The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 18, 1900, Image 3

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Pilipino3 at Manila Aro Said to Havo
Prepared for tho fJame.
Object of the Attempt May He to Show
the New Civil Commission That the
Insurrection Continue An Insurgent
1'aper Says Congress linn Done Nothing.
MANILA, May 14. The latest rumor
of nu outbreak in Mnnlla among tho
natives, which was in circulation last
week, was seriously discussed by somo
of the local paporu and attracted more
general attention than has usually
been tho case with this sort of thing.
As a matter of fact many Filipinos did
leavo their American employers with
tho apparent intention of joining somo
ouch move. Their action, taken in
connection with tho arrest of several
natives for carrying concealed weapons
and tho dispersion of several suspicious
gatherings, gavo color to tho reports.
Officials have been nctlvo in the mat
ter, but aro not inclined to think an
uprising will bo attempted. They bc
liovo tho Filipinos lack tho necessary
courage, especially in view of tho fact
that tho natives feared to attempt tho
demonstration at the tlmo or General
Lawton's funeral, alhough tncy had
in ado careful preparations and many
insurgents had como to Manila for
this purpose.
A paper found among tho effects of
Gonoral Pantealeon Garcia assorts that
tho United Statca congress has dono
nothing for the Filipinos and there
fore all Filipinos who nro working for
Americans mus"elcave their employers
nt onco or suffer tho penalty. One re
port is that tho Filipino Junta Is on
deavoring to Incite an outbreak in or
der to show tho civil commission that
tho Insurrection is still alive.
.It does not seem possible that tho
peace proposals Sonor Duoncamlno has
drawn for submission to Agulnaldo
and tho other insurgent leaders will
have much wolght with tho Filipinos.
Buencamlno's reputation, 'gained in
former wars, is that of a man who
hurries to get ou tho winning side. Ho
was In disfavor with tho Filipinos
oven before tho collapse of their gov
ernment, owing to a widespread sus
picion of disloyalty to his colleagues.
Last week General MacArthur ro
colved a largo number of officials, con
suls and representatives of commercial
bodies. To Lieutenant Colonel Crow
der, his military secretary, ho will as
sign many duties heretofore devolving
on tho adjutant general. This action
is taken In view of tho Increasing Im
portance of the governor-general's po
sition. General MacArthur will givo
to his staff authority In matters of do
tall and will dovoto himself largely to
questions of policy.
The towns of Holongus and Mnalln
on tho island of Leytc havo been occu
pied by troops of tho Forty-third vol
unteer infantry. The Insurgents op
posed tho landing of tho Americans
nnd sustained heavy losses. Tho Amer
icans suffered three casualties.
tluuiu ltendy to Adjourn June 1, Seunte
May Continue Longer
WASHINGTON, May 14. Tho house
this week will send to tho sonato tho
last of tho general supply bills tho
general deficiency and tho military
academy appropriation bills and will
bo ready for adjournment as soon as
tho senate passes them and adjusts tho
differences- botwooi tluj two branches
upon those already passed or pending
in conference Those conference reporta
on appropriation bllln aro to bo given
tho right of way from now until tho
end of tho session. Tho house leaders
say tlioy will bo ready for tho sino dlo
adjournment June 1, but allowing for
delayo and accidents incidont to tho
closing up of tho session, they nro
not inclined to think both houses will
bo ready to quit before Juno 10. Later
on If complications arlso In tho senate
tho houso may emphaslzo its readiness
to adjourn by ndjournlng over from
day to day, while tho senato Is in the
final throes of dissolution.
Tho general deficiency bill will bo
taken up today and it will bo followed
by tho military academy bill. It is
understood tho senato array reorgan
ization bill may ho taken up on Wed
nesday. Tho remainder of tho week
until Saturday will be dovoted to mis
cellaneous matters. Saturday under a
special order adopted some time ago is
to bo given up to tho ceremonies at
tending tho acceptance of tho statuo
of General Grant presented by tho
Grand Army of tho Republic.
Turkish Writer lrows Hold In Facing
Undo Huimiol.
LONDON, May 14. Tho Times pub
lishes this morning a letter from its
Odessa correspondent, dated May G,
In which he comments upon tho bus!
plclon and jealousy with which official
circles In Russia are watching tho pro
gress of tho Turko-Amorlcnn dispute.
