The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 16, 1900, Image 6

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    (strong thz ward, stern the
' (From a Tr anavnal Wnr Song.)
Thoy drovo tlio burgher northward
From Capo mid Natal'a Shoroi
To wlioro t Ixo Dit-limaii wandcra,
To whom tlio lloit roar.
Ho found tlio land n desert,
llo won It by lit toll;
Tlio men who till will koop It
Or did upon tbo soli.
Halio the strain from hill to philit,
Wliornver tho burclicrs stand. '
jlrons li tlio ward mid stern tbo fjuarJ
Tlio guard ot tlio buwiory innu.
I An Encounter With Bolomeni
K True narrative of Personal Ex- 5 Iq trp Ph.lllpplqe3.
UJ Usui, Ira L. K80VSJ.
0 Filipinos,
known' As bolo-
mon. nro so callod
liecatiso thoir priuol
pal weapon 1h tlio
long, broad-bladed,
vicious-looking kuifo
called thu bolo, with
whioli tlioy da their
11 ir.. J. iii;j
mako boosts of tboir prowoss and skill
iti taking human lifo, nnd 0110 of thoif
proudest fonts in to eovor tbo head
from tho body with n slnglo blow.
Oar men in tho Philippines who oro
mi dotaobod duty, or who for any
causo aro away from thoir commands,
oro froquoutly attacked by tiicso mon,
Many of tho insurgont ofllcors und
soldiers carry bolos, but tho gonnino
bolomou nro an organized body bo
longing to Aguinaldo'a army, who
havo as distinct n work to do as tho
different brnuohes of our own service,
'l'hcir worl; is ololy to surpriso tho
unsuspecting outpost, olllccr or sol
dior, to dispatch him nnd run away
boforo tho dood has boon discovered.
During tho inontln of Juno nnd
July, 181)9, my rosjlmcnt was doiug
duly at Han Fernando, about forty
miles from Manila. Tbo ooinpauios
of tho rogimout took turns on outpost,
going on this duty ovory fourth day
mid being in reserve on tho outpost
lino tho day proeeding that on which
they want on post. This gavo tho
companies two nights in houses in
(own nud two on tho lino out of ovory
My company did duty on what was
kuown as the north line, extending
from Ban Fornando a full miio toward
Augoles. Tho cutiro distanoo was au
ulinost imponctrablo junglo of bam
boo nud bnnaua troas, intortwined
nud interwoven with vinos, thorn
bushos, nnd many othor forms of
tropical crowth',
To tho front was an Immcnso cauc
field, with "puddy-field" beyond. Tho
cano wan from 11 vo to sevon foot high.
Along this deop fringo of .bamboo nud
matted undergrowth, nnd near tho
edgo noxt to tho canoilold, our plokots,
or Oossaok posts, as tlioy aro properly
cnllod, wore stationod at distances
ranging from ouo hundred and fifty to
two hundred and fifty yards apart 0110
corporal nud nix privates at oaoh post,
On tho tenth of July my eompauy
wont ont in rcsorvo, nnd early in tho
morning rollovod tho company thoro
on tho outpost lino. Nothing took
plaoo during tho day exoopt tho usual
uxohango ot shots with tho insurgont
plokots. Most oflloors whou in com
mand of oompanlos 011 this duty visit
thoir Bcnlriotr somo tlmo during tho
night, in order to reassuro thoir men,
nnd to sco thnt they are wqll-inslruclod
nud on tho alert. I havo always fol
lowed this praotioo.
I started on n tour of iuspcoliou nt
nbout half-past nine, visiting first tho
post on tho railroad on tho loft of tho
lino, thou taking tho othor posts in sue
oession down toward tho right. It had
valued in torronU for sovernl days, nud
wide, doop pools of water had formod
ovorywhero along tho way. Bocauso
of those poolB t was wearlug high
topped rubbor boots. Shortly nftor
ton o'clock I arrived at tho noxt to tho
last post on tlio lino, whiohwas about
two hundrod nnd fifty yards farthor
on. Botwoou thoeo two plokots was
tho most donso growth of bamboo trooH
nud bauana stalks to bo found iu that
neighborhood, and tho outire distnnco
was n continuous' chain of dimiuutivo
lakos. Thoro was a path loading
through tbla network from ouo picket
to tho othor.
