The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 06, 1900, Image 4

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    FRIDAY, APRIL G, 1900.
IRA It BARE, Editor ahd Proprietor
Ona Year, ensh In advance tl.M
Bit Months, cash In advnnr 7S Oanti'
t toond-oUii mttttr.
Republican Convention.
There will bdhclrt In North IMattcon April
21, 1000, a republican delegate county con
vention for the purpose of nominating one
County Attorney, and for the election of
delegate to the State( Congressional,. Sena
torial and Representative Conventions.
The several precincts will be entitled to
representation at said convention based
upon the vote for Hon. M. II. Kcccc, for Su-
No", l'latte No. I,. 0
No. l'latte No. 2.... 13
No. l'latte No. I.... 0
AntclopeMi.,,l,.'.v 3
lllrdwood., 2
Brady. 2
Huchanaq, .....,., 3
Cox , 8
DeerCrcek. .......... 2
Dickens 2
Kalrvlcw ......s. ,. 2
Fox Creek...... . ,,, a
Medicine ...... ...
Osgood. .
1'cckham ........
Somerset 2
vromam "
Walker 2
Wallace 3
Well 2
Whlttlcr 2
Willow 2
Oaslln ,. s
Hall 3
Hlnman 3
Hooker..... ... .... I
ICcm (.,.. 1
Table I
lmnn 2
Tptal 101
At which county convention a central com
mittee Will Ik selected and other business of
Importance transacted A full representa
tion Is confidently expected to express
approval of the wise and patriotic adminis
tration of public .affairs that has brought
prosperity to the great common people, to
rejoice over the victories of our army and
navy and welcome the return of peace and
continued good times.
It III recommended that bo primaries In the
several precincts be held on Saturday, April II.
Ily order ot the County Central Committee,
II. S. IUixiixt, Iiia I,. IIAhk,
Secretary. Chairman.
Bakor-Land(frftf Wedding
Mr. Elmer C. Baker and Miss
Mamie Landgraf were married last
evening at the home of the bride's
parents. The ceremony was per
formed by Judge Baldwin and was
witnessed only by the relatives and
a few intimate friends ot the bride
and groom. The bride, whose gown
was a very handsome red silk waist
and a cloth skirt, was attended by
Miss Annie Waters. The groom
was attcndi d by the bride's brother,
W. J. Landgraf. After the cere
mony an elegant wedding supper
was served, In a few days Mr. and
Mrs. Baker will move to Pawnee
ranch where they expect to make
their home.
The groom is a well known young
man who has spent nearly all of his
life in JS'orth Platte. lie now has
charge of the business connected
with the Keith estate and will booh
assume the foremanship of the
Pawnee ranch. He is a very popu
lar poung man among his associates.
The bride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Win. Landgraf and iB a
very attractive young lady. The
Triiiuni: extends the usual con
gratulations. Don't fail to attend the grandest
display of Pattern Hats, Toques
and Bonnets, ever brought to this
city, at Rcnnics', April 9th. 10th
and lltli.
Official Canvum
Of the vote cast at the city elec
tion held April 3, 1900:
Consistency is an unknown vir
tue to (lie average democrat. In
congress is presented the spectacle
of democratic members shedding
hot tears over the Porto Ricans
while at the same tunc they advo
cate the disfranchisement of the
colored people of the south. But
this, instance of inconsistency is not
alone,' 'parallel cases arc in evidence
The democrats of Brooklyn and
KiejivYork, headed by Perry Bel
mont, will hold a meeting next
Thursday, for the purpose of taking
n stand against the nomination of
Bryaui The democratic leaders of
the cast seem to feel pretty well
satisfied that the leadership of
Bryan will prove disastrous, and
tbey may decide that instead of
killing him off by nominating him
they will take the more ratiional
plan of putting up a representative
democrat on a progressive platform.
It is three montlm until the demo
cratic convention, and in that time
many things may happen.
