The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 06, 1900, Image 2

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    The Semi-Weekly Tribune.
IltA U HAKE, Proprietor.
Scnntor Teller hns como out as a
candidate, for Governor of Colorado.
The preparations for tho Gorman sci
entific Antarctic expedition nro nearly
Tuesday, April 10, tho First nnnlvcr
sary of tho great mlno strike, will bo
celcbracd at Pana, III.
The Clover Leaf railroad was sold
at Toledo, Ohio, for $12,200,000 to
Messrs. Harrison and Peyton.
A private dispatch received at Shang
hai, Chlnn, confirms tho report that n
British missionary was killed at Kalp
Ing. Hov. Samuel E. Howes, tho oldest
Methodist minister of tho Rock Illvcr
conference, died at Crete, 111., aged 83
Tho shah of Persia has nppolntod
Mofakham Ed Dowleh, minister plen
ipotentiary of Persia to tho United
Tho schedules In bankruptcy of Wll
Ham It. Smith, milliner, of Now York,
show liabilities of $209,082; assots,
Tho plan to have Champion James
Jeffries fight thro men in one night
!ios been abandoned and Jeffries now
will fight nobody In Chicago.
T. C. Stcolo bus Just finished a life
sized three-quarters length oil por
trait of ox-Prcsldont Harrison, which
is to ho placed in tho Commcrlclal club
of Indianapojls.
Senator Allen has Introduced a bill
amending tho national bank act no as
to allow banks of doposlt to bo desig
nated in cities of 25,000 population.
Tho present law requires CO.000 popu
lation. Mrs. Edward Summer, who was nn
actlvo organizer of Soldiers' Relief So
ciety work during tho civil wnr, and
for many years prominent in Ohio tem
perance work, died at her homo in
A statement of tho treasury balances
in tho general fund oxcluslvo of tho
$160,000,000 god rcsorvo in tho division
of redemption March 27, shows: Avnll
nblo cash balance, $103,595,622; gold,
George W. Clnrlc of Macon, Ga wna
arrested in Jacksonville, Fla., charged
with blowing open tho safo of the Perry
Loan nnd Savlugs company of Porry,
(in., somo weeks ago and stealing from
It over $1,000.
Frank E. Hundy, tho defaulting city
chamberlain of Elmlra, N. Y., was ar
ralngcd In poltco court nnd hold for
tho grand Jury in $10,000 ball, In do
fault of which ho wna committed to
the county Jail.
Captain William IJ. Thomas, Forty
sixth volunteer Infantry, having bocn
found physically disqualified to per
form tho duties of bin rank, hso been
honorably discharged from tho Borvico
of tho United States.
Keuator Hoar reported from tho ju
diciary committee tho bill fixing tho
annual salaries of tho chief Jiullco of
tho supremo court at $15,500, nnd as
sociate justices at $15,000; circuit
Judges, $9,000, and district Judgoi at
James D. Dill, tho Now York attor
ney who has brought harmony and
tranquil business relations boiwum
Andrew Carncglo and II. C. Frlck. the
Iron kings, will now rank ns one of tho
most wonderful corporation attornoy?
of tho country.
Governor Lounsbury has nppolntod
Friday, April 13, (Good Friday), ns n
day of fasting and prayer In Connecti
cut, and says ho docs so "In nccordnnco
with n custom Instituted by n genera
tion which fenred God nnd kept His
Socrctnry Long hna completed tho
personnel of tho nnvy pollco bonrd by
appointing as mombors Captain Robloy
D. Evnns, at presont attached to tho
light houso board; Captain Henry C.
Taylor, commanding tho Vermont;
Captain Charles E. Clark, commander
of tho Loaguo Island navy yard; Cap
tain Freeh E. Chadwlck, now on wnlt
lug ordors, and Colonel George C. Rcld,
ut Marino headquarters in Washington.
Tho houso committee on pensions
recommended nn Incrcaso to $40 per
month In tho pension of the widow if
Colonel Haskell, who died from wounds
received In Cuba; $35 to tho widow
of Colonel J. J. Van Horn, who dlod
during tho Spanish war; $30 to tho
widow of Captain C. W. Royoll. killed
In Cuba; $35 to tho widow of Com
mander Horaco Elmer of the navy, and
$30 to tho widow of Commodoro O. O.
Badger of tho navy.
