I vim m)i Good and Strong Words that Republi cans Ought to Heed. nEvSPONSlMLITIES TO BE PACED. Ringing Words on Trim Urpulilloin'Mii Experience of tlio Vnnt Should Ilo n Uuldo fur tlio Future Only llnnent and Cnpublo Men Should lie Honored With lMuco. (From the Nebraska State Journal.) Tlio decision for tin early convention for nominating nil candidates for state and county o'fflcors, Including mombors of tho legislature, brings the republi cans of this county face to face with important responsibilities that must bo dealt with within tho next thirty days. Tho experiences of tho last session of tho legislature havo taught tho peoplo of Lancaster county tho abso lute necessity of sending somo strong men and trustworthy men to represent them In the legislature. In tho last legislature adequuto leadership was lacking to a painful degreo on tho republican sldo of tho house. A sufficient number of republicans, somo of thorn from Lancaster county, got Into the habit of bolting tho deci sion of the republican caucus and join ing with tho fusion minority for per sonal or political ends to prevent wholcsomo action by tho majority pnrtv and to endanger for a tlmo re publican success In tho election of a United States senator. This sort of thing cannot bo sub mitted to and it behooves tho repub licans of Lancaster county to mnko no moro mistakes in candidates. Whether tho republicans of Nebraska will suc ceed in electing again n majority of the legislature, thereby securing with ordinary good faith and party allegi ance, two republicans in tho United States sennto in place of Senators Thurston nnd Allen, remains to bo seen, and there will undoubtedly bo n lively campaign In tho senatorial and representative districts of tho state. Every precaution should bo taken by tho republican organization to guard ngalnst nccldents nnd failure, in case tho republicans have a mnjorlty, when tho votes nro polled. Tho majority will bo a slender one in any event, probably, and that makes It exceedingly desirable, first of all that there shall bo strong men elected in the republican districts, and second, men concerning whoso fealty to tho lenubllcan party there shall bo no shadow of doubt. No men should bo nominated for tho legislature weak enough and person ally greedy enough to sign any sort of contract with tho members or tno fusion minority in caso of a ropub Ucan majority, binding themselves to net with tho fu8lonists either in mat ters of legislation or In tho matters of the selection of a sonntor. Tho republicans of this county especially cannot afford to forget for n moment tho occurrences of a year ago, nor can they afford to riominnto or elect nny man to tho legislature who has been recreant In tho past to tho republican party, or who has bolted a republican caucus, and mado Ignoble terms with our political opponents. Only by living up to this rule can tho Lancaster county republicans hope to prosorvo their organization. It is a sine qua non this year. To retain her proper Influence in tho legislature It may be necessary to call upon gentlemen of Lancnstor county who seek no oillco, legislative or othorwlso, to make tho sacrifice of allowing themselves to stand for n leg islative nomination. Tho lntorests of tho county and state often demand bucIi sacrifices, and tho Journal most carnc'stly appeals to tho patriotism of our leading citizens to bring about an Improvement in tho material of a leg islative ticket this year. Lancnster county demnnds for tho emergency men of tho highest character and of acknowledged ability and forco on tho republican ticket for both houses. World's Kipnrt Trmle. Tho export business of tho United Stntes is now almost ns great as tnnt of Great Britain, tho figures for 1899 being $1,253,48G.000, or within thirty four million dollars of tho total from tho United Kingdom. In 187C. how ever, tho figures wore: United States, $497,203,737; Great Britain. $1,087, 497,000. Tho protective tariff hnBdono wonders. Illtrli riciiron fur IIoiiiIh. The outstanding 