Not long ago Editor Roscwator
and John R. Webster patched up
their factional differences by an
agreement whereby the iormer
would not oppose the latter in his
race tor the United States penator
ship, and the latter would not ficht
the former In his attempt to secure
the election of national committee
man for Nebraska. This arrange
ment Becmcd to suit the factious in
Omaha, but now comes the intelli
gence from Washington that the
plans arc not satisfactory to Sena
tor Thurston and his friends, and
that both Webster and Rosewatcr
may be lett out in the cold. It is
therefore possible that the factional
fight in Omaha will be continued to
the detriment of the party of the
state. Let us hope that some good
angel of peace may put in an ap
A numiikk of shrewd democratic
leaders of the cast, Whitney, Gor
man, Latnout included, are back
ing Admiral Dewey for the presi
dcutlal nomination and the Admir
al admits that he is a candidate,
but In his interviews he docs not
say that he is backed exclusively
by democrats. The New York
Herald says, however, that liia
candidacy is being boosted by the
democrats and that the scheme to
nominate him at the Kansas City
convention was carefully planned
at democratic conferences held at
Washington. The plau us orlgi
nally intended was to sprlug Dew
ey s name on the eve of the couvcu
tlon and secure bis nomination by
a wave of enthusiasm, but the
scheme leaked out, The Admtra
is expected to' make u western tri
Boon for the purpose of boosting
his boom,
1st, 2d 3d
wd wd wd Total
White 99 227 80 405
Cunningham 119 74 82 275
Bundy 79 205 114 398
Quinn 137 90 "49 ' 270
Shuman .... 119 199 117 435
Strcitz 98 103 42 243
Ross 105 218 85 408
Meyer . ... 103 88 74 265
Davis! 68 68
Sullivan .... 144 144
Iddings ... 249 249
Isenhart.... 99 99
Foster 59 59
School Board
Robinson ... 65 180 88 333
Weeks 56 118 61 235
Becler 150 202 nll4 466
Bullard 148 224 91 463
Annual Election.
The annual election of the offi
cers lor the buourban irrigation
district was held Wednesday and
the following officers were elected:
Director Dist. No. 1, Thos. Si
mants; director Dist, No. 2, W. M.
Hinman; director Dist. No. 3, A. M.
Stoddard; treasurer, J, G. Becler;
assessor, C. L. Bowcn. This dis
trict's ditch has come through the
winter in very irood shape and
water will be turned into It on the
fifteenth. The cost of its main
tenance is gradually being re
duced and the district is proving to
be an excellent thing for landown
ers along the ditch who are culti
vating their land.
Next week being Holy Week reg
ular services will be held at the
Church of Our Saviour every even
ing but Wednesday and Saturday
On Wednesday evening services
will be held at the North , Side
and according to the calendar it is time to buy
Spring Clothes. You'll need no argument when
you see our new Spring styles, the new fads, and
faces, the swell suits for spring of 1900, the prices
attached that interest, prices that particularly im
press you with the splendid saving guaranteed you
here in all your wearables.
Spring of 1900 styles, in newest weaves and color
ings, in checks and stripes, exceedingly well tail
ored; couldn't tell by the fit or finish from highest
priced made-to-order suits; very swell styles for the
good dresser. For Men's Suits prices range as
$6.00, $0.00, $7.60, 9.00, 10.00,
ne 10. xn la xn iznn iann ix nn
Boys' and Children's Newest Suits
sheriff's BALK.
llr virtue of nn execution from tho district
court of Lincoln county, Nobraska, upon n Judg
ment rendered In mid court In favor ot Mary J.
iiartman, ami against Patrick uonneany, I nnve
levied upon tho following described real estnto M
the nronertv of the raid Patrick Connenlly. to-wit!
The southwest quartet ot section twenty, In
township ten, range thirty-four and tho east Ave
acres of tho RouthOAst quarter ot the southeast
qnnrter ot section nineteen, In township ten,
rnngo thirty-four, vert sixth F, M. all In IJn.
roln county, Nebraska, nnd I will on tho 28th
lay of Anrll. 11)00. nt 1 o'clock n. ni. of Mid
day, at the cast front door of the court house
mint bclns the bnll.llnif wherein the last term of
court was held), of said county In North Platte,
pen mo sniu real estate at public auction to uie
highest bidder for cash, or an much thereof a to
satisfy wild elocution; tho Amount found duo
thereon In tho negregsto bolng the turn of 1742.10
and Ml 80 costs, and accruing costs.
unieu norm i-iaue, oo. March SI, 1W00.
mint) Tim T. Kkliheh, Sheriff.
