The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 03, 1900, Image 3

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    Dairy Progress in Denmark.
(Condensed fiem Farmers' Review
Stenographic Report ot Wisconsin Dairy
men's Convention.)
Prof. Woll of tho Wisconsin Agri
cultural College rend a pnper on Dan
ish butter exhibits, from which wc
mako tho following extracts:
Denmark is not moro than ono
fpurth tho size of tho state of Wiscon
sin, and has but a slightly larger pop
ulation, yet the agricultural exports
of Denmark amount to $57,000,000 nn
nually, and England last year paid her
a butter bill of $36,000,000 moro than
three times tho value of butter made
In Wisconsin last year. Thcro Is no
country In Europo that produces as
much food as Denmark In proportion
to population and area, llor total
agricultural exports per Inhabitant are
worth over twice as much as this great
agricultural country of ours.
In looking tho master up, wc find
that this Bhowlng 13 duo to the growth
during only a few decades. The net
exports of butter thirty yeura aso was
Icbb than 10,000,000 pounds. The net
exports are now more than double
what they were only ten years ago, an
Increase of nearly 60,000,000 pounds.
Up to tho year 1870 Denmark was es
sentially a grain-growing country; but
low prices drove tho Danish farmer
Into dairying. Tho number of cattlo
kept at that time was only about 200,
000 lcs3 than now, but methods have
changed. Then the cows were under
fed in winter, calved In spring, and
made only a good quality of butter
when on abundant grass. The. butter
was not handled properly, and brought
a low price on the market. All ha3
changed. Cows now largely calve In
tho fall, and glvo their largest butter
products when tho price la highest.
Tho maximum products have not
probably been reached. Hut Denmark
exports other products. In 1S7D her
net bacon exports wcie 7 ,000,000
pounds, but In 1S0S they were 115,000.
000 pounds; the net export of eggs 3,
fOO.CQO dozen In 1373, and 20,000,000 In
The causes that have produced these
results aro primarily co-operation be
tween tho farmers and tho govern
ment. One of tho measures that ha:
had the greatest Influence Is tho per
manent butter exhibits, under control
of the government. The object aimed
at was to secure co-oporatlon between
tho dairies and creameries on one
hand, and the state dairy Instructors,
tho butter dealers and tho experiment
fetation on tho other, bo that problems
connected with the making of high
grade products could be studied from
different points of view, nnrt the cream
erics thus be helped over difficulties
met with, and the quality of the but
ter produced gradually raised to the
highest possible standard. Then, also,
it was desired to Bccure data concern
ing tho water contents of Danish but
ter, the loss ot weight of butter In
storage, and other questions of Im
portance. The last report Issued, for
the year 1S08, gives 748 creameries that
are sending their butter to tho ex
hibits out of 1,145, the totnl number of
co-operatlvo creameries in Denmark.
The plan of the Danish sypfem of
butter exhibits Is as follows: When
notified by tho oxperlmcnt station, the
creameries send a tub of their regular
mako to the station, where tho butter
Is put up for thlB purpose. Here the
tubs of butter aro scored by expert
butter Judges a couple of days after
they have been received, and again
ourteeu days later. The butter is
scored independently by three differ
ent groups of Judges of four Judges
each, three butter dealers and one of
the state butter Instructors. Tho but
ter represents tho regular everyday
make of the creameries, as the man
agers are unaware when they will be
called upon to exhibit. The station
pays the regular market price for each
tub received, and when done with the
butter sells for what It will bring. For
this work the government now appro
priates about $10,000 annually.
The Danes have ono difficulty to
contend with that our buttcr-ninkera
J now nothing about, the danger of tho
nutter containing an excessive per
centage of water. The average per
centage of water In Danish butter Is
about 13.75 per cent, but occasionally
the water contents will exceed 1C pet
cent, and sometimes even 20 per cent.
Our American butter generally con
tains less than 12 per cent of water,
nnd seldom goes over 15 per cent. As
butter sold In England Is considered
ndulterated It It contains over 1C per
cent of water, it was necessary to rem
edy tho defect In Danish butter. Tho
butter of excesslvo water contents was
always scored lowest by the Judges.
Buttor containing a medium per cent
of water was found of better quality
and kept hotter than butter of cither
abnormally high or low water con
tents. As tho quality of tho butter has
been gradually Improved from year to
year by tho disappearance of poor
grades In tho exhibits, tho average wa
ter contents has been slowly raised.