Tho retirement of Rear Admiral Day
will result In tho promotion of Captain
Silas Terry, a mombor of tho naval
rotlrlng board, to bo rear admiral.
Chief Wllklo of tho secrot sorvlco an
nounced tho discovery of a very poor
counterfeit one dollar treasury note.
check letter D., series 1891, 1). K. Bruco,
An epidemic of pneumonia has struck
St. Francis' orphan asylum and con
vent, at Duuuquo.
Commandant Crowthcr, who com
mands tho Transvaal fighting lino in
tho south, report that ho has retaken
Ladybrand after tho Urltlsh had been
there nn hour.
A shipment of $1,803,080 for tho pay
ment of soldiers In tho Philippines loft
tho subtroasury In New York. Thoro
wero $COO,000 In gold coin, packed In
wooden boxes, each containing $20,000,
tho samo sum In hills, packed In threo
Iron Kates, nnd tho remaluder, con
sisting of minor coin, paciced In cart
ridge boxos.
Mrs. 'Polly Prlco, n highly rospoctcd
pioneer rcsldont of Fountain City, Ind.,
has just celebrated her 100th birthday
Prof. O. E. Morrow, for many year
head of tho department of agriculture
of tho University of Illinois, Is dead
at his homo In Paxton, 111.
Harlan C. Allan of Nobraskn has
been promoted from $800 to 900 por
rear In tho treasury department.
Tho Austrnllnn premiers havo Joined
In a cablegram to Mr, Chamberlain, de
claring that it la undeslrnblo to oon
cludo pcaco in South Africa, oxcpt on
terms guaranteeing the absol&to su
premacy of Urltlsh rulo.
Tcrriblo Spcotaclo at tbo Scene of Ambush
Near Blocmfonteln,
Dorr Captured Seven flan Inntend of
Hli, n Tint Ilcporlcd lltirRlnr Still
Control Witter Workv-Shut Off Water
Supply of runner OrmiKu Free stute
LONDON, April 3. (Now York
World Cablegram Spoclnl Telegram.)
Tho Standard correspondent says:
"U battery was captured almost as a
wholo, only ono gun being saved by
Sergeant Major Martin, 'tho cavalry,
unaware that tho head of tho column
had been attacked, wero preparing to
advance, when tho sergeant major rodo
up and informed tho olllcer in chargo
of Q battery. Tho order was glvon,
'Right about, gallop,' but several men
and horses fell. Two guns and forty
men had to bo left behind undor a
terrlblo flro. Flvo buhb In nil got
out and opened flro on tho enemy nt
1,000 yards. Remington's scouts, pre
ceding Roberta' Horso, had, It appears,
advanced tight Into tho midst of tho
Boers, who called out, 'You need go no
further, you nro all prisoners.' They
wheeled about, however, and retired
at a gallop, losing heavily. Mean
whllo early In the afternoon tha Ninth
division under Colvllle, nnd tho cav
alry division under French arrived
from Blocmfonteln nftcr n forced
march of twenty-two mllca. They uro
now engaging tho enemy. Tho Duko
or Tcck Was In clim'go of tho trans
port, but is safo."
BUSHMAN'S KOI',' April 3. The
Doors who wero hidden In tho spruit
when tho British guns wero captured
yesterday werfl commnnded by Rclch
ninn, a German-American.
me Boers retired tills morning when
they discovered tho British scouts,
leaving two Dutch military attaches,
ono of them dangorously wounded, in
tno hands of the British. All tho
wounded nro doing well.
Everyone ngrceo that but for Col
onel Uroadwcil's splendid handling of
his troops not n member of tho forco
would havo escaped.
Tho Boers nro still holding' tho wa
loi works and tho lino of hills behind
thorn. Tho Ulocmfonteln water sup
ply lias been cut olT.
.Following tho scouts of General
Fronch'a cavalry division to tho sceno
of battle, tula correspondent witnessed
ono of the most terrlblo spectacles of
tho war, Horses lay stiffened In tho
various attitudes of sudden death, uuil
mingled among them wero ghastly hu
man bodies with tho wiccks of wagons
and food and forngu scattered wide.
Everything told n tcrriblo talo of sur
prises and carnage.
It would bo lmposslblo to concelvo
anything mora ingenious than tho
Boer trap and tho only wonder Is that
a slnglo man escaped. On crossing the
spruit, where tho ground rises immed
iately toward a grassy knoll, with
stony slopes facing tho drift, ono
c.i'Uu upon nu onciuauro from which it
was lmposslblo to flro over tho drift.