Y m
Mrs. J. l' Clabaugh and sons
eft Tuesday night for a visit with
relatives in Iowa.
Mrs. II. L. Walsh, who was called
to Molt tic by the death of her
sister, is expected home Tuesday
It is said that ten weddings will
occur within thirty days and that
almost as many will occur in the
month of June.
The pupils of the Sutherland
high school arc preparing for a
declamatory contest to be held on
Friday, April 20th.
The plans and specifications for
the new high school building have
been placed in the office of C. V.
lddiugB and can be seen there at
any time,
The seniors are holding daily re
hearsals of the plav 'A Crazy Idea'
which they expect to present during
commencement week. W. V. Brey
cr is directing the rehearsals.
Raster windows are very much
in evidence on Dewey street and
some of the decorations arc quite
uovel. The children's favorite
window is Longlcy's drug store
where a couple of live rabbits cal
attention to a large display of Ras
tcr eggs.
J. B. Osborne Will deliver a lec
turre ot the court house next Sat
urday evening nt 7:30 on ''Economic
Revolution," Mr. Osborne is the
man who spoke on the streets last
Saturday, He is a gifted talker,
and presents his subject in a force
ful manner. Politically lie is
mid'dlcAjf.thc-raaU ptyMlist.
An adjourned meeting of the Ioter olm Rnd JoIm , nnmo unkB0WBi
school board was held last night i ,1?'?n.'!!'nt"' "J" 'J0 ?t,po.,llt J,E- ?'etpj
district court ot Lincoln county, Nebraska, against
raid dafondants. tho obloct and nraver of which
aro to foreclose a certain mortgage executed April
2nd, 1X01. by the defendant Voter Holm to tho
plaintiff horoln, on tho followtnir described real
estate, to wit: The southwest quartor ot the
northeast quarter and the southeast quarter of tho
northwest quarter and the east halt of the couth.
west quarter nf section four, In townt-lilp uluo,
north In ratine twenty-eight, west of tho 6th p. m.
In Lincoln county, Nebraska, said mortgage being
executed to securo tho paymont of the one princi
pal note ot the said Peter Holm, with ton Interest
notes thereto attached: raid principal note being
for the sum ot f.KX) and maturlnir Anrll 1st. 1BV.I;
one of raid Interest notes maturing October 1st,
l&llielght ot said notes maturing respectively nu
tho 1st days of April and October, ltWi, 1MX1, 1WI7,
1WN, and ono of said uotes maturing April 1st. 1BU9;
ouch of said nolen being for tho sum of tl'j.OOaud
executed April 2nd, lbtll, Thero Is now due the
plaintiff on raid notes and mnrlgago tho sum of
f 120 with Intorest at the rate ot ton por cent per
annum from October 1st, 1MU, and plaintiff prays
or a necroo mat wie iieionuants uo requireu to
pay Iho (ame, or that said premises may be sold to
satisfy raid amounts with 'Interests and costs ot
You are required fo answer said notlllon on or
beforo Monday tho 21st day nt May, HKX).
J. E. BKELKY. l'allntlfl.
nlll lly V. H. Morlan, his Attorney.
and the usual monthly irrist of
routine business was disposed of.
Committees were appointed to
audit the books ot the treasurer
and superintendent and they were
instructed to be ready to report by
May 3rd. All of the teachers were
granted a vacation on Friday, April
7th, in order that they might
attend the meeting of the W. N. 13.
A, which will occur on that date.
After a consultation with Perry
Sitton, who was elected superin
tendent of construction at a pre
vious meeting of the board, a con
tract tor his services were made
with him. The newly elected
members of the board will take
their seats at the next regular
meeting, May 7th.
