All SIXTEENTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, TUESDAY, MARCH 27, 1900. NO. 18. ( IS RUSH & MURRAY. GROCERS, Are now located in the Foley block and invite the atten tion of buyers to their stock of Fresh Staple and Fancy Groceries, Flour, Quccnsware, Etc. Though footing no prices in this ad, they guarantee as low "prices as any firm in town, insure first quality goods and prompt de ' livery, and solicit trial orders from those who are not al ready customers. Special attention is called to the Sleepy Eye Flour which is sold on the following broad guarantee Have a sack sent home and if it is not the finest you have ever used, your money will be cheerfully refunded and you may keep the flour. Dwinell & Wright's High Grade Coffee, (Boston roasted) a superior brand of coffee for custom ers who like the best: and none is .better or gives more general satisfaction than this brand. Queensware and Glassware.... A well selected stock, embracing dinner sets and odd pieces, neat and attractive ware. A Share of your Patronage Solicited. RUSH: & MUEEAY, FOLEY BLOCK. 71 ! PAINTS. i A FULL LINE OF John W. Masury's Celebrated Paint ON SALE AT...... S3 i Davis Hardware Store. i When you get ready to paint your 'house, : call on us and let us sell you first-class g Paint at reasonable prices. aT T iti tt ar Ti m tti tTi T mTu m TV aT iti A JTm mfm jtT m 1T1 W, Xf X X "X X X X" I X "X iL'-i7X" X X "X X" X tr X Xr Lr Xr X S IF IT'S IN THE 4 DRUG LINE BUY IT OF STREITZ. I & Yoii can bank on it being y fresh and as represented. m4 rTi 'fra T Ti iT Ta A T tti iTt tti itt A iTi "T itt Jt iTi "fa iti 1T1 V It1 i-k V ,4l l1 V W ik V V W 'V V V V fV lV Edison's Phonograph Better than a Piano, Organ, or Music Box, for it sings and talks as well as plays, and don't cost an much. It reproduces the music of anyinstrumcnt band or orchestra tells stories and sings the old familiar hytnns as well as tho popular songs It isul wayarcady. rriceavf70 to $100.00. Bee that Mrt.Edlsqn'n nlBiiatunf-is on cvcryrnachlno. '.Cata logues df all dealers, or NAT10NAC PHONOQUAPH CO., lis Fifth Ave., New York. O. F. IDDING8 Hi-u.m."bex, Coal and G-xa,in Yards and Elevators at North Platte, Neb., Sutherland, Neb., Julesburg, Colorado. NORTH PLATTE MILLS, . (C. F. IDDINOS.) Manufacturer of HIGH AND MEDIUM GRADE FLOUR BRAN AND OHOP PEED. Order by telephone from Newton's Book Store. Building Loan Association. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Mutual Building & Loan Association was held at the court house Saturday night. The following directors werr. elected for the ensuing year: V, VonGoetz, J. M. Rannie, T. C. Patterson, G. W. Finn, W. J. Roche, John Sorcnson, H. O. Evans, F. T. Redmond, and J. F. Clabaugh. The annual report of the association had been placed in the hands of all the stockholders and was very satisfactory. After the meeting the directors held a meeting and elected the following officers: President, T. C. Patter son; vice-president. V. VonGoctzj secretary, Sam'l Goozce; treasurer, F. E. Bullard. Wilcox & Halllgan were appointed the attorneys for the association. At a directors' meeting previously held five shares of stock were sold at twenty-one and a half per cent, four at nineteen per cent, three at seventeen percent and five at twenty per cent. General Railroad Nowa. It is said that the much-talked of through Chicago-Portland train will become a fact soon after the 15th of April. A freight wreck on the Wyoming division delayed the castbound trains Sunday to such an extent that the passenger trains did not reach here until the middle ot the afternoon. The work on the Union Pacific cut-off between Rawlins and Tip ton is being hustled along at a lively rate. At present there are 2000 men and COO teams employed there. Bids for the contract for tunnel ing Sherman Hill have been opened at the Union Pacific headq uartcrs in Omaha but it is understood that the coutraat will net be awarded for about ten days. Kilpatrick, Collins & Co. and a Chicago firm wclre'the principal bidders. Train No. G was delayed Satur day morning by a rather unique accident in one of the tunnels near Ft. Steele. A rock, which had be come loosened overhead in the tun nel, fell on the engine and smashed the whistle and Baud box and did considcrabledamage which required some time for repair. It