The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 16, 1900, Image 7

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    Teachers for Country Schools.
In a recent article on tho teaching
of agriculture In tho public schools,
wo named as one of tho obstacles, the
lack of qualified teachers. That Is ono
of tho greatest flaws In our present
district school system and Is tho chief
cause of what some of tho older gen
eration call "tho decay of our common
schools" though It Is tho natural re
sult of changed conditions.
Our New England fathors and
mothers toll us that In tho daya of
their youth "teaching country school"
was a more honored calling than lt'Is
today. Money was scarco then and
the number of occupations outsldo ot
farming was limited. Tho .compensa
tion was not largo, less than half tho
Bum paid In most country districts
now, but a dollar then meant moro
and went further. Tho farms of sixty
and seventy years ngo were little in
dependencies whereon raw materials
wore manufactured Into' foods and
fabrics for homo consumption, tho sur
plus being converted into tho cash
needed for taxes, postage, and a few
other necessary Incidentals.
Tho student at that time felt ho had
a special claim on tho country school
and his Hen was generally allowed. By
its help the pcor boy was ablo to strug
gle through college. Tho school of
courso profited by conditions that
brought to Us doors as instructors the
brightest, most ambitious young men
in tho community whoso wits had been
uharpenod by college, associations, nnd
the fact that they were thomsolvc3 on
thuslantln students lent a zest nurt
originality to their teaching that the
mechanical methods of normal schools
aro not iblo to Impart. With no
erodes to Interfere, tho work could be
adjusted to tho relative capacities of
the scholars; tho bright students were
liushed forward at a smart paco and
the dull ones wcro not unduly hurried.
Many a man today whoso memory
runs back to ono of thoso New Eng
land schools, attributes whatever meas
ure of success he has achieved to the
stimulating Influence of one or more
of tho30 student teachers.'
Times have changed vastly since
thoso days of slmplo living and high
ideals, and though by far the largest
stream by which our colleges are fed
still comes from tho farms, tho coun
try school no longer tempts tho student
with tho lean purse becauso there are
many other avenues of temporary em
ployment open to him that pay better.
Tho country school l-as therefore bo
come tho special spoil in many places,
of tho undeveloped girl who has grad
uated from the grammar school ot the
reareet town with enough knowledge
to enable her to procure a second
grade certificate. She seldom has as
pirations for a higher education but
lather resorts to touching a3 a tem
porary makeshift by which to provide
herself with wedding finery or pocket
money. r
Sometimes, It Is true, the budding
teacher who plans to make- It a pro
fession, tries her "prentico hand" on
tho country school, but there nro no
inducements to stay, and cs soon U3
she can securo a position In a town
school whero her salary will bo larger,
whore tho work is organized, and her
responsibility Is lessened, the small
rural school house knows her no more.
Under such a series of indifferent
and transient instructors it is small
wonder if tho country school ha3 de
clined, and there seems little hopo of
bettorlng It until it can bo made to
pay enough to securo tho services of
talented men nnd women who teach in
the truo sense of the word and who are
willing to make It a profession. Leg
islators have begun to rcallzo that so
long as the schools aro scattered
through farming districts for tho con
venience of n handful of scholars,
there Is llttlo hope of elevating the
grade of instructors, and out ot this
conviction has come tho effort to con
solidate country schools. Wherever
tried it has been found satisfactory.
Tho plan certainly has much to recora
mond it First, economy: ono good
building can be erected nnd well equip
ped for less than it costs to build the
Isolated little school houses forlorn
and neglected that mark tho crossings
of section lino roads, not to mention
tho saving in the cost of repairs and
the money Invested in school lots.
True, tho transportation of pupils must
be provided for, but that is neither a
difficult nor expensive majter in rural
districts where horses" aro numerous
and (in the winter) Idle for tho most
part. Concentration encourages a bet
ter school organization, cuts down tho
number ot teachers required and en
ables tho districts thus combined to
pay salaries that will command ability.
we look to see thoso consolidated
schools tako tho place, to a certain ex
tent of the lato lamented New England
Academy, which -was such a feeder for
tho colleges, for wo feel sure they will
as irresistibly attract tho ambltlouB
boys and girls wUhln the sphere ot
their influence.
