I Local News in Brief. l! - 5 vAVvwvwvvvvvvvvvv k Services will be held at the Church of Our Saviour Ascension Day (Thursday) at 10:30 a. m. Mrs. Peter Muir, wife of a well known rcflidcut of Sunshine pre cinct, died at her home last Satur day. The deceased was about forty-five years of age. C. W. Durklund, of Sutherland, was in town yesterday completing the purchase of one thousand head of sheep, which he will pasture this season on his ranch south of Sutherland, Mike McLaughlin has ordered Tub Tribune sent to his address at Cheyenne. This is pretty good evidence that Mike was not killed as reported, or that he is in a Denver hospital. Ray Langford, who recently pur chased and leased a large body of land northeast of town, is gather ing mule a herd of two and three vcar old steers, and will devote his time to the cattle business. Alvin Pool is planning to spend the fall and winter in Chicago tak ing instructions on the violin. He is a good amateur violinist, and being ambitious, he desires to be come more proficient. The water iu the South Platte is again receding and the stream can now be forded with compara tive safety. Several artics Sunday, however, choose the dead safe plan of driving around by the Nichols bridge in order to reach town. County Clerk Iloltry and Deputy Evans arc now at work on the tax list, and will have it in the hands of treasurer before the expiration of the time prescribed by law. Last year, tor the first time in a decade, the list was completed on time. Saturday evening Judge Bald win rendered a judgment of $825. 50 in faror of A. T. Nichols and againBt M. J. Nichols. The amount sued for was $0.00. This is the wind-up of a case that has been in the county court for two or three weeks. Miss Jennie Jackson, a deacon ess in the Omaha hospital upokc to a large audience at the Methodist church Sunday evening. Miss Jackson is a fluent talker and her theme, that of charity and the work of a deaconess, was handled in an interesting manner. A subscription paper soliciting funds to assist the Boers in their struggle against English tyanny will be found at Strietz's drug store by those who desire to help the Boer cause. Quite a a number of our citizens have subscribed sums ranging from fifty cents to one dollar. The local gun club is not in the least discouraged by the two de feats it has met with at the hands of the Grand Island club, and another content between the two clubs is being arranged. The coming contest will be held at the Island, and it is said that a purse of two hundred dollars will be hung up. Mrs. C. L. Patterson received a telegram from her sister, Mrs. Fred ilcss, ot uuttaio, wyo., yes terday staling that STAR CLOTHING HOUSE, W. A. VOLLMER, Proprietor. (if. Children's fsfew Spring aits. All the newest productions in Ves tccs, double-breasted and blouse styles. Exclusive makes and de signs at Si. 35. Si. 50, $2.00, $2.50, $3'$3 5 H $4-5 and $5. Boys' Three piece Suits. Ages to to 16 years. (JNew styles received and prices as low as(J(J(J $3.50 for Coat, Pants -and Vest. See the styles FRING piEADWEAR.... Jfor ilfJiiV, IJOYS, and HATS & CAPS? Latest in Shapes, Styles and C ColorsWc sell the celebrated Longley Hats, the ) 1 1 f T1 AHAAMAAA L q iwuauer 01 inem t V f V i 1 m ONE PRICE AND PLAIN FIGURES. 9 oldest daughter had died of diph thcria. This is the third child Mr. and Mrs. Hess have lost from that dread disease within two weeks. Mrs. Hess who was formerly Miss Belle Sutherland, is well known to a great many of our people, and to her their deepest sympathy wiM go forth. A North Platte man who wati in Callaway last week expressed much surprise at tuc business done at that point, and found upon in quiry that the bulk of the trade comes from northern Lincoln and Logan counties. Prchaps some day North Platte merchants will awaken to the fact that Calloway receives thousands of dollars' worth of trade which should come here, and they will make a move toward securing