1 r LATEST OUT! Chain Purses, New Style Girdles, Hat Pins, Belt Buckles, Dog Collar Belts, Pompadour Combs, Bang Combs, Side Combs, 1 I 1 1 I s w u. i'. watcu iixaminor. 5 t i s K ? And all the LATEST Novelties in our win- 8 dow. Clinton, THE JEWELER. $ ANNIE 0. KRAMPH, City Editor. FRIDAY, MARCH 30. 1900. Jolin Avclinc went to Omaha yes'crday to spend a few days transacting business. Aa March came in like a lamb it is trying to live up to its reputation by going out like a lion. Mrs. J. H. Clark, of Garfield, has been in town for several days look lug after some business matters. Chas. P. Ross has gone to Wy oming to work with a Union Pacific engineering corps for several weeks The christian ladies' aid society will meet with Mrs. J. W. Lcmast ers Wednesday, ApnK4tli.l All are' cordially invited to attend. Flaked Beans, Peas and Rice at Harrington & T;s. C. L. Patterson, who is at Sidney looking after some B. & M. grading work, is expected home tomorrow to spend a few days visiting his lnmily. Governor Poyiifter has appointed Congressman Neville a delegate to the TransmisBissippi Commercial Congress to be held at Houston, April 17-20. Wanted Chickens, Turkeys, Geese, Ducks and Pigeons. McCuxlougii & Carter. Manager Lloyd has booked "The Devil's Auction" for the evening of April 10th. The company, which is com pot cd of about forty people, ie said to be nn excellent one. Alfalfa hay for sale by W. F. Cody ranch. Place order at Har rington and Tobin's store, or at my residence. Mrs. W. F. Cody. Telephone No. 56. Prairie schooners have been very much in evidence during the past week. Most of them are bound for the extreme western part of the state which is being boomed by the advent of the B. & M. but some of them are going to Wyoming. Allot ihem expect to make their fortune. Radishes, Onions and Lettuce fresh every morning at Harrington & Tobin's. Sheriff Keliher went to Hershey yesterday afternoon to apprehend an insane woman who has been wandering around the country since Sunday. She was in town Sunday atternoon. While hero she went to the Schata residence and asked permission to come in and rest ior a few monents, Her request was granted and she went in the hoube and lay down on a couch where she was soon fast asleep. When she awoke Mrs. Schatx irave her some money to get a room at the bote for the night. Instead of doing that she started to walk west along the railroad track. The family noticed that she acted rather queer ly but thought it was due to her exhausted condition. She made her way to Nichols Monday and since then she has been wandering around between there and uersliey She is not at all inclined to be violeut but as she is apparently miite irresponsible some of the Hershey citizens wired down for Sheriff Keliher to come and take her in charge. She will be taken before the board of insanity at once and will probably be sent to the asylum. M. liJrKtfiejtctfa'nge Saturday n the usual place. 10. A. Cary spent last evening transacting business in Paxton. A car ot Early Ohio seed potatoes at W. F. McGlone & Co. Mrs. Albert Muldoon will enter tain a number of young people next Tuesday evening. Round and Half Round Stook Tanks, all sizes, for sale by Jos. Hershey. Mrs. C. R. Smith, dressmaker, will be found with Mrs. Milton berger and will be pleased to see all who desire her services. Ac cordion pleating done to order. Special attention given to cutting and fitting. The Keith estate shipped a car oad of horses of David City yes terday. They had been sold to Al- drich Brob., who have a farm there. Tomorrow two carloads will be shipped to M. J. Jones' farm near Red Oak and more will follow next week, Owing to a re-survey of part of the old Ft. McPhcrson mili tary reseryation which has been made the interior department has ordered a new appraisal to be made. The appraisal will be made by Fred Hoisiugton, a special agent of the United States laud office, and two ocal appraisers. The new survey takes in some of the island which was not included in the former sur vey aud cuts off two lots which were included. The work will be commenced as soon as the appoint ment of the local appraisers is con firmed by the interior department. Have You Seen Them? To Sec is to Buy Them. Our School Shoes 8i to 12 at $1.35 Our School Shoes 124 to 2 at 1.60 Our Little Gents' Shoes 9 to 13 at 1.50 Our Little Gents' Shoes 9 to 13 at 1.75 Our Ladies' Shoes