Tho longer tho Interval between the
Baiting and the last working and tho
greater number of workings that aro
given tho butter tho less water will
this contain. It has thus been shown
that tho water contents of tho butter
can be kept below 1C per cent by prop
er methods of manufacture.
Tho effect ot shrinkage In weight due
to leakage of brine has also been a
subject of study. It was found that
there la no connection between tho per
cent of water found in the butter and
the leakage of brine. Very dry butter
may leak brlno on being left In stor
nge, walle a tub containing several per
cent moro water may not leak brlno
at all. The leakage 1b duo to the wa
ter being present in a relatively small
number of very largo drop3, while- n
butter that does not leak brlno may
contain moro water, but It Is pressed
la h relatively large Dwnbcr of very
small drops.
The experiments on pasteurization ot
cream for butter-making wore a direct
outcome ot tho buttor exhibits. Tho
last report published, 1S08, states that
only 5 out of the 713 creameries then
taking part In tho exhibits did not
mako pasteurized butter, and tho tubs
exhibited by thoso crcamctlcs scored
lowest, for the reason that tho buttor
was scored according to the present
demands of tho export markot, but It
scored for tho American market might
have ranked better than many of tho
pasteurized samples.
Q. Is there any attempt made In
Denmark to teach tho rudiments of
agriculture in the public schools?
A. Not in tho general public
schools; but they havo rudimentary
agricultural schools, whore they build
on what the pupils have learned In
tho general public schools. Thoso
schools are supported In part by tho
government and In part by local effort
or by matriculation fees.
Q. In pasteurizing In Denmark, Is
the object to change the Ilavor ot tho
butter, or is it done to protect tho pub
lic from disease, cr Is it dono to mako
the butter keep longer?
A. Principally to mako tho butter
keep longer. Butter from pasteurized
milk has a peculiar Ilavor that has
now come to be In demand In the Eng
lish market. It was by an accident
that the Danes started to pastcurlzo
their milk In 1888. Tho butter of ono
creamery was so bad, duo to bad Ilavor
In the milk, that the creamery owners
called on tho experiment station for
help. The station officials advised them
to try pasteurizing tho milk, which
they did, with tho result of n wonder
ful Improvement In the quality of the
butter, which also kept better than the
butter made in the ordinary way. Since
that tlmo tho process has conic to bo
almost universally adopted.
Q. Docs tho salt In Danish butter
exist In the form of brine or In tho
form of grains?
A. It should be present only in
Q. Which butter, salted or unsaltcd,
contains tho most water?
A. Unsnlted butter.
Q. Does salting tho butter add
weight to it?
A. I think that It does some.
Mr. Goodrich It has been found that
Danish butter contains moro water
than American butter, but It does not
look that way. Tho English claimed
that our butter shipped over thero con
tained too much moisture, but when
they came to analyze It they found
that It was not so.
Prof. Wall That is so; you can't
tell anything about the water contents
by appearances.
Q. Does not pasteurization have
some Influence on tho amount ot wa
ter In tho butter?
Prof. Well I can't 'say.
Mr. Amend My butter Is mado from
pasteurized cream, and It looks very
dry; but analysis shows that It has a
good lot ot water.
Q. (of Mr. Amend) Do you work
the butter you make from pasteurized
milk as long ns you do tho butter made
from unpasteurized milk?
Mr. Amend Only half as long.
Q. Has the fear of tuberculosis any
thing to do with pasteurization by the
Prof. Woll Something. There is a
scare there over tuberculosis; but it
is not tho primary reason for pasteur
izing. All the buttermilk and skim
milk must be heated to 135 degrees be
fore being returned to the patrons for
feeding purposes.
. Q. Will salted or unsaltcd butter
from the same cream weigh the most?
Prof. Woll If the butter Is merely
well drained and not thoroughly
worked, adding nnd working in tho
salt will make the butter lighter in
weight. That, too, will depend to some
extent on the size ot the grains of tho
butter, but it varies.
Mr. Thorpe A number of years ago
we were making butter In a Bmall way
fourteen pounds twice a week. We
got to selling our fourteen pounds of
butter to a creamery without working
It; wo simply left It In the grain after
draining out all water possible. After
awhile wo came to tho conclusion that
we would salt and work tho butter
ourselves. Wo did so, nnd could never
get more than twelve pounds out of
It. Wo found that we lost two pounds
more water than we put In salt.
