Jflortlt fjlaltc Jfe mi -Wittty (trilnme. SIXTEENTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JULY 13; 1900. NO. 19. 4- 5 Y wwjtfwwwwwwww iw ur wtmrom Iff Iff wiwwwk HAYING TOOLS.,. in -1 (MOWERS, ITUAjUI 1"VSICKLE GHINDERS. and repairs for same. I 1111111111111 S orn oii,i id and repairs for same. lAVCtntlA I HAY LOADERS, Key sione side deli verv rake. Call and see them. DAIN SWEEPS. OSBORNE HAKES. LIGHTNING HAY PRKSS, MACHINE OIL. JOS. HERSHEY. Locust St., North Platte, Neb. saiuwium ""'Sat fc: allowed for 25. Z -m A Y-mTfi 7 5 Commissiont - A FULL LINE Olf g John W. Masury's H Celebrated Paint ON SALE AT. Dayis' Hardware Store. When you get ready to paint your house, call on us and let us sell you first-class fe g Paint at reasonable prices. iUilFlli1ffl!rilH!Fill1ffill1!riU1!FiU1!riU1!riU1!flllMriui o " r o r " r o r r r r o " "B o After a Good Dinner, 9 2 )L.' Only A smoke is in order tine cigars form a propc semiel to a feast, as other wise the attcrmatn would mm' lio nlimuuto nf its; fore- - illlll ' runner. There's nothing more praised by good livers than our cigars, which are fit to follow a royal meal. These goods are "manufac tured exclusively f r o m choice grades of tobacco. 3 9 WKLTEMKTH, I y HENRY TH E QU ESTION is often asked, What Paint shall we use? THE ANSWER '. If you are looking for covering capacity, wearing qualities, general appearance, and Vniti1 mrnrtt'e iriitVi 1..... The Sherwn-IVujams Paint. Cowm t'fltf, Zft? 0mc, Wear Longtst, Most economical, Full Measure. BRUSHES. COLORS IN OIL. HOUSE & COACH VARNISHES, Our prices are for "best goods" first, last and all the time. We are in the business to stay and S. W. P. stays with us. A. F. STREITZ, DRUGGIST. O. B IDDING6 ILi-currxloex, Coal Yardb and Elevators at North Plutto, Nob., Sutherland, Neb., Julosburg, Colorado. NORTH PLATTE MILLS, (C. P. IDDINOS.) Manufacturer of HIGH AND MEDIUM GRADE FLOUR BRAN AND CHOP FEED. Order by telephone trom Newton's Book Store. I COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS. July 9, 1900. Board met pursuant to adjourn mcnt, present full board and county clerk. The following claims were allowed and wat rants drawn on general fund: Ira L. Bare sundry printing $39.00, North Platte Tribune and Telegraph official printing 42.21, A. S. Baldwin fees m sundry cases 69.00, Wilcox Department Store sundries 3.18. Bill of Wilcox De partment Store for bolts and nails for South Platte bridge for 58.92 allowed on general fund. Bill of J. W. Alexander for work on road No. 245 for eight dollars allowed on road fund. Board adjourned until tomorrow. July 10, 1900. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment, present full board and county clerk. Bill of J. W. Alexander team work on South Platte bridge allowed on bridge fund for 13.50, bill of D. A. Baker for storing booths allowed on general fund for 1.00, Claim of Bcelcr & Muldoou services as attorney in case of State vs. Disbro for 15.00, allowed for 10.00, Becler &, Muldoon services in case of State vs. Harry Eon for 35.00, allowed for 25.00, Becler & Muldoon services in case of State Donnelly for 35.00, 00. loner Woodliurst signed election warrants and Commissioner Carpenter examined the Long road northeast of town. Adjourned until tomorrow. July 11, 1900. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment, present full board and county clerk. The following bills were allowed and warrants drawn on the general fund: T. -C. Patterson insurance on court house S150.00, J II. Cunning ham supplies for the poor house 5.55. Wiley Matthews services as janitor 50.00, Brad J. Cook trail fcnbinjr notes ot government sur vey 184.00. A. L. Davis court house supplies 2.00, Dayis & Koch defend ing Connors and McDonald 45 00. Dr. Dennis medical services 2.00, 15. 