The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 04, 1900, Image 1

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    e t
NO. 29.
You Can Get What You Ask For
John W. Masury's
H Celebrated Paint
I Davis5 Hardware Store.
2E: When you get ready to paint your house, 5
call on us and let
? Paint at reasonable
TH E QU ESTION is often asked, What Paint shall we use? ,
TH E ANSWE R I If you are looking for covering
capacity, wearing qualities, general appearance, and
your moneys
The Sherwn-Williams Paint.
Omit Ueit, Lookt But, Wtari Longett, Mott Economical, Full Mtavira,
IpEL&teni' "V"a,Goine.
Wrlto for proofs covering live yenrs' ueo in tho Uuited States. Oyer
odd million hond successfully trontoil. Single Vnecino f l.CC por 10 doso
packets; Doublo Vnecino $2 por 10-doso pucUots. Outfits complete $5.00.
BLACKLEGINEAnolhor form of PASTEUR Single- Vne
cino, rendy ; for imniodinto use, 81.50 per 10-doso packets; $2 50 per. 20
doso pnekote, 0.00 porSO doeo pnekcte.
Acme Medical Supply Co., 1320 15th St., Denver, Col,
0 f
at our grocery. An order will be filled
with first choices which could not be
bettered by an expert in food pro
ducts with a full assortment of every
thing to pick from. Knowing pre
cisely what is wanted by careful
housekeepers, we buy such things as
tally with the standard of good livers.
Brisk business, short prices, nothing
cheap. Headquarters for the cele
brated Richelieu Brand finest ever
produced. Wc have under this label
all kinds of Preserves in glass, Cann
ed Fruits and Vegetables, the fa
mous Richelieu Coffee in two pound
cans, in fact nearly everything in the
grocery line. Snap Shots every day.
irwlir.itcs activity anv recreation.
Thathitsmc, because I drive things
to supply other drivers with vehi
cles. Mv carriages would be sin-
out in a procession by their
hapnv union of strength and style,
"Whatever bears mv name will do
owner veteran service. One
my dashing turnouts is a prize
which any one might covet.
Jos. Hershey.
Locust Street.
us sell you
first-class t
worm, you must buy
Our prices are for "best goods" first, last and all
the time. We are in the business to stay and
S. W. P. stays with us.
We have just received a half car
load of the celebrated Atlas Beer,
which is acknowledged to be the fin
est and purest brewed. Its excellence
is known the world over.
Those desiring Pure Liquors for
medicinal or domestic purposes are
invited to examine our lines. Wc
carry some of the bebt brands found
on the market.
City Council Mooting.
The last meeting of the old
city council and the first meeting
of the new city council were held
at the county judge's oflicc Tues-
.o nir Tlir Unintr tin .
hnui.mpa fnr lli nlr! council in
- '
.. .. . . .. , I
transact it aujourncu siuc meaner
the roll was called. The new couti-
ell tlien ttmt ntnl the oath of oflicc I
I-.:..:. i m. wi.iu
' , ..
uierKuunuy, xreasurcr ouuman,
and councilmcn Iddmgs, Iscnliart ,
and Sullivan. Applications for H-
ccnBCs to sell linuor havitnr been
filed by Jas. Daley, Chas. Whclan,
John W. Bridges, Henry Walte-
math and H. Schlcainger, a com-
mittce was appointed to investi-
gate the applications. As the com-'
mittce rpojica lavoraoiy uic 4"-,
tion of granting; the licenses was
submitted to the council which
voted unanimously to grant them
mi .11. l i
III' l ir-I K WilN IIiniIUL.LLU L J I U I.
the licenses.
The Mayor rccomcrtuca t tic ap
pointment of Harry T. Rice as
street commissioner and duet of
police. The council made the ap
pointment a unanimous one. The
mayor also recommended the ap
pointment of A. II. Davis as city
attorney but it was defeated by a
vote of three to two. Claude
Wcinraud was appointed as coun-
cilman from the Second ward to j
succeed II. S. White. The fife dc
partmcnt having reported the
election of S. H. Grace as chief the
appointment was confirmed. Treas
urer Shuman presented his month
ly report which was received and
placed on file. During the evening
the retiring ma3'or, John Bratt,
made aj speech outlining some of
the work which had been accom
plished by the retiring officials.
