The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 10, 1900, Image 2

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    The Semi-Weekly Tribune.
IRA lu IIAUK, rroprletor.
Italy approves reciprocity tcaty
with this country.
There wilt ho nn Indian cong'-ess
nt the Iluffnlo show.
The steamer Cleveland lu reported
helpless near Honolulu.
The resignation of Ml. Webster
Davis him hcen accepted.
Tho Ferris wheel Is to be torn down
nnd used u crnp Iron.
Dr. St. George Mlvnrt, noted huien
list, died nenr London.
St. Louis Germnns hnvo sent nn ad
ditional $500 to the Boers.
Dr. Leyds announce!! donations of
400,000 marks for Boors.
Three hundred plumbers of Cleve
land, Ohio, arc on n Btn.ic.
The Porto Rlcnn measure passed In
tho senate by vote of 40 to 31.
There 1h said to be great activity lu
eastern railroad passenger truffle.
Tho French atenmer Georges sank
outside the port of San Domingo.
Five Sioux City bo;3 ran away
supposedly for tho Parla exposition.
Col. Bryan Is said to bo qulto worn
out with speech-making In the north
west. The Honolulu board of health has
practically decided tho plague has run
Itb course.
Republicans of South Omahn elected
mayor nnd n majority of tho roraalndor
of tho ticket.
The president has nominated Cap
tain ChnrlcB S. Cotton, United States
navy, to ho a rear-admiral.
At -a meeting of tho directors of tho
Hank of England Samuel Stewart
Gladstone was re-elected governor.
Sioux City schools have established
lunch counter In the buildings nnd
give thirty mlnutcu for refreshments.
At Wlnfleld, Kansas, robbers rilled
the Santo Fo depot and shot and killed
1). C. Coatcs, the night operator, lu
escaping. They secured only u few
i nts.
Tho now scnlo for mining bltuml
nous conl went Into effect and 5,000
miners in tho Altoona, Pa., section
nro now receiving tho highest waged
In thirty yenrs.
An agreement has been renched by
tho Cuipentcrs' union and Carpenter
Contractors' association whereby tho
threatened strike of carpenters In
HtifTalo has been averted.
Tho senate confirmed tho nomina
tions of W. IL Chamberlain, of Chi
cago, to bn assistant commissioner of
patents, and Cnptaln C. S. Cotton to
he rear admiral In tho army.
The now ucnle for mining bitumi
nous coal wont into effect at Altoona,
Pn., on the 1st. and 5,000 miners In
that section arc now receiving tho
highest wuges in thirty yearn.
Advices form Colombia say tho reb
els In thnt republic have secured such
Important successes that tho govern
ment is taking steps to iucrcuso tho
force detailed to crush tho revolution..
In addressing tho council of India
upon tho budget tho viceroy, Lord Cur
zon, said tho loss to the wheat' crop,
caused by tho drought during tho pres
ent year, was $400,000,000 to $50,000,
000. Julius TJhlonrutli, cashier of tho
Hydo Park Brewing compnny, St.
Louis, dropped dead nt his homo ub
n deputy sheriff was reading a war
rant, charging him with embezzling
Hon. AV. 11. Tulley, member of tho
Texas llvo stock sanltnry commission,
and chalrmnn of the western llvo stock
t-anltary association, died nt his homo
In Qunnnah after an illness of bI,x
Tho bill of Representative Marsh of
Illinois designed to extend military
Instruction to tho public schools of
mo country, wns favorably acted unon
by tho house committee on military
Ex-United States Henator Charles
H. Gibson, of Maryland, died of heart
dlseuso nt tho residence of his brother,
Lieut, flluson, of tho navy. In Wash
ington, D. C where ho had resided
since his retirement troin tho sennto.
The state hank of Cambridge, Nob.,
has been closed on orders of the state
hanking board, nud an examiner put
in charge.
The two Bub-commlsslons ot tho In
dustrial commission which havo been
taking testimony In the bouUi and tho
west havo completed their work.
Worklngmen In California nre bo
coming alarmed nt the steadily In
creasing number or Jananeso Imml
grants. It Is stated that slnco Junu
nry 1, 1809, no lcs3 than 3.4U0 laborers
from Japan havo arrived In this conn
try and tho Immigration bureau is In
formed that 1,400 moro nre due by
April 7.