13. Erickson witness fees 12.60, W. F. ICUiott witness fees 8.20, W C. Elder district clerk fees and supplies furnished paupers 63.05, G. F. Copper sundry printing 105.80. Bills allowed on bridge fund Geo. Cohen, bridge work $3.00: Bert Hewitt, bridge work 3 00; A. L, Davis, merchandise. 32.00. . Bill of W.. C. Elder for 8.16 in misdemeanor cases disallowed. It is hereby resolved by the board that the publishing ot the torccloa ure cases be awarded to lowest bidder. Board adjourned until to-morrow. BETWEEN THE RIVERS. Dr. Eves was called to Paxtou on professional business last Monday. Ray Latigtord of the county cap ital was up this way the other day trving to buy cattle. Jim Goodwin . lias returned from Belvidere and is again working on the dredge boat in the old canal. C. F. Williams is again fingering the keys in the Ilershey depot at night after a few days sojourn at Ogalalla. II. E. Sfone and familv of Her shey, attended the funeral of Mrs. L. Stebbins at North Platte, Wed ncsday. Mr. and Mrs. L. 13. Jones and guests and a few friends were pic nicinir up in the weat end of the vallev Wednesday. J. C. Maisner and tatnily, we are told, arc talking strongly of depart iug soon by team for Washington to make their tutu re Home. J. I Hinuiau ol iNorlli I'latte, was up to Ilershey Tuesday and put in a bid on the new school building to be erected there this fall. Prof Ebright has moved his hay outfit from the Manion land in the valley over south to the Cotton land where they arc now cutting and baling. Miss Annie Schwaiger and Miss Jessie Vronian, both of North Platte, have been engaged to teacl tlie Mersliey schools tne coming school year. w. M. Evans ol Hershev. census. enumerator of this the 152nd dis trict, completed his work the firs' of the week and with his wife lefi Wednesday night for a bhort visit with relatives at Ward, Colorado. ....,!, .. i1.n ..., l... finest prospects for a corn crop ii the valley ever known but at tin present time the grasshoppers have about taken it in Rcvcral localities and are working on it in nearlv evory field more or less. i lie union I'acilic teucc crew m working between Nichols and Iler shey at present. Thev are Retting the new fence in fifty feet on each side of the track and the fence that was previously erected 100 feet on elicit side will be set in fifty feet except at the stations where it will oc leu open. i LITTLE LOCALS A . A. Oilman is doing some extra clerical work in the First National Bank, The ladies of the Baptist church held an ice cream social last even ing at the residence of Geo. W. Russell, the attendance being quite large, The street fair committee hopes to receive the advertising buttons within the next week and will at once proceed to distribute llieiti where they will do the most good. The members of the ladies' aid society of the Methodist church drove out to the home of Mrs. C. Mylandcr yesterday afternoon and were pleasantly entertained by that latiy. The executive committee of the street fair held a conference last evening with members of the citv council relative to the passage of an ordinance giving the committee tne rignt to use certain streets. Only one car ot stone for the foundation of the high school build ing has so far been received and the remaining cars arc not vet in sight, This accounts