The address was as follows:
Geutlcmen, Members of the
Council: This meeting brings to a
close our official duties for thcYiacal
year and our acts, whether for the
best interests of the city, or not,
arc of record, and the book is open.
The retiring members ot tlie
council well know the condition of
the city's financial and other affairs,
when we accepted office two years
ago, our preuecesbors leit us to pay
a floating debt of 18 and prior
claims, amounting to !f6,203,74. and
shortly after taking the oath of
office wc were officially notified of
the Water Works Co's judgment of
$11,057.94 and $82 35 costs, or a
total of $11,140.25, with interest
from Feb'y 9, 1698, making a total
indebtedness against the city of
$17,343.99. The sreets, crossings
and culverts were in bad and
dangerous condition. Our newly '
appointed marshal, on assuming
the duties ot street commissioner,
could get no record from his pre -
I .i - t u
funds, showing work done, amount
paid, cr balance due, TUc city had
neither tools, money, or credit.
Our merchants asked personal
guarantee of payment for lumber
and other material betorc consent-
incr to sell to the citv. These con
ditions were met by you ircntlemen
nnil hv overv cilv official in a ceil-
ernuB business wav bv consenting
tn a reduction of salaries, bv
abolishing the dog killing perquisite
open market just what material we
had the money to pay for later on,
insisting on a faithtul day's labo
)r. i
whether by man or team, on our
streets for a day's pay. These bus
iness methods adhered to, including
compromise with the Water Works
Co. to pay its judgment in tour
equal annual payments, instead of
exacting a 30 mill levy, enabled us
to save nearly 91,00 during the hrst
hscal year.
During the two years ending to
night there has been expended in
lumber for use in crossings, etc.,
$529.45, in purchase of 670 tile
$322, 9, in purchase of 365 nag
stones tor street crossings 8178.05,
for nails 874.25, for three road
scrapers, tools, etc. $38 53, for pay
for labor on streets, crossings,
etc. 8-188.18, poll taxes worked out
to amount of 81,546, personal and
real estate road tax worked out to
amount of 81,082; 60 culverts and
93 crossings have been fixed and re
paired; 3,685 loads of earth haye
been put on streets and crossings,
extending the length of 123 blocks,
htreet Commissicner Davis reports
the sale of nine and one-half loads
of kindling 819.00. We have paid
on the Water Works Co.'s judg
ment 82,923.26 and 75 per cent,
or 84,652 84 on the floating debt.
from these figures, after pay
ing 87,576.06 on the city's debts,
there is 89,767.93 yet due by the city
besides interest on iudiuneut.
The city has neither ll-iit nor
sewerage, neither does she own
foot of ground on which to place
tier liosc nouses. Wc must also re
member there is si $25,000 bonded
debt on the city for the erection of
of the Hiirh School buildimr, mak-
uiir in round nuinucrB aja.uuu ot
HCUl IIOW BltlllUlnir iliraillSI LUC CHY.
nHADfl ltllo 1 II r( 1 1 ri- 1 1 -11 n nlnriniT II D
L "6" " "
in tne iace will appeal to our sue
CC890r8 j olylce lo continue to
practice the strictest economy in
our municipal alTairB.
