The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 06, 1900, Image 5

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1 Bicycles. !
1- a
We have the Crescent g
$ and Laclede Bicycles. $
$ Can sell you a p-ood
jj. wheel froni $
$20.00 to $35.00
$ cash or on time pay-
$ "icnts. $
Clinton, g
to U. P. Watch Examiner. g
Thc ml Wf cMm Urifcunr .
ANNIE 0. KRAMPI1, Citt Editor.
FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 1900.
Max Einstein is transacting bus
iness in Kansas City.
The Handsomest Millinery Par
lours in town arc atThe Fair.
Bishop Graves is expected to ar
rive from Kearney this afternoon.
Dr. II. McCaw is spending- a few
days in town visiting' relatives
and attending to some professional
The grand millinery display at
The Leader will surely meet with
the approval of the ladies for style
and prices. Don't fail to attend
April 10th, 11th and 12th.
Two very handsome pieces ot sil
verware,, which will be given as
prizes for the best dancers in the
cakewalk at the Boilermaker's Ball,
arc on exhibition at Clinton's jew
elry store.
Extra Fancy Recleancd Alfalia
Seed, Early Ohio Seed Potatoes
and all kinds of Bulk and Package
Garden and Lawn Grass Seeds for
sale by Rush & Murray.
Monday evening Judge Baldwin
issued a marriage license to Jno.
P. Stelly and Miss L. Ritenour,
both residents of the eastern part
of the county. The marriage ceic
tnony was performed at the bride's
home Wednesday.
State Supt. Jackson has Fixed
July 14th and 15th as the days upon
which an examination will be held
in North Platte for teachers' pro
fessional life certificates. Several
Lincoln county teachers expect to
take an examination at that time.
Attorney Patterson was rotified
yesterday that the supreme court
had affirmed the decision, ot the
Jower court in favor of the defend
ant in the case of Hnre vs E. W
Murphy. This case was tried
three limes in the district court and
once in the county court.
Attend the Hub's millinery open
ing wiiicb will occur on Wednesday
and Thursday, April 11th and 12th
Nothing makes a nicer
than a complete dinner set in nice
shapes and decorations.
We sell
100 piece English Dinuer Set $ 8.00
100 piece Dinner Sets, four
different decorations to se
lect from 8.50
100 piece Dinner Sets 11,00
100 piece Dinner Sets 12.00
100 piece Dinner Sets 13.50
100 piece Dinner Sets 15.00
Handled Tea Cups and Sau
cers per set 45c
7-iuch Plates per set 45c
Wilcox; Qepafcirient $torje
The V. M. C. A. rooms are receiv
ing a thorough overhauling and will
bp painted and papered thorough-
out- One of the largest rooms,
which has been unavailable because
pt its uarkucsp, 'jas been luted with
a bkylij-ht and will be fitted up with
a large variety of games and be
used only as an amusement room
As it is some distance from the
reading room it will make an ex
cellent room for games and ought
to prove quite an attractive icature,
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
Grand Easter Opening !
April 9th, 10th and 11th,
The dainty, charming fascinating event is here. Don't
miss the best show of Spring Millinery that wc have ever
given or North Platte lias ever seen; will be exhibited in our
Millinery Department on second floor. 'Tis the most beauti
ful and comprehensive showing ol Pattern Hats, Uounets,
Toques, etc., ever shown. Copious examples of the foreign
milliners' art, selections from original sources and n multi
tude of ideal home conceptions will lend a brilliant coloring
to this important event. Everything will be arranged so you
can 'secure a comprehensive idea of the correct millinery
styles for 1900.
We cordially invite you to visit this grand display of the
Choicest Millinery in its beautiful frame work.
Rennie's. Rennie's.
W. A. Paxton, sr., of Omaha, is
transacting business in town to
Robt. Vance has returned fro'm
an extended visit in eastern Ne
braska and Iowa.
Millinery opening at The Leader
April 10th, llth and 12th. Don't
fail to attend.
Mrs. Geo. C. Hawkins and
children, of WellHcct, arc visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pealc.
The city council held a special
meeting last night to canvass the
ballots cast at the recent city
Remember you can buy the 51.00
$1.25 and $1.50 kid gloves at The
Fair during their opening.
