FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1900. lilAL BAKE,EmTOBAMDPBOPniErron BUDSOBIPTION BATES. On Year, cash in advance 11.25 Biz Montlii, cash In ftdTkno 75 OenU BntrItlbNottbrUU(Itbrtiia)pottonoM eond-ols matter. Tub republicans in tlie Third and Fifth congressional districts held their conventions Wednesday. In the former John R. Hayes was nominated, and in the latter VV. S. Morlan, of McCook. At the Ohio republican state con vention held Wednesday the ticket was elected by acclamation, an in dication that everything is harmon- ions within the party in that state. The platform strongly endorses President McKinly and contains a strong anti-trust plank. 13y a vote of thirty-three to thirty-two Quay was refused a scat in the United State's senate on the governor's certificate. Doth scna tors from Nebraska voted against his admission. Quay will undoubt cdly be elected t-cnator by the Pennsylvania legislature this winter. Tub Pennsylvania republicans met in state convention Wednesday and passed a resolution recording their conviction that the governor had a right to. appoint Senator Quay, but the platform advocates a change in the federal constitution prouiding that United States sen ators be elected by a direct vote of the people. At the republican congressional convention at Kearney yesterday afternoon, Judge Kiukaid was nom inated by acclamation. The dele gates elected to the national con vention were Geo. 13. Darr, ot Lex ington, and 15. J. Davenport, of Valentine. The convention was well attended and much enthusiasm manifested. At the evening meet ing speeches were made by Senator Thurston, John L. Webster and E. Rosewatcr. rXXTIMMT PAXACUftATXS. One of the most noticeable things in all the republican state platforms this year is the hearty demand lor the passage of the shipping bill, which has been favorably reported to each branch of congress. From the way the democrats seem to be worrying over the consti tution, it would appear that they have forgotten that there is a su preme court, whose chief duty it is to safeguard that sacred document. The "trust" question has been taken up by the subcommittee of the house judiciary committee, and it recommends either a new anti trust law or a constitutional amendment that will give congress full power to deal wiih trusts. Exports of American products and manufactures were almost $30,000,000 greater last March than in March, 1899. That wait of pro- tection is not too high to prevent our goods climbing over it and get ting out into the markets of the world. The consumption of cotton in the United States during 1899 was one million bales more than in 1896. It rose from 2,504,972 to 3,589.494. And the price went up accordingly. Hut the cotton-growing states will remain wedded to their idols just the same. As a kicker, the democratic party is a screaming success. As a clog on the wheels of progress it beats the air brake. As a promiscr it out-promises the man who never pays his debts, But when It conies to keeping its pledges, the record is different. The fact that aB much has been paid to foreign shipowners during the past thirty-five years as has been collected at American custom houses Is one that loudly culls for 1he passage of the shipping bil which is designed to turn our for eign carrying over to American built ships. Imports of foreign goods, ad uiittcd into this country free of duty were 50 per cent greater in value In March, 1900 than in March 1898. This increase, however, is chiefly in material for inaiiuiactur ers which we do not now produce at home. Hence, this increased importation means increased ac tivity on the part of our amauufac turers aad their employees. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Men wlioTiave bceuworklng with the grading gangs west of here arc already beginning to be dissatisfied with their work tfnd drift back. Mrs. C. F. Iddings and Miss Maymc Dnrbcc will entertain the members of the II. T. club at the Iddings residence next Monday evening. The town is rapidly filling up with school ma'ams and a rather sparse sprinkling of school masters. It is estimated that by tomorrow there will be fully 150 out-of-town teachers here. Two years ago today Company 13 started out to fight iu the Spanish war and the town was full of war- ike enthusiasm. Today the town las been invaded by school teachers wlio are laboring to promote peace anu Harmony. A train was run from Sutherland to North Platte last eveninir for tlie accommodation ot the citizens of the former town who wished to attend the oratorical contest About fifty took advantage of the opportunity and came down. The majority ot the m returned on train No. 3. BRADY NEWS. II. Cover otonnod on on unfastened plcoo of stnir BUpportTuosdny nftornoon whilo working on thu Qidln houeo nnd fell striklug on n barrel nnd hurting his arm nnu siuo nunc severely. There wore no boncB brolton. MiraThoolockowns down Wodnosdnv nnu vibiicu aim awpioion b ecliool. Thoro is no session of the schools to dny on account of tho tenchor's mooting in North Plntto. A enr of grnvol Ib bointr mod to crndo up tho crossing by tho tan I; nnd put it in good shnno for tonms, Tho section foromnn has received ordoro to tonr .up tho platform around tho donot and nut grnvol thoro iUBtead. Tho Woodtnon held n snccial mooting Tuesdny to transact business. Tho rnin Wodnefidny nftornoon wns onoottlio lioaviost that has visited this section ot tho country for somo timo nnd It gnvo tuo ground n protty thorough wotting. Mrs. J5d aullivau went to visit Mr. Sul- livnn'a nnronta nonr North Plntto Sntur- day oxpeoting to bo absent n couplo ot weoice. Mr. A. W, MnthowEon and J. N. Nick. Iob, nro tbo lust town parlios to apply paint. Jns. Kotnlno nnd Miss Sullivan woro among tho Gothenburg visitors Saturday. Mrs. Hesnin wns a Gothenburg visitor on Inst Thursday. The work ot hauling grnvol in nround tho school houso is boiuj: curried on nnd tho yard will Boon bo tlxed so that tho sand will not blow out. Willio Dolnn wno down from Maxwell looking over the sights of tho metropolis of tho oast end of tho county Wednesday. inurno uruwn wnnsoiu niB lartn some time ago nnd recently hold n nnlo of his farm implomonts nnd so mo of his stock is building on tho lots enst ot Sard Par sons' south of tho track. Miss Stnnloton closed n nood term of school in tho west Bohool on Thuredny. ii. u. uoou tins been teaching in tho Union school closed his term Thursday. Tbo schools at Vromnn closed Fridnv Inst. WALLACE NEWS NOTES. 0. II. Jncobson. n formor business mnn ot this place, enrao in from Iown Monday night to look nftor Iiib real en- tnto intorosts. Doctor Huckner nnd Rev. Gilnlu linvo constructed n partnership In tuo meat uubinosB, nnu now mo rovoronu goniio- mnn sponus n portion ot bio vnluablo timo sawing off sirloins to tho tuno of "Josus Paid it All;" nnd nt intervals tho nicdicnl mnn enn "bo do. tooted ronding up and informing him self on mnttera portmning to things spiritual. Tho united efforts, talents nnu labors of tho gontlomon will, it ia, opined, result in oodloa ot good to tho spiritual nnd physical element of tho community. Tho lnteat roporta from M. G. Uoyn olds, who is bolng treated nt nn Omaha hospital, aro tbnt ho is gotting nlong in n very fnvornblo man nor. Tho largo granary bulki ng, built bv P. B. Gavin, ra being moved to Suther land hub week. Tho rocont fino rn na