Ononiner euns to emnhasize the snlendid season we propose in our boys
and children's stock. Values that economical buyers will appreciate. X
Splendidly made, handsomely finished, the newest weaves, the latest X
mixtures, fashionable and strong and at prices especially reasonable. X
Vestee Suits. Knee Pants Suits Knee Pants Suits
A fine line for Boys, for boys, double knee for boys in stripes and
ages 3 to 8, from $1 and seat others ask checks from $3.00 to
to 3.00. $3, our price 2.00. 5.00.
Boys' Long Pants Suits Boys' Long Pants Suits
jf in brown mixture Cassi- in all the latest styles at
meres, others ask $7.50, prices ranging all the way v
our price 5.50. from $3.50 to $13.50.
Come and examine our stock and prices and you'll find it always pays you to trade at
it Model One-
Givers of the Best Values. MAX KIRSCHBAUM, Proprietor.
School Board Meeting,
adjourned meeting of
helps the team. Saves wear nnd
expense, bold everywhere.
uaok nv
Legal Notices.
Matter of npnllcntl'on of iionrr Waltemath for
liquor ncunce.
Notlco 1. horebjr Riven Hint Itcnrr Waltemntli did
upon the 3d ilny of April, A. U., 1000, file bis appli
cation to tho city council ot North Platte, Liunoln
county, Nebraska, for a license to sell malt, spirit-
nous ana vinous liquors on soum -a reot lot
(east side Dewey street) block ltCI, In Ibe city of
North l'latte, Lliionln county, Nebraska, from the
1st day of May, 190(1. to the 1st day of May, 1W1.
ii more oe no oujecuon, renionsirance or pro
test men wiiuin two weens tram April via, A. i.
iimi, tne saia license win uoftrameo.
OK II EN 11 Y WALTEMATH, Applicant.
Matter of armllcatton of II. Kchlcxlncer for
Honor license.
Notice Is hereby Riven that II. SchleslnRer
illil upon the 6th day of April, A. 1)., 1WO. 111c
nm application to tne city council oi North
l'latte, Lincoln county, Kebraxlca, for license
in mcii man, npiruuouH ana vinoutt unuors,
on north feet of hoiith 41 feel of lot 4. block
103 frontlnR Uevrey Htreet. In the city of
North l'latte, Lincoln county, Nebraska,
from the lut (lav of Mav. IWHl. to the 1st dav
of May, IDOl,
it mere lie no objection, reinonHtrance or
proteHt lllert within two wcekH from April
6th. A.l). WOO, the said lleenxc will be granted.
ao. ii. huui,iibiNui;ic, Applicant
no AD NO. Slfl.
Ai;rceablo to & petition by land owner
aloilL' line of ronsent mail lirrclnnf lenlo-
tfcrlbcd and by thccommUfKloncrs of Lincoln
county granted at a regularly amournru
Reunion of said board on March 1, 1900, a
puuue road has been established as follown:
CommencliiK at uuarter Bcctloti corner be
tween sections is and 27, township 11, north
raiiKeSflwest. Thence west on uccllon line
between iser.tloni ! and 'J7, and SI and if.
tcrmlnatttiK at the soutucant corner of hcc
tlon a), town 1 1 north, range Sfl west All ob.
lections thereto or clalmo for damages must
u Hied In the county clerk's ottlce on or
before noon of the Stn day ot June, ll), or
such road will be established without reter
ence thereto,
.il Countj' Clerk.
United Utste ljind Office, ,
North Platlo, Neb., April Clh, UVO. f
Nutlco Is hereby ntven that the folliiwlnK-naiuod
settlor has filed notice nf Ms Intention to make
flnal proof In support ot bis claim, and that said
proof will be made before Ileiilster and Deceiver
at North Platte. Neb., on May tilth. 1W0, vlii
who made Homestead Entry No. iKHl fur the
northeast quarter of Hoctlou sl Town 10 north,
HaiiKe 31 west.