2 nor cent curroncy option bonds of tho United States aro quoted nt 103. Tho z per cent thirty year gold bonds, which will bo Issued under tlio now curroncy bill, it is ox nectcd will sell at 105. Theso high nrlccs aro complimentary, Indeed, to tho stability of tlio ftnnncial system of tho country. Tho bonds of no other country commnnd such high figures. St. Louis Star. Jlle Profit In th Month. Down whoro Brynn is certnln that tho country will voto for frco trade, somo of tho now mills built up under tho protcctlvo tariff nro making lm rrenso profits. Ono cotton mill built nt Clovor, S. C, eight years ago, had on Juno 30. 1899, not earnings amount ing to $30,940, or 41 per cent for tho year, on tho capital stock of $89,000. Previous to that tlmo tho stockholders had nlroady got out of tho mill In dividends moro than their total Invest ment. Wntternn Popoiinren the (loeliel I.iwv. In its Issuo of a fow days ago tho Loulsvlllo Courier-Journal contained tho following editorial: "It mny bo taken for granted that tho present Goebol election law will ho radically amended, or replaced by ono very different from it. "No party will enro to go boforo tho people as tho champion of tho oxlst ing law. It has been fully tried and tho grnvost fears for' It havo provod woll foundod. It Is doomed, nnd thoso who hoped most from It now rocog nlzo that It la a failuro and will co operate with or lead a movement for a satisfactory substitute. "Certainly those who a fow months 71 wrrn nr,o wore tho most wnguino ndvocatos of tho law nro Its champions no longer. It Is they who havo suffered most through Its failure. Tho domocrats know that at last fall s election they lost thousands of votes through tho handicap of this law, nnd that slnco tho election It has been used nt. almost every turn to further cripple them. They havo had enough of It." Money In ttie Miutli. Tho south Is nt last getting on a r-clf-sustalnlug basis, nnd Is nblo to movo tho cotton ciop with southern capital. Tho general development of the, Industries thoro, on account or tno protective tariff, has led to a grent Increnso in tho banking faculties so that tho southern bnnka nro now able to furnish the monoy needed to hnndlo tho crop. In spite of this great Improvement In conditions, the south will bo ex pected to vole for freo trade, frco sil ver, anti-expansion or nny othor doso which the leaders of tho democratic party sees lit to concoct. Iteptiillntrn (liirlii'llmii. John A. Yates, chairman of tho dem ocratic committee of Motcalfo county. Kentucky, has resigned hlo position. In his letter to Chairman Young of tho democratic stato commltteo ho soya: "Seeing that tho democratic legis lature of Kentucky is determined to decldo tho contests for governor and lieutenant governor In fnvor of porsons who woro not elected, and that said legislature (a majority of whom arc domocrats) has no Intontlon oi re pealing tho Gocbel election law, and Innsmuch ns my mind Is mado up never again to voto tho so-called dem ocratic ticket whllo tho said law Is on the statute books, and whllo Goebol Ism is in control of the narty. I heroby tender my resignation ns chairman of tho democratic county central commit too of Metcnlfo county, and ask that the same bo accepted at onco. Knvliic Hank Iepoltor. In tho state of Now York alono tho increase in savings bank doposlts havo amounted -to $109,303,702 since Mc Klnlcy's election. Thoro nro In tho state now over 2,000,000 depositors, having to their credit $887,480,050. lone U nn Ortopun. Chairman Jones of tho democratic party Is connected with ono of tho greatest trusts In tho country, tho round bale cotton trust, and has been a director and stockholder In tho American Cotton company for years, These trusts aro Incorporated In New Jersey, tho stato which Brynn recently spoke of as tho "robber s roost. Inrrcimcd Money Clrcuhtt Ion. The monthly statement of tho comp trollor of tho curroncy for February shows that tho total circulation of nntlonal bank notes nt tho close of business