosophy; will ndmlt or no other solution. This Is something for tho people of Nebraska to think about. Lay aside partisanship for a moment and give these facts and figures sober nnd (lis nnsslonnto thought. Partisanship Is nil right In Its place, but when It Is so deeply rooted ns to prejudice tho-voter against subserving his best Interests It becomes at once n dangerous men nee. Prosperity depends upon the voter he can vote to hnvo It or vote It away, Just as ho pleases. Principles and policies that carry with them n gunranty of prosperity principles that hnvo been tested and proven sound- can not bo exchanged for principles fraught with commercial disaster, without thnt result attending It. "Tho wages of sin Is donth," nnd no amount or ralso philosophy can change It. A llonnl of Control. Should tho Republicans succeed in electing their candidates for governor and a majority of tlio legislature, many much needed reforms will bo In augurnted at tho next session. One of the most Important or theso reforms Is tho enactment of n law creating n non-pnrtlsnn stnto bonrd or control, whose duties would bo to ex erciso superintending and managerial control over nil the stato Institutions. Tho Stnto CumpnlRii. Tho pathway or tho fuslonlstrt Is be set with ninny embarrassing obsta cles. Tho one hardest to overcome lo tlio administration of Governor Foyntcr. Poyntcr has played fast and loose with the public Institutions mid there am ninny fusloplsts who rcfuso to excuse him or condouo his offense, even on the ground of partisanship, The manner In which he has managed tho state Institutions Is gradually com lug to light, nnd It Is u continuous story of shameful Incompetency anil fraud. Nor should Governor Poyntcr bo permitted to escape righteous rctrl button. Ho has persisted In Interfering with the management of each lnstltu tlou nnd ho therefore becomes jointly nnd directly responsible for tho evils thereof. When It Is said that his ad ministration Is distinguished from ull tho rest for Incompetency, discord, retrogression and dishonesty, It Is say ing n grent deal, and yot It is merely n dlspasslonato statement of the facts. This dlstlngulshmcnt, however, does not apply to Governor Poyntcr alone, but extends In scopo so as to lncludo tho. various stato departments. Thus far reports of fraud and Incompetency hnvo been confined to tho executive department, hi so far ns thai depart-i ment waft connected with the manage ment of stato Institutions. Subse quent reports, after tho stato Institu tions hnvo all been reviewed, will deal with the other departments, all of which will bo of keen concern to tho electors of Nebraska. Irrespective of partisanship. It may bo depended upon that tho fusion campaign management will re sort to every possible schema to divert the attention of tho voters from thu real Issues. They will seek shelter from nttneks on tho record of the stnto administration behind such ralso alarms and bugaboos as "militarism" and "Imperialism." They know that they can offer no defense, so far as Poynter's administration Is concerned, nor can they hopo to achieve success, in tho fuco of unexampled prosperity, by making an open Issuo on party principles. Their guarantee of contin uous prosperity, In the face of tlio tor rlblo distress and suffering under Democratic rulo will hnrdly bo accept ed as being In any way substantial, nnd tho only thing they enn do Is to re sort to soiuo scheme to divert atten- tlou and lead the voter astray from tho real questions Involved. It is highly Improbable, however, that pub lie credulity In' Nebraska has reached that point where everybody can bo so easily duped. This Is o cam paign In which tho voters of Nebraska aro likely to do their own thinking, nnd, assuming this to be true, tho bug aboos and schemes of wily politicians nro not likely to prove much of n re straint to a free and Intelligent exer cise of the right of fruuchlsc ECZMA This most aggravating and tormenting the blood, and uuless inflammation, but cannot reacli tnc uiscasc. only a. fc. s., tne S. S. S., the only purely vegetable remedy known, is n safe and permanent cure skin troubles. It goes direct to the stfat of all the organs, ami thus clears the system ... , , t . 