The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 27, 1900, Image 8

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    Local News in Brief. ;
Tailor made Suits a speciajty at
McAfee's dressmaking parlors.
Miss Esther Welch will leave
next week for Iowa where she will
spend a month visiting at various
James M. Ray. Lawyer,
The Seniors and Juniors will -receive
the visiting teachers at the
high school this afternoon from
four until six.
Horses for Sale by Jos,
Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Beatty went
to Sidney Tuesday afternoon. The
former will work iu the repair de
partment of the round house
Ladies Hair Dressing and Mani
curing parlors, corner Vine and
6th st. Beautiful souvenirs given
to every lady. Mmc. Ruppcrt's
face bleach on sale.
Miss Lizzie Facka expects to
lcaye in about ten days for Shenan
doah where she will visit her sis
ter and take a course in the sum
mer school iu session there.
Redwood Stock Tanks for sale.
Best on earth. S!zcs 6 to 16 feet.
0. F. iDMNftS.
A Japanese lady iu native cos
tume, who was a passenger on
train No. 6 Wcdnctday morning,
attracted considerable attention
from the bystanders at the station.
Mrs. J. H. Turpic and children
arc expected to arrive here from
Lafayette in a few weeks. They
will spend the summer here and
may decide to locate here perma
nently. Harrington & Tobin have about
decided to put a meat mar
ket in their Dewey street building.
The arrangements arc stilt in a
very cmbryotic state but if it is
definitely decided to put it in. it
will be first class in every particu
Alfalfa Seed for sale by
job. Hershey.
Martin Oberst is contemplating
making extensive improvements
in tuc jNeorasxa Mouse in the near
future. An additiou to the build
ing will be constructed in order
to accommodate the increasing bus
iness. The lower floor of the pres
ent building will also be rcpapcred
and improved in other ways.
The Y. M, C. A, will keep open
house Monday night and every one
cordially invited to attend, listen to
an excellent program which will be
rendered and have a good social
time. All of the improvements in
the rooms will be completed by that
time, and they will be thrown open
for Inspection,
jjr..i. w. miner, uentist, over
Straits' drug store,
The replevin case of Adnlphus
Krueger against T. T. Kcliher
sheriff was up in the county court
Tuesday and kept the court grind
Ing away until a late hour in the
evening. The jury brought in
verdict in favor of the defendant
and found that the value of the
stock in question was $156 and
that the defendant bad a claim
against it of $73.87. -Thls.a suit
growing out of the attachment
which the sheriff leived on th
stock ol Geo, Wagner & Co,
Krueger endeavored to replevin the
utock because he averred
was the real owner of it.
that he
There Is Clothing, and then again
there are Clothes. If one is merely
to be clad, that is one thing to
appear well dressed is another. To
be well dressed you must wear
good clothes. That does not mean
expensive clothes. In our stock
of spring suits every requirement
of Fashion, Quality and Economy
is fully met. Our clothing is pur
chased direct from manufacturers
and is made by the most skilled
tailors and cutters, and sold at
prices that orily a large business
done at n small expense would justify. All the latest styles
are now on our counters at
$5.00, $6, $7.50, $9,' $10,
$12 and $15 a Suit.
A visit aud close inspection will convince you that you
arc getting better values ior your money here than anywhere
else iu the city.
W. A. VOLLMER, Proprietor.
Across the street from old location.
Wo will bo plotisod to show you our Wall Taper.
Our assortment is largo nnd prices nro low.
C. M. Newton. Jt
Sheriff Kcliher returned Wednes
day from Norfolk where he. had
taken Thos. B. Shaw to be com
mitted to the insane asylum.
$1,000 will buy a long established
business in North Platte.
F. H. Edmonds.
Prof. Connelly, who had been
spending several days here inter
viewing the members of the board
of education in regard to his can
didacy for the position of superin
tendent of the city 'schools, re
turned to his home in Rock Springs
Tuesday afternoon.
The receipts of the local poatoffice
show an increase over those of
preceding years of about $500.
The office is slowly but surely
climbing toward the grade of
second class. As a postofficc is
usually a very good criterion by
which to judge of the degree of
prosperity whicti the community iu
which it is in enjoying the increase
iu receipts here this year Bhows
that prosperity is increasing.
Yellow Front Shoe Store,
Geo. M. Graham, Mgr.,
Tkraa Soon Month of P. O. North Platto.Nob.
Mrs. 13. C. Eves, of Buchanan,
was in town yesterday proving up
on her timber claim and called to
subscribe for Thk Trihune. Her
husband is farming extensively this
year, having put in ninety acres of
wheat and will plant 160 acres of
corn, wueat in tliat section is
coining on very rapidly.