Miss Emily Coghlnn, sister ot Rose
Cogblan, the actress, and herself well
known on the stage, was taken to
Bellevue hospital apparently Insane,
Governor Roosevelt ot Now York
has signed the bill repealing tho Hor
ton boxing law. It goes into effect
September 1, next,
The legislative council of tho Island
of Trinidad has ratified tho reciprocity
treaty with the united Btntcs.
Fred Atkinson, principal of tho
high school at Springfield, Mass., has
received nn informal offer to becomo
superintendent ot education tn the
Philippines. He is 30 years old and
n Harvard graduate.
Two thousand carpenters and 1,600
painters In St. Louis and East St.
Louis, struck for higher wages, Tho
painters asked for nn advance ot 37 W
cents nn hour, whiio the enrobntora
wont 45 cents. Both domnnds wore rc)
iuscu uy tne Master uuuuers associa
A representative of Miss Olga Neth
crsolo visited Mayor Swartz at Colunv
bus, Ohio, to secura his sanction to
thti production of "Sapho" In that city.
Tho mayor positively refused to give
hib consent and notified Miss Nether-
Hole's representative that tho police
would interfere it any attempt was
made to produce the play there.
i3i vim
u ,1 I IV
Decision of Court of Appeals in Kentucky
Governorship Oaso.
Cne to Ho Taken to tho United Htatc
Huprrme Court Two .fudge Crlllclt"
(loeliellte' Courne Whnl HuriuwnV
Separata Opinion Hay.
FRANKFORT, Ky., 7. Tho court of
appeals today bunded down u decision
In the governorship case in fnvor of
tho democrats. Tho opinion Is by six
of the Judges, four democrats unit two
Judge Durcle was tne ni jii B
msMcnimK. "iiiwi ''"" .i""
Judges, Ilurnam nnd Guffy, gave a sep
arate opinion from the democratic
judges, but which agreed with tho
democratic mcmberB In Its conclusion.
Judgo Hobson wrote the opinion of
tho court. Tho concurrence of Judges
-. ...m l.l. tf.n rmii. .tntrl-
uurnam m. ,""''"" i
nHv Vt So emiullc ns
in nnlon ho n S
rf tho in se Ung Governor
PockhaS'Sffil'Smi ftffthe courts
havo no power to review It; that Gov- ,
utnor Taylor exceeded his authority lu j hn lpciplnture to London '
and that the Joumnls of fie two
hcuihos of tho legislature, being reg
ular, cannot bo impcucbed. Thirty
days must olapso before the mandate
nnn.itu In iiiirinrilnllrn
III UIU ClHUl l Ull"lllP i
with today's decision, 1b Issued. Mcna- upced und I dispatched tho Cameron
while no rudlrnl change in tho rein- : Highbinders hence to Bethany. Ho
live portions of the two rtntc govern- j arrived nt Rcddersburg nt 10:30 yes
tncnts Is expected. torday morning without opposition, but
Former Governor llrndlcy, chief i could get. no news of the missing de
counsel for Governor Taylor, tonlgnt 1 tcchment.
ttuthorlzed the statement that tin np-; "There can be no doubt tho wholo
ptnl on behair or Governor Taylor and . party bus boon made prisoners."
Lieutenant Governor Marshall will be j -- -
can led to the supremo court of the ENGLAND IS ALARMED AGAIN.
United States. Bradley nnd Judgo W. !
H. VOBt, counsel for UlO rcpuhllcun j Wondering Wholher Lord Hubert Can
state officers, were In consultation w Itb j ., ,,,, con,.,,,.
Governor Taylor for several hours nvnnv , , , ,
this arternoon nnd the stniemont was LONDON, April i. Not a word re
made at the close or tho conference. ' Kurdlng tho disaster at Reddorsburg
It Is said thnt Colonel W. C. P. Brcck- ; bas come through, except tho dis
InrldL'o and ronubllcan leaders from i P"tch of Lord Roberts. Meanwhile the
different nnrts of the state will meet i
Taylor In conference here tomorrow
Judgo Burnam and Guffy, republi
cans, while concurring tn tho opinion
thnt tho courts havo no Jurisdiction,
dissented from tho reasoning. Judgo
Burnam's separate opinion says:
"It Is hard to Imagine a more lla-
Krant and partisan regard of tho modes 1
of procedure than Is mndo manifest
by tho facts ullcged ana rciicti on
by contestecs and admitted by de
murrer and I am llrmly convinced
from udmlttcd facts that tho legisla
ture In the heat of nu, engendered
by Intcnso partisan excitement, has
done two fulthful, conscientious and
oblo public servnnts nn irreparable j uway, how is Lord Roberts to ensure
Injury by depriving them of tho ofllce his continually extending communlcn
to which they were elected und n still tlonB?
