The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 07, 1900, Image 4

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    TUESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1900.
1RAL B ARB, Editor amd rnorniKTon
On Year, cakIi In udmncfi, tl.25
Bit Honthi, cash In ndTnnce 7S Dents'
Entered ttthNotthPlKtte(Kbmka)potoffloM
stcond-cliti mttUr.
Republican Ticket.
For President, i
For Vico-Presidcnt,
For Govornor,
For Liotitonnnt Govornor,
For Soorotory of Stuto,
For Tronsuror.
For Auditor,
For Attorney Gonornl,
For Lnnd Commisionor,
For Sunt, of Public Instruction,
Presidential Electors.
For Congress, Sixth District,
For County Attornoy.
Ir the mid-road movement cuts
but little ice, why did the fusion
candidates' make such strenuous
but vain efforts to have the mid-
road convention endorse them?
C..II. Dietrich, the republican
candidate for governor, has been
visiting portions of the state and
everywhere is making friends and
votes. He is a straightforward,
manly business man, is not a
professional politician, and has a
"record that cannot be assailed.
So long as the mid-road popu
lists voted witn tlic tUHioutsts in
Nebraska they were bully good
icllows, out now mat tucy nave a
state ticket of their own and intend
to support it, they arc called politi
cal renegades and mountebanks by
the fuBioniBtB.
The democrats and fusionists
who arc inclined to guy Roosevelt's
record as a soldier, arc painfully
silent as to Bryan's military record.
Both the republican nominees have
marched through the enemy's
country, charged the enemy's Hucb
and faced the enemy's bullets.
Bryan resigned his commission
lust before tils rcrnmcnt was
ordered to the front.
Both the Denver Times and the
Denver Republican, free silver rc
publican papers that espoused the
cause of Bryan in 1896, arc now
against him and his ticket. And
by the ,way Colorado, which was so
unanimous lor lsryan in ltt'Jo, can
be counted a mighty close state
this year. There has been a big
change in conditions and senti
ment in that state during the past
four years.
... ! Ill fc I 111!
The fusionists will tell you that
McKinlcy prosperity is only skin
deep, PerhapH they are right, but
there is no question, as experience
proved, about the Cleveland
brand of hard times having
reached to the jointsaud mar
row of the business man and
laborer. Skin deep republican
prosperity ib a thousand fold better
than bone deep democratic adver
sity. But as to the lasting quality
of McKinlcy prosperity, we feel con-
fident that a large majority of the
yoters of the nation are willing to
risk it and will cast their vote (or
the republican ticket In November.
The United States continues to
give persistent and consistent evi
dence of absolute good faith toward
Cuba. Today is published the
decree whereby a general election is
ordered to take place September 15,
at which thirty-one delegates will
be clioseti by the various provinces
to form a constitutional convention
to frame the fundamental law of the
republic. At no point in the entire
record of American intervention
and guardianship can evidence be
found to suggest that there wan
ever the Blicrhtcst disposition to
ieuore or evade the disclaimer by
the United States of territorial
designs upon Cuba. Washington
Thhkk is apparently no need of
any woman remaining' an old maid.
A Chicago girl invested eighty-five
cents in advertising and received
153 proposals from men of all
elastics and conditions,
Those fellows who pose as "Abe
Lincoln republicans" must have an
awful time swallowing Adlai
Stevenson, who in the early sixties
lost no opportunity to declare the
war a failure and give the
"johnnies" all the comfort at his
Through the generosity of D. 15,
Thompson, twelve hundred mothers
and children of the city of Lincoln
are enjoying a week's outing at
Chautauqua park at Beatrice. It
will be a week of out-door enjoy
ment, entirely without cost for
living or transportation.
The election this fall is simply a
business proposition: Do the
business men and working men
want to trade the present condi
tions for the conditions which
existed four years njroV Do they
want a return of Coxcy's armicB,
soup nouses, idle laborers and
bankrupt business men?
The American Farmer, which
takcB no part in politics, truly says
that '-it is better to know that
wool is sellinir at 30 cents a pound
in Boston and New York than to
bother your head with a lot of
rubbish about 'imperialism." No
body is afraid of having "imperial
ism," but everybody is interested
In having irood prices for farm
Since April last the deposits in
the national banks of the state,
outside of Omaha and Lincoln,
have increased over a million dol
lars while the deposits in the state
banks have increased oyer threp
million dollars since March 12th
last. During the same periods the
loans and discounts of the state
batiks have decreased oyer two
millions. This indicates that the
residents of this great agricultural
state arc feelinir the clTects of Mc-
Kinlcy prosperity to a very gratify
ing extent.
