The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 30, 1900, Image 3

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It U Again to Demand tho Attention of
tho Senate
TIhho for Ifroo Trnilo Hope to Itccrlvo
fllore Ihieouracomrnt l'rom the Conn
try, Thus I'uoftliig Them to I'ustpoiio
Vote-A Determination for Amendment.
WASHINGTON. March 20. Acaln
this week the senate will glvo tho
greater share of ltn time to the' Porto
Rico question, and tho outlook Is for
n continuation of tho animated teencs
of last week.
Porto IUco, however, according to
present Indications, will step nBldo
Umpornrlly nt thq beginning of tho
week In order to afford Senator Car
tor an opportunity to aecuro consldcr
ntlnn for his Alaskan code bill. Tho
present condition of affairs In Alaska
nnit tho prospect of a still greater In
flux of tho pcoplo Into that tcrrltorry,
make tho Alaska legislation very Im
portant, and tho condition of Porte
Rico legislative affairs is such as to
make It convenient to clve Alaska tho
much desired opportunity.
Tho republican caucus will take tho
Porto lllco question In hand again to
morrow and until It acts tho senators
having chnrgo of tho measure will not
deslro to press It. Tho republican
senators who support tho houso tarllf
bill hope to get tho measure out of tho
caucus after only ono sitting, but tho
frco traders uro not so nnxlous on
thnt score, and tho latter clement may
dolny matters there, as they arc dis
posed to do In tho senate, with tho
nope of receiving still further encour
agement from tho country nt large.
Some of tho members of tho freo
trade republican clement declare their
purpose to vote against the bill If re
ported without amendment. They
threaten to offer many amendments
and to mako speeches In opposition
and otherwise to do nil in their power
to prevent tho passage of tho bill as
it stands, but the caucus of course may
find a means of preventing this open
rupture. At any rate strong chort
will bo mndo In thnt direction.
Tho democratic senators will sup
port a frco trade amendment when
presented, but they prefer to have tho
bill voted upon unamended.
According to a certain mun the
nomination of Dynum to be nppraiser
at New York should bo tnkon up in
tho oxecutlvo session tomorrow, but
the republican caucus may causo post
ponement for a day or two. The dem
ocratic leaders will opposo confirma
tion. The committee on privileges and
elections will hear tho argument of
counsel in the case of Senator Clark
beginning on Wednesday. Tho report
on tho caso is not expected for several
The navy appropriation bill will bo
taken up In tho house tomorrow and
doubtless will servo as a text for a
wide latitude of dlscus&ton on military
affairs in general and tho cost of mil
itary establishment uncer tho now
rendition of nlalrs. In anticipation of
this an understanding may be reached
that threo days will bo given to tho
debate. Tho bill Itself covers no legis
lation on tho organization of tho army,
but is strictly a supply meaBiiro for
tho army on Its present bnsls.
The latter part of tho week will bo
devoted to tho naval, the agricultural
or tho fortifications appropriation bills,
although no exact order has yet been
tlxed for taking them up. Tho naval
bill and report nre ready and Acting
Chairman Foss is rather dcslrious of
having tho naval discussion follow that
on tho army, that the agricultural bill
can bo taken up on short notice. Tho
fortifications bill is already on the cal
Onicurit Who Vonturuil From Iltoomfon
tf In ICoturn.
Boors who ycatorday killed Lieuten
ant Lygon of tho Grenadier Guards and
wounded Lieutenant Colonel Crabbe,
Lieutenant Colonel Codrlngton nnd
Captain Trotter of tho Coldstream
Guards, who had ridden eight or nine
miles beyond their camp on tho Mod
der river, without escort except ono
trooper, woro members of tho Johan
nesburg mounted police.
After dressing their wounds, they
sent them to the British camp In an
LONDON, March 20. Except for tho
"unfortunato occurrence," as Lord
Roberts describes It, which resulted In
tho killing of Lloutennnt Lygon nnd
tho wounding of Lieutenant Colonel
Crabbe, Lieutenant Colonel Codrlng
ton and Captain Trotter, the campaign
presents no new features. Tho mis
hap to tho Guards' officers Is a testi
mony to their bravery, but not their
discretion. They met a party of flvo
Boors, whom they tried to capture. The
Boers took refuge on n kopje, where
threo of their comrades wero hidden,
and within five minutes every member
of tho British party was hit.
Tho Coming Commercial Congress.
HOUSTON, Tex., March 20. Assur
ances have been from evory state and
torrltory west of tho Mississippi river
thnt dolegatcs will bo present nt tho
Trnns-Mlsslsslppl commercial congress
to bo hold horo April 17-21 Inclusive.
