TUI5SDAY, MAY 22, 1900. UlAIi BARE, Editor and Pnontirrron BUUSOHIPTtON nATKB. Ono Yenr, cash In advance 11.25 Bli Months, cnsh In ftdvanoe. ..75 Cent' KatredntthNorthritt(Nbriuika)poitorflciM eond-cUit matter. Tin: state convention of the mid road populists will be licld at Grand Island July 22d, when a lull state ticlict will be nominated. Conckkssman HoWAKi), of Ala bama, makes the statement that two million populists who voted for Bryan in 18 will this fall cast their votes for Barker and Donnelly. An increase of seven million tons in the production of coal last year, over 1898, is striking proof of that activity at the furnaces and in the mills which is always a part of the republican policy. By a vote of forty-five to twenty five a committee of the Methodist general conference decided that the historic attitude of the church respecting card-p' 'ying. dancing and amusements must be maintained. M.Ai'KiciNC haB been relieved, and there is great rejoicing in England, but it was not a great victory, when it is considered that for seven months the Boers stood off the greatest empire on the face of the earth. Tirti latest man suggested as a running mate for Bryan ibGco. B. McClcllcn, son of "Little Mac," the former union general. It is urged that he will strengthen the ticket in those sections of the country where Bryan is weak. Thkri: has been over seven mil lion dollars' worth more business transacted every day during Mc K in ley's administration than there was under the administration of Cleveland. In it any wonder re publicans arc proud of their party? In 1896 the bank clearings of this country, which is the best guide to the volume ol business, were fifty billion dollars; in 1899 tuey were ninety-three billions. And yet our populist and democratic friends deny the existence of increased prosperity. Dknvkr haB a big republican club composed entirely of men who in 1896 voted for Bryan and who in 1900 will yotc for McKinlcy. There is some talk of adding to the roster of officers an official kicker whose duty will bq to visit each member once a month and give him a swift kick as a reminder and a penance It is announced that Mrs. Dewey 'lias "gigged back," and is now strenuously opposed to her husband becoming an aspirant for the prcsi dcucy. She docs not care to ex change her present comfort and happiness for the strain and annoy ance that miiBt be borne by the president. A populist exchange notes, with apparently a great deal ot joy and satisfaction, that the rebellion in the Philippines is unbroken and that Aguinaldo is "up nnd couie'n To such editors every dispatch telling of an ambuscade and consc nuent death of a half dozen brave American soldiers, causes them more joy than the death of a dozen of the murderous rebels. Tub United States Supreme court yesterday affirmed the de cision of the Kentucky court of ap peals declaring that the action of the general assembly was final and making Beckham the lawful govcr of Kentucky. Tub explanation is offered that the reason why Governor Poyntcr and his fusion associates on the State Board of Equalization have fixed the railroad assessment for 1900 at the same figures as 1898 and 1899 is that they decline to recognize the existence of prosper ity lor the railroads or any other line of business. The only wonder is that these great reformers did not reduce the assessment to prove that railroad property in Nebraska is shrinking in value under the blight of the single gold standard. Omaha Bee. Editor Kosbwatbr is again in trouble. He has been cited to an- jcar