The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 26, 1900, Image 8

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    I Local News in Brief.
The ladies' guild will meet Fri
day afternoon at the rectory.
Harrington & Tobin ordered five
hay cars for Nichols yesterday.
Brick for the new school building
arc being unloaded and hauled to
the cround.
The front of the Nebraska House
is being repainted, which makes si
very noticeable improvement.
Several hundred dollars worth of
Liucoln county hay is being shipped
to the western market each day.
Mrs. W. II, Broach arrived at
Battle Creek, Mich., Saturday
about three hours before her father
Mrs. P. W. Rincker will enter
tain a party of ladies Thursday
afternoon in favor of Mrs. K. W.
Kcycs of Council BluiFa.
Louis Tobin, who had been at
tending school at St. Mary's,
Kansas, returned home Saturday
to spend the summer vacation.
Miss Arta Kockcn will entertain
a number of friends this evening in
honor of Miss Claudia Curtis who
has been her guest far the past
Fine larire briir'tt room to rent.
handsomely papered, marble wash
basin, connected city water; rear of
Ur. Morrell'a dental parlors.
Hakkinoton & Toiiin.
Judge Grimes last Saturday
rendered a dicision in the II. D.
Klica case at Lexington, over-ruling
the demurrer and sustaining the
petition in error.
Enumerator EbrSght concluded
his labors Saturday. If anyone
has failed to be enumerated he
should report to Mr. lSbright or to
this office at once.
The McKecn and Roth ball teams
will play another cranio of ball at
athletic park Snttirday afternoon
Kcvcngc rankles strong in the
breasts of Roth's men, and they
propose to beat the victors of last
Saturday or bust a suspender.
The Modern Woodman will hold
a picnic at the Ottcnstcln grove in
the Bouth part of town on July 4th
Patriotic addresses will be deliver
ed, dancing indulged in and
cream and lemonade served,
public is invited to attend.
A movement is on foot to have a
convention in this city the latter
part of December, the object of
which will be to further the Inter
cats of the small stockgrowers of
western Nebraska and to consider
other matters of importance to the
people of the west part of the state
3S aa& 38 Blank Cartridge
Wileox Department Btoro.
The school census of the District
ot the City of North Platte has!
been completed by Miss Ada
Cooper and the number of children
of school age is found to be 1,307.
This is an increase of 107 over last
year, and shows a healthy and
rapid growth of population iu the
Six or seven pieces of land upon
which the county had began fore-
closure proceedings for back taxes,
were sold yesterday by Sheriff
Keliher. All the tracts but one
found ready sale, aud this one was
bought in by the county. A num-
ber of other tracts will be sold
within the next sixty days.
Commencing next Monday Miss
Margie Webber will Instruct a
class in yocal music iu connection
with the summer school, the in
struction to continue six weeks.
Miss Webber is a very competent
instructor aud those who become
members of the clasB will have
presented to them an opportunity
to gain a thorough knowledge of
music that is seldom found,
' omnium. civ. ii ww I, v,wi H"
feasors Orr and Worrell ns ....truet.
orB, opened yesterday morning
with an attendance of forty-three.
This Is a much larger attendance
tnau usual on tne opening day, and
instructors, especially ao when it is
known that a summer school is iu
progress at Wallace. It is quite IJ AtfJC Calf
1llfilv flint ih nHi'tiflsitiri wltthnl'
J -
much larger before the end of the
Glass Tumblers per Bet, 20c
Engraved Tumblers per, set. , , , ,25c
lnnc Tliiu Tumblers per net. . , . .sue
Huddled Cupa and Saucers pur sct45c
7-inch Dinner Plates per Bet, . .,45c
lOO-picce English Dinner act.. $7.00
Wilcox Department Store.
V 5
$12, $15
$6, $8, $10, $12, $13.50 and $15.
Boy's Fine Suits
Today is the
W. A. VOLLMER, Proprietor.
Opposite old
AVanteo Girl for general house
work. C. F. Iddinga.
Found--A leather pocket photo
graph case containing several
pictures. By calling at ttiia olticc
and navinir for this notice owner
1 .
can have same,
M. Doolittle took an inventory of
the Blak Flag stock of goods yes
tcrday. At this time it Is not
known what disposition will be
made of the stock.
An adjourned term of district
court began yesterday morning
with Judge Grimes on the bench.
The cases wh'ch have come up for
trial have been of an equity nature.
A railroad man who has been on
the road many years tells us that
never has he seen the small grain
crop between uouienourg anu
Grand Island look as discouraging
as this scuBon. Com, however,
looks tine.