It was drizzling. Tho immcnso
wproading loavos of tho bauaua and
thickly matted foliage of tho bamboo
formed n cauopy that shut out ovory
traoo of light. No duugeou was over
darker than thin pnth. wwj&Wa. ,
Notwithstaudiug tho gloomy1 Hur
roundings caused by tho doathliko
flllllncss, tho darkness of tho night,
tho water dripping from tho over
hanging vogatatiou anil complotoly
uatmAtJiig my cjolhos, my occasionally
colliding with a thorny shrub, or
tripping ovor a low-hauging viuo,I was
in oxoollout spirits. I groped along
tho cavoliko way, humming iu n low
tono "Tho Oirl I Left Bobiud Mo,"
nud hud roachod u point nbout mid
way betweou tho pickets. Thou,
ultuough I could soo no ouo, I sud
denly bocaino awaro of tlio presence
of a human boiug.
r I stopped ns if I had boou struck
load, and ntrainod ly oyos. There,
just in frout of mo, near ouough for
mo to avann with mv lunula t
Iho dim oulliuoH or a Bhort, thiok-set
man, Was ho ouo of mv men? No.
forwo iuu would daro to loavo his
post at that timo of uight. Should
lio bo discovorod iu suoh an act, tho
penalty for bis orlroo. would bu death.
"Hollol Who nro you?" I oald.
xuorowasno nuswor from tho man;
instead, I saw his right baud quickly
f triko out from his shoulder, and tho
flash of n clistoniiinr blade. T tltrnw
up ray left baud, and our wrists met
i4 lieavy colllsiouj but bis blow was
.L-.... ,1.. - - V . 1 I
u- wr, or 1 toil
sharp sting in my face just below tho
loft eyo, and n moment later tho warm
blood trickled down my chock. With
my loft hand I grabbod his wrist just
below tho thumb nnd grippod it litco
1.11 , . 1 i
grim ucnui, out 110 was not, 10 uo
boaten thus, I felt tho sinews of his
wrist rise, and tho grinding of tho
muscles, nnd then tho samo stinging
sensation thnt I had felt iu my faco I
now felt in my wrist.
I could count tho cuts ns ho mado
thorn one, two, throe all on my loft
wrist nnd hand, nud then tho blood
began to run down my forearm, as our
hands were olovatod.
Thin occupied but a second of timo.
Ho raised bio loft hand and I caw nu
other Hash. What it was I know not,
but I immcdintcly grasped his wrist
and tried to forco thin band behind
him, Beforo I could do so, ho ilrod,
and the ball passed through my loft
boot-leg. Tho muzzlo was go closo
to mo that the forco of tho powder
almost throw mo to tho earth, I
ground my teeth in n despernto offort
to forco bis bond liohind him. My
loft hand, out and blooding, still hold
his right. Now forcing tho fight with
tho rovolvor, ho triod. vainly to rniso
it nud shoot mo in the body. Throw
ing my wholo strength 011 my right
nrm I succcodod iu forcing back bin
rovolvor hand. At this ho bogau to
shoot nt my foot.
Tho first shot missed, but ho im
mediately followod it with auothor,
It ntruok, for my right foot felt ns if
it had been hit with n club, nud
grow numb. Four moro shots camo
in quick succession. Ono of thorn
which I cannot toll ntrnok tho snmo
foot and broko tho bridge, as I knew
from tho iinuiedlato loss of strength in
that mombor.
Now nil wns quiet. Wo stood with
our heaving chests touching. Ifolt
his breath iu my face, and his heart
palpitating ogaiust my breast. Thoro
wan n lull in the battlo. I folt safo,
ns far as tho rovolvor was concerned,
for ho had emptied that, but tho dondly
kuifo was ntill poised over ray head.
My lifo depended ontiroly nn tho
strongth of my wounded hand and
wrist, which vero holding tho knifo
away from my throat.
Now J, remembered that bolomou
novor travol alone. That ho had
comrades within n fow feot of mo, who
woro trying to distinguish botween us,
so that they might bo sura that their
knives should enter my back instead
of his, X was certain. My flosh
cringed nt the thought; I could al
most fool tho cold oleel ontor mv
It wnn time for mo to foroo thofltrht.