Two years' observation lias
taught us that the city's business,
ufi r r nianaCcmcnt. can be
transacted in one nicotine each
month, or twelve meetings a year,
and If the mayor, councilmcn, city
" c present
Baiarief,. the tnavor would then
receive 84.16, the councilmcn 82.08,
city attorney and city clerk 810.41
cac1' for CVCTV one of the twelve
of cUuCati0, outside of the secre
tary, receive no pay and they have
as much work and responsibility,
'The city treasurer, the marshal
nfn..4.! . lain nka ninnnt
uuiiuiiiiiiii; ma uyii aim outci
. -
commissioner s dutlcR, anu tuc
t nieht policeman earn every cent
they get. This needed change in
salaries was admitted and promised
at the commencement of the hist
i fiscal year by some members of the
1 ft t l. .. f
council, um ho iar, iiic ass,igc in
such an ordinance haB not met the
approval of a majority. In advo
cating this reduction it is not my
object to lower the price of labor, or
to question tuc riglits ot labor or
ganizations, or to encourage cheap
city othcialB wlio will not tditliltilly
discharge the duties of office. No,
no, it is done to mnxc popular,
honest, economical management of
city affairs. To encourage men to
accept otucc tor ingucr motives
than the few paltry dollars there is
m it, to enable the city to pay itH
honest debts, to lighten the heavy
burden of taxation tliat is now
weighing us down, so that our city
may glow and prosper and in a
short time be able to build and
maintain not only a sewerage sys
tem, but an electric light plant and
own its own water works.
I cannot close these remarks
without extending my warmest
thanks to you gentlemen, members I
o? the city council and to every city
official, for the uniform kindness
and courtesies extended to me dur
ing my two terms of office. I can
not commend too highly the earnest,
irood and faithful work of Marshal
Davis and Policeman McNamara.
Our citizens have done themselves
proud and are to be congratulated
on'i'lectmg Mr. H. S. White as my
successor. The city's interests are
safe while in his care and I bespeak
tor his administration, backed by a
trocd council, the continuance of
faithful, honest, economical govern
ment ot our city allairs.
Louis Toillion has sold all of his
new cultivators that he had manu
N. B Spurrier expects to take
i Ins cattle over south to
the furr
1 farm next week.
Ouite a number of cattle are be-
in ir taken to the south hills from
the valley to pasture this season,
Corn planting in the valley as
well as in the hills is all the go
this week,
There is the best outlook for a
larirc fruit crop of all kinds in the
at the present lime ever
J. G. f ecken is erecting the
cream separator station at Nichols.
, If all goes well tlie machinery win
OllPPT NotlOnS
Sonic people have about prices
they pay for goods. We have
notions that will save them
Thread 4c a spool, 4 spools for
15c, 7 spools for 25
50 ydB Corticelli Sewing Silk .... 04
100 yds Corticelli Sewing Silk. . 08
10 yds Button Hole TwUt 02
Cotton Tape per roll 01
No Twist Tape per roll 03
Velveteen Skirt Binding per yd. 03
Waterproof Skirt Binding per yd 08
Size 2 Catifield Dress Shields... 25
Tubular Shoe Laces 3 pairs for. 05
7-inch Metal Back Comb 08
Kuvelopes per bunch 03
36 Sheets Writing Paper.
25 Darning Needles 05
2 Cards Iltiuip Hooks and ICyes, 05
Binding Ribbon per bolt 10
Blenched Muslin yd wide On
Good Apron Gingham per yd... 05
IndiuooBlue Print per yd 05
Vaseline per bottle 05
2qtfountaiu Syringe guaranteed 75
2qt Hot Water Bottle guaranteed 85
2qt Combination Water Bottle
and Syringe guaranteed. ,. .$1.25
Wilco Department Stone.
ft We Solicit Good
Thirty Day Accounts.
There are some merchants doing business in
town who arc so suspicious of your honesty that
they refuse to trust you over night. Arc they
entitled to your trade? We guarantee as good
service and values with the courtesy of a line of
3 Morning Glory Patent
A word in regard to Flour.
Morning Glory Patent. It
make as fine a bread and as
any flour produced in the U.
but the miller is hack of it.