nrcnter wrong to the largo majority ether pertinent questions nre being
of tho electors who voted under dim- nHiQi nH result of thoso successive
cult clrcumstnnccs to elect these ser-
vnnts. I
"But we nro met nt tho threshold
with th6 contention" that tho courts
of the stae under tho constitution havp
no power to go iioninu me legislative
Journal and. review tho Judgment of
the assomhly In tho proceedings over
which they nre given ty the constitu
tion cxcluslvo Jurisdiction and from
whoso determination of tho question
no nppeul Is provided. I havo been led
with somo rcluctnnco to tho conclusion,
nnd not without somo misgivings as
to Its correctness, thnt there Is now
power In tho courts of the state to
review tho findings of tho general as
sembly In u contosted election for the
offices of governor and lieutenant gov
ernor ub shown by Its only uuthenc-
lated records. Many question hnvo
been rnlsod and diseased ty counsel
for tho appellants, hut It will be un
necessary to consider mem In view
of tho conclusion wo havo renched on
tills fundamental question."
Munlnrer Will lla tlurrotnl.
PONCB, P. R April 7. At an er.rly
hour today Simeon Rodriguez, Carlos
Pachcco, Hermongcnes Pacheco, Kit
gcnlo Rodriguez und Rosnllo Snlttago,
who aro condemned to death by gar-
lotlng, will he executed. Their crlnio
was the murder In October, 1898, of
Scnor Prudenelo Mondez nt Ynuco.
Tho murderers after criminally as
saulting tho wife. nnd daughters or
their victim, compelled them to dance
auout tho corpse.
Tn Aliierlou' AiIvhiiIurp.
CARACAS, April 7. (Via Haytlan
Cable.) President Castro today sign
ed and delivered to the United Stntcs
minister, Mr. F. B. Loomls, tho parcels
lost convention. It Is considered that
this agreement should augment tho
American retail trado by $1,000,000
yearly so far as tho mall order busl
ness Is concorncd.
C'oml.tlnii nt the TrrHiurjr.
WASHINGTON, 1). C. April 7.
Todays statement or tho treasury
balances In tho goncral fund, exclusive
of the $150,000,000 gold reserve In tho
division or redemption shows; Avail
nblo cash balance, $155,775,80:1; golo,
KritR-JorRoiiiriiii for Hlntm.
WASHINGTON, I). C. April 7. A
bill or much Interest to tho national
guard und the mllltla of the country
wa8.uuroducod today by lieprcsentu
timMarsh ot Illinois, for tho arming
ot state troops with Krug-Jorgcnsen
lllggcat TriinvMIilll Cougrt-ai to
lie ut Ilountnn.
HOUSTON, Tex.. April 7. Secretary
Richardson hns now received nssur
auces from tho governors of every
stnto and territory west ot tho Miss
issippi that official delegates to repre
cent these states and territories will
he at tho coming session of tho Trans
Mississippi congress, which Is to be
held here April 17 to 21 Inclusive
This wil bo tho first time that such
nn attendnnco has been secured. The
Colorado chairman has wired tor a
reservation ot rooms tor fifty.
rivr More Cnmiiinlr of Itrltlfth In fun try
r Cnoglit l.T liner.1
LONDON. April 7. Tho Uloamfon
teln correspondent of the Morning- Tel
egraph today says:
"Tlio Hoers are apparently making
nn attempt to redeem their promise
to tnko Uloemfontcln. A considerable
torco has moved south through Tlinba
Null ti. General Tucker's Isolation at
Knrcc Is moro uppnrcnt than real,
rlncc tho open ground north of Bloem
lonteln offers small opportunity for
Poor tnctlcB. Thoy may possibly en
gage him to distract attention from
operations elsewhere. Remounts are
anxiously n will tod."