on tho 28th was $249,434,878, an Increase for tho year of $0,532,511, and an Increnso for tho month of $2,' 447,085.. Trtmt In n Kre .Trnde Country. Tho official report comes to tho stato department at Washington thnt there Is a wholesale movement in Austria toward the formation of trusts. Somo of the combinations noted in tho report are nmong tho hat makers, papor fac torlcs, sugar makers, shoo factories knit coods and gas plants. And Austria is a freo trado country where tho protcctlvo tariff could not by nny possibility bo the "mother of tho trusts." Tho only tariff there is In tho nature of nn Internal revenue on cigars, tobaccos and a few other ar tides. Purine thn Niitlomil Unlit. The 'monthly statement of the ro celnta and expenditures of tho United States shows that tho total rccolpts for tho month of February woro $45,- 031.205. and tho expenditures $37,738, 472, leaving a surplus for the month of $7,892,793. In tho last eight months tho recolpts havo oxeceded tho expenditures by $37,703,000, representing a reduction of tho national debt by about that same amount. When tho democratic party was In full control tho government failed to pay expenses, nlthough It was a tlmo of profound peace. It makes u great difference who is running the mnchlno Crocodile Tenrx for 1'nerto Itlro. Tho democrats of congress bowallod tho fact that tho United States was robbing Puerto Rico by tho tariff. But when tho proposition enmo up to do voto nil tho collections from the tariff at both onds of tho lino to tho relief of tho peoplo of Puorto Hlco, the demo ciats voted solidly against It. For tho sake of an additional plank In thol platform they woro willing to lot tho islnndoro starve. Tho system of evolution obtains in tho politics of Nebraska. A fow years ago tho independents rcsoluted ngalnst tho lawyors, decided not to uominnto or voto for them, nnd blacklisted thorn so far as tho organization was con corned. Since then by a gradual pro cess tho lawyors havo gained full con trol of tho whole organization, and none but lawyers aro elected to con grcss nnd to othor Important plnccs. A Southern KxpiiuitlonUt. Sonntor McLauron of South Cnrollna Is nn out-and-out expansionist, nnd ho voiced tho sentiments of n largo con stitucucy in tho south when ho Bald in tho course of a speech a fow days ago In congress: "Our southern manufneturors havo already reached out to tho markots of tho Orient nnd dlscovorcd thoir ad vantages. Tho southorn farmer need such markets for his raw cotton to mako Its production remunerative. By tho acquisition of the Philippines wo hold the koy of tlio eastom situation? Wo need not rely sololy upon trenty lights to securo tho 'open door,' but can domnnd equal commercial oppor tunity with other nntlons, and if neces sary, with the vnntngo ground wo.huvo assort that demand. Will tho United Stntes throw awny tho golden oppor tunity by giving up tho Philippines? I nm In fnvor of holding thorn, nnd I bollovc tho southern fanners and man ufacturers will sustain mo In my posi tion. I bollovo further that tho pres enco of tho United States nnd of its flag, the emblom of human freedom, progress and civilization, will carry to tho millions in tho Orient vmnnmborcd blessings which, In tho coming years, will bo for their betterment and amel ioration and will condtico to tho per petuity nnd glory of our frco Institu tions nnd tho commercial supremacy of tho nation." A table printed byBradstrcct'sshows thnt 3,553 Now York business houses, which hnd on their rollN 299,957 em ployes In 189G, havo increased th number to 35G.278. whllo tho increnHs n wages In 1899 ns compnrod Wltu 1890 was over $20,000,000. During tho first seven months of the, current fiscal year tho exports of American manufactures show an In crenso of $52,000,000 over tho similar period in tho fiscal year 1899, In splto of tho fact that 1893 beat all provloufl records. Tho por capita circulation of tho United States has Increased from $4.99 la 1800, and $13.85 In 18G0, to $25,098 in 1900. Inuring