at 2.00 Our Ladies' Shoes at 2 25 Our Ladies' Shoes at 2 50 Our Ladies' Shoes at 3.00 Our Men's Shoes at 1.50 Our Men's Shoes at...., 2.00 Our Men's Shoes at 2 50 Our Men's Shoes at 3.00 There arc different makes, but None Better. Wilcox Department Store. Postmasters' League, The Lincoln county league of postmasters of fourth class post- offices held a meeting at the court house yesterday afternoon. A con stitution and by-laws were adopted. It was decided best to hold but two regular meetings in each year, one on the second Thursday in Janu ary and the other on the second Thursday in July. A copy of the resolutions passed at the last meet ing of the league urging the Ne braska senators aud representatives to support the Cumming's bill had been scut to Senators Allen and Thurston and Representative Ne ville. Letters were received from each one acknowledging the receipt of the resolutions and the senators promised to Help tne measure along, congressman Neville evi dently thought that the resolutions were meant to apply to the measure which he recently introduced and consequently he wrote that he would file the copy of the resolu lions as supporting his bill. The secretary was instructed to write him that it was the Cumming's bill they wished passed and not the Ne ville bill. The league adjourned to meet tuc second Thursday in July. See the line of 10-cent Queensware Novelties at Harrington & Tobin's. For Stvlo. Several choice dwellings in va rious parts of town all prices. Choice building lots, moat any part ol town. Valley farms, ranches hay lauds and grazing lauds at various prices according to location. We have some very desirable farms suitable for dairy ranching Many ot the above we can trade. Call and see us; we are always pleased to show you what we have for sale. John hratthV uo. to to to to to to to to m to to to to m to to to m to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to it Wilcox Department Store. Royal Absoluiely 'Pure Baking Powder Makes the food more delicious and wholesome om bino powoir eo., new vow. HARDWARE. 28-inch Plow Singletree 20c Double Tree Clevis, Large 10c Singletree Clevis, 2 for. 15c 1-lb Box Assorted Copper Rivets 18c Hamc Staples, 2 for , 05c Hame Clips, 2 for Line Snaps, each Breast Suaps, each Cockeyes, each. Rolled Steel Stove Pipe per joint common fatovc Pioc ASlbows. 05c 03c 05c 05c 15c 10c Adjustable Stove Pipe Elbows 15c No. 8 Galvanized "Wash Boiler 95c 12-quart Galvanized Pails 20c Can furnish Cultivator Shovels finished with castings, clevises, bolts, set screws, etc., to fit almost any Cultivator at $2.75 a set. These will be supplied only on order, Cash with order. If you wish a set of these place your order early. HARNESS. 11-inch Halters 85c Hame Straps 10c Riding Bridles .. .. ;.,'0c to $1.50 Sinchcs 20c to 50c Bridle Bits 8c to 90c Our stock is complete in Farm Har ness, Leather Collars. Canvas Collars, Work Bridles, Back Bands, Belly Bauds, Brrast Straps, Yoke Straps. Tugs, Trace Chains. Leather by the Hide or Cut in Strips, Everything needed to fit up for spring work. GROCERIES. 25c 25c 25c 25c 14c 35c Arbucklc's Coffee 13c, 2 pkga Lion Coffee 13c, 2 pkgs German Coffee 13c, 2 pkgs X X X X Coffee 13c, 2 pkgs Bee Coficc per pkg Bogota Coffee 18c. 2 okirs Beef Extract, 2 ounce jar 25c Table Salt 2 sacks for 05c 25 pounds Cornmcal (white or yellow). 25c Snowllakc Patent Flour per sack 90c lvttigsiorirs suvcriiloss starch pr pkg use Corn Starch per pkg 05c Yeast Foam, 2 pkgs ftr 05c On'Timc Yeast. 2 pkgs for 05c Bird Seed per lb 07c Battle Ax Tobacco per plug 35c Star Tobacco per plug 45c Horse Shoe Tobacco per plug 45c J. T. Tobacco per plug 20c Duke's Mixture Tobacco per lb 35c Kerosene Oil per gallon IGc Vinegar per gallon 20c 3-lb Pail Lard 25c 5-lb Pail Lard 40c Buckwheat Flour per lb 4Jc Baker's Chocolate 18c, 2 cakes for . . . . 35c Diamond C Soap 9 bars for. 25c Cream of Wheat, per pkg 15c Search Light Matches per box 04c Vitos, Pillsbury's 13c, 2 pkgs 25c Shrcdcd Whole Wheat Biscuit, 2 pkgs 25c Horse Radish per bottle 10c Grand Pa's "Wonder Soap 05c Armour's Tar Soap 05c Baker's Cocoa, 4 lb can. 25c K. C. Baking Powder, 25 ounces 20c Aunt Jcmina Pancake Flour per pkg. 10c Rice, The Best, 3 lbs 25c NOTIONS. Thread, 4 spools for 15c, 7 for 25c 50 yds Corticclll Sewing Silk 04c 100 yds Corticelli Sewing Silk 08c New Idea Patterns 10c Baby Ribbon per yd. 01c Cotton Tape per roll 01c Velveteen Skirt Binding per yd 03c Waterproof Skirt Binding per yd.. . . 