Ho quotes at sreat length from an Im
portant article sanctioned by tho Turk
ish censor, that has appcarod in tho
Odessky Llstok, which declares that
"tho imperial policy of tho United
8tates is prompted by the necessity ot
finding now outlets for trade,"
Tulinngo Spruks lit Kdinlitirgh,
EDINBURGH, May 14. Eynod hall,
which has a capacity of 0,000, was
crowded today by an assembly to hear
Rov. Dr. DeWltt Talmago. Dr. Tal
raagi delivered a second lecturo later
to a largo assembly blockading tho
approaches to tho hall.
Iluhnnlo I'.nguo In Australia.
SFDNEY, N. S. W.. May 14. Tho
number ot cases of tho bubonic plaguo
officially reported to this date is 210.
Of thoso soventy-three have proved
All Sorts and Condition! of Men Com
inondecrcd nt Pretoria.
LONDON, May 14. Tho Lourcnzo
Marquez correspondent ot the Times,
telegraphing Sunday, says:
"It is rumored that tho Transvaal
raad, in secret session, has rcsolvod
to order all residents, irrospcctlvo ot
nationality, to assist In the defenso ot
tho republic In accordance with tho
terms of tho revised military law.
"Tho Boers now recognlzo that they
aro in tho Inst extremity and all sorts
and conditions ot man havo beon com
mandeered. The merchants havo pro
tcsted against tho stoppage of a con
signment ot clothing and corned beef,
although tho lattor was purchased in
America. United States Consul Stan
ley Holllfl, who sympathies nro notor
ious, is said to havo remonstrated
against what ho called Interference
with American trade.' "
"Tho war la practically over," says
tho Dally Chronicle's Kroonstad cor
respondent, and In less dcflnlto tonus
this is tho view to bo gathered from
alt the correspondents.
They picture tho Boers as utterly
demoralized and disheartened by Lord
Roberts unexpectedly rapid ndvanco
nnd by his fncllo turning of tho care
fully prepared positions of the Boors.
There was practically no lighting
and thcro aro no further details to
givo respecting tho occupation of
Kroonstad. Tho correspondent of tho
Daily Telegraph sayB tho union Jack
was hoisted In tho markot place by
Mrs. Lockhead, tho American wlfo of
a Scotchman.
Most of tho horses of tho Boors nrc
In a wretched condition, but President
Kruger declares ho will contlnuo tho
It appears that the Boers at Kroon
stad had been reinforced by 11,000 men
from natal last Friday, and that alto
gether 3,000 with a number of guns
trekked from Kroonsstnd on tho ap
proach of Lord Roberts. Tho Boers
made an Ineffectual stand at Blsch
rnnd nnd had elaborate entrenchments
In front of Kroonstad, which offered
great facilities for a rear guard action.
Their only anxiety, however, appears
to havo been to got away safely with
all their guns and convoys, which
ngaln thoy havo successfully accom
plished. Tho fow Btores thoy wero
unablo to carry away they burned.
Alleged Rmbczzlor Ncoley Maintains Air
of Innocence,
MUNCIE, Ind May 14. C. F. W.
Nccley was called upon today at tho
homo ot his sister and tho reported
confession of Mr. Rich was read to
him. Mr. Neeloy refused absolutely
to make a statement further than to
say that there must bo a mistake. Rlcn
was ono of Munclo's loading young
buslncs men, a son-in-law of Joseph A.
Godaard, wholesalo grocer, and for
several years was a traveling salesman
and also was secretary of tho Indiana
Traveling Men's Protective association.
Rich has always been an lntimato
friend of Neeley's, and secured his ap
pointment In tho Cubnu postal depart
ment through Neeloy. They were ex
tensively asoclatcd togothor In busi
ness enterprises.
Kuoxvlllo's Program of Celebration lie
filns Today.
KNOXVILLE, Tcnn., May 14. Ad
miral Dewey passed n quiet Sunday in
Knoxvllle. Ho nttonded St. John's
Episcopal church In tho morning and
spent tho remainder of tho day in his
rooms. Tho hotels aio filling up with
visitors, indicating tho prosonco ot
largo crowds in tho city tomorrow to
witness tho parado and othor features
oi tho Dowoy celebration. The Wom
an's building, a structure built and
used by tho women's societies of the
city, will bo tho scene ot most of tho
public receptions. At that placo aftor
tho parado tho mayor wll welcome tho
admiral, after which tho latter will
hold a public reception.
Kmporor Francis Joseph Spruits of Re
cent Visit nnd the Outlook.