Congressman Neville has brok
en out in a new place, lie is
alarmed. The recent taking of the
census has given him a nervous fit,
and he sees in it a conspiracy to de
feat the "reform" forceB. The
erudite congressman from the Sixth
district unbosomed himself to a re
porter at umatia tlie otlier evening
and told of the ills that may bctall
the fusionists of the state because
the census happened to be taken
before an important election. He
also told the reporter that the Ger
mans of the Btate were very much
wrought up over the prospect ot
the republic being transformed into
an empire and of the people being
iroverned by force. Mr. Neville in
tlie role ot an alarmist is an inter
esting study. He is agitated by
the prospects ot republican control
ot the state. Kepublican success
in the sixth district would throw
the congressman out of a job. and
he is certain that there could be no
permanent prosperity if he were
compelled to earn his living instead
of drawing ins salary from the
government. Lincoln Journal.
Women suffer
ing from female
troubles and
weakness, and
from irregular
or painful men
ses, ought not
to lose hope if
doctors cannot
'help them. Phy
sicians are so
busy with other
diseases that
they do not tin
derstand fully
tho peculiar ail
mcnts and the
delicate organism of woman. What
tho HuiTerer ought to do is to give
a fair trial to
Female Reaulaloi
which is tho true curu provided
by Nature for nil female troubles. It,
is the formula of a physician of the
hignest standing, who devoted nts
whole lite to the study of tho tlts-
tinct ailments peculiar to our moth
6rs, wives and duughtcrs. It is made
of soothing, healing, strengthening
herbs and vegetables, whieli nave
been provided by a kindly Naturo to
cure irregularity in tno menses,
corrhcea, Falling of the Womb, Nerv
ousness, Headache and Backache
In fairness to herself and to Brad
field's Female Regulator, every
suffering woman ought to givo it a
trial. A largo $i bottle will do a
wonderful amount of good. Sold by
Send (it k nlcsly tlluiUtUJ fit. took on rut
The Bradfleld KqrtiUtor Co., Atlanta, Ga.
I till.
That's a Part Bryan Would
Have Uncle Sam Play.
Jones Says Aryan's First Official Act
Would Ho lo Kccnll Troops
From tho Philippines.
Why Urn Prices or Fnrm Frotlnot Ha-re
Advnuced and Why tho llepub
IICAti I'nrtjr Claim Credit.
Omaha, Aug. O.Viowcd from a Re
publican standpoint, tho campaign. In
Nobraslta is progressing nicely. Chair
man Lindsay has tho mnchlnery in
splondid working order and is doing
soino vory olTcctlvo work.
Thus far tho work has been largoly
preparatory, proparatlon3 boiug made
for a vigorous oducatioual campaign,
beginning at an early dato and continu
ing to tho closo.
Additions to tho list of speakers aro
boing mado dally and whon complutcd
it will contain tho names of soino of tho
most eloquent uud forceful speakers in
tho nation.
Tho Parmer's Vote
Republican leaders, generally, nro
hopeful of rccolving a vory largo voto
from tho patrons of husbandry. It is a
matter patent to everybody that tho
fannors of Nebraska havo been prosper
ous to a degrco never beforo attained,
during tho last four years uudor Prosi
dout MoKinloy. Thoy havo had good
pricos for their crops and tho yield has
been largo. Both of thoso aro essential
to prosperity on tho farm. Moro mort
gages and debts havo been paid off,
moro homes havo boon purchasod, moro
farm improvements havo been made
aud hotter timos gonorally havo pre
vailed in Nebraska tho last four years,
than for any othor four years in tho
history of tho stnto.
Cnuio uf Good Prices.
Tho Republican party claims, and
rightfully, too, tho credit for prosperity.
It accomplished this in sovoral ways,
tho principal causes boing in furnishing
employment to American labor at in
creased wuges, aud in building up and
oxtonding American trado in foreign
countrios. It is a mattor of history that
under Domocratio rule freo soup housos
hud to bo maintained in nearly all tho
largo citios of tho United States to alle
viate suffering aud distress among tho
working classos. Domocratio policios
had closed tho faetorios and workshop-.
and labor was soroly distressed through
want of employment. Thoro aro moro
than 10,000,000 working pooplo em
ployed in tho workshops and factories
of this country. Many of theso wero
idle and thoso who wore not wero com
polled to work at reduced vagos. Thero
was, therefore, a largo demand on public
charity, tho ultimato outcomo of whloh
was tho establishment in tho largo cities
of free Enup houses.