before the supreme court on tine 5th on the charge of contempt u connection with the articles in the Bee bearing on the Omaha fire and police commission case. But this is not all. In this contempt case Koscwatcr sees a vile conspiracy on the part of his political enemies to keep him tied down in Nebraska and thus prevent him from attcud- ng the national convention at Philadelphia and securing the election of national committeeman for Nebraska. All of which is sad; vcrv sad. It is not a little remarkable that while the Filipinos arc trying their best to shoot Americans and mur der their own countrymen who arc supposed to be friendly to the Americans, an American officer, Captain McGowau, is to be the subject of an inquiry for shooting a Filipino, Captain McGowan had orded native boats to keep away from his vcsbcI, the Mouadnock, and on the order being disobeyed fired his pistol in the direction of the approaching craft. As it hap pened a Filipino was hit and mor tally wounded, dying in the Ainer- cau hospital. The chances arc strongly in favor of the theory that the killing was unintentionally the shot being fired only as a warning. Yet Captain McGowan it would ap pear, is to be tried for shooting the Filipino; for not reporting the case to his superiors and frK not calling upon a marine or sailor to fire instead of doing the firing him self. Considering all we hear about the blood-thirsty and imper ialistic nature of American military govcrmcnt it would seem that con siderable regard is paid to the rights and feelings of the Phili piuo. Kansas City Star. You'ro Anothor. A recent issue of the Gothenburg Independent says "the Baloous of North Platte run wide open on Sunday, and the old soldiers arc to be insulted by the playing of a big game of ball on Memorial Day." The Gothenburg editor lias been mnoscd tinon bv some chcertul liar Saloons in this city arc not kept open on bunday, nor is liquor sold upon tliat day. As to the game o ball to oc piaycu ncrc on iwetnoria Day, we have heard notliinjr. If tlicrc la a came sclicdiilea we would certainly know it. The In dependent editor owes North Platte an apology tor making mis-state incntB. John Ellison is moving to-day into tlic liottse which lie recently purclinscu on cast bixth street. A tramp was fatally injured bv falling off train No. 22 at Gibbon Friday evening. several cart passed over him, severing one arm and one leg and otherwise seriously injuring him, Tlicrc is now a war of prices in North Platte, and we CHALLENGE ONE AND ALL to ! .1 . if . t fi 1 lit., -t!-. H.- 1 1.1 a A A CHALLENGE SALE. iff iff Iff flft compete with the prices we offer, quality of goods considered. We desire the purchasing public to ZL remember that we arc not scllinc TRASHY ODDS AND ENDS. BUT FIRST CLASS. UP-TO Iff Iff Iff DATE DEPENDABLE GOODS. Here arc a few of our prices: tty Goods IDejpt. Ulnck Cropons, regular prico $1.60 to '-'.00, nt 1.00 por ynrd. Imported Sorc8, nil colorB, regular price from 81.25 to 1.50, nt 78 conts nor ynrd. Ilcnriottns, all wool, silk llnUh, regular prico from 81.00 to 1.25 nt 72 cents por ynrd. Homo SpuriB, 10 inches wide, regular prico 81.25 to 1,50. nt 87 contB por ynrd. 10 inch Hrocnuod Black Worsted, regular prico 50 coots, nt ,12 conta por yard. Ilonntttnn, ,10 inches wido, nllshndos, rcgulnr prico 35 cents, nt23 conta nor ynrd. 27incn Dutchess black satin, rcgulnr prico 81.50 to 1.75, nt 1.15 por yard. Silk TnlTotns, nil shndoB, regular prico 75 conta to 1.00 nt 40 conta por ynrd. All our 8t.50 Novelty Silk nt 1.00 por ynrd. Blnck Silk Grenndino, rcgulnr prico 81.50, nt 00 conta por ynrd. Iniporlod Dimitios, whito nnd colors, rcgulnr prico up to 50 conta por ynrd, 29 couts por ynrd. 25 cent Diinitloa nt 10 conts por ynrd. 10 cent Wnsh Chnllioa nt 5 conta por ynrd. Linens forSklrtp, 25 nnd 35 contqunllty nt 10 cents por ynrd. All our Gc, 7c nnd 83 Trint nt 5 cnla por ynrd. Hod SproadB, 82.00 nt 1.35. 