s SIXTEENTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, TUESDAY, JUNE 2G, 1900. NO. RENNIE'S I RENNIE'S I RENNIE'S I CLOSING Oil Summer Goods. No more need be said, examine for yourself and glance at It V, vnlllntl Knlr,,.. V7G Pin CTPirTI V AC WR AHVPR TISE In order to gat these values, you must ask for the Im fi rl vnPttunt immtti rr itnil $t lew nycrs. Kcmcmucr we FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED. T 2,000 pair Children's Ironclad Hose 25c value, 17 4 c. Fine 75c 72-inch Table Linen only 47k. All Corsets to be closed out at cost and less. 2,000 Patterns in Silk, worth $1.25 and $1.75 now only per yard, 95c. Beautiful Orpandics 20c, value now 14 l-2c. Fine 15c and 20c Barred Muslin, now only 10c and 12 l-2c. A bitr line of elegant i and 8c, only 5c JL Big line of Crepons Crepons worth $1.50, and $1.75 now only UUc. Bed Spreads, worth $1.50 and $1.75 now 99c. Bed Spreads worth $1.25 now 89c. IP YOU WANT GOOD GOODS AT LOW PRICES, OOME HERE. Carpets, Linoleum and Matting a Specialty HAYING TOOLS.., i s iJ ( MOWERS, ITICVI IIIIUV SICKLE GRINDERS, and repairs for same. Champion (ffi& UWotrttlA i MI LOADERS 1JAX JjUAJJI!iHO, j SIDE DELIVERY RAKE. Call and see them. DAIN SWEEPS. OSBORNE RAKES, LIGHTNING HAY PRESS, MACHINE OIL. Locust St., North Tlattc, Neb. WiuiuiuiuiuiuMuuiUiUiUituuiuiiuuiumiiiauujuR THE QUESTION is often asked, What Paint shall we use? THE ANSWER ! If you are looking (or covering capacity, wearing qualities, general appearance, and your money s worth, you must buy The Sherwin-Williams Paint. 0Wtri Moid lOOkf 0"c Wtart Longett, Hott economical, Full Mtasuro, RUSHES.' COLORS IN OIL. HOUSE & COACH VARNISHES, A. F. STEEITZ, DRUGGIST. Q. F. IDDINQ6 ' L-am"bei, Coal sirLcl' G-reiixi Yards and Elevators at : ; North Platte, Neb., 4 ' Sutherland, Neb., . Julosburg, Colorado. NORTH PLATTE MILLS, (0. p. innwas.j , J Manufacturer of ' HIGH AND MEDIUM GRADE FLOUR BRAN AND OHOP PEED. Order by telephone from Newton's Book Store, rr n tint n-nt t Until I 1 Ol'n II rP II arc snort on tnesc g-oou, Calicoes, worth 7 l-2c, r A just arrived, the $2.50 and repairs tor same. r r i t-v m- n JOS. HERSHEY. Our prices arc for "best goods" first, last and all the time. We are in the business to stay and S. W. P. stays with us. COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS. June 20, 1900. Hoard met pursuant to adjourn mcut, present Woohurst, McNccl and Carpenter, commissioners, and county clerk. The following changes were made in the various precincts: North Platte No. l-llorscs raised 15 per cent, town lots 10 per cent, merchandise 20 per cent. North Platte No. 2-Horscs raised 15 per cent, cattle 30' per cent, town lots 10 per cent, mer chandise 20 per cent. North Platte No. 3 Merchandise raised 20 per cent. Antelope Horses raised 15 per cent and cattle 30 per cent. Birdwood Horses raised 15 per cent. Brady Island Horses raised 15 per cent and cattle 20 pet cent. Buchanan Horses lowered 20 per cent, cattle lowered 10 per cent and lands lowered 15 per cent. Cottonwood Cattle lowered 10 per cent, sheep lowered 50 per cent, lands raised 10 per cent. Deer Creek Lands lowered 20 per cent. Dickens Horses raised 15, cattlo raised 10, Fairview Horses lowered 10. Garfield Horses lowered 15 and cattle lowered 20. Gaslin Cattle raised 10. Hall Horses raised 10. Iliiiinan Horses and cattle low ered 10. Hooker Horses raised 20. Jeffrey Cattle raised 25. Kent Horses raised 20, cattle raised 15. Lemon Cattle raised 10, lauds 25. Maxwell raised 20. Mcdlcinc- Cattle raised 25. lands -llorsca'atid cattle low- ercd 25. Myrtle Horses raised 20, cattle raised 40. ' 1 O.'Fallons Horses raised 25. cattle raised 20, sheep raised 10. Osgood Horses raised 10, lands, raised 10. ljikham Land raised 10. Plant Horses raised 30, cattle raised 15, heep raised 100, land low ered 10. Rosedalc Cattle raised 10, land raised 10. Sellers Hoiscs raised 100, cattle raised 30. Somerset Horses raised 10, cattle raised 20. Sunshine Sheep raised '10, lands raised 10. Table -Cattle raised 10. Vroman Horses lowered 10. Walker Horses raised 15, cattle raised 30. Wallace Land raised 10. Well Land lowered 10. Whittier Horses lowered 25, cattle raised 20. Willow Horses raised 20, cattle lowered 20, laud raised 40. Assessments on lots 1 and 2. block 131, reduced 100.00. Assessment on east 70 acres of northeast quarter section 2, town 14, range 32, reduced '48.00. Assessment on west 90 acres of northeast quarter of section 2-14-32 reduced 60.00. Assessment on lots 5, 6 and 8, sec tion 2-14-32, reduced 40.00. Assess ment on lot 4, block 118, North Platte, reduced 50.00. Adjourned until to-morrow. June 21, 1900. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment, present full board and county clerk. Dr, McCabc makes complaint that his assessment in Wosedale precinct is too high, and hearing set tor June 23,1900. Ad journed until tomorrow. June 22. 1900. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment, present full board and county clerk. The board continued work as a board of equalization and not hav ing concluded their work in that line adjourned until tomorrow. The rival candidates for congress fn the First district of Illinois are Mr. Maun and Mr. Organ. I it the congressional election in Kentucky two years ago Mr. White was the republican and Mr. Black the dem ocratic candidate in the ICIeventh dibtrict of that state, BETWEEN THE HI VERS. Small grain and corn arc giving the hoppers" a hard chase in the valley. Mrs. F. J. Cook and sister arc visiting relatives in Denver at the present time. lSvcrctt Ware captured a six pound catfish in his wheat field last Saturday while irrigating. Tift Bros, hay outfit is cutting and baling new hay on the south side for M. C. Harrington. Tyler Holliugsworth is once more using a shovel on the Nichols section with Foreman Krickson's gang. A number of acres of fall grain in this county which is more than an average crop will be harvested this week. TwcntV'livc cents will purchase you a first-class meal at Mrs. Car penter's home in the village of Hcrshcy. R. W. Calhoun returned Thurs day from McPhcrson county with a herd of cows for the Nichols sepa rator station. Ab there is no celebration on July 4th near at hand the citizens in this part of the county will re main at home, V. M. Lokcr is at this time working on the section cast of the North Platte bridge in Fore man J. W. Bergman's crew. Mrs. Kcngler and her daughter May returned to their home at Overton Saturday after a few days visit with relatives in Hcrshcy. Frank Ware made a trip to Kear ney bn his Wheel last week return ing ou the same as far as Cozad where he took train No. 101 for Hcrshcy Saturday, Merchant Mickelscn of Hcrshcy is arranging to put" a new founda tion under his store building and also to paint the same both inside and out in the near future. Mrs. W. L. Brownficld and Mrs. II. lc Stone and children of Her shcy, spent the first of this week with relatives and friends at Paxton. If you want to see the finest lot ol thoroughbred Norman horses, Short horn cattle, and Poland China hogs in western Nebraska, go to Win. II. Sullivan's farm at Nichols. Geo. 13. Sullivan who has been on the sick list for a long time is now able to be out and see to his farm work but it is still unable to per form manual labor. A few sports (?) in this, locality arc getting a little previous in shoutiutr prairie chickens and quail. They are liable to be pulled over the law with a fine of $25 and costs. Better go a little slow. For some reason best known to themselves the Sutherland gun club failed to put in an appearance at Hcrshev last Saturday where they had arranged to shoot a match with the home club. On the Sat urday previous the Hershcy club went up to Sutherland and defeated the home club easily. When it was announced that the Sutherland club was not coming the licrshey boys indulged in a shoot by choos ing sides and having a royal good time all around. NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. The Union Pacific railroad com pany now has the entire line of its road in Dawson county fenced for fifty feet on each side. An cfTort is being made at Calla way to have deputy county ollices placed at that town to accommodate the patrons of the west end of the county. It now seems that Dinsmorc has a new Jcase of life, as the supremo court hub given him ninety dayH lo file a brief pending an appeal, He was to have been hung on July 20. It is said that more milk is handled at the llemmingfoid skim ming station than at any other station in the world. Over 50,000 pounds of milk were received there in three days recently, The grade between Sidney and Bridgeport is all completed and accepted, with the exception of one mile of Jas. Kyncr's work. This will probably be finished this week. Jas. O'Connor finished his work east &iul north of town Tuesday, D, J. Griffith's anj Dillou and Pat- VI rue ice cream season (j - k m Is now on. "Wo have a line of the White m Mountain and the Sheppard's Lightning1 jL Eg Freezers, the best of freezers on the market J 3 at prices that will please you. Inspect them JE before buying. Remember that there is more Morning Glory Flour Sold 2 Than any other one brand in North Platte. 