1 . -t! .1! BUUSKICS, anu nil signs vi wic uiseusv ui3iiiH;ui. from birth. Her face at times became mi badly JUTS. 1UU111III, uitlHlwii) c nnd handa were very sore. She wan treated by nil er resenrcnes lor reuei, was ioiu uy nn om puysiciau id iac n. r. o. nnc mnuivm mi nuira nun ws romntly cured, nnd has never had a return of thedlscasc. Thin was seventeen yc.irnKO. She sincerely ilvVilir wntihl hve been in her crave Years ntro but for 9. B. 8., and adds, "what It has done for me It will do for others." R.,i,1 for our hook cm Blood and Skin Diseases, and write our physicians fully about case; they will cheerfully give any information or advice wanted. Wc make no charge for LEGAL NOTICES. Legal Notice. Tho dofondnnts John Shiland and John Doo truo nnino unknown will tnko notico thnt on tho lGth dny of July, 1000, tho plaintiff, Tho County of Lincoln, a corporation, lilcil its petition la tho district court of. Lincoln county. Nobraska, tho objoct and prayer i f which is to forocloso certain tax lions, duly assessed by said plaintiff agninst tho southwest quartor or section 10, in township 11, north ot rango 20, west of tho Sixth principal meridian, iNcbrnsIca, for tho year 1893 in tho sum ot 89.19; for tho yoar 1891 in tho sum of 8.00; for tho yoar 189." In tho sum of 9.70: for tho yoar 1890 in tho E,xim of 12,07; for tho year 1897 in tho sum of llU J; Tor tlio year J8US in tho sum of 10.G7; for tho voar 1899 in tho sum of 87.75; ninounting in tho total Bum of 893.77, with iutorcBt nt tho rnto ot ton por cent por nnnuin from tho llrst day ot May, 1000, nil ot which is duo and unpnld. rialntill prays a doerco ot foroolosuro of euid tax lion nnd n salo of said prom ises. You nnd each of you defendants aro roquirod to nnswor snia petition on or boforo Monday, tho 17th day of Septem ber, 1900. THE UUU.NTV UI-' l.l.NUUlN, A Corporation. n7-l By II. S. Kidgloy, its Atty Legal Notice. Tho defendants Tho Globo Invest- ment Company will tnko notico thnt on tho lGth day of July, 1900, tho plaintiff, Tlio County of Lin coln, n corporation, filed its petition in tho district court ot Lincoln county, io brnskn, tho object and prayor of which is to foreoloso certain tax lions duly nseesod by snld plmntiff against tho northwest quarter ot section 12, In township 10, north of rnugo west of tho Hixtli principal meridian, iNobrnslcn, for tlio yeor loin in tho sum of 88.09, for tho year 189,") in tho sum ot 7.01; for tho year 1890 in tho sum of 8.20; for tho yoar 1897 in tho sum of O.fil; for tho yonr 1898 in the sum of 7.81; for tho yonr 1899 lr tho sum of 8.00; ninounting in tho totnl sum ot 8Gl.:iG; with interest at tho rnto of ton por cont por nnnutn from tho flrnt day of May 1000, nil ot which is duo and unpaid Plaintiff prays a dooroo of foreclosure of snld tax loin and a salo of said prom isfs. Vou and each of you dofondnnts ore required to answor snld petition on or bof oro Monday, tho 17th day of Septem ber, 1900. THU COUNTY OK LINCOLN, A Corporation. n71 By II. S. Ilidgloy, Its Atty. Legal Notice. Tho defendants Charlos Fiedlor, Fidlor, his wife, ilrst namo unknown, (Impleaded with othoro) will tnko notico thnt on tno siu nay ot July, 1900, tho plaintiff, Tho County of Lincoln, a corporation, tiled its potition in tho district court ot Lincoln county, Nebraska, tho objoot nnd prayor tit which is to foreoloso cortain tax lions duly assessed by said plaintiff tignintst tho iiorthoiist quartor of uootion It), in township 9, north of rango 'M, west of Sixth principal