Each of the twelve committees
havin,r in chanrc the Blrcct fnirxare
Inrlivlv nt wnrlf. tmrf williln twn
KveekB the preliminary arrange
ments wilt be complete. As each
0f the twelye committees has trom
five to seven members, it will be
8Ccn that between sixtv and eiirhtv
nicn arc working as a unit for the
success of the fair, and they invite
the co-operation ot every citizen
Yellow Front Shoe Store,
Geo. M. Grahnm, Mgr.,
Throo Doora South of F. O.
Men's Good Shoes.
tM , , ,.
S S1,0 tPKMlllCSH doesn't
ulmost Importance and neat
I The two latter requisites are
iml it also adds materially to
hcre hvo stvlus of om. Mcns
lori ,inu M lc
A calf in Tan color, and
especially adapted for sum
mer slioes, on account of its
coolness. Smooth of finish,
very serviceable, pliable and
easy to the foot, made up in
attractive shape with single
Stylish Suits I
At the Cost of the Material
Not suits we bought in the regular 2
way, but a late in the season pur- J
chase from celebrated wholesale
tailors, who could not sell these sur- 0t
plus lines at the prices they set out y
to secure because of the great strikes
and the backward spring in Chicago.
"Wc arc always on the lookout for
such chances. These suits are
highest grade, perfectly tailored and
guaranteed in every respect. They
were positively made to sell, and arc
being sold elsewhere now at $8, $10,
and $18.
to sell at $3,50, $4, $4.50,
$5, $5.50, $6, $7.50, $8,
$8.50, $9 and $10. (?
Time to Buy
15. W. Keycs will arrive from
Council Bluffs Saturday night and
spend a few dayB at the Patterson
II. 13, Worrell returned from
Gandy Saturday where he conduct
ed a very successful teachers
Round and Half Round
Stock Tanks, all sizes, lor
sale by Jos. Hershey.
The material for the water plan
at the cemetery has been delayed
somewhat by a difference of opinion
a to the size of the wind mill
needed, the manufacturers urging
llio Ubc of a 'irger mill than ordered
by the cemetery officials.
The game of ball Saturday after
noon between teams captained by
H. J. Roth and W. R. McKecn re
suited in a victory for the latter by
a score of seventeen to sixteen
Alt I .
jKoin s men nau nic game well in
hand up to the eighth inning, when
their opponents took a batting
streak and made six or seven runs
The game furnished fun galore for
the spectators, of whom there were
a couple of hundred. McKeen oc
cupicd the box for hia team and
Roth and Cox for the opposing
nine, each striking out a number of
men. The came proved both in
tcrcstiug and amusing.
North Flatto, Neb.
. . . . . , ,. m
Htop at weai'-com fori IS of the I
appearance is most desirable.
only oh.tained by correct fitting,
the wearing life. We describe
Tnn shoes fn of yoodness com
Russia Caif.
This leather is also excel-
lent warm weather wear is
smooth and pliable takes
a bright polish. Made over
a "foot shape" last roomy
toe perforated tipsingle
soles. . , .
People and Events. I
Nellie Crouin, of Grand Island, is
in town visiting relatives.
Geo. T. Field returned Sunday
from a business visit in Omaha.
Walter Pcale baB returned from
visit with relatives at Lexington.
Mrs. O. i3. Johnson and son, of
Grand Island, are visitlncr friends
13. R, Griffin of Denver passed
through the city on train No. 4
Friday evening.
Judge Grimes and Attorney
Ridgcly transacted business in
ycxington Saturday.
Ralph Newton returned Satur
day irom .Lincoln where he had
been attending school.
P. W. Sltton aud 13d Park re-
turned yesterday morning from a
brief visit in Cheyenne.
Mrs. Jennie Criswcll and daugh
ter Florence went to Sutherland
Sunday evening to visit relatives.
J, W. Ridgcway and daughter
Gussic, of Curtis, were the guests
of Judge and Mrs. Hinman Sunday.
Mr. and Mr's. C. W. Burklund of
Sutherland were In town yesterday.
They will soon leave for a visit in
Judge Neville went to Kearney
yesterday and from there will go to
Lincoln to confer with the state
louse politicians.
Mrs. Flora Kitzmillcr who has
been visiting relatives for the past
two weeks will return to Des
Moines this week.
P. A. White sailed from New
York for Europe Saturday. He
will visit a number of the European
countries and will be absent several
C, F. Scharmanu went to Lin
coin Saturday evening to transact
ousincss ana incidentally visit a
young lady who is by him much
Lieut. Geo. T. Patterson came in
from .the west yesterday afternoon
and left today for Fortress Monroe.
The Price
You pav for Groceries is never
lower than we ask. Because we
have made the prices on Grocer
ics whatthey arc.