LONDON", April 7. -Lord Roberts
reports that live companies of British
troops huVe hecn captured by the
Poors neat Bethany.
Tho following Is the text of Lord
Roberts' dispatch to tho war office:
"DLOEMFONTKIN. Thursday. April
5. - - Another unfortunate occurrence
has occurred resulting, I f"nr, In tho
rupture of a party of Infantry con
Fisting or thrco companion or tho
Royal Irish Fuslleers nnd two conipn
nlea or the Ninth regiment of mounted
Infantry near Reddcrshurg, u little
eastward of Hefhnny railway station.
f mc f th, M- Th!'
surrounded by a stronger force
of the enemy with four or hvc guns.
ThodeUjchmnn, held out rrom noon
April .. until April 4. !) n. in., and
then, npparonlly surrendered, for It Is
reported thut tho tiring ceased at that
time. Immediately after I heard tho
news, during the afternoon of April 3
I ordered Gntncrn to proceed rrom
Sprlugfonteln, his present headquar
ters, to RcddersbuiK with all possible
British public Is beginning to realize
tue immense dllllcultles to lie over
come oven before Prctorln Ib reached
and 1b revising prematura Ideas with
respect to tho tlmo at which tho war
will be over. No one believes that
It will have ended by the beginning
oi June.
t'ho latest disaster more particularly
IllustratcB the heavy taBK Involved In
holding the railroad. This body of
some 500 British troops, without gnus,
which disappeared so completely with
in thirty-live miles of the great British
army, had for its business to guard a
section of nearly ninety miles of rail
way between Bloemfonteln and Sprlng-
loutcln. If it could thus be spirited
Un fortunate occurrencea. Tho fore-
most Is. Why do not tho British trooiis
entrench? It is argued that If this
had been done oven 500 men might
hnvo hold, out until reinforcements
nrilved. It cannot be concealed that
the utmost alarm Ik beginning to be
It is said that tho Boers who cap
tured tho British ut Reddorsburg be
longed to OHvler'B commando. If so
ho has not returned north, nnd hnpe3
aro expressed that ho may still bo cut
oil. It is asserted that 4,000 rebels
surrendered during General Clement's
nmthwurd march.
The Boers will do their utmost to
hold Lndybrand nud Thaba Nchu, both
being rich grain producing districts.
t'omiiillteeniiin Sny Deivry Cnnnot llnvn
III Ilomu Stntr.
N15W YORK, April 7. It. n. Smal
ley, democratic nntionul committee
tnun from Vermont und rormerly sec
retary or tho democratic nntlonnl com
mittce, in an Interview upon Admiral
Dewey's candidacy for president, said
that tho delegates from Vermont
Dowoy's homo state will be for Wil
Hum J. Bryan. He said: "It bus long
been apparent to mo that tho nominees
this yeur will bo William McKlnloy
nnd William Jennings Bryan. Tho
Vermont democratic convention will
bo held In Juno nt Montpollor and tho
delegation will bo Instructed to vote
lor Mr. Bryun, regardless of tho can
dittany of Admiral Dowey.
tirniid Army ltuidy to Greet Hint
CHICAGO. III., April 7. Should tho
Dewey committee finally decide, ow
nig to tho ndmlral's aspirations, not to
welcome him Mny 1 In Chicago, the
urami Army or tho Renub c will in
vlto him, as a presidential candidate,
to attend tho great encampment to be
noid in Chicago In August.
"Tho Grand Army men are anxious
to navo Admiral Dowey attend the on
cumpmont," said William H. Harper,
chalrmun ot tho gonornl committee
today. "Wo invited htm when ho first
innued in New York, but nt that
tlmo ho round May 1 mora convenient
w mo invitutlon or tho Dowey com
milieu was unnuy accepted.
I.i-Klnliitnr Adjourn.
ALBANY, N. Y., April 7. The state
legislature adjourned slno die yester
Kncllili Fuclim Delicti.
LONDON. April 7. On the thlnl
I rending or tho llnnncu bill In tliohouso
or commons today tho chancellor ot tho
exchequer, Sir Mlchnol Hlcks-Bcach
gave a revised estimate tor 1900. tho
tevenuo being placed at 127,520,000
and tho expenditures nt 150,000,000.