In such Bchools tho teaching of agri
culture may yet bo mado a practical
feature. Viewed in this light they will
offer new openings to tho graduates
of our agricultural colleges -who should
bo specially fitted for such lines of
work. They more than all others
should bo able to show tho relation
ship of agriculture to other branches
of knowledge, and abovo all, they
should bo capable of arousing enthu
siasm for their specialty. With such
guides our children would bo lod Into
the fields Instead of away from them.
They would learn to feel a moro intel
ligent and practical interest in the
tillage of tho soil and we would need
fewer recipes for keeping boys on tho
farm. .
Heeding to Oral.
' 'lo the Farmers' Review: It may
cam, .range to some readers, but It
is truo that hundreds of farmers bo
liovo that grass and clover must bo
sown among wheat, oats, barloy or
some similar crop In ordor to obtain
a stand. The grain, they say, acts as
a nurso to tho young grass or clover,
and they must got a better catch, nlso
that theso plants protect tho weak llt
tlo fellows from tho heat ot tho sun.
This has no foundation in fact. Clover
and grass are not nffected by tho heat
or sunlight any moro than grains at
tho samo stago of dovolopmcnt. In
fact, to obtain heaviest yields it will
be found best practlco to sow separ
ately, especially in dry climates and
seasons whero tho molsturo supply Is
likely to prove Insufficient for elthorv
crop. -When the season la dry, Instead
of acting ns a nurse, as Is claimed, tho
grain is tho very worst of robbers. It
Is older, stronger, moro deeply rooted
and thus better able to obtain tho
moisture In the soil, thus preventing
the weaker plants among it from get
ting their share.
Sown separately upon well-prepared
arable toll, both clover and grass will
germinate well, make quick growth,
often bear seed heads tho first sea
son, nnd if soil and cultural conditions
bo favorable, n good crop of hay may
frequently be harvested. Weeds that
get a start may bo mowed down; the
smaller ones will soon bo smothered
out if tho seeding be heavy. For this
mowing tho cutter bar should bo set
to cut about six Inches high.
Stcuin I'ltmlug.
Wo notice that ono writer on agri
cultural subjects says that steam till
age mny bo ndvnntagcously adopted
hy wealthy farmers, and he enumerates
some of itn advantages. Tho verdict,
however, of thirty years' trial has in
dicated that tho placo for the steam
plow has not yet been found. Elec
trical arrangements may bo mnde that
will glvo good results in tillage, but
the steam plow and the cultivator lack
tho ono great essential to mako them
successful .tho ability to economize
power. Tho steam plow or, rather,
plowing machine, must uso n large
per cent of Its energy getting over the
ground, nnd this expense of force in
creases as tho softness of the ground
Increases. So great Is this obstaclo
that somo of tho manufacturers of
these machines Jmvo built woodon
walks that were carried by the engines,
nnd hnd to bo plnced beforo tho ma
chines whenever they were working in
any but tho hardest fields. No imple
ment can succeed In our agriculture
that cannot show a margin of profit
for Its use over ordinary tools and
methods. At present tho margin of
profit Is In favor of tho tools and
methods wo now have. It was found
by the Inventors of steam plowing ma
chines that the cost of providing water
for tho making of steam was oven of
moro consequence than the furnishing
of fuel. When we "consider that much
of tho work of farm Implements has' to
oe done on lands that are deficient In
water supply, wo can imagine some-
tuing of tlio cost of providing enough
waten to develop force enough to plow
a hundred-acre field.
llarnyurd nnd Chemical Manure.
It has been reported, and doubtless
correctly, that tho gardeners near tho
big cities find thnt there Is n limit to
the uso of chemical manures, but that
by putting on moro barnyard manuro
tho soil Is ablo to glvo good resulto
from an Increased application of chem
ical manures. While this should bo
borno in mind by every man that Is
using largo quantities of commercial
fertilizers, it also involves a principle
that affects us in all branches of farm
ing. That principle Is thnt tho chem
ical effect of the barnvard mill! urn lo
of value. Tho acids that aro set loose
operato on tho Insoluble plant food In
me son anil mako It soluble, nam.
yard manuro in undergoing decomposi
tion, iiuoratcs corbonlc acid, and thin
tukes hold of tho soil clcmonts and sets
loose plant food. Tho valuo of tho
barnyard manuro cannot, thnrnfn in
told by figuring out tho commercial
vaiue or cost or the elements it con
tains. Thus, a ton of barnvnrd
might show up so many pounds of each
01 uie constituents, and this mlirht hn
supposed of tho samo valuo as chemi
cals In their ordinary or commercial
iorm. ino uarnynrd manuro, hpwever,
possesses the power of decomposition,
which process is of direct valuo to tho
toll. This fact makes it tho more ad
visable to apply manuro fresh, ihnt iia
decomposition may go on In tho land,
and thus the soli and pluuts get tho
full benefit of tho process.
nine Grais.