My righ foot was badly woundod, but
tuo kuoo 7ao yet unhurt, with this
struct: tho man e blow in tho nbdo-
mon, nnd quiokly followed it with au
othor. It wa3 evident thnt ho wns
weakening. Ho again mado a desperate
effort to froo tho baud which hold tlia
bolo, but my ondenvor to l;eop him
from succeeding was greater. I drow
baok tho right log as far as I, could,
uouuieci up tuo uneo, nud with all tho
strength that I possessed, drovo it
again into his abdomen.
Tho ofroct was marvellous' his
rausolos r.olaxod, his struggles grow
fcoblo, nnd his broathing wns bndly
intorrnptod. This wns tho docisiro
part of tho fight, nnd I grnspod tlio
opportunity. With nil my might I
throw him from mo. Ho foil nmontf
the bushes, and was lost in tho blind
ing darkness. I drow my rovolver
from tho scabbard, nud ilrod in tbo
diroctiou in which I hnd thrown hits.
JLhis shot was nustrorod bv n crv which
told mo ho had bcon bit.
At this momout I hoard tho twlera
breaking and tho leavos rustling be
hind mo. Liko a flash I facod about
and fired at tho approaching flcuros
my assailant's follow-bolomeu. Tho
olloot of tho shot was to causo n heavy
rustling nnd tho sounds of many foot
iu rapid retreat.
I had been careless onouab to enm
into bio juuglo with but two loads in
my rovolver, nnd thoso bad boon llrod.
When I bognu to roload, my right foot
gavo way nnd I fell. Lying 011 tho
ground, I loadod nud ilrod ngnin.
Iho gronua of my woundod ouomv
woro getting farther nwnv. and tho
sounds finally died in tho diroctiou of
tho l ilipino line.
I hobblod to my nearest outnonl.
whero ono of tho men bound my
wounds, nud Inter I roooived tho nt
toutlon of n modicaloflloor. I boliovo
myself to be tho first American soldior
to lUo to toll tho tnlo of his flght with
bolomou. Youth's Companion.
(lrl anil Curllnff 1'lni.
Whou a rooout thunderstorm hrnlm
ovor Loudon n curious soeuo, it is
said, "ocourrod in a largo business
houso iu tho oitv whero nonrlv nnn
girls aro omployod. Tho momout tho
first hash of lightning was eeou almost
tho wholo of tho girls, as if movod by
maohiuorv. latsod tlinil- linniln in
heads, nnd for n minute or two woro
buflily omployod removing ourllng pins
from thoir hnir. Tho offeot of all thoso
ihiaors simultuUOOUslv uurollinor nlllrnn
trossos iu order to not rid of what
might havo provod dangorous orna
ments must havo boon amusing. Any
how, tho iuaidont shows thnt lu
soienoo tho girls ncquirod nt sohool
Unit not boeu wholly lost, for tuny
still romomborod that our 11 11 a- nlnn
miiiht nttraot tho liehtninc ton
thorn to bo pleasant.
Tainting Ilia Gum dray.
Tho Karrlsou at Fort Soravnn In
painting tho barbotto guns gray. A
short whilo siuoo ordors woro rcooivod
to uiako that tho color for everything
showing abovo tho parnpot. Dark
groou has bcon tho coior for ooast
dofeuso guns, though it might havo
been thought to bo blaok, for that was
tho hue thoy assumod nftor a fow
oloauings with tho oil that is usod
for tho purpose. Tho gray is regard
od by tho War Department as least
oouBpiouous nud offering tho poorest
larKO lor an CnOIUV'U llmt. Hnvannnli
mr . .
; vua wows,
Tho JL'hilipptno Islands nro among
tho fow places whero guttn-porcha
trees will flourish. A German mibli
cation suggests tho cultivation of tho
trcos as nu opportunity for Amoricau
Lord Balfour of Burleigh, tho fieo
rotary for Scotland, hua issued from
tho Scotch Education Itonrd n circular
to tho schools calling nttontioii to tho
impqrlnnco of olomontary drill nnd
advising tho formation of Sohool
Corps, This is tho first stop toward
adopting tho syslom long iu voguo in
tho Unitod States.
Whon wo nro apt to attribute onr
great climntio chnugos to tho disturb-
nnco of tho normal oloctrio balnnoo bo
twoou earth nud nlmosphoro. by tho
immodorato uso of electricity, wo havo
only to turn to South America, whero
n tho nbsonco of nny electrical nppli
nnccs, tho temperature of Buouos
Ayrcs ran from nn avcrngo of 02.8 to
20 in tho shade. In such tempera
tttro it is not surprising to find ono
hundrod and twouty cases of sun
stroke and heat prostration in a single
day, with uinoly-throo of them fatal.
