&lu4 Jlortlt jJlatte mm NO. 4- SIXTEENTH YEAR, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, TUESDAY, JULY 3. 1900. I PAINTS. A FULL LINK OF John W. Masury's Celebrated Paint ON SALE AT. Dayis' Hardware Store. t: When you got ready to paint your house, 2 3 eall on us and let us sell you first-class J Paint at reasonable prices. 2 g o o r o o r o r o After a Good Dinner, 5 HENRY MLTEMKTH, StIBTnifWWWfWIJFITFWfWf Iff HAYING TOOLS.,. .. w.... i 4 V MOWERS, ; McCormickivK 1,IVVVI Imviv l SICKLE GRINDERS, and repairs for same. VavQintta I HAY LOADERS, 1VVJ OlUUl Call DAIN SWEEPS. OSBORNE RAKES. LTGHTNING HAY PKKSS, MACHINE OIL. Locust St., North Platte, Neb. TH E QU ESTION is often asked, What Paint shall we use? THE ANSWER .' If you are looking for covering capacity, wearing qualities, general appearance, and vnur mnnov's wnrfh vmi mncf ln,f J j M ....., j wt. fl.lt.H UUV The Sherwin-Williams Paint, Cowrs Wfltf, Imkt Beit, Wtars Longest, Most Economical, Full Measuru, Our prices are for "best goods" first, last and all the time. We are in the business to stay and rushes. & stays with us. COLORS IN OIL. HOUSE A COACH VARNISHES. A. F. STREITZ, DRUGGIST. G. W. IDDINGS 31jTa.xL"ber, Coal and. G-zeiim. Yards and Elevators at North Platte, Neb., Sutherland, Nob., Julesburg, Colorado. NORTH PLATTE MILLS, (0. R IUDINOS.) - , Manufacturer of HIGH AND MEDIUM 'GRADE FLOUR ; BRAN AND OHOP FEED. Orderly telephone from Newton's Hook Store. . " r cb o r " 0 9 5 A smoke is in order. Only line cigars form a proper V sequel to a feast, as other- $ wise the aftermath would mar the plcasute of its fore- Vunner. There's nothing t more praised by good livers v than our cigars, which are fit to follow a royal meal. These goods are manufac tured exclusively fro m n choice grades of tobacco. i 9 W 1W 1!M!F WW W W WWTO 2 Champion I ISfffcs. and repairs tor same. J SIDE DELIVERY HAKE. . and sec them. JOS. HERSHEY. C. r. Schnrnmnu Married. When C. F. Scharmanu left town ten days ago in a rather surrepti tious manner, there were these who thought that the young man had .matrimonial intent, though none, except his parent's were cer tain of this. These surmises, how ever, haye proven true, for today (Tuesday) Mr. Scharinatm will be united in marriage at Boston to Miss Nannie Andrews of Steele City, Neb., a young" lady he has known for a number of years. Miss Andrews is a graduate of the Boston conservatory of music, and during the last year had been teach ing' music at a seminary at Wester villc. Ohio, from which place she went to Boston and visited Sit the home of a friend, where the wed ding occurcd. Mr. and Mrs. Scharmanu ex pect, so he writes us. to cmbaik to day for Liverpool. They will visit the Paris exposition and make a tour of Germany, arriving home the latter part of August. The young lady ot Mr. Scliar m a tin's choice is known by several North Platte people, who speak of her in very complimentary terms, and she will prove a very valuable acquisition to North Platte's cotoric of musicians and to social circles. We reserve our warm congratu lations until Mr. and Mrs. Schar manu return home. Tho Park Banquet, banquet tendered The W. L. i-arK r nuay evening as a icsn- ruonial oi tue esteem in winch lie is : held by the citizens of North Platte, and as an expression of the appre ciation of his services as a promoter of the business interests of the city. proved a very pleasant and success ful affair. It was the intention to tender the banquet at the time Mr. Park received !i is promotion as superintendent of the Wyoming di v is i Qtf ub'ua.tiJliat, tjnie it yas iiui pub&iuie tor nun 10 uc present in the city, 'and it was postponed until last Friday. A reception and smoker was held at the club rooms from 8:30 to 9:30, where claret punch was served from": a liurc cake ot ice from Pawnee Springs lake and the hour spent at the rooms was a pleasant one, giv ing each guest an opportunity to meet and talk with Mr. Park. The banquet was served by Caterer Federhoof at the Knights of Pythias hall, covers being laid for fifty anil the menu served iu six courses. win. Neville presided as toastmaster and proposed the toasts 111 a nappy ycin. Those who re sponded to toasts were Messrs. Harrington, Billiard, Wilcox, Pat terson, McDonald, Warner, See- berger. Grimes and McCabe, and the subjects treated covered a wide range. In closing each speaker re ferred to the guest of honor in most complimentary terms, and the ban queters felt that each good word said of him was fully deserved. At the close of the toasts. Mr. Park made a neat