From Farmers' Review: Turn frn.
quently asked about what I know of
uio methods of starting bluegrass. In
theso ends It Is now novor snwn it
Is the one grass universally present.
If wo reap it, It Is whero we have not
sown; or if wo gathor It, It Is whore
wo havo not strewed. But men do
come from abroad to gather and thrash
It, A neighbor whom I questioned, he
being nn Eastern man, said four quarts
of seed to tho acre is about light, and
he has had experience in tho mnitnr
It is without doubt tho best pasturo
grass in Uio world, at fattens, and
stocK novcr get tired of It. Pnnitrv
and hogs are fond of It, and It in
creases tho yield of eggs, and tho quan
tity ot lard, in those places in tho
fields whero It has been
grow all tho season, horses and cattlo
pasturo on it, nor will they leave it
for tho beat of hay, unless it bo well
cured clover, brown ns a berry. Tho
poorest excuso for pasture with us, and
ns hay, is redton. Qunck
nerlor to it. However, it 1 S Tint n. nnr-
6istent grass in these parts; it is found
only now and then In somn d
which la liable to wash.
Adaptability of Soils.
Tho Michigan Exncrlmnnt Rtn'inn
has been giving somo attention to soil
analyses, and nubllsliM thn rrnnt'a
Analyses aro given on soils adapted
to grain growing, fruit raising nnd no
tato growing. Tho nvorngo of nine
analyses or rruit soils gavo tho follow
Per cent.
Limo 1.C8
Magnesia 64
Potash 1.48
Phosphoric Acid 38
Sand and insoluble silicates.. 70.43
Other elements not active In plant
growth aro left out, and this is the
case in nil of tho tables.
Fruit Soils. While tho wheat soils
win raise gooa rruit nnd produco hardy
trees, thero aro soils esncclnllv ndnnt
cd to raising fruits, especially peaches
anu ouicr stono rrults. Tho analyses
of nine such eolls In widely separated
localities gives tho following average
Per cent
Lime 4 1.I6
Magnesia Gl
Potash 1.35
Phosphoric acid .' .20
Sand and Insoluble silicates.. S3.7S
Potato Soils. A third class of soils
might bo described as irravellv or
sandy loams, constituting the soils so
ceicurated ror raising potatoes of ex
cellent nunlltv and hence called "nn
tato soils." They will also ralso many
other crops, and might be named "po
tato nnd general utility soils." Tho
averngo composition of nine- soils ot
tnis ciass was as follows:
Per cent.
Llmo 93
' Mngnesla 38
Potash 1.12
Phosphoric acid 22
Sand nnd lnsnliihln Rlllr.itna. .nn.fl!?
Light Soils. There Is a fourth class
or soils, characterized bv a larcro ex
cess of sand, open and porous, in mnny
case3 easily drifted by tho wind, tho
grass growing in bunches instead of
an oven sward, nnd tho vegetation gen
erally of n llcht chnracter. The Inelt
plno plains of northern Michigan aro
gooa oxampics. Seven samples of
sucn sandy soli gavo this averago com
position: Per cent.
Llmo 31
Magnesia 17
Potash' 42
Phosphoric acid .09
Sand nnd insoluble silicates. .92.CG
Wo will denominate theso four soils
as wheat, fruit, potato and sand and
wo havo tho following as tho elements
Lime. Wheat, 1.C8; fruit, 1.15; po
tato, .93; sand, .31.
Magnesia. Wheat, .54; fruit, .51; po
tato. .38; sand, .17.
Potash. Wheat, 1.48; fruit, 1.35;
potash, 1.12; sand .42.
Phosphoric acid. Wheat, .38; fruit,
.26; potato. .22; sand. .09.
Sand and Silicates. Wheat, 70.43;
fruit, 83.75; potato, 90.2; sand, 92.CC.
Ono Is struck with tho steady in
creaso of sand and decreaso of tho es
sential elements of nlant food. Thn
average of the phosphoric ncld is less
tnnn onc-nrtn or ono per cent. Now,
an acre of soil, taken to tho depth of
one foot would weigh 4,000,000 pounds.
