The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 24, 1900, Image 8

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    Local News in Brief.
13. S. Davis lias purchased the C.
F. Tracy property. The consider
ation was $1700.
Quite a number of the students
who have been attending- summer
school, took the teachers' examin
ation Saturday.
A young lady of very tender age
has taken up her abode at the home
of Jake Smith and will be a per
manent resident.
Wanted A girl for general
housework apply to
Mks. C. F. Idmngs.
Frank Simpson is even more
eloquent than usual these days be
cause a baby girl arrived at his
house last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. 13. L. Kobinson
and several friends expect to leave
in a few weeks for Wyoming to
camp out for a week or ten days.
Word has been received from the
Von Goctz tourists that they will
sail for home on the Btcamcr which
leaves Glasgow, August 23. At
present they arc touring in Italy
and Switzerland.
The small boys and some of the
boyB of a larger growth have been
amusing themselves lately pitch
forking fish in the South Platte.
They succeed in getting very good
sized strings of fish in a compara
tively short time.
Representatives from quite a
number of the large cattle ranches
both north and west of here, have
been in town during the past two
weeks laying in supplies for their
haying camps. The indications
arc that a large quality of hay will
be cut.
Tim Triuunk was misinformed
as to the circumstances attending
the death of Mrs. Lang. She did
not die at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
Thos. Kowley, but at a house
owned by them where she had been
keeping Iioubc for her son, a young
man about 25 years of age.
For a few minutes Saturday
evening Clinton's jewelry store was
a very warm place. The lamp in
lln Rlinw witiilnw wnn lint till mini'
- . . . 0
satisfactorily and as Mr. Clinton
waB investigating the cause he
accidently brushed the curtain near
the II a in c and in an instant the
outer curtain and all of the rest of
the intlamtnablc material in the
window waB ablaze. The fire was
extinguished before very much
damage was done.
The following offices of Rcbckah
Degree Lodge were installed Friday
evening: Mrs. Sit ton, N. G.; Mrs
Miltonbcrgcr, V. G.; Lena Klein,
secretary; Louise Weingand, treas
urer; Mrs. Klein, chaplain; Mrs.
Ginn warden; Mrs. Dick conductor;
Mrs. Van Doran, K. S. N G.; Mrs.
J. S. Hoagland, L. S. N. G.; Mtb
Baskin. R. S. V. G.; Mrs. Nellie
Davis, L. S. V. G.; J. C. Ficrcy, O.
G.; Mrs. Fred Tobas, I. G.
The North Platte visitors at
Uicyetinc last baturuay lost no
opportunity to advertise the street
fair. In this connection the Daily
Tribune of that city says: "A
large number ol buttons have been
distributed around the streets and
may be seen on the lapels of many
coats bearing the inscription
'Come to the North Platte Street
Fair Sept. 4th to 8th.' The visitors
now in the city from North Platte
say the tair is to be on a grand
scale and without a doubt a large
number of Cheyenne visitors will
be present."
Sheriff Kclihcr has succeeded in
fathoming the mystery of the day
light robbery at Pizcr's about ten
days ago. For some time he haB
thought that a man named Fezler,
who has been loafing around town
for several days waB connected
with it and Friday he secured evi
deuce which proved that Ins theory
was correct. When arrested Fezler
very readily told the whole story.
The goods were Btolon by Jas
Slack, a tramp who catuc in here
trom the west and resided at the
Hotel Keliher twice. Unfortunately
for him he was drilled out of town
before he was able todiBposc of the
goods which he hud hidden in the
coal box in the alley between Long
ley's drug store and Marti's. Meet
ing I'czier and another tramp
named Caruof he told them where
the goods were and agreed to give
them half if they would sell the
goods, which they did. Camot was
arrested shortly afterwards for in
suiting some women and is now re
posing in the jail, lie will be
tried on this charge as soon as Ills
Can now be had ready to wear just when you
want them without creating any doubt in your
mind as to the advisibility Ot forsaking your
tailor, as in suits the science of trousermaking
lias progressed to that degree that
90 Men
out of
100 can
be fitted
as well
with a pair
of Dutchess
from our
r r-
104 t on A BUTTON OFT
ti 4timg nurcHtsa TROUSERS
m ft
As the merchant tailor could make for twice the mon
ey. ' Come in and try it. It won't take a minute to slip a.
imtr cm nml in lin ill nm off :nr;iiii. If voti do btiv a nail
and arc displeased, the next day you can bring them back
f and get your money. . .
Fancy Cheviots and Cassimcre Trousers, ''All
Wool, $2.00 to 11.50,
Fancy Worsted Trousers, $2.50 to $5.00,
Cotton and Wool, mixed kinds, 50c. to $1.75,
llomember the Odd and End kinds 50c. to $1.00
a pair cheaper. "A reliable remedy for short
ness of cash."
Oije Price aijcl Fixtures.
W. A. VOLLMER, Proprietor.
Opposite old location.
The ladles' guild will hold its
usual social Friday afternoon ut
the home of Mrs. W. M. Cunningham.