While tho program has not been finish
ed, replies havo been received from
many distinguished men accepting In
vitations. WILL AFFECT 30,000 MEN.
NW York Machinist I.lluily to Go Out
During Tli Ik Week.
NEW YORK, Mnrch 20. A strike of
30,000 membors of tho International
Machinists nnd tho Amalgamated En
gineers in tho New York district may
bo precipitated this week by tho action
of tho Now York and Now Jorsoy Ma
chinery Manufacturers' association In
organizing to resist the demand for a
nine-hour day, whlcli was to havo bcon
mado on April 1,
Adjutnnt Generals of Dnsl Mllltnry Forces
nt Frnuttfort Confer.
FRANKFORT, Ky., March 20. Not
withstanding that troops recognizing
tho dual governors were quartered
within two squaics of each other, tho
republican troops at tho stato house
under orders from Governor Tnylor,
and tho democratic troops at tho court
touso, guurdlng the Gocbcl suspects,
Powers, Culton and Davis, under or
ders from Democrntlc Governor Bock
hnm, tho dny was quiet. Tho repub
lican adjutant general, Colllor, nnd
Democratic Assistant Adjutnnt General
Murray were togothcr somo tlmo this
General Collier called to disclaim re
sponslblllty for tho mlno beforo the
stato nrsennl, which somo of tho sol
diers mado n pretense of laying, but It
Is understood their talk took on a
wider scopo and that they discussed
and mutually ngrecd upon plans to
nvold possibility of nny sort of a clash
between tho troops.
Tho examining trial of Powers, It la
believed, will bo comploted elthor Tues
day or Wednesday, nnd thnt If Powers
1b held over tho other defendants will
waive examination. Wharton Golden,
tho stnte witness for the common
wealth, whoso Illness oil tho stand yes
tcrday forced an adjournment of tho
court twlco, Is reported by his physi
cian as very much Improved tonight
end In better condition to go Into the
witness box than ho wns yesterday.
If Witness Golden rcnlly goes on tho
stand for tho cross-exnmlnatlon to
morrow tho defense hopes to conclude
tho examining trial on Tucsdny.
Golden Is tho last of tho prosecution's
witnesses, so It has been understood.
Yestcrdny afternoon and today ho has
been seen on the streets. It wns stated
tcday thnt he went to Georgetown.
It Is tho general impression that tho
defenno mny mako no effort to contro
crt Goldcn's statement In the examin
ing trial. An examining judge needs
to have only a reasonable busplclon of
guilt to bind n prisoner over to tho
grand Jury and ns It Is ovldent Judgo
Moore has this, It would bo lly for
tho defense to shpw Its hand beforo
tho real trial.
Spanish On;;wi of tho Dxtremo Filipino
1'nrty Too Critical.
MANILA, March 20. La Patria and
El Liberal, Spanish organs of tho cx
tremo Filipino party, havo recently
been publishing articles Inimical to
tho military government. General Ot
is has suppressed tho former Journal
for sedition and imprisoned tho editor,
at tho same time Issuing a warning to
the extreme party that It should exor
ciso greater moderation. Scnor Pn
tcrne, at ono tlmo president of the
so-called Filipino cabinet, Is expected
to present himself at San Fcrnonda,
province of Union.
Tho rebels In Young's district are bo
coming aggressive. Tho American bat
talion garrisoning tho town of Nam
agapacau was attacked on four con
sccutlvo nights recently. Reinforce
ments aro now arriving there. Gen
eral Young proposes to pursud tho reb
els aggressively beforo tho rnlny sea
son sets in.
Increusliif; Number of Foreigners Com
ing to tlm United States.
ALBANY, N. Y., March 2G. Tho re
port of JohnMcMnckln, state super
intendent of labor statistics, says:
Immigration returns for the quarter
ended December 31, 189D, show nn In
crcaso of 19,914 arrivals at New York
over the preceding quarter, and 23,912
more than In tho last three months of
18912. In tho latter quarter tho nrrl
valn numbered 51,880; 'In tho samo
threo months of 1899, 74.892, and for
tho quarter ended In September, 1899,
Comparing tho returns for tho clos
ing quarter of 1899 with those of tho
corresponding period of 1898, It Is seen
that tho largest proportionate gain
of these racc3 records at least 2,000
arrivals wero mado by tho Slovaks,
whoso Increaso was 3,418, 121.7 por
Tho Polish rnce was second with nn
IncreaBo of 94.2 per cent, or 3,105 in
number; tho Croatlnns and Slavon
ians being third, showing a gain of
1,845, or 85.4 per cent.