If such soli holds only ono-flfth of
one per cent of phosphoric acid, an
acre one foot deep would contain 8,000
pounds, or enough for 350 crops of
wheat with tho straw. Tho latest fer
tility is, however, not all In a stnto
that makes it possible to uso It, or
even nny considerable part of It at ono
time. Constnnt working is necessary
to set looso tho plant food.
Wlacotmln Dal y Convention.
(ConderiFed from Farmers' Itevlow
Stenographic Report.)
The twenty-eighth annual conven
tion of tho Wisconsin Dairymen's As
sociation was held at Watertown Feb.
13 to 1C. It was In this placo twonty
soven years ago thnt the association
was organized with seven members.
Tho attendance was good, and tho in
terest was all that could bo desired.
President Taylor, In his annunl ad
dress, pointed out tho fact that tho as
sociation had been of great value in
stimulating new efforts in dairy lines.
Tho Improvement In the quality of
cheese alonp is worth $100,000 per year
to the cow owners of Wisconsin.
Prof. Woll spoke of Danish dairy
farming, nnd showed how since 1872
the whole system of farming therothad
been changed from grain raising to
butter production, added to tho making
of bacon and tho production of eggs.
Slnco tho year 1865 tho net oxporta had
increased from 8,790,000 Danish pounds
to 110,080,000 pounds In 1899. Tho ex
port of eggs had Increased by six times.
Ho said that tho exhibits of but
ter undor control of tho government
hnd been tho sourco of much of the
advancement In dairy methods. Ho
described Danish butter as naturally
containing an excesslvo amount of
water as compared to American butter,
and said this Was ono problem with
which the Danish butter-maker had to
contend, as England has laws prohibits
lng tho sale of butter containing moro
than 16 per cent of water.
U. S. Baer, ono of tho state chceso
Instructors, gavo n report of his work
In tho chceso factories of tho state,
and told of tho enlargement of the
scope of tho work In that line at Madi
son. In addition to Instruction In mak
ing cheddar and American cheeses? the
students nro tnught to make Swiss and
Llmburger cheese.
C. P. Goodrich spoke en how to breed
a dairy herd. Ho told of his own mis
takes In breeding, and cautioned tho
farmers against attempting to breed
away from established types. Ho said
thnt one of his mistakes was breeding
in Short-horn blood and buying cows
that had Short-horn blood in them.
He had finally to ret rid of this kind
ot cows. Buying cows be fourd was
aot a good way to get a first-class hord,
and ho succeeded best whon ho stopped
buying and went to raising his own
dairy cows, carefully selecting their
Ono of tho most interesting papers
during tho entlro convention was that
of Mrs. Adda F. Howie, who is owner
of n flno herd of Jerseys at Elm Grove,
iioar Milwaukee. Hor topic was "Ono
Wny to Devolop a Dairy Cow," and In
tho handling of it Mrs. Howlo mado a
remarkable Impression on Uio audi
ence. It was ono of tho moat stirring
addresses of Its kind that can bo
Imagined. Wo predict that this lady
will become ono of tho recognized load
ers of American dairy thought. The
development of tho dairy cow, accord
ing to this speaker, Is tho result of
careful handling. Hor oarly habits
must bo carefully formed, for they will
control to a groat extent tho habits
of a lifetime.
James II. Bclruo spoko on tho hand
ling and feeding of dairy cows. His
words had weight from tho fact that
somo of his cows havo produced over
flOO pounds of butter In twolvo months.
He keeps his cows In tho barn during
tho cold wenthor, and keeps thorn blan
keted most" of tho tlmo. His methods
of feeding are in nccord with tho high
est authorities on dairy subjects.
H. C. Adams spoko to some length on
tho present statii3 of oleomargarine.
He said that much of tho oloomargar
Ino consumed In Wisconsin Is used In
tho logging camps, whero It is bought
ns oleoniargarlno nnd served to tho
men as oleomargarine; but In tho cities
tho stuff Is bought by tho wholesalers
and retailers ns oloomargarlno and
sold to tho people ns Lutter. It Is this
kind of Bale thnt tho dairymen protest
against. They havo no objections to
its being sold nnd used when sold and
used under Its own name
Prof. E. H. Fnrrlngton spoko on
"Who Should Uso tho Babcock Test,
and Why?" Ho said that It is now
difficult to find a croamory in tho civ
ilized world thnt does not bvy its but
terfat by the Babcock test. If there is
a slnglo creamery In Wisconsin that
still buys by tho old pooling plan, It
should bo reported so that It can bo
visited as a curiosity. Every farmor
that has n few cows should Invest In
a Babcock tester, and tho money thus
spent will prove tho best Investment
that can be made. He quoted tho state
ment of Prof. Henry to tho effect that
the llttlo savings brought about by the
Bnbcock test are worth to tho farmors
of Wisconsin annually moro than ?800,
000. E. C. Bennett of Iown spoko on
watering the dairy cow, and told of his
own arrangements for that purpose.