Tho deficit, ho Bald, would bo met
partly rrom the war loan and partly
from treasury bills. Each week, ho
declared, showed o greater Improve
ment in trade, which would offset the
losses caused by the premature with
drawal or bonded Koods.
Sipido Bsems Iuclined to Make Confession
of tho Wholo Business.
lie Ailrultn Tlmt lie Sold il Itetol r to
the Trimmer Slplilo Icnorfu Tiither'a
AiprN Contlnni-ii UN IlHIunt At
titude, lint TelU nn liicnlirri-nt Tl.
BRUSSULS, April C One ot Slpldo'a
accomplices been nrrcsted und In-
i . ...1 1... ........vilctanl- flf tin1lffi
Slpldo seems inclined to mnke n con-
. , i,iu iont
iifiun nun jiiiiKiiiK iiwiu ..." .
tntcmentK tne outrage wus me um-
ome of a plot.
Three or the associates arc Known.
One or the personH arrested hns con-
ftsacd thnt he sold the revolver to
Slpldo. Ills mime Is Mecrt.
He ndmlts that he had n conversa
tion with Slpldo on the BUbJect of the
outrage on the prlnco, but protests thnt
the words were spoken In Jest, l no po
lice nre seeking other nccompllces.
The uttemnt ut the nssnsslnntlon ot
tho Prince of Wnlcs yesterday was tho
Kilo topic or conversation In tho
htreetB, In the enrca und theaters last
evening. Everywhere regret nnd deep
indlenation were mnnirested and satis
faction ut the failure of the criminal's
attempt was unnnlmously expressed.
it Is Bald that when the crown rusneu
at Slpldo he rerelvcd a blow rrom
somcones fist In the rnce whlcn drew
One version of Slnldo's statement Is
thnt he declared that he committed the
net because he wns un anarchist nnd
lt did not allude to South Africa.
The Patrloto says: "Investigation
proves premeditation. The Interroga
tion or the prisoners lasted Tour hours
nd It shows that he was instigated by
an unknown person, who pers'i'.ucd
him to buy n pistol on Sunday in tne
Old Market Tor 3 rrancs. Accompanied
ty this person, Slpldo went on Tuesday
o a meeting In tho Flemish thentcr
nd then to tho Mnlson du Peuplo,
where they had drinks. Then they
went to n wine shop, where Slpldo
wrote a letter say Ing he had obtained
mployment. Ho then went to the rnll-
v ay station nnd asked the hour ot the
ai rival or the train. Later he entered
a enre and loaded IiIb revolver in tho
lavatory. Slpldo revised to give the or his companion, who, ho said,
wns a young man some yenrs older
than himself. Artcr Slpldo was locked
up the magistrates went to the Iioubc
of his pnrents.
According to the Etolle Relxc, Slpldo
explained his motive as follows: "For
a long time I have thought that the
ambitious men who nre unchaining
war sacriflco so mnny lives thnt they
deserve to be punished. Those men
should suffer tho penalty or retaliation.
When I learned by the papers that the
prince wns going to pass through Urns
srls I Immediutely resolved to become
the avenger or humanity and to kilt
this nssnssin. On Sunday I made up
my mind to carry out my project. I
regret that I have not accomplished It
as I desired."
Tho magistrates, struck by the Inco-
herency or the story, aro convinced
thnt Slpldo docs not loll tho whole
truth nnd wishes to save someone, mc
magistrates aro going to verity tho
prisoner's statement. The commitment
charges tho prisoner with nn attempt
nt assassination.
Jean Bnptistc Slpldo was not sub
mitted to n further examination todny.
His attitude Is dejected und he nppenrs
very tired, having had little sleep. He
expressed no regret nt his crime, but
has repeatedly asked permission to seo
Mb mothor. No Interview between
them will bo allowed for some days.
Killi-t lOxcliullnif Anicrlrnn fork Urine
mi Kmpliiitlu Note.
WASHINGTON, April C Secretary
Hay has addressed a vigorous protest
to tho Turkish government against tho
pioposed application or nn edict exclud
ing American pork from Turkey. The
note entered nn emphatic denial of the
pretense of tho unwholesomeness sot
up against pork as a basis for the ex
clusion and pointedly makes it neces
sary for tho Turkish government to
support Its contention by adequate evi
dence bcrore It can enrorce tho edict
without serious results. The officials
he-re nre confident, because of tho re
sult of the complcto failure or tho Gor
man health officers to make good such
assertions respecting our meuts .be
lieving that the Turkish goverumost
can mnko no better showing.