83.00 qunllty nt2.00. $5.00 qunlity nt 3.25 Iff Iff Iff Iff Iff Iff Iff Iff Iff Iff Iff Iff Iff Iff Iff I? Iff I? Iff Iff Iff Tabic Ifii7Ci7S atjcl Crashes. 17 Iff Iff Iff Iff 72 inch Imported Irish Linon, regular prico $2.00, nt 1.33. 81.50 Llnon nt 03 conts por ynrd. 81.00 Linon nt 05 conts por ynrd. 50 cout Linon at 33 conts por yard. 20-inch toweling, puro Llnon, worth up to 15 conts, nt 10 conta por ynrd. I? Iff Iff Iff ft Iff Iff Iff ff Iff Iff ft? Iff Iff Iff Iff ? I? Iff Iff Corsets. Hall's Corsots, regular prico 81 00, at 85 conta. Doctor Wnrnor'a Corsots, regular prico 81.00, nt 75 conta. Thompson's Glovo Fitting Sumtnor Corsot, rcgulnr prico 75 oonta, nt 18 conta. ThoF. O. Coreot, rogulnr prico 1.23 nnd 1.50, nt 1.00. 50 cont Corsots nt 33 conta. Hosiery. 00 dozon Lndios' Ilibbod Hobo, eonmltse, rcgulnr prico 20 conta, at 10 conts. Childron8' Hobo, Ilibbod, Gonmloss, fast color, nil sizes, worth 15 nnd 20 conta. nt 10 oont. Iff Iff Iff Sk)itt Waists and Wtappets Ono lot of Shirt Waists to closo out nt 15 conta. 05-cont nnd 75-cent Wrnnnors nt 15 conts. 83 Wrappers nt 81.00 82 Wrnppora nt 81 15. 81.50 Wrnppors nt 81. Snmo cut pricca nro olTorod on all our ovor nnd under shirts. njltsiii? UfjdeiruJeai' In nil grndeu nnd styles. 82 Gowns nt 1.10. 81 50 Gowna nt, 1.00 82 Skirta nt 1.10. 81.50 Skirts nt 1.00. Corset Wnista from 25 conta up. Drnwora from 25 conta up. Cai-jpets afjet flattings All wool Ingrain CarpotB, rcgulnr prico from C5 cents to 75 conts, 52 conta por ynrd. liiiitjei-y IDept Wo cut thorn in hnlf. 815 00 lints nt 7.50. 80.00 Hats nt 3.00. 12.C0 Hnta nt 0.00. 3.00 lints nt 1.60. 10.00 Unts at 5.00. 2.00 HntB nt 1.00, 8.00 Hnta nt 4.00. 1,50 Hnta nt 75 conta. Children's Bonnets from 23 cents up. Skoe IDejpt Lndios' 82.50 Oxford nt 1.75. Lndios' 82 Oxfords nt 1.50. Lndiea' 81.50 Oxfords nt 1 00. Whito Slippers, worth 81 50, nt 03 conta. 82 Sandnla nt 1.31. Misses' nnd Childron'a Oxfords, Tun nnd Black: 5 to 8'a at 78o; 814 to ll'a at 85o; to 2'a nt 09o. Thcso nro ot tho latest in Stylo and bost in quality. Lndios ilno Slioco, laco or button, 2.00 quality 1.15. 81.50 quality nt 1.00. 83.00 qunllty nt 2.23. Moil's Oil Grntn, bucklo or congress, genuine stock rcgulnr prico 1.50, nt 1.15. Boy's Oil Grnin, bucklo or congress, gonuino stook, rcgulnr prico 1.50, nt 1.00. Mon's lino Drosa Shoes, worth 2.00, nt 1.25. Ciotijii? IDejpt Men's 815 Dross Suits nt 0.75; men'a 812 Drees Suitaat8.00; mon's 810 Dress Suits nt 000; mon's 88 Dross Suits nt 5.00; All Wool BlncUIUlay Worsted worth up to 815, duriug this aalo nt7.05; boys' Suite iu throo piocos from 2.25 up; boys' suits in two piecca from 83 cents up; mon'a Overalls, tho host mndo, nt 18 cents; 82.50 quality Corduroy Tanta ntl.50; mon'a .Tonna Pnnte, worth 81.25, nt 75 conta. Mon'a lints nnd Furnishing Goods of nil description cut down proportionntely. Iff Iff Iff Iff Iff Iff Iff I? Iff Iff Iff Iff Iff Iff Iff Iff Iff Iff Iff Iff Iff t.KOAf. NOTlrE. The dcfcndnnln l'ntilck K. Hulllvnn. J3a11l- nn hl wife. first nmo unknown. II. A Simpson, trustee, first nnmo unknown, Houlli Western In. vestment Company, n corKrnllnn, I). N. nnldbng, first nnmo unknown, (loldbng his wlfn, first