The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 27, 1900, Image 5

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    Wedding Presents
and Novelties,
ft U. P. Watch Examiner.
We have a fine line of
Fancy Articles suitable
for Wedding GiftB Vases
Clocks, Candclabras, Bak
ing Dishes, Cut Glass and
Sterling Silver pieces.
Don't forget that we carry
Bicvclcs in stock at prices
that arc right.
ANNIE 0. KRAMPH, Crrr Edixob.
FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1900.
F. 15. Dullard spent Thursday
in Lincoln.
Wallace Dorau, of Sidney, is the
guest of his aunt, Mrs. Sarah
C. 13. Gunncll, of Paxton, has
been in town lor several days buy
ing horses.
Mrs. Amy Votaw went to Lin
coln this morning to spend a few
weeks visiting her daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Langdon and
daughter Miss Grace spent a couple
of days in Omaha this week.
Miss Crosby, who had been the
guest of Mrs. J. J. Hulligan for
several week?, returned to her home
in Omaha this morning.
Mrs. Susan Hoover returned yes
terday afternoon from a visit at
North Bend and other points in the
eastern paat of the state.
Wm. Woodhurst is one ot the
jurymen for the forthcoming term
of federal court. He will go to
Omaha next week.
The Christian ladies' aid Society
will meet with Miss Anna Reed,
Wednesday, May 2. All are cor
dially invited to attend,
W. H. Broach, who has just re
covered srom a sorious siege of
pneumonia, was able to be down
town yesterday tor the first time
in a number of weeks.
Lost. A garnet breast pin some
where between Lloyd's opera house
and Von Goetz'o residence. A suit
able reward is offered it finder will
return to Von Goetz's art studio,
Victor 12. Meyers is putting the
iron sheeting on the building
which he has erected for tempor
ary use and will have it ready for
occupancy in a short time.
Arthur Plumer, who is recover
ing from an attack of pneumonia,
came up from Maxwell last even
ing and will remain here for some
time under the doctor's care,
" A. F. Patsona returned this
morninj; from Denver where be had
been spending several days looking
after business in connection with
the Golvin-Arundale commission
Senator Thurston sent a hundred
pounds of -sugar beet seed to the
formers in the vicinity of Ft. Mc
Pherson to use this year in an cx
perimeut to determine the feasibility
of beet raising there,
Among the familiar faces noted
among these in attendance at the
W. N. E. A. are those of Supt.
Softly, of Perkins county, one of
the fusion candidates for the state
superintendent of schools; Mr. and
Mrs. II. 10. Worrell, of Brady, and
Mrs. Anna Gray Clark, editor o
the Keith County News.
There is considerable conjecture
as to the result of the game of ball
on Friday of next week between
the local nine and the Omaha
league team, In a game Wednes
day with the Mate University the
latter did not secure a hit off the
Omaha pitcher, and as the univcr
sitv niue are good amatuer plaj'ers
it looks as though the local boys
will experience some lUiiicuity in
getting a 'man annum mc uiamonci
District Oratorioal Context.
The oratorical contest of the
West Nebraska Oratorical Associa
tion was held at Lloyd's opera
louse last night. There were only
three high schools Sidney, Cozad
and North Platte represented in
the contest this year. The contest
ants were- Miss Bessie Finney of
North Platte. Miss Mamie Hansen
of Sutherland, and Miss Fern
Green of Cozad, in the oratorical
class: Mainard Crosby of Sutber-
and, Miss Adell Lytic of North
Platte, Miss Mary Barnard of
Cozad, and Miss Helen Neilscn of
Sutherland, in the humorous class;
Miss Lula Wallace of Cozad and
Miss Mary Sullivan of North
Platte in the dramatic class. Sev
eral of the contestants from both
Sutherland and Cozad were quite
young but they did remarkably well.
The judges of the contest were
Prof. Clcmmons, of Fremont, Supt.
Soitly, of Perkins county and Mr.
Turner, of Lincoln. They awarded
the medals to the following con
testantsin the dramatic class,
Miss Mary Sullivan; in the oratori
cal clasB, Miss Hansen, and in the
humorous class MIrs Mary Barnard.
During the evening the Parlor
Konccrt Klub, a new msical organ
isation, rendered scycral selec
tions which were excellent and
were heartily enjoyed by the audi
ence, 'l'lic evening was greatly
marred by the discourteous, rough
conduct of a lot of North Platte
boys and young men who whistled,
whooped and yelled between se
lections and when the contestants
from abroad were speaking they
tried to start a dog fight in the
rear of the hall and in other wavs
made a great deal ot disturbance.
North Platte audiences have suf
fered from this sort of thing long
enough, and it is time these ill-bred
young men were tavght to respect
the rights ot others, even if a jail
sentence is necessary to do it.