He names the tollonlug witnesses to prove his
continuous resldeuce uxu and cultlratlou of said
laud, vis: Martlu II. McPoruiutt, Walter E. Uur-
trell. (lafiririft KnAnlir. nf MimiMru.1. NaIi nn.l Jotvili
I e; tjueoj.ot Norm pium, n.u
1 AM Olio. E. FUENtJlI, Register.
AriiUe V. NbhimhI, JIo V, Newport, l'
II. Layman nnd Mniwlii E I.nymnii, Albert
O Layman and Mrs, Albert U. Ijiymnn do
fenduuts, will takn notion that on the 21th
day of March, 1UK), Die Mclilntojr.JjuiiilHK
loan ti i ruv un., planum iiurcw, mad Its petition
In Iho district court of Lincoln county. NebrntiVn.
autdnbt said defendants, the object aud prayer of
which are to foreclose two certain )inrlKnnes px-
eruieii iij inu iieii'iiiinnis, Arcnio v. r.mnrt nnd
LettU V Newport, to tho plalntllf, upon llin
eomueast quarter ot section an, tnwnlilp w, rniiKo
SI, In Lincoln county. Nebraska, one nf which
mortgage was given to secure the paymont of
one promissory bund dated May 21)11), Ihti.'i, tuiynblp
April 1st, ltU). together with ten Interest cnuixin
noted attached to said bond for l;' 23 each. Tho
first one parable October 1st. IH'Xi and one each
succeeding six mouths) and ono mortgage gon to
secure me psrmoiii in ten pronuwoiy noios Haled
May JOth, WW,, for 2.1 oach, oue payable October
mi, it hbo ono eacii succeeiiiiigsix munuia more
nfter. That thero Is now due ium wild Loud
coupons, notes and mortgages Ifie sum nf f2.V00
for which sum with lutere.t from April 1st, 1100,
plaluttft prnya for it decree that defendants be
required to pny the same, or that said promises
may be sold to satisfy Iho amount found duo.
You nro hereby untitled that on the 7th day nf
May, llmOiut lit o'clock, a, m or at booh there
after as plalntllf can be heard It will apply to tho
district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, or to
tne jiinge tueroor, tor tne appointment of n re
ceiver of the rents and profits ot said mortgaged
premises, upon the ground that defendants have
failed to pny the Inlerost upon said murlgiure, tor
last Uve years, aud hate failed to pay the taxes
upon raid promises for five years past and that
saia premttes nro iiisuiiicient to pay said mort
?ages, Interest, tnses, ami costs, aud said do.
ondauts are nil non-resldeiits of this slate, ami
In support of such application It will tile aud read
the atlldutlt nt T O. Patlers'in, Plaintiff proposes
iuu uuuiu ui iieiosiau , iruvis us receiver, Willi
O, I,. Patterson and Max lleor as sureties, plain
tiff also oilers us sureties for Itself O, IM Patterson
and Mux lleor.
You are required to nnswor snld pelltou on or
uvmru lue nil liny ot may, llJO,
Dated Murch is, 11HM.
, . Plaintiff.
T. C. rnttcrsoi), Attdrncy m.'7l
Matter of application of James Daly for llnuor
Notlco Is hereby Riven that James Daly did
upon the 3rd day of April. A. D 1000. Ala his ap-
iicnuon to too cny council oi norm riaite, un
coin county, Nebraska, for Ucenso to sell malt,
spirituous and vinous Honors, on lot 5. block 103.
in too city oi Norm riatte, Lincoln county, Ne
braska, from tho 1st day of May, 1900, to the 1st
day of May 1001,
ir mere bo no objocllou, romonstranoa or pro
test iiioo witnin two weens irom April vtu, A, V
itsu. me sam license win ue granted.
au. jamem jjaly, Applicant.
Matter ot annllcatlon of John W. llrldires for
uqnnr license.