niorldmn. Nebraska, for tho year 1891 in tlio sum of 88.87: for tho year 189." in tho sum of 12.G."j; for tho yonr io)) in tlio sum oli'J'Jiifor the year 1897 in tlio mini of 8.811; for tho year 1898 in tl.o Bum of 7.78; for tlio your 1890 in tho sum ot -i.OTi: ainotiutiug in tlio totnl sum of u0.; with interest tit th rnto nt ton por cont pur annum from tho Uth day or .Inly, 1IJUU, all of which is duo and unpaid. Plaintiff prayu a deereo of foreclosure ot Biiid tax loin and n Btilo of said prem iS0H. iotiniHt oneh or you (lerenilants are required to nnswor snui petition on or boforo Monday, tho lith dny ot Seploin bor, 1900. THK COUNTY OP LINCOLN, A Corporation, iw l Hy II. S. Kidgloy, its Atty Xieg.al Notice. Tho ilofondantH John M. Young, Lmura toting ii is who, and St ull Brothers, u partnership, will take notico that on tho 'J 1th dny of Julv, 1900, tho plaintitl-, Tho County of Lidcolu, a corporation, tllod its petition in tho district court or Lincoln couuty, Nobrasktt, tho object nnd prayer of which is to foiecloso certain Ux liens duly assessed by tnid plaintiff against tho southeast, quarter of section lb, in township 9. north of rnngo ISO, west ot Sixth principal meridian, Nebraska, for tlio your 189.") in tho sum of 9.fiG; for tho yonr 189(1 In tho sum of 12 89; for tho year Ih'J7m tho sum ol y us; ror tho year lS'.M in tlio Bum ot 8.1'J; for tho year 1899 in tho sum of ffi.JVT; amounting in tho total sum of f(i'J.'J7; with interest nt tho rato of tou por. ceiit'per annum from tho 11th day of July. 1000. nil ot which is duo and unpaid. Plalntitr nrayst dooroo of foreclosure ot said tax loin aud a salo ot said prem ises. You and ench of you defendants nro roquirod to answer said petition on or boforo Monthly, the 17th day ot Septem ber, 1900. THK COUNTY Ot-' LINCOLN. A Corporation. u71 ' By II. S. Kidgloy. its Atty of all skin diseases is caused by nn acid condition of relieved through certain instrumentalities of this acid poison reaches the skin and it becomes red and inflamed. The itching and burning are almost unbearable, especially when overheated from any cause. The skin seems on fire, sleep or rest is impossible, the desperate sufferer, regardless of consequences, scratches until strength is exhausted. This burning, itching humor appears sometimes in little pustules, discharging a sticky fluid, which forms crusts ancf scales. Again the skin is dry, hard and fissured, itches intensely, bleeds and scabs over. This is a painful and stublwrn form of the di tease. While Eczema, Tetter, Erysipelas, Salt Rheum nnd many like troubles are spoken of as diseases of the skin, ihey are really blood diseases, because THERE CAN BE NO EXTERNAL IRRITATION WITHOUT AN INTERNAL CAUSE, If the blood is in a pure, healthy condition, no poisonous elements can reach the skin. External applications of washes, lotions and salves sometimes mitigate the itching and soothe the the disease, neutralizes the aculs and cleanses tnc uioou, re-iniorccs anu invigorates of all impurities through the natural channels; the skin relieved, all inflammation flk. Mta. swollen tlmt she was not rccounlwuilc, nml iter limps , o nib uiii.w .yi., the doctor In town wltiioui teiug Dcnctiueu, mm your LKOAI, NOT1CK. The defendants Stephen A. Alhro, Dana Albro. Samuel Albro and Mrs. Albro his wife llrst name unknowni rnnenix invest ment Co.. Wllbcr A. Urotlnvell and Mrs, Hrothwell ills wile nrst name uiiKnown. win take notice, that on tlio S.Mh dav of June, iihki. the lilalntlff. The Countv of Lincoln, a corporation, tiled Its petition In the district court of Lincoln county. Nebraska, tnc object and prayer of which is to foreclose certain tax liens, duly assessed by said plalntln against tnc soutnwesi quarter oi section 0. in township 10. north of range 33, west of the Sixth principal meridian, Ne braska, for the year 1891 In the sum of 1(1.03; for the "cariswin the sum of won lor me voar 1M0 In the sum of 7.01; for the year 1W)7 In the um of ?r.73: for the year 1898 In the sum of f3.70; amounting in the total sum of 39.70; with interest at the rate ot ten per cent per annum from the llrst day of May iihw. an ot wnicn is uue ami unpaiu. rlalntirt prays n decree ot loteciosuro of said tax liens, and a sale of said prem Ises. You and each of vou defondants, arc re quired to answer said petition on or before aionnay tne an day ot .