Hans Westeaard, the western
traveling agent of the Internution
al Navigation Co. spent yesterday
in town iuterviewing the local
agents ot tue company, lie says
that they have had no difficulty in
obtaining out-bound first and
second cabin passengers, in fact
for the month of June every berth
in both cabins is already reserved
on all of their steamers sailinir
from Philadelphia. He is of the
opinion that the cost of a trip to
Europe will be but little more ex
pensive now than is usually the
case al this time of year but that
the beaten line of travel will be
crowded with tourists.
Splendid pasture 640 acres under
I'Jtice, bottom laud, high crass
water all year. Price $100.00
First man applies erets the land
J. S, Hoagland spent yesterday
transacting legal business iu Lexington.
Phil Nclliug is spending a few
days in town while enroute to his
home in Sidney from a visit with
relatives in Stanbcrry.
W. II, Daly, ot Letnley, spent
Wednesday in town. . He went to
Kearney yesterday to attend the
congressional convention.
Mrs. Dave Hunter came in from
the eaBt yesterday morning and
spent the day here visiting friends
before returning to her home in
MissGcorgic Philips has been
. . . 1
spending several oays in town as
the guest of Miss Genie McGovcrn.
She is enroute. to Grand Island
where she will visit relatives.
jur. ana Airs. 11. s. white re
turned yesterday morniwr from
their extended trip. They report
a thoroughly delightful time and
excellent weather most of the time.
Death of Kohort Arnndalo.
Robt. Arundalc died iu Denver
Tuesday morning of pneumonia
complicated by asthma. He had
been ill for two week but when he
was first taken sick he thought
that it was simply a cold which had
aggravated the asthma from which
lie had sintered tor a (rood many
years aud did not send any word to
1. . r e . . T . -r
ilia iumiiy ior several oays. tie
contracted the cold while out col
lecting during the stormy weather.
The remains were brought to
North Platte and were buried from
the Church of Our Saviour Wed
nesday afternoon.
Mr. Arundalc was born in Wal
ton, Yorkshire, England. Oct. 8,
184a, In 1870 lie married Miss
Self. They had one child, a daugh
ter who is now Mrs. H. Gilfoylc.
In 1878 the family moved to the
united states and located near
Des Moines. From there in 1882
they moved to the vicinity of Lin
coln where they resided until 1886
when tliev moved to the north
eastern part of Lincoln county.
They lived there until the daugh
ter was married when they moved
to North Platte. A few months
ago a very good opening in the
hapc ol a partnership with G. R.
Golvin, an old Iriend of his, in the
commission business in Denver ap-
pzared and Mr. Arundalc took ad
vantage of it. At the time of his
death the business was exceeding
ly prosperous, He was an honcBt,
upright man and although some
what radical in Ins opinions they
were the result of his conscientious
belief. He had scores of friends
to whom his death causes much
genuine grief,
Wall Paper.
We arc showing an exceptionally fine line of
Wall Paper of the newest designs. If you
you contemplate papering your, house, call
and see our stock. We can suit you in both
style and price.
At Rennic's you can save what you would waste
elsewhere, beoause we live up to our motto and
never deviate from the standard we set for our
selves to "Give the best possible value at the lowest
pqssiblc price." Add to this the fact that Rennic's
leads in style and beauty, and that there arc genu
ine bargains every day in the week at Rennic's.
Every week is a good week in our Dress Goods De
partment, where only reliable goods find shelf and
counter space. We now have some unusually
tempting values. "Wc have just received direct
from New York a beautiful line of
Novelty Silks, Taffetas, Persian Foulards,
Grepe de Chine, Printed Indias, Etc,
Ladies' Shirt Waists, Belts,
Umbrellas, Hosiery and
Underwear in Endless Variety.
Wc have just received the most complete and se
lect stock of Carpets Moqucttes, Velvets, Ax mi li
sters and Body Brussels wc have ever shown.
Also fifty pieces of Ingrains, and an elegant line of
Rugs, Tapestry Curtains and Dace Curtains.
Call and inspect our stock before buying. Wc can
please you and save you money.
, There is no lack of variety iu Women's Shoes here to choose
from.. New footwear in the correct new weights, shapes, col
ors; a sufficient assortment of each to permit the selection of
something pleasing and suitable for any occasion or use.
Pratty Tan
in ml 0 from etnooth,
diimblo kid skin,
medium uhnpoot now
too, good liool etylo,
a most nttrnotivo
ahoe at
Pretty Black
Clioico ot kid or
olotli top?, In imy of
now too slUlpOO. woll
inmle, nlcoly finished,
Btulsfuutory fihoos in
ovory wny,
Your Pass Book
win suow wuerc you are paying
more for most of these articles, and
will not show you where you pay
Eggs per doz... 09
Army Axle 2 boxes 15
Monarch Axle Grease 2 boxes. ..15
Frazier's Axle Grease 2 boxes... 15
Walter Baker's Cocoa jlb tin... 25
Walter Baker's Chocolate 18c. 2
cakes , ..,35
Jtf-pint Dr. Price's Extract Va
nilla 15
Sewing Machine Oil per bottle.. 05
Grand Pa's Wouder Soap per bar,05
Kerosene Oil per gal 10
Yeast Foam 2 oktrs 05
On Time Yeast 2 pkgs 05
4-Ib nkcrGold Dust 18
Pcarliiic per pkg 04
Search Light Matches per box. .04
Kingsford's Silver Gloss Starch. 08
Kingsford's Corn Starch 08
Table Salt 2 sacks 05
Sage per pkg 04
Hops per pkg 04
Whittemore'a Gilt KHirn simi
T" i f 1 a I 11 ..w.