McKinloy's elcotion and tho conso
qnont ovorthrow of Domocratio policies
was followed by a comploto transition.
xno lactones wero oponcu, labor was,
glvon omploymont at incronsod wages.
tho soup houses woro closod, and tho
domand and consumption of farm pro
duets and brcadstuffs greatly inoroasod,
Undor Domocraoy a largo por cout of
tho laboring classos llvod on freo soup,
Undor Republicanism laboring peoplo
aro living on moat, potatoos, caunod
goods, brcadstuffs, aud in short, uro
well supplied with all tho nocossaries of
life. Today 10,000,000 laboriug pooplo
on their way homo from work stop aud
ordor a pouud or two of moat, a supply
of butter, eggs aud othor eatablos,
whoroas four years ago many of thosj
pooplo boarded at freo soup housos and
tuoso who am not ltvou on scanty ra
tions, This ohaugo has greatly in
creased tho demaud aud consumption of
farm products, has incroasod tho price
of farm products, and has contributed
largoly to tho prosperity of tho fannors
of Nebraska and other agriculturttl
Undor Republicanism now markots
havo boon opened up for tho products
of Amoricau labor aud of American
larms, with tho inovltablo result that
tho foreign demand for American pro
ducts has in tho last fow years boon
substantially increased. The increase
in tho prico of farm products aud in tho
wages of labor in protected industries
has in tho last four years put into tho
pookots of tho producers of this oouutry
upwards or $3,000,000,000, an amount
almojt iiB largo as tho cost of tho civil
It makos a big dlfforonco to tho farm
ors of tho Uultod Statos, in tho way of
pricos, whothor tho labor olotnout con
Bumos each day 130,000,000 pounds of
meat, 6,000,000 loaves of broad, 5,000,
000 pounds of butter, 3,000,000 bushols
of potatoos, 1 ,000,000 dozens of oggs,
aud a corresponding vohuno of othor
food products or whothor it shall bo
fed at froo soup housos (as it was uudor
Democratic rule) aud this vast demand
for farm products destroyed.
It is for this reason that the Repub
lican party claims tho credit for making
tho fanner and laborer prosperous, aud
It Is for this roasou that it looks to
them, with confiding faith in thou in
tolligeuce, judgment, and gratitudo for
their support in tho campaign, and at
the polls iu November.
Would Dishonor th l'lni;.
Ohuirmuu Jones of tho Domocratio
national committee is out with
tho bold announcement that: "If
Bryan is elected his first olllcuil net
will be to recall tho American soldiers
from tho Philippines and leave thok
islands to cure for themselves." Bryan,
With charaeteriDtio strategy, refuted to
confirm or deny Jtho statement of his
ttntmttnl dinlnini lint thorn in nvnrv
national cnnirnian, unt tiiero is ovory
reason tO UOliOVO tlmt tllO Statements
attributed to Uhutrnmn Jones distinctly
. . i I
foreshadow that part of Mr. Bryan's
foreign policy in tho ovent of his cloc
tiou as president.
Tho blighting effect of such a policy
needs hardly to bo pointed out. It
would disgraco tho United States iu tho
eyes of all tho civilized nations of tho
world, for it would put this nation in
tho attitudo of deserting a post of duty
nt a tlmo aud in a way that would re
flect selfishness, ingratitudo, and in
ability to dischargo tho high obligations
imposed by enlightened civilization.
Such a policy would placo tho United
States in tho rolo of coward and would
hold this nation up to tho scorn, con
tempt and humiliation of tho world iu
All tho world knows, and tho pooplo
of tho United States know, though
Bryan nud his advisers may not think
so, that insurrection, not war, provails
in tho Philippines. Roving bauds of
bandits and savages, not nrnilos, aro
going about tho islands perpetrating
murder, robbory and other high crimes.
Tho world at largo is holding tho em-
piro of China to blamo for tho cruol
murders and outrages perpetratod by
tho "Boxors."
Tho United States holds tho same po
sition to tho pcOplo of tho Philippine
islands, so far as maintaining law and
ordor is concerned, as tho government
of China to its people, and tho murder
ous Boxors of China aro to tho law-abid
ing peoplo of China what Againaldo
and his followers uro to tho law-abid
ing, peaceful populace of tho Philippines.
Tho peoplo of tho Philippines may bo
capablo of self government, but contin
uous strifo and warfaro havo impover
ished theso poople, tho islands aro
proved upon by roving bands of savages,
and it is beyond tho ability of thoso peo
plo, without tho aid of tho United
States, to rcstoro domestic tranquillity
or form a government of their own.
Tho treaty of Paris, voted for by Sena
tor Allen of Nebraska and advocated at
that tlmo by Bryan, placed tho Philip
pines under control of tho United States
and tho United Statos is morally bound
to establish pcacoaud domestic tranquil
lity iu theso islands at tho earliest pos
sible moment. To call tho troops home
whilo the people of tho islands nro still
boing terrorized and shocked by tho
wholosalo commission of atrocious
crimes would bo to commit u crimo
against humanity and ono that would
forovcr remain a stigma on American
citizenship and patriotism.