tho past fivo years tho agri cultural cxportB from this country hnvo amounted to $3,100,000,000. nnd of this 95 por cent wnB sold to Euro pean gold standard countries. The Gold .Hlnndurd In .Inpnn. The "Report on tho Adoption of tho Gold Standard in Japan," by Count Maysayoshl, minister of finnnco for Jnpan, has been received In a trans lated form nt Washington, nnd con tains somo Interesting Information on n subject which is receiving consider nblo attention In this country. It discusses In detail tho history of tho currency In Japan, nnd closes with n ennpter entitled: "Effect of Colnngo Reform upon tho Economic Condition of Our Country." Tho following Is n quotation from tho report: "Slnco tho adoption of tho gold stnndnrd (In 1897) our currency has been freed from constnnt fluctuations In its exchange rnto, to which it was subject before. Owing to this latter fact, moreover, tho rolntlons between tho claims of tho creditor and tho lia bilities of tho debtor become less sub ject to sudden nnd unexpected changes; business transactions aro mado safe; an Improvement In credit took plnco In. tho community nt large; prices becamo moro constant; In a word, thfi way was now opened for tho BtendyTtnd orderly growth of our commerce and Industry." Tho minister of finnnco rofors to the great expansion in tho commerce and industries, nnd especially to tho largo Increase In number nnd nmount of checks nnd bills passing through tho clearing houses. Ho says that slnco tho adoption of tho law capital ists from tho gold Btandnrd countries havo boon Investing freely In tho country, and thoro Is a growing ten dency toward lower Interest rntcs, tho Investors uelng no longer nfrald of the loss subsequent to the fluctua tions In tho price of silver. A great Increnso In, tho commorco with gold stnndnrd countries Is nlso noted. An other quotation from tho report Is as follows: "Slnco our coinage reform enabled us to avoid all tho evil effects of flue tuntions in tho prlco of aiivor. wo stand now no longer, as was formerly' tho case, under the necessity of mak ing plans for financial matters with tho currency constantly changing in vnluo, nnd sometimes suffering unex pected losses nnd evils In times when those evils nro unusually violent. All thoso fears of miscalculation and losses havo now become a thing of the past. Most particularly in tho last fow years when nntionnl expenditures for things bought abroad, such ns war ships, etc., havo greatly increased in nmount, wo havo doubtless been nblo to avoid, on nccount of our colnngo reform, great losses on tho part of tho nntlonal treasury. Besides, slnco our adoption of tho gold Btandnrd, our government bonds havo been sold In no small nmount in tho European market, so thnt their names appear regularly in tho prlco list of the Lon don Stock Exchange. This fact nt onco .converted our bonds Into nn Inter national commodity, and will no doubt lead to a closor relationship between our home nnd tho foreign monoy mar kets." This glowing report of tho Improve mont of conditions In Jnpnn will bo cold comfort to tho sllvor men of this country who hnyo repeatedly declared that tho adoption of tho gold standard by nny country could bring nothing but distress nnd disaster. .Jintir.vlnir tho I'rcnlilrut. Senator Lodge: In tho long process of tho pntlent years thoso who now nssnll the president with oplthct nnd Imputation will shrink down boyond tho kon of ovon tho nntlquarinn's microscope; but tho name of the presi dent who took the Philippines nnd planted our flag nt tho portals of tho oast will stnnd out bright and clear upon tho pages of history, whoro nil mon mny road It, and ho will havo n monument bettor than any reared by hands In fair and fertile lands bloom ing nftor long neglect nnd In, n race tedeomed from tyranny and lifted up to broadening freodom nnd to larger hopes. , Seven shillings a day has been adopt ed by tho New South Wnles govern ment as a minimum wago to railway laborers. Thomas Darragh, of Granito Moun tain, Texas, claims