Al this point tho spruit makes a cir
cular bend, whllo tho south cmbank
mont, which is protected by tho par
tially constructed railway embank
ment, enabled tho enemy to pour In
n galling fire on threo sides, us well
as a double tier of flro In front.
When tho convoy was first attacked
n sccno of frightful contusion ensued.
Tho mules stampeded und tho wagons
wero overturned, whllo tho concealed
enemy poured In n deadly flro.
ivhen tho first battery appeared the
Boom secmod undcslroua of continu
ing tho slaughter and called on tho
British to surioudor. At that moment,
howovcr, B battery, which was escap
ing from tho rear of tho convoy under
heavy flro, wheclod Into action nnd
began shelling tho Boers with tho four
remaining guns. Tho Boers confess
that this battery accounted for live
killed and nlno woundod of their
Early In tho afternoon tho Boors
collected nbout tho convoy, began re
moving tho guns and wagons and. per
mitted tho collection of tho British
dead and wounded. Our nctual casu
alties wore loss than .id been expect
ed, Dcsplto this rcgretnblo lncldont,
It is lmposslblo not' to ndmlro tho gal
lant manner in which u part of tho
llltlo forco was able to extricate ltsolf
from an almost hopolcss position.
Volunteer Klllud bjr n. Fnrraer.
ST. JOSEPH, Mo., April 3. J. Shea
F. Casey,- of 8t. Joseph, captain com
pany I , Fourth loglracnt, Missouri
volunteoru, during tho lato war with
Spain, was shot and killed this morn
ing near Troy, Has., by a farmer nam
cd Edward Young. Casey rccontly
squatted on a small Island In tho Mis
sourl rlvor, six mllc3 southwest of
this city, nnd fenced In tho best pnrt
of tho land. Young claimed tho land
and In a quarrel Casey was killed.
llrjnn Spenka In 10,000.
WHATCOM. Wash.. April 3. Will
lam J. iryun began tho second week
of his Pacific coast campaign by ad
dressing ton thousand people nt nn
opou air meeting In this city. Ho spoke
for an hour and ten minutes, glvln
tho groatest portion of tho time to dis
cussion of tho Phlllpplno question. Ho
criticised tho administration for not
oxtondlng sympathy to tho Boers.
Damascus, said to be tho oldest city
in tho world, dates back 4,000 years,
its population is 200,000,
Nmt Nitloiml llolliluy.
LOUISVILLE, Ky April 3. Gon
tral Albort D. Shaw, commnndcr-ln
chief of tho Grnnd Army of tho Ropub
lie, who has just roturnod from a tour
of tho south, roachod horo today. "My
trip has bocn most intoro3ting," said
General Shaw. "Evorywhoro I wus
grcototi by confedornto and union sol
diors nllko. Thoro Is no longor any
.reeling between tho soldiers who op
posed onch other in tho groat war,
Tho bravo men ot tho north nnd south
nro on tho Bnmo piano."
General Shaw oxnressod his nnnrov
nl of tho suggestion to maka coufodor-
ato decoration day a uatlonnl holiday
General Robert I'tepirU on th DUaater
to lfront!roou"i Column.
LONDON. April 3. Tho War oftlco
reports that Colonel Broadwood lost
seven guns and all his baggago in tho
ambush laid for him by tho Boers on
Saturday. Tho casualties numbered
Tho Wnr oftlco has received tho fol
lowing dispatch from Lord RobertB,
dated Blocmfonteln, April 1:
"I received news lato yesterday even
ing from Colonel Broadwood, who was
nt Thaba Nchu, thirty-eight mllca cast
of here, that Information had reached
him that tho oncmy was approaching
In two forces from tho horth and tuo
cast. Ho stated that If tuo report
proved truo ho would retlro towards
the water works, seventeen miles near
er Blocmfonteln, wboro wo havo hail
.detachment of mounted tntantry for
tho protection of tho works.
Broadwood was told in reply that
tho Ninth division with Martyr's In
fantry will march nt daylight today to
support htm and that if ho considers
it necessary ho should retlro from the
wntcr works. Ho moved thoro during
the night nnd bivouacked. At dawn
today ho was shelled by tl.o enemy.
who nttacked on threo sides. Ho Im
mediately dispatched two horse artil
lery battalions nnd his oaggage toward
Blocmfonteln, covering somo ot tnem
with his cavalry.