Q. (ot Mr. Amend) Where do you
sell your unsalted buttor?
Mr. Amend In New York, to Jews;
It is made without color and without
Q. Do you get more or less for It?
A. A little more.
Prof. Woll In all the cities thero Is
a call for fresh buttor, and I think
that In tho future there will bo a de
mand for lighter salted butter.
Mr. Ward I saw a sixty-pound tub
of butter salted, and tho weight was
Increased ono and one-half pounds.
Mr. Thorpe Tho butter to which
Mr. Ward refers had been worked nnd
packed, and mlno had not, and that
makes tho difference.
Mr. Jacobs Wo always weigh tho
butter before salting, nnd I find that
adding four pounds of salt to sixty
pounds of butter takes away about four
or flvo pounds from tho total weight.
Mr. Gale Wo have found that when
wo add six pounds of snlt to 100
pounds of butter It will glvo us a re
sult ot only 95 pounds ot salted but
ter. Mr. Trowbridge I think that salting
brings out the Ilavor,
Though corn Is a surface feeder,
sonio of tho corn roots get down to a
depth of four feet below the surface.
Tuberculosis Instruction.
'Conmil Covert of Lyons, France, un
der dnto of September 13, 1899, trans
mitted to the department ot stato the
following translation of Instructions
published by tho Lcaguo for tho pre
vention ot tuberculosis which dlscaso
Ik, It nnythlng, moro common In
1' ranee than It Is In the United States.
According to the statistics collected by
tho Lcaguo, ono person out ot every
six In that country dies ot consump
tion: "Tuberculosis, of all diseases, Is that
which has most victims. In largo
cltlc3 they make up from one-fourth
to onc-soventh of tho mortality.
"To explain this high figure, It must
bo understood that pulmonary phthisis
Is not tho only manifestation of tuber
culosa, as Is erroneously believed. In
fact, many cases of bronchial troubles,
of pleurisy, of meningitis, ot periton
itis, enteritis, of osseous nnd Joint le
Rlons, cold nbscesBes, etc., are ot tho
satno nature.
"Tuberculosis Is an Infectious, para
sitic dlscaso, caused by microbes; but
It can bo caught by a healthy person
from a vatlent only under special con
ditions, which we will state.
"Resides hereditary transmission,
tho tuberculosis microbe enters tho
human organism by tho air In breath
ing, through the digestive organs in
eating, through the skin by stings,
scratches, sores, wounds, ulcers, etc.
"Tho most frequent and the most
dreadful source of contagion lies In
the expectoration of consumptive pa
tients. Almost harmless while In a
liquid condition, it becomes dangerous
when reduced to powder. It assumes
that form often when spat upon tho
ground, the floor, or upon a wall; when
It falls on clothing, bedclothes or
sheets, curtains, handkerchiefs, nap
kins, etc.
"When dried nnd In powder, it Is
stirred by tho dust cloth, the broom,
brush, or carpet beater. This dust,
suspended In the air, enters the respir
atory organs, falls upon portions of the
body, upon objects used In cooking,
plates, and dishes, and thus becomes
n permanent danger to persons so
journing In the contaminated atmos
phere. Tho germs of contagion also
cxl3t in the evacuations ot tho patients,
produced either by saliva swallowed,
or by intestinal lesions so common In
such diseases.
"it Is Indispensable therefore
To take the most careful precau
tions regarding tho expectoration ot
consumptives. It should always be
ejected Into porcelain or glass spit
toons, containing a certain quantity ot
liquid; and not in such matter as saw
dust, bran, sand, or ashes. The hand
kerchief, upon which the patient
should wipe his lips only,- and upon
which he should never spit, should be
renewed every day.
"The contents of the spittoons should
be mixed with sawdust or somo other
combustible and burned, or at least
emptied into the wnter-closct. If
emptied Into a yard, they may tuber
cullze fowls or allow microbes to
spread through the air. No known dis
infectant is powerful enough to rapidly
destroy the tuberculous microbes con
tained In saliva; therefore, the con
tents of spittoons should be destroyed
by boiling or thrown Into closets. At
the same time, there should bo poured
into tho closets a solution of chloride
ot lime. It would be safer to mix the
saliva with sawdust and burn It.
"Spittoons should be used, not only
in hospitals and private houses, but
also In dopots, barracks, and all places
for public meetings.