The Way to Save Money
Is to buy your Shoes here. Sell
ing W. L. Douglas' and Dr. Reed's
Cushion Shoes. Douglas $3.00
and $3.50 Shoes, equal to any $5
shoe on earth. Shoes for men
and boys as low as $1.35. Some
odds and ends in $3 and $3.50
values at $2. See them. '
Star Clothing House
Xair and Supper.
The ladies of St. Patrick's
church will hold a fair and supper
at Lloyd's May 17. Great prep
arations arc being made by those
in charge to have on a sale a great
variety of fancy and useful articles
and the bill of fare will also receive
special attention.
The annual election ot officers of
Signet Chapter No. 55, O. 10. S
was held at the Masonic Hall last
night and the following officers
were elected'. W. M.. Mrs. A. S.
Baldwin; A. W. M.. Mrs. Geo. W.
Finn; W. P., Mrs. L. E. Voo6
conductress, Mrs. W. J. Stuart; A
conductress, Mrs. M. H. Douglas;
secretary, Miss Irene Hartman, and
treasurer. Mrs. John Sorenson.
The officers will be installed Thurs
day evening, May 17th.
Special rrice on one. two
. . . .
ana tnree men pipe.
Jos. Hereney.
Major L. H. Dow was in town
for a short time today while en
route home from Kearney w here he
had been attending the congres
Btonal convention. The Major
says there is in course of prcpara
tion for the Metnotial Day cxer
cises at the national cemetery a
program which will make the ser
vice very much better than any of
its predecessors.
Chicago weather forecast for
North Platte and vicinity: Partly
cloudy tonight and Saturday with
possibly local showers. The maxi
mum temperature yesterday was
72. one year ago it was 80; the
minimum temperature this morning
was 54, one year ago it was -10.
Mrs. and Mrs. Henry Gilfoyle
and Mrs. R. 10. Arundale wish to
extend their thanks to the ladies
auxiliary of the O. R, C, and other
friends for the many kindnesses
shown them at the time ot the
burial of R. 10. Arundale.
Dr. Hannah, Osteopath. Office op
positc Hotel Neville. North Platte
T M OA Social.
The Y. M. C. A. will give a so
cial at the rooms Monday evening,
April 30th, when the following pro
gramme will be rendered: Selec
tion, Parlor Konccrt Club; solo,
Rev. H. A. Wolfe; violin selection,
Alvin Pool; reading, Mrs. C. A.
Kitzmillcr; selection, Prof. Bran
don's M. Club; solo, C. F. Schar-
mann; reading, James Dowd; selec
tion, Parlor Konccrt Klub; reading,
?erd Hollingsworth; selection,
Prof. Brandon's M. Club; address
W. M. Cunningham, Prcs't Y. M.
C. A. Everyone is invited.
Ice cream will be served during
the evening.
W. Kt E. A.
The opening session of the W. N.
E. A. was held at the court house
this morning. The attendance is
already large and every train is
bringing in mote teachers. Quite
a number of the county superin
tendents from counties within the
district are present. Normal
schools was the topic which en
gaged the attention of the associa-.
tion this morning and members arc
practically a unit in declaring that
more normal schools arc an abso-
utc necessity for the welfare of
The following program was car
ried out this morning:
Music High School Quartette
Invocation Iter, needier
Vocal Solo Minn Lena Kchau
Address of Welcome Sunt Klirlgtit
HcBponne ...I'rcs. A. Soitly, (Irani
l'lano Solo Mis (Iracc Lancdon
'ai)c "What Normal Training ioc for a
Teacher A. l. Chase. Sutherland
Discussion ......Prof, demons, Fremont
apcr "The Teacher b Heiation to the Phys
ical Development of the Child"
Miss Susie I'urlnlon. flrant
Vocal Solo Kcv. Wolfe
'aper "Helps and Hindrances to Success"
flims Minnie won, unappcu
The program for this afternoon
is as follows:
aVA Baking
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
rwr :ri3r-yv i
Instrumental Duct. ...Misses llurlccand Sor
enson. Paper "Wherein do we Attempt too Little
in tnc Lountry acnoou-
MlMKtnma Stmtiklns. Paxton
Discussion..., Supt. Wesley Tresslcr, Ogal-
Iteclntlon "Naughty Nell". . .Miss Krcamcr
In the O rail ear" ...Miss Anna Lute. Paxton
Discussion II. C. Hood, llrady
Ladles' Trio Mesdames Hershcy and
McDonald and Miss Helton
aper "Wherein do we Attempt too Little
lathe lllirh Schooir...ltcv. Hill. Harrlslmrir
Discussion .. .Prln. R. Lance Jones Wallace
Paper "Wherein do we Attempt too Much In
inc uouniry cnooisr
C. P. Chambers. Sldnev
Discussion., ....Joseph Crosby, Hayes 'Center
Vocal Solo , Miss Anna ItclinauHcn
'apcr " wncrem no we Attempt too much in
the Grades J".. MIhs Alice Howcr. Juleslmri:.
