CSS n Qbrifome Hi it 'V WW- SIXTEENTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1900. NO. 87. "A Show of Quality-One of Merit." NORTH PLATTE. Campbell Bros. Colossal Railroad Shows. Triple Circus, Rare Menagerie, Strange Museum and Hippodrome. UESHi-Ul aHa Bllk aBaaa fist, sum, best df-to-me ekuibitiqks. Circus, Menagerie, Museum and Hippodrome. Positively and Emphatically the ONLY ALL FEA TURE SHOW of the season of 1900. Modest in its promises, lavish in its porforrnnnaos, always honost in its announce ments, it is tlio very noma of porfootion, presenting at nil tiroes twino as much as advertised, and producing performances nover before seen, whioh cannot bo dupli cated by any othor show, no mattor how great or how small, $50,000 Troupe of Performing Elephants. Grand Free Street Parade at 10 o'clock A. M. Wonderful Outside Free Exhibitions Daily on the Show Grounds. Twp Performances daily at 2 and 8 p. m. Doors open one hour earlier. Positive to appear on Day and Date Announced. FRIDAY, MAY 4th One day only. Cheap Excursion on Railroads. THE QUESTION is often THE ANSWER The Sherwjn-Wiujams Paint. Omtt Utat, lOOkt Put, Wean Lpngttt, Mott economical, Full Htaturm. Our prices are for "best goods" first, last and all the time. We are in the business to stay and S rushes, stays with us. OLOR8 IN OIL. HOUSE . COACH VARNISHES. A. F. STEEITZ, DRUGGIST. O. F. IDDING8 ZLjaacLtoer, Coal a,m.a. G-xaln... Yards and Elevators at North Platte, Neb., Sutherland, Neb., t JuleBburg, Colorado. NORTH PLATTE MILLS, (C. F. lUDINOS,) Manufacturer of HIGH AND MEDIUM GRADE FLOUR BRAN AND CHOP FEED. Order by telephone from Newton's Book Store. Edison's Phonograph Better than a Piano, Organ, or Muslo Box, for It sings and talks as well as play, and don't cost as much. It reproduces tho music of any instrutuont band or orchestra tells lories and sings the old familiar hymns as well as tho popular songs It is always ready. Trices, $7.00 to $100,00. Sco that Mr; Kdlson'a signature is on every machine. Cativ logues of all dealers, or NATIONAL PHONOORAFH CO., 135 Filth Ave, New York. asked, What Paint shall we use? : If you are .looking for covering capacity, wearing quaaues, general appearance, and your money's worth, you must buy Weeks-Barraolougfh. Wedding1, The Barraclough home 011 cast Fourth street was the scene Wed nesday evening ol a very pretty wedding. The bride and groom were Miss Etta Barraclough and Mr. Edward Weeks. The ceremony was performed by Rev. G. A. Bcechcr. About sixty guests, rela tives and intimate friends of the bride and groom, were present. The bride's gown was a very hand some tailormade costume of tan cloth. The maid ot honor was Miss Lillie Freeman, a cousin of the bride. The groom was attended by Mr. Albert Babbitt. The entire house was very prettily decorated with potted plants and cut flowers. After the ceremony an elaborate wedding supper was served. Mr. and Mrs. Weeks were the recipients of many handsome presents. For the present they arc at home at the Hotel Neville but they will leave in a short time for the west. The bride is the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barraclough and has spent all of her life in North Platte. She is a very estim able 3'oung lady possessed of many fine traits. The groom, who is the oldest sou of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Weeks, has also grown up in North Platte. Until recently he was n boilcrmakcr in the employ of the Union Pacific, having learned his trade here. He is a flue, straight forward young man and both the bride and himself have hosts ol friends with whom The Triiiukb unites in wishing them a long life replete with happiness and. prosperity. Entertained at Cards. "Cinque," a card game very similar to regular high-five, was lljt. Hill U 0.lll VII b tWUlMlW (L k. II -ftfclkf I given Wednesday evening by Mr. and. Mrs, Sam'l Goozee, and it! proved a most enjoyable game to the fourteen or sixteen couples present. The partners in the game were selected by means of uncom pleted quotations written on slips of paper, the gentleman seeking for lus partner Hie lady having the sequel to that written on his slip. As the quotations were laminar this required but a brief time. The guests proved a most conceniel crowd, and this with the hospitality displaypd by the host and hostess made the aifair a very pleasant and successful one. At the close ol about a dozen games a three-course collation of salad, wafers, coffee, ice cream, cake and salted almonds and confections