"These precautions should be taken
In reference to all diseases that occa
sion much expectoration, because
pneumonia, Inflammation ot the chest,
congestion of the lungs, measles,
whooping cough, catarrh, certain
forms of bronchitis, laryngitis, etc.,
may be communicated by saliva dried
and converted Into dust.
"Clothes soiled by a consumptive pa
tient should be left somo time In boil
ing water before being washed.
"Avoid sleeping In a room with a
consumptive patient, and remain In It
as little as possible, unless the above
mentioned precautions are taken in
regard to saliva.
"Rooms In hotels, watering places,
etc., occupied by consumptives should
bo ho furnished and carpeted that dis
infection can be readily accomplished
after the departure of a patient.
"After tho death of n consumptive,
tho place Inhabited by him should bo
carefully disinfected nnd thoroughly
aired. New tenants should seo that
these precautions aro taken.
"After tho death of a consumptive,
all his clothing and bed linen should
bo well washed before being used und
tho room thoroughly disinfected by
sulphur vapor and washed with chlor-lde-of-llmo
"In prlvnto as well as public houses,
carriages, omnibuses, hotels, theaters,
etc., sweeping ought to bo replaced by
washing with a cloth wet with somo
antiseptic solution.
"Tho parasito of this dlscaso may
also bo found In beet (above all, cow
beef), poultry, rabbits, and milk. Tho
latter should bo boiled, or, better still,
sterilized. Milk Is sterilized by placing
the vessel containing it In a tin pall
full of water and letting It boll forty
flvo minutes. The hnblt of drinking
blood at slaughterhouses Is dangerous
and without any salutary results.
"Somo persons havo a tendency to
consumption nnd should be especially
careful; for Instance, thoso whoso rel
atives have died from consumption or
who are feeble from privations. Tho
abuse of alcoholic liquors Is particular
ly favorable to consumption. Over
2,000 Infants under 2 years of age die
annually of consumption In Paris.
"This dlseaso Is curable, where It
has not advanced too far, for thoso who
aro willing to submit to long months
and sometimes years of treatment and
rcposo In special sanitariums."
Uli on to Cat AlfoW.
For the past flvo years the Utah Ex
periment Station has been carrying on
n lino of Investigation to determine at
Just what tlmo In Its growth alfalfa
should be cut for best results, composi
tion, annual yield per aero and feeding
value nil being taken Into account. In
connection with this work tho feeding
red clover has been compared with that
valuo of such well-known roughage
crops U3 timothy hay, corn fodder and
of alfalfa.
For this experiment a field was di
vided into thrco equal pieces, ono be
ing regularly cut when tho first blooms
appeared, tho second In full bloom, nnd
tho third when halt tho blossoms had
fallen, theso bolng denominated early,
medium nnd lato cuttings respectively.
Incidentally there wan mado a com
parison ot tho first, tccond and third
The details of this investigation are
reported In Bullotln No. CI of tho Utah
station, a copy of which may bo ob
tained by addressing tho director at
Logan. Below aro glcn tho more im
portant facts, together with the con
clusions that may be legitimately
drawn from tho results:
1. Tho largest annual yield of hay
per aero Is obtained by tho method ot
early cutting, and tho lowest by tho
lato, the average result standing as
follows: Early cutting, 100; medium,
92, and late, 85.
2. Tho early cut alfalfa contains the
greatest per cent of protein nnd fat,
the most valuable food constituents,
nnd the lowest per cent of crude fiber,
former decrease constantly, while thn
lutter Increases rapidly from early
bloom to the full maturity of tho plant.
3. Tho proportionate amount of
loaves to stems Is greater at early
bloom than at any subsequent tlmo,
nnd both leaves nnd stems contain a
greater per cent ot protein nnd a less
per cent of crude fiber at this tlmo than
at any later period of tho growth of
the plant Tho relative proportion of
leaves to stems in the different cut
tings is as follows: Early, 42 to 58;
medium, 40 to 60; lato, 33 to 67.
4. Alfalfa leaves as compared with
stems aro very much richer in protein,
fat and nltrogcn-freo extract, and they
contain a much smaller proportion ot
crudo fiber. Tho per cent of tho pro
tein and fat grows constantly less and
that of tho crudo fiber greater from tho
time of early bloom to maturity. The
average composition of all cuttings nnd
crops shows the leaves to contain 150
per cent more protein thnn tho stems,
300 per cent more fat, 35 per cent moro
nltrogen-frce extract, and 56 per cent
less crude fiber.