Apart from tho commercial import
ance of retaining tho Philippines it is
tho highest duty of tho United States
to prosccuto conquest until insurrec
tion, robbery aud discord shall bo sup
pressed and tho safety of tho lives and
property of the law-abiding pooplo of
tho islands established.
Thoro aro a largo number of Ameri
cans, Germans, French, Scandinavians,
and poople of othor civilized nations in
tho islands, besidos a largo number of
natives who aro friendly to tho Ameri
can peoplo. Would Bryan withdraw tho
troops aud exposo all theso peoplo to tho
ravagos of outlaws, muruorors aud
thlovos? Would ho Withdraw tho troops
and thus givo Againaldo licouso to con
tinuo his campaign of rapino aud mur
der? Bryan says Aguinaldo is a pa
triot. Thero woro pooplo who said that
of Bonediot Arnold, Aaron Burr and
JoiTorson Davis. Patriots do not bar-
tor and soil for money tho confldonco
and secrets of their country. Thoy do
not consplro to rob and murder a peoplo
who in tho interest of humanity alouo
nccoptod that responsibility and that
duty which involves tho saoriflco of lifo
aud millions of money.
Aguinaldo a patriot! Porish tho
thought. History recitos that Again
aldo agreed with tho Spanish govern
mout to botray his doludod followers
upon tho payment of $800,000. History
further recitos that after having ro
ceived aud dissipated tho monoy Aguin
aldo broko faith with Spain. Ho af
fectod to poso as a friend to tho United
Statos, but tho diagnostic oyo and por
coptivo mum oi Aunurai uowey soon
discovered that ho was playing fulso
aud for tho purposo of using tho Unitod
statos to further his own interests. Tho
oillcial messages on fllo at Washington
will show that at no timo did Admiral
Dowoy impose confldonco in tho good
lalth or Aguinaldo. Un tho contrary,
Aguiuauio's deportment was such as to
causo Admiral Dowoy to mistrust him
from tho very start. And yet, with tho
blood of American citizens on his hands.
and with a record stained by atrocious
crimes, unexampled duplicity and por
lldy, Bryan would withdraw tho troops
and placo tho Philippine islands at tho
morcv of this monster of iniquity.
Ntutc I nut tuition.
lleports concerning tho nianngomont
of tho various stato Institutions aro cor-
tainly not intended to inspiro publio
contmonco in tho intogrity of tho fus
ionists. It is tho intention to carofully
investigato each ono of thoso institu
tions and givo to tho publio an impar
-u 1 . l.'il n ... .
uai reeiuw oi 1110 conuuion oi all airs as
found. Iu some of thoso institutions
already investigated a considerable
amount of fraud has boon discovered, to
say nothing nt tho startling exhibitions
thoreat presented of ignoranco and iu
competoucy. From ono end of tho stato
to tho othor the Poyntor administration
savors of ineompotouoy, malfeasance,
profligacy and fraud. In several of tho
institutions tho laws of tho statu aro at
this very tlmo being oponly and Hag
rautly transgressed. Tho offenses range
all tho way lrom maintaining incompo
tent porsons in responsible positions to
tho misappropriation of funds and open
raids on tho treasury, hvuloncu lias
boon found of stato property having
boon sold aud tho monoy appropriated
to prlvato use, and also of property hav
wig been bought with stato funds for
private use. Tho exact condition of af
luiis obtaining at each of the various
institutions will from tlmo to timo bo
givcu t rho publio.
Tho defendant Mnry Josephine McCnnnnttgbny
' 7 MCUonnatlgnay nor nttsuanti, nrei nnmo
t,i,oowtl( w. n tPn,i, nn,i ift. a. miner,
stockholders of the Mead Htnto llnnk, (Impleaded
m III nlliAKal nil intra tint I nit flint rttt f tin "If It tint
with ntliorM will tnke nntlcn tlmt on tho -Itli dnr
ot July, IKK), Ilia plnlntlfT, The County of Lincoln,
n corporation, fllml Itn potltion In the illntrict
court ot Lincoln county, Ncbrnrkn, tha object and
urnycr or nlilcli la to foreclose cortnln tnx liens.