for the delay in starting in work on the building. P. II. McEvoy who returned trom Lincoln last evening, says that of the 3,500 people who at tended luc iusion conventions in Lincoln this week 3.000 were states men. The lusionists will be "long" on statesman tuts year and short on votes. SICKENS DOINGS. Hugh Sanger is numbered among the sick this week. Robert Staley was very sick a few days last week but is improv ing at this writing. Sidney Dowell went to North Platte Saturday to attend the pop ulist countv convention. . B. R. Sheridan snipped in some cattle Friday night which he will have herded on his ranch south of town. Mr. and Mrs. Rutlegc, of Well- fleet, were visiting with Mr. and Mrs A. Latimer and family the first of the week. Mm. J. M. Fristo was on the sick list a few days the latter part of last week, but is somewhat better at this writing. Crops are doing as well as could be expected at present. The rain came just when it was needed and will make a lull crop it tne hoppers only let it alone. The following named persons transacted business in iNorth Platte' the first of the week: Levi Wolfe. J. M. Hodges, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. S. Conner and J. M. Fristo. Thev went up to help Mr. Wolle prove up on his land south oi town. The weekly xrop report shows that portions of the state have been blessed with timely rains curing the week, but as a rule rain is needed to bring the crop up to its usual proportions. It is yet too early to report any damage, the present condition ot urynesB during the harvest ot small grain being, in fact rather the normal condition. The com has wonderful power to withstand drouth, and also has great recuperative abilities. There is nothing in the present, situation to cause the Journal to take down its sign predicting the largest cash value ol agricultural produce in Nebraska in 1900 the state has cyer harvested. State Journal. It LsHot Weather There is no question about that hut the ques tion before North Platte people is "WHAT SHALL WH 1CAT THIS HOT WISAT.III3R? HARRINGTON &TOB1N Are in the lead as usual and have Speckled Trout in tomato Sardines in Sardines in sauce, Underwood 's tomatto sauce, Underwood 's mustard sauce, Fresh Mackcral in must ard sauce, Gold Label Sardines in Olive Oil, Kippered Herring i n Olive Oil, French Mushrooms and Sardines. Club House Clams am Lobsters, Lunbar's B a r a t a r i a Shrimp, Potted and Deviled Ham and Ham Roll, Potted Ox Tongue and Chicken, Veal Loal, Corned Beef, 1 1 a in b u rge r 13 e 1 s s in ok- ed and pickled in jelly, Vienna Sausage a n d Saucr Kraut, Chipped Beef and Salmon, Russian Caviar and Can ned Sauer Kraut. We have the finest line of Pickles, Jellies, Jams, Pre serves, Mustards and Sauces. Include in your next order a bottle of "Fern dale" Salad Dressing. You can save 5U per cent if you buy your coupons of us, for cash, and buy your groceries just as' cheap as any place m town. LEGAL NOTICE. Tho dofondnntu I'otor H. Gnvln, Gavin his wifo, first namo unknown, Lombnrd Investment Coiurmny, Stnto Hunk ot Wnllnco, will tako notico Unit on tho Hoth day ot Juno, 11)00, tho plain- tin, Tho Uounty or Lilncoin, a corpora lion. Mod ita petition in tho district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, tho objoct ami prayorot which Is to foreclose cortniu tnx liens, duly hhsobbcmI by snid plninllu nt'iunst tho southwest muirtor of sootlon 11. in township 1), north ot range .11, woat ot tho Sixth principal meridian, NobrriBkn, for tho year 18'.K1 In tho Bum 815.11; tor tho ynnr 