TnuRili; Goes to Munllhi.
WASHINGTON, D. C, Mnrch 20.
Commander Edward Taussig Is to bo
sent to Manila In April, to tako com
mand of tho gunboat Yorktown In
placo of Commander Sperry. Tho lat
ter officer Is near tho head of tho list
of commanders and la about to become
a captain under the terms of tho per
sonnel act.
Mormon Go'ns to Mexico.
CHIHUAHUA, Mexico, March 2C
Tho several Mormon colonies In this
etntc havo been Increased In popula
tion by tho arrival of over 5,000 Mor
mon Immigrants from Utah during tho
last two monthB. The colonics woro
established under concessions granted
by tho Mexican government.
To lurrpiiKii Ill-fund to Ktnto.
WASHINGTON, March 20. Tho ar
my appropriation bill will bo taken up
by tho houso on Monday and In anti
cipation of this tho houso committee
on military affairs rovlsed tho bill Sat
urday, making Bomo minor changes,
tho most Important being an Increaso
of $500,000 in tho refund to states for
expenses Incurred during the war with
Churchill HIiowh Need for KiiKlund to
lluvn Mora Help.
LONDON, March 20. Winston
Churchill, In a dispatch to the Morning
Post, says:
"It Is Imporatlvo to contlnuo ship
pljig troops to South Africa. Tho
stream should never cease until tho
Boers surrender unconditionally. At
the end of tho war Great Britain will
possess tho finest army In her history
This, however, must not luro tho nation
from tho fertile fields of trade and
commerce Into the etony wastes of mil
llisi Horlochor Refuses to Qo Upcn tho
Witness Stand.
Thnt Is Wlint She Doe Hat l'rnpose to
Toll, HoiTuvrr Much Hit Attorneys
Would I.lko to llttte Her Do So Tho
Testimony of Miss HtcNmrt Stricken
HASTINGS, Nob., Mnrch 27. Tho
attorneys for the llorlockor dofenso
nro encountering dllllculty In handling
their client. She has nil along refused
to bo placed on tho witness stand, nnd
tho attorneys did not InBlst too stren
uously, as they counted on tho testi
mony of Miss Stowart to get tho de
sired oyldonco beforo tho Jury. Now
that this has been ordered stricken
from tho record ns Hearsay, counsel
for tho dofenso nro confronted with
tho necessity of gottlng it boforo tho
Jury In another form If they deslro to
uf.o tho mattor In argument, 'this la
what has again brought forward tho
necessity of Inducing tho dofendant to
tnko tho stand o personally testify to
tho matters pertaining to her personal
relations with Moroy, but sho balked
and bnlkcd hard. Sho declared that
she did not enro what became of her,
nnd that court, lawyors nnd Jury might
do whatovcr thoy pleased, but that
sho would not go upon tho witness
While tho mattor is stricken from
tho record, It httB not been stricken
from tho minds of tho Jury, nnd n
prominent erlmlnnl lawyor remarked
this rftcrnoonfl "You couldn't tako
Hint ovUiunct) uvny irom Uui Jury with
u team of horses, no mattor what or
der tho court may mako or what In
structions may ho given." Tho con
sensus of opinion scorns to bo thnt
tho jury will dlsngrco und that tho
caso will novor bo retried. Opinion Is
almo3t unanimous on tho point that
no second trial will bo had in cace of
n disagreement, ns tho expense to tho
county runs up in tho thousands. Tho
general belief In tlio guilt nnd in the
sanity of tho dofendant is unchanged,
but Is it contended that tho uncertain
t ns to tho oxtent of Moroy's rela
tions with tho dofondnnt, togothor
with tho fact that "no ono was hurt
after all," and tho comparative ap
pi-ai-nuco In tho court room of tho two
women most deeply Interested, will
mllltnto in favor of tho defendant.
It Is set forth that Mrs. Moroy now
nppears to bo tho possessor of excel
lent health, a fairly robust, well
dressed, fino looking mntron In tho
primo of life, occupying an onviablo
socinblo position, and surrounded by
a largo circio of ardent and Influential
friends. It Is contended on tho other
hand that tho dofendant Is already
ruined for life socially, and a seeming
ly physical wreck. It Is figured by
those who have watched tho work of
juries that theso relative conditions
and attendant circumstances will havo
quite rh much to do In moulding tho
conclusions of tho jury as will tho tes
timony from tho witness stand.
Attempt itt Ntnco Itnbbery.
VALENTINE, Neb., March 27. W.