have nut tho grouuu in oxcouont siiapo ror spring planting nud tho fnrmors nro grontly en couraged to put urn largo cron this oon- non. Thoy Bomohnw fool that tho out look Is un omen ot n bountiful harvest nnd that their horolo por&ovornnoo in tuo rnruiing lino is to bo rownrdod nt last. Mrs. M. II. Mvors ox nee to to lnnvn for Orogon with her ohildron to Bpond tho BUtnmor. I ho church Boolnl Tuoedny ovonlutr wns u buccosb uom sooinny nud llnnn oinlly. l'olltlca is nt low obb lit present nvnn JooTridlo Hoeuia to think onulont orn- lury HuperuuouB wuu tuo dtstrcBMng outlook for cannod calamity . 'J ho local Boimralor station m reemv. Ing n gocnlly tjunntity ot lnotonl II it id thoBo days, nud tho pntrons fully roalizo Hint tho crcninory iudiiBtry 19 n valuable ono to tho fnrmora of this western coun try, nnd they aro pushing n good thing aiong. A BlBtor or Polo Joel arrived from Uiiinlm Monday for n brief visit. Melon llnriier was uumbored among inn in a iow nays ago. Wax Candles Vtl. I-- -I . - ..... . 1 .mi i.w vim. uun i.u inucu i room or boudoir tho noftlr raitf. nt flxhl from UOKDOVA (UnillM. Ntithuig will ro.itrltmtu mnrn to tlio rimio uc(M'-. i tuo luni heon. tea or dinner. Tlie bet daooratlro csnuin jot na miuiiiwl ur (no W.MIfWIHU I IIIIUI IIMl-wIlir CP- lKrmiiluii. Msitn In sll rotor kllil Ikil Mm a I I.. I NTANIIAIII) Oil. t'O. tsdoold cretrwtim mmumiMmmmmmmm r Li YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYX SPRING CLOTHES g ARE READY and according to the calendar it is time to buy Spring Clothes. You'll need no argument when you see our new Spring styles, the new fads and faces, the swell suits for spring of 1900, the prices attached that interest, prices that particularly im press you with the splendid saving guaranteed you hero in all your wearables. MEN'S NEWEST SUITS.... r Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Spring of 1900 styles, in newest weaves and color ings, in checks and stripes, exceedingly well tail ored; couldn't tell by the fit or finish from highest priced made-to-order suits; very swell styles for tho good dresser. For Men's Suits prices range as follows $5.00, $6.00, $7 M0, 9.00, 10.00, $12-50 18'50 15-00 1G'50 ls'00 Boys' and Children's Newest Suits 1? Opening guns to emphasize the splendid season we propose in our boys X and children's stock. Values that economical buyers will appreciate. X Splendidly made, handsomely finished, the newest weaves, the latest X ? mixtures, fashionable and strong: and at prices especially reasonable. X Vestee Suits. Knee Pants Suits Knee Pants Suits A fine line for Boys, for boys, double knee for boys in stripes and - ages 3 to 8, from $1 and seat others ask checks from $3.00 to to 3.00. S3, our price 2.00. 5.00. Boys' Long Pants Suits Boys' Long Pants Suits in brown mixture Cassi- in all the latest styles at meres, others ask $7.50, prices ranging all the way v our price 5.50. from $3.50 to $13.50. Conic aud examine our stock and prices and you'll find it always pays you to trade at ie Model Givers of the Best Values. MAX KIRSCHBAUM, Proprietor. 3 IF YOU ARE GOING TO THE Pacific Coast Don't comploto nrrangomonti until you havo Bccurod information regarding tho porflonaiiy conducted excursions via tho Those oxcursions Ion ve Omaha evorv Fridny, in olognntly upliolstorod Ordi nary Bleeping Cnrs. illuminated bv PintBoh Light, Ilontod by Steam. unggngo ohooued through to destina tion. Prompt nud sntisfnetory servico, SSTMnnv hours nuicltor timo tlinn nnv othor lino. For timo tables, foklors, illtiBtrnted booUa, pamphlots,dosoriptivo of tho tor- ruory inivoreon, can on JAS B. SOANLAN, Agent, 5c Tho best CIGAR IN TOWN Can ho found at. j. r. MHMmmn. Our