to bo tho oldest lopubllcnn voter living Ilo Is 98 years old. a woman suurago nmcnument re ceived 54 votes, ngalnst 48, In tho Ohio houso, but failed In not receiving u constitutional mnjorlty of 00. Australia raises tarantulas for tho sako of 'their webs, tho fllamonts of which nro mndo Into thread for bal loons. Thoy nro Ilghtor thnn silk and, when woven, lighter thnn ennvas. Each tarantula yloldB from twenty to forty ynrds of fllamont, of which eight twistod together form a slnglo hrcad. Ono of tho features of tho drawing room nt uon. undcn-i'owoUB homo In London Is tho uplnry. Two largo boo nivos, with glass sides, stand on ornn- mental pedestals closo to n largo organ which occupies ono wall of tho largo room overlooking Hyrto park. Tho bees eacapQ through a windpipe which leads out or tho "vlnuow. O'ELAIIERTY'S VIEWS. WISE COMMENT ON A QUES TION OF THE HOUR. lllboriitnn Vernlon of tho True linrnrd nM of Judge Von Wyck's Affiliation Willi nn OrcKiiliMlon Formed for tho Kitcrmlnntlon of Trust!. "01 see bo th papers," remnrkod O'Flaherty to his friend Doolan, "thot a nion bo th name av Hogo 'as writ ten a lotthcr to th' newspapers in th name av th' Commcrahall Thravclera' an' Hotel Mln's Aunty-thrust league, adVQcntln' th' nomlnnshon av Judgo Van Wyck fur prlsldlnt bo th' Dlmy crnts bokaso th' Judgo 'as no other oc cupashon than tliravolln' nroun' th' counthry In parlor cars tollln' funny yarns to th commorBhnll thravolors, which, av coorse, saves th' drummers lots av money they wud othorwlso 'nvo spent on th' thoyatcrs fur nmuscmlnt. "There's Just wnn Inconslshtnncy In th' nrgymlnt mado In ho's favor bo Mlsthcr Hogc, who says ho's ngln tit' thrusts, an' thot la, th' Judgo appears to 'ave a monopoly av th' funny stories, an' gives thlm away gratis. This belli' th' enso, how do ho ex pect tho playacthor byes, or th' funny byes nv th' nowspnpors to make a llv In' b.o sellln their wit to th' theyaters or th noospapor8, ns th' caso mny bo?" "It's very onslnslblo," Interjected Doolan, and Inquired, "do yor Undo Tim, th commarshall thravolcr, know any nv theso laddy bucks?" 'Me uncle,'' rejoined OFlahcrty, "knowB thlm bo heart, nn' ho Bays th' lcaguo exists only benntho th' hats av th' prlsldlnt an' secretary, who start cd out wld a skamo to git th' 500,000 commnrshall mln av tho counthry to jlno tholr league, at an expense nv wnn dollar a year each. "This wud mako a halt a million dollars a year to dlvart towards th' pockets av this glt-rlch-qulck league, do yo mblnd? "Av coorso, th' commarshall mln, who aro havln' nil kinds of silly niters made to thlm bo peoplo who wud want to buy th' earth wld a discount av two folvcs aff an' sixty days datln', cudn't eco th' needBlslty av payln' a half a million dollars a year fur dacayed gooso eggs, an' declined wld thanks. "Thin th' prlsldlnt gits mad bckaso he cudn't mako n thrust av th' dhrum mcrs, fur ho's own blnlfit, and wroto n lotthor to Mlsther Croker, av th' Tarn many Hall thrust, tcllln' him ho had rayslned from th' Republican party, nn wud throw" th Inflooonco av th' Commarshall Thravelors' Nashlnal league on th' side nv th' Tammaany thrust, or any owld thing wld money in it. "As Mlsther Croker Knows moro ' about polytlcks, an' glttln' th' blgglst O'FLAHERTY AND DOOLAN. share av th' spoils than ho do about commnrshall mln, ho bit lolkc n huii' gry IIbIi at dead bato, thlnkln' thot th' lilgh-soundln' nnmo av th' Commar shall Thravolcrs' Nashlnnl leaguo wud catch famished gudgeons; nn' thin, to mako It moro tnktn' lolko, ho annaxed th' Raines law hotels to It, nn' they now call It 'th' Commarshall Thravel ors an' Hotel Mln's Aunty-Thrust league,' lavln' out th' Raines law part of It beknso av Its onaavory charac ter. "Mo undo towld mo thero's nary a commarshall nor hotel mon on ho's roitto from Boston to Shaykago thot knows nnytliln' nbout th' concarn, thot th' hotels thoy name musht bo lolko McFatlden's fnthor's Irish castle, where yo cud put yor arum down th' chimb- ley an staalo cverythln' In th' Iioubo. "Th