P. Hunt, who carries tho mall betweon
Rosobud agency nnd this placo, whllo
en routo for Valentino on Antelopo
Creek, about ton miles this sldo of
Rosobud, discovered two men advanc
ing toward him oh horseback. When
a llttlo over 100 yards distant thoy
suddenly whipped out their rovolvors
nnd began shooting, which wns re
turned by Hunt, nnd n running fight
wns kept up for about ono quartcr of
a mile. Hunt roculved ono shot In tho
right sldo of tho breast which passed
through a memorandum book In his
coat pocket and struck a watch In his
vest pocket, where It stopped. Hunt
found tho bullet In. his pocket. A
ball also lodged in tho seat of tho
stago, ono passed through tho top, nn
other wns found in n vnliso and ono
passed through tho mall sack.
Condition nt Wreck Victim.
NEBRASKA CITY, March 27. John
Downard, tho head brakomnn who was
seriously Injured In tho wreck on tho
Burlington near Whlto Cloud, Kan., n
fow days ago, was obliged to submit to
tho amputation of his right leg ut tho
knee. Tho fact that tho bono was bad
ly splintered mado tho operation
James GIndor, n firoman, died a fow
days ago of Injuries received In tho
same wreck.
A IVomiin Drops Demi.
FlJLLEttTON, Nob.. Mnrch 27. As
Alec Nixon returned homo from his
work for dinner ho found Ills wlfo ly
Ing on tho lloor dead. Uvorythlng In
dicatcd that sho was In thevnet of pre
paring tho dinner whon sho dropped
dead without u strugglo. Doctors woro
summoned nnd pronounced it a caso
of npoplexy. Sho was In her usual
health in tho morning and was about
45 years of ago.
Itoliherw Wow Open n Knfc.
HARDY, Nob., March 27. The
Hardy bank of this placo, ono of tho
oldest banking houses of this part of
tho state, with a paid capital of $40,
000, was robbed of about $4,000.
Thieves blow tho safo front nil to
ploces, using two blasts, shattorod all
tho glass nnd mndo several holes In
tho building. Tho nolso wns heard by
parties near and tho nlnrm soon given.
Tho robbors mado their escape The
loss rails upon tho Dank.
The .MlmliiR IlimtliiRii Mun,
HASTINGS, Neb., March 27. As yot
nothing has been henrd of M. D. Hoag
land, who so mysteriously disappeared
fiom his placo of business In this city
Thursday evening. Ills dl3appoaranco
18 no longor accounted Tor by tho fact
that ho was suffering from financial
embarrassment, ns his accounts with
the Loyal Mystic lodgo of this city, of
which ho was socroUtry, havo beon
gone ovor today and It Is not posslldo
lor mm to. do snort moro than ?D0,
And, besides, his business nffnlrs ap
pear to uo in goou condition.
Oinnlui, CIiIcaro nnd New York Market
There wns about tho usual Frldny's run
of cattlo In tho ynrds and tho market
ns a whole wan In n Rood healthy condi
tion. KvorythliiR offered wns soid nnd
welRhcd up nt nn enrly hour.
Among tho offerings of beef steers were
somo choice cattle und for thnt renxon
pules show up pretty well on paper. Tho
demand wns Rood. Hccf steers, $3.50t
6.10; steers nnd heifers, $l.35fM.63: Toxns
steers., $I.O0'M.2S; cows, $t.E01f 1.00; cows
nnd heifers, M.HMT3.00; heifers, tt.GOfM.60:
hulls, f2.2.Vu"3.t0: hulls nnd sinus, S3.0W
1.00; cnlves, $C.60)7.23; stockers and feed
ers, J2.2J04.rt).
HOGR Tho best heavy sold ns hlKh ns
$.".00. Good lluht mixed they wnnted Ron
erully nt St.sTVs, with such ns wero not
Rood nt n less price. A Rood muny of
tho hops on snlo chnnRed hands early
nt these prices, then the mnrUet stowed
up n little, buyers becoming cautious nnd
wult:iiR for Inter reports from other mnr
kets. Somo of tho heaviest packers did
not nppenr to havo much conlldenco in
t li r fuliiro of tho mnrket und woro" hold
Ins hnek.
8HEKP Choice hnndy weight yenr
IIiirs, 9.1.001tR.15; Rood to choice fed yenr
IIhrs. f.VfMlO.O); fnlr to Rood yeurlltiRS.