Diamond C. Soap, 9 bars .25
Pearliuc. per pkg 0
5c size Paddle, Blue 0
10c size Paddle, Blue 07
25 lbs. Corn Meal
Snow Flake Patent Flour, per
sack 90
100 lbs Bran G5
Corn Starch, per pkg -05
Argo Gloss Starch, per pkg 05
Kingsfords Silver Gloss Starch ,08
Kingsfords Corn Starch 08
lA pint Dr. Prices Extract Va
nilla 15
Walter Bakers Cocoa, K lb. tin .25
Walter Bakers Chocolate 18c 2
cakes .35
Eagle Brand Condensed Milk
18c 2 cans 35
Evaporated Cream 13c 2 cans for .25
Army Avlc Grease 2 boxes, 15
Monarch Axle Grease, 2 boxes. .15
FraJiicr's Axle Grease, 2 boxes .15
Sewing Machine Oil, per bottle .05
Grand Pa's Wonder Soap, per
Yeast Foam, 2 pkgs
On Time Yeast, 2 pkgs
Sage, per pkg
Hops, per pkg
Table Salt, 2 sacks
4-lb, package Gold Dust 18
Search Light Matches, per box. .0
Bird Seed, Mb. pkg 07
Vinegar, per gallon 20
Whittcmore's Gilt Kdure Shoe
Polish 20
Whittcmore's Baby Elite Shoe
Polisl l()
Cream of Wheat, per pktr 15
Plllshurv's VitoR 13e. 2.nlir o
Shredded Whole Wheat Biscuit
13c, 2 pkgs 2;
Battle Ax Tobacco, per plug. . . .35
Morse fciioc Tobacco, per
plug 45
Star Tobacco, per lb 45
J, T, Tobacco, per plug 20
Dukes Mixture Tobacco, per lb. .35
Arbuckle's Coffee.... 13c, 2 pkgs 25
Lion Codec 13c, 2 pkgs 25
German CoHVe 13c, 2 pkgs 25
Bee Coiree per pkg 14
Bogota CoUce 18c. 2 pkgs .35
We pay you as much as we can
for your produce aud charge you no
more lor goods exchanged for pro
duce than you pay in cash.
Wilcox Department Store.
Wall Paper.
Wc are showing an exceptionally fine line of
Wall Paper of the newest designs. If you
you contemplate papering your house, call
and sec our stock, Wc can suit you in both
style and price.
AND ...
Red is the Color of
Newton's Book and
Novelty Store.
to which place he was lately
Miss Carrie Robertson returned
toOgalalla Saturday morning.
Bruce Stuart, who is assistant to
the station agent at Cozad, spent
Sunday with his parents.
Will Bock came up from Omaha
Saturday night and spent Sunday
with North Platte friends.
Miss Stella Bristol, who had
been attending school at Concordia,
Kansas, returned, home Sunday.
The sisters of Nativity school
left yesterday for Concordia, Kas.,
to spend the summer vacation.
Mrs. H. K, Reese who has been
spending several weeks here visit
ing friends and looking after some
business, will return to Omaha in
a few days.
The Misses Eunice Babbitt, Adda
Kockcn, Jessie Bratt, Ruth Patter
sou, 13ditu Vcruou and Gertrude
Baker will leave the early part of
next week on their southern trip.
I3nroutc home they expect to visit
in Washington, New York and
The Time is Here
That you will need
Fly Nets,
Fly Sheets,
and Summer Lap Robes.
We have a complete stock.
; North Platte Pharmacy.
JJrugs and Druggists' Sundries, i
We aim to handle the
Sell everything at
warrant all goods to
All Proscriptions Carefully Filled by a Licensed Pharmacist.
Orders from the country and along the line of the Union
Pacific Railway Is respectfully solicited.
First door north of First National Bank.
Redwood Stock Tanks for sale.
Best on earth. Sizes 6 to 16 feet..
C. F. IontNUH.
I Pungency and Aroma I
So tempting in food delicacies
is obtainable only from genu
ine spices. We handle Dwin
nell & Wright's Absolutely
Pure Spices. Life is spiced
by variety. Our stock pre
sents the spice of variety and
also every variety of spices,
and all other good things in
the market, with quality con
spicuously concealed by short
Wc are agents for Kearney
Flour.ground from 18'JS wheat
and every sack guaranteed,
One dollar per sack.
Rush & Murray, i
Pneumatic Hard Rubber
And cushioned tiros nra an essential
feature in n modern ploasuro vehicle,
runabout, or speodiutf wagon. The
loworing.of tlio trotting record has
been largely due to the uso of such
tires, and their importances and value
for general road purposes is equally
great. Our oUHtouiors alwuys Bocura
something unbeatable at an unbontn
ble price Examine these specimens.
Jos. Hershey.
Locust Street.
beat grades of goods
reasonable prices, and
be just as represented.
Five Cent Cigar TO'i