Ho considers the giving of too cold
water as ono of tho first causes of
failure In dairy manngemont.
Prof. T. L. Haecker of Minnesota
spoko on feeding the dairy cow for
profit. Ho went into some of bis elab
orate experiments in tho feeding of
different rations, and expressed the be
lief that tho cow wants a uniform
ration through tho whole winter, and
that milk Is lost by sudden changes in
the manner of feeding.
Major Alvord ot tho Department ot
Agrlculturo addressed tho convention
both on tho feeding ot sllago and on
:ho oxhlblt to bo made at Paris. On
feeding sllago ho said that ho pre
ferred to feed his sllago In midsum
mer, If ho had not enough to feed both
summer and winter, but that It is best
to havo enough to feed nt both times.
Ho found that cows would cat hay
and corn fodder bettor In the winter
than they would In the summer, and
thnt sllngo fed during tho dryest part
of tho senson keeps tho cows from fall
ing off In their milk. Ho then told
about the preparations being mado to
make a dairy exhibit at Paris, and said
thnt tho first shipment must bo made
by tho mlddlo of March. Thoso Intend
ing to compete can get full instructions
by writing to tho department.
W. D. Hoard spoko on tho claims of
tho cow as a mother. Ho said that he
hnd been talking on this subject for
fifteen years, and still very fow seem
to grasp It. It Is tho motherhood of
tho cow that must bo considered, and
sho must havo tho kind troatmont that
we accord tho mother If sho Is to do
her best.
Tho Farmers' Review has n steno
graphic report of tho best thought
brought out nt tho mooting, nnd the
material will bo given to tho readers
of this paper ns soon as space will
Front or a Dairy Herd .
W. S. Smith. Zlonsville. Ind.. n
breeder of Jersey cattlo nnd a dairy
man who makes buttor good enough
to hold tho trado ot an ox-nrcaldent
of tho United States, receives 30 cents
n pound eight months In tho year and
25 cents ror rour months. Ho keeps
accurate records of his cows' work.
Ono year ho milked ten cows, two of
them young (second calvos). balance
In tholr prime. His recelnta for butter
sold that year were $76.20 per cow. No
account was taken of tho Increase, con
sisting of ten calves; nor was tho milk
and butter used In a large family, nor
sklmmllk nnd buttermilk fed to calves
and hogs, figured up.
Mr. Smith now milks from 16 tn 22
registered Jerseys. Ho has studied ra-
Uons very closely, nnd come to the
conclusion that a mlxturo of four parts
bran and shorts to ono part corn meal,
makes as good a dairy feed as ho has
tried. He ono tlmo substituted Buffalo
gluten for bran, nnd found it Just
about as economical; but he found It
mado his butter too oily and soft, al
though It Increased tho milk yield to
a remarkablo degree. Jersey Bulletin.
If a creamery Is to succeed It must
expect to pay a fair prlco for Its milk;
otherwlso tho mllk-producors will lose
interest and go into raising beet cows
UuUad ot milk cows.
Creamery Butter Making.
jtenoKrnphlo report ot Illinois Htato
Dairymen' convention.)
Grant Mallory spoko on creamery
buttormnklng. In part ho said: In
tho first Placo tho buttcrmaker should
bo tho manager of tho creamery, that
ho may havo full control ot tho milk,
cream nnd butter. Ho should be both
an engineer and a machinist, so as to
keep his machinery In shape and know
wncn tnings era running nil right,
Guess work will not do in tho cream-
cnglno and boiler, and spoiled lots of
crenm and buttor. The buttcrmaker
should bo a man of good Judgment,
quick to think and quick to net In
times of emergency. He should havo
a plnco for everything and have every
thing in its place. Tho buttcrmakor
anouid bo a good Judge of human na
ture, for ho has all kinds of people
to acal with.