5. Tho more Importnnt nutrients,
protein and fat, have tho highest per
cent of digestibility in tho early cut
tings, and it grows less and less with
the age ot tho plant.
C. In the feeding tests, the highest
gains were made from the early cut
tings and the lowest from tho late, tho
results standing proportionately as fol
lows: Early cutting, 100; medium, 85,
and lato, 75.
7. The variation In tho amount of
tho different cuttings eaten per day
was very Blight, being the highest for
tho early cutting and the lowest fo;'
tho lato, but the quantity of dry mat
ter and also of dlgestlblo matter re
quired for a pound of grain was de
cidedly lowest for the early cutting
and highest for the lato, the relative
amounts of dry matter standing ns fol
lows: Early cutting, 100; medium, 131,
and lato, 106.
8. Tho annual beef product per
acre was largest from tho early cut
tings, nto only In the general average,
but In each separate season's test, and
that from the late cuttings was small
est, tho proportional products standing
as follows: Early cutting, 100; medi
um, 79, and late, 69.
9. Taking all points ot comparison
Into consideration, both separately
and collectively, Including everything
that pertains to the largeBt yield and
highest feeding value, the tests favor
cutting alfalfa for cattle feeding' when
the first blooms appear.
When tho little ono falls and sus
tains a bruise, somo old-fashioned
remedies aro about as good as any
thing that can be suggested by the
physician or tho surgeon, says Dr.
Julia Holmes Smith in Ledger Month
ly. When soft, muBcular tissue comes
in contact with a hard Bubstanco there
13 a rupturo of tho tiny blood vcssols,
and tho blood oozes, out In tho sur
rounding tissues, nnd tho result 13
blnck, green nnd blue discoloration
which wo assoclato with bruises. Na
ture Immediately commences to rcstor-i
all theso vessels, and really no ex
ternal application la ot any good ex
cept to protect tho part nnd allow
Damo Nuturo to do her work. This Is
true of any wound, and tho Idea that
such nnd suuh a thing Is a healing
suhHtnnco Is really n mistake; but nat
urally one 13 eager to do something
for tho llttlo sufferer, nnd our grand
mothers wero not far wrong whon
upon a brulso they bound a bit of
fresh beefsteak, or brown paper soaked
In vinegar, or bit of cotton saturnted
with diluted arnica. Tho swelling goes
clown, and there Is relief to pain, and
Dame Nature Is helped In her work.
Tho pressure of such an nppllcatlon
promotes tho rc-absorptlon of tho
blood, and some of these nppllcatlono
effect a dcadonlng of sensation to tho
Tho prices of puro bred cattlo lias
como up better and quicker than tho
prices of cattlo of poorer breeding, it
pays to cater to the men that want the
top ot tho mnrkot,
A Faithful Foster Mother.
In all branches ot animal and bird
life tho foster-mother Is to bo found,
and thcro have been many family
gatherings quite as strango and un
usual ns "tho wolf nnd tho lamb feed
ing together, and tho lion lying down
with the ox." But without doubt ono
of tho most rcmarkablo Instances of a
crenturo fostering tho young of an en
tirely different species was that of
which many ot our readers may have
heard recently, says Everybody's Mag
azine. Early In October a cat nnd flvo kit
tens wero found ono morning comfort
ably ensconced In the hayloft of a
atnblo at Brockcnhur8t. They wore
not wanted there, and bo tho men nbout
(ho place removed the happy family to
a crib In the stall where a broody but
persistent hen had been for mnny days
sitting upon some china eggt.
All went well at first, nnd the little
party seemed comfortnblo enough, but
beforo long sounds ot a strugglo wero
heard nnd tho eat left her little ones
with a good deal ot haste; In fact, sho
gavo every Indication of having been
wonderfully helped In her exit from
the new homestead.
An Investigation was nt once made
by the stablemen, who found to their
astonishment that tho broody hen had
tnken up her place as u foster-mother
of tho kittens. Sho was not to be
turned out ot her nest, and had soon
tctllcd differences with tho cat.
But sho by no means extended her
resentment to tho tiny kittens. They
to her wero ns dear an the chickens
which sho could not hatch from the
china eggs, try she ever so hard.
