The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 05, 1900, Image 7

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    V' iir ii rv i
g and Novelties.
We have a fine line ot $
Fancy Articles suitable $
for Wedding Gifts Vases $
Clocks, Candelabras,Dak- f
5 tig Dishes. Cut Glass and $
Sterling Silver pieces.
$ Don't foruct that we carry $
j Uicvcles in stock at prices o
5 that are right.
Clinton, i
ft U. P. Watch Examiner. W
TUESDAY, JUNE 5, 1900.
Dr. Northrup left th'rs morning
on a professional trip to Gandy.
Misses Emma and Clara and Joe
Dakcr left this morning for a visit
with friends in Grand Island.
C, O. Davis, of Pullman, Neb.,
who had been visiting his brother
A. II. for a few days returned home
$1500 worth of Millinery at cost.
The Hun.
Louis Burke, of Portland, Ore.,
is spending today in town. He
will probably continue his journey
cast tonight.
Prof. Ebriyht began taking the
census of the city this morning,
starting in on the First ward, and
will complete each ward as he goes.
Dr. Hannah. Osteopath. Office op
positc Hotel Neville. North Platte.
There are still a few light cases
of scarlet lever in town, but the
number is noi increasing and no
fear that the disease will become
epidemic is entertained.
Grasshoppers about one-fifth
grown arc to be seen by the thous
ands in some parts ot the county.
Southeast of town they arc partic
ularly numerous. A, Samclson set
out several hundred young plants
and the young hoppers soon had
them eaten to the ground.
I Wedding Presents
The manufacturers of Royal
Baking Powder have always declined
to produce a cheap baking powder
at the sacrifice of quality.
The Royal is made from the
most highly refined and wholesome
ingredients, and is the embodiment
of all the excellence possible to be
attained in the highest class baking
Royal Baking Powder costs only
a fair price, and is cheaper at its,
price than any similar article.
( - :
Everett Evans is doing extra
clerical work in the county clerk's
Jack MacCall, of Lexington, was
the guest of Judge Baldwin last
Miss Lillian Ilcttdy and Miss
Ericsou left this morning for a vis
it in Denver.
C. L. WtllianiR, late of this city,
who had been spending several
months at Httntsv'tllc, Ala., is now
located at Neosho, Mo.
Earl Stamp, who is taking the
electrical engineering course at the
state university, returned home
last night to pass the summer va
cation. Walter Hoagland has been in
McPhcrson county for a day or two
attending a meeting of the Valley
Cattle Co., of which he is vice-president,
secretary and treasurer.
Funeral Director Warner reports
that there has not been a death in
the city since March lltli. This
ought to fully establish the claim
North Platte makes as a health re
sort. Hartman's is where they serve
good ice cream and cake.
The Presbyterian ladies will
serve ice cream and cake on the
court house lawn on Friday even
ing, June 8th. Everybody come
out and hear the band play, and
cat ice cream.
The people of the city generally
will regret to learn that Rev. II. A.
Wolfe, has decided to relinquish
his pastoratcof the Lutheran church
just so soon as the council can
secure another minister. Mr.
Wolfe has been an earnest and
successful pastor and popular with
the citizens generally.
Get your ice cream soda's at
Hartman's. They will probably
taste good to you.
At a meeting of the Doard of
Education last evening Willis
Hansen was appointed janitor of
the new school building at a salary
of six hundred dollars a year. He
will also have supervision ot the
three ward school buildings, and as
he is a first class plumber, will
keep in repair the steam heating
plant and the hydrants and niaint
at the several buildings without
extra charge. The employment ol
Mr. Hansen will result in quite a
j saving of expense to the district.
Samples of mixtures made in imitation of baking
powders, but containing alum, are frequently dis
tributed from door to doort or given away in
grocery stores. Such mixtures are dangerous
to use in food, and in many cities their sale is
prohibited by law. Alum is a corrosive poison, and
nil physicians condemn baking powders containing it.
A HorprUo Party,
day was Claude
Yesterday was Claude Wcing-
and's birth anniversary, and his
good wife sprang a surprise on
him by inviting a number of rela-' J- zoning, rounu nottsc lorc
tives and friends In to spend the 1 at, Sidney, transacted business
evening. Owing to Claude's cx -
trcmc diffidence,
lie was almost
prostrated by the unexpected in
vasion of the guests, but he gradu
ally rallied to his normal condition,
and bid everybody make merry.