BUDA PEST, May 14. Replying to
day to an address from tho presidents
of tho Austrian and tho Hungarian
delegations with roforonce to his recent
visit to Berlin, Emperor Francis Jo
Boph declared:
"In tho lntimato relations of tho al
lies so clearly manifested at Berlin,
I find a happy complement of tho ex
cellent relations between Austria-Hungary
and all tho powers, especially
Russia. May this augur firm conditions
for tho continuing maintenance ot
Iteduced Tlmo,
CHICAGO, May 14. Tho Chicago
& Northwestern railway announces
that tho tlmo of tho Overland Limited
from San Francisco to Chicago has
been reduced ono hour and a half. Tho
train will, aftor next Sunday, leave San
Francisco at 10 o'clock Instead of 8:30
a. m ns at present, nnd reach Chicago
at 9:30 o. m., tho third day,, making
connection with all fast trains from
Chicago to tho east.
Again Appeals for India.
NEW YORK, May 14. Tho Indian
famlno rollof committee tonight Issued
an appeal to tho citizens. Tho appeal
assorts that dosplto tho systematic aid
furnished 0,000,000 peoplo In India, at
least 0,000,000 moro aro starving.
Cuban I'ostnt Affairs,
WASHINGTON, May 14. Represen
tative Bromwell of Ohio today Intro
duced a resolution directing tho socro.
taiy of war to asceitaln me amunt, If
any, of moneys or other property be
longing to tho postal revenue ot the
Island of Cuba, which havo, since tho
ratification of tho treaty with Spain,
been wrongfully misappropriated and
taken to hh own use Ly any official or
officials of the Unltod States, and to
certify the amount to the secretary of
tho treasury, who is directed to trans
fer tho amount so certified to tha
secretary of war.
Husband's Stomach May Show Poison,
But Who Gave It to Him?
Efforts of Home Admirers to Hold Con
vernation With Hor One of Them
llarely Kscupes Capture Prisoner
Maintains n Cool, Culm Manner Mis
cellaneous Nebraska Notes.
YORK, Neb., May 14. The fact that
a pursuing Jailor stumbled over a lawn
mower In tho dark Is all that saved
ono of Mrs. Frost's men ndmlrors from
being captured. For several nlghtb
two or moro men havo been signalling
and rapping on tho casement ot tho
windows of tho jail, calling to Mrs.
Frost that they wanted to talk with
her. Tho authorities thinking thai
possibly there might bo an attempt
by parties to converse with Mrs. Frost
(hoy located hor in a cell back and
away from tho outside windows where
It Is a littlo difficult to communtcilo
with tho outsldo public nnd Informed
her that ono of tho rules- of tho jail
was that she should hold no communi
cation or conversation with anyone on
tho outsldo with tho threat that if sho
did they would remove hor still farther
from tho window and In not as ploas
ant a cell room.
When Jailor Blckley was In the
jail ho heard a gentle knocking, then
louder and then heard some man call
ing "Mrs. Frost, Mrs. Frost." Putting
out the light In the Jail Blckloy crept
around to tho side door nnd raada a
dash for tho intruder and would have
captured him had It not boon that he
stumbled over a lawn mower left in
tho court house yard.
Just what theso men admirers . or
frlonds of Mrs. Frost want Ib a ques
tion. It Is bolloved that if it woro not
for tho vlgllanco of tho jailer thcro
might havo been an attempted Jail do
Uvory. The York cjunty Jail in ono
of tho best nnd strongest country Jails,
situated in tho basement of tho court
houso in the north east corner. One
or two inmates in pa3t years havo got
ten out and escaped.
Mrs. Frost, in appearance, conver
sation and actions is apparently less
concorned as to tho results ot tho
chemical analysis of tho stomach ot
Mr. Frost than any othor woman in
York. She still maintnins that cool,
calm manner, henrtlly cats her meals
and spends most ot the tlmo reading
books, magazines and newspapers.
In conversation tho subject of her
husband's death was brought around
nnd In reply to tho question asking hor
If she did not think It would go hard
with her If tho chemical analysis
showed poison in tho stomach, she, In
a half boasting way, replied that "It
docs not matter much whothcr tho
stomach was full of poison, thoy would
havo a pretty hard time to prove that
I gavo it to Mr. Frost."
A Hank's Ileal With Hartley.