Sho would coo to them and do her
best to nmuso them, and, when they
becamo rcstlca3, she did not fall to
exercise her matronly abilities In
keeping the llttlo creatures well within
bounds. Sometimes, while attending
to ono sldo of her nest, n kitten would
stray from tho other. But the foster
mother was not to bo so evaded. The
iiss would soon becomo known to the
hen, nnd sho would nt onco leave her
placo and search till sho found the
truant, and persuaded It by pushing
and other means within her power to
return to tho old homestead.
Of course It was necessary that tho
cat should bo allowed to approach her
offspring from tlmo to tlmo, In order
to cxcrclso her right nnd privileges ns
the actual mother of tho kittens on
such occasions, but tho hen had to be
forcibly removed nnd tho door barred
against her. No sooner, however, was
it opened again than tho hen would
drlvo out tho cat and rcsumo .ier place
as head of tho household.
At night tho hen spread her wings
over the llttlo animals Jtibt as though
they wero chickens, nnd certainly they
seemed to like tho cosy warmth of
tuelr feathered quilt.
Although other birds often act the
part of foster-mother to broods ot an
alien species, the common fowls seems
particularly adapted for such a peculiar
Ullllnc I'oUtoea.
There aro thoso that advocate hill
ing up potatoes, nnd thero nro othoru
that opposo tho practice. Tho latter
people aro sometimes inclined to poso
as reformers nnd Imnglno they will
havo ncompllshed much good If they
can only succeed in ranking level cul
ture of pututoes universal. Wo havo
heard men declare that tho hilling ot
potatoes In this country Is duo to our
habit ot following a custom long after
the circumstances that gavo it birth
have ceased to exist. They say that
tho Irish hilled them up to keep thorn
out of the excesslvo wet, and that now
no excuso exists for the practice. But
those that ure advocating change In
lhll matter should not bo too sure ot
their ground, There Is much truth In
tho argument they make, but It Is not
all truth.
Whether level or hill culturo Is th-i
best depends on local conditions, and
gonernl rules cannot bo formulated.
Moro than that, seasons differ In their
dryness and wetness, and tho varia
tions of rainfall mako an Immense dif
ference In the results. Wo know n
nan that followed level culture of po
tatoes successfully for a number ot
years and ndvocatcd It. But one year
the rains durlns tho whole growing
season were excesslvo, and tho Jieavy
ground In which his crop was growing
was constantly soaked and somctlmcR
water wns standing on It. The neigh
boring fields that had tho rows ele
vated gave fair results, but the level
culturo fields were drowned out. Per
haps n well drained field oven In such
a year would have given good results;
but It Id a fact that mnny fields that
should be drained nro not. On low
fields, with heavy eolls, lovel culturo
of potatoes Is often uiiBafo. Tho pro
gressive farmer will learn how to
adapt principles to his local conditions.
Tho question Is now open to discus
sion whether or not salting buttor
causes tho moisture to bo expelled,
ctherwlso than that expulsion that Is
duo to working. Granular butter that
has been drained ns dry ns pos3lblo
and even permitted to drain for n day
or more weighs moro than tho samo
amount of butter after salt hns been
ndded to It. Some dairymen believe
that tho only expulsion of witter Is duo
to tho working that expels tho water,
whllo others believe that tho salt
causes the water to collect In larger
drops, and thtm How out moro easily.
To the writer It looks ns If tho expul
sion of tho water Is merely duo to tho
mechnnlcal working, nnd to nothing
else. This view, however, may bo er
roneous, Tho making ot a dairy exhibit In
Paris Is only breud cast on tho waters,
but It should be made alt th saratv
We will do well to advertlso our pro
ducts, oven It we can see no way by
which It will benefit. Frequently such
exhibits havo very unexpected results.
Major Alvord, in reply to a question
no to the renson for making the ex
hibit, said that it was merely with
the hopo ot future good. We believe,
however, that Its reflex influence on
American dairy products will more
than repay tho cost ot tho exhibit, if
It does not result In the selling of n
single pound of butter or checoo to
any foreign buyer. It will tend to raise
tho quality ot thoso products In this
country, nnd tho raising of thoso
products In this country even a single
point means the enlargement ot our
own market by Increasing consump
tion. The exposition held In Philadel
phia In 1870 had n very murkod effect
on our dairy products, and the Colum
bian exposition stimulated anew dairy
endeavor. From tho exhibits nt the
Paris exposition will come most valu
able comparisons, and It would bo a
pity It American butter nnd cheeks
were not In competition with tho rest
ot the world at thnt place.