.i.nstB.M); Rood to choice wethers, $3.ttft
6."i0; fnlr to Rood wothers, $3.33flS.fH; Rood
to choice fed ewes, $3.03)&.23; fnlr to Rood
ewes, St.COWi.OO; Rood to chnlco native
Inmbs, $(l.lKKI7.on; Rood to choleo western
lambs, $G.S'XfJ7.00; fnlr to Rood western
lambs, $G.G0j6.S0: feeder wethers, t.50fl
5.00; fender ycnrllnRS, S3.0ofi5.G0; Rood to
choleo feeder lambs, 3.2516.00.
I.lRlit nun nly cnused further ndvanco. nil
Rritdes scIIIur stroiiR to it Rrado higher;
heavy tint I vo steers, 3l.i5fra,2.i; llRht
welsrhts. S4.26fi5.00: stockers nnd feeders.
S1.WMt.30; butcher cows nnd heifers, S3.30
(fil.B.; fed westerns, S3.E6iH.Tfi; western
rceilcrs. S3.T0I(I.Ci: Texnns. S3,7&
IIOOS IC.xcellent demnnd nt OiitOc high
er: heavy. $l.9Sff&07; mixed. S4.Kr5.03j
llRht, SI.7SiTI.00; plRH. SI.KKf4.75.
BHHKP AND I,AMH8-lmproved de
mnnd strcnRthcned values: offerliiRS sell
hlR u shndo higher: Colorndo lambs. 31,73
fcii.0; yenrllnRH, S.".7;.fl3.M): muttons. S5.40
..5,75; stockers und feeders, SI.60fffG.10;
cuicAno i.ivrc stock mahkht.
CHICAnO. Uirch M.-CATTIjIi-Nn-
tlves. best on salo todny. So. 10: cood to
prime stees, stronR to shade hlRher,; poor to medium, sternly to linn.
SI.(W(4.75 selected feeders, steady, SI.CO
ft 4.76; mixed stockers. about sternly. $3.60
ff;3.S.i: cows, weak, S3.O0lf4.15; helfTs.
sienuy, t&iwH.ui; ennners, wean, iuhko
lower, S2.10nnF0; bulls, weak. 10c lower,
t2.C0U4.2il; calves, h toady, Sl.OOflO.CO. Tox-"
tins, no receipts.
iiouh Maruet cwioo hlRher. closing
stronR, top, $3.25; mixed and butchers.
SI.!W5.:24: cood to choleo heavy. S5.03
Ct5,23; roiiRh heavy, Sl.li0fl6.00: light, $1.83
u..i.; iiuik or saies. .l.uvn.i.zi.
wethers. SS.finTiC.OJ: fnlr to chnlco mixed.
$l.75I3.t;0: western sheep, S3.40TlC.00: year
llnRH. SC.frOafi.r-O"; native lambs, $3,2517.33;
western iambs, SQ.00U7.33.
NEW YOH1C. Mnrch 20. WII RAT Tho
closo was very firm nt He not ndvnnco.
May, i i3-n;5f72 7-ioc: closed nt 72o;
July. 7Ci372 7-160, closed nt 72c; Sep
tember, 72iJ721,ic, closed at 72Hc
COUN-Snot. linn: No. 2. 445c. f. o.
b., afloat, und 43., o, clevntor: closing
stronR at ..c net ndvnnce. Mny, 42V4c,
closed nt 43c; July, 42?4ffl2,4c, closed nt
OATH-Spot. stendy; No. 2. 20'Ac; No. 3,
SVic: No. 3 white. 3Hio: trnck mixed wes-
torn. IDflSOo: No. 2 white, 32o: track whllo
western, 3tH033c; trnck white, stute, 31i4
ClllCAOO. Mnreh .11. W1IKAT No. 3
sprlnir. fi3aoi..c; No. 2 red, CSc.
COItN-No. 2. 37Vic: No. '2 yellow. 37
OATS-No. 2. 2lf?2IVic: No. 2 whlto, 2CVi
j20..o; No. 3 white. 6lUQ53c
DAItTiHY No. 2. 3fffH2c.
SRKDff Flaxseed. No. 1 nnd north
west. Sl.iV. Prlnio timothy. S2.2357a50.
Clover, contract Rrndo, SS.23.
I'roiecutlon .In Cimo of Uoehol Murder
Suspects I'luy Trump inl.
FRANKFORT, Ky., March 28. F.