nnme unknown, will tnko notion Hint on Ilia 3ril Iny of April, 1SKJ0, Hie plaintiff, The County of Lincoln, a corporation, nlixl It petition In tho district conrt ot Lincoln county. Nebraska, the object nnd nravor of which Is to fnrecloso rorlaln tnx Hons, duly nsscssed by said plaintiff nnnlnst the nnrthenst nnarter of section 2fi. township 0. range 41, west of the Sixth principal meridian, Nebraska, for the year 1KU2, in tho sum of (12 .lit for tho year 1MW, fn Iho mm of U.O.Ij for the yrnr 1KUI, In the Mini of H.'l.OTi for Ihn yenr 18IO. In thn sum of; for Ihn yoar 18!). In Iho mm nf 2H.C0; for thn ynnr 1817, In Iho mm of 8.78i for Iho yenr 1MB, In Iho mm of I.HH;nninunllnln tho total In the mm of $l:!2.!ili with Inlcrrot nt tin) rnto of ten tier rent ier nnnum from Ihn Drat ilnr of April. UUn, nil of which la duo nnd untinld. I'lnlntlff tirnrn n decrnn of fnri.rlfwnrn of unlil tax Hen nnd n nle of nnld premiers. You nnd ench of you defendants nro required to answer nnlil petition on or before Monday tho 2.1th day of June. 11)00. TIIK C01JNTV Or LINCOLN, A OOIirOllA. mill lly II, H. llmoKLT, Its attorney. LIXIAL NOTICE. Tho defendants Henry V.. Hcott. his wife, first name unknown, will tnko nollco that on tho Snl dnyof April 1D00, llio plnlntlft, Tho County of lncoin, u corpornuon, men us pennon in uie Istrlct court of Lincoln county. Nebraska, tho object nnd nrnror of which Is to torecloso certain Inx liens, duly nsseesed by raid plaintiff nunlnst tho sonlhwost qnartor of section 'Jl. town 13, rano 3:1, west of tho Sixth principal morldlnn. Nebrnskn, for Iho year 1MI5, in the sum of $10 75; for llio year 1KHI, In tho sum of 11.22s for thu year I81'7, In the mm nt llS.iM: for tho yenr IM'8. In tho'sum f 7.4 tt amnunllUK to Iho total sum of (.11.(171 tin interest nt the rata of ten ter cent ner nnnum from tho first day of April, 1W0, all of which Is ilno and unpaid. I'laimiii proyn lor a decree or foreclosure ot said tax Hod nnd n salo of said premises- You and each of you defondnnts. nro rrnulred In answer said petition on or before Mondiiy tho '2.1th day nt June, 11(00. TUB COUNTY OF LINCOLN, A COIU'OllA' TION. lull I lly It. H. Iltnor.LT, lis Attorney. Space will not permit to mention our entire line and give prices on everything but the public is well acquainted with our stock and know that we do not advertise unless we can back it up by stock ub well as prices. All the above prices are strictly for cash. ICvcry lady or gentleman presenting this price list at the store aud purchasing goods will be presented with a piece of hand-painted china, the value of the china to be governed by the amount of the purchase. - First Door South of Postoftice, North Platte, Neb.' J. PIZER Prop. Iff Iff iff Iff Iff Iff I? Iff iff Sff iff iff i? iff i? iff iff iff iff iff iff iff iff iff .v.a. NOTIOK. Tho defendants. Norniftn .larknon. . Jackson his wife. Mrat name unknown. 11. A. Simpson, trustee, llrst name unknown. South Western Investment Company. Warren A. Ilowlaml. anil Howlanil, hi wife, llrst name unknown, will take notice thu on the .1rd day of April, 1WW, the plaintiff. The County of Lincoln, a corporation, nicil Itn petition in the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which is io lorecioMe ceriain lax: nens, tiu.y as.KCH8cd against the southeast quarter of nection H, township io, ranee 3.1, west of the Sixth principal meridian. Nebraska, for Die fear lrOT la the sum o ?7.74: In the vcar Mil. lnthesinn of J0..KI: for the venr lnii.1. In the sum of j." Kl; for the year 1KXJ, In the sum of