The evening was devoted to card
games and .other entertaining fea
tures, and the hours passed speed
ly and pleasantly. Refreshments !
were served at a proper Hour.
Among those present were Messrs. , from Port,:uul t0 south Oma
and Mcsdamcs Maurice l.owIcr, h.!,ia b r0U.9 1Jurk w arrJve
T, Tramp, F. K. Ginn, J"1'"8 I here tins evening and will be nu
P zcr, Chas. Stamp, Mrs. C. A. ' , , , , , , , ,
' T . ... 1 loaded and fed for a few days.
Dill, Mrs. Ncir, Miss Anna Tangcr, , '
Miss Louisa Wciugand and Sol
jrieiuy ox au uamos in mgut.
As was anticipated, the local oau
team is receiving many applica-1
i r -!. !.. r -i it...
lions ior uuics, in au .iiuiu w.u..
can oc acccpicu. x ,.b manage., u...
. -..i
oi mc ciuo is uiciiiieu iu uciicve
that about two or three games per
month, outside of the legal holi
days, is all the club can accept.
The proposition received from
Willow Island for a game tomor
row could not be entertained, but
the manager has written that team
1,nf fi n!tni(i -rtnlrl 1ii nlnvpil nil !llf
in i ,i m. WcdneMlnv of
next week. No rcplv has yet been
Last evening a letter was re-)
ceived from the Cheyenne club ask
ing for a game next Sunday. It
will not bc convenient for the locals
to play on that day, and a future
date will be arranged.
It is quite likely that a game be
tween Gothenburg or Lexington
will be arranged for about the 20th,
to bc played on thc local grounds.
The home team will go to Kear
ney and play two games, one on
the 3d and one on the 4th of July.
Will Dock has written thc music
for two new songs, both of which
promise to have as heavy a run as
A Letter from Ohio." I may bc
nf iiilnrnct in Will's Iriinr1a horn in
know that he was offered two thou-
sand dollars cash for the exclusive
tight to publish and sell "A Letter
from Ohio," but refused it, believ-
ing that he can make more out ol
the two and one-half cents royalty
on each copy sold. ill is now at
work" on a coon song which, we be
lieve, the celebrated May Irwin has
consented to biug.
Madame Ruppcrt'a Face Dleach
on silc at McAlec's.
The committee having in charge
the banquet to be given Supt. Park
have decided to have the attend
ance umttcu to members ot tlic
commercial club and a few invited
(ucsts, and that ladies will not bc
invited. A letter has been written
Mr. Park asking
u inc evening u. i
r 1 1 . . i
June 15th would
be convenient to
him, and a reply was received tnis
morning stating that it would.
Desiring to leave North Platte
imntcfi t ly I will sell my procrly
at a bargain. Call at once.
Mrs. R. A. McMukkav.
Last Sunday evening the follow -
ing officers of the Lutheru church
council were elected: Vicc - prcsi -
dent, Louis Peterson; secretary,
W. J. llendy; treasurer, John
Sorcnson. On the same day Fred
I, ,. .... 1 1 1 .1 1 I . 1 , l . T
uuck w.w e.uer ,u.u '" Jt
ixiiujr ui.iiv.uiii
II. 15. Krctchner and W. C Mar
su.ui, oi Acuuux, iowu, inive snip-
the Birdwood country, where they
will be pastured during the sum-
Ice cream iu bulk at Hartman's
40 cents a nuart.
r f i.m ...
lyPcalded her left hand and arm
Friday by spilling a pan of boiling
starch. The scald proved very
John Ilratt went to Og.ilalla to
day to close a deal for the transfer
ol a tract of Keith county laud.
Piatt White leaves Thursday
for a visit iu Chicago and other
points in Illinois.
Redwood Stock Tanks for sale.
Ilest on carlh. Sizes f to Hi feet.
C. F. lliPINIiH.
Drop iu Nails.
8d Nails and coarser, per lb 4 cts.
fid Nails pud finer, per lb 5 cts.
Finishing Nails, per lb 5 cts.
Wilcox Di:i,akt,mi:nt Stouij.
For Rent,
Three rooms on Dewey street,'
second Hoor,
suitable lor house
T. C. Patterson.
n Ratfrnirl NnfpC
a,m visitcu menus in town battir-
Kob. Koycr and Jas. Dowuic,
who have been on the night force
at thc round house, have been as
signed to day Bcrvicc.