i-airons 01 uic local postotlicc can Polish . on
now ootaiu tneir stamps put up in Whittemore'a Baby Elite Siioe
nine oooks witii a leat of waxed Polish 10
nn nnr lint uxtnit 1ia UftAn .r .1 l. . ....
".u.wvraui stamps Mjjfdseed Mb pkg 07
10 Keep mem irom adhering to one i3agle Brand Condensed Milk 18c
uiiuuicr. wu wie cover 01 tltc book 2 cans for 35
are printed the foreign and domestic Evaporated Cream 'i3c "2 ca.U'. ! 'rs
postage rules, money order fees, Vinegar n,fff!,i on
governing registered Arbuckle's Coffee.... 13c. 2 nk 2
r . ' "D-
urc 01 a verv Iion Cn fen IT. o nl,, oc
their C03t is Gerimin CnlTpr. ivini,,,. oc
Bee CoiTee per pkgc 14
liogota Coltce 18c, 2 pkgs 35
Cream ot Wheat per pkgc 15
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kitzmiller
went to Kearney Wednesday morn
ing to visit friends,
Miss Mayme Barbee closed a
successful term of school at the
Plant schaol house last Friday
She will leave in short time for her
new home in Syracuse.
The Western Normal Business
Institute of Shenandoah, Iowa, has
offered a free scholarship to one
person in each county in Nebraska.
Anyone in Lincoln county who is
desirous of accepting this offer is
requested to communicate witu
the county superintendent and ob
tain full particulars,
S. S. Buckner and Sylvester
Trusty were over from Wallace
Wednesday transacting business.
Maurice Grau's opera company,
which had just clo3id an engage
mcnt in Denver, occupied a special
car on train No. 6 Wednesday.
Paderewski's special car was at
tached to train No. 6 Tuesday, but
unfortunately the hour at which
the train passed through here was
bo early that the celebrated pianist
was still wrapped in the arms of
morpheus and his North Platte
admirers didn't have an opportun
ity to catch even a glimpse ot his
luxurious crop of hair.
5 rccccrcrcrrcc'Crrcr
Wedding Bells will
now be Ringing-....
Among the presents you may want is a nice
and rules
letters. The books
convenient size and
only one cent more than the value
of the stamps which they contain.
&o lar Postmaster II ill hah nnlv
ibiuivcu iwu BiKcs 01 uookb, one
containing twelve two cent stamps
and which is sold for tweutv-fivc
cents and the other coutaininir
, 0
loriy-eigut two cent stamps and
which is sold for ninety-seven cents,
Notice To Taxpayers.
personal taxes for 18")9 were dc-
L .
11114111:111 rcuruary i, iyuu. fain
charged with, and responsible for,
tneir collection, and those unpaid
must ue paid. iayy realty taxet.
are delinquent May 1, 1900.
Trcasuicr Lincoln County.
Have the swellest and most up-to-date
of these sets in Western Nebraska in six,
eight and ten pieces, ranging in price from
' $3.00 to $13.50.
They also desire to call your attention to
their lino of
IPiailj aijcl JDecoiratecl Ei)giislj
Diijeir ware aijci iaaviiaijci. uijnia.
Fine line of One Dollar Water Sets. See
our line of Fancy Ten-cent Novelties.
Harrington & Tobin.
Kg8 2.0
Pillsbnry's Vitos. ,13c, 2 pk
Shredded Whole Wheat Biscuit
13c, 2 pkgs 25
uattle Ax Tobacco. . . .per plug 35
Horse Shoe Tobacco. .-1 .per plug 45
htar Tobacco per lb 45
J. r. tobacco. ner nW 20
Duke's Mixture Tobacco.. per lb 35
Snow Flake Patent Flour, per Bk 90
or it.- I
.Tiua v-uru weal 25 !
we cliargc no more for goods ex-
-iitiiiKi.-M ior iruuuce man you pay
Wilcox Department Store.
Now for the Road.
Nothing that goes on wheels can
excel my pleasure vehicles, which
show the tip-tO'date carriages in the
most stylish and approved form.
Youthful couples aud families alike
most enjoy the sunny days w.hen
comfortably enconsed in one of 'my
handsome turnouts. The money re
quired to purchase can be invested to
equal advantage in 110 other way.
Jos. Hershey.