3pj t Secret, high quality, medium price, only $1.00 3 5 per sack. . . . . , g GROCERIES. Morning Glory Flour, the most dependable Hour sold in 2 22 North Platte only one dollar a saclc. 5 S Kerosene Oil per gallon lac 3 3 Yeast Foam, 2 pkgs for 05c Table bait, 2 sacks for Eagle Condensed Milk, 2 cans Arbuckle's Coffee 13c. 2 pkgs Fiinn fiffn 11 O w v. v Alibi M IIXI.' ." III! terson'a work is still unfinished on the line from Sidney south to the state lineSidney Telegraph. We arc informed of a new way of catching rabbits in vogue among some of the boyB, A coil of hose about one inch in diameter is used, which they pay out down a rabbit hole until the bottom is reached, the mouth of a sack being placed over the hole. A cheerful shout down the hose will bring the rabbit out at a double (juick gait into the sack and it is all off with bunny. Sidney Telegraph, Bryan is on record with the opin ion that nothing could have been gained iu 18 by the withdrawal of Scwall in favor of Wateon or Wat son in favor of Scwall. If Mr. Bryan's friends at Kansas City take the hint the kite will have two tails again in 1900. Bee. You Will Need Tools for the Haying Season, We have Stacker Ropes, Pulleys, Hay Korks, Bolts, Babbit Metal, Pitcher Pumps. Sand Points, Iu fact any Tool you will need. WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE. Dr. Humphreys' Specifics euro by acting directly upon tho iliiicnso, without exciting dlsordor in nuy other part of tho syBtoin. xo. ccmi. ritcet. I-Foverf, Congctllons, Inflamm&tloni. .Vt3 It Wormi, Worm rover, Worm Colic. ,Vt3 3-Tecthtn, Colic, CrylDB.WnfccfulDeH ,33 t-Ulort hoo, or Children or Adulti 'J3 7- Coiiglu, Coldi, Uronchltls .. !i3 8 ,eurnlila, Yoothicho, Kueache, , ,23 M-lltadarlio, Sick Headache, Vertigo,, .43 10- llyipepala,fadlgrittoii,WakStomach,'J3 1 1- Hupprc.rJ orl'nlnrul Perlodi .,, ,'J3 IV! Wlillen, Too l'rofuui J'erlodn 23 i:)-Uroui, I.iirviuItU, lIoaravuM 23 J l-Hult II lie n in , i:rynlH'liiii, Eruption.. .23 1 3-llliriininllm, Itheiimatlc Pntni 23 l(l-.Malnrln, Clillls, Fever and Skuo 23 10-4!nturrli, Influenin.CoM la tliuJIeai! ,23 UO-Wlioopliig.l.'oiiiili , ,,,, ,23 U7-IUdny l)lcnr ,23 2H-,rvoiin.lebllllv 1,00 .'IO-1'rlnary Weaknni, Wetting l!xi 23 77-0 rip, Hay Fever ., 29 Or1. Ifuniphryti' Manual of all Dlifftien at your Pruvulita or Mailed t reo. Bold hy dninsleut.v wqt on roccliit of prlco. Humliroy MoU. Co., Cor, ViilUaai i Jolm Bu., 2 XXX Coffee 13c, 2 pkgs for 25c Bee Coffee per pkg -t i4C fc Bogota Coffee per pkg isc rS Cream of Wheat per pkg 15C 5 Shredded Whole Wheat Biscuit 13c, 2 pkgs for 25c j2 2 Sage per package , ; 04c 5 Hops per packages 04c 3 Battle Ax Tobacco per plug 35c Horse Shoe Tobacco per plug 45c fc: Star Tobacco per plug 45c 5 Standard Navy Tobacco per plug. '. 35c S Whittemore Gilt Kdge Shoe Dressing 20c Mirror Gloss Starch per package 05c 5 WE PAY TOP NOTCH PRICES FOll BUTTER p g AND EGGS IN ANY QUANTITIES. j THE HUB GROCERY CO., Dewey Street. Telephone No. 27. NORTH PLATTE. 9 05c 3 for , , , . , 35c for 25c 5? nr . TIT " . . . ' -W- -T- r New Dry Goods Store. NORTH SIDK.J I run now roiuly to show my frlonds u now stock of Diu (oudp and fkiong, Coino and oxtmilno my goods mid got my prices. All my Prints nro Tost Colora. A Fino Lino of Hosiery, Boys' Blcyclo Hoso-novor woar oat. Complsto Lino of Overalls, Jaekots and Qlovos. Geo. T. Buzzn. Land Seekers or Users Take Notice I have 400,000 Acres of Pas turo Lands for Sale or Lease, nt prices rnnuinK from IX) cents to $2 por aero. Rnnohos, farm, luty, and irrlKiitud ImiuIh, and othor olnsHUHof Roul I'Miito. Lund Fold on tho 10 yonr U. P. It. II. timo plnn. ono-tontli down, balance In yearly pttymontn. Call on I- FOET, ( U. 1'. K. H.,Land Auoul Ottonstoin DuilditiK, NOItTII PLATTE, MED. A W ell r V'l Dressed is lie who who got us to make his clothes. We arc now receiving our lino of new and fashionable Spring Suitings. F. J. Broeker, Merchant Tailor.