for the year IM);'. In the sum of jd.ll, tor tnc year itm, in the sum of fa.wi, amount Inc In the total sum of t.M.10, with Interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the 1st day of April, iPOO.all of which Is due and unpaid. Plaintiff nrays for a decree of foreclosure f said tax liens and a sale of said premises. ou and each of you defendants, are re ulred to answer said Petition on or before Monday, the 25th day of June. 1WX), nr; iuuw i v ut'' i.iiNuui.r,, a uuiu'uka TION, mill IJy II. S. niixiui.v, Its Attorney. For n Summer Outing. The Rocky Mountain regions, reached via the Union Pacu'ic, pro vide lavishly for the health oftnc invalid and the pleasure of the tourists. Amid these rugged steeps, arc to be found some of the most charming and rcBtful spots on earth. Fairy lakes nestled amid siiunv peaks, mid climate that cheers and exhilarates. The Sum Miiw Hxcuhsion Ratks put in effect by the Union Pacu'ic enables you to reach these favored localities without unnecessary expenditure of time or money. In clfect June 21, July 7 to 10 inc., July 18 and August 2. One fare for the round trip from Missouri Kivcr to Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Ogden and Salt Lake City. Return limit October 31st, 1900. For Time Tables and lull in formation call on Jas. B.Scanlan, Agent. A Well Pressed is he who make his who get clothes. us to We are now receiving our line of new and fashionable Spring Suitings. F. J. Broeker, Merchant Tailor. OltDKIl OF 1IKAKINO. Tho Slntu of Nebraska, 1 Lincoln County. J Iu thu County Court. In the Matter ot the Deceased. Kstata of John II. Clnrk, On readlntr and Illlnir tho petition of Amelia I'. Olnrk, Admlnlstratrli, praylnK a final settlement nnd allowance of her linnl account und for bor illschiirgH. Ordered, That Juno !d, HKX), at I) o'clock a, m ii nsslKnetl for henrlnit snld petition when all ior sous interested In said mattor may apponr at county court to bo held in and fur snld county, nnd show causa why the prnyor ot petitioner should not be iiranted. Dated May Mb, 1U00. inHI A H, UALDWIN, County JuiIko, La Take Notice. or users ROAD NOTICE. IIOAD no 218. Oillco of County Work, North Plntto, Nob., Mny 18, 1900, To nil whom it, mnv enneorn: 'l'ho connniBsionor unpointed to locnto n road comoncinR nt northwest cornor ot Eoction 11, town 13 north, rnngo :)2 wost in Lincoln county, south ot soction lino botwoon sections 10 und 11, 11 nnd 15. 22 nnd W. 20 nnd 27. !U nnd a5, nil in town Ul, rnngo 82, tcrminntinp nt road No. 10. nl in Lincoln county, rsobrnsKit hns ronortotl u favor of tho estnblieh ment thoreof, nnd nil objections thoroto or clnimB for dnmnges must bo (ilotl in tho county olork's ollico on or before noon of tho 20th dny of July, 1000, such road will bo estnblishod without roforonco thoroto. W.M. HOLTItV, nilfil County Clork. Skin Diseases When the excretory organs fail to carry off the waste material from the system, tlicrc is nn nbnor mal accumulation of effete matter which poisons and clogs the blood, and it becomes sour and aoid. This poison Is carried through the euneral circulation to all parts of the body, and uixmi reaching the skin surface there is n redness mill eruption, ami by certain peculiarities we recognize Kczeinu, Tetter, Acne, Salt Uheum, Psoriasis, Krysipclas and many other skin troubles, more or less severe. While the skin is the seat of irritation, the real disease is in the blood. Medicated lotions and powders may allay the itching ami burning, but never cure, no matter how long nnd faithfully continued, aim