The Farmers- net few has repeatedly
nsscited that under existing condition
the buttcr-makera of America cannot
hopo to obtain a foreign market fur
butter, due to tho fact that tho Ameri
cans aro always ready to pay more tor
good butter than foreigners will pay
for It. The nttcmpts to make a market
in China, Japan, India and In any parts
of tho Asiatic continent aro doomed
to falluro from the first, unless tho
people In thoso countries nro willing
to buy and cat a very low grade ot
Ameilcan buttor. Wntcr will not run
up hill, unless forced up mechanically.
The London butter market Is generally
lower thnn tho butter mnrkot In the
big cities ot tho United States. At the
dalrymen'B convention held In Water
town, Wis., last week, Major Alvord
was asked how It was possible to build
up a market for our butter In foreign
Ir.nds when tho price ot butter In thosi
lands Is lower than in tho Unite!
States. Ills reply was that '.lecatuo ot
that fact the only market that ha3 any
hopo In It for American butter la the.
London market, and even that market
cannot be supplied as prlrc.i aro now.
Ho wns asked, "What nbout China unu
Japan?" Ho replied, "Thoro Is noth
ing about them," meaning that tho low
prices thono mnrkets will pay make
It Impossible for us to look to thtm tot
a placo to dlsposo of our products.
Agricultural lniitoiuuut Oullou'rf.
The first thing that Btrlkes tho aver
ago purchaser ot agricultural Imple
ments In this year ot grace 1900 U
tho advanced prices ho Is expected to
pay over thoso prevailing In recent
years, sayB Agricultural Advertising.
This advance in most lines amount
to fiom 15 to 25 per cent, and as the
advance in the price of farm productfc
has not been correspondingly great,
the farmer vory naturally regards the
Increased cost ot his tools and Imple
ments a hardship.
The manufacturers ot agricultural
Implements have been greatly dis
turbed by tho necessity of this advance
in prices. Whenever two or three
manufacturers have met, the subject
has been dlscussd with many misgiv
ings; but they havo been confronted
by a condition nnd not a theory, and
they have consequently been helpless
to do other than demand moro money
for their products.
Tho cost of raw material during the
year 1899 made advances unprecedent
ed In tho industrial history ot the
United States. For example, bolts and.
nuts havo advanced 135 per cent; har
row discs, 115 per cent; corn planter
and other wire, 80 per cent; rako teeth,
110 per cont; bar and Iron steel, 123
per cent; cost Iron, 100 per cent;
plow steel, 76 por cent; pipe, round
and square, 250 per cent; steel wheels,
65 per cent; narrow teeth, 125 pet
cent; steel springs, 250 per cent; lum
ber, 35 per cent; malleable Iron, 8E
per cent; plow nnd cultivator beams,
125 per cont; labor 10 per cent.
It 1b not difficult to see the reason'
for these advances. During the period
of flnanctel depression following tht
great panic of 1893 the mines and mill
producing steel wero operated on such
an economic hauls that no lncreaso In
facilities was possible. Many plant)
were closed entirely and undorwenl
that deterioration which always reaulli
from non-use. As a consequence the
unprecedented and world-wide de
mand which sprang up In tho latter
part ot '98 found tho iron and stocl)
men unable to meet It, nnd nn advance;
In prices was Inevitable. Manufacture
cm nil over tho country dolugcd mills
with orders by telegraph, offering any
prlco for an Immediate delivery ot
goods. We seo tho consequence In the
tnblo of prices given above.
Many manufacturers are today put
ting out implements manufactured
from material partially contracted for
beforo tho sharp rise ot materials, ami
aro bearing a good part of tho ad
vance, which Is a bnsl3 ot tho present
cost. Thero is every indication that
In tho futuro they will havo to pay
even more, and consequently will b
compelled to demand moro for thcls
products. It Is therefore probable that,
purchasers ot Implements can securi
better prices today than they can six
months or a year hence.
For Borers. Prof. J. C. Whlttcn
gives tho following remedy against
borers: To ono bucketful of white
wash put In 2 to 3 pounds copper oul
phato and ono spoonful ot carbolic
acid. It Is better to u3o skim milk In'
pluce ot water In mixing lime. Pour
liot water 011 copperas. Mix When
whitewash Is cold, Apply on body ol
trees with n brush. This will' not kill'
bores nl heady In n tree but will keep,
borers from going in,