speech, in which he feelingly expressed his appreciation of the mark of esteem of which the banquet gave evidence, lie had spent nearly all his life in North Platte, had a kindly feeling for all citizens, and his removal from our midst, though brought about by a promotion, was not unmixed with regret. Mr. Park said he expected to retain his property interests in the city and valley and when he retired from railroad activity hoped to spend his remaining years under his own vine and fig tree. His pleasant recollections of North Platte could not be forgotten nor his friendship foi its people be erased. He said that the kind words spoken of him by local rail road men had preceded him to his new jurisdiction and that they had been of benefit to him. At the close of his remarks three cheers for Mr. Park were proposed and were given with heartiness, The banqueters tbnn accompanied Mr. Park to the train where the. final adieus were .made and as tl: train pulled out "additional cheers were given Messrs. Iddmgs, Fields, Harring ton, -McKeen and Mcdonald, who had charge of the banquet deserve credit for the excellent manner in which the affair was managed and for , their judgment in furnishing only the best brand of wines, cham pagne and cigars. During the entire evening Bran don's string quartette rendered music iu keeping with the smooth ness of the banquet, ' BETiraEN THE RIVERS. The most of the stnali grain is iu the shock. Barley will go to harvest in the valley this week. The Nichols cream separator will not run on July 4th. TJic Nichols cream separator is stilPrunning at full speed daily. The recent hot winds about cooked the corn where it could not be watered. 105 W. Justice of Grand Island, has-been talking life insurance to the boys In the valley lately. Dallas Wills has quit the Hor shey section and returned to the home of his parents at Bclvidcrc. Owing to another attack of rheumatism, 10. C. Thompson has had, to quit work on the Nichols section. Jim Goodwin has quit working on the dredge boat in the old canal and returned to his former home at Belvidere, Neb. Mrs. P. J. Cook has returned front; Denver where she spent a short time visiting relatives and old time triends. The Tift hay outfit is still load- ,nr cw buic(1 j,.,,. fro t,c 80ut,, side at Nichols for Ua Harrington & Tobin of North Platte. Prol. IObnght and crew of North Platte, who arc cutting' and baling hay on the Mauion land, arc load ing it on the cars at Nichols." Archie Anderson and H. W. Brown of the county capital were both "up to Nichols recently on busi ness, pertaining to their farniB at 1 red Blaise, who has been look ing after the sugar beet crop in the valley sjince early in. the spring1, has returned to his home at Grand Inland. ; Mr. Jeach is at this time kalao mining the walls and also repaint ing: the woodwork in the Uershcy hall which adds much to its ap pearance, Bert Hallicr of Missouri, who has been working on the Pax ton ranch for some time, has been seriously til at that place lately but is re ported on the mend at this time by Dr. McCabe, the attending physician. Miss Bessie IOshclmau, who is attending the summer school at North Platte, and sister Mabel who is taking music lessons there, and also her brother Will, who is working for the U. P. in that city, spent last Sunday with their par ents in the valley. At the fusion primary for Nich ols precinct held iu the school house at Hcruhey lasf. Saturday evening, the following precinct officers were nominated: Assessor. J. K. lOshel man: road oyerseer. Henry Fulk; justices, J. G. Feckcn and Henry Coats; constable. Clias. Ware. The lollowiiig delegates to the county convention at North Platte, July 7th, were elected: A. F. Beeler, lOvcrett Ware and J. M. Dwyer. NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. N. N. Bacon of Dawnou county is harvesting three hundred acres of winter wheat which good judges say will average thirty bushels to the acre. A tramp who was stealing a ride on train No. 101 had 'his foot badly mashed Thutsday night at Kim ball by getting it between the drawhtads. Owing to the reported prevalence of smallpox in the vicinity of 101 in Creek the people ol that town have decided not. to clebrate thereon fue mh. And for the same reason there will be no celebration at Overton, The Western Nebraska M. 10. Conference will meet in Lexington 011 September 26, with BUbop Merrill, of Chicago, presiding, A 1 large attendance is anticipated. Representatives will be present from New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, St. Louis and