duly n."tMcd ly pnld plnlntlfT fifinlntt the south
wost qunrter oi section zu, lownsiup iu, norm
ot rnnae 30, wet of tho Sixth principal meridian,
Xobrnekn, tor tho year 1BU2 in tha aura ot tiUlj
for tho jrcnr 1893 In the mm of H0.2i) for tho
yenr 1M)I In tho turn of tS.Ms for tho yenr 181)5 In
thoBum of (IO.SIi for tho ypnr 18WJ In the sum of
f 13.15) for the year 161)7 In tho sum ot tlO.Slf for
tho yenr 1808 In tho sum of 17.21s for tho yenr
lMKMn tho sum of M.Slt nniounllnif In the total
sum of 1100.35; with lntercat nt tho rnlo of ten
percent por annum-from tho ntli dnyof July,
liw, nil or which is duo nud unpaid,
l'lnlntlfl nrnrfl n ilecrco of foro-lnsnro nf snld
tnx Hen and n snto of snld premises.
You nnd onch or you iloienilnnta nro rrnnlrnd In
nnswor snld petition on nr beforo Monday, tho
17th day of September, 1!I0.
'riff- fVilTM'rv nt t tnnrw
A Cornnrntlon.
n7l lly It. H. HIilRloy, Its Attornoy.
The defendant Nellie O. Kennodr. Run-
ncily, her husbnml first nnme unknown, Esther B.
lllllor, will lake notice that on tho ltlth dny of
July, 1000, the plnlntlfT, the County of Lincoln,
n corporation Sled Its petition in tho district
court of Lincoln county, Nobrnskn, tho object nnd
prnyer of Mhlch Is to foreclo-o Certain tnx Hens,
duly ntscesed by snld plnlnUff ngaln.t tho onst
half of tho northwest nnd east half ot southwest
quarter of section 10. In township II), north of
rnngo 20, west of tho jHlxlh principal meridian.
ixeurnsKn, ior mo yenr ioiij in me sum or J,.ti0;
for tho yenr ISOtf n the sum of tfl 72; for tho yenr
1891 In tho sura of tO.20: for the yenr 1805 In the
sum of (0.0 It for the yenr 18PD In the sum of A.M;
for the yenr 1807 In the sum of (7 &.'; for tho yenr
1608 In the sum of J7.01; for tho yenr 1800 In the
sum of (3.t.3 nmouatluK In tho totnl sum of $75,77)
wlUi Interest nt the rnte of ton per rent
from the 1st dny of Mny, 1000, nil of which Is due
nnd unpaid.
rialuunr prnys n decree of foreclosuro of
snld tnx Hen nnd n snlo ot snld premises,
You nnd enrh of you defendant, iirn ronnlred
to nnswer snld petition on or beforo Monday the
17th day or Hoptombcr, 1000.
DnlUll AUKUSt u, mx).
A Cornnrntlon.
n7l lly II. S. Itldsley; Its Attorney,
The defendants J. L. Moore, trustee nt ihn
Olobo Investment Company, Tlie Olobo Invest
ment Company, Dell linker nnd John Hoo true
nnmo unknown, will tnku notice tlmt on tho ltlth
dny ot July, 1000, tho plaintiff The County of Lin
coln, n corporation, filed Its petition in the district
court of Lincoln county, Nobrnskn, the object nnd
prayorof which Is to foreclose cortnln tnx liens,
duly nssosscd by snld plalntllT against tho north
wost quarter of section 20, In twwnshlp 111, north
of rnnRO M, west of Sixth principal morldlnn,
Nebrnskn, for tho yenr 1803 In tho sum of (11.71;
ior tno yenr lcwi in mo iu n or w.ic.; ror tho yenr
1895 in tho sum of $7.01; tor the yenr 1890 In tho
sum of (8.20; for tho yenr 1897 in tho sum of (9.51)
ior mo yonr loud in mo sum or fi.sij ror the
yenr 1800 In tho sum of (1.25) amounting in tho
totnl sum of (77.11) with Interest nt tho rnto of ten
per cent por annum from tho 1st dny of Mny,
lvui, nil or which Is duo nnd unpaid,
l'lalnllfT prnys n decree of foreclosure of said
tax Hen and a snlo of snld nreinlnnM.
You and each ot you dofondnnls. nrn rminlrnil In
nnswer sum petition on or beforo Monday, tho
litli uny or Hcptembor. 1000.
union August mti, low.
A Cnritomtlnn.
74 lly II. 8. HldKley. 1H Attornoy.