was very fortunate that the rock struck as far forward as it did, -utberwise either the engineer or fireman would probably have been seriously injured. One of the Kansas City Southern trains was held up at Hainsburg, Iowa. Thursday night and the passengers in one of the Pullmans were all relieved of their money. President Burt, of the Union Pacific, was one of the passengers and he was forced to contribute fifty dollars. Chiet Engineer Berry was also on the train but as he was not in that Pullman he was not compelled to pay tribute. A new railroad consolidation rumor is afloat due to a secret con ference Baid to have been held at Kansas City last week by President Burt, of the Union Pacific, Director Harriman, of the Illinois Central, and President Felton, of the Chi cago & Alton. This conference is said to have been one of the pre liminary steps towards the consoli dation of the Union Pacific, the Chicago & Alton. Illinois Central and Kansas City Southern railways. The postmaster at Alliance has found it necessary to add 200 boxes to accommodate the rapidly in creasing population. Supt. C. N. Brown, of the Kear ney Cotton Mill, has contracted with the American Beet Sugar Co. to raise 100 acres of beets and will raise fifty more if the land can be secured. The industrial school will put in fifteen acres and quite a number of farmers expect to put in five acres each. Fremont has already commenced preparations for an immense street fair next fall. An organization to be known as the Knights of St. Fcbragus will be founded for the purpose of promoting interest in the scheme. The organization will be similar to the Knights of Aksar ben but the ritual will be decidedly original. i ITI ITI ITI Ilk ITI ITI ITI ITI ITI l ITI "" .Tfi .H prp V V VSIf V v-' V.r&.'4f.VP 'V V V V 'I1 V - - tV ifr f Jtom A. A .Thl v y 'V 'fj 'X1 v v "x p v y SPRING OPENING AT: THE LEADER. Now is the Time to make your Easter Purchases We have just returned from the eastern markets and the result of our trip is now in evidence at our store. This new stock of ours is the finest ever brought to North Platte so say the ladies who have examined it and embraces All the Latest Dresa Goods, Grenedines, Silks and Satins, Chiffons, All-over Laces, Trimmings of all Descriptions. Wash Goods The Latest Dimities. Piques, Silk Ginghams and Mousselincs Taffetas, Lawns, India Linens, Nainsooks, Percales, etc. Ready-ninde garments Ladies' Wrappers, Ovorskirts, Silk Waists, Underskirts, Tailor-made Suits, Muslin Underwear, Capes and Jackets, Capes for children. for Ladies' furnishings Veilings, Buckles, Belts, Kibbons, Parasols, etc. Our Millinery Department Will bo open in duo time Easter purchases. Special Prices "Will be given to graduates who desire graduation gowns. Our line is just what you need. Clothing and furnishing goods In this department wo have a complete stock for spring trade. CAltPETS, MATTINGS, LINO leums and Oil Cloths big stock Remember our Shoe Departm't Everything new and up-to-date at THE LEADER, First door south of Postoffice. J. PIZER, Prop. '!' .t t'ft ."I, rt. ! ifi iTi iTi dft I" Jtt 1 f I III IT I IT, X J, .L Ji 'if- X F iV X V "T " iTi .T. .T. .'IV .T. .T. a! j?rfsr4sV V X' V '4- TTn ""fr ,yyy vtt v v ' BETWEEN THE RIVERS. S. J. Koch shipped his last carol hay for this scasoti last Friday. He line shipped several hundred tons of hay since last June. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 13. Sullivan and two little boys who have been bed fast lately by illness, are re ported on the mend at this time. Mr. Sullivan has been confined to his bed for a month or more but it is now thought that he will soon be able to be out and around. W. H. Hill, of Hcrshey, was up to Lodf;c Pole on business one day last week. He was accompanied by his little son Claire. D. M, Leypoldt had the barn that he recently purchased on the towusite property at Hcrshey moved over north of the railroad near the stock yards Saturday last. . Floyd Byerly was assisted in calibrating his sixth birthday anni versary at Hershcy last Saturday by a number of his little friends giving- him a surprise party. He received a number of fine presents. Refreshments were served and a social time is reported. Seeberger & Co. shipped a car of hogs weBt from Hershcy Thurs day. Mrs. Holtgrcn and family, of Hcrshey, visited