OMAHA, Neb., May 14. A deposi
tion on behalf of the defenso In the
case of tho state of Nebraska against
tho First National bank of Alma was
placed on file and opened In tho Unit
ed Stntes circuit court hero. In tho
deposition Atwoll L. Burr, president
of tho bank nt the tlmo of tho failure,
testifies as to tho collections betweon
tho bank nnd ox-Treasurer Bartloy.
Ho says that tho arrangement wan
made by tho treasurer In Lincoln and
under Its terms the bank waa to pay
G per cent for the money of tho stato
deposited by the treasurer In tho bank;
that 3 por cent wob to go to Bartloy
and 3 per cent to the stato; that at
that tlmo Bartley gavo him ?10,00U
of tho state money nnd that ho secured
from Alma certificates of deposit for
that amount, which ho gavo to Bartloy
and which wero nftorwards doposllcd
In the Alma bank by Bartloy. Burr
also said that no orio know of tho
arrangement except himself, Bartley
and Dan Sullivan, tho cashlor of the
bank, and that none of tho funds of
tho stato deposited In tho bank was
deposited under tho terms of the bono
upon which the stato of Nobraskn such
to recovor its money alleged to bo In
tho bank at tho tlmo of tho failure.
Ho further says that all tho monoy ot
tho stnto had boon withdrawn by Bart
loy before tho failure, tao amount be
ing 25,244.7G.
Itesolntlons by Grand Army.
BEATRICE, Nob., May 14. Tho de
partment convention' of tho Grand
Army of tho Republic Just prior to ad
journment passed a resolution thank
ing tho houso of representatives fo7
It prompt action on tho bill establish
ing a National Soldiers' homo sani
tarium at tho South Daktota hot
springs and urging tho speody passago
of tho measuro by tho sonato. Reso
lutions of thanks wero extended to
Rawlins post nnd citizens of Beatrice
for the entertainment furnished tho on
campmont. rottonire Safe lllnwu Open.
BANCROFT, Nob., May 14 Tho sarc
In tho Bancroft postoffico was blown
open near tho midnight hour. Soveral
dollars In cash and stamps was taken.
Tho safe door was blown off with pow
der, tho door being thrown about ton
feet. Tho furniture In tho office wan
somowhat damaged. Thoro Is no clue
to who tho guilty persons aro.
Ifenseu After I.oir llrrukors.
KEARNEY, Neb., May 14. N. P.
Hansen, chalrmnn of tho commltteo on
violation of tho stnto pharmacy law,
returned from a meeting of tho Stnto
Board of Pharmucy nt Lincoln. Mr.
Hansen stntes that during tho last
four montlm there havo been thirty
four complnlnta for tho violation ot
tho stato pharmacy law and that all
theno cases havo been thoroughly in
vestigated and in many instances con
victions wero mndo nnd heavy fines
Imposed. Mr. Hansen wns instructea
to keep up his crusade against the law-breaKcrs.
Quotations From Now York, Chicago
South Omnha and Elsewhere.
There was.n fair run of cattle, but thoro
wns the ununl good demand nnd tho mar
ket wns brisk nnd a littlo higher, at least
bo higher than yesterday on tho general
run ot cattlo. Iluyers soenied to want tha
onttlo nnd they woro out early In tho
morning, so Hint everything In tho way
of beef cattlo changed hands In a very
snort time. Sellers wero well pleased
with tho prices received. Thero was
nothing very choice on salo, bo that tho
top did hot show up very woli on paper.
IJcef stoers, $XWS?fi.l0: sters and heifers,
$1.0004.00; cows, $2.&04,75; stock tiows and
holfers, J1.O0JM.93; holfots. $1.0005.00; bulls,; calves. $1.2507.00; slugs, .
I.2.i; stock oows and heifers, $2.D0O4.$5;
stockcrs and feeders, $3.COtl5.U0.
HOO8 Somo of tho packers slnrted out
early bidding steady to strong prices,
but shortly nftcr that Chicago cumo low
er and they went back on thlr first bids
nnd for a tlmo the market was slow nnd
a ititlo easier than yostorday, especially
on tho light hogs. A littlo later on tho
market rallied under tho Influenco of tho
very good local aemund nnd moro favor
nblo ndvlcos from other market points,
rho closo wns stronger, so thnt taking
tho market as a wholo It was strong as
compared with yesterday. Tho hogs sold
largely at $5.15, with u $5.30 top, tho samo
ns yesterduy.