were served. Thi latter feature was none the less en joyable than the card games. In entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Goozee were assisted by tlieir daughter Miss Mabel and Misses Jessie Bratt, May Walker and Ruth Pat terson. Exhibit of School Work. An exhibit of the work of the cily schools is being made at the high school building. Yesterday the exhibits were made at the various school rooms and they were visited by quite a number of the patrons. Quite a number of the rooms were very nicely decorated with potted plants. The teachers were all on duty to give tlieir visitors anjt. In formation they desired concerning the work. The exhibit taken as a whole is certainly a very creditable one and shows that the pupils of the schools have accomplished much although the work has been hampered by many difficulties. In some of the rooms very daintily decorated covers were used but in the majority ol instances it was just the plain every day work of the pupils and one could tell very readily just how much was accom plished, Campbell's Show. The great. Campbell Bros, big two ring railroad shows will be in North Platte on May 4th. Look foe it. Watch for the big street parade at 10 o'clock a. m. Not a single un attractive act or feature presented, We consider that the best is not good enough for our friends and patrons. $20,000 troupe of the greatest performing savage wild beasts ever gathered and educated by mortal man. Their startling and thrilling performances have never been can never be dupli cated. Lions, tigers, white bears, leopards, and German boar hounds form pyramids, drill and waltz. Tigers are driven at full speed by a lion, tigers ride on bicycles and re volve on rolling globes. They arc truly tuc wild beast wonders ot the century. No other show gives so much and so good for the money as Campbell Bros. United Shows. In all the years since it was first organized it has never been guilty of one dis honorable act, or practicing one imposition on its thousands of patrons. No gamblers or fakirs follow this show. You will say for once in your life you have bccii only honest men with a big show. An army of men raise the largest tents ever in your city, and the wonder ful discipline of all will call forth admiration from you. Truly the discipline and accurate movements equals that of any company of well drilled soldiers. Come to the show grounds early and see the big tents raised without an oath or vulgar word. One ticket admits to all and there will be no extra charge after you enter the canvas. You can bring your wife and child for the same price of admission you will pay for one ticket to a show that will not be otic half so good and grand as the show we bring to you at a price so small all can go and enjoy it. Remember the day and date, Fri day, May 4th. COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS April 25, 1900. The board of county commission ers met pursuant to published call oi county clerk as provided by law. ircsent tun board and county clerk. The following bills were allowed on the trcncral fund: E. T. Tramn. oil for court house and jail, Sll.05; Jas. M. Ray. cash item as poor- master. SI 80. County treasurer was directed to credit county gen eral fund current with cash in his hands to the amount of $19 88. On motion of Commissioner McNcel, Sam F. Dlkcmau was ap pointed road overseer district No. 28. The clerk is directed to notify said Dikoinan of his appointment. Adjourned until tomorrosv. BETWEEN THE RIVERS. E. V, Justice, of Grand Island special agent for the mutual lite in surance company of New York, was interviewing the residents of Her shey last Tuesday. . Jim Goodwin who Bpent a part of the past winter in the far west returned to Hcrshey lately and then went to Bclvidere where his parents rcsidr, returned to Hershty again Tuesday. A gang of men under foreman Funkhouser have been working 011 the headgatcs of the old canal. Mrs. F. C. Cook has received a new incubator from the cast lately. She is in the poultry biibincss quite extensively. Scycral of Chas. Toillion's cattle bloated recently by eating wet alfalfa. He tapped them and all survived except one fine milch cow. Rev. Evans returned the other day from Lincoln where he was call by the serious illness of his daughter who was still in a critical condition when he left. Chris Pearson lost a fine heifer by eating green alfalfa the forepart of the week. The Misses Effie and Belle New berry of Tryon, McPhcrson count;, were down this way recently on "a