1801 in tho mini of 812.1KI; for tho year 1805 in the sum ot 811.01; for tho yonr 1800 in tho fliun ot 811 53; for tho-yonr 1807 in tho sum of 812.21; for tho year 1808 in tho sum of pb.lw; amounting in tho totnl sum of 8102,01; with interest at tho rato ot ton nor cent per annum from tho let day ot May, 1000, all ot which is duo and un- pnui, l'lnlntitr prays a dooroo or foreclosure ot mild tax lion and a snlo of fluid promises. loan nil onch of you defondnnts, urn required to answor snld petition on or boforo Mondny, tho Kith day of August, niuu. THE COUNTV OF LINCOLN, A Corporation. jlll My II. S. Hldgley, Ib Attornoy. Dr. F. W. Miller, Streitz' drug btore. Dentist, over STATEMENT (H tlit- runillllon of tliu Mutual llullilliiu :inil i.iKin AHHorl.-mon ni Norm i'latif. .no lir.iska. m the Uh (lav of June, I1m. ASSBTS. Klrxt innrtuaKuloanN SiiiLam m stock loaiiH H Nio m Ileal eMtate m fash lei iiciiiinuent iiitiTi'st. DremiuiiiH aim linen antlilUL'N .w Wl KxiMMixurt and laxen paid MB ih Other anHciM I in Total li;U'.M II MAllII.ITIKS. Oaiiltal xtotk until un Jli3.!Wfl 17 iieMerve in hi Undivided jirolltH :U"l Advance payment I.HTi) m rreiniuinit unearned i.i.i;i ui Total U3,ftM II Ill'.cr.lI'TS AND KXlT.NniTIJUKS KOIt Till: YKAIt H.NUINU JUNK Wl, l!W, MKlKIITH. Ilalancf on hand .Inly I. Ilixi i M Wl IIIH-H IH.WI Ml Intercut. liteinlniiiH and Mni's 7,M'7 W Other fiei. Ill Ileal el.Ue v w HelitN Wl Ml T.ixch anil liiHiir.uue.. : Total f.'H.fttl W, liM'KNIIITUIinH, I.oanx Ifll 7 KXnensert ISO,!! I Stocks ri-diTiuud M.HJI Hi Cash on hand I at TaxtM and liiNiiraui e 7 N Total. .. i-:x,tm m Slate of Neliranka Lincoln county. n. . I. Samuel (loozee. Merretary ot trie above named axxoclatlon. do Holemnlv Hwear that (he foreKoliiL' statement of the condition of Nam axitociauon. ih true ami correct to me lieMt of my kimwlediie and Pellet. SAMUlih UOOZlIi;. Secretary. SubNcrlhed and Mworn to before me thin (lilt dy of July. iwxi. W. 11, McnofMMt. Notary I'uhllc. Approved: r. ii, IUrTKiwntr. f , r T. liepMOMi. S-Dlrtctorn W J Kocite. LEGAL NOTICE. Tho defondnnts Willnrd T. Hill, - Hill his wife, first niimo unlcnown, will talco notico Hint on tho 2.1th day of Juno, 1000, tho plaintiff, thoCounty ot Lincoln, a corporation, tiled its petition In the district court or Jjlneoln county, isu- briiBlin, tho objoct nnd prnyor ot which b to forooloRe cortnln tax lions, duly aflsosRod by enid plnintitT iiKninnt tho Bouthwofit utiartor ot eootlon 2. in town shin 0. north of rancro .11. west of Mlxlli nrincipnl moridlan, Nebrnskn, for the year 18!).'l in tho hiiiii ot 817.70; for the your mil in tho mm of for tno yoar 1805 in tho sum of 8KIH8; for tho your lo'M in tno stun ot giu.irj; ror tno yoar lo'Ji in tho num or etu.vi; ror tno your 18118 in tho sum of 811.17; amount liiK in tho total mini of 8U-1.82; with in toroflt at the rato oi tun percent per annum from tho 1st diiy ot May, 1000, all ot which is duo nnd unpaid. l'lnlntitr prnyn n douroo ot forooloBiiro ot Raid tnx lieu nnd a sulo of Bind prottiiBOH. Voti nnd onch of you defendnntn, are roiiuirod to niiflwer said potition on or boforo Monday, the Kith dny of August. 