Notice Is hereby given that John V. llrldges did
upon the 3rd day of April, A. I).. 1C00, Die his 'ap
plication to tne city council or Norm riatto,
ooln county, Nebraska, for license to sell malt,
spirituous and vinous llnuorH on lot 3, block 113,
in ine city or norm l'latte. unco in cnniitr. He.
bruska, from the 1st day ot May, 1100, to tho 1st
on y ot may. itsji,
' It there ba no objection, remonstrance or nro.
test filed within two weeks from April 7tb, IU00,
mo pitm iircosa win uo Kruaiod.
nn: JdllN W. UltlDUEH, Applloant
Matter ot amdlcaUon of Charles Wholsn for
liquor llcause.
Notlco Is hereby clven that Charles Wholan did
upon the 3rd day ot April, 1000, tile his application
to (he city council of North Platte. Lincoln
couuty, Nebraska, for license lo sell malt, spirit
uous auu viuous liquors on lots ;i nun I, uincx in.t,
Keith block, Front street. In the city of North
mine, l.iucoiu uountr. NeorasKn. from tne 1st ilnv
of May. 1IKI0. lo the tst duy of Mnr. 1001.
it mem ue no oujection, renioustrance or pro
test pirn wiiiun two weeKs irom April Tin, ivui,
tuo saii iiceuse win ue urnmod.
nli3 UIIA1II.EH WIIKI.AN, Appllcnnt
Notice for Bids.
Notifo la lioroby givpn tlmt sonlcd pro
pofliiiD win uo rocoivcu iy tlio lionrtl
Kilnnnlinn (if llin snhnnl ".lioirlnt nf I
nllV flf Nortll Plntln fnr llin n,nnllnn
.. flll. ci . . 1 . ,, ...
it Luiiiiiii inn" nunooi ouiKiinp; on uiook
111. in Hiliil nitv nf Morlli Klnlt.. I ....
... I ... ' 1 . , . . . L V V , I,.
nonlnnno wtili nlnna nml ainr.tllonI.,ci
r. . . ...... .. ....... .,,,v. l,(,
ill- ...111 ,, . . 1 . .
on inu wiui mo Buerotnry oi unui uoiin .
mini uiiiunrH win do required io BUile
Biild bids tho prieo tlioy will ny
tlinllRnnrl fnr Bll.di lipinlr n.wl tnml.
. . .. ... tuu ..!, (UlllUri
tnkon from old buildinu nB tho Honrd
1 1 1 .ar"
mum oruor iiBeci in tno cocntrucllon
snid now building. Enoli bid for bull
in coinjileto, or witliout liofiting e
pitriitus, to bo nccoinpniiiod by ncertitl
chonk fnr AVICI. f'.noli hi.l fnr l.nnii
. . ' . . . w . . . . . . . w . (ivitilllf
npnnrntuB, to bo nccorr.nnnicd bv n corti
Hod olioolc for 8100. Tho Biiceossful
uitiuor ror oroouni; tiuiuiinj,' will bo ro
HUlrod lo fumlBli u surety uqiupnay bond
In tho sum of 810,000: nnd tho successful
Itiililni f, ,4ln.. .n l.n I .
ts,v.,vr, tut in mo nettling
nnriltllR. n Burnt V nnniranv I
' w 'iii'un i WIIVI 111
Bum ot f-'.OOO for tho ftiithful porfo
nnco ot Bitlil contrncU Btuldiue to
complotod by Octobor 15, 1000. All bids
to uo Buuintuoa on or bororo 12 o'cloolt
M., April 10, 1000. Tho board reserves
tho rliiht to reject nny nnd nil bids,
North Plntto, Nob., March 27, 1000.
bVo'y biiird oEdUtfttibn .