The defendants tho Olobo lnveslmontConinnnv.
tho Dakota Loan Corporation, O, W. Kicliardson,
ilrst name unKnown, and John Doe, true
nnmo unknown, will tnko uotlco that on tho
Kith dny of July. 1000. tho plnltitttl. Tho County
of Llucolu, n corporntlon, tiled Its petition In the
tustrici conn oi l.iucoincnuuiy. weurajKn, tno ou
ject nnd prayer of which is to foreclose cortnln
tax Hens, duly assessed by said plalntllT af-aintt
tho southeast quarter of tho southwest qunrter
northeast quarter or soutuonst nunrtor. south hnlf
of southeast qunrter of nectlon 21, In township 10,
north ot range 'M, west of the Sixth principal
meridian. Nebrnskn. for tho yonr lSlrJ In tha sum
of t7.tH); for the yenr 160.1 In tho sum of (0.72; for
mo yonr itv.'i in mo sum or tu.-u; ror tne year 1KUJ
In tho sum ot (0.01; for tho year 1800 In the sum
of IS.57i for the year 1607 in tho sum of (7.63: for
the yenr 1898 In the sum ot(7.01; for the yenr
iw.i iu mo sum or g.un; amounting in the totnl
sum or with interest nt tho rnte of
ten per cent per annum from the Ilrst dny of Mny,
1900, nil of which is duo and unpaid.
rinintur prays n decree or roroclosuro or snld
tax lien arid a snlo of said premises.
You nnd oncu or you defendants, aro reaulrod to
answer said petition on or before Monday, the
ltn day oi oeptemuer. ivuu.
A Corporntlon.
o7l y S. ItldKloy, Ub Attornoy.
Itogal Notice.
Tho dofontlnutH J. Crawford first
name unknown, William Goddard,
Goddnrd his wife, first nnmo unknown,
uiara Koouins, Koubins, nor hits
bund, tlrst uamo unknown, Margnrot
l'juwarup, ltlwnrUe hor husband.
tlrst natno unKnown and John
Doo, truo nnmo unknown, will take
notico that on tho 10th dny of July.
1000, tho plaintiff, Tho County o! Lin
coin, n corporation, filed its petition in
tho .District Lourtof Liincoln County
Nebraska, tho objoct and jirnyor of
which is to foreclose certain tnx liens,
duly assossod by Bttid plaintiff against
tho nartlioiistquartorof soction town
ship 'J, north of rango .11, wost of Sixth
principal meridian, Nebraska, for tho
yenr 180."), in tho sum ot 81U.80; for tho
year 180(5, in tho sum of'JMOjfor tho
yonr loot, in tho sum of 0,10; for tho
yoar 1808, in tho sum of 1.88: for tho
yonrlo00,intlio sum of (l.llj amounting
in tho totnl sum of 872.52; with iutoreet
at tho rato of ton por cont por annum
from tho tlrst day of Mny, 1000. all of
which is duo and unpnid.
I'lllintllf IirilVH 11 (lonrnii nf fnrfinlnunrn
of said tux lions and a salo of said prom
lounnu oiien oi you tiofondnnts nro
rcnuirod to answor said potition'on or
noioro luotHiny, tno i an day of Hoptotn
her, ivsju.
A Corporation.
n74 By II. S. ltidgley, its Atty
Logal Notico.
Tho dofendunts Western Union Fnrm
Loan and Trust Company, I,, W. Tul-
loyB lirstnuino unknown, Uurnham Till
Ioyn and Company, llonry Wimon
vtiiton, hub who, tlrst nnmo
unknown nud John Doo, true
niiiiio unknown, will take notico that on
Ibo tilth ilny of duly, 1000, tho plaintiff,
I'lio uotiniy in imiooin, a corporuUen
tiled itn petition in tho district court ot
Lincoln county, INolunsku. tho oLieo
mm prnyer oi wiuon is to toroolotio oor
tain tax lions duly iiBeaod by said
plaintiff against tho sou t liens t minrto
of Section 19, iu Township 0 north
of Uingo !50, west of tho Sixth
principal mendinn, Nobtnskn, for the
year 1800 in tho sum ot 8.'2.'27. forth
yoar 1807 in tho Hum of 0.10; for tho yea
im'.is in tno mi in ot i.ia; ior tho voar
1800 in tho sum of u.07; ainoiiutitu; i
ttio total sum ot 811.11!, with interest at
tho rato of ton tier cent por milium from
thoUthdny of July, 1000, all of which
is due unit unpaid.
l'lntutiff prays a doereo of foro
olosuro of said tax Hen and n salo of
ani l proniiBes.
xou anuoacn ot you dofendunts nro
rot-muii iu answer sain potiuon on or
before Monday, tho 17th day ot Soji
leiiiuur, iwru.
A Cornorntion.
u71 By II S. Bidgloy, its Atty
Tho ilcfrnil.intf) Catherine K. Wlvlll.