A now quostion for discussion has
bcon procipitatod in Ohicacro with ro-
'foronco to public school polity. Thoro
has bcon submitted to tho Board of
Education for its notion n resolution
looking to tho separation of tho sexos
nftor tho fourth grndohas been passed.
Tho trnstco who is in management of
tho movomont snys that "the luhoritod
traits aud home training of many of
tho boys in our cosmopolitan schools
nro not suoh ns to mako thorn do3ir-
ablo companions for girls. Tho lan
guage you may hear on nny of our
ntreets from boys bears this out."
Tho Postofllco Department wishos to
put n stop to tho praotioo of largo mer
chants buying their stamps of small
postofllces. rostmaBtci's of a certain
grado nro paid nooording to thoir
stamp sales, and honco thoy havo in
duced somo users of many stamps to
buy of thorn, oither through friend
ship, or through poouuiary induce
ments; for largoly increasing thoir
salos thoy could nflbrd to offer dis
counts to largo buyers of stamps nnd
still mako mnuoy. By giving the
largo cities special stamps tho depart
ment hopes to abato this "evil," at no
matter what cost of bitter artislio
rivalry botwoou citios. This, how
ever, will bo moro than offset by tho
oy of tho philatelists.
Is there anything cunning in calling
a mau who has his nook strotohod a
rubberneck? It is funny or witty?
Yet it is tho corroct word for that ex
hibition, nnd whon it is spoken thoso
who hoar it laugh. Why do thoy
laugh? Doos tho word do auything
moro than ntato what appears to bo a
fact hardly worth noticing? A man
is hanged. Would it bo cunning to
call him by that word? And who
gives innocout words thoso oxtra
raoaniugs? It was a fad to call old
storic3 chestnuts. Thoro was uo rea
son in it. Thoro was not fun. or wit.
It scomod stupid. And yet tho word
ohostuutwas adopted for that purpose
by a groat many othorwiso sonsiblo
pooplo. Who cau account for those
things? .V" -."MtV;
Jamos Tylo, iho soap manufacturer,
diod a fow days ago at his homo in
Now York City. It was whon located
in tho vicinity of tho old Tribuuo ofllco
that Mr. Pylo, who had becomo ac
quainted with Horaco Grcoloy, learned
tho valuo of that ndvortising in which
ho nftorwnrd oxpoudod sums nggregat-
lug millions. Ho was tho first to util
izo in advortisomouts tho lotters "O
K." in thoir business significance of
'all oorroct." Ho had read tho vor-
siou of tho origiu of tho uso of thoso
lottors by Jaoksou ns nu iudorsoment.
nnd wns struck by their cntohiiioss.
By his oxtouBivo employment of them
ho plobably did moro than any othor
person to raiso them to tho dignity of
a popular term nud nu established
busiuoss institution.
Bats bought up wholosalo nt Van
couver nnd'examinod for germs of tho
plaguo havo fallod to show auy, nnd
this is said to disprove tho theory that
they carry tho said germs about with
them. It is well for humanity, especi
ally for thnt part wearing skirts, that
this adventitious torror of tho rodont
trlbo is romovod. It bad torrors
onotigh bofore, It is also pleasant to
loam that ono of tho causoa for tho
sproad of discaso is no causo. We
aro always discovering somo now way
by whiah wo can catch tho moaslos
from Patagonians nnd such distant
persons, and bo soldom nud n way by
whioh wo cau avoid catohing thorn,
Tho rat will probably never becomo a
favorito domestio animal; but wo oau
at least look ou him with n kindlier
oyo in future as bo gnaws our things
and avoids our traps, .
A Tlirec-Ycnr-Oltl'fl Trip Alntio on n
Knclno illumine Wild.
"lean rilll nn nnm'nn Htrn iinun
said littlo throo-year-old Fred Evans
as ho was lifted down from tho loco
motive of tho St. John's motor line
nt Albinn, Oregou, n fow dnys ago
Uo had mounted tho ongino at St.