-scpicmncr, iww. THK COUNTY OK LINCOLN. A Corporation. J-174 Uy II. S. HldRley. Its Attorney. ixai. NOTICK. Tho defendants .1, I,, Mooru, trustee of tho Globo Investment Omuimuy, Tho Globe luvcsl uiont Company, Doll linker and John Doe truo nnmo unknown, will tnko notico that on tho lfllh day of July. 1IKX), tlio plnlntltt' Tho County of Lin coin, n corporation, filed Its potition In tho district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, tho objoct and prayer of which Is to foreclose contain tax Hens, ilulv nesBssnd bv said lilulntlfT nunlnst the north west quarter of section 10, In tmvnshlp It), north ot rango "0, west nt Sixth principal morlillnn, Nebraskn, for tlio yonr ISO;! In thn sum of f 11.71-, for tho ytar 1891 In the sum of $7.ttt; for the year IS'.Ola the sum of $7,t!l;for the year 1890 in tho sum of W.-O; for the year lfc07 In tho sum of $9.M; for the year 1898 In the sum of 7.Rli for the jenr lM'J In the sum of $l.2"i; nmountlr.K In the total sum nt ti7.ll; with Interest nt the rate of ten per cent por nnnutn from tho 1st day of May, 19O0, nil of which Is due nnd untmld. l'liilntld jirnys a decree of foreclosure of sold tnx lien and a sale ot said premises. You nnd each of you defendants, nre required to answer said petition ou or before Monday, tho 17th dny of September, 1SO0. Dated August tilli, 1990. THE COUNTY OF LINCOLN, A Corporation. nit Uy 11. H. ItldKley, Its Attorney. LUdAL NOTICK. The defendant Mattitt L. Uurffee. will taki notico that on the ltd day of Augunt. iuoo, the plaintiff. The City ot North l'lalte. a corporation, tiled Its petition in the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, the ob ject and prayer of which Ih to foreclose cer tain tax ueiiH, nuiy assenscu ion.uu luuiiuiu, acatnu lot I In block MS.clty of North I'lattc. Nebraska, for the year 18M',I In the Hum of J 123 . for the year 1800 In the sum ol $11(1.08, for the year leoi in the Hum ot uu.;in: tor the yenr ISM In the sum of $l2Q,2a: lor the ear irv.i in ine num wffiui.m; iui me vc-ai 8l In the mini ot wi.ftJ, for the year I8W In the sum ol ti7,S'J; for the year lbOOln the sum of 7IVW: for the year 18U7 In the sum of t7l.!B: for the year lt-im in the sum of iw.TU: for the year 18'jo in the buih ot .w.-jh: tax titty cents; amounting in me total sum of WJ.Oii with interest at the rate of ten Per cent per annum from the Kith day ol July UW, all of which is due and un paid. rlalntirt nr'avH a decree of foreclosure of saltl tax liens, and a Hale ofsatdprem- IhCM. . You and each of you defendant arc rc- rcqulred to answer uald petition on or be fore the 17th day of September, IIWO THK CITY Or NORTH I'LATTK. A Corporation, a7t Hy A. II. Davis, Its Attorney. LEGAL NOTICK. The defendants Olive T. Webster, Webster her hunband, tirst name unknown, and John Doe. true name unknown will take notice that on the nd day of July, 1900. the plaintiff. The County of Lincoln, a corporation, Hied Its petition In the district court of Lincoln countv. Nobraska. thcob ject and prayer of which is to foreclose cer tain tax uens, tiuiy asxesneu uy sain pi.unun aualnst the southwest quarter of section il, in township 0, north of range HO, west of the Sixth principal meridian. Nebraska, for the ear lews in the sum oi tu.ni lor tne year iH9ti nthe sum ofi7,8l: lor the year 1897 lu the mini of J10C9. for the year 1898 In the sum ot i.i, amountinc in ine lotat Bum oi ik.vj with interest at tnc rale ot ten per cent por annum from the llrtst day of May, llw, an ot which is uue anu unpaiu. l'lalntltf prays a decree of foreclosure of said tax leln, and a Kile of said prem lues. You and each of vou defendants arc re quired to answer said petition ou or before aionnay. tne .hi nay oi aepicmucr, uvu. Dated July 18. 