08c Envelopes per bunch 03c Square Envelopes per bunch 05c Writing Paper, 3G sheets for. ... , 05c Full Count Pins per paper 02c Table Oilcloth per yd 20c Alarm Clocks 85c Imported Saxony per skein 07c Hat Pins per dozen 04c Silk Binding Ribbon per bolt 10c 7-inch Nickel Back Horn Combs 08c Round Combs each 05c Pompadour Combs with sets 25c 2- qt Fountain Syringe (guaranteed)... 75c 3- qt Fountain Syringe (guaranteed)... 90c 2-qt Hot W ater Bottle (guaranteed) ... 85c LAMP CHENEYS! No. 1 Common Lamp Chimneys 04c No. 2 Common Lamp Chimneys 06c No. 1 Heavy Lamp Chimneys XOc No. 2 Heavy Lamp Chimneys 32c No. 2 Rochester Lamp Chimneys 10c No. 3 Rochester Lamp Chimneys 35c Tubular Lantern Globes 07c Goods marked in plain figures and sold at One Price for Cash Only. WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE. I to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to NORTH PLKTTE, NEB. to X The Difference t J Wcll, the trouble is vc cannot say enough about " it. If the people who read these ads knew how rrnnrl this flniii tvns -hnw nuirh hnftor it is " I've been reading your ads about Sleepy Eye Flour for a number of dnys," remarked a man in our place the other day, "and for the life of me I don't sec how you can find so much to say about it." z . . . . t how good this flour was how much better it is than other flours wc would sell a sack to every family in this town. A MARK OF QUALITY You Will Talk About It After You Try It. RUSH & MURRAY Y. M. C. A. Improvements, Sec'' McDill, of the internation-J nl Y. M. C, A., has been here for several days consulting' with the board of directors and the local secretary concerning some impove- mentB in the rooms that are abso lutely necessary. He has decided to devote some of the Dillon fund which is at the disposal of the Y. M. C. A., to the improvements in the bath rooms, Three new porce lain tubs will be added and the tank will be moved further back in order to do away with the extra neat in the summer. These im provements will be paid out of the billon fund but funds will be needed to refurnish the rooms and the members of the association and the citizens will be asked to contribute towards this part of the expense. This request for contri butions ought to meet with a hearty response as the need is a pressing and vital one. The christian members of the commun ity ought to realize that an Insti tution which is making an elTort to look after the young men who are without homes or any particu lar family tics is worthy of self denying support. The only way that the association can ever be made the power it ought to be is for those who arc interested in the moral welfare of the town to give it their earnest support. Fresh barrel Saner Kniut at & Tobin's. Miss ICthel Kcuwick has accepted a position in the millinery depart ment of the Hub and commenced her duties this morning. Mrs. G. L. Hoover returned this morning from a brief visit with her daughter, Mrs, W. C. Blackmore, at Sutherland. Millard McKellips came dovmi f- Pl..I 1 I 11.!. ! -"i uuiii ouuipriiinu una iiiuiiuhk m trausart s'oiiie business. Tho Union Pacific's Back Taxes. The compilation of the delinquent laud taxes of the Union Pacific railroad was completed in the county treasurer's oilice yesterday. The total amount of taxes due is 564.271.06, the interest is $13,742.03 and the advertising is $1,424.70 which makes the total amount which the. road owes upon its taxes, $79,437.79. The amount which the road proposed as pnymcnt for this claim was $37,300.52, less than halt the amount which is due. The highest amount of taxes assessed in one year was in 1896 when they amounted to $20,288.60. The 1899 tax amountss to $9,700.16. This indicates that there is some force in the road's contention that the assessments have been cxhorbitaiit but there is a (mention whether theirs was any more cxhorbitaiit than that of other property holder in tuc county who nave uccu com pelled to pay their taxes in full. This statement will be turned over to the county attorney and he will then decide what steps to take to tollow out tlie instructions ot the commissioners to sr.e the company. Wednesday evening Judge Bald win issued a marriage license to Daniel Greeley, of Myrtle, and Miss Kosa Lee, of Palmyra. Tney were married yesterday. of Uoinz's Harrington HEAVY HARDWARE. 