uie conuition is oiten aggravated and skin permanently injured Uy liieir use. Tic llscase Is more ihan shin deep; the entire circulation is poisoned. The many ptep3rntlon9 of arsenic, mercury, potash, etc., not only do not cure skin diseases, but soon ruin the digestion and break down the constitution. S. S. S., nature's own remedy, made of toots, hetbs and barks, of gicat purifying and tonical properties, quickly and effectually cures blood and skin troubles, because it goes direct to the root of the disease anil stimulates and restores normal, healthy action to the different organs, cleanses and enriches thu blood, and thus relieves the system of nil poisonous secretions, y. S, b. cures permanently because it leaves none of the original poison to rcferinent in the blood and cause n fresh attack. Ilealtny blood is necessary to preserve tliat clear, stuooiu skin ami bcautiiui com plexion so much desired by nil. S. S. S. can he relied upon with certainty; to keep the blood lu perfect order. It has been curing blood and skiu diseases for half a cen tury ; no other medicine can show such n record. S. S. S. contains no poisonous minerals is purely" vegetable nnd harmless, Our medical department Is iu charge of physicians of large experience iu treating blood and skill diseases, who will take pleasure iu aiding by their advice nnd direction nil who desire it. Write fully and freely aliout your case ; your letters arc held in strictest confidence. We make no chanie whatever for this service. Our book ou Ulood and Skis Diseases will be sent fiec upon application. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, CA, sss I havo 400,000 Acres of Pas ture Lands for Salo or Lease, nt prices Hinging from OOtionts to $2 por ucro. Hunches, farm, liny, nnd irrigated lands, nnd othor olnsfioB ot lonl Kstnto. Land wild on tho 10 year U. P. It. It, tiino plan, ono.tonlh down, bnlniuio in yearly paymonts. Call on IE. , A i. tgont U. P. It. It. Land Ottonstein lluilding, NOUTII PLATTM, NH11. New Dry Goods Store. I nohtii sun;, I am now toady to show my friends n iiqw slock of Drt (Joodp' und Jlofciong, Couio and oxnniino nnd got my prices. my goods All my Prints are Fait Colors, A Fino Lino of Hosiery. Boys' Bioyclo Hoao-novor wear out. Complete Llno-of OvoralU, Jackets nuct Gloves. Geo. T. Buzzu. 1U)AD NOT JOB. ltOAI) NO. 217. Ollico ot County Clork, North Plntto, Nob.. Mny 18, 1900, To nil whom it tuny concern: Tho commissioner appointed to locnto n puulio road comnionoing nt too soutli bnnk of tho South Plntto rivor, in Lin coln county nud running thonco north on soction liuo botweon sections J13 and ,'H. 27 nnd 28 to tho nublio road on Union Pno o r s n ot wnv. nil in town ship 11 north, rnngo 31 wost, in said Lin coln county, Nebrnskn, hnving roportod iu fuvorof tho establishment thoreof, nil objections thoroto or claims for dnmngos must bo lllod in tlio ollico ot llio county clork on or boforo noon of tho 20th dny of July, 1900, or such road will bo ostnb lisliod without roioronco thoroto. W. M. IIOLTKY, mJSl County Clork. NOTIOK TP UllIDOK ItpiLUKIIH. -mII lie received nt llio cnunljr cler'ii nlllcu Up ii) noon or June ixn. iuiai, inr uia conmruciion of n wnunn or iliro rtcros llio Houtli chnnnul of 111 Houlli l'lnttu river oimiobIIu llio citr ot North I'lntte, Lincoln cnunlr, NtbrBukn. Said lirllK to to ill feet w)iio una nnout zuu rect lone, rn bililxo to bo built upon piling not lens thnti li feet loni; nnd driven la trio crnund clx feet. Tli atrliiKom to be nine In umulior. HtrlnKem and llonrlnu to bo of.OreKiin