Ho should know his patrons nnd
Bhould go out among them, tell thnm
how to caro for their milk nnd canB,
help thom to select good cows, give
them good ndvlco In regard to feed
and care; Bhow to them thnt It In to
their interest to bring nothing buuthe
best of milk to tho factory; for It Is
Impossible to mako good butter out
01 poor milk.
Now, I will tell you how I mako but
ter: Wo always try nnd havo a cood
head ot steam, nnd everything ready
cany in 1110 morning. When tho pa
tron drives up to tho weigh room, tho
milk is weighed in nnd a tc3t tnken.
Wo do not tako sour or spoiled milk.
The milk 'in the tompering vat is heat
ed up to SO or 90 degrees boforo it Is
run through tho machines. Wo uso
a heater to do this and never live
steam to hent wholo milk, for It In
jures tho flavor of tho butter.
Wo then skim a thick heavy cream
and then tho cream Is cooled down in
51 to 56 degrees ns soon as separated
and stirred often during tho dny; It
la held and ripened In tho vnt. We
hold our cream 21 hours, and heat It
up to nuout C2 degrees. Wo uso n
starter. Of courso In tho Bummer we
do not hent our crenm nt nil, but cool
It down as low as possible
Whon ready to churn It Is cooled
down to 52 degrees, when It Is stmlnni
Into tho churn, color put In nnd tho
wiuiuius ueginu. we cuurn our nut
ter In granules, not Into lumps
tho slzo of your fist or head.
Tho buttermilk Is then drawn off,
tho churn is filled un with rlcnn
cold water, tho water being about tho.
samo temperaturo as tho buttermilk,
tho lid Is replaced, the churn Is re
volved a few times, tho water Is drawn
off, nnd tho butter is salted, worked
nnd put up in packages ready to ship.
Thon the churn Is washed and steamed
out, nnd tho vnts, cans und pipes, and
overyining auout Uio factory wnsiio.i
and scalded. The floors am qrriihlin1
and everything got In shupo for the
next uny s work.
Q. What do you use for a starter?
A. Mostly sklmmllk.
Q. You spoke of experimenting with
butter colors; do you Intend to nd
vlso buttcrmakcr3 to experiment by
trying nil tho new colors that come
A. No, but It is best to exporlmont
a llttlo with the butter colors you are
going to uso.
Q. How do you prepare your start
er? A. I handle my starter moBtly ns I
do my cream. Wo uso a can full of
milk nnd cool It to 54 degrees and then
heat It up to CO, 62 or Co degrees, and
by tho next morning my starter Is
ready to use.
Q. Why do you cool down tho sklm
mllk? A. I think thnt It adds something
lo tho flavor, but do not know that It
Q. How long does tho butter Ho In
tho salt beforo you work It n second
A. I never work it a second time.
Q. In preparing that starter do you
stir your buttermilk as you do your
A. Yes.
Q. How much time elapses after
you put your salt in beforo y&u put
your color In?
A. Only tho tlmo roqulrcd to work
Q. Do you ever havo any trouble
with waxy or mottled butter?
A. No.
Molnaiei at Food for A u I mat.
A number of years ago the valuo of
molasses as a feeding stuff for farm
animals was studied nt several of tho
stations. Tho results of these and
other experiments have been embodied
in a recent bulletin Issued by tho De
partment of Agrlculturo from which
we take the following: It Is a common
practlco to feed molasses to stock In
regions whero sugar Is manufactured.
The molassea Is usually mixed with
somo other matorlnl which nbaorbs It
so that It may be readily handled. At
tho Texas station molasses was nd
vantngeously Introduced Into a ralinn
of cotton-seed meal and cotton-seed
hulls for cattlo. Tho uso of half a pint
of lnolasHPfi for each dally rati nn ta.
suited In the profitable consumption of
n larger amount of food by cattlo. It
did not improve a ration consisting
largely of sllago.
The Maryland station ronorted n fnt.
tenlng experiment with steers In which
molasses was added to n ration cnn.
rtlsting of corn men!, cotton-seed meal,
hay, and rye straw. No conclusions
wcro arnwn ns to the effect of mo
lasses, although tho test as n whnln
gavo satisfactory results.