Ten-Cent Cigars are the equal ol any. Your attention is invited to our fine line of Chewine and Smokincr Tobaccos and Smok ers articles. we are 15 Kept Busy Repairing slioes for people who nnnreciatc .rt neat, substantial work ,i n.n i.t...i -i if not already a custo- lj iner we solicit your work. GEO. TEKULVE, Yellow Front Shoe Store. -4 One-Price Glothin The proposition to bond the Wayne school district for $10,000 in order to build a new high school was defeated by a majority of twenty-five. The contest over the bonds was -quite an exciting one. New Dry Goods Store. NORTH SIDKJ I nm now rondy lo show my frionds n now slock of I Dili) Ejoodpt and fJofcion. Come and oxnmiuo my goods nnd got my prices, All my Print aro Fast Colors. A Fino Line of Hosiery. Boys' Bicycle Hoio-nover wear out. Complete Line of Overalls, Jackets and Qloves. Geo. T. Buzzn. mil SALE. FARM WAGONS, SPRING WAGONS TOP BUGGIES, And all kinds of Farm IWaehinepy. Standard Goods at Reasonable Prices. LOCK 8 SALISBURY, NORTH PLATTE. I The Cash S I Grocery. m S I have iiist received a full JJ line of n Staple Groceries ? and am now ready to fill !J! J orders promptly at the JJJ i lowest prices. I handle North Platte Flour. .fTOlvc me a rail anil lie con- p m vhiceil that my prices anil gooils are m W right. n I U. G. SAWYER. S X X X X cpgl X X X X X X X X 5 Land Seders or Users Take Notice I have 400,000 Acres of Pas ture Lands for Sale or Lease, nt prices ranging from 00 conts to $2 per ncro. Ranches, fnrm, bay, nnd irrigntod lands, nud othor classes of Ron! Estnto. Land sold ou tho 10 yonr U. 4 R. R. timo plan, ono-tonth down, hnlnnco iu yonrly pnymonts. Cnll on 'OET, U. P. R. R. Lnnd Agont Ottonstein Building, NORTH PliATTE, NEB. A Well Creased Man is he who who get us to make his clothes. We are now receiving our line of new and fashionable Spring Suitings. F. J. Broeker, Merchant Tailor. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. O. V. IUdklu a, II. Dent JjEDELTi & DENT, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONd, Olllcos: North Plntto Nntionnl Bnuk Building, North Platte, Nob. jjjl T.DENNIS, M. D., HOMOEOPATIIIST, Over Flmt NbUodaI UaqV, NOUTH 1'LAl-fK, . . NKI1HA8KA. rp O. PATTERSON, X, KTTORNBY-KT-Lfflnt, Oillco ovor Vollow Front Shoo Storo NORTH PLATTK, NEB. yiLCOX & IIALLIGAN, ATTOliNJC Y8-AT.LA TF, (fOUTH l'LATTK, - - - NEIIRASKA Omco oyer North FUtta N.tlonM liAnk. E E. NORTHRTJP, DBNTISTi Office ovor Model Clothing Store, NORTH PLATTE, NEB. To the Ladies .... WE HAVE NOW OPENED Dressmaking Parlors at the corner of Vine and Sixth Sts., and will be prepared to do first-class up'todate Dress making at reasonable rates. Accordion and Knife Pleating a specialty. MRS. L. A. MoAPEE, MISS MAME McAPEE. Legal Notices. rUHMOATlON NOTICE. Toler Holm nil John Doe, rr nl nnmo unknown, lofondnnt, will tako notlco Ihnt J. E. Heoley. plnlntlft horeln, ha Mod hla iwtllion In Iho uifitrlct conrt ol Lincoln county, Nebraska, nRnlni-t aid defondanta, Iho object and prnror of which HTn ( n t , r-n l n a a I I 1 . I . .. . . - '".wv,"po iuuriK"KO WJecillWI April 2nd, 1TOI, by Iho defondant t'etor Uoliu lo Hie tltnlntt llrltnln n.. 1 1. n . 1 1 . I 1 1 1 . iitut iikiuih, un luu luiiumuK uvKcriueu real cstato, towlti The fouthweat miarter of tho mwi i.n.i Mum i nuu uio i.uu,Denai fjuarier or ino northwest quartor and Iho oal halt of Ilia acuUi. wot nuarter ot section four, In townrhlp nlno, north In range Iwenty-elshl, went of Iho Cth p. m. In Lincoln county, Nebraska, raid mortgage belno executed to aucuro Ihe payment of the ono princi pal note of tho aald 1'etor Holm, with ten lnteret notea thereto attached: aald principal note being for the aura of tnOO nnd maturing April 1st, 18W; one of aald Interest notea maturing October Int. iioututmiu uiivon iiiniuriufr rrpneciireiy on Iho M dnya of April nnd October, lWKi, 1800, 1WI7, u., mu ,1 bii.u tiuirn injuring April 141. 