Wharton Golden of Barboursvlllo was
put on tho witness stand In tho exam
ination of Secretary of Stato Calob
Powors, charged with conspiracy to
murder Senntor Goobol. Goldou was
rathor nervous on tho stand, but did
rot hesitate In his replies to questions
nnd his testimony mndo a deep im
According to Golden, Calob Powws
was ono of tho prlmo movers In brlng-
ng to Frankfort of tho mountaineers
just beforo tho assassination of Goo
bol, and although Secretary Powers
simply Instructed him to bring wit
nesses who wero mountnln feudists,
yet Golden understood that they wero
to como to Frankfort for possibly a
moro sinister purpose; that of "clean
ing out the democratic majority In tho
Golden nlso brought In tho nnmo of
Governor Taylor In nn Incidental wuy,
also tho names of Culton, John Pow
era. Captain Davis, Charles Flnloy,
Judgo Bingham and others, tho plan
to bring tho mountaineers to Frank
fort having taken on n wider scopo
than expected. It Is oxpectcd tho com
monwealth will rest nt tho conclusion
of Goldcn's testimony. Golden wns
seized with a slight homorrhngo dur
ing tho morning nnd adjournment was
taken earlier than tho usual hour.
Commercial OrRiinlKutlnn Tnko limn
With Itunrd of Health.
Board of Trade and other commorclal
organizations of this city propose to
call a meeting for tho purposo of re
futlng sensational reports regarding
the miuonlc pingue, which, It Is ns
sorted, havo Injuriously affected html
neso interests. Then is no plaguo
scaro nore and dcsplto tho opinion ex
pressed by tho Board of Health, tho
statement Is positively mado that not
a Blnglo caso of that dlscnso has been
discovered In Chinatown. Tho Chi
neso quarter Is not undor quarantine,
but Is bolng thoroughly cleuned and
placed In good sanitary condition, aa a
precautionary measure.
All xt rln u l'lirllnment I'roroRiird.
VII3NNA, March 2C Tho premier,
Dr. F3. von Kocrber, has sent tho pros
ldents of both houses of tho Relchs
.rath a notice proroguing parliament
March 25.
Conl rol Is With C'lirneRle,
TRENTON, N. J.. March 2G. Tho
Carnoglo compnny, tho formation of
which has resulted from the conference
of Andrew Carnegie and II. C. Frlck
to settle tho business difference ho
tween thorn, was Incorporated here to
day. Tho capital Is 1160,000,000 and
tho stock Is all subscribed,
Mil , Eva Stowart Tells Hor Story In a
Dramatlo Manner.
Mr. Morejr nnd Ills l'nlr Typewriter In
illacrcrt, to Sy tho I.rnstA Csno of
llendnehe Cured ly Hypnotism New
Door to tho Henri DUcovurciI.
HASTINGS, Nob., March 20. A cli
max was reached In tho Horlockcr
Moroy poisoning cn3o when Miss Eva
Stowart told tho story of Viola's Hor
locker's lovo affairs with Charles F.
Moroy. Sho repeated It In a moat dra
matic manner and without nny hesi
tation whntever, ns though she had ev
ery word committed to memory.
Miss Stowart said sho was nn Intl.
mato friend of Viola Horlockcr nnd
ono evening Viola snld: "I havo n se
cret to tell you."
Miss llorlockor tunn said sho was In
lovo with ono of hor employers. Sho
had never thought of him In nny way
other than a friend until ono tlmo ho
seomnd snd and camo to her and said
ho was lonely nnd sad, and sho seemed
such n strong womnn and ho wanted
a friend, and asked her If Bho would bo
hlu friend and sho said that sho would.
rhon sho said that ho mado somo con
fidences to her, but sho did not toll
witness what tho confidences were, ono
evening ho went out to tholr homo, tho
llorlockor homo, nnd Bho Bang to him
und tho next evening ho told her sho
wns grand, Blmply subllmo; It had dono
him scMnuch good.
After thnt occurrence Miss llorlock
or said alio had nulTcrcd beforo that
from very sovero headaches and ono
day whon Bho was very sick Mr. Moroy
nald that ho could use hypnotism and
could possibly rcllovo her hcndachc3
In thnt way nnd Bho permitted him to.
Sho said that ns ho looked at hor and
exercised nn lnllucnco over her sho
felt a llttlo door In her heart fly open
that oho novor know wno thcro boforo,
nnd that after that sho felt dlfforcntly
towards him than sho ovor had towards
a friend.
Somo tlmo nftor that his wlfo was
out of town nnd they bnenmo very
clo3o friends. Thoy used to tnko long
rides on their whoom together and ho
onco Invited her to his room nnd sho
went. Tholr Intimacy nttrnctcd atten
tion until thcro was an nrtlclo in ono
of tho Hastings papers, not mention
ing names. Sho said Mr. TlbbotB Baw
tho papor and showed It to Mr. Moroy
cud told Mr. Morey thnt It would bo
wise to break this affair off. Miss llor
lockor said that whon Mr. Moray's wlfo
camo homo ho eecmcd nlmoBt crazy
nnd nfter that ho had tried to break
off tho affair with hor. Sho did not
toll whether thoy broko it off entirely
or not, but said at n later tlmo In tho
winter they had had another very
stormy sceno at tho offico nnd ho had
attempted to break It off with her.
