L9cayejys,jn,Bfief. A girl wa8 born to Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Redmond Wednesday morn ing. Dennis' happiness is bound less. Dr. Hannah, Osteopath. Office opposite Hotel Ncville.North Platte Wednesday Mrs. W. J. Patterson celebrated her seventy-eight birth day bv entcrtaininc a few inti- 1 mate friends at an afternoon party. A car ot Early Ohio seed potatoes at W. F. McGlonk & Co. John Corbctt. of Wallace, has purchased a lot in Hinman's addi tion and contemplates moving a house over from Wallace and becom ing a permanent resident. Horses for Sale by Jos, Hershey. , The high school pupils have en joyed the windy weather this week because it gave them a holiday on account of the decision of the architects that the building was unsafe Inn high wind. Don't fail. to attend the grandest display of Pattern Hats, Toques and Bonnets; ever brought to this city, at Rcnnies', April Dili, 10th and 11th. J. B. Jeter was i Ogalalla yester day as a witucsb ut the trial of the three boys who stole the tail lights from one of the trains and after wards smashed several of the win dows in one of the coaches, T'(Rcd River Early Ohio Seed pota tocB at McCullough & Carter's, At the mortgaged cattle sale held by the First National Dank at the Cody ranch Wednesday forty-four head of cattle were disposed of. The average price paid for steers was twenty-four dollars, for year lings sixteen dollars and for cows $37.75. The cattle were formerly owned by Gus Heckler. MoBt of them were sold to local parties. Dutchess Trousers arc ready lor spring; 10 cents a button, $1.00 a rip. Prices as low as $1.35 and upwards, for men and boys. Sec them. Star Clothino House. The people living in the south ern part 01 town Had quite a scare Tuesday afternoon on account of a fire which started on the prairie between the river and town and gained considerable headway be fore it waB discovered. As a strong wind was blowing at the time the . fire spread, over considerable ter ritory before it was extinguished but fortunately it did no particular damage, 'i lie nubs millinery opening will be held on Wednesday and Thursday, April 11th and 12th All of the ladies arc cordially in vitcd to attend it and sec one of the finest displays of up-to-date millin cry ever made in North Platte. Prof. Barbour of the state mil versity has contented to deliver lecture before the W. N 15. A. on Friday evening, April 27th. His subject will probably "be the Ycl lowstone Park" and it will be il lustratcd by views which he took while he was making a tour of the valley. Prof. Dexter, one of the faculty of the Colorado State Nor mal School at Greeley, will deliver a lecture on the second evening Saturday. Special price on one. two and three inch pipe. Job. Hershey. Sheriff Hayes came up up .Irora Lexington Tuesday evening and took charge of Maggie Welch, the insane woman that Sheriff Kelihcr arrested near Hershey lust week. He took her to Lexington'. Wednes day morning and she will probably be tken from there to the asylum at Norfolk. She had been in Lex ingtoc for a few weeks when bIic started to walk west and her sister had sworn out a warrant charcinir her with insanity but. when Sheriff itnyes went to arrest her lie round l lint she bad left town and until he received Sheriff Keliher's letter he ha"d been unable to find any iracc;oi tier. as We Give Particular Attention To our Children's Clothing Depart ment, arc always on the alert to ob tain the choicest and nobbiest things to be had in the markets. We can supply- your boy with the finest gar ments in the laud ut moderate cost. No such goods were ever before brought to the North Platte market. Our stock of cheap and medium priced goods is nil you can ask, and the prices ate worthy of your consideration. Ail Wool Suits, ages 8 to 16, for $2.50. Cheaper grades as low as $1.35. Mother's Choice Suits as" low as x this season. Some are . v made with double-breasted vests, just like his pa's, as low as . ONE PRICE AND PLAIN FIGURES. STAR CLOTHING HOUSE, W. A. VOLLMER, Proprietor. Across thc-Btrcct from old location. THTS YRAR Y 2 WE HAVE THE LARGEST -j STOOK OP I WALL PAPER Prices from 10 cents per double run up C. M. Newton. 