it. Miss Anna C. Kramnh, who for over two years so creditably filled the position of city editor of Tins Triiiunu, severed her connection with the paper Saturday. After u brief vacation, which she will pnss in Colorado, Miss Kramph will take up shorMiaud with a view of mak ing It a permanent calling. She was a faithful, earnest and valued employe, and her resignation was accepted with much regret by the editor. Julius Sheppard, who succeeds II. B. Ilolllngsworth as sccrctay of theY. M. C. A., arrived Saturday from Argentine, Kansas, accom panied by his wife and daughter. Mr. Sheppard Ib an experienced Y. M. C. A. worker and under his sup ervision the local association will lose none of the effectiveness which has prevailed during the ciicum bency of Mr, Ilolllngsworth. We arc glnd to welcome Mr. Sheppard and family to the city. The people of Brady have sent a petition to U. P. headquarters asking that the village be made' a Hag station for train No. 101, As the tralnB now run, no west bound passenger is scheduled to stop at Brady, and this la very Inconven ient for the people of that section who desire to come to Nortn Platte. The matter should be so arranged that the people could come here on No. 101 and return on No. 4, The Episcopal guild will meet Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. II, M. Grimes. In several sections of the county the presence of so many young grasshoppers is causing farmer much uneasiness, who fear a repe tition of last year's devastation of crops by these apparently insatiate Insects. Madame Kuppert's Face Bleach on sale at McAfee's. Every member of the Commer cial Club is requested to be present at the regular weekly meeting on Thursday evening. There are fcv- cral matter which need immediate attention, and a full attendance is needed. Members will -please re member this meeting. Attorney Ridgclv is in Julcsburg today defending Ed Bobbitt, who was arrested several months aco on the hitter's Ujie charge of obtaining a horse 11 11- lawiuuy. a lie circumuiiicc m the case are. such that Ed will prob ably have no trouble in proving that he is innocent of the charge. The largest and most attractive line of Glasses. GobletB and Tum blers at 25c, 40c, 50c and 75c per set. Harrinoton & town. It is quite probable .tliat our former townsman 11. D. Rhea, who was arrested at Lexington several weeks aeo on the charge ot em besszling several hundred dollars, will be able to settle the matter out of court by making good the amount Rhea did not really embezzle the money. It was stolen from him while he was overloaded with a jag of rye. Rye Is reported to be in. splendid conaiuou. 11 13 wen licadca out and some fields will be out of all danger from loss on account of lack ot ram within three weeks. Redwood Stock Tanks for sale- Beat on earth. Sizes 6 to 16 feet. C. F. InniNcs. In the game of ball Sunday be tween the high school nine and the second shop" nine, the former won by a ncore of twenty to eight. The liiiili school nine will make an effort to secure a game with the high school nine of Kearncv in the future, Dressmaking and tailor made suits a specialty at McAfee's, cor- .. ir t r,f 1,. ucr v 111c ana oixui sirccis. i-rot. uuright, wlio lias been ap pointed census enumerator for this city, will begin his labors on June lsf It is important that every in habitant be reached, and to do this will require considerable inquiry, and everyone should be glad to give r - 1 f 1 . 1 - . . , . . 1 r iur. ivunirui sucn ueip aim miui ination as he may desire. Barnes, the optician who makes reeular visits to North Platte has just left and will return very soon accompanied by Dr. Daniel Roschc, Ref. This will give the people of Lincoln county an unusual oppor tunity to haye their eyes thorougl: ly treated and fitted, for which there will be no extra charges. Mrs. B. C. Clinton, of Lexington, is visiting relatives in town. P. W. Sitton returned Saturday night from a trip to-Kearney and Callaway. Judire Grimes has been in Kear ney for a day or two on legal busi ness. Miss Grace Bratt is expected home the. latter part of this week from Lincoln. Attorney Bccler wa9 in Lexing ton yesterday looking after profes sional business. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Stuart re turned today from their ten days visit in lite cast. Cash Williams, formerly of this county but now located atCrcstou, Iowa, spent Saturday in town. Mrs. Lewis Hansen, ot Grand Island, has been the guest of her mother, Mrs Pulvcr, for several days past. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Clabaugh and their sons arc expected home iu a short time lrom their visit to var ious points in the cast. Mrs, Mary Robinson, nee Loftus arrived from Salt Lake City last Thursday and will spend several weeks here visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Norton re turned Saturday from their trip to Milwaukee. Their visit in the cream city was a pleasant one. Messrs Spauldinir and Rhodes, of Elbum, III , arc the guests of Mrs. and Mrs. II. S. White, of w lib in they arc old-time friends. Mrs. O, R. Buckley, who had been the guest of her sister, Mrs. returned to Cheyenne lust even ing. A. A. Gilmati, who has been at tending the divinity school at Philadelphia, will be home in a short time to spend the summer vacation. G, L. Locker, arrived from Lin coin yesterday and assumed the torcmanship of Tins Tkihune. Mr. Locker is an up-to-date printer and is certain to please our advertising and job patrons. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McNamara returned Sunday- morning from their wedding trip and arc re ceiving the congratulations ot friends. They are '-at home at the Baldwin residence. Wall Paper. We are showing an exceptionally fine line of Wall Paper of the newest designs. If you you contemplate papering your house, call and sec our stock. We can suit you in both style and price. E, B. WARNER. 5 SHOES. Children's Shoes from 50c to $2,00. Boys' Shoes from $1.35 to $2.00. Ladies' Oxfords from $1.00 to $2.25, Ladies fine Shoes from $1,50 to $3.00. Men's line Shoes from $1.50 to $3.00. Not old shoes but bIiocb that arc made on late style la9ts, of good leather and every pair just what they arc represented to be. Wilcox Department Store. The Juniors will banquet the Seniors at the Vienna this evening. A jolly good time is anticipated. Gen'l manager Dickinson and the other officials returned from their tour of inspection of the road bed on the Third and Fourth districts Saturday morning on train No. G. Dr. E. E. Northrup returned Sat urday from Omaha, where he at tended the meeting ol the state dental association for several days. The Doctor reports interesting sessions, and he succeeded in get ting mucu ltuoriuation lrom the practical demonstrations of ad vanced dentistry. County Supt. Thoelecke returned Friday afternoon from a week's visiting among the schools in the southeastern part of the county sue reports the condition ot crops in that part of the country as be ing unusually fine and the farmers all jubilant over their prospects for a uig crop. Miss Mina Mills left yesterday morning for Michigan where she will spend the summer. Messrs. Scott and Partridge, of Grand Island, were in town Satur day attempting to organize a lodge of the A. O. P. James M. Hay. Lawyer, Fred Weigand expects to occu py his new residence on second street in about ten days. He will have a very cozy home. The Seventh grade pupils held a picnic at Dillon's grove Saturday. They had a splendid outing as the day was well fitted for a picnic. Effervescing Bill Ross was down from Myrtle Saturday and declared that he is still a populist that he hadn't been swallowed by the democrats. It will probably be only a short time until Bill will ascertain that there is no populist party in Nebraska. Round and Half Round Stock Tanks, all sizes, lor sale by Jos. Hershey. It has been suggested and the suggestion is worthy of