Wlvlll her husband, tlrst name unknown, will
take notice that on the SMli day of June, 1000,
the plaintiff, The County of Lincoln, a cor.
poratlon, tiled Its petition In the district court
of Lincoln county, Nebraska, the object and
prayer of which Is to foreclose certain tax
liens, duly assessed by said plaintiff acalnst
the northeast ouartcr section 21, In town
ship 13, north of ranee XI, west of the Sixth
irincipai meridian, Ncnrasica, lor ine year
8U.1 In the Hum nf II4.(V for thevear 1801 In
the sum of Jis.oo, for the year 180ft in the sum
of J0.7I, for the vcar 1800 In the num of f 11.01,
for: the year 1897 In the sum of (10.81; for the
venr 189s In tho mnn nf H.y'! .Tiniinntlfic In
the total sum of (; with Interest at the
rate of ten per cent -per annum from the
ilrst day of Slay, low, all of which Is due and
Plaintiff tiraVH a ilnrroo nf Cnrerlnnlire
of Halt! tax liens and a sale of said prem
You and each of you defendants, arc re
quired to answer said petition on or belorc
Monday, the 20th day of August, 1000. iiuiv ii, lit;,
A Corporation.
J 134 lly II. S. nid?ley, Us attorney.
The defendants Callsta M. Dudley.
Dudley her husband, first name unknown,
Adda M. Collins, asMlgncc, Smith Dros. Loan
and Trust Company and John Doe, true
name unknown, will take notice that on tho
nth. dav of June. looo. the tilalntlff. Tim
County of Lincoln a corporation, tiled Its
Its petition In the district court of Lincoln
county, Nebraska, the object and prayer of
which Is to foreclose certain tax liens, duly
anscHscd uy nam planum again-u me norui
est quarter of ncctlon I, in township 13,
north of range 33, west of Sixth principal
meridian. Nebraska, for the vcar 1803 In the
sum of gli fti; for the year isol In the sum
of (11.80; for the year 1805 In the sum of
(11.33, for the year 1800 In the sum ofdl.AO,
ior ine year ivvt in tno sum ot fii.iio: lor tne
year lHObln the sum of (H.K1; amounting In
the:total sum of 108.70; with Interest at the
rate of ten ncr cent ncr annum from the
Ilrst day of Slay, lOUO, all of which la due and
Plaintiff nravs a decree of foreclosure of
said tax lien and a sale of said premises.
You and each of you defendants are re
quired to answer said petition on or before
xuomiay, sum oay or aui?usi, iww.
A Corporation.
J113I Uy II. S. Kldgley, Its Attorney.
Tho defendnnts National Insurance Company.
August Dlsknu, Dlsknn his wife, first uamo
unknown, Lew E. Darrow, A, It. Cruson, first
nnmo unknown nnd uohn Ooo. true nnme un
known, will tnko notice Hint on the 2nd dny ot
July, 1000, tho plnlntlfT, Tho County of Lincoln,
a corporntlon, men its petition in tho District
Court ot Lincoln county, Nobrnskn, tho object
and prnyer of which Is to forecloso certnin tnx
liens, duly assossod by snld plalntllT, against the
north hntf ot the southwest qunrter nnd tho
enst half of southeast quarter of Section 22, In
Township 10, ltnuge 30 west of tho sixth principal
meridian, Nebraska, for the year 1803 In the sum
of (10 27) tor the year 1891 la the sum of (9.54: for
tno yenr 1B0S In tuo sum or I0,SI) for tno year
1890 In tho sum of $13.10: for tho year 1807 In the
sum of (0.01) for the year 1808 In tho sum of (7.01)
amounting in tno total sum or jhi.ii with in
terest at Uie rnte ot ton por cent per annum from
tho 1st day of Mny, 100O, all ot which Is duo nnd
rialntlff prays n decree nf foroclosuro at
snld tnx Hen nnd n snlo of snld premises.
You nnd each of you defendnnts nro reaulrod
to nnswer snld petition on or before Moudav. tho
3d dny of Soplember. 1000.
Dated July in, uiuu.
A Corporation,
JI20I Uy II, 8. ltidgley, Ita Attorney.
The defendants Olive T. Webster.
Webster her husband, ilrst name unknown,
and John Doc, true name unknown will
take notice that on the 2nd day of July,
1900, the plalntllT. The County of Lincoln, a
corporation, tiled Its petition In the district
court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, the ob
ject and prayer of which Is to foreclose cer
tain tax uens, tiuiy assessed uy said planum
against the southwest quarter of section
in townttnin v. norm or ranee j. west ot tne
Sixth principal meridian. Nebraska, for the
ear 1895 in the sum of(0.M; for the year 1890
nthe sum ofS7.8l: for thevear 1807 In the
sum of (10.09; for the year 1HU8 In the Hum ot
Ii.hi; amounting in ine total sum ot fu.113;
witn interest at tne rate ot ten per cent
per annum from the tlrst day of May, 1900,
all of which Is due and unpaid.