"Somo two miles from tho water
works tho road crosses it deep mullah,
or spruit, in which during tho night
forco of Boers had concealed them
selves. So well wero they hidden that
our leading scouts passed over tho
drift without discovering them, and It
ns not until tho wunons nnd guns
wero entorlug the drift, that tho BOers
Bhowcd themselves nnd opened flro.
Many of the drivers of the nrtillory
horsc3 wero immediately shot down
ot short rango and sovernl guns wero
cuptured. Tho remainder galloped
away, covored by Roberts horse,
which suffered heavily.
Mcanwhllo Lieutenant Chcstmnstera
of Hemlngton's scouts found a passago
across the spruit unoccupied by tho
enemy, by which tho remainder of
Broadwood's forco crossed. They re
formed with great steadiness, notwlth-
tandlng all that had previously oc
Broadwood's report which has just
reached me, and which contains no de
tails, stated that ho had lost seven
guns nnd nil his baggage. Ho esti
mates ull his casualties nt about 350,
Including 200 missing.
llotiiio Anxloua to Know If Aet II:ia
Crcntud ii Hiirplim.
WASHINGTON, April 3. When tho
houso met today Payne ot New York,
tho lloor leader of tho majority, pre
sented a resolution, which was adopt
ed, calling upon tho (secretary of tho
treasury for Information as to wheth
er tho war rovenuo act created n sur
plus and nil tho details concerning
tho rovenuo under that act, with esti
mates of expenditures. Tho presen
tation of tho resolution, calling ns it
docs for Information which may fur
nish a basis for tho reduction of tho
wi r revenues, created considerable ln
tr.eoi. Richardson of Tenncsseo asked If It
cuvciod anything savo tho lnternnl rov
enuo taxation under tho wnr rovenuo
Payno replied that It did not. There
was no division on tho adoption of tho
csolutlon, which was as follows:
Resolved, Thut tho secretary of tho
treasury bo, nnd ho hereby Is, re
quested to Inform tho houso of repre
sentatives whether, In his opinion,
based upon such knowledge as ho has
tho present laws for tho raising of
rovenuo aro creating nnd will con-
ttnuo to create a surplus In the treas
ury ovor and ubovo tho wants of tho
government, and If so, to what extent
nt tho end of tho current fiscal year,
and n ltko report ns to the fiscal year
ending June, 1901.
Sheriff Cm Servo Civil rroormei.
FRANKFORT, Ky April 3. Tho
military authorities today notified
Shorlff Sutcr that ho or his deputlos
may enter tho cnpltol grounds for tho
purposo ot serving processes of a civil
unturo, but that they will not bo por
mittcd to sorvo any papers of a crlm
Innl nature.
J. L. Sutton of Whitney county nnd
W. L. Hnzcllp of Grayson county, who
nro under $10,000 bond each, arrived
nero today. Their cases will go before
tho grand Jury.
Itatloiiftl Committee Active In Securing
Fledged DeleRutlnnii.
CHICAGO, April 3. Tho Tribune
says: Tho democratic national com
tnlttco hna Issued a circular urging that
nil delegates to tho Kansas City con
vention bo "Instructed for tho reaffirm
ation of tho Chicago platform, and
tue selection of candidates loyal to It
In 189G and loyal now,"
Conilltlnn of tho Trcuiury.
WASHINGTON. D. C, April 3. To-
day statement of tho treasury bal
ances In tho general fund, exclusive ot
tho $150,000,000 rcsorvo in tho division
of redemption, Bhows: Available cash
balance, $156,792,995; gold, $,98,358,081.
"ThIIuvt Dick" 15u ltoulo to Frankfort.
LEXINGTON. Kv.. AnHl .1 lllnhnr.l
Combos, alias "Tallow Dick" wns
UI'OUKllt lioro from Unnttvvl n tm nv
and will bo taken to Frnnkfnrr this
nnernoo'n. no denied any knowledge
of a conspiracy to kill Goebel.
Itlllln Hlinrlr to llm
LONDON, April 3. Tho rumors of
me recapture by tho British of tho sov
011 KUIIS tnkOll from Colonel Hrnnd
wood's forco falls to compensate Lon
don for tho sevoro shock experienced
by tho numlllntlng dofeat sustained
within n few mllca of tho headquarters
of tho British army of occupation. Tho
public I3 painfully surprised to learn
aftor all that has como nnd gono that
British officers of high position can
still neglect precautions which tho ver
iest tyro might bo oxpoctod to observo
and blunder Into traps which the ob
oervnnco of tho elementary military
rules would hav rovcoled.