hotel mln towld me uncle thot they 'avo no consumln' dayslro to conv pate wld froft soup houses, an' prefer open mills to thlm, nnd thot clowns, fur commarBhnll mln, are not In ns much demand as they appear to bo fur DImycrnt prlsldlnshall candydntea.1 NOW THEY KNOW. J'eoplo Who Were trout-lilt ten IJnn't Want to Itepont tlio Kxperlcnoe. Lx-Congressman Hoek. of Tevna professes to think thnt "everything looks nn though this would bo a Brvun ycai." Ho says that thousands of men who did not voto for Bryan lh 1S0G will voto for him In 1900. Eight years ago the voters of tho country sacrificed tho prosperity which thoy woro enjoying under tho McKInloy tnrlff lnw and oiecton tho "stiilTcd prophet" of free trado to the presidency. Perhaps It Is this fact which leads ex-Governor Hogg to think thnt they will go nnd do uitowiHo in lUOO. Thoro certainly Is no other sign anywhere which would lend a man In the possession of his senses 10 inline that there was ovon a remote possibility of this being a "Bryan year." But. Governor Hoeu. the fact that tho peoplo havo dono a thing once Is no suro sign thnt thoy will do It again. In fact It Is often tho surest slsn thnt thoy won't renent It And that Is tho way it Is In this enso. In 1892 tho majority of tho peoplo of tho country did not know from actual oxperlenco what frce-trado meant, nor what Democratic tanir reform would mean, oither. Now they do. They folt happy and proBporous and woro wlllln to oxporimont a iittio with rreo-trado' Juat to boo what would happen. But "n burnt child dreads tho flro," nnd tho peoplo of thlt countrr got pretty badly burned by playing with frce-trado In 1892. Or, perhaps It would bo moro appropriate to sny that they got badly frozen through It, becnusn of tho lack of having sufficient warmth In their houses and for want of comfortnbjo clothes to wear. In nny crtso they aro not likely to repeat tho experiment of 1892. Ono period of Idleness, poverty nnd discomfort Is enough for n life time." Thnt Is what frce-trado would menn, and tho election of Brynn and of a congress in sympathy wun mm would menn free-trade. Tho peoplo want no moro of cither. FACTS THAT SHOULD TALK. UIITcrrncn In 1'urelimliiR l'orcr of tho Wnee-Knrnrr'i Dollar, That was a very clover cartoon of Dalryniple'a, In tho issuo of "Puck" of Jnn. 10. It was entitled "Tho Evo lution of tho Dollar." It showed tho difference between tho purchasing power of tho wngo earner's dollar in 1875 and 1900. ns well as tho dlffercnco between tho earning power of tho capitalist's dollar In 1875 nnti 1900. In 1875 tho wago enrner holds up a very small dollar to match tho capital ists big dollar. Then tho Intorcat on money wns from 7 to 10 per cent, whllo coal cost $9 a ton. flour $12 a barrel, coffee 50 cents a pound, sugar 1G cents a pound, shoes $5 n pair, keroseno oil CO cents a gallon, gas $3 a 1,000 feet, cotton cloth 20 cents a ynru, clothes $20 a suit, and other things In propor-. tlon. In 1900 tho capitalist holds up a vory Binall dollar to match tho wngo -earner's very big dollar. Now tho xato of interest on money ranges from iVt to 3V4 por cent, whllo coal costs $0 n ton. flour $5.25 n barrol, furnlturo is 50 per cent cheaper', coffco Is 30 cents a pound, sugar is 4 cents n pound, shoes nro $2.50 a pair, kcrosono oil is 12 cents a cnllon. Ens Is $1 a 1,000 feet, cotton cloth Is 5 cents a yard, clonics are $10 a suit, and so on. What nn object lesson this lsl How It answers tho cry of tho demagoguo that tho poor nro getting poorer and tho rich richer al! tho tlmo! And whllo making tho comparison let us not forKOt that wngos aro from 10 to 25, and oven 30 por cent higher than they wcro in 1875, whllo tho ten hour day has given way to tho nino hour tiny, nnd, In somo industries, to tho eight-hour day. Facts llko theso talk. At lcnBt, thoy should talk, and thoy should do somo thlnc to convince us thnt tho world Is rcallv nroKresslng. and that tho strug glo of tho average man for n living is irnttlne easier and'rnot harder all tho