Will Baker has resigned his posi
tion at Warner's furniture store
and will leave in about a week to
join the Wild West Show.
The Hub will hold its millinery
opening on Wednesday and Thurs
day, April llth and 12lh. A very
elegant line of fabhiouable hatt
and bonnets will be on sale.
Thos. Stimson was a passenger
on train sso. tut yestetaay ntter-
noon enroute from Chicago to his
home in Greeley. During the time
the train was in the yards he visited
with a number of his friends who
happened to be at the depot.
Money savers for money earners,
those 50 cents, 75 cents and $1.00
Elgin & Wison Bros, white and
colored shirts. New patterns just
Star Clothing House.
Grant Hughes met with quite a
painful accident Tuesday. He and
another small boy were playing
with a tin torpedo and it exploded
unexpectedly. One of the pieces of
tin struck him in the face and cut
hia nose and car quite severely. It
was necessary to take several
stitches in the wound. The little
chap bore the pain of having the
wound dressed vcrv manfully. It
was quite a painful operation as no
anesthetic was administered.
If your property is not insured
against fire, let us insure it for
you. You can't afford to carry
your own risk when it costs so
little. Wc represent only first class
compauics. John Bratt & Co,
Miss Winnie Boe'cr and Miss
Maud Dillon cnturtaiucd about
thirty people Tuesday evening at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Muldoou. The aflajr was given in
honor of i Miss Nellie Dillon, of
Omaha, who is vt&lting here. The
young ladies were assibted in re
ceiving by Mrs. Muldoou. Mu8ic
and games helped to make the
cveuiug a very pleasant one for all
of the guests and it passed all too
quickly. About eleven o clock light
refreshments were served in a very
dainty manner. The young ladies
proven themselves to be adepts "in
A .
W. II. Broach is quite sick with
Millinery opening at The Leader
April 10th, llth and 12th.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Millard came
up from'Omaha this morning.
The Engineers' May Party on
Tuesday evening, May 1st, will as
usual, be a brilliant social function,
aiid in keeping with the reputation
the engineers' party has enjoyed
for seventeen years pa t. Among
other pleasing features of the coni
ng party will be a concert from 8
to 9 o'clock by Prof. Brandon's or
chestra. The May Party is certain
to be largely attended and prove an
unqualified success.
Be Bure to visit The Fail millin
ery parlours during the opening
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesgay.
The real estate firm of John
Bratt & Co. report business in their
ine as being good. Many people
are coming west to locate and be
sides advertising locally, this firm
is advertising extensively in twenty-
five eastern papers, calling atten
tion to the many advantages of this
section of the country, all ot which
will no doubt bo of great benefit to
North Platte and vicinity as well as
John Bratt Si Co., as they will have
customers for property which is
listed with them for sale.
Will be less if bought cf us.
We sell
ISggs ..per doz 08
Arbuckle's Coffee. ,..13c, 2 pkgs 25
Lion Coffee 13c, 2 pkgs 25
German Coffee 13c, 2 pkgs 25
Bee Coffee per pkge 14
Bogota Coffee 18c, 2 pkgs 35
Baker's Cocoa., .lb can 25
Cream of Wheat per pkge 15
Pillsbury's ;Vitos 2 pkgs 25
Shredded Whole Wheat Biscuit
2 pkgs 25
Buckwheat Flour per lb 04
Vinegar per gal 20
Kerosene Oil per gal 16
Baker's Chocolate.. 18c, 2 cakes 35
Yeast Foam 2 pkgs 05
On Time Yeast 2 pkgs 05
ucci rvxiruci i-ot iar d
Battle Ax Tobacco. . , . per plug 35
Horse Shoe Tobacco. . . .per plug 15
Star Tobacco per lb -15
J. T. Tobacco per plug 20
Uukc's Mixture Tobacco.. per lb 35
Table Salt 2 sacks 05
Siiqw Flake Patent Flour, per sk 'JO
Corn Meal white or yellow. 25-lbs 25
3-lb Pail Lard 25
5-lb Pail Lard.. . 40
Horse Kadisb r.per bottle 10
Pearline per pkge 04
Gold Dust 4-lb okire 18
Search-Light Matches.. per box 04
Wilcox Department Store.