10. R. Smith was a North Platte
visitor Saturday. He reports a
good condition of affairs on the
Logan county ranches.
For SM.KMy farm, four miles
west of city; will be sold in 80 acre
tracts or as a whole. See me for
particulars. D. A. Bakkk.
The Girls' Club, of the Church of
Our Saviour, will hold a reception
for Maude Rcddy on tlie Gilman
lawu tomorrow evening.
Bran COo. n hundred nt Wilcox De
partment Store.
Capt. II. O. ICvatia is the proud
father of a young soldier born Sat
urday. The captain says he is at
ready shouting for McKiuley.
Two very popular and good-look
ing young firemen will join the
ranks of the benedicts in the near
future. They have already com
menced iittinir up their future
Mrs. Jas. 10.. Boyd, of Omaha, is
spending the week in tosvn visiting
V. R. Meyers returned yesterday
moring to Ilavalock, his injured
limb having entirely healed,
Fok Sam: One big inulc team
well broke, and one big bay marc
4 years old. Win. Schuctt, five
miles northeast of town.
Mrs. F. 10. Dullard and daughter
Virginia will go to Red Cloud for a
brief visit in the near luturc,
Mrs. F. J. Uenllcr and children
went to Sidney Saturday afternoon
to spend a few days with her sister
Fine large bright room to rent.
handsomely papered, marble wash
basin, connected city water; rear of
Dr. Morrell's dental parlors.
John Burke, jr., came up from
Omaha Saturday and is spending a
few days in town renewing ac
quaintance with his North, LMatte
friends, From here he will
go to Colorado to spend the balance
of his vacation.
Yellow Front Shoe Store,
Geo, M. Graham, Mgr.,
Throe Doora South of P.O. North Platto.Neb.
Women's Tan Shoes Selling
All Kid Tan Lace Shoes medium sole weight,
popular toe shape, kid tipped, neat trimmings ex
cellent value at $2.50 selling now at
Silk Vesting Top Tan Lace Shoes two styles,
of them fine dress shoes easy fitting and dur
able now
All Kid Tan Lace Shoos light weight soles
attractively styled all through some sizes sold
out $3.01) shoesnow at
. $1.90
IMain French Cloth Top Tan Lace Shoes han'd
turn solesmilitary heels shoos that embrace
all the newest ideas now at
Mannish stylo Tan Shoes welt soles full too
shape broad heels street shoes ol stylo, coin- rf
fort, service here now at.. f)2.Q0
Sovoral.other styles in welt and turn solos
Cloth and Kid top Tan Shoos all line grades q
properly styled and constructed your chico for p2.Q0
Mrs. Wm. Burroughs went to
Kansas City Friday night.
Jake Miller and his brother were
in from Garfield Saturday on business.
Mrs. 10. R. Plummcr is spending
a tew days in Julesburg as the
guest of her sister.
Mrs. Jas. B. Scanlan returned
Friday afternoon lrom a few days
visit with friends at Fremont.
15. R. Plummcr went to York
Saturday night to spend a week
visiting relatives and friends,
Mrs. M. M. Spiccr has returned
from Sterling, Col., where she had
been visitiug for several weeks.
The Misses Ada and lSmily
Cooper returned Friday evening
from an extended visit in Omaha.
Miss Jessie Bullard left Saturday
morning for a two weeks visit at
Omaha, Col' inbus and other points
in eastern Nebraska.
Miss Rasmiisscn. who had been
visiting her sisters, Mrs. Frank
Bretzcr and Mrs. Mike Cox, re
turned to her home at Boelus Saturday.
Mr.s. Kdith Dobbins, who had
been visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. K. Covell for a week, re
turned to her home in 151m Creek,
Mrs. D, C. Congdon and her
brother Thos. Hughes were called
to Juniata Friday night by a tele
gram announcing the serious ill
ness of their father.
M. C. Harrington and Dr. N.
McCabe were in Ogallala Saturday,
attending the fusion convention
and assurimr the delegates that
Bryan's election is an absolute
Mrs. L. D. Whelpley and children,
who had been sncndni"- several
t u
weeks here as the guest of Mrs. II.
M. Grimes, returned to their home
ia Fremont Saturdav. Mr.
Whelpley, who had been visiting
them for a few days, left for the
west the same day on a business
County Stipt. Thoelecke, returned
Thursday night from Wallace
wucre sue nau oeen conuticting a
teachers' examination at the close
01 i-Toi. vi. Latice lones summer
sdIiooI. The summer school was a
success and was of great benefit to
the teachers who attended it.
Among those who attended the
ball game at Cheyenne were At
torncys Muldoon, Ridgley and
Davis, Win. Whitlock, John Keith,
Jerry Dwyer, O. A. Bacon, Will
Landgraf, Tom O'Ncil, Leo Hart,
Leo Sullivan Chas. Pass, T. M
Cohagen, R. L. Graves, Chas.
Hcndy, O. K. Peck, Will Richards,
Claude Delaney and Leo Sullivan.