Boports of tho Disaster to British of a
Mystifying Nature.
Army Keep In "Touch" With tho Iloern
KoberU l'r.ttnc the Uullitntrv of tho
Men Hiirb;cI A (Iroiif Deal of Sick
ness nt llloemfontoln mill Klstmhcre.
LONDON, Arpll 4. Fuller news of
tho disaster to tho British army in
tho neighborhood ot Sanas post docs
not tend to improvo matters from n
British point of view, but, with tho
dispatches so mystifying It Is impossi
ble to nccuratoly portruy tho present
situation or fortoll Uio ultimate Issue
o! Lord Robert's attempt to rctrlevo
tho dotcat.
Tho War olllco has posted a dispatch
from Lord Roberts, reading ns follows:
contlnuaton of my telegram of March
31.) Thero has been considerable de
lay In getting nccurnto returns of tho
cnsunlMes, as tho action took placa
twenty-two miles hence, tho telegraph
cable has been Interrupted Bevcral
times, cloudy weather has Interfered
with signaling nnd although there has
been nn engagement since, the forco Is
continually In touch wth tho enemy.
"Thero wero many acts of conspic
uous gallantry displayed during tho
day. 'Q' remained In notion under a
crossfire .nt 1,200 yards forborne hours,
tho officers serving tho guns us tho
casualties reduced tho detachments.
Suvornl gallant uttcmpts wero mndo to
bring In two guns, tho teams of which
had been killed, but at each attempt
the horses wero shot.
"Tho Essox, Shropshro and North
umberland mounted Infantry and Rob
erts' Horse covered tho retirement."
"Thcso covered the retirement of
tho guns from that position to the
crossing of tho drift found by tho cav
alry two miles further south and with
stood tho determined attacks of tho
enemy, who, in somo enscs, advanced
within a hundred ynrds. 'U' battery
of the Royal Horso artillery was sud
denly surrounded the drift and the
ofl'cors nnd men were all made pris
oners without a shot bolng flrod. But
Major Taylor und a sergeant major
succeeded In escnplng In the confusion.
Five guns were captured at tho same
time. Further details tomorrow."
Lord Roberts dispatch sccm3 to final
ly dispose of tho cnrller report ot tho
recovery of the guns and tho fact
that tho Boors remain In occupaton
of tho wntcrworka Is taken ns an In
dication that they Intend to make a
stand sufficiently long to cover tho
withdrawal of the guns nnd wagons to
a place of safetly, although tho ab
sence of doflnlto Information regard
ing tho movements ot Genornl Fronch'a
cavalry makes It difficult to estimate
their chnnccs of nddlng this crowning
success to tho blow nlready Inflicted.
A dispatch from Maseru, Basutoland,
dated Monday, April 2, says tho earl
of R3slyn, who 13 accing ns war cor
respondent for the Dally Mall In South
Africa, and who left there April 1 on
his way to Thaba N'Chu, has probably
fallen Into the hands ot the Boers.
Sclcntlntti Upturn l'romiin lCxteiulril Tour
of tho South Snif.
SAN FRANCISCO. April 1. Prof. A.
Agasslz, who left horo several months
ago In chargo of a party of scientists
on board tho steamer Albatross, and
has returned on tho Chlnn, will pro
ceed at onco to Washington to report
regarding tho results of his voyage to
tho South sens. Tho scientific expedi
tion went first to tho Pomolos, explor
ing tho northern part of thcso islands,
n region never before exumlned by sci
entists. After refitting the vessel at Tahiti
tho rcmnlnlng portion of tho Society
Islands, us well as the Cook, Savago
and tho islands of tho Tonga group,
wero explored. After refitting at Su
va tho Elllco Gilbert nnd Marshall Is
lands wero' exploicd and tho Island of
Guam was visited.
Along Its course the Albatross made
soundings, those between hero nnd tho
Marquesas being the first over made
along that route. About 100 miles
southeast ot Guam a depth of 4,313
fathoms, or nearly five and ono-hnlf
miles, wns found. Thero aro only threo
deeper soundings, ono of them bolng
near Guam. Prof Agasslz savs ho ex
amined corul reefs In different parte
of tho South seas and enmo to tho
conclusion thnt Darwin's theory re
garding their formation was untennblo.