fir llireo ncie thick nnd Hitieen leei lonu. Tin riuiiilr to furnUli nil material. The mic (!biiiI bdder loeiiter.lntncontrnct will) npprovei bond. Ulddrr will furnUli oliius with bid. Till rouiiulMoupr rt'fervi) tln rllit to rejoct uny or nil bliK. w bi. iiui,i iiv, inHI Ponuly Cleik hUiXh KOTICK. Hie dvfelidnuU Win. Ii. Jcilloj-, M wife, llrst mime unknown. It. H. lioal, nrl nnme uukiiou - llonl hU wife, flwt liiium unknown. John ! Yimou, Laura Youru hU wITu, will tnku nnltco llini nn the Urd day of April. l'JOO. tint plaintiff. 'I hi I'uumy of Lincoln, n corporation, tiled IIh pcllllon in int, tiimrici conn oi i.iucoiu cotinijr, uunicK the i liknl nnd nrnrer of wlilcli l to forecloA ce tuln Ins IIhuii, duly uwewed by mild plnlnliff iiKUliiht llio nnrttiHiiit iunrter of the northern! tiiinrtor ot eitlon U, tonhlp t'. rnnKi:U, went tin, Hmn priori lull iiieriiilnu, M'lirinni, rur jenr lw'.i. (n Die inuil of tl.K.I; for Iho yenr 1MIJ tli Mini of U.W. for I he yeur 1S1M, In thu Mini Jl'.lli: fur the yenr Ih'.tt, In the mini of 2 ,'J; for Hi year low, In Uie im of J'.-Sli for the yenr lb'.ij, 1 the miiu ol ii.v-f, for thu yeur 1MW, In ihuMiui .'mi: ninomitlnu In I lie total mini of H1MI: nl Interett at the rate of ten ner rent nernnnmu fri llio II mt day ot April, 1UU, nil nf which U due nnd unpniii. l'lalntlfl prnyn for u derree of fomclonuro siiUI tax lieu and n rale of nntd preiulnen. You and ench or you nefeutlnnt. are required to ann vuiu pennon ou or tiemre siouiuy. tno iltli dny June, IWW. TIM; COUNTY OF LINCOLN, A COm'Olt.V. TION. I.KOAI, NoTIOK. Tho dofonilnutfi. .1. 1). Weetnn. first nnmo un known, nnd Weston liU wlfo, llrot name un- Known, win inne nntico tnnt on the am iinynt April, WW, Ihe plnlntllf , The County of Lincoln, n corporation, riled it iietllluu In tho dlntrlct court of Lincoln county. Nebrnskn, thn object nnd prayer of which Is to foreclose certain tax Ileus, duly assessed by Pnld plnlnliff nnlnt tho north- onsi (junner oi eccnon in. townsnip 11, ranRo :n, west ot tho Sixth principal meredinn, Nebrnskn, for Iboycar 1MI5, In the sum of $10.01; for the renr inn, in uie m oi itu.M; rnr mo year im7, u tho sura of t7,7:l: for tho year I MM. In tho sum of 41.88; atnountlutt In the total sum of if 18.711; with iniorcsi iu ine rnto or ten por com tier nnnum from tho first dny ot April, HKX), nil of which is due nnd unprld. I'lnlntlff prays for n decree of foreclosure of snld tax lien nud a snlo of said promises. You nml ench of you defendants, are required to nnswer snld petition ou or bofore Mondny Ihe 23l!i dny of June, ivuu. Tiik County or Lincoln, a CouronATioN. mill lly II. s. Itldftety, Un Attorney. LAND OFFICE NOTICES. NOTIOK FOIt I'UIIIiIOATIO.V. United States Land Office, t North rlntte, Neb.. April fith, WOO. f Notice Is hereby Riven thnt the folIowinK-namod settler has filed notice of bis Intention to make Hunt proof In support of bis claim, nud (lint snld proof will be made before lleKister nnd Itecelver at North Plntto, Neb., on Mny Illlh, WOO, viz: Aijr...nm.ii inn r..