1000. THE COUNTY OF LINCOLN, A Corporation, jlll My U.S. KidKley, Its Attornoy LEGAL NOTICE. Tho dofondnnta J. It. Honeywell, first niimo unknown, Honeywell h ih wifo, lirst nniuo unknown and Clinrlos Maples, will tnkn notico that on tho ltith dny or Juno. 1000. tho nlnintiir. Tho County ot Lincoln, a corporation, tiled its potition In tho district court of Lincoln county, Nebrnskn, tho object and prayer ot .... . v . which ih 10 lorecioso certain nix nous, duly assessed by said plnintiir ni'iiiiiHt the northrnsl imnrtnr of section 5, in township 5, uorth of ra'iKo27, woBtottho Sixth principal meridian, Nebraska; for the 1801 in tho Hum of 80.00: for tho your 1805 in the hiiiii or 11.81; for tho year lHlHi in the sum of i.7l; for tho year 1807 in the sum of 7.51; for tho yonr 1808 in the hiiiii of I ,HH;amou ti t Idlt in the total hiiiii of 8KI.00; with Interest at tho rule of ten per rent per annum from the 1st day of May, 1000, all of which is dun and unpaid. l'lnlntitr prays a decree ot foroolo Hiiro of said tux lion nnd n sale of said prom ises. Vou and ouch of yon dofondnnta are required to iinswor said potition on or Mouduy, tho 20th day of August, LEGAL NOTICE Tho dofondnnlB. Martin E. Green. Cordelia Green. Ida wifo, will tako notico that on tho 18th day ot Juno, 1000, tho plnintilT, ThoCounty ot Lincoln, a cor porntion, tiled ita potition in tho District Loan or Lincoln county, iVeuriiBitn. tho object nnd prnyor of which m to tore closo cortnln tax liens, duly nssosBod by snld plnintiir auaiiiBt tho west halt northeast niinrtor, oast half northwest quarter of soction 20, in township 0, north of raiiKO Ui, west of aixth prin cipal meridian, Nobrnskn, for the yoar 180'.! in the sum ot 88.02; ror the year 180:1, in the Mini ot 88.20; for tho yoar 1801, in tho sum of 87.10; for tho year 1&05, in tho sum of 87.20; for tho yoar 181X1. in tho Bum of 8 00: for tho vonr 1807, iu tho sii in of 050; for tho yoar 1808, iu tho Bum ot 7.00; amounting in tho totnl Bum of 877.51; with interest at tho rato of Ten por coat, per annum from tho llrst dny of May 1000, all of which is due nnd unpaid. Plnintiir prays a docree ot foreclosure ot naid tax lion and a sale ot said prom ises. Vou nnd onch of you defendants are required to answer Bald petition on or boforo Monday, tho 20th day ot Auif UBt, 1000. The Countv or Lincoln, A Corporation, My II. B. Ituxir.KV, Its Attorney. LEGAL NOTICE. Tho dofondnnta O. II. Jacobeon, llrnt niimo unknown, Jneobson Ida wife, llrst niimo unknown, Aloxaudor Bamuelu and John Doe. true namo unknown, will tako notico that on tho 25th dny ot Juno 1000, tho plnintiirf tho county of Lincoln, a corporntlon, lllod its petition In the district court ot Lincoln county, Nobrnskn, tho object nnd prnyor ot which 1b to forocloso cor tain tax lions duly, assessed by snld plnintiir against tho northeast quarter of coellon 8, iu township 0, north of rano 111, west ot Sixth principal meridian, Nebrnskn, for tho yonr 1802 In the aum or 811.12; for tho yonr 180.'l in tho auni ot 811.10; for tho your 1801 in tho Bum or 810.20; for tho yonr 1805 In tho huiu or 810.02; for tho yonr 1800 in tho buiu of Siu.iu; for tho your lb07 In tho num ot 80.51; for the yonr 1808 in tho buiu ot 85.80; umouutinK in tho total num of flOs.H.j; with interest at tho rato ot ten mr cent por annum from the llrst day ot day, 1000, nil ot which is duo and unpaid. l'lnintiii prnyH a dfureo of foroclomiro ot said tnx Hen and a Bide of suid promises. i on nnd onch of you defendants, nro required to nnswer snld potition on orbo foro Mondny tho Kith dny of AuutiRt, 1000, THE COUNTV Ol-1 LINCOLN, A Corporation, jlll My II. S. Kidney, iu Attorney, boforo 1000. JO Tim County or Lincoln, A Corporation. My H, S. Ridgloy, lt Attorney. A Well Dressed Man is he who who got us to make his clothes. Wt: are now receiving our line of new and fashionable Spring Suitings. F. J. Broeker, Morolmnt Tailor. Over Morsch'a bnrber shop.