8IIKI31' There wero a fow cars hero
today, mostly lambs. Thcro was not
much chango In tho situation nnd about
nil that could ho said of tho murkut U
to cn 1 It steady. Quotations: Clipped
mothers, $5.30ii5.10: clipped yearlings,
Jo.40fi5.GO; clipped owes, good to cholco,
I.C0'(5.(W; fair to good clipped ewes. $1.2)
f4.C0- good to cholco Colorado woolod
lambs. $7,001)7.25: fnlr to good Colorado
wpoled lambs, $i.7.Vf!7.00; good to cholco
clipped lambs, $5.7.?fl.00; fair to. good
clipped lambs. I5.59tfs.75.
CHICAOO. Mny ll.-CATTl.K-stcers.
nctlve, SOlOc higher; hutcher.V stock
strongi.t good to prime steers, $5.0005.80;
poor to medium. $l.25j4.S5; mockers and
fecderB. $3.7505.10; cows. $3,000 I.C0: hclfors,
v-,.O5.10; cunncrs. $2.4013.00; hulls, tl.Wzi
4.35; calves. $(.W1tC.W: TVxns fed steers,
$4.0005.25; Tcxns bulls, $3.2503.75.
H008 Active, closing strong: top, $5.43;
mixed nnd butchers. $5,101(5.40: good to
choice honvy, $.V25'!i.'.4u; rough henvy,
ii'i?'20; "S'X. $3.0UG:32Vi: bulk of sales,
SlflSUl' Slow; lambs steady; good to
cholco wethers, $5.3505.70; fair to cholco
mixed, $.WO5.00: western sheop, ,5.50tf
5..0: yearlings, $5.75OC10; native lambs,
$o.00'flf.40: western lnmbs. $0.0007.40.
C.iICAOO. May n.-WHNAT-No. 2,
Bprlng, CiQ-COc: No. 3, C10C4J4c; No. 2 red,
COItN-No. 2.3Sifi39c; No. 2 yellow,
OAT8-N0. 2, 23Jc: No. 2 white, 2C2J
DiHc: No. 3 white. 25V4025ic.
IIYB-No. 2. 534051c.
11AIILEY Fnlr to cholco mnltlng, 370
I'ltOVISIONS-Mess pork, per bbl., $11.40
0.1.43. Iard. per 100 lbs.. $r,.82MOJ.85.
b.iort ribs, sides (loose), $6.40116.65. Dry
salted shoulders (boxed). W.MVif6.75. Short
clear sides (boxed). $7.0507.15.
NEW YORK. .Mny llw-WHKAT-Spot
weak; No. 2 red. 73o f. o. b. nlloat; No.
2 redf 75Tc, elevator; No. 1 northern, Du
luth, 74Hc f. o. b.. nlloat to arrlvo; tho
closo was heavy nt Uifmjc net dpocllno.
Mny, 70Viia71c, closed 70M.o; July, 71ViW73
7-lCc, closed at 71Hc: September, 72 1-100
73c. closed at 72Hc.
COItN-Spot weak; No. 2. 43c f. o. 1
nlloat and 42.. c elevator. Option market
opened steady on higher cables, but ex
perienced n. severe break under nctlvo li
quidation nnd sympathy with wheat, clos
ing weak nt lo decline. May, 4.W(f43c,
closeu nt 42Uc; July. 43!ifff44,c; Septem
ber, 43-404 lc, closed nt 43Hc
sternly to 10c higher: native steers,
$1.0305.30; Texas steers. $1.0004.75; Texas
cows. $3,000:1.78: nntlvo cows and heif
ers, $2.0004.75: stockcrs rind feederB, $3.00
05.50; bulls, $3.004.50.
HOCIB-Market steady; hulk of Bales,
$5.0."O5.m; heavy, S5 07,O5.25: packers,
$5.o5on.20: mixed. $4.90O5.17: light, $1,001$
5.10; Yorkers, $5.0005.10; pigs, $4.0504.95.
SHI3I3P Market nlrong; lambs, $3.10O
7.50; muttons, $3.000 0.00.
Sujs no Is Hut n Populist, but Is Glud of
the Nomination,
DULUTH, May 12. Charles A.
Towne today made the following state
ment with reference to his nomina
tion for tho vlco presidency bv tho
Sioux Falls convention.
"It wns my judgment that tho Sioux
Vala convontlon should nppolnt n con
ference commltteo to meet with similar
committees from tho democratic and
silver republican conventions nt Kan
sas City on July 4 tor tho purpoeo of
Jointly considering the vlco presiden
tial nomination. This opinion was
freely communicated to prominent men
of tho convention, both befoto It as
eembled and whtlo It was In sossion.