1900, THK COUNTY OF LINCOLN. A Corporation, JI20I Hy II. S. Itidxley, Its Attorney XiBgnl Notico. Tho defendants J. Crawford first mime unknown, William Goddard, Goddard his wife, first namo unknown, Clara KouuiiiB, uouuins, nor hus band, llrst nnmo unknown, Margurot Edwards, Edwards hor husband, llrst namo unknown and John Doo, truo namo unknown, will tako notico that on tho 10th day ot July. 1900, thoplaintill, Tho County ot Lin coin, a corporation, tiled its petition in thn District Uourtof Lincoln County Nobrnskti, tho object and prayer of which I to forocloso certain tax liens duly assessed by said pluintilT against tho'norllitmst quartor of section 'J! I, 'town - Btiip ',), north of rnugo ,il, west ot hixth principal ineridiau, Nebraska, for the year 189.", in tho sum of 81H.80; for tho year 1890, in tlio sum of 2;i 00; for tho yonr 1897, in tlio 6 inn of 9.1G; for tlio your 1898, in the sum of -1.SS; for tho yonr 1899, in the sum of (1.11; amounting in tho total sum of 87U.,r)'J; with interest at tho rnto of ten por cent iter annum from tho llrst day ot May, 1900, all ot which is duo and unpaid. Plaintiff prnyH n decree of foreclosure of tm hi tnx lions mid n eiuo ot said prom iSOH. t ou antl ouch of you tioionunnts nro required to nnswor said petition on or hnforo ftlomlay, tlio 17th day of boptom uor, uw. THK COUNTY OF LINCOLN. A Corporation. a"l IJy II. S. Kidgloy, its Atty. SATANIC ITCH. too much real oioou meuicinc, can uo uns. for Eczema and all decp-scaUd blood and tnc uioou, re-iniorccs anu invigorates s ; the skin relieved, all inflammation sss in this. Address, Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. LEGAL NOTICE. Tho defendants tho Olobo Investment Company, the Dnkotn Loan Corporation, C, W. Itlchardson, nrst nnmo unknown, nnd John Doe, true nnmo unknown, will take notice thnt on the 18th day of July, 11KXJ, tho plalutln', Tho County of Lincoln, a corporation, Mod Its potition lu the district court of Lincoln couuty, Nebraska, tho ob ject and prayer of which Is to foreclose cortnln tnx Itons, duly nssessed by snld plaintiff against tho southeast quarter of tho southwest quarter northeast quarter of southeast quarter, south halt of southeast qunrter ofsoctlon 21, In township ID, north of rnimo 'M, west of the Sixth principal meridian, Nobrnska, for tho year 1M& lu tho sum of tlM; for the year 1893 In tho sum of l."2; for tho yenr 1MU In tho sum ot ft) -U; for tho year IK9.i In tho sum of (U.UI; for tho yoar 181W Id tho sum ofi8.5i! for tho year 18U7 In the sum ot f7.63; for tho yenr 1HI8 lu tho sum ot t7.Ul; for the yenr 1MU in tho sum of f7.0t); amountlnit lu the totnl sum of JWO.IU; with Intorest nt the rnto ot ten per cent per nnnutn from the nrst dny of May, 1000, all of which Is duo aud unpaid. l'lnlntlff pinyg a deereo of foreclosure of said tax lien and a salo of said premises. You and ench of you defendants, nre required to answer snld petition on or boforo Monday, the 17th day ot September. 1900. THE COUNTY OF LINCOLN, ' A Corporation, n74 By If. 3. ltldley, Its Attorney. LEGAL NOTICE. Tho defendants Nollle C. Kennedy, Ken nedy, her husband first name unknown, Esther B. Illllor, will tnko notico thnt on the Jflth dny of July, 1000, the plaintiff, tho County of Lincoln, a corporation Sled Its petition in the district court of Lincoln county, Nebrnska, the object and prayer of which Is to foreclose certain tax liens, duly nssossed by snld plaintiff against tho enst hnltof tho northwest and enst half of southwest tunrtcrof section ID. In towushlo 18. north of rango 20, west of tho Sixth principal tuorldlan, Nebraska, for tho year 1892 In the sum of t7. 