visit. Miss Anna Ericsson closed a very successful term of school in the Thompson district on Thurs day with appropriate exercises. Miss Laura Murray also closed one in the village of Hershey with the same result. The programs were carried out with credit to all who participated. The heaviest rain Btorm of the season accompanied by hail as large as peas visited this section of the country last Wednesday. Crops were not far enough advanced to do them any harm, The patrons of the Hershey school district are talking graded school again. C. W. Keycs is plastering the old canal company's new residence in Hershey. Several ladies by inyitation as sisted the Misses Kate and Cal Sullivan in quilting a new quilt last Wednesday. Liveryman Fowler, of North Platte, and a gentleman by the THEY'VE BEEN SENT to the foot and will ttay there all Summer, because they're way up in popular favor. A good footing is all important, and the only proper shoe status is one that lacks none of the elements of supreme comfort. Just give your feet the gayest of vacations by picking their summer home from our collection of fashionable footwear. Wilcox Department Store. I We Solicit Good f 1 Thirty Day Accounts. jj There arc some merchants doing business in town who arc so suspicious of your honesty that j they refuse to trust you over night. Arc they g g entitled to your trade? We guarantee as good service and values with the courtesy of a line of 2j 2 credit. 5 H Morning Glory Patent Flour j A word in regard to Flour. We arc exclusive agents for fc Morning Glory Patent. It is guaranteed by the miller to 3 make as fine a bread and ns uinnv loaves to tlir snrk nu 3 any flour produced in the U. S. A. a broad guarantee Is but the miller is back of it. Only One Dollar n sack. 3 GARDEN SEEDS We sell the Rush Park Seed Co's bulk Garden Seeds. t also their package garden sx packages lor twenty-five Mirror Gloss Starch per lb Table Salt 2 sacks for X . " K'"w" Jt Cts fc- Comb Honey per lb ,.15 cts Fancy Cream Cheese per lb ., IS cts Bulk Oat Meal 8 lbs for 25 cts 3 Battle Ax Tobacco per lb 35 cts Si Standard Navy Tobacco per lb , 35cts 2? Horse Shoe Tobacco per lb 45 cts : Star Tobacco per lb r ' 45 cts t 5 XXXX CoiTcc. 13c, 2 lbs for 25 cts 5g Lion Coffee, 13c 2 lbs for , 25 cts 32 Arbucklcs' Coffee, 13c 2 lbs- for 25 ct8 3 Pure Early Ohio Potatoes, per bushel ,.60 cts Fancv Clean Alfalfa per bushel $G.OO 5t j Fancy Clean Golden Millet per bushel .90 cts 2 ?' Fancy Clean Gcrmau Millet per bushel $1.00 5 The highest prevailing prices paid for Butter and Kggs. & THE HUB GROCERY CO.. m Dewey Street. Telephone No. 27. NORTH PLATTE. i North Platte Pharmacy. 1 .1 T ! jLrugs ana druggists sunaraes. j ; I We aim to handle the best grades of goods a jfc Sell everything at reasonable prices, and warrant all goods to be just as represented. All Prescriptions Carefully Filled by Licensed Pharmacist'. I Orders from the country and along the line of the Union Pacific Railway is respectfully solicited. I PAINTS. A FULL LINE OF ! John W. Masury's Celebrated Paint ON SALE AT I Dayis Hardware Store. g When you got ready to paint your house, call on us and let us sell you first-class !g Paint at reasonable priceB. jj name of Kcuuady from the cast were canvassing this country the forepart of the week for horses for Bale. They foam! plenty ol them. The engine in the grain elevator at Hershey has been acjiug up lately and would, not work. The boys have had lots of fun with it it a certain way. It is stated that April sdowers bring May Mowers. If this old adage is true they will be quite numerous iu this country this sea son. Louis Toillion is at this time circulating among the "tillers of the soil" with his new cultivator. It is all right. E. C. McCord unloaded a car of lumber for W. H. Hill at Herbhey nnd flower seeds, which wc sell cents, 5 els 5 cts 1 j ri 3 last Tuesday and Wednesday. Vic Lokcr foreman of the Lodge Pole section visited his family at Hershey last Sunday. Foreman Blaise, of the American Beet Sugar Co., of Hershey, has constructed five portable floors for the tents, to be used by the five families of Russiaus that he ex pects there from the east. People living in the vicinity of Wymore had an opportunity Tues day afternoon of witnessing a full fledged cyclone without having to suffer many ill-effects from it. The cloud was a regular funnel shaped twister and iormed about five miles from Wymore and tra veled north, striking the ground occasionally and tearing up the earth but not. doing any damage