In tho excrclso of Its dlscrotlon, how
ever, it decided dlfferontly. When tho
conclusion was reached to nomlnnto n
cnndldato tho unanimity and enthusi
asm with which the convention named
me Is of courao exceedingly gratifying.
It must be remembored thnt many of
tho strongest men In tho country wero
members of the convention, which wns
composed of tho wlso and conservative
majority of tho peoplo's party, whoso
devotion to tho great causo In which
all tho roform forces nro enlisted no
body con question.
"Tho endorsement of such n body la
a high compliment and I deoply nppro
clato It. Moreover, It sets an exam
ple of unselfishness at this Juncturo
that ought not to be without good In
fluence. Neither Mr. Bryan nor myself
belong to tho populist party. To bo
sure, such a consideration may seem
unimportant when men nro engaged
In a gicat contest against tho samo
evil tendencies In tho government; but
mero names aro still somewhat power
ful In Influencing political conduct nnd
wo must render all pralso to tho con
vention which thought only of tho
principles at stake.
"Harmony nnd co-operation aro es
sential this year among the demo
cratic, the peoplo's and tho silver re
publican parties. To proservo tholr
combined strength of 1800 Is tho first
roneldetntlon. Tho noxt Is to go Into
the camp of thoso who then opposed
us and get recruits, if tho nominations
at Sioux Fulls are placed beforo tho
country with nil reform pnrtleu behind
thnm, thoy will, In my opinion, he rati
fied by tho peoplo of tho republic In
I.orlnifr Will Hun Again
CHICAOO, Mny 12. Ropubllcans of
tho second congressional district today
icnomlnnted William Ixirrlmcr for
congress. States Attomoy Charles S.
Doneen and Congressman Loirlmor
wero choson dologatca to tho national
convention nnd D. W. Ball and 13. Ray
mond Bliss, nltornutos.
Mrtlen (lets Twenty Yrnrs.
PORTSMOUTH, 0 May 12. "Rab
bit" McGeo this afternoon pleaded
guilty to manslaughter and was sen
tenced to twonty years in tho peniten
tiary for killing uoorgo Hackworth,
postmaster at Mount Joy, November a.
At Least Two Peoplo Know if It Was
Through Poison.
Iteport of Chemist Bent Forward City
Attorney Wyekorf, of York, Has the
Statement and Will Hand It to tha
Coroner's Jury Miscellaneous Ne
braska Matters.
YORK, Nob., Mny 15. It Is now
known to nt lenst two persons whether
or not tho lato Charles W. Frost of
this city was poisoned. For tho las!
twelve days tho stomach of tho dead
man has been undergoing analysis by
Ds. William S. Robinson, n chemist
of Omnha, nnd tho doctor has made
his report, but whether ho found poi
son cunnot bo goncrnlly known until
nfter tho cororner's Jury meets.
Tho report was rocelvod from Omaha
by City Attomoy W. W. Wycoff and,
though ho has been besieged all day
by a curious crowd who hoped ho
would drop somo hint ns to tho pur
port of tho communication, ho has
firmly refused to discuss tho matter
further than to say ho had tho report
and thnt ho would submit It to tho
coroner's Jury. A special call for a
Jury meeting has been Issued and nt
10 o'clock today tho body will go Into
oxocutlve session. Tho city Is In u
fever of cxcltomont. Tho fact that tho
report bus been received has revived
tho topic ot Mrs. Frost's possible guilt
nnd It is tho order ot tho hour now to
revlow tho ovldonco nlrcndy In tho
hands ot tho authorities.
It Is supposed that thp Jury meeting
will bo brlof, as only one point of ovl
denco romnlns to bo considered, nnd
thnt Is clearly defined. Tho chomlst
cither found poluon or failed to Mud it.
If the formor, then stops will uo taken
to prosocuto Mrs. Frost on a charge
of murdering her husband; if he lat
ter, then sho will bo released from Jail
and tho Incident will bo closed.
Though littlo bns boon said about
him In tho nowBpapors thus far, J. O.