time. John C. Freund, New York w Music Trades. Will Not Kill Trunt. Frco-Trado will kill tho trusts. Carml Democrat. Wo do not wonder thnt tho editor of tho Democrat thinks Frco Trado would kill trusts, for ho knows It has n vi-rv kllllnc effect. In fact, ho knows It killed nearly everything whon wo hnd It boforo, but If ho will romombor thn trusts aro tho only thing It did not phaso. Ho knows, or ought to know, that tho Standard Oil trust, unit fir trust, and numerous othor trusts UvpiI nil throiiRh tho Frco Trado pe riod of Democratic mlarulo and pros nored on it by tho nld of tho Demo emtio narty. Tho groat doprcaalon in business and stringency In tho money mnritnt durlnc this Freo Trnde. soup houso era mndo it imposslblo for tho nmnllnr flrniB to exist, and tho trusts snucozed thein out of existence. Dur Ing tho Freo Trado, soup-houso ad ministration thoro woro almost as many failures in ono year as there nrn in two now. Many of tho trusts tho Democratic party aro now prc tnnillne to Unlit woro organized during Democratic rulo, and others were aa filHind in vnrlous ways. Tho most dls craccful of all, perhaps, wns tho .as sistance Havomeyor of tho sugar trust, received at tho hands or tho Demo cratic senators, headed by ' Senntor Vest of Missouri. In Frco Trndo Eng land trusts nro bolng formed at n rnpld rate. No, Brother Chnrlcs, Frco Trado will not kill trusts, but It will kill everything cIbo, freo soup-houses ox- coptcd. Benton (111.) Republican. Tho Bnuth'a Onnnrttinltlo. All thnt Is needed to lnsuro still moro rnnld progress nnd bowlldorlng dovelontnont In tho Southorn states is tho construction of tho Nicaragua rnnnl. nnd tho stimulation of trndo, tint nnlv with Asia, vlu Nicaragua, but also with tho South and Central Am erlcnn republics. Tho building of tho canal seems nssurcd. Tlio stimulation of sen going trado will como In time if tho policy of tho present administra tion In rcfcrcnco to tho mcrcnant ma rine is nut into effect. Tho South Is hnirlnnlnE to renllzo her opportunities. It Is too much, however, to expect nor yet to net upon her own chnnged pol itical convict ons. But ovon this nction will como whon tho vnluo of Rcpubll can nol c cb huvo been demonstrated upon every farm and in every, hamlet and city of tho South In splto of South ern politicians and prejudices. Kansas City (Mo.) Joumnl. Wity Thoy Struck. , Tho strike of 400 laborers In th cmplo" of tho Amerlcnn Steel & Wire Company is another ono of thoso pros perlty strikes that do not involvo any reflection upon the conditions existing In tho Industry affected. Theso cm ptoyca wero granted an Increnso In wnges of 7V4 per cent, nnd struck be causo tholr demand for a 10 por cont Increnso waa not granted. Sioux City (la.) Journal. pnER' HABOir Mr. CamllAnto Ilrynn lie "I-ey T.nw" on ynmtlnnn of FrroTnin nnd Tnrlff. Thn Phllntlclnhla Record scolds Mr. Brvnh becnueo of his discreet sllnnco on tho subject of protcctlvo tariff, and accuses him of trying to engineer an nmnlgamatlon of "antl-lmpcriallst" Republicans and free-silver supportoro ns a sot-off for tho loss of sound mon ey Democrats. Tho "Record" objects' strenuously to tho glittering generali ties in which Mr. Bryan aoais wunn dlBcussInc tho trust question. Undo fnult with his failure to advocate tho repeal of the tariff nn tho swiftest and surest way of annihilating all capital istic combination and bowalls bitterly tho fact that "tariff reform, under tho banner of which tho Democratic party has triumphed In presidential and con grcslonnl elections, enters no longer Into Mr. Brynn'B program." Continuing its lnmeht over tho de sertion of great principles, tho Rocoitl cays: "A crent r linn en has como over Mr. Bryan bIiico ho wns ono of tho enthu siastic Democrats In connrcss who carried Representative Wilson of West Virginia around on their shoulders nftor tho latter hnd concluded a grent fpeech on tho tnrlff bill. Tho enthu siasm of tho free-silver presidential claimant for tariff reform, llko the courngo of Bob Acres, has oozed