relatives at Suth erland over Sunday. I). A. Brown, of North Platte, came up to Nichols last Thursday after his wife and little daughter who had been visiting relatives at that place for a few days. The meeting held at the Nichols school house last Saturday evening by the citizens of that vicinity to consider the matter of lormiug a co-operative company to erect a separator station at that place, was well attended and very enthusias tic. Kvery one present was willing to assist in every way possible to push t along. It was decided at that time to organize a company and proceed to erect a station there at once, A market has been se cured for the butter fat, The com pany will be fully perfected at a meeting' to be held at the same place as the one mentioned above on Thnrsday evening, April 5th. at which time a gentleman welt versed in this business will be pre sent and give a talk upon the bene fits derived from this business. Everybody invited. Upon the local' reports that the U. P, has let the contract for tunneling- Sherman hill the citizens ot Hershcy in honor of the event are at this time constructing new gray el sidewalks in that village. One has recently b;cn commenced at the north east corner of the U. P. section house lots thence west to the postoffice block. The villagt s at this time on the boom and without the least Bhadow of i doubt the county seat within t short time will be located there re gardless of the efforts of North Platte's commercial club to the contrary. The local hunters bagged lots ot ducks the latter part of last week. Numerous grading outfits ate making overland trips westward at this time, the most of which are in good shape for business The prospects at this time are that there will be an abundance of prairie chickens, grouse and quail, it the old ones are not killed. It is stated that there are a tew who are shooting them at this time, Any one found killing the fowls in this section before the law expires will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. J. O. Cole and family who have resided on the D. A., Baker farm the pat-t winter arc now domiciled in the village of Hcrshey. Mr, Cole departed for Sidney by team the fore part of the week where he expects to work on the grade near that place. dinTdoings. Lee Shrc-congost and sister and Miss Jeffries, of lCcho, were visiting with S. J, Uowell and Bister the fore part of the weeh. J. M. Fristo shipped a car ot hogs to South Omaha Wcduesday morn ing. Miss fcoua Garrison was very sick the early part of the week but is better at this writting. L. Wolfe and h. Fristo were over to North Platte a few dayB ago transacting business and taking in the sights, George Burkert, ot Hayes county, marketed hogs In Dickens Satnfday and took out a load of lumber. Mrs. L. P. Hodges and sou Jay were visiting in Kenesaw a few days recently. George Turner lost a fine cow a few days ago, Dr. L. II. Winter, of Curtis, was in town a few days recently extract ing teeth for the people of Dickens and vicinity. Quite a nnmber were in and had their teeth extracted Dame Rumor says there will be a wedding close to Dickens in the near future. Fred Adams and Will Duggau had business in Hayes county the arly part of the week. Chas. Bailey, of Marengo, was 'isiting with Jerome Bailey and family a few days last week. E. R, Secrascr is mtttine- the fin ishing tiuch on his house this week and will move into it in a few days, Dr. Gardner who has been spend ing a few days in North Platte lias returned and thinks there is no place like home, woman's Lite A is hard enough as it is. It is to her that we owe our world. and everything should bo made as easy as possiblo for her at tho time of childbirth. This is just what MOTHER'S Friend will do. It will make babv's comlnir easv and painless, and that without tak. ing dangerous drugs into the sys. tcui. It Is simply to bo applied to tho muscles of the abdomen. It penetrates through tho skin carry ing strength and elasticity with It. It strengthens tho whole system and prevents all of the discomforts of pregnancy. The mother of a plumb babe in Panama, Mo., says: I have used Mother's Friend and can praise it highly. Get Mother's friend at Hie Drug Store, $1 per bottle. The Bradfletd Regulator Co., ATLANTA, GA. Write for our free Illustrated book, " Beforo Baby is Bora."