"Sho told mo," said Miss Stowart,
'that ho had been accustomed to havo
hor stay until nfter tho rest left tho
ofilco so that ho might kiss hor good
bye. Ho took her In his arms and
kissed her pnsslonatoly nnd sho re
turned it, nnd on this special occasion
ho took hor out In tho hall nnd when
ho went to say good-byo to hor Bho
said to him: 'Is It a relief to you that
you no longor kiss mo ns you used to?'
Sho said that sho saw his Hps tremblo
and sho askod him If It was not possl
bio for him to lovo both her nnd Mrs.
Moroy. Ho said no, that his duty was
to his wlfo. Sho said Bho kissed his
hand nnd said: 'Friends enn do that
much.' Ho said, 'Can't you assort your
womnnhood? I havo respect for you,
although I no longer fool towards you
as I did.' "
Uniting Mini Dlmippeiirn.
HASTINGS, Nob., March 20. M. D,
Hoacland, who has been engaged In
tho grocery business In Hastings for
several .years, mysteriously disappear
ed last night and nothing Has hcen
seen or hoard of It I in since. Ho was
Inst seen In his storo at 10 o'clock at
night. Mr. Brlco, who Is associated
with Mr. Hoagland In business, says
tho business affairs aro nil right, and
I c cannot account for his sudden dls
Fire Insurance lluslnrss.
LINCOLN, Nob., March 2G. Auditor
Cornell hns compiled figures showing
the amount of business transacted In
Nebraska by joint llro Insuranco com
panics during tho yenr 1899. Exclu
slvo of NobraBka companies tho totals
pre: Losses paid, ?CS8,881; losses In
curred, ?U71,307; amount wrltton, $110,-
330,340; premiums received, ?l,a30,70i
Tho figures show a substantial Incroaso
In bu&iucss transacted ovor that of tho
previous year,
Wnodn Arretted lit Fremont.
FREMONT, Nob., March 20. John
Woods, ono of tho men accused of hav
Ing n hand In tho administering of n
doso of tar and feathers to Mr. and
Mrs. Flgg nt Gretna, was arrested at
this placo by tho sheriff of Sarpy coun
ty and will bo taken to Gretna for his
preliminary hearing. Ho denies having
had nny hand in the affair and asserts
that ho was in Fremont at tho tlmo It
occurred. Ho admits, however, that ho
hud no kindly fooling for tho Figgs.
Ilurclars Itoh I'ostotllee.
GENOA, Nob,, March 20. Burglars
entered tho po3tolIlco ut this placo and
blow tho safo open, securing nbout fCO
In cash and a watch. A lnrgo amount
of stamps and other things of value
In tho safo woro untouched.
I'romont Koldlrr Killed.
FREMONT, Neb., Mnrch 2G. The
news of tho death of Prlvato William
Nowlon of company H, Thirty-ninth
United Statos volunteers, who lived In
Fromont nt tho dato of his enlistment,
has been confirmed In n dlBpntch from
Congressman Robinson, In which he
states that ho has rocelvcd a cable
gram from General Otis stating that
Nowlon was killed January 17 on the
trail between limn and Rosarlo. He
wns shot In tho bend and killed in
stantly. Newton's name has nover ap
peurcd In the official lists of casualties
Kim! to Whlto Hlrnncru, Thanxh Thr
Ooennlonnlly Cat ft Dlsok Man,
Rov. Dr. It. H. Nassau oxpectB to re
turn in tho spring to his field of mis
sionary work In equatorial Africa. This
Is Dr. Nassau's fourth visit to tho
United States slnco, na n young man, ho
was sent to Africa ns n missionary 39
years ago. During tho last flvo ycarB
ho hns been stationed at Llborvlllo, Ga
boon province (French), engaged In
translating 14 books of tho Blblo Into
tho Fnng language Theso translations
aro being printed by tho American
Blblo society. Tho Fangs aro a trlbo of
cannibals, numbering nbout 1,000,000,
and Inhabiting tho country lying far
up tho Ogovo river. Thoy aro largo of
stature, warlike, and represent much
tho strongest trlbo In that portion of
tho country. Dr. Nassau said boforo
leaving llaltlmoro thnt ho could not
cnll tho natives that ho moots In Af
rica savages; thoy aro cruel, ho said,
but not bloodthirsty; their deslro to
kill Is moro for superstitious reasons.