Stclnbach, tho grocory clerk, la really
ono ot tho most Important figures In
tho tragedy attending Chnrles 'Frost's
death and, In tho event of a trial, he
promises to como to tho front In tho
rolo of n star witness, If not somothlng
more. It wnB Stclnbach who, twi
weeks ago, was at tho bedBldo ot tho
dying man during the few brief hours
of his illness, nnd It wns upon Stcln
bach that Mrs. Frost lavished hor af
fections ns her husband breathed her
last. It was Stclnbach also, whom tho
doctor sent twice to get nn antidote
for strychnine polBonlng nnd who re
turned both times to say ho wan unablo
to find n drug store open.
Thoro wns a tlmo when Stolnbach
was ono of tho loading cltlzons ot
York. Ho served two terms as mayor
of this city. At another tlmo ho wnt3
tho Burlington station ngont hero and
ho has always been prominent In lodgo
work. His domestic llfo, however,
wns not happy nnd two years ngo his
family left him.
To Cancel Delinquent Taxes,
LINCOLN, Nob., May 1C Auditor
Cornoll mndo a decision which, If put
Into effect, will result In n reduction
of npproxlmntcly CO per cent In tho
total amount of delinquent taxes owing
to tho Btato. These unpaid taxes
amount to nenrly 13,000,000, or about
a third moro thnn tho ontlro indebt
edness of tho stato government. Aud
itor Cornell's decision will redtico tho
amount down to nbout ?1,500,000, no
cordlng to bin own estimate, and will
tond to hnston tho collection of tho
Several years ago tho auditor re
ceived a communication from Watt
Qauldrlo, clerk of Washington county,
asking for tho.cnncollatlon of all or a
portion of tho delinquent taxes duo
from that county for tho renson thai
many of tho people against whom tho
taxes woro assessed had died or moved
away from tho county, making It ab
solutely impossible to collect tho on
tlro nmount due. Auditor Cornoll has
considered tho question sovoral days
and arrived at tho conclusion that tho
law gives him power to enncel uncol
luctable taxes under certain specified
conditions. Tho proposition Is a new
ono and Its decision will havo a sweep
ing effect nil over tho state, as tho
conditions aro about tho samo in near
ly every county.
Hmnllpnx Hlamped Out.
HASTINGS, Nob., May 1C Dr. O.
A. Bunco, who had chargo of the two
smallpox cases in Hastings, reports
that tho two patients havo fully recov
ered, tho quurantlno, tho houso ana
clothing of tho inmntCH disinfected nnu
all danger of a spread of tho dlscaso is
Itecover Htolen floods.
DILLER, Nob., May 15. The goods
stolen from tho storo of Llghtnor &
Hutchinson hero nro being recovered
It lnstnlmonts. Tho latest discovery
was made by B. F. Llghtnor, who went
to Lanhnm Thursday and recovoretl
nbout ?40 worth ot shoes from a mer
chant at that place, who stated that
ho purchuscd them. It Is thought
thero will bo a number of parties ar
retted at Lanhnm for concealing stolen
Illlls Now Min k at Itlalr.
BLAIR, Nob,, Mny 15. Doputy Sher
iff Henry Moneke nrrlvcd from Ta
coma, Wash., bringing with hlni Row
land P. Hills, arrested at that placd
and wanted at Blair on n charge of
bigamy, and whoso Kngllsh wlfo nr
rlvcd hero from Hnglnud nbout two
weeks ago. When Hills sioppeo from
tho train ho appeared very norvous and
cast a swooping glance ovor tho crowd,
evidently looking for Mrs. Illlls No. 1.
Ho wob hurried through tho crown
nnd ncross tho platform, whoro Sher
iff Moncko with a conveyance took
him to Jail.
rtiey Wiped Up tha Illood nnd rld Ifo
Moro Abont It.
"From Sea to Son," by Rudyard Kip
ling; Long ago a great-henrted king
camo to Nlkko river and looked across
nt tho trees, upstream at tho torrent
nnd tho hills whonco It camo, nnd
downstream at tho softer outlines of
tho crops and spurs ot woodod moun
tains. "It needs only a dash of color
in tho foreground to bring this all to
gothor," Bald ho, and ho put a little
child in n bluo and whlto dressing
gown under tho awful trees to Judge
tho effect. Emboldened by his tonder
ness, nn aged beggar ventured to ask
for alms. Now It wbh tho ancient priv
ilege of tho great to try tho temper ot
tholr blndcs upon beggars and such
cattlo. Mechanically tho king swept
off tho old mnn'n head, for he did not
wish to bo disturbed. Tho blood spurt
ed across tho granlto slabs of tho rlvor
ford in a shcot of purest vermilion. Tho
'ting smiled. Chnnco had solved tho
problem for him. "Build a brldgo
noro," ho said to tho court carpenter,
"of Just Biich n color ns that stuff on
tho stones. Build also a brldgo of
gray stono closo by, for I would not
forgot tho wants of my peoplo." So ho
gavo tho littlo child across tho stream
n thousand pieces ot gold nnd went his
way. Ho had composod n landscnpo.