1DW1 each of anld notes bring for the sum of (12,00 and Biniiltfe.l Anvil 4n.l 1 L., I , n. . ... "i1 joim. iiuru is now iiue ,uo plalntllT on rnld notes and unrtgnge Ihe nam of ,..i .mi iuwidpi.i ma (uiuui iou pur ccni per annum from Octobor lat. 1M)I, and plalntllT praya ,., m.1.. mo iiu.uiiuuuin ue riKuiroii 10 piiy tho anrao, or that said premises may be sold lo satisfy said amounts with Intorosts and costs of salt. Yon are required fo nnswer said petition on or beforo Monday Iho 21t day of May, lPOO. f W U.. .... ..l,fM w njjcir.i, raiiniiii, nil lly W. U. Morlan, his Attorney. HIIEIIIFF'S BALE. lly vlrtno ot nn exocutlon from the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, 0on a Judg. nient rendered in said conrt In favor of Mary J. Hartman, nnd against Patrick Oonneally, I havo levied upon the following described real estate as the property of Die said 1'ntrlck Conneally, to-wltl Tho southwest quartet Of section twenty. In township ten, rnngo thlrly-four and the east Hve ncros of the southeast quarter of tbo southeast quarter of section nineteen, In township ten, rnngo thirty-four, west sixth V. M.. nil in Lin. coin county, Nebraska, nnd I will on the 28th day of Arrll, WOO, at 1 o'clock p. m. of said day, at the east front door of the. court houso (that being the building wherein the last term of conrt was hold), ot said county In North Finite, soil the said roal ostnto at publlo auction to the highest blddor for cash, or as much theroot na to satisfy said execution; the amount found dne thereon In Iho aggregate being Ihe sum of (T42.UO nnd f U W) costs, nud ncarulng costs. p.ited North l'latto, Neb., March 27, 1000. nZ70 Tim T. Kelihisu, Bherlff. QAD NQTICH. IIOAU NO. 21(1. AKrccablc to a petition bv land owner "nt ui luiibciii iuuii iiercinaiicr cie- iuui unit uj liiu uuiiiiiunniiipcrH ui Ijincoin county Krantcil at a regularly adjourned RCHKlnn of antfl linnril nn Mnfi, i iriwi public road has been established as follows: Commencing nt quarter section corner bo- iwecn HcciioiiH vi anu 27. townHmp H, north ranRe 20 west. Thence wont on ncction lino uvinyvu nEv.imii.1 aim -i, aim .i anu Kn, -terminating at the Houthcast corner of sec Hon 20, town 14 north, range 20 west. All ob jections; thereto or claim for damages must be Uled in the county clerk's onice on or before noon of the nth day of June, IIKJO. or" Buch road will bo established without refer- Vf. M. IIOLTHV. a6l County Clerk, IN THK DI8T1HOT COUItT OP LINCOLN COUNTY, NEUKA8KA., In Ihe matter ot tho estate of John 13. Ht. Marls, deceased. This jause came on for bearlnp npon the potltlen' ot Ilutler Uuchanan, almlnlstrntor of Ihe estate ot John 11. 8t. Marie, deceased, praying for a license to sell tho followlug descrlbod real estate, to-witi The southwest quarter of tho northeast quarter, lh northwest quarter of the southeast quartor, tho northeast quarter of Ihe southwest quarter and the southeast qnarlerot tho northwest quarter of section 1H, In township 13 north of range 27 west of tho 0th P. M. In Lincoln county, Nebraska, or sufficient amount ot the saniejo bring the sum of $.'100.00 for the payment of clnlms allowed against said estate and tho cost nt administration, there not being sufficient personal property lo pay the said debts nnd expenses. It Is therefore ordered that all persons Inter ested in said estate appear beforo mo at my office In North Platte, Nebraska, on tbe2th dny of Mny, 11)00, nt two o'clock In Ihe nfternoon, to show cnuse why n license should not be granted to said administrator to sell so much ot said real estate as shall bo necessary to pay said debts nnd expenses. Dnted at North Pintle, Nebraska, April 12. 