Johns, pullod opon tho throttlo nnd
romaiuod on the scat alono on a mad
rido of sovon miles. Tho younc on
ginoor is tho eon of W. B. Evans, of
St. Johns, nn enginoor on tho motor
lino. Ho hnd ofton been ou tho en
gine, nnd his fnthcr had oxplained to
mm uow tho lovor is pulled and tho
wiiooio siartou moving.
Tho ongino lien over nu hour nt St.
Johns, just by tho wntor tank, nnd
during this time, whilo Mr. Evnns
Wft's nt homo nt Inn Mi lHlln TVw1
wnlkod down to tho ougiuo, mounted
1110 scat nnu oponoil tho throttlo wido.
Tho maohino wai full of coal nud
wnter. nnd wns readv fnr Hip rnnd.
Sovornl pooplo saw tbo boy start, but
no ono wno uoar ouough to catch tho
engine. Tho news wns nt ouco told
to Mr. Evans, and he roaohod tho
track just in timo to soo tho locoino-
tivo, with bis boy on board, disappear
nrounu n curve. Tim fntimr cvihi
with jrriof nnd fenr. nnd Ibn hnv'n
motner was almost prostratod.
Tho news spread liko wild Uro, nnd
tho wholo town turned nut. TCrnltn.
mout was intonso, women nnd chil
dren oriod and mon oflcrod sugges
tions. Master Mcclinnb- ivrrlmnl T,1
Brady was nt that ond of the lino nnd
at onoo oogan to tolophono to stations
along tho lino. Portsmouth nud
Peninsular woro nnllflml.
theso points tried to board the ongino
as it dnshod by, but its spood wns too
gront. Mr. Brady nlso notifiod tho
oflloo at Atbiua, nnd n party of mon
rnn out tho lino northward to moot
tho wild OUuino. In nomine- nn tlm
j - n 1 - "
lone Crado toward Albinn. tlin nlnatn
had diod down a little, but tho regis
ter stilt suowod eij-hty pounds. John
Woods, n motormnn 011 tlm C.Hv mwl
Suburban Kailwny, was tho first man
to meet tho omriue. tin nnnaht tlm
hand rail nnd swung np, but in doing
so ho Was drnffffC-d SlTtv nt' nnvntifv.
flvo foot. Ho at onco turnod off tlm
fltoam. aud tho oncrinn nlnwnd ilntvn
nud stopped. It wns thou young Frod
mndo tho romark concorniug his ability
ns an ongiao-driver.
'J. ho boy was not scarad nt nil. lint
seemed rather nrnud nf Ma fn.t
Wiian tho engine flrflt.dashod.out of
at. jonus uo .was fnghtouod, and as
ho camo throush Portsmouth liU-n n
shot out a cull he was vnllinc- Inntilv
for "mama." After oorainrr sovernl
mios, howover, ho . again bocamo
bravo and bold bin nnaitinn nti Mm snat
with composure, with his hand on tho
lover, nuo a veteran.
Tho onsino wns Rtnnnml In fi-nnt nf
tho home of Dr. Davis, 011 Commoroial
otreot, nud wns quickly run baok to
St. Johns by Jtfr. Woods with tho boy
rreu sun ou hoard. Mr. Woods said
his success in boarding tho ongino was
a surpriso to him, as woll as ovory ono
else, as its speod wns still considor-
ablo. Tho nnrrinn hnd ninrtn Hi n vim
from St. Johns to Albina in less than
halt an hour.
Ill tho monntimn tlm nnwn nt Hin
rcsoilO had boon sent bv telnnlinnn tn
tho frightened parents, and for the
remainder of tho day thoro was great
joy in ail at. Johns.
Efficiency of Jnpmneto Scrranl,
Japauoso sorvants nro moro nnd
moro in domand everv vnar in Nnw
York City, nn their offlciouoyhas boon
provod and thoy aro looked upon ns
moro capablo thau any other kind of.
domoBtia holp. Thoro is ono serious
objeotion to thorn which cannot al
ways bo overcome Thoy lavish thoir
politeness and courtesy on tho mannn.
lino members of tho household in
which they aro employed and cauuot
be inducod to treat tho women with
respect. Ono gentleman who had a
Japauoso butler said tho othor day
that ho was oomuollod to nnrt with
him solely beoauso ho could not in.