There nro cannibals, ho said among
them. Ho haB Boon them boiling hu
man arms for food and offering for Bala
with other meats human hands; "nnd
ono day," continued tho doctor, "whllo
floating down tho rlvor In a canoe, ac
companied by my llttlo girl nnd two
natives to row tho boat, wo woro called
to from n group of naked men standing
on tho shoro to know If we wished to
buy nny meat, and, holding up a hu
man nrm, they informed us In their
Inngungo that they had just killed two
men belonging to n hostile trlbo not fnr
from there. This wns nbout thirty
miles bolow my house." Tho only
means of transportation through that
portion of tho country, Dr. Nassau
said, Is by boat. Trado la carried on
without monoy, n enko of Boap or a
ptcco of calico or bends being alllthat
is ncccssnry. "Tho men thcro nro
polygnmlsta, their Importance In tho
community being estimated nccordlng
to the number of wives," said tho doc
tor. Thoy nro kind to their mothora,
hut nbuso their wives. Our mission has
succeeded In bringing nbout 1,800 of
thorn into tho Presbyterian church. If
beforo coming Christiana thoy hnd
married moro than ono wife wo rcqulro
them to act nil frco (nil their wives aro
slavca, bought nnd Bold) but ono tho
ono thoy might profcr. Tho African Is
very hosptyablo. No mcdlclno over gave
mo moro bencllt than tho Christian
kindness of theso heathen friends of
our llttlo mission. Thoy havo a ro
llglon thoy nro morn roligtoua than
you or I. Thoy feel honored to recolvo
us na their 'ofilclal' guests, and so wo
can depend upon their protection."
They Organise In Ctalllmore, Md., and
Propose to Save Lots of Money.
The latest movement of tho antl
trcatcrs haB Its headquarters in Balti
more Md., where an anti-treat circle,
with a president, officers and twenty
eight membors has been formed. Its
object Is, of course, to break up front
ing. Tho membors moot at tholr hall
onco a week, but no ono ovor dares to
sny, "Havo ono oh mo," for It ho
should ho would bo penalized with a
fino of 25 cents for each treat. Somo
of tho reason which lod to tho forma
tion of this clrclo may bo gained from
this lucid statement from ono of tho ,
mombors, who draws a plcturo whoso
fidelity to truth will bo rocognlzod
from Malno to Manila: "You nnd I
go Into a saloon with tho Intention of
having ono drink perhaps two. Wlo
moot eight or ten friends who Insist
upon our joining them. We do so.
Then you and I reciprocate. Finally
overy man in tho crowd Insists on
ovcrybody elso having 'ono with him.'
Tho consequonco Is that each man
takes eight or ten drinks of whisky
or beer, and after tho bout Is ovor
thero la not ono but who would havo
preferred a halt nt tho first drink.
ThlB custom, repeated several times
a day, year In and year out, will ruin
a man physically and financially."
Too Drad Turkeys.
A produce dealer who deals In both
llvo nnd drcBsed poultry, says tho Al
bnny Argus, sent to tho conBlgneo of
his dressed poultry a lottor Intended for
tho shipper of tho llvo turkoys, aB fol
lows: "Dear Sir: Wo regret to advise
you that four of tho turkeys In your
consignment of December' reached
horo dead. Pleaso mako deduction for
samo and return corrected account.
Yours truly." Tho poultry man com
muned with himself and replied thusly:
"Dear Sir: I am sorry to say that I
find it Impossible to mako concession
roquestcd. I havo established a rulo
requiring all customers who doslro llvo
dressed turkeys to notify ua In advanco,
bo wo can send thorn In heated cars.
Turkeys without their feathers and In
sides are Uablo to catch cold If shipped
In tho ordinary manner. Tho mortality
among dressed turkeys was vory largo
this year. Yours mournfully."
Mellowing Muiknioloni In Houthern Italy
In southern Italy muskmclons nro at
best much Inferior to tho American
fruit, lacking tho Bweotncss and flavor
of our fruit Strange to say, howovor,
this Inferior molon, when saved for
winter consumption, becomes of an ex
cellent flavor. Tho melons aro pullocl
from tbe vines whllo green nnd hung
In tho open air until winter, when
they are eaten. Tho melon troated thus
becomes not only far superior to tho
rlpo fruit of summor, but equal to tho
American melon in sweotness and
Hair Orowlng; Tiuir.
Tho hnlr grows considerably faster
In winter than In gumaur.