Discussion O. W. Ncale
Mper "Wherein do we Attempt too Much In
the Hlch School!" D. Klllen. Wauneta
Discussion Miss Minnie Chase
apcr "Sense Training What, How and
WDcnt" miss Kditn Vernon
The program for this evening:
Qnartette Mesdames Hcrshey and Mc-
uonam aim Messrs, vary anu uowien.
Music , Cary Orchestra
Pantomlne "The Famine" ...Pupils of
amnev 'scnoois ami miss t-ansic ltreamcr
Vocal Solo C. P. Scharmann
Lecture "The Yellowstone Park".. Prof. K.
II. Harbour. State University of Nebraska
Violin Solo Alvin Pool
Instrumental Duct.. ..Mrs. Cary, Miss Ilurke
Invocation He v. A. W. Verncr
Synthetic Heading Miss Uracc Kennedy.
Or n tokon ot esteem ennuot bo
boBtowod in n nioro nccoptnblo
form thnn by n gift ot jowolry. Wo
have such nn ondloea nesortmont
ot cow 'JosiguR and nrlletto cirocts
In rich nnd hnndeomo combten
tlnns oMowolg from n tiny pin to
n fino Rolil watch Unit it will not
bo hard to suit you in jowols or
Wnlch Inspector Tin:
for U. P. Ily. Co.
jTc S
When wo find lines of goods which suits
our trade, wo do not change them
host Hour that money can buy and the standard
of the world. $1.15 per sack.
$ buy a can of theso goods you know that you
jjj are getting the best that is put up.
JjJ FEES have no equal. You find tho coffee for
ft 25, 30 and 35 cents per pound and tho tea from
40 to 70 cents per pound.
LEXINGTON PATENT Wo have it at $1.00
W? pop sack, and it is tho best flour ground in Ne
..Miss Adda Koceen
High School Quartc'tc .....MIsseB Emily
Cooper. Eva Hartman, Irene Swarthout.
Mabel Davis.
Papcr"IndlvlduaU vs. Class Teaching,.'
Supt. II. V. Carson, Kearney
The County Institute,"... Dent. State
'.... , .T T 1 .... 1 . T I ...... I
OUIIk.U, M. . IICl.i Ulllllllll.
Vocal Solo.. .Miss Helen Neilscn, Sutherland
iiusincss Meeting.
Vocal Solo Mrs, M, Doollttle
me niaKiiic u quiuzon,
l. iariy jn
arypres(ionH..,,Supt. Clara Dob-
'2. Street I.lfo and Companionship.. ..Prln
L. H, Carey, Sidney.
3. The Schools as a Factor II, A.
What a Hoy Thinks of School," Miss
Anna Grav Clark. Ocalalla.
Ladles' Quartette.... Mesdames Hershcy and
Mcuonaui ami misscs Helton anil Hartman
'What atllrl Thinks of School,".. Miss
Eunice Uabbltt.
Paper "Our Mutual Interests," (by request)
...rarn, wiiiiiaruin
Addres-"Tho Private and the Pub
lic bcnooir.... Mate supt. Jackson, Lincoln
Instrumental Solo Miss Jessie Dratt
Vocal Solo Mrs. J. II. Hershcy
Recltatlon-"The Soul of the Violin,".., .Miss
If reamer, Sidney.
Lecture "The . ureal Universities of the
r;asi,-'....rroi. k. u. Dexter, stale univer
sity of Colorado.
Male Quartette,
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Cheney came
down from Cheyenne Wednesday
morning- and will spend several
days here visiting friends,
Round and Half Round
Stock Tanks, all sizes, for
saio oy job. Mersiiey.
Railroad Notes. :
Engine No. 1478 has gone into
passenger service on the Third di6
trict. Jno, States resumed his run
Wednesday afternoon alter having
been off a week on account of the
illness of liis wife.
A work train is in sen ice cast of
the bridge dropping new tics and
distributing ballast to-(ill in some
of the uneven places in the road
Engine No. 847 was in the round
house yesterday. It was en route
from Omaha where it had been re
ceiving an overhauling to Chcy
enne w.ucre it win go into passen
ger service.
Hereafter a composition mail and
baggage car will run from Council
Bluffs to Julesburg on train No. 5.
This will be a great accommodation
to a majority of the towns along
the Union Pacific, as heretofore
this'traln has carried nothing but
pouch mail matter.