Tho corals, ho says, havo grown upon
shelves of tho volcanic islands.
Horn Hold the Waterworks
BUSHMAN'S KOP, April 4. The
Boors aro still occupying t,ho water
works, which tho British shelled yes
terday afternoon, tho Boers replying.
Mexico Co'ehriite Viator;.
CITY OF MEXICO, April 4. Yester
day's annlevr8ary of tho victory of tho
Mexican army commanded by Goneral
Porllrlo Diaz over tho Imperialist
foicos, at Puebla, thlrty-threo years
ago, was obsorved ns a goneral holi
day, tho public buildings being deco
rated handsomely. Tho day was cele
brated by military maneuvers 011 tho
plains of San Lazarus near tho city In
tho presenco of President Diaz and
hundreds of distinguished guests-, cabi
net ministers, mombers of tho diplo
matic corps nnd visiting Americans
and Spaniards.
Kxpect 11 DecUlou Wetlnexliiy.
LOUISVILLE, Ky April 4. A de
clslou In tiro governorship case Is ex
pected In tho court of appeals within
a day or bo, probably tomorrow. At
tho conclusion of tho argument last
night tho ensa was taken under ad
visement and the Judges nro now con
sidering tho points involved. Pend
ltiK a decision Interest confers In tho
procoodlnga of tho grand jury at
Franluort, which is oxpoctcu to return
a numbor of Indlctmonts In connection
with tho Goobol cu3e. Tho conclusion
of tho Investigation Is not expected for
fully two weeks.
Concllllou of Uncle Sni'n Flnnnce by
tha Lntcit Figure.
WASHINGTON, April 4. Tho
monthly statement of the public debt
shows that at tho closo of business,
March 31, 1900, tho debt, less cash
In tho treasury, amounted to $1,112,
250,358, n decrease fpr the month of $C,
029,701. This decreaso Is necounted
for by n corresponding Increase In the
cash on hand. Tho debt Is recapitu
lated as follows:
Interest bearing debt, $1,026,802,140;
debt on which Interest hns ceased
slnco mnturlty, $l,207,G0O; debt bear
ing no Interest, $390,979,013. Total,
? 1,4 19,049,363.
This nmount, however, docs not In
cludo $720,500,779 In certificates and
treasury notes outstnndlng, which are
offest by nn equal amount ot cash on
hand. The cash In tho treasury is
claslflcd as follows:
Reserve fund In gold coin nnd bul
lion, $150,000,000; trust funds, $720,
500,779; In national depositories: To
credit of Treasurer of tho United
States, $104,550,700; to credit of dis
bursing officers of tho United States,
$0,075,415. Total, $1,108,379,783.
Against which thero nro demand lia
bilities outstanding amounting to
$801,580,787, leaving on hand a nntlon
nl cash balance, Including tho reserve,
ot $30C,702,995.
Tho monthly statement ot the comp
crnmcnt receipts and expenditures
during tho month of Mnrch shows tho
total receipts to havo been $48,726,837,
nnd leaves a surplus for tho month
of $16,538,500. Tho disbursements for
the month charged to tho war depart
ment amounted to $8,329,053, a de
creaso nB compared with March, 1899,
of $3,300,000; navy department, $4,
413,637, a decreaso of $430,000. For
the nlno months of tho present fiscal
year tho receipts exceeded tho dis
bursements by $51,302,000.
Tho monthly statement of tho di
rector of tho mint shows the total
coinage--of tho mints of tho United
States during Mnrch to havo been
The monthly Btatcmnot of tho comp
troller of tho currency shows that at
the closo of business, Mnrch 31, 1900,
tho total circulation of National bank
notes wns $270,953,068, nn Incrcaso tor
the year of $27,900,751, and an Incrcaso
for tho month of $21,518,190. Tho cir
culation based on United States bonds
wns $203,284,230, nn Incrcaso for tho
year of $23,358,241, and nn Incrcaso
for tho month of $19,671,201. The cir
culation secured by lawful money was
$37,068,838, an lncrenso for tho year
of $1,542,510, nn increase for the
month of $1,813,900. Tho amount of
United States registered bonds on do
poslt to secure circulation notes was
9256,001,480, of which thoso of the now
2 per cents amounted to $97,797,090,
nnd to secure public deposits $39,631,
CS0, of which $19,992,900 wero the new
2 per cents.