out at his linger ends; nnd the samo phenom enon is to bo observed of most of his followcra In nnd out of congress. What In mntt rnmnrknblo nhout this desertion Is tho fnct that never beforo In tho history of tho country was there so much need of maintaining and en forclnc tho Democratic tariff policy as thoro Is now, whon tho lnnd Ib covered with protected monopolies in ovory flnlil nf Industry nnd enterprise. U tho Democratic party haB been right In ltu long continued opposition to the pro tective system, how much grcnier is the Justification for relentless warfaro unon tho lnlnultlcs nnd spoliation of tho Dlngloy tnrlff?" Truth and Justlco Impel a plea of ox- tcnuntlon In behalf of Mr. Bryan. He has not deserted tho sacred cause oi tariff reform. Ho Ib only suppressing for tho tlmo being his undiminisnen zeal. "Brer' Rabbit ho lay low." Mr. Bryan wants to bo prcaldont much moro thnn ho wants to wear tno man tle of William Leftover Wilson. Ao between a four-years' lien on tho ex ecutive chair and a brief precarious rldo on tho shoulders of a row rroo trado Democrats, he chooses tho chair oVerv time. Let tho Philadelphia Roc- ord remjmbor these things and be rea sonable. Mr. Bryan Ib all right on tno tariff. Less than a month ago ho pub licly announced, In contradiction of u current report, that his vlowa on tho subject of removing nil duties on im ports of foreign wool had undergone no change. This ought to console and rensssuro tho Record. Any man who in nnnnhln of favoring frco wool and nil that that Implies to the farmora of, tho United States 13 a good onougli free-trader. Tariff, Trnitii nnd Trice. Attention Is called to tho fact that whllo tho Amorlcan prlco lovol la 17 nor cont hlcher than a year ago, that of England la 12 por cont higher. If tho advances In prices Is duo to trusts, solely or primarily, it muat bo that thov havo trusts In England, uut ir England, with no tnrlff except for rev enue, has trusts, what becomes of tho nlea that tho tariff Is tho mother or trusts? Tho fact Is that frco trado Eng land, as well, as protected Amorlca.has trfiats: that America has trusts in ar- tlplos that are not protected aa woll as In thoso that aro: thnt part or tho ad- vanco In Bomo of tho articles controlled by trusts Is duo to tholr manipulation, and that a fow or the trusts which. havo thus abused tholr power havo hrnn enabled. bV tho oxlatonce of a high tariff on thoso articles, to push nrlccs a bit hlEhor than would havo been possible If competition with the old world product had boon freo. Not tho tariff, but tho commercial advan tages and tho attractions of stock Job bing havo boon tho parents of theso now corporations, whoso real power for good and for 11, oven to tho wlsost and moBt caroful of obsorvors, is still a problem. St. Paul Ploneer-PresB. A Cohdonlte Phonograph. Tho wholo system Ib pernicious and unnatural. When seen In Its oxtromo view It Is as irrational ns tho attompt to forco wator up hill or to cultlvato orangOB In Cannda. St. Josoph (Mo.) News. What would you supposo this man wns writing about? You wouldn't for a moment lmnglno that ho alluded to nn economic system which has made, ours tho grentest nmong tho nations of tho earth, and mado our peoplo tho most hnppy, prosperous nnd envied among all tho peoples of tho earth. But you would bo wrong. This Cobdonlto phonograph was actually talking about tho protcctlvo tnrlff. For All or None. Thoso attacks on tho part of the op ponents of tho question aro not to bo Ignored, for there la an element of sound reason In thorn. It any break occur In the Protcctlvo system by menns of reciprocity, then there will bo danger of tho whole system giving way. Thoro should bo Protoctlon for all or Protection for none. San Fran cisco Call. The Colonel nnd tho Coon. Col. WUHo Jonklus Bryan Is still gunning for an Issue which will Btick In tho coming campaign. Tho coon which onco romarkod to Davy Crock ett, "Don't ahoqt; I'll como down," has not yet put in nn appearance. Phoo nlx (Ariz.) Republican.