Plaintiff prays a decree of foreclosure
of said tax leln, and a sale of said prem
You and each of vou defendants am re
quired to answer said petition on or before
Monday, the 3d day of September, looo.
uaieu duiy in, ivuu,
A Corporation,
J1201 lly II. S. Kldgley, Its Attorney.
The defendants Stephen A. Albro. Dana
Albro, Samuel Albro and Mrs. Albro tils
wife ilrst name unknownl 1'nocntx invest,
mcnt Co., Wllber A, llrothwell and Mrs.
llrothwell his wife tlrst name unknown, will
take notice, that on the 2.1th dav of June,
1000. the Plaintiff. The Countv of Lincoln, a
corporation, tiled Its petition in the district
court of Lincoln county. Nebraska, the
object and prayer of which is to foreclose
certain tax liens, duly assessed by said
plaintiff against the southwest quarter of
(section 0,'ln township to, north of range 33,
west of the Sixth principal meridian, Ne
braska, for the year 1801 In the sum of (U.ffl;
ior tuc vcurirvniii ine sum oi o uo; ior uie
rear isoo in tne sum ot (7.oi; tor tne year 1897
n the sum of frfi.73: for the vear 1808 In the
sum of S3.70; amounting In the total sum of
(39.7(1; with Interest at the rate of ten per
cent per annum irom tne tlrst day ot May,
muu, an oi wnicn is due and unpaid.
PlalntllT nravs n decree ot foreclosuro
of said tax Hens, and a sale of said prem
Y ou and each of vou defendants, are re
quired to answer said petition on or before
luonuay tne ;id day ot Mepiemuer. iwiw.
A Corporation,
J-I7I lly II. S. Kldgley. its Attorney.
The defendant Mattie L. Durffee. will take
notice that on the 3d day of August, 1000,
the plaintiff. The Cltv of North Platta. a
corporation, tiled its petition In the district
court ot Lincoln couiuy, Nebraska, the ob
ject and.prayer of which is to foreclose cer
tain tax liens, duly assessed to said platntHT,
against lot 4 in block llfi.clty of North Platte.
Nebraska, for the year 1889 in the sum of
(123,85; for the year 1890 In the sum ot (IIO.OS,
for the vear 1801 In the sum of sIKI.MH: for
the ycnr'ieoi in the sum of $120,22: for tho
ear in tne sum oiiui,s7; ior tne vear
801 in the sum of 180.lW.lfor the Ivear lBOfi in
the sum ot (Q7.89; for the year isoulii the sum
of $79.10; for the year 1897 In the sum of
(71.22; for the year 1808 In the sum of Jrv.i.70:
for the vear 1899 in the sum of K9.28: tax
certltlcatu Ufty cents; amounting In the
total sum of (992.01; with interest at the
rate of ten per cent per annum from the 16th
day ol July 1(100, all of which Is due and un
Plaintiff nravs a decree of forcclo.uir
of said tax Hens, and a sale of said prem-
You and each of you defendants are re
requlred to answer said petition on or be
fore the 17th day ot September, llw
A Corporation,
TI 11 v A. H, Davis, Its Attorney.
It. 8. Lnml ortlco, North l'lntlo. Neb.
Juue 2(1, UK').
A siimeleiit contest nftldnvlt hn ing been tiled In
this ulUrn by John Dledel, of Hpnunuth, Neb.,
conli'stnnt, against Timber Culture Entry No.
13,137. mado October A, 1K80, for south hulf of
Bouthunnt quarter, south half of southwest qunrter
of section 31, towuhlp IS, range ZD west, by
Oeorgo A, Trnvers, coutestce. In which It Is al
leged thntOeorgoA. Trnvers has failed to plant to
trues, seeds or cuttings, or vultlvnte nny pnrt of
snidtrnct since July, 181)3, nud from the appear
ance of tho lnnd nt that dido there has never been
nny breaking or planting done on snld trnct and
said defects exist to this dnte, said parties aro
horoby notified to appear, respond and off er eI
dence touching said nllegntlon nt 10 o'clock, a. m .
on August 18, 1900, before the register nnd re
ceiver at the Uultod States laud oltlco North
Pintle, Lincoln county, Nebrnskn,
The snld ootilestnut having, In a proper utn
ihnlhi"l?d UUV W:Jm m '"rl which
f how tlmt after due dllli-ence personal service of
tulj notice can not be uuide, It is hereby ordered
and directed that such notice bo idven by duo
nnd proper publication. '