1V0O. nl3i II. M. OltlMEfl Judge. LAND OFFICE NOTICES. TIM11EK OULTIIBK, FINAL PHOOF-NOTIOE lull 1-UllljlUA.L'lUN, Land Office at North Platte, Nob. . . March 21th, 1B0O. Nntlpn I. h.r.hv nltiAn Hint V I I, 1 . 11 i , n ' " lubiiuino a., vuuivr has nied notice ot Intention to mako final jiiiiut uuiuru register una receiver at their ofncp in North Pintle, Neb., on Monday ihe7thuaynf ?Ha7f. "IP0, ?i? ,lmb..r c"l'or oppficotlon 'No. 1IIJJ1I. fur t hi, .nn in.ut n,.nI.Jpn. . .it. . quarter nnd loty 2, 3 and i of section No. nn, iui.ii.uiw -nu. ii uuriu range no, 5.1 west. Ho names na witnesses: Thomas M. Johns, Walter N, Hlmmons, Charles M, Hayden, nnd Frank J, Nichols, nil of Wallace, Neb. iu270 arowiE E. FniHCH, lleglster. N0T10E FOR rUHMOATIOiV. , United Htntos Ijind Offlco, , i. . Ilor,h 1lalle N" Arrll Blh, IWX). f Notlco Is hereby given that tho following-named settlor has filed notlco of bis Intention to make flnnl proof In support or his claim, and that said proof will be mnde before lleglster nnd Itecelver at North Pintle, Nob., on May Iftlh, WOO. vlx: , . ALKXANDElt OllEKN, who made Hoinestoad lintry No. IKS I for the northeast quarter of Hucllon 28, Town 10 north llange 31 west. ' Ho names;iho following wlluossos o prove his continuous resldenco upon and cultivation of said and, vlxi Martin 11. McDennott, Walter K. Oar- 11' Oeorge Knonlg, of Somerset, Nob. and Jacob E. Cusslns, ot North riatto. Nob.. n00 GEO, E. PltENOIf, neglster. CONTEST NOTICE. U. S. Lnnd Office, North Plalto, Neb., April 2.ld. 1(100. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed In this offico by Lincoln Carpenter, of Ilucliannn, Nob., contestant, agiUnstTlmbar Oultura Entry 1'j ni. MnrnliHII IGM1 . il. of the Northeast quarter nud the southwest quar ter of the Northeast quarter of Heotlnn 24, Town' ship 10 north, ltango 20 west, by Hoymour L. Buy. .1 h fn,iln.ltt.l In, I, I. nlt.,.in.l !.... uv.. wwu.vo.w, .m n...M in miri)ii iuui neyuuiur L, Bnyder during his lire time from 1MI to Ihe timo or bis death In 1SW, raited to plant to tree., seeds or cuttings or cultivate any part of said tract, but wholly abandoned tho soma, nnd that since his dputh Ills heirs have failed to plant to Ironii .Ami. r .,,111., a r H..lil.... ' ( of snld Irnct, that Iho land Hint hrd been brokon hnj wholly grown up Ip wceda nnd grass nnd said flMfftMa nlul If, llild .I.U. . ' ' ,.l ........ .,r. ... .inn., pnrtion nro hereby nutlflud lo upbear, respond nn'l offer evidence touching said allegation at ten o'clock n, m.. on June lrtlh, IliOO. before Iho lleglster Nrthp.altleC.rNeb.,l'e ' Tho said contestant having, In n proper affidavll filed April 23.1, 1WW, set forth facts which show that after due diligence, personal service or this notice cannot be mnde, II Is hereby onlored and dlrecte.1 that such notice be given by due and proper publication, Ju'w ailO.K FltKNOir, lleglster. NOTICK FOH i'UIIMOATioN. iJiun Olhce at North Platte. Neb.. ) .... . Al'r" . I W0. I Notice Is hereby given that tborollowlng-named ne'l or hB'"l8d no,lc? "f her inlenllon to make final ppiof In support of her claim, and that said proof will be made beforo lleglster nnd Itecelver at North Platte, Neb., on JunS 11th, 1W0, vUt ANNA E, HTEP1IEN8 Who made Homeslend Entry. No. 17,80". for Lot l,Hectlou2, Town 12, HauKo 2i, nnd the North! "SS2 HK 1. continuous residence upon and cultivation o?said la,ylti W?,, Hur.lor ,obn Kellhir.- Seow Buyderand William Plummer. all of Maxwell Neb fl Ot01iaEE,PHENl'H, ' B-'0 Itekl.ter!