The ladies of the D. of II. are re
quested to meet at the K. P. hall
Monday, April Jth, at 2:30 p. m.
tor drill practice. A large attend
ance is desired. By order of the
Fred Marti is having his store-
room repainted and otherwise im-
proved, and will soon put in a soda1 Back Bands, Tugs, Breast Straps
fountain. He will also serve icc'Yo,C Straps, Saddles, Stirrups
cream during the season, having
fitted up a neat room for that pur -
pose. 1
Our Lines of Groceries 1
Stand out like the Colossus of Rhodes and all other lines walk under their fli
huge legs to find themselves dishonorable graves. We handle 1 fi
of which there is more sold than any other brand of Flour in the world, and is jfli
used by all the best families. ifjt
which have stood the lest of superiority in North Platte for many years. (ft
the best in the world. We also handle Kobe Tea and Sommer-Richardson's 0fi
line of Crackers and Cakes the best. fjfi
We ate 170! IPositjg as a Cfjeap Stole JjJ
but our prices are as low as anyone's, and we handle only the best goods on (fl
the market. Years of experience have put us in better position to take care of (f
your trade than any other firm in North Platte. Wc solicit your trade. ft
Railroad Notes. $
ISngine No. 1412 has been
brought up from from Omaha
and put into passenger service
Supt. Park and Chief Dispatch
Roth spent Wednesday upon the
Fourth district watching the oper
ation of the big train.
Dispatcher Clabaugh and Oper
ator Wilncr spent last evening
hunting in the vicinity ot Hershcy
but their ft 'tends haven't been in
vited to any game supper yet.
Engine 071 which had bem re
ceiving some overhauling went out
on freight yesterday. After it is
thoroughly broken in it will prob
ably be laid up.
Engine No. 684 has been entirely
rebuilt and will be turned out of
the shops tomorrow. It has been
fitted with a straight stack and
presents a very trim appearance.
Thcopcrators at 'the stations
between Gratid Island and here
liac been ordered here for a physi
cal examination. H. A. Massic,
who was formerly agent at Cozad,
is acting as relief agent.
S'nce April 1st over thirty cars
of fruit have been iced at this
station and the shipments arc con
stantly increasing. Yesterday the
nineteenth orange special went
through and still more arc coming.
The recent storms in Wyoming
have interfered with the work in
the Sherman gravel pit and no
gravel has been received in Ne
braska division since the ballasting
gangs were put at work. At
present the gangs arc being utilized
in dirt work.
About 42,000 tons of coal are to
be stored along the line of the
Union Pacific witin the next three
months and it will give an oppor
tunity for the officials to try their
hand on trains in mile lengths as it
will all be handled in the steel coal
Roadmastcr Connors recently re
ceived a gasoline motor which he
will use in traveling over his terri
tory inspecting the roadbed, lie
made a trial trip with it Wednes
day afternoon and succeeded in
developing a speed of about twenty-
ttvc miles an Hour. 1 uc motor is
constructed in a manner vcrv much
resembling that of a locomotive. P.
M. Kgan. who is quite a specialist
in gasoline engines, is instructing
Requires New Harness and
We have both
1 inch Leather Halters 85c
Ilame Straps 10c
Riding Bridles 90c to $1.50
Sinches 20c to 50c
Bridle Bits 8c to J0c
yi lb box assorted Copper Rivet18c
Ilame Clips 2 tor 5c
Cockeyes, each 5c
Trace Chains, each 25c
Roller Breast Snaps, each 18c
Line Snaps, each 3c
Breast Strap Slides, each 4c
We have a full
stock of Team
Harness, Collars, Work Bridles
Throw Ropes, Etc.
l.uw . , ,
I Wilcox Department
the roadmastcr in the peculiarities
of the machine. A trip to Chey
enne will be made with it in a few
days. Two of them have already
been in service on other divisions
of the Union Pacific but they have
not proved altogether satisfactory.
This one seems to be very carefully
constructed and it is thought it will
prove to be quite a time-saver and
will be invaluable in overseeing the
ballasting on the Third district this
A train ot 134 loaded coal cars
the total tonnage of which was
8300 was started out from Archer
Wednesday morning to make the
run to Sidney, but unfortunately
when it readied Egbert the engine
which was pulling it No. 1504
slipped a tire and the train had to
be split in two sections and side
tracked until other engines could
be sent to its relief. It was ex
pected that the train would make
the run to Sidney at an average
speed of twenty-five miles an hour.