3 Zulabelle Hibner intcrtained a number of her little trienda at a party Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. P. Kirchgestner went to Gothenburg Wednesday morning to spend a few days visiting her son Utto. A one-day term of district court to hear some motions and settle some uulinlslicu business will ue held here Saturday, April 28th. Geo. Buzssa has decided to become a merchant and next week will put in a stock of dry goods in the south half of the store room now occupied by U. G. Sawyer. Newell Uurritt was thrown from his buggy Wednesday afternoon while he was returning home and received a very ugly gash on the left side of his head and several stitches were necessary to close it, The accident happened not far from the Bratt school house, For tunately J. W. Payne was a wit ness of the accident and came to Mr. Burritt's assistance. The horse ran away and pretty thoroughly wrecked the buggy. Mr. Payue brought the injarcd man to town and took him to MC- Cube's drug store where his wound was urcsscu, flEftVY tfRftDWAHE. 14-inch Blauk Lister Lay, Reg ular Pattern $1.05 lG-iuch Blank Lister Lay, Reg ular Pattern 1.20 14'iuch Blauk Lister Lay, Hup- good 1.05 16-inch Blank Lister Lay, Han- good 1.20 14-inch Plow Lay 1.10 10-inch Plow Lay 1.25 14-inch Finished Ulster Lays to fit Canton, John Deere or Eagle LiBtcrs 1.75 Cultivator Shovels each 45c, per set 1.75 Wilco DBpMtipfi $toi?e. Supt. Baxter has granted Perry Sitton a four months' leave of ab flt'iice in order that he may accept the position of superintendent of construction of the new high schoo building. I or Sai.k A boarding honse; income $150 per mouth. Inquire at this office. Geo. Schlopp, of Ft. Maduon, is out here looking after his prop crty northwest of town. He is veiy well tatisficd with the returns for the first year and is of the opinion that Nebraska is a first class state. James M. Kay, Lawyer. Don't fail to attend the grandest display of Pattern Hats, Toques and Bonnets, ever brought to this city, at Kennies', April Dili, 10th and 11th. iiorsebuycrs are very niucli in evidence in JNortu iJiattt now-a days and they are paying a pretty fair price for the animaU. A carload was shipped yesterday t to B. W. Ward, of Chicago, who has had two buyers here for sever al days. Part of the carload was purchased in this vicinity and par of them in Logan couuty. EASTER I FOOTWEAR. Less than two weeks in which to choose the now shoes for the first appearance in the now spring toggery. Plenty here, hut early choice advised. Hero you'll' find New Shoes for Man New Shoes for Women. New Shoes for Boys. New Shoes for Girls. New Shoes for CliiUlreit. And every pair rightly constructed, cor rectly styled, economically priced. Yellow Front Shoe Store, Geo. M. Graham, Mgr., Three Doors South of P. O. North FUtte, Neb, People and Events. ft Mr. and Mrs. Chas. T. Whelan are planning a trip to i'aris tills summer. Mrs. Susan Hoover left yester day morning for Fremont where he expects to spend several mouths visiting relatives. Albert Schatz has returned from Omaha where he went to take his examination before the state board for a barbcr'B certificate. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Roche re turned Wednesday attcrnoon from a lew days visit at umalia and other points. Mr. and Mrs. 10. J. Baker, who lave been visiting the laltcr's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Mathews, for a few weeks, will return to Mc Cook today. Building Operations. S. Kcinpton lias purchased a lot on west Sixth street and is it con sultation with ths builders con cerning the erection of a house. Work upon it will probably be com menced within a week. Mrs. C. M. Duncan 8 cottage in the western pa"t of town ia rapidly approaching completion. It is now in the hands of the painters. Sam Moraut will soon com mence the erection of a $2,000 res idence upon his lots in the western edge of town. He has already part of the material on the ground. Work upon the connection be tweeu the two Harrington & Tobiu storerooms will be com menced next week. The firm has concluded not to widen the Dewey street building at present. M. b. Kcbliauscn is having a very commodious five-room cottage constructed on his lots in the southern part ot town. Considerable progress has been made on Fred Weigand's residence which is being build on the lot which he recently purchased from W. C. Reynolds. For Kent. 1 urnisued room. Inquire of Mrs. Edith Gautt. 