duco him to say good morniug to his
wife. "Ho was always obsequiously
polite to mo," said his former em
ployer, "and greater respoot could
not havo boou domandod, but it was
impossiblo to mako him realizo that it
was his duty to treat tho womon of
my honsohold iu tho samo way. I ox-
postulated with him on this ground
and told him that in this counirv it
was moro important to bo polito to
womou than to mon. That mado no
improssion, nnd nflor ho hnd ropeat
odly refused to ptivo mv wifo nnv mnrn
thnn a sullen nod after crnntinc- nm
effusively, I was , compelled to part
with him. His oxplauatiou when ho
loft was ingenious. Ho told mo ho
was very sorry ho could not got along
aud addod that it would bo a very dif
ficult matter for mo ovor to flud a but
ler auy moro polite to tho women, ns
tho trnining of a lifotimo wns not to
bo ovorcomo is a fow years, nnd nil
Japauoso would probably aot just ns
ho had douo whou tho timo camo to
say good morning to tho mistrcBs or
tho house." Now York Sun.
Mr. Wii' Aucnslrr.
Tho population of China is esti
mated at 303,000,000, aud of thoso
somo 10,000 nro diroot descendants of
Ooufucius, who lived 500 yoars B. C.
Thoy aro seventy generations romovod
from tho founder of tho Confucian
roligiou, aud constitute tho aristou
raay ot China. Mr. Wu Ting Futig,
Chinoso Ministor to tho United
States, is one of this uoblo family,
tho oldest in tho world. With suoh
a podigroo no wonder tho Ohiueso nro
proud and haughty .Now York Pross.
AVur'g Million- of Vlrllum.
army officer estimates that
the oontury just closing no fewer thnu
OA nnn nin ... 1 t - . t ... i
iiv,uuu,uuu iuou uavo uauu uuicu iu
war iu civilized countries,
AVI It Not Incrensn Taxation.
TN hor travels and missionary work
to promoto tho sentiment for good
I roads in Illinois, Miss Harbor
claims to havo boeu verysuccoss
tut in enlisting tho co-operation
commercial bodios in different towns
Among farmers, however, alio had
somoi difficulty iu explaining that tho
association sho reprcsontod was
working not for hard roads but for
good roads. Tho nvorano farmor. sho
found, easily bocamo frightouod at tho
proposal for hard roads, for that makes
thorn think of macadam, which would
mean iucroasod taxation. In a rccont
address Miss Harbor said: "Our solo
aim at prosont is to mako good soft
roads, whioh in yoars to como will
furnish foundations for good hard
roads. As au association wo regard
our won: as experimental and oduoa
tional. Wo aim to havo at oaoh of our
conventions manufacturers and ma
chinos for constructing sauiplo mooes
ot roau, tuat larmors may seo iu
practical demonstration how a road
Bhonld bo built to bo of valuo to tho
community. Tho objoot lossons show
how n road should bo built so that
wator will draiu ofi; how oulvorts
should bo constructed nnd nrrnnorod
in oruor propony to iiiimi thoir mis
siou, nnd how really inoxpousivo it is
to mnico good roads whon tho work is
dono intolligoutly nnd systematically.
"Wo do not iutoud toiucroaso tnxa-
tiou ono penny, for wo know that tho
Sl.UUU.UOa anuually oxpondod by Illi
uuib 10 Hunicioui io uuuii good roads
itt - . i i i
throughout tho Stato. But wo do ask
that tho farmers will lot tho Stato do
tho work, according to nn nnnroved
system, nnu not won: out thoir poll
tax by protoudiug to build good roads.
Not thnt they do not moau to do thoir
best so far as thoy know or havo tho
ability, but thoy hnvo not tho fnoili
tios nnd cannot do tho work ns it should
bo dono. Wo know that under the
proper system a good rural road can
bo mado for loss monoy thau it now
costs. Wo want, if possible, to boo
tho poll tax reduoed to 31, but want
tho farmers to pav that dollnr into tho
Stato treasury, instead of working it
out, ns is now tho caso, and wo expeot
toconvinco him that it will bo to his
advantago to do it."
Tho Stnto and Intorstato Good Roads
Association, reprosonted by Miss Har
bor, embraces twenty-two or moro
States, nnd is tho outgrowth of a Stato
couvontion hold in Missouri in 18D7,
at which 700 delegates woro prosont.
Miss Harbor and six mon woro ap
pointed a committee to travel ovor tho
oountry nnd organize county associa
tions. 'At tho ond of one year, when
tho first interstate convention, nt
tonded by 2500 dolcgatos, wn3 held in
St. Louis, sovenlv-two counties bad
beou organized, and as Miss Harber
had organized sixty-six of tho total
sho was unanimously chosen goaornl
secretary aud organizer,
Tlio Movnment tn New York.