14-inch Blank Lister Lay, Keg- ular Pattern ,bl,05 16-inch Blank Lister Lay, Keg- ular Pattern" .. 1.20 14'iuch Blank LUtcr Lay, Hup- good 1.05 lffiuch Blank Lister Lay, Hap- good 1.20 14-inch Plow Lay , 1.10 UMiicii 1'iow way.' i,it 14. inch Finished Lister Lays to fit Canton, John Deere or Eagle Listers , 1.75 Cultivator Shovels each 45c, per set 1.75 $ Railroad Notes, t H. V. Hilliker has been appoint ed acting chief dispatcher of the middle district and the branches. CIiub. Yost has returned from a visit in the eastern part of the state and resumed his work on the road. Engine No. 1S08 has been brought down from the Fourth dis trict and will be given an overhaul ing Here. Yardmastcr Vernon, who had been laying oil for a few days on account of his wounds, resumed work Wednesday morning. Engine No. 611 came out of the shops yesterday and after being broken in will be sent to Tulesburg to go into Bcrviccon the Julesburg branch. The Pennsylvania railroad has again made a world's record in car hauling. This time it hauled 165 cars with one of its new engines. The Union Pacific officials will have to tack on a few cars if they arc going to maintain their su premacy. The ninth train crew was put in to service on the Third district yesterday with Jat. Dorram as con ductor and Chas. Yost and Ed Ran nic as brakemen. O. K, Peck takes Dorram's place an brakemen, An other crew was also put into ser vice on the Fourth district. II bus iness continues to improve' another crew may be added in about two weeks. Additional men have been put at work on all of tuc sections. Uacu foreman has been givcii permis sion to hire one more than he had last season as there :m considerable work to be done. T he heavy en gines and the heavy trains which have been hauled during the past few months have racked the track more than the lighter ones did and necessarily there is more than the usual amount of spring repair work necessary. Two ballasting gangs, each con sisting of sixty men will be put at work on the Third district be tween Ogallala aud Julcsburg next Monday. They will first be put at work getting- the track in shape for the ballast. The heavier part of the dirt work waB completed last fall but there ispome trimming to be done and some fills to be made to put the track in condition tor the gravel. The ballasting t-ltiB year will be in charge of the oper-' ating department instead of the en gineering department. Koadmaster Connors will be in immediate charge of the work on the Third district. North Platte lovers of baseball will have an opportunity to enjoy a good game on Friday, May 4th, as the Omaha western league team has consented to stop here and play a game on that date with the Union Pacific nine wnile enroute to Den ver to play a game with the Denver nine. Just an soon as the weather will permit the local nine will begin hard practice. FARM FOR RENT. 300 acres of choice valley-land un der the Suburban Irrigation canal. Frame house, stable, well and pump. About 150 acres of hay, pasture and about 80 acres under cultivation. One mile from Nich ols station on U. P. R. R. Apply to T. C. PAT'f URSON. J!. f 4 W. F, McGLONE & CO. Yeast Cakes arc low, but they shall rise again, aud so will your bread if you use our Snow Flnke Flour $1.00 a Sack ....... ,)nttn l.nnt. ST ti- !.. !,..( l.Mnlir ..M. n l.M.r 'I'' ill North Platte, outside of this store, at any. price. See that '' j; kit, iiii it ui iiP) luwuiv ii iwiiiuii ir wii v. j nuviki ri. The other fellow tells vou what he has that is cheat) : wc will tell you of sonic things that arc good to eat. Monarch Asparagus Points .Wc per can Monarch Black Raspberries 25c per can Monarch Strawberries ,25c per can Monarch Pitted Red Cherries,., 25c per can Casino Sliced Peaches , 10c per can Full Lino of Casino Brnnd Fruita and Vogotables. urioic i'runes tue uuest grown; .1 to a sauce uisn. .r:uc per iu ''j Oriole prunes, Silver 15c per lb Fancy Muir Peaches , 15c per lb Club House Colfec, 35c per lb Club House Baking Powder ..40c jier lb XXXX Bulk Olives i...50cperqt Log Cabin Maple Syrup $1,35 per gal jt, Liptou's English Breakfast Tea 75c per lb l.t,itn..'u rinlnmr 7?. iur IK Mt.vwt. y-r uiwii ,,......... ....... ....,....... yw w t1 Nabau Ceylon Tea., 70c per lb L-uii hug ui ouik t'lau ii iiiiu i idii, luutikcici, xiciiiii, I f V "Whole Cod Fis.h 7 cents a pound. Wilcox, DepMipt gfe'ofe, W'W