Will Combine lluitliiem With Pleasure
During tho Trip.
WASHINGTON, April 4. Tho in
formation was given out nt tho bu
reau of navigation that Admlrnl Dewey
will' probably visit Europe tho coming
summer. It was said that ho would
b; nccompanicd by Mrs. Dewey, his
secretary, Lieut. John 'W. Crawford,
nnd his nlde, Lieut. Harry II. Cald
well. Whllo tho plans of tha admiral
havo not been fully arranged, It was
said that he would sail for Europo
about tho last of April. As prcsidont
of tho naval policy board, Admiral
Dewey, It Is said, wll comblno busi
ness with pleasuro whllo abroad, and
will Inspect tho navy yards, shlp3 nnd
the modern vessels of nil the lending
countries. Tho policy board will hold
a meeting In a fow days and agree
upon tho plans for tho summer. The
members will dlsctisa tho building of
the battleships now under considera
tion, but It Is probable that tho designs
for tho ships will not bo definitely
decided upon until aftor Dewey's re
turn from abroad, as It Is belleveu that
his visit will result In his gaining
somo information about tho armament
nnd guns of tho vcsscIb of foreign
powors that will bo of great valua
to tho board In planning tho big ves
sels to bo constructed by this country.
Oppoieil to DUtnrblnc; .Wnr Itovenucs
Thin Hemlon.
WASHINGTON, D. C, April 4. No
disposition is manifested in tho senato
to disturb tho war rovenuo taxes dur
ing tho presont session of congress.
Republican members of tho senato
committee on flnnnco who aro In tho
city ngreo in expressing tho opinion
that tho session is too far advanced to
justify any effort In that direction nt
tho present time, somo or thorn say
thnt there is no menaco in tho present
surplus of revenue and they generally
OKroo that aB circumstances would
not permit thu-romoval of tho entlra
lax It would bo a very complicated
work to mako nn equitable adjustment.
They say that this work will havo to
bo undertaken nt tho beginning of a
tesslon when undertaken at all.
Culmn Ciutoiu Receipt.
WASHINGTON, April 4. Tho Wnr
department today mado public n com
parative statement of tho customs re
ceipts lu Cuba for the months ot Jan
uury and Fchrunry, 1899, with thoso of
January nnd Februnry, 1900. Tho
stntoment shows receipts of tho Island
for January and February, 1899, were
$2,014,933, those of Janunry and Feb
ruary, 1900, were $2,772,619, nn In
cieaso for tho two months of 1900 ovor
tho samo period of 1899 of $757,0!5.
Located tho Hotith l'ole.
LONDON, April 4. Caraton E.
Borchgrovlnk, lender of tho south
polar expedition fitted out In 1898 by
Sir George Nownes, of this city, who
with tho surviving members of his
party arrived on tho steamer Southorn
Cross nt Campbelltown, Bluff Harbor,
N. Z., telegraphs Sir Gcorgo Nownes
that the object of tho expedition was
fully attained nnd tho position of tho
south magnetic polo located. Ho adds
that the expedition reached with
sledges the furthest point south of
which there Is any record, namely lat
itude 73 degrees 50 minutes south.
Governor Poynter Will Stand by His Do-
cisiou of Last Woak.
Stnto Hoard of Tminportntlon Served
With 1111 Order Itrtrikliilnc Tlirm From
Ilcarlns Complaint Abuut lUllroud
Itntei Miscellaneous Mubruakn Mut
ter. LINCOLN, April 4. Governor Poyn
ter will stand by his decision of last
week and will refuse to relnstato B.
F. Lang ot York ns superintendent
of tho State Instltuto for Foeblc-Mlnd-cd
Youth nt Beatrice. A delegation
headed by Lieutenant Governor Gil
bert nnd Judge Bates of York and cx
Mnyor E. A. Krctslngcr of Bontrlco.
nnd Including ubout n dozen citizens of
York, called on Governor Poynter and
pleaded for leniency on behnlf of Lang.
At tho closo ot tliu conference Gov.
crnor Poynter Bald that ho had no
decision other than tho ono rendered
last week.
It has been quietly Intimated that
unless ho was rclnstaod MM. Lang
would refuse to go cut of ofilco until
compelled to do so by tho courts.