Hill for Military Camp.
WASHINGTON, April C. A bill was
introduced In the senate today by Huw
ley authorizing the secretary ot war to
make surveys for the establishment ot
cump grounds In the north, cast, south
and west tor the training ot soldiers or
the United States and the national
guard. Tho bill provides that tho
camps when established shall be sup
piled with all. modern conveniences.
Credential of .Senulor I'reneuteil,
WASHINGTON, April 6. In thc-flon-ate
today Senator Jones ot Arkansas
presented the credentials ot J. C. S.
Blackburn ns a senator trom Kentucky
tor tho term ot six yenrs, beginning
March 4, 1901. Mr. Jones said as the
ciedcntlals were long he would ask
that they be printed in the Record ns
n document.
Money fer I lift ire:iter Niny,
WASHINGTON. D. C. April 0. Tho
nuvnl appropriation bill was today
reported to tho house by Acting Chair
man Foss ot tho nuvnl committee. The
amount cnrrled by the bill Is $61,219,
010, tho largest over reported to the
house trom the naval committee. Aside
tiom this tho report which accom
panies the bill In remarkable far Its
arrayal of fuels regarding sen power
Slit , "Li:
grams and the comparative strength
or tho navies or the grant powers,
accompanied by colored charts showing
the upbuilding ot various great navies.
tlcliilril Itrpnrl Capture of a Squmlron
ot Crl!lnli C'HVHlrj. ,
LONDON, April fl. Tho Capetown
correspondent of tho Standard, tele
irnphlng Tuesday, gives the details,
hitherto obscure, ot the surrender of
i squadron of Kitchener's Horse on
February 15:
"It was tho day ot tho reller or Kim
bcrley. Tho Bqundron hud been loft
to guard a farm on the Rlct river
Whllo General French ndvanccil to tho
besieged town.
"Tho object of leaving them on tho
river wns to hold a well pending tho
arrival of another column. Tho latter,
however, never came, and tho troop
ers found themselves besieged Tor Tour
dnys by a body of 400 Boers. There
wtro but fifty men, but they pierced
"olcs In tho wnlla or the farm house
"'' mnde n despernto stand for threo
j "Thoy fought gnllnntly and nil tho
j time without food. But on tho fourth
dny they managed to cutch n gont,
J which they quickly devoured. Thoro
was not n blade ot irruss on the nelirh.
boring voldt, nnd nil their horses died
ot starvation. Tho stench In and
nbout tho rnrm house wan something
"On the rourth dny General DeWitt
sent n message calling tor them to
Mirrcndcr within n tow minutes. Tho
eituutlon wns hopeless. Tho Boera
had two twelve-pounders with thorn,
nnd the squndron was In he last stage
or exhaustion. Seeing there was no
thnnco or roller, they agreed nmong
thomselvcs to surrender."
The wnr onlce Issued no iicwb yes
terday and llttlo was allowed to como
through rrom the ocrrespondents at
Bloomronteln. According to the Stand
nrd'8 representatives there Is no sign
that--the Boers Intend tnklng tho of-
fenslve. General Clement is so dis
posing of his forces ns to guard against
any surprise attack, which, nUhough
lmprobnble, is ovidently not regarded
if impossible, Judging rrom the prepa
rations or Lord Roberts.
Ab Is usunl where thqre Is a chock
in the progress or tho British enm
pnlgn, the wnr office Is being severely
censured ror foiling to send tho neces
fcfiry supply of remounts ror tho nrmy.
It is believed Lord Roberts hns dif
ficulties other than remounts with
which to contend.
Tear KxprriKrd Hint There In I'olltlcn
Object In the C.ill,
CHICAGO, 111., Aprlll G.Membera
of the Dewoy reception committee will
hold n formal meeting next Tuesday,
to decide whether the celebration
planned In honor of Admiral Dewey
on tho occasion of tho letter's visit
to Chicago May 1 shall be abandoned
or cnrrled out In nccordnnce with tho
orlginnl Idcn. In the meantime prep
arations nre being actively nushed for
tho celebration nnd the work of col-'
Icctlng funds Is progressing sntlsfnc
torlly. Tho committee apparently is
divided ns to tho wisdom of abandon
Ing the rete, mnny or tho members
stntlng that the reception to Admiral
Dewey should arise above partisanship.
while others wish to hcur rrom Ad
miral Dewey as to whether or not his
visit to Chicago 1b to havo any politl
cnl significance.
lie Uecllirci lla Han Siilil Nothing Iteln
llvo to Deivey'ii Ciinillilni'j-.