4 0 ( ( :: ( 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' i ? Easter Novelties in fashionable HATS -AUSHD 0-A.3PS of all kinds that are the latest fashion, correct in shape and nobby in style. A new hat for Easter Sunday is indispensa ble, and you are sure of find ing just what you want at Klilcox Department Store J The Western Nebraska Educa tiott Association will meet at North Platte, . April 27 and 28. Att excellent program ha been prepared. The best musical talent of the city has haB been pro cured. Prof. 10. II. Barbour oi the State Universityof Nebraska, will give an illustrated lecture on Tiie Yellowstone Park," and Prof. 10, A" Dexter, of the University of Color ado will also give, an illustrated lecture on "The Great Universities of the East." We ask for the hearty co-operation of the people of North Platte 111 making these meetings a success. Jknnib Bi Wnm:, Sec'y W. N. 10. A Round and Half Round Stock Tanks, all sizes, ior sale by Jos. Hershey. Matt Walsh, who was formerl night foreman of the car gang, ha gone to work 011 the rip track a a uuviu iMiti&nni succeeded Hun as night foreman. The change wa made because Matt was tired night work. Redwood Stock Tanks for sale, Beat on earth. Sizcb 6 to 16 feet C, F. InmNos. Fred Hoisinger completed hi work of nppraisiuir the recentlv added part of the Ft. McPhcrson military reservation Wednesday and the following day returned to bin home in Ohio. Supt. Dow and D. W. Baker assisted him in the work, Wall Paper. Wc arc showing an exceptionally fine line of Wall Paper of the newest designs. If you you contemplate papering your house, call and see our stock. We can suit you in both style and price. E. B. WARNER. i NEW SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS AT RENNIE'S, At Ronnie's you can save what you would waste elsewhere, beoausc wc live up to our motto and never deviate from the standard we set for our selves to "Give the best possible value at the lowest, possible price." Add to this the fact that Rennie's leads in style and beauty, and that there arc genu ine bargains every day in the week at Rennie's. Every week is a good week in our Dress Goods De partment, where only reliable goods find shelf and counter space. We now have some unusually tempting values. We have just rccciyed direct from New York a beautiful line of Novelty Silks, Taffetas, Persian Foulards, Crepe de Chine, Printed Indias, Etc. Ladies' Shirt Waists, Belts, Umbrellas, Hosiery and Underwear in Endless Variety. We have just received the most complete and se lect stock of Carpets Moquettes, Velvets, Axmin stcrs and Body Brussels we have ever shown. Also fifty pieces of Ingrains, and an elegant line of Rugs, Tapestry Curtains and Lace Curtain. Call and inspect our stock before, buying-. Wc can please you and save you money. RENNIE'S. RENNIE'S- F. W. C. Able was up from Wil- lard yesterday transacting business. II. S. Ridgely was m Julesburg last night attending to some legal business. Engine No. 888 was sent to the shops at Omaha yesterday for a general overhauling. The Fair is prepared ior a big rush during their opening Monday Tuesday and Wednesday. An unusually large number of weary Willies have been in evidence this week. Both the city and rail road policemen are drillintr them out of town as rapidly as possibie, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Davis' daughter Maud is very dangerously ill with rheumatism. Tde World-Herald is authority tor a statement that a Chicago syndicate is negotiating with the Union Pacific land department for the purchase of 140.000 acres ot land lying between Gothenburg and North Platte and that if they suc ceed in purchasing it they will also make an effort to obtain control of the intervening sections. The purpose for which the syndicate proposes to use the land is not known. I We Solicit Good I Thirty Day Accounts. There are some merchants doing business in town who are so suspicious of your honesty that they refuse to trust you over night. Are they entitled to your trade? We guarantee as good p service and values with the courtesy of a line of " credit. " Morning Glory Patent Flour 8 A word in regard to Flour. We are exclusive agents for 3 Morning Glory Patent. It is guaranteed by the miller to make asifine a bread atid as many loaves to the sack as rjg any flour produced in the U. S. A. a broad guarantee tfj but the miller is back of it. Only One Dollar a sack. $ GARDEN SEEDS Y - We sell the Rush Park Seed Co's bulk Garden Seeds, W also their package garden and flower seeds, which we sell VP six packages for hvcuty-five cents. Yellow Bottom Onion Sets 10c per qt Fancy Kentucky Blue Grass Seed 12c per lb 3 Fancy White Clover ,20c per lb Pure Early Ohio Potatoes 05c per bu :3 Kerosene Oil 16c per gal 140 lb Sack No. 1 Salt 85c 3 2 Sacks Table Salt for 05c On Time Yeast 2 packages for 5c 5 Yeast Foam 2 packages for 5c XXXX Coffee 2 pounds for 25 cents Arbuckle Coffee 2 pounds for 25 cents Lion Coffee 2 pounds for." 25- cents uruers taKen ior uoiaeti or German Millet, Cane Seed or any other field or grass seed which we do not have in stock. The highest prevailing prices paid for Butter and Eggs. 3 THE HUB GROCERY CO., Dewey Street. Telephone No. 27. NORTH PLATTE. (0 m