Notice Is horeby nlven thnt bv virion nf n rh.i-
tel mortgage dated on the 3d day of February,
1800, and duly filed In tho office ot tho county
Clark of Lincoln conty, Nebraskn, on the lib day
of Fobrtinry, 1600, and exocuted by W. T. Ilorrlng
to D. 11, Eavey to securo the payment of the sum,and upon which thero Is now duo the sum
of 1170.30 and Interest; default having been made
in ine payment oi sain sum; nna nn suit or other
prnceodlmrs nt law havlnir been Instituted to re
cover said debt or nny wirt thereof, therefore 1
win sen tne ionowing property tnorein described,
viz: "Ono roan gelding funmed ltonnle 11 years
old. weight 000 pounds, worlh 150.00,'' "Ono sorrel
mare with white stripe In face, ono white hind
foot, 8 years old, weight 10T.0 pounds, worth
.V)I)0," One baymnre lOjoaraold. weight l.OtO
IHiunils, worth t.TJ.OO, named Daisy," nt public
nuctlon lo front nf the poslotllco building In Urndy
isinnu, i.incoin county, neurnsKa, ou Haturuay,
llin llth day of April, 10U), nt one o'clock p. m. of
snld day.
limed Mnrcu lith, mm.
m203 D. 11. EAVEY, Mortgagee.
Land OlQco nt North Pintle, Neb.,
Fobrtinry 2th, tWOO.
Nolico Is hereby ulveu thnt tho follnwlnu-nnmod
settler hns filed notice ot his Intention to make
flnal proof In support ot his claim, and that said
proof will bo made boforo Register and Itocelver
n North Plane, Neb., on April llth, 11NJ0, vli:
who made homestead entrv No. 17407 for the
north half ot the northwest quartor nnd the south
west quarter of northwest quarter and northwest
quarter of southwest, quartor ot section 2ii, town
snip 0 north, rnugo !M west.
lie names the following wllncex to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of said
land.ivlzt John Hansen, O, L, Jensen, T. Jepsen,
O. Mortanson, nil of Curtis, Nob.
ui-o. Ui;u. J'.. riiENUH. llegister,
Land omca at North riatte. Neb., I
March Ath, KOO, f
Notice Is. horobr ulven tbut Edanr A. Cnry has
tiled notlco ot Intention to mnke final proof be
fore Ileglslar nnd Receiver at their office In
North Platte. Nebraska, on Tuesday, the 17th
day of April, 1000, on Timber Culture Application
no. ij.ui ior tne nortneast quarter oi uoction
18, In Townrhip It) North, Itangn SI West,
lie names as witnesses: James Anble, A. L. Ali
ble, George II. Huglios nnd A. J. Ooodenow, nil ot
Onrfleld, Nebraska,
mriiip. ueo, E. fllKNCII, llegister.
United Htttcs Land Offlco, I
North Plalle, Nebraskn, Februnry 31, 1000. f
Notice Is hereby given Ibnt Rufus II. Enchushas
filed notice of Ids Intention to make final proof
beforo the Register and Recelvor at tbelr office In
North Platto, Neb., on Friday, the Ifith day of
April, 1000, on Timber Culture Application No,
llKllll, for the Bouthwest quarter Northwest quarter.
West half Southwest quarter. Southeast quarter of
the Bouthwest quarter, of Section 11, Township
13 norm, itange nu west.
lie names as witnesses: George Knox, Charles
Knox, Horace Austin and Cash Austin, all- ot
North Platte, Neb.
1370 OEO, E. FRENCH, Register.
United Htates Lund Orllca, )
North Platte, March 15lh, 1000. f
Notice is hereby given that Addle Eves,
formerly Palmer, has filed notice ot her intention
lo make flnal proof beforo Die Register and
Receiver at their otllca In North Platte, Nebras
kn, on Thursday, the 20th day of April, 1000, on
on Timber Culture Application No. 13,035, for
the Booth half ot the Southeast quarter, the
Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter and
Lot 1 ot Section 10, Township 10 North, Range
30 west.
She names ns witnesses: A; B. Fletcher ot Bu
chanan, Neb., A. L. Fletcher of Echo, Neb., and
E. L. Mooney aud C. C. Unwklns, of Wellfleet,
m'4IXI OEO. E. FRENCH, Register
Land Omee nt North l'latte, pb., I
March Stb, lOOti.
Notice Is hereby given that the followlng-natuoil
sottler has filed notice ot his Intention to mnke
flnnl proof In support ot his claim, nnd thnt said
proof will be made before Register and Receiver
at North Platte. Neb., on Apr)! 18th, 1W0, viz:
who mnde llorucstoail Entry No. 1(1714. fnr the
Northeast quarter of Hectlon 3. Tqwr 11 Kort,
Range 31 West.