PRINCETON, N. J., April C For
mer President Grover Cleveland todny
declared that he had not given nn
Interview to nny ono on Admiral
Dowey's candidacy. Rererrlng to pub
lished expressions ot his viewB, ho
dictated tho following:
"1 his stntemont Is outrageous. It
Is raise rrom beginning to end. A
number ot young men representing
different papers called on me yesterday
Tor my opinion In relntlon to Admiral
Dewey's announcement or his candl
dncy and I invnrlnbly declined to say
anything whatever on tho subject. If
by nny possibility I should seo fit in
the future to give any expression on
this subject, It will be done in n way
that will leave no doubt as to Its au
thenticity. In the meantime It is safo
tn calculate in advance that iiny leBS
authoritative statement which may be
attributed to mo will be an unjustln
nble fabrication."
Ituxln Klre the Flnt Hliot
VANCOUVER. B. C April 6. Tho
vvar toward Which Russia and Jnpan
nre bolleved by oriental papers to bo
drifting, wns nlmost precipitnted by
nn incident of which Jupanese oftl
ciala havo vainly cndeuvoicd to sup
press. On March 24 n Japanese bat
tleshlp encountered n Russlun cruiser
In the neighborhood ot Hakodate
Without nny wurnlng th Russian
discharged a torpedo against tho bat
tleshlp, but missed aim.
To Ilnndle Suittllpoz Cnin,
WASHINGTON. April C The offl
cers ot tho marine service have con
st nted to handle tho smallpox Biumuon
on tho Nez Percos reservation In Idaho
They will establish detention camps
and do whntever else is necessary to
stamp out the disease. Commissioner
Jones ot the Indian bureau said today
that the Boriousness of the situation
evidently hns been overestimated. He
thinks the Indians have become panic
Tho annual meeting or tho stock
holders ot the American Beet Sugar
company wns held In Jersey City. The
old board ot directors was re-elected
nnd It will re-elect the old officers. No
report wna given out.
Mill rich I to the Kml.
einor Taylor spent todny In this city
in consultation with personal nnd po
llttcnl friends. Adjutant General Col
Her enmo down from Frankfort to meet
the governor. General Collier relter
nted that Governor Taylor will not re
linqulsh his position until the United
stntes supremo court passes on tho
case. Tho latest report from the court
of appeals is that n decision in the
governorship case may be expected
ome Ncir nnd Nolra I'roin the Seat of
Nehranhn t.rcMiitlon.
LINCOLN, Neb., April 7. After serv-
Ing two years and two months of his
five-year sentence In tho state peniten
tiary Benjamin Mills ot Harlan county
wns released April 1 by Governor Poyn
tor, because or the Ill-health or the
prisoner and his wife. Mills wns pres
ident ot tho Republican City bank. At
that time his cousin, Jnmoa Whitney,
was treasurer of Harlan county. MIIIk
borrowed county money from his
ousln for the utc of tho bank. Whlt-
cy was tried before n Jury unJ found
guilty on the charge of embezzlement
of county funds. Ho was sentenced tt
n term of three yenra In the penlten-
lary. Mills, was then tried on tho
hnrgo ot being nn accessory to the
embezzlement and found guilty. Al
though the sum In which he was In
volved ,wns hundieds of dollars Icsb
limn that which Whitney hod embez
zled, the man wns sentenced to flvo
enra In state's pilson. Ho was twico
rt on parole by Governor Poynter.
Tho nppenl of I). E Thompson from
tho Union Stntcs bank ot Hnrvnrd u
ccting his application ror wnter rrom
the Plntto river tor Irrigation und
powor purposes wna dismissed by tho
State Board of Irrigation. Mr. Thomp
son proposed to construct n canal from
u point near Linwood, on tho Platte,
to Fremont.
The Stato Banking board designated
the Union State hang of Harvard n
fctnto depository. A bond of $30,000
wns filed nnd npproved by the board.