It was composed entirely of steel
coal cars ot a uniform size and
those who saw it coming down the
hills said that it made a vcrv
fascinating sight, It was over a
mile in length. It was storming
quite hard when the train was
started and that caused the ac
cident to the engine. The experi
ment will probably be repeated
as soon as enough of the steel coal
cars are secured to make the train
long enough.
We have just listed with us for
sale some very choice property
which can be purchased for specu-
ation sure to advance in price.
John Bratt & Co.
Remember the M. E. ladies' fair
and supper at Lloyd's opera house
April 25th. A very pretty selec
tion of pillows, Mexican drawn
work, Battenberg and other fancy
articles, as well as the ever useful
aprous, will be offered for sale.
The song services which are being
held nightly at the Lutheran
church will begin now at a
quarter of eight instead of eight
o clock as Heretofore. These ser
vices arc proving very attractive as
Mr. wolte wlio is conducting tlicm
is a vocalist of wonderful ability.
Yeast Cakes arc low, but they shall
will your bread if you use our
Snow Flake Flour $1.00 a Sack-
and your dollar back if it is not
in North Platte, outside of this
Fl tlll lintllP n(" YVf1l Ahlinfl- &
The other fellow tells you
l we will tell you of some things
. . ....
iuonarcu Asparagus t'otnts
Monarch Black Raspberries
Monarch Strawberries
Monarch Pitted Kcd Cherries 25c per can
Casino Sliced Peaches 40c per can
Fall Line of Casino Brnnd Truita and Vegetables.
j Oriole Prunes (the finest grown) 3 to a Bauce dish, .,20c per' lb
Oriole prunes, Silver 15c per lb
Fancy Muir Poaches 15c per lb
4l Club House Coffee .. .35c per lb
Club limine Baking Powder 40c per lb
b XXXX BulkOliveP. 50c ner ot
Log Cabin Maple Syrup
i. Linton's ICnirlish Breakfast
i1' Liptou's Oolong
El Naban Ceylon Tea
X Pull line of Salt Fish
Salmon. Whole Cod Fish
The ballast cars which have been
in Omaha for an overhauling arc
being shipped west aa. rapidly as
possible to be ready for the rush of
Remember the date of the Milliu-
cry Opening at The Leader April
10th. llth and 12th
One of the elevators at the ice
houses broke down this morning
while a fruit train was being iced
and it became necessary to use the
air lift on ice house No. 1.
If you have idle money which you
wish to invest wc can offer you
some profitable and safe invest
ments. John Bkatt & Co.
Chicag6 weather forecast for
North Piatte and vicinity: Possibly
showers tonight or Saturday. The
maxmum temperature yesterday
was 57 ; one year ago it was 43s .
The minimum temperature thh
morning waB 43s ; one year ago it
was 18 .
Peerless White per lb 18c
Pcerless'Colorcd'per lb 20c
Bibb White per lb ,18c
Bibb Colored per lb 20c
All wound on spools.
.Wilco DeilBflijmeqfc $tm,
Lloyd's Opera House,
TueEsiug April 10
Clias. II. Yale's Forever
Devil's Auction
Alt the clcmentM of 'an old fashioned. -Chrlitman
lMntoinlmc Modernized,
elaborated. .Surrounded by an inves
titure of nccntc iiilondor', elltterliiK
costumes, mywtlfylriK tricks
Interpreted by a large and clever
Kroup of pretty necunuos, corvptiees
and Ballerina, led by the newly lm
ported Kurqpcan premies dancers,
MnvovoWor und Itnssofrglo
A Krcat cast of Acrobatn, FantaHtl
iuen, Comcdlarm and Comediennes.
Including the Del Torelll llrothcrn.
Maymc Mayo, Lorclla and Klcrnau.
The Grandest Scenic Effects Kver
Produced in This City.
rise again, and so
the best Flour you can buy
store, at any price. See that-
Mlonnti ?c mt nxrnrxr and'
what he hits that is cheap;
that arc good to eat.
dUc per can
25c per can
25c per can
.$1.35 per gal A
Tea 7Sr ner 1h
75c per lb
70c per lb 'H
White I'ish, Mackerel, Herring, 4?
7 cents a pound.