Governor Boosovolt roooived nt tlio
Exeoutivo Cuarabor ovor n hundred
dologatos from various parts of the
State, who wero iu Albauy to nttond
tho Convention of Representatives of
County Boards of Supervisors to dis
ouss highway improvomont under tho
proposed operation of tho laws onacted
for good roads. Tho party was mar
shallod into tho Governor's presonco
by Stato Enginoor Bond, who intro
duced Mr. Joseph L. Loo, of Wost
ohostor. Speaking for his collcnxucs.
Mr. Leo said they wanted nn nppro-
priation ot $1,000,000 for good roads,
und if tho Legislature refused to mako
suoh nn appropriation, ho bolievcd the
party desorvod to bo drivon from
power. He Lolievod that tho Gov
ernor would espouse thoir cause, as
ho nlwnys had tho causo of overything
just nnd right.
Tho Governor, in reply, said he was
glad to nioot bo many earnest cham
pions of tho good roads movomont.
Ho thought it unnecessary to assure
them of his hearty sympathy with
thoir causo. This Stato must havo
good roads nnd wo must improvo our
mothods of communication, ospooially
in tho rural districts. The Govornor
said thnt ho thought that, as n rnlo,
tho mombcrj of tho Logialaturo would
rospoot tho wishos of thoso whom they
oprcsontod whon tho pooplo got thoso
wishes proporlyforraulntod. He, there
fore, urgod thorn to orgauizo and mako
tho strongth nud siuoority of thoir
purposes nppnront. Whon this is
douo, tho Governor said, tho difficulty
of gottiug appropriations would end.
Tho Govornor said ho thought tho
dolegates wero gottiug tho movomont
in good shtpo by such lueotiugs as tho
ono thoy woro now holding hort, and
ho hoped the convention would bear
fruit in practical results.
Tho Good Roads Couvontion adopt
ed a resolution that it wns tho souse
of tho couvontion thnt thoro should bo
no nmondmont of tho Higbio-Arm-strong
bill this year. Tho dologatos
docidod to nsk tho Logislntnro for nn
npproprintion of 81,000,000, which is
oonnidcrod tho amount necessary to be
paid by tho Stoto for n proper inaug
uration ot tho work. A proposition in
favor o tho employment of convicts
on tho roads was approved.
A, Home lCxuiiipIc
Otto Bonier, Chairman of thoL. A.
W. Highway Improvement Commit
too, who is considered ouo of tho. best-
informed good roads mon in this
country, eays: "Woaro not obliged to
go to iMiropo for illustrations of good
roads, for wo have, fortunatoly, n few
localities m our own oountry which
furnish such oxamplou. Mecklenburg
County, N. C, not long ago bogau
the construction ol n system ot mac
adam roads. It w.'.s customary thero
to load up two bales ot cotton ou a
wagon to bo hauled by n mulo team.
Tho mules could draw this load nil
right. After a rniu, wheu tho ronds
were soft, tho load was too much for
oven n pair of tough mules, When
tho country hnd built n fow roads it
was found that tho samo mnlos woro
ablo to haul as much as twolvo bales,
or six tons, in plaoo of thoir former
load, whiah amounted to only n singlo
ton. Aud moro tho improved roads;
mado it possiblo to haul this load in
wot and dry woathor alike, for, being
properly built of atono, thoy wero fit
for uso immodiatoly nftor a heavy
No Amount of I'mil-lnnont Will Train n
Oli'ciii Animal.
Tho rominisooncos of W. O. Coup,
tho old showman, now boiug pnhlishod
iu tho Saturday Evening Post, tell
how a oirmi8 auimnl is trniued: I.i
tonchiug a horso to dnuce, tho ranstcr
would Btriko tho poor nnimal ahovntlm
fotlock, nud this would produce npnin
fnl swelling. Tho result was thnt in
n very short timo tho motion of tho
sue!:, iu timo with tho music would
oanso tho horso to raiso its foot. Bc
foro tho swollon limb was hcnled tlm
porfonnauoo wasronoatod so frnnnnnt.
ly that tho animal did not need tho in-'
contivos of foar nud pnin to cause hint
to icoep stop with tho music.