They all well performed their duties
as "rooters.
While in Cheyenne Saturday the
writer met a number ol former
North Platte residents, among
them John Treacy, Jas. and Dick
Grace, John McCabe, Georire
Austin, Charley Blood, Charley
Martini, and Frank Herrod. The
boys seem to be getting along
nicely and arc thoroughly in love
with Cheyenne as a place in which
to live, They have promised to
visit North Platte durinir the street
tair. We also met Frank Kecshan,
the former conductor, who is now
day yardmaster for the Union
Pacific at that place. The boys
showed us the attractions of Chey
en tie and after seeing its neat
streets and alleys, its fine parks,
substantial buildings and well kept
lawns, we were not surprised that
the boys think it a nice place to
live. Our friend Treacv informed
us that while he was a demrcrat
he was strongly opposed to free
silver and four years ago lost no
opportunity to show the silveritcs
the error of their way. John says
that the results of the nast four
years convince mm mat lie was
riuhl in his fight and he sees no
reason why he hhotild not continue
to oppose free silver.
Notlco to Hmitcra.
Any violators of the game laws
in the vicinity of Hershey will be
prosecuted. Farmers will please
notify the undersigned of any one
shooting prairie chickens or quail
during the closed season. '
Tin: Hr.KSiicy Gun Ci,uii
Notloo to Tenchors,
I will hold a special tcacherb' ex
animation at North Platte, August
3d and 4th.
County Supt.
Wall Paper.
line of
If you
We arc showing an exceptionally fine
Wall Paper of the newest designs.
you contemplate papering your house, call
and see our stock. We can suit you in both
style and price.
All persons arc hereby warned
against trespassing on my farm
and hay land southwest of the city
limits. Chas. McDonald.
County Attorney Ridgley trans
acted legal business in Brady
For Saix Seventy-five head of
stock hops. D. 15. Mouwi.r..
Mrs. II. S. While will entertain a
number of ladies at a card party
Thursday afternoon in favor of
Miss Moulton.
A train of Utah sheep passed
cast yesterday forenoon. These
animals are bcinir sent to the
markets and feeding stations very
Redwood Stock Tanks for sale.
Best on earth. Sixes 6 to 16 feet.
C. F. Iddint.s.
Sunday morning twins, a boy
and a jrirl, were born to Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Martini, former North
Platte residents, but now living in
Mrs. J. II. Clark and children
were in from Garlield baturday
Mrs. Clark said that the crops in
her immediate vicinity were some
what in need of rain.
The boys' club ot the 15piscopal
cnurcu win srive a social at luc
guild house this evening in favor of
the trirls' club. A short proirram
will be rendered and refreshments
Major Walker has returned from
his southern trip. He reports a
very delightful tunc. His son
Leater has a well established and
thriving electrical business in
Savannah and is quite devoted to
the city ot his adoption.
The Bee's working girl's vaca
tion contest closed Saturday. The
Normal students formed themselves
into a committee to solicit votes
for Miss Celia Chase, of Wayne,
one of the north Nebraska contest
ants and succeeded in winning the
contest for her. Miss Lena Klein,
North Platte's contestant occupied
fifth place with 20,882 votes to her
For Sale.
Several choice tracts of hay land,
all close to railroad. Hay laud is
sure to advance in price.
Tho North
Cash 2
Everything m
Hint irocs to make ut 11 t'
first class tnonl, can bo I
fou-d hi this store. j
Also tho noatost in 1
r Wostorn Nobraskn,
$ i'Voai nnltov
nnnofniiHi. nt lmn.1 f1ill .....1 fft
m tfivo us n trial and bo convinced m
n that wo nro tho fJIIEA PEST plnco
1 tnllliv in Mnrfli PlnMn 1
m -
We aro here
to I
J Tclcphono 105
Plumber, Tinworker
General Repairer.
Special attention given to
Land Seekers or Users
Take Notice
I have 400,000 Acres of Pas
ture Lands for Sale or Lease,
nt priccs"rnngiuR from 90 conta to
$2 por aoro. RnnchcB, farm, hay,
and irrigated binds, and other
oliiB6os of Real Estate. Land sold
on tho 10 yoar U. P. R. It- timo
plan, ono-tonth down, balanco in
yearly paymonta. Cnll on
U. P. It. It. Land Agent
OttonBtein Building,
strikes everybody on the road
Our vehicles are perfection in
cvery'dctail. Wc add lightness
to strength, beauty to these, and
short prices to all the other quali
ties. It isn't worth while to
stick to an old timer when you
can get one of our superb new
ones at a low price. It's going
on wheels that keeps business
brisk and moving. 5
North Platte Pharmacy.
Drugs and Druggists' Sundries, i
We aim to handle the best grades of goods
Sell everything at reasonably prices, and
warrant all goods to be just as represented.
All Proscriptions Carofully Filled by a Licensed Pharmacist.
Orders from the country and along the line of the
Pacific Railway is respectfully solicited.
First door north of First National Bank.
Five Cent Cigar
present term expires.