Wc sell the Rush Park Seed Co's bulk Garden Seeds,
also their package garden and flower seeds, which wc sell
six packages for twenty-five cents,
Mirror Gloss Starch per lb 5 cts
Table Salt 2 sacks for 5 eta
Coal Oil per gallon 16 cts
Comb Honey per lb 15 cts
Kancy Cream Cheese per lb 15 cts
Bulk Oat Meal 8 lbs for 25 eta
Battle Ax Tobacco per lb 35 cts
Standard Navy Tobacco per lb 35 cts
Horse Shoe Tobacco per lb , 45 cts
Star Tobacco per lb 45 cts
XXXX Coffee. 13c, 2 lbs for 25 cts
Lion Coffee, 13c 2 lbs for 25 cts
Arbuckles' Coffee, 13c 2 lbs for 25 cts
I'nre Early Ohio Potatoes, per bushel 60 cts
fancy Clean Alfalfa per bushel $6.00
fancy Clean Golden Millet per buMicl 90 cts
fancy Clean German Millet per bushel $1.00
The highest prevailing prices paid for Butter and Eggs.
Dewey Street. Telephone No. 27. NORTH PL ATT 10.
be put into the same the laBt of
next week.
J. D. Myers quit the Nichols
section labt Monday and is now
putting in gram on the Anderson
farm where he resides.
The Hershey gun club took a
shoot at blue rocks on Saturday
last week. The score was more
than an avirage.
IS. Spitsnonle and another party
west of Hershey planted several
acres of sugar beets the first of
the week.
Dr, ferrar, of Grand Island and
Mr. Laynard, Utah, au expert irri
gator, were at Hershey the past
week on UUBincss in connection
vith the sugar beet culture in that
Messrs. weaver, oeaucamp, oec-
bolt and Disbro, over on the north
side .have contracted with the Am
erican Beet Sugar Co. at Hershey
to put in seventeen acres ot sugar
beets this season.
J. C. Gyger, of the Julcsburg
creamery company, waB down tins
way last wednesoay on DUBiniBs
pertaining to the new cream separ
ator Btation at Nichols.
J. G. f ecken has 120 acrcB of hue
grazing land near Nichols that he
will rent tree to any one or iwo
parties who will put twenty head
of cows on it and milk them for the
Nichols cream separator station.
C. C. Wetzel, W, L. urowutieid,
J. B. Toillion jr., J. M. Dwyer and
J, W. LUcb have sent cattle over
south to the Gorman ranch tor the
Henry Frances, who had been at
Geo. 10. Sullivan for the past
month has icturned to Gothenburg.
Otto ISdstrom left last Monday
for Minnesota where he will visit
relatives tor a time.
Seebergcr & Co. expect to ship
X-i-u.m."ber, Coal
YardB and Elevators at
North Platte, Nob.,
Sutherland, Neb.,
JuleBburg, Colorado.
(O. F.IDDWaS,) . . .
Manufacturer of
Order by telephone from Newton's Book Store.
We arc exclusive agents for
is guaranteed by the miller to
many loaves to the sack as
S. A. a broad guarantee
Only One Dollar a sack.
a carload of hogs west from Her
shey thin week.
The North Platte Land ;and
water Co. will give a premium to
the party who raises the best
quality of sugar beets on their land
the comfug season,
The North Platte Land and
Water Co. has a number of acres
of fine pasture land near Nichols
which they will rent to parties who
will put cowb on it and milk them
lor the Nichols creamery.
Rain! Rain! More rain, more wat
ermelons. Merrill tFristo and Miss Jennie
Latimer were North Platte visitors
Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Mattic Cosscltnan of North
Platte, was visiting with Mr. and
Mis. B. D. Baker the first of the
Henry Willerton, of Somerset,
was on our streets Monday.
B. P. Baker, ot North Platte,
was in these parts a few days last
week yisiting with old time friends,
Several farmers here arc planting
corn and some are planting a small
patch of watermelons. A good
many are planting a large patch of
potatoes and expect a good yield.
Wednesday Judge Grimison
granted a perpetual injunction in
the case brought against the Fre
mont school board to restrain them
from issuing bonds for the erection
of a new school house. He held
that the law requires that the bonds
receive a majority of all votes cast
at election jnstcsd of a majority of
all votes cast only on the bond
question and that as a proposition
did not receive this majority the
bonds were therefore invalid.