Robert E. Davis, the student who
mysteriously disappeared from thla
city Tuesday night, hns been locntetl
nt his home In Fnlrbury. He loft Lin-
oln unexpectedly without notifying;
his friends.
Krnft Charged Wltli Arnault.
O'NEILL, Neb.. April 7..Tucob
Krart was berore the count court Tor
j rellminnry hearing upon tho charge
of criminal assault. Fay Munt bolng
tho complaining witness. This Is an
other chapter or the Stuart case, in
vhich William Fullor wnB bound over
over to tho district court upon tho
charge of assault upon tho same girl.
As many ns eight or tho yoitnu muii
of tho town havo been lmplknU'd by
testimony or the young womnn. Near
ly every business mnu or Stuart, be
sides father representative men, to tho
number or about tjilrty, were In tho
city to attend tho Kraft hearing on
hchnir or the defendant. A number of
them were interviewed, und all ex
pressed lie opinion thnt the prosecu
tion Is either mnllclous or that tho
( hnrgo Is ror tho purpose of blackmail.
The defendant is a man of about 45
years, nnd has u family. He Is a stock
man nnd reputed to be well off finan
Contractu for Halting licet.
SOUTH OMAHA, April 7.J, . F.
Wcybrlght, a representative of the
beet sugar tactory at Ames, is in tne
city for the purpose of making con
tracts with farmers in this vicinity for
tho raising-of beets. A tour through
the territory tributary to South Omaha
Is belng'fna' Mr. Weybrlght under
the direction .of the South Omaha Com
mercial club. Onp member or tho .club
will accompnny Mr. Weybrlght In his
travels each day for the purpose ot .In
troducing him to rnrmers. An effort
will be made to secure as many con
tracts as possible for the raising of
beets this summer.
Truln Collide With VViiroii.
BRAINARD, Neb., April 7. Joseph
Jacob, a Bohemian farmer living about
threo miles north of this place, started
home about C: 15 o'clock, and when
about threo blocks out or town, while
crossing the Fremont, Elkhorn & Mis
souri Vulley railroad track, was struck
by a south-bound passenger train.
Jacob wns thrown out of tho wagon
nnd badly bruised. He was picked up
by the train crew und taken into town
nnd all that medical aid could do was
done. His recovery is very doubtful.
Tho team . was unhurt, but the wugon
wns entirely wrecked.
Monkey Start a Fire,
GENEVA. Neb., April 7. A fire
nlnrm was sent In from the residence
of Dr. J. W. Puckett. A rew neighbors
had run In with buckets nnd had the
tiro under control before the firemen
arrived. The origin of tho fire is n
mystery as no one wns at home except
a Philippine monkey, which is sus
pected by many or being guilty or the
mischief. The building was damaged
to the amount of twenty-five or thirty
dollars, but the monkey did not lose n
I.oie III rone and l'lpe.
OMAHA. Neb., April 7. John Sny
der, a thrifty farmer from the Interior
of the state, came to Omaha Sunday,
nnd thinking to economize on hotel ex
penses put up at a cheap lodging houso
cn South Thirteenth street. As is often
tho case, however, he found that the
cheapest is the most cxpcnslvo In tho
end, for thnt night's lodging cost htm
$11 nnd a briar pipe.
Volunteer Holdler Dead.
FULIJ3RTON, Neb., April 7. Ches
ter A. Adams, one ' of company Us
youngest members, died nt tho home or
his rather In this city ot chronic diar
rhoea, which disease he contracted
while soldiering in the Philippines.
Young Adams was raised in this city
and was universally liked. He was a
young man ot sterling worth nnd the
very best ot habits.
I'reihytery ut Nelirailui City.
NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., April 7.
Tho annual meeting ot tho Nebraska
Presbytery ot tho Presbyterian church
wns held here. About sixty ministers
were In attendance. The officers eject
ed for tho ensuing yenr worb: Dr. W.
M, Hlndmnn ot Lincoln, moderator;
Rev. W. II. Parkor ot Tablo Rock, Rev.
J, II. Daulsberry or Gresham, clorks.
Dr. Hlndmnn nnd Rev. M. Gllmoro, F.
R. Frnzler and I. S. Tyson wore elect
ed delegates to tho National Presby
tery. The next meeting will bo held in