Junipiup. tho rono is tnuclit in hmn
ly tho samo mauuor, n ohnin being nt
Inchod to two long sticks swinging
bnck nnd forth, atrikinc tho b ni'ftn lint
bolow tho kuoo. As n mnu was sta
tioned on each sido of him, tho pooir
horso hnd no wny of rctrent. nnd wnn
compollod to jump in order to escapa
tho blow from tho swiuging bnr. A
horso is tnught to roll au objoot or to
puiih opou n door in a very nimple man
ner, and without cruelty. Ono mau
stands in front of Iho horao nud nn-
othor bchiud him, tho throo boiug sta
tionod in n pnssngowny too nnrrow for
tho horso to turn. After stniidiim n
bit in this wny, tho mnu bolnud tho
horso gently slnps him on tho back nnd
urgos him forwnrd. Iuslinclivelv Um
horso pushes against tho mau in fr:nr,
and tho latter quiokly moves along.
In this manner tho horso soon Icnrna
that by pushing aaaiust nn obiect in
front of him it mny readily bo forced
out of his way. An intelligent spec
tator can always tell by tho attitude o!
a horso toward its master whether ii
has beou ill troated. If fear scorns to
bo tho governing motivo it may bo de
pended upon that tho horso has been
harshly dealt with, on tho other hand
tho very naturo ot tho trick performed
by tho auimal goes far to indicato
whether fear or intelligence has been
tho main factor in ncouirintr tho no-
compHshinont displayed. If you bcj
an nnimal opon n truuk or drawer aud
pick ont somo article for which it ban
been Sent, you may know that this
feat is tho result of nn npncal to tho
creaturo's intelligence aud'nol to its
fear, for no nmoimt of punishment
could ever teaoh a thing of this kiud.
There is no lovo between equals.
Women nro only as old as thoy look.
Lovo is not only a sentimont;" it ia
nu art.
Vauily is tho most tonaciouB of all
Gonorous souls aro dofectivo in busi
ness faculty.
Woman understands ell thiunri
through love.
All human power is a compound of
timo and patieneo.
Lovo is tho only passion which looks
to neither past nor future.
The aavago has feelincrn only: tho
civilizod has toolings and ideas.
Nations, liko individuals, derivo
their vigor from uoblo seutimeuts
Mon of fino characters confess their
faults to themselves nud punish them-
olves for thorn.
It society gives uspillowsshomakei
it up by gout; just as sho puts up law
to modify justico.
A. woman's errors como almost nl
wnys from her belief in good, or her
confidence in truth.
Gold represents nil bumau forces;
nothing is denied to him who opens
and oloscs tho mouth of tho sack.
A woman who lovos will put tha
wholo world uuder tho ban ot Lovo'h
empire for tbo sake of ono whom sho
Good tasto 'consists n3 much in tho
ecoguitiou ot thoso tliiugs concerning
whioh ouo should bo silent as iu that
of thoso things which ouo may say.
Maile II tin Iloinolck.
A tramp wont alone a dustv roal
nnd snt down ou tho steps of n houso
in n quiet village atroot. Through
tho wiudows tho voices of a mau nud
n woman in violont altercation woro
board, nud tho tramp listenod in
tently. Augry words, nud occasionally tin
sound of nomethiug thrown, reache 1
his cars, aud ho could hardly sit still.
At Inst, ovidontly, tho wifo had
tnkou n broom, nud tho blows foil fast
aud furious.
Tho tramp could stand it no longer,
but, rushing to tho sido door, ho
dnrtod in, and, stopping betweou Iho
pair, bo criod, with a husky voiao:
Glyo us a clip or two wit!i tho
broom, old woman: ituoems just liko
old limes!"
All lilslit Hut tho Nome.
A nalosman iu a local chiuawaro es
tablishment is responsible tor tho fol
lowing: "A day or two ago," said he, ",i
lady camo in tho at oro nnd bogau to
examine some iluo cups nud saucers.
Nothlug suited hor. At Inst, how
cvor, sho found boiuo that ploasc I
her, nnd smiling innocently said,
"Now, theso nro very nlco, nnd Ilikj
tho way they nro made, with difforeut
uamcH on thoui. It I could flud somo
with tho names I want, I would taka
them, but all I eeo read "Tom an 1
Jorry.' Memphis Evening Hciu-iter.