-, who made Ilnmostend I'.ntry No. IfCKl for tho northeast qunrter ot Section 28, Town 10 north, ltHUKB 31 west. He namos Iho following witnesses to prove Ills continuous residence upon nnd cultivation nf snld land, viz; Martin II. McDeriuott, Wnlter K. Onr trell, (IcorRO Koonlp, of Somorset, Neb, nnd Jacob J5. uussins, of norm l'lnttu, sou . niHi ui.u. 1.. riu;r,un, ncKisier. or CONTEST NOTICE. U, S. Lnnd Office, North l'lntto, Neb., April 1(1, WOO. A sumclent contest affidavit havlnir bcon Died In this ollico by Lincoln Carpenter, ot Jluchapah, Neb., contestant, against Timber Culture Entry No. 12.771. mndo March 2, 1FM). for Ihe past jialf of tho Northoast qunrter nnd tho southwest qniir ter of tho Northeast quarter of Section 21, Townr ship 10 north,, llango 2ft wost, by Seymour p, Sny der, cnnlesleo, lu which It Is alleged that Heynjmjr i, nnyuer uurinv pis iiiu iipip iruiu jput if) ie time otbs denth in lHM, fulled to plant to tfcpa. seeds or cultlnrrs or cultlyotp nuf part of rnd tract, but wholly abandoned Ihe same, nnd that since Ills denth tils heirs Imvo fnlled to plant to trees, seods or cuttings or culltvnte nny portion of snld tract, that tltti laud thut had beon broken hns wholly grown up to weeds and grass nud snld defects exist to this dato; salt! pnrtle nro hereby notified to appoar. respond and offer ovldenco touching said nllegnilon at ten o'clock n, m., on June ltilb, WW. before the' Itexlster and Itecelver at tho United btatca land oftlco In North I'lntte, Nob. The said contestant having, In n proper nftldavll nied April 2&I, WC0, net forth fncis which show thnt ntter dne diligence, personal service ot this nntico cannot bo made, It Is hereby nnlorod and directed that such nollco be given by duo and proper publication, mO-0 OKO.K EltKNCII, lleglsler. NOTICE FOR I'lJilUHATIOX. Ijiua OOice nt North l'lntto. Neb,, ) April 20th, 1WJ0. Notice Is hereby given that tho fiillowtng-nnuieil settler hns HI oil notice of her Intention to innke final proof In support of her clnliu, and that snlil proof will be made boforo lteglstor nnd Itecelver at North l'lntto, Neb., on .Juno 11th. WOO, vln ANNA U. STl'.l'lIliNH Who made Jlnmcstend Ktltry No. 17, wr, fur Iit I, Section Town 12, Hnngo23, nnd tho North west qunrter of tho Houthwest quarter nnd Iils ft, II, nnd 7. Section UII. Town IU norlli, llnngo 2H west, Who names the following witnesses to prove her continuous resldencp upon nnd cultivation nf said nnd vlzt John Hnydcr, John Kellbor, George, niiyuerifiiu ifiiuaiu iiuuimor, miiu .tnxweii, noo. n21-p aKouaur.. rniLSdii. lleglpter. NOTICK KOU I'lllll-K ATIO.N. j.uuii uwee ni nonu riaiie, nep,, i X,.. .. ,111 1. 11ul 1 I May Will, 11 (XI. noiicu is nereuT uiven linn inu rniiiiwiii settler lias tiled notice ot his liiteutlon fii iimlo nnal proof In support of hs clam, npd thnt Mild proof will be niiulobeforo lloglster i.nd ltecelvor at North I'lntte, Neb., on July 12lh, ll)Q, vl: ll5ltIKI(T A. IIOIIU, will) iiinde lloinentead I'.ntry No. I TOW, for Ihp north half of norlbpnut qiiartorinud qorlli half nl uorthwest quarter of Hectiuq 3. 'J'onn V north, llango K went. ' lie nniues the following witnesses to prr7u lit continuous resldeuco upon ami ciiltlvnllou if g.ild land viz; J. H. Uobbliis, O. N. llentb, Krank 1' Umbrey J;C. iuvlnger, all of Wallme, Nebrnkll. u21tl UKOllUE E. FUKNCU. Iteglsler. NOTIOK FOIl I'UIILIOATION. iJiud Ollico nt Norlh I'lntte, Neb.. ) Mny tlllli, mm. f Notion Is hereby glwu thnt the following uniiie'l settler has llled iinllce of hi Intention In make Dual proof In support of tils claim nnd that snld proof will bo made before the IlegUter and Ite celver at North l'latle, Neb,, ou July 12lli, t ' , JAMES H. ltOnillNS, who made Uoiueslead Entry No. JWKjl for the southwest quarter nf tectlon 2t, town 11 norlh. range Ktwest. ' Hennmes the following wllnesses Io prove IiIh continuous residence upon nnd cultivation of snld land, viz: Herbert A. liobb, Clyde N. Heath, Krank P. Neb1'' U ' l'av,UK('r' n" 01 Wnllate, mfl OEO. E VrtENCU, KtgiHut. mill Ur II. S, KipatLY, Its Attorney.