other points. This will be the third time that Kcv. Crane has been called upon to entertain an M. 10. conference once at Ogalalla and twice in Lexington, The town of Lexington has been in a furore of excitement for several days over the arrest of parties for violating the Slocumb law. For about ten days two detectives, one named H. D. Picrson of Omaha, and John A. Benjamin of Grafton, had been operating' there for the anti-saloon league. On Thursday morning Sheriff Hays, with a corps of assistants, made simultaneous raids on three resorts, finding liquor in each one. This find was followed by the arrest of seven parties, charged with selling intox icating liquors without a license. COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS. June 30. l'JOO. The board of equalization having concluded its work of equalizing and before adjournment proceeded to make and did make the levies following as provided by law for the several funds of the countv, bonded precincts and districts of the county for the current year. County general fund nine mills, County road fund four mills, County bridge fund one and eight-tenth mills. 4 County funding bonds Interest sixteenth of a mill and two mill levy to pay Jbonds, cue, two, three and four falling dtie July 10, 1901. Jail bonds Interest two-tenths of a mill. North Platte bridge bonds Four tenths of a mill for interest and five-tenths of a mill lor sinking fnud. Brady Island bridge bond, four mills interest five mill sinking. lOureka bridge bonds, six mills interest and five mills sinking. Nichols bridge bonds, three mills Interest, three iritlls sinking. ' O' Fallon s bridge bonds, two and five-tenths interest, one and six tenths sinking. Birdwood bridge bonds, five mills interest, four mills sinking. South side internal improvement bonds, ten mills interest, seven mills sinking. McPhci'son internal improvement bonds, seven mi'ls interest, four teen mills sinking. Medicine road bonds, six mills interest, five mills sinking. No. Sinking. Interest. Dist. 10 5 mills 5 mills Dlst. 13 3 mills 4 mills Dist. 19 7 mills 10 mills Dist. 28 5 mills 6 mills Dist. 29 7 mills 10 mills Dist. .12 5 mills 6 mills Dist. 59 30 mills 6 mills Dist, CG 3 mills 3 mills Dibt. 102 13 mills 3 mills Dlst. 93 12 mills 3 mills Dlst. 97 5 mills A mills Dist. 101 10 mills 5 mills Dlst. 100 9 mills 3 mills Dist. 21 lOmillo 3 mills Dist. 55 2 mills 2 mills Dist. 73 12 mills 3 mills Dist. 04 8 mills 2 mills Dist. 80; 10 mills 0 mills Dist. 87 20 mills 7 mills School district city of North Plattcj two and five-tenths for bond interest; twenty-five mills for gen eral purposes. Special levy to be laid on Dist No. 45 iu favorof Dist. Insufficient to raise $35.04, also special levy on DiBt 107 iu fayorof Dist. 112 suf ficient to raise 729.55; also special levy on Dist. 91 in favorof Dlst. 112 sufficient to raise $15.00. You Will Need Tools for the Haying Season. We have Stacker Ropes, Pulleys, Hay Forks, Bolts, Babbit Metal, Pitcher Pumps. Sand Points," In fact any Tool you will need. WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE. I HERB WE ARE AGAIN, I n m m Tho North Sido Cnsh 2 Grocery. Everything thnt Kowt to mnko up n JJJ first clnss moid, can bo fou-d in this store. n m Also tho nontost storo In JjJ r Western Nobrnskn, lfrcah Jiutlcr it JJJ 1 11c 2$ixiis AS Mnntflnllll m. linml ftnll iflntl M iv,nibiibij Kill iJiiilu, vmil''u 7 glvo us u trial nntl bo conviucod n thnt wo nro tho CHEAPEST plneo 2 to buy in North Plntto. JJ: Telephone. 103 We aro here to 4 !p y- U. G. SA.WYJBR. m 1 J. F. F1LU0N, 1CP, General Ropuiror. Special attention given to WHEELS TO RENT We are Kept Busy t Repairing shoes for people who appreciate & neat, substantial work A. C" 41..1 Lr,.1 ... rir If not alrendv a rimln- Jl mcr we solicit your k work. i3 4 GEO. TEKULVfi. 4 ! vr..: " 70.7.7 oZL FOR SALE. FARM WAGONS, SPRING WAGONS TOP BUGGIES, And all kinds of 7 . Fanm frlaehinepy. Standard Goods at Reasonable Prices. $y LOCK 5 SALISBURY, NORTH PLATTE. Land Seders or Users Take Notice ; I have 400,000 AcreB of Pas ture Lands for Salo or Lease, at prices rnntfiiitf from IK) contfl to $'i por iiuro. ItunohoH, farm, hay, and irrluntod lands, and othor ulnsses ot ltoul Kstato. Lund sold on tho 10 year U. P, II. It. tjlno plan, oiio-tontli down, lmlanuo iu yearly payments. Call 011 U. P. H. It. Lund Atfunt Ottonstoin BulhlitiK, NOItTH PLATTE, MEH. A W ell i T . Pressed 4,- Man V is he who who get us to make his clothes, We are now receiving our line of new and fashionable Spring Suitings. F. J. Broeker, Merchant Tailor.