As for tho blood, thoy wiped it ua nnd
said no moro nbout it, nnd thnt is tho
story of tho Nlkko bridge. You will
not find it in tho guide books. Chica
go Nowb.
Theory That Nothing Can Sink In It Is
Somo long current Illusions concern
ing tho Dond sea aro dlspollod by Hon
ry Doxtor, who wont to boo lta roputod
wonders with hla own oyos, saya Col
llor's Weekly. In hla opinion tho bod
of tho sen is of volcanic formation. "I
took n plungo in tho water to test its
qualities. Tho water la, I should Bay,
a bituminous salt brimo. I was caro
ful not to got tho water in my oyos or
on my hair. I hnd been told that noth
ing could sink in tho Dead sea, but
found that was untruo, for tho reason
that it I did not mnko an effort to
keep on top I would go down. Tho
wntor Is of n character that If any ono
had a cutaneous disease It would mako
tho flesh smart florcoly. It was excep
tionally refreshing, howovor, on" ac
count of tho heat. Tho wntor waa won
dorfully clear, and you could boo down
a dopth of twonty foot. Tho wator
wns porhapa a little moro buoyant than
ordinary Bait wator, but It would not
hold mo up. It was not Btlcky, but
washed off as freoly as any salt wntor.
Ono thing I noticed, nnd ot which I
havo never boon nblo to got an ex
planation, was a small Island about
COO toot from tho siioro. This had on
It largo squaro blocks of Btono. I havo
never been nblo to ascertain whoro
theso blocks enmo from. Tho theory
that birds cannot fly ovor tho wator la
untruo, as r saw lota of birds flying
ovor it." Chicago Nows.
French Commission Appointed to Report
Upon Them.
At last tho divining rod is to bo
scientifically Investigated. A commis
sion hns boon nppolntod in Franco to
study nil apparatus and mothods em
ployed by sorcerers, wntor seora audi
wizards, who tiso tho divining rod,
mineral rod, exploring poudulums,
hydroscopic compasses, and tho other
Instruments which go by a host of
othor fanciful names. Brothlor do
Rollioro is tho president ot tho com
mission. Ho will procuro divining
roda of all kinds, Including books,
rovlowa, Journals, reports of experi
ments, together with tho names and
addresses of tho inventors ot tho al
leged devices. It is to bo hoped that
tho findings of this commission will,
onco for nil, Bottlo tho question of tho
divining rod, not only for tho discov
ery of wator, but also of mlnornls. In
Englund, particularly, tho water di
viner piles his lucratlvo profosslon
without legal lntorforcnco, nnd his
dupes nro often town authorities.
Scientific American.
Particularly polite nnd gallant waa
tho young man who was sauntering
down WIthoroll stroot ono day not long
ngo, when tho sldowalks were covered
with slush and tho ditches woro flood
ed to tho top of tho curb. Ho woro a
pink carnation In his coat lapel; his
trousors wero definitely cronsod; his
shoes had lately beon polished, al
though the wealth of Blush on tho
walks had dlmmod tholr brilliancy. Ho
was approaching a crossing. Just
recall of him a young woman was
wheeling n baby carriage In the samo
direction. Tho gutter was moro than
nnklo dcop with Ico cold water. Tho
young woman hosltnted. To tho res
cue camo tho young man. "Can't I as
sist you?" ho askod. "Thank you ho
much," wns tho reply, so appreciative
in its tono thnt tho young man boldly
stepped Into tho wntory ditch and fer
rlod tho lady across. Then ho picked
up tho carriage and carried It over.
"Thcro," ho said, as ho sat It down,
"I guess I haven't wakonod It." Ho
said "It" because ho didn't know
whothcr thoro waB a gl1 or boy under
tho shawl. "Oh, It Isn't a baby," vol
unteered tho young lady. "I was down
marketing and this Is a h an easy way
to got tho grocorles hoiuo, you ktow."
Detroit Free ProBs.
How Widows Mourn In Hltka.
Indian widows In Sitka go into
mourning by painting tho upper part
of tholr faces black down to their