Fred Douglas was in town yes
terday the crew with which he is
bra lung having made the run
through from Cheyenne.
.... f . . .
-"acior . who nas uau
cuargc oi me union jl-uciiic coai
docks, lias thrown up tlic job.
&upt nirmingnam of lhc coai Uc.
partmcnt( Was in town yesterday
checking' up Smith.
, T, .. . , . . fi,irrmm,,s
l i
, thc d,8lr,cl forcmil.8 ofl5cc j8 bc.
iug constantly improved, and by
mid-summer it will bc one of the
prcttieit spots in town. Unique
trellises for the vines have lately
been erected.
The apportionment of thc funds
belonging to the old Union Pacific
hospital department has finally
i been completed, and the employes
will soon receive their vouchers
IQach employe who was a member
of the association will receive as
his share sums ranging from two
cents to fifteen dollars, being based
on thc amount he paid into thc
fund from 1882 to 1898.
Asst. Supt. Kcyea arrived from
Omaha Saturday morning and is
devoting his time to learning thc
details ot Ins new position. Mr.
j KcycH is quite well known by a num
ber of thc local employes, all o
whom speak iu highest terms of his
irencral ability and good fellow
ship. He will remove his family
here as soon as he secures a suitable
Round and Half Kound
Stock Tanks, all sizes, for
SO10 Py JOS, neraney.
j . t
Hit f 11 J BlfiffifCF
i 1-VII 1 u,oo
I j j
I I 111 II III
Your Dollar...
Than it ever hauled be
fore a load of Quantity
and Quality.
Club House
Canned Goods.
orn I5c
t Tomatoes, 15c
, harly June Peas. .20c
2 for
' 'P,1nn1irin- Tinu on.-. O fm
35 c
"line v ax ucans, -;uc. - ioi
, l'uinpion, per can,
Succotash, 20c. 2 for
' Preserved Blackberries,
j per can
1 Preserved Pitted Clicrries,
per can
I Preserved Red Kaspberry,
( per can
tJ;irtlett Poai'S, pel' call
Sliced Peaches, per can.. ..
Peeled Apricots, per can . ,
. ., p:4.sltli4.. ,vm
r:ite1 PJ-'-MM'le, per can
Clams, Little Neck, per c:
Lobster, per can
Pillsbury's Hjst, $1.15 per
Owing to the belter grade of
I whuat wlnch U.1C Ixiiifrln mill
elevator is now receiving
again, Lexington Patent Hour
has taken its old-time position in
regard to quality.
$1.00 PER SAOK.
JJewni'o of the man who
Hays he hits "just, as good" as
6c Tobiu's
It is a mistake, for
our lines are AHSO-
help thc team. Saves wear mid
expense, bold every where.
ma UK nr
Major Dow is up from the
national cemetery to-day shaking
hands with friends and laying in
Mrs. J. C. Orr wont to Omaha
yesterday to visit her uncle,
Andv Weinberger, and family
for a week.
City Treasurer Slutman is
ready to pay S')t) general fund
warrants up to No. 44, and all
warrants on floating' fund issued
in 1898.
Perry Sitton estimates that
fully two hundred thousand
brick taken from the old' high
school building can be used in
the new building, and for these
the contractors will pay the dis
trict seven dollars per thousand.
In additiod to the brick, the lum
ber will be worth a couple of
hundred dollars, and the building
stone a similar amount.
Children's Shoes from 50c to ?2,00.
Boys' Shoes from $1.35 to $2.00.
Ladies' Oxfords from $1.00 to $2 25,
Ladies fine Shoes from $1,50 to ?3.00.
Men's line Shoes from $1.50 to $3.00.
Not old shoes but shoes that arc
made on late style lastn, of good
leather and every pair just what
they arc represented to bc,
Wileox Department Store.
No tic o To Taxpayers,
Personal taxes for 18'J'J were de
linquent February 1, 1000. I am
charged with, and responsible for,
their collection, and those unpaid
must be paid. 18W realty taxes
arc delinquent May 1, 1900.
C. F. Schakmann.
Treasurer Lincoln County.
Tin: TinnuNU has grown weary
of being "stood oil" by delinquent
subscribers, and has placed iu thc
hands of thc Publishers Collection
Agency a number of accounts
which have been running for years.