A L. Kydberg is to be trans
ferred to the headquarters office in
Omaha. He and his fa mil r will
(leave for there in a short time.
Although they have been residents
of North Platte but a' short time
they have made hosts ot friends
j who will regret to sec them leave,
i The tenth new engine for freight
service on the Central Pacific went
j through here yesterday. They were
i built by the Cooke Locomotive
! Works at Patterson, N. J., and
there arc twenty more yet to come.
In some respects they correspond
to the 1700 class in service on the
Union Pacific but they are a better
proportioned engine and have a
number of improvements, the
principal ones being appliances for
; economizing- the use of fuel. The
fire box is not nearly so deep as
those of the 1700s but they are con.
sidcrable longer. Their construc
tion, however, is such that they are
much easier to fire, the grates
being arranged in such a fashion
that the fire works towards the
front end of. the fire box.
Henry Waltcmath is having the
interior ot his saloon rcpapcrcd
and painted,
For these goods you must pay a good price,
jj- and you do not got them for nothing. Other deal
fl ers may toll you that their goods aro "just as
& good" but thoy only rank themselves as imitators.
$ "When you want something good to eat go to
ft Phone 32.
Harrington & Tobin's.
Shoes of the day are the
solid shoes that have
solid sole leather coun
ters, grain inner soles,
the best outer soles, and
the name of the maker
stamped on every pair.
The right kind for men,
women nnd children are
made by C. M. Hender
son & Co. and sold by
What One Eats
Should he the best the work' can
furnish. Our stock of food pro
ducts is an all round exhibition of
prize winners. In quality, variety,
and pleasant prices we claim every
thing. Avoid cheap canned goods,
poor fruits and vegetables, badly
put up. Make good digestion wait
on appetite, and order your grocer-
1 ies from us. You can't be mistaken
here. Fresh vegetables every day,
Twenty-five of the pupils from
the schools came up yester
day afternoon to attend the, orator
ical contest. Three of the corps
of teachers accompanied them.
The first lecture before the W.
N. E. A. will be given at the court
house tonight by Prof. Barbour of
the Btate university. It wilt be on
the Yellowstone Park and will be
illustrated by magic lantern views:
Drop ia Nails.
8d Nails and coarser, per lb 4 cts.
Gd Nails and finer, per lb 5 cts.
Finishing Nails, per lb 5 cts.
Wilcox Department Store
The painters and paper hangers
have been doing some artistic work
on the dining room at the Vienna1'
Wanted -Some one to make a
cash offer for the N. E, qr of Sec.
31, Town 16, Range 27, Lincoln
county, Neb. Address M. D. Chem
bcrlin, 100 S. Broadway, Los An
geles, Cal.
All kinds of work done neatly
kalsomining, paper cleaning on the
wall, window shades and carpets
cleaned, and painting. Granitoid
sidewalks put down, All work
guaranteed. Telephone North
Side grocery store. All orders an
swered promptly.
John L. Jones.
Yeast Cakes arc low, but they shall rise again, and so
will your bread if you use our
Snow Flake Flour $1.00 a Sack
and your dollar back if it is not the best Flour you can buy
in North Platte, outside of this store, at any price. Sec that
the name of Wells, Abbott & Nieman is on every sack.
The other fellow tells you what he has that is cheap;
we will tell you of some things that arc good to eat. ,
Monarch Asparagus Points 30c per can ji
i? Monarch Black Raspberries 25c per can f
Monarch Strawberries 25c per can W
Monarch Pitted Red Cherries 25c per can
Casino Sliced Peaches 40c per can
Tnll lilna of Osjilno Brand Fruits and VecretableH. 3
Oriole Prunes (the finest grown) 3 to a sauce dish. .. 20c per lb
ih 4h
Ul IM UUCD, ww - s
Fancy Muir Peaches i .15c pet lb "nr
Club House Coffee 35c per lb 4f
Club House Baking Powder 40c per lb 3
XXXX Bulk Olives ,...50cpcrqt )
Loir Cabin Manic Svrun $1.35 per gal ,iau
ljipions ungusu urcaKiusi xcu . . . . iu
K Lipton's Oolong 75c per lb
J Naban Ceylon Tea 70c per lb
T? nil lino rT oH T.5tt1i Wliito Vizh. Mackerel. Ilerrinp.
t uii twwa w '-- 1 grt
Salmon. Whole Cod Fish 7 cents a pound.
Omaha Anchor Fencing
Barb "Wire and Fence Staples,
Badger Cultivators,
Listed Corn Cultivators,
Brown Sulky Listers,
Canton Walking Listers,
Woodmansee and Eclipse Windmills.
Pumps, Pipes nnd Fittings.
For sale by
Locust St., North Platte, Neb.
rovai BAH ma power co.. u vomc