consider ation, that merchants and others who sweep paper and refuse on the streets provide boxes or barrels iu which to store the refuse. This would result in less litter on our business streets and give them an infinitely neater appearance. Then again the flying papers in this streets occasionally frighten horses and runaways occur. SHIT WfllSTS 40 CElTS Special price on one, and three inoh pipe. Jos. Hershey. Queer Notions Some people have about prices thev nav for iroods. We have notions that will save them money. Thread 4c a spool, 4 spools for 15c, 7 spools for 25 50 yds Corticelli Sewing Silk .... 04 100 vds Corticelli Sewing Silk. . 08 10 yds Button Hole Twist 02 Cotton Tape per roll Or No Twist Tape per roll 03 Velveteen Skirt Binding per yd. 03 Waterproof Skirt Binding per yd 08 Size 2 Canfield Dress Shields... 25 Tubular Shoe Laces 3 pairs for. 05 inch Metal Back Comb 08 Envelopes per bunch 031 36" Sheets Writing Paper 05 25 Darning Needles 05 2 Cards Hump Hooks and Eyes. 05 Binding Ribbon per bolt 10 Bleached Muslin yd wide 05 Good Apron Gingham per yd... 05 Indigo Blue Print per yd 05 Vaseline per bottle 05 2qtFountain Syringe guaranteed 75 2qt Hot Water Bottle guaranteed 85 2qt Combination Water liottie r- mm lot. We have placed on sale about Ten Dozen Ladies' Shirt Waists at 40 cents each. These include fresh new stock with some carried from last year. The quality of these goods will agreeably surprise you af ter having examined the cheap made goods shown by some of our competitors. You will have to come early as they will not las1 long. WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE. SHIlfT WfllSTS 40 CElTS .-1. ! i i. . .t. i!, t'Ti ifa I'Ti i!, 11, 111 ltl 111 l"frl l"tl '"fr X ,1 ' 1 , V " l' l' ll '1 'V vpvpvpvpvpvppX two and Syringe guaranteed. .. .$1.25 TH E QU ESTION is often asked, What Paint shall we use? THE ANSWER : If you are looking for covering capacity, wearing qualities, general appearance, and your money s worth, you must buy Wilcox Depai-femeiifc fSfcoi-e, The Sherwin-Williams Paint. CoHrt Uotti lookt Best, Wears longtst, Most Economical, Full Measure. Yellow Front Shoe Store, Geo. M. Graham, Mgr., Throo Doors South of P. O. North "Platte, Nob. I Grocery. I have just received a full line of Staple Groceries GIRLS' SLIPPERS. and am now ready to fill orders promptly at the lowest prices, I handle North Platte Flour. t?"Olve me a call ami e con 1 n m m n m BRUSHES. COLORS IN OIL, HOUSE A. COACH VARNISHES, Our prices are for "best goods" first, last and all the time. We are in the business to stay and S. W. P. stays with us. A. F. STREITZ, DRUGGIST. Girls' pretty Slippers add much to the ap pearance of the new summer frock, and we've a nico lino of theso pretty slippors protty and good. s m vlncotl that my irlcc ami cootls are m m rlKlit. 1 5 U.G.SAWYER. J THE BEST -A.T SOHMALZRIBD'S Five Cent Cigar J CHILDS' FEDORA SLIPPERS.- etylo with oloeeil front, huvo bluuU hid vnmps ami hool foxing, colored vcbUdk top, fimtoiiR with 11 fitrnp that buttoiiR over iiiBtop, bi.oh 8j to 11 nro 91, r to 8 tiro TAN SLIPPERS Medium dark ehadc, neat too , Imitation lip, npon front, mrnp ovor itiBiop on is 11 protty silk bow and cteol bucUlo. Sizes 11 J-s nro, stvlo. I wlileli to 2 nro 31.25, 8ft to 11 BLACK FEDORA SLIPPERS-M) lonthor, lino irrndo, protty bow ami buuklo on (rant, uubbcs' bIzob only, lift to 2 . 85C $1.00 $1.50 We are Kept Busy Repairing shoes for people who appreciate neat, substantial work the only kind we do. If not already a custo mer we solicit your work. GEO. TEKULVE, Yellow Front Shoe Store. t WmMa m THE POPULAR THEME of conversation just now is our fine Uock lieer, pure, foaming, strengthening' and the best bev erage for coolness and a spring tonic. It receives higher praise from more people than any other brewing in the market. Bock time, like the strawberry season, should be practically remember ed by the daily consumption of what belongs to it. NY WALTEMATN,