Many ot tho stations have analyzed
molasses la connection with sugar-beet
or sugar-cani investigations, or with a
view to 'determine tho pryumco of
Within tho last Um yearn much at
tention has been gven to tho Taluo
of molasses an a feeding stuff by for
clgu stations. In vlrw ot tho efforts to
extond tho manufacture ot beet sugar
In tho United States theso experiments
nro interesting, slnco tho profitable
utilization of by-products la a matter
of great importance.
Cane-sugar molasses obtained' undor
averago conditions which prevailed in
this country a fow years ago had ap
proximately tho following composi
tion: Water, ash, and organic matter
otlior than sugar, 49.4 per cent; cane
sugar, 30 per cent; reducing sugar, 23
per cent. Tho molasses produced to
day nt a well-equipped small factory,
working economically, contains on an
averngo 20 por cent cane sugar and 20.5
per cont reducing sugar. That mado
at tho best of tho largo central es
tablishments contains approximately
20 per cent enno sugar and 25 per cent
reducing sugar (glucoso). Tho per
centage composition ot beot molassea
Is, approximately, water, 20.5; organlo
matter other than sugar, 22; cano
sugar, 47.5; reducing sugar, 5; ash, 9.5.
It will bo noticed that the cano sugar
molasses contnlns much more reducing
sugar than that obtained from sugar
beets. Tho cano sugar and reducing
sugnr together mako up a large part
of tho material commonly called nltro-gen-frco
extract (carbohydrates) In
food analyses. Tho reducing sugnr s
havo less sweetening power than cano
As pointed out In tho Canadian Ex
perimental Farms reports, one-half of
the ash of beet-sugar molasses is pot
ash. It Is tho presenco ot this, no doubt,
thnt Is tho causo ot tho looseness of
tho bowels of cattlo fed nbovo n cer
tain quantity por diem. Whon symp
toms of this condition aro observed,
tho quantity of molasses fed should bo
reduced. Slnco potash Is not rotntned
by tho nnlmnl, but Is eliminated by tho
kidneys, tho urlno will bo especially
rich In this element, nnd thoroforo
should bo carefully preserved by tho
uso of absorbent bedding.
In Europo a number of "molasses
feeds" havo beon proposed. Ono of
these, which lina been usod to a con
siderable extent, Is mado up ot bran
I parts, molasses 3 parts, and pnlm
nut cake 1 part. Molasses is nlso
mixed with dried blood, with peat, nnd
with extracted boot pulp. Tho latter
mlxturo la dried, nnd possesses good
keeping qualities.
Tall Oat Grain.
This la called scientifically lArrhon
atherum clatlua. Introduced was from
Europe, whore It Is one of tho most val
uable spocles for both hay and pas
ture. It Is so highly prized in Europo
that It has been planted repeatedly In
all parts ot tho United States, and
with widely varying results. In most
enses it has been moro successful In
tho north than In tho south. It has
been highly rocommended for Tennes
see, northern Alabama, Georgia nnd
North Carolina, but that seems to bo
fn.. lllot C?UI MrrtoulHirvm ilatti
about tho southern limit of profltablo
cultivation. Further couth It Is bo
weakened by tho long summers that
after a fow years it is crowded out by
other species. It grows best on a
light nnd rathor dry loam, makes Ha
best growth early In tho season, an-1
Is easily cured for hay. It does ,not
cover tho ground well when sown
alone, nnd for cither hay or pasture
should bo mixed with orchard grass,
perennial ryo, red clovor, or somo other
plant that will occupy tho ground
moro fully.
There seems to bo among noonln not
engaged in dairying n growing preju
dice ngalnst tho movements to compol
oloomargarlno to sail under its own
colors. Somo aro assorting that tho
dairymen want to destroy all compe
tition so they may havo a monopoly of
tho market for their butter. Thin la
In no wise tho case. Tho dairymen
want to bo ablo to soli tholr nroduat
for Just vhnt It Is, without having any
bogus artlclo placed besldo It a called
tho same thing and sold for 'a cent
choapor to catch tho trado. Tho but
ter maker Is willing that oloomarga
rlno should Lo sold side bv I,1n with
his butter provldod It is h&neat,!y
inuoieu oleomargarine and sold for
ten or fifteen cento lesj. accordlne to
Its truo valuo. This is easily sen to
bo In favor of tuo buyer, It la os
tonlfllilnir that anv nnrnhnnni nhntilii
want to pay 25 cents for olefomarmirlnA
out of a bntter tub whon ho, can buy
the samp from n package-Barked oleo
margarine at 15 cents per pouid " "