Governor Poynter asscils that he has
Langs resignation In writing over
his own signature and tnat ho cannot
therefore contend that ho has any
lawful right to the oiflce. Lang has
told several of his friends that ho has
not resigned and that he doc3 not
proposo to bo removed from tho office
without cause.
Members of tho Stato Board of
Transportation wero sorved with a
copy of nn order Issued by Judge Mun-
ger of tho federal court restraining
them from entertaining, hearing or de
termining nny complaint which has
been or mny hereafter bo filed with
the board, touching the rates of chargo
mado by the Fremont, n.'lkhorn & Mis
souri Valley or tho Chicago, St. Paul,
Minneapolis & Omaha railroads. Thin
order is to continue in forco until
April 5, when the complainants will
move for a permnnent injunction. Tha
Beard of Transportation Is also re
strained from mnking nny order fixing
or prescribing tho rates which either
of thew companies shall chargo for
transportation of frclgtit between
points In Nebraska and from tnklns
nny proceedings for the purpose of
enforcing any order heretofore Issued.
But little surprise was expressed at
the stato houso when the Injunction
was served, It bolng generally expect
ed that the Board of Transportation
would bo restrained from proceeding
with tho henrlng of cases pending
ngalnst tho Fremont, Elkhorn & Mis
souri valley and tho Omana roads,
both of which wero recently contin
ued. The caso'of tho Business Men's as
sociation of Norfolk ngalnst tho Omaha
read has been lost in tho mass of
railroad rate litigation.
Stuto Cnpltnl Note. '
LINCOLN, Nob., April 4. Treasurer
Mc-servo has Issued a call for general
fund warrants- registered from 55,171
ti 55,570, payable April 10. Tho
amount covered Is $40,000.
Two ot tho bondsment of ex-County
Treasurer J. W. Lynch of Platto coun
ty-were at tho stato houso with a view
to effecting a compiomlso with tho
stato of tho claim covering tho short
ago of that official, amounting to ap
proximately $13,000. Lynch's short
age was In tho neighborhood of $o0,
000, of which amount $17,000 belonged
to tho county and the balance to tho
state. Tho county funds wero paid by
tho bondsmen, but tho state has not
been reimbursed.
Fell Under tho Wheel.
COLUMBUS, Neb., April 4. Martin
Jensen, a baker, twenty years old, who
has been employed the past six months
at Humphrey, stole a rlco with a coia-
punlon Saturday night on tho Union
Pacific accommodation train, and felt
under tho wheels at Platto Center.
Both legs wero badly mangled. He
was brought to tho hospital hero and
ono leg was amputated soon nftcr
midnight. Attendn gsurgeons hopo
to savo tho other, but aro not sure
that they can.
l'umln for Indlii Snfferera.
CAMBRIDGE, Neb., April 4. A mass
meeting called for the purposo ot
raising funds for relief ot tho India
famlno sufferers resulted In tho sum
of $130 bolng raised by the pcoplo ot
Cambridge and vicinity. This town
has always responded liberally when
appealed to for tho relief of suffering
Mexican Wur Veternn Dend.
GRETNA, Neb., April 4. John Fal
lon, an old citizen, died of heart fail
ure at the homo of his daughter at
Watcrvlllo, Kas Sunday morning. Tho
remains were brought to this placo
this morning and burled In tho Cath
oils cemetery. Mr. Fallon was a vet
eran of the Mexican war.
Win. Fuller l Hound Over.
O'NEILL, Neb., April 4. William
Fuller had his preliminary hearing
In tho county court upon tho chargo
of statutory rape of tho person of Ivy
Mount nnd was bound over to the dis
trict court In tho sum of $L500. The
defendant Is about 18 years of age and
tho complaining witness n year young
er. They nro both resldonts of Stunrt
aud hlijhly connected. The 'lalleged
date of the crlmo Is July, 1899.
Doilgn County Mortgign ltrrord.
FREMONT, Neb., April 4. Tho fol
lowing Is tho mortgage record of
Dodgo county for tho montn of March:
Chattel mortgages filed 148, amount
$43,743.11; roleused 150, nuuunt $33,
797.63. Farm mortgages recorded 53,
amount $139,950.30; released 51, amount
$91,724.20. Town and city mortgnge3
recorded 40, amount $4,799.00; re
leased 20, amount $19,399.73. Tho
amount of farm mortgages recorded Is
greater than nny month slnco registers
of deds hnvo been required to keep n
record of them and nro principally pur
chase monev mortgages and renewnls.