1)0; for tne year lbU3 In tno sum or til Ti for tlio jenr 1B9I in the sum of iC.M; for tho year 18U5 In the sum of 10.01; for tho year 1890 In the linn of IX.5D; for the year 1897 In the sum of 7 IU; for tho yoar 1898 In tne sum of 7.ui; lor tho yenr 1899 lu tlio sum of :i.r3; ninounting lu tho total sum of S7T..77 ; with Interest at tho rato of ton per cent from tho 1st day ot May, 1900, nil of which Is due nnd unpnld. t'lnintur prays n decree ol foreclosure of said tnx Hen nnd n sale of said premises. You nnd each of you defendants, are required to answer said petition on or before Monday tho l nit nay oi tjoptemoer, ivw. Dated August I), 1900. THE COUNTY OF LINCOLN, A Corporation. u7l Uy II. 8. Ilidgloy; its Attornoy. OHDEll OF IIEAHINQ. The Btatk or Neiibasua, 1 lu tho County i.mcom county. ) court. la tho innttor ot tho ostnto of Howard F. Joffrey, deceased. On reading nnd tiling the petition of Ettn H. Jeffrey, prnylug that administration of said estato may be granted toiler ns administratrix, Ordered, thnt Septomber 5, 1UO0, at 0 o'clock a. in,, Is assigned for liourlng said potition, when nn persons interested in said matter may appear at n County Court to be hold In and for snld coun ty, anu snow cause wliy tne prayer of petitioner should not be grantod. union August la, 1900. A. r). DALDWIN. (A true copy.) nll-l Couuty J ml go. Legal Notice. Tho dofendunts Western Union Fnrm Loan and Trust Company, Ii. W. Tul- leys tlrstnaoio unknown, liurnham lul loys and Compnny, Henry Wilson. Wilton, his wlfo, tirst namo unknown and John Doo. truo nnmo unknown, will take notico that on tho 21th day ot July, 1900, tho plaintiff, Tho County of Lincoln, u corporation. lilod its potition in tho district court ot Lincoln couuty. Nebraska, tho object and prayor of which is to forocloso cor tain tax lions duly assessed by said plaintiff nguinst tho southonst quarter of Section 19, in Township 0 uorth, of Rango ;i0, west of tho Sixth principal meridian, Nobinska, for tho year lbOO in tho sum or 8.y.7, Tor tho year 1897 in tho siiui of 9.19; for tho your 1S'.)3 in tno b u in of i.io: for tlio vear 1899 in tho sum of 0.97: nmounting in tho totnl sum ot 944.42, with intorest ut tho rate of ton por cent por annum from tho 14th day of July, 1900, nil of which is duo nnd unpaid. l'laintitv prays a dooroo ot fore closure of said tax lien and a snlo of sail promises. lou and each of you dofendunts nro required to ouswer snid notitlon on or boforo Monday, tlio 17th day ot Sop- teniDor, louo. THK COUNTY OF LINCOLN, A Corporation, u74 By II. S. Ilidgloy, its .Atty. HO AD No, 230, To all whom it may ooncorn: Tho commissioner appointed to locnto n county road commencing ou tho norlh boundary of tho townsito of Urnily Island, nt tho north end ot Main btroit, nml thotico in a northeuslerly dtroctoti through the northoiibt quarter section 11, tho northwest quartor section 12 ad tho south half utid riorUioiM quaiter section 1, of township 12 north, rnrw 27 wost, aud through tho oust half o section III, tho southeast quarter Beatioi HO, through section 29, tlio southwest quarter mid north half section 28 to Up! northeast cornor ot Footion 28, nni) thonco enst ono milo on tho section linfi between sections 22 and 27, of township 111 north, rnngo 20 west, nnd terminntinc nt tho southenst ooruor ot sections 22 township HI north, rnngo 20 wost, ai furthorshown by the plat and Hold noti of tho survoyon tlio in tho county olorliji olllco, has renortod in favor of tho & tablishment thereof and all claims fo damages must bo tllod in tlio ooutitj olork's olllco on or boforo noon of tb, 10th day of October, 1900, or tho njl ' will be established without refeiofo thoroto. W. M. HOLTRV.tV ul71 County Clork ft