He names the following witnesses to prrvo his
continuous residence upon and cultivation if said
land viz: William Lnltuo, William, annum, 0.
A. Oarmnu nnd Chalrper Oglcr, nil of Wallace.
Nebrnskn. '
mO-0 OEOROE K. FRENCH, Register,
Lnna umce at North Platte. Neb,, )
aiarcn Din, iwu. )
Notlco Is heroby given that thefollowlng-namad
settlor has filed notlco of his Intention to mako
flnal proof In support of his claim, nml that raid
proof will be made boforo Register and Recelvor
at North Platte, Neb., on April 18th, 1000, vln
Who made Homestead Entry No. 16,5.8 for the
Bouthwest quarter ot Section 10, Town 11 North
Range 33 west.
Ho names Uie followlug witnesses to prove his
continuous resldeuce upon and cultivation of sold
land viz: William Larue, William flarmau, a. A,
Oarman nnd Thomas Sykes, all of Wallace, Neb
mO 0 Register.
Land Office at North Platte, Neb., )
March 7th, ll'OO. f
Notice Is hereby glvou that tbe following-named
settler has filed notice of his Intention to make
final proof In support of bin claim and thnt said
proof will be made before the Register and Re
ceiver nt North Platte, Neb., on April lblh,
who mnde Homottcnd Eutry No, 1MUC for tbe
Southwest quarter of Section 31, Town II North.
Rnugo 33 West. '
llouames Ihu following witnesses to prove bin
continuous residence upon nnd cultivation of
said land, viz:
Thomas Hykes, Chalmer Ogler, William Oar
innii nnd C, A. Uiinuun, nil of Wallace, Neb.
mod OEO. K. FRENCH, Register.
United States IjiihI Otllce, I
North Platte, Neb., March lith, IIKW. f
A sufficient contest affidavit having been tiled In
this olllco by Harrison Weeks contestant, against
Home-dead Entry No, 10172, mnde July 17ih,
1B01. for the eait half of the southeast quarter
nnd the south half of the Nnrllu-niit quarter In Bee
Hon 31, Townilp0 north, Raugo 3.1 west, by Si
mon 11. Hblvely, Oonteslee, In which t Is nlli-iied
tha t Simon Hi Bhlvely hns failed lo resdo upoii
Vu.IU.v"ilu ""nS'HIo'i of enld tract since July
nrono ImprovemvnUon wild Inotl, tbiititd clcifccttf
... ... .(1MV, iffiib iiu una
been In Iho oerviio ).( tho Unlleil f
nrniy. ovv or junino corps iliriti i
npiioar, rccpond rihI offer evldeuce touching in
Lincoln connlv. vl,...t. ...i'.,'i '..'. V?" . 11
will be.. held n't 10 o'clock. 7m o . K
before the Register nnd Recelvor nt the Unite
Rill nu Ijinil mil.... I.. u..i. HUI'BI
" .v ... ..iuu, i iuiiv, rienrasBa.
J he said coute.tsnt having, In a rrooer nniilnrii
.rclj IJlli. m, set forll, faTwhkh show
that after due diligence personal service of Ihls
notlco ennno be made. It Is hereby order Jd nd
M OEO. K, FRENCH, IlegUler.
Und Office at North Plntto, Neb
vu , March '241b, IWO.
i..?me " ""f B'ven that Nicholas fTlienler
hns filed notlco ot Intention to make final
proof before register and receiver at heir office
"J1" ' f'ls,t,'N;'''. " Monday lh , "? ot
ti Zli 11?W Umlle.r culturo l'l'llcatlon No.
18,0111, for the southeast quarter of southwest
;lown.l,ln,No1n 'LVa n nSTSJ
townsiiip No, II north range No. 33 west n
names as witnesses; Thomas Mi Johns Walter N
OEonue li l'lieweu, Refl.ler.
, 1PUI),