Chicago weather forecast for
North Platte and vicinity: Gener
ally fair tonight and Wednesday,
The maximum temperature yester
day was iu; one year ago it was 83
The minimum temperature this
morning was 58; one year ago it
was mo. thc precipitation iu last
4 uours was .a oi an men,
Write for proofn uovering Hvo ycaru' uuo in tho United Stntep. Oyer
ono million head successfully treated. SiiiRlo Vneoino" per 10 doso
pnekotB; Doublo Vneeino $2 por 10-doBu paohotH.OutlltH eomploto W.OO.
. BLACKLEQINE Another form or PAhiTEUR Single Vac
cine, leiuly for Iunnodinto iiho, $1,50 per 10-douo pnekolu; 2.r0 por 20
doKo pnekots, 0.00 porftO-doso paeltote.
Acmo Medical Supply Co., 1320 10th St., Denver, Col,
1011 HALL 111' A. I', a'l'lii.rix. south m trri'
BeaULifUi Haijd,
Adorned by hnndsomo jewels, boars
nn irrcfiistiblo attraction to tho Iovor
Ot boauty. An unsymtnotricn! hand
can Lo mado dainty and protty wlion
adorned by such euporb jowole, not in
such oxmiiBlto combinations in UnKorJ
rintfn, brncoloto, oto. ns you will find
iu our inaKiilllcont array of ladies lino
jowolry, J
Union Pacific Watch Inspector.
Wilcox; Department j&orje.
Notice 1
A summer school for teachers
and prospective teachers will bc
conducted in the First ward school
house at North Platte. Term, six
weeks, beginning June 25. Tui
tion, $5. Instructors, J. C. Orr and
II. 13. Worrell. All branches re
quired for any county certificate
win uc laugui,
I urthcr information will bc cheer
fully furnished upon application.
1 JKUTIIA tiioui.hcki:,
County Superintendent.
For Salo.
A good stock farm 320 acres well
mproved, plenty free range only 5
miles from Noilh Platte. Price
$1200.00. The improvements alone
cost more than selling price. This
is a bonanza. T. C. Pattkkson.
Tho first white- ninii to eot foot, on
Utah soil, Fathor Sllvoatro Vnloz do
Koiliinto, who reached tho GREAT
SALT LA KM on tho 'i'lrd diiy ot Sep-
toinbor, hid, wroto in Ids diary, "lloro
tho elimato in so dulleious, tho nir co
1ml my, that it is a ploiiouro to brratho
by day and by ni'lit," Tho oliinnto or
Utah is ono ot tho richest endowments
of nature On tho Bhoros of tho Gront
Snlt Lnko CBpocinlly nnd tor fifty inllim
thororroin in overy diroetiou-thoclininto
ot cliiimtoH is found. To onublo poruoim
to imrtleipulo in iheeo Beenlo nnd cli
matic iittrnctioiiH, nnd to reach tho fain-
UNION PACIFIC hiiBinndoa rnto to
ono faro for tho round trip plus $2 from
Mipsouri rivor, to bo in olJoct Juno 151.
July 7 to 12 inchiBivo, July 18. nnd Aug.
j; ruiuru mull uci. ;u, hhju.
For, full infonnntion, cull on or nd
droBH JAS. U. SOANLAN. Auent.
iiid Seekers or Users
15& a fallen,
Tale Notice
I havo 400,000 Acres of Pus-.,
turo Lands for Sale or Lease,
nt priecH rnnKinj from SK) eonts to
82 per ncro. Rnnelius, farm, hay, ,
and lrrii;nld Imnls, nnd otlior
eliiBseH of Real Entnto. Lund Bold
on tho 10 your U. P. R. II. time ,"
plan, ono-tutitli down, balance in
yoiirly pnyniontB. Call on
U. P. R. R. Lnnd Agont
Ottonulcin Diiildinu,
Of nltrnctlou 1b n nrottv foot hand
Bomoiy onensen in u neui a nu Biuipeiy
Oxford tio, whieh lielpH to glvo a
uraceful carriau'ii in walUini!. Liuht
: and Bhupely hIioob nro twina to diiuo
I.,,. i...i ...,i-.. ,,r ...I. I.. i. :..
womnn'flohfofeHtcliiirin. In tho beauty
class our Oxford i hold tho fool indis
putably. luroB? Dainty ns tho
hIiocb: $1.00, $1.10,, Utti.iil.
Wilcox: Depantmeiiti tofe,