,'j 1 at? t r . t . SIXTEENTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, MARCH 1900. NO. II. mxtk X 4. A.. 5 Dr. F. W. MILLER, DENTIST (FORMERLY ROMINE DENTAL COMPANY.) 2 Fine Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. & $ (f)i OFFICE OVER STREIT&'S DRUG STORE. (f & IF IT'S IN THE DRUG LINE BUY IT OF ! STREITZ. You can bank on it being fresh and as represented. O. F. IDDINGS Xj-o.r3Q.loer, Coal Yards and Elevators at North Platte, Neb., Sutherland, Neb., Julesburg, Colorado. NORTH PLATTE MILLS, (C. P. IDDINGS.) , , Manufacturer of HIGH AND MEDIUM GRADE FLOUR BRAN AND CHOP PEED. Order by telephone from Newton's Book Store. 3 FOR SALE From the Estate of M. C. KEITH, 400 Head of Horses Work Horses, Driving Horses, Saddle Horses, Brood Mares, Colts, "Fillies, Stallions, and Shetland and Wales Ponies. Holstein and Jersey Milch Cows, Heifers, Steers, Calves and Bulls. BROOD SOWS, SHOATS AND PIGS THE ENTIRE PERSONAL ESTATE OP THE LATE M. C. KEITH, Located at North Platte and Pawnee Ranch must be sold at once. The above property will be offered at PRIVATE SALE to the people of North Plntte and vicinity for a short time only. What is not sold heie will be shipped away and disposed of in other markets. It is well known that for the last quarter of a century M. C. Keith has been buying and breeding some of the very best bloodliness in both horses and cattle, which could be secured in the United States. With his keen inctinct and game judg ment, no animal was too good or high priced for his Pawnee Ranch, and the records 01 raaay, 2:1 1 n aann whks 2:134 ; Jessie Wilks 2:22; Keith's Dnrknight 2:26, and others mm which were developed, snows inai ne inorougniy uuuersiuou the breeding business, Undoubtedly there are many others equally as fast and some faster, if trained and developed, and Tfc will be worth ten times the price asked for them now. The fjf estate will fell them as they are, and if you want great bar- gains in good horses, call at once on g MORRIS J. JONES, Agent, Over City Pharmacy, NORTH PLATTE, NEB. ! i Grand Concert. A grand concert will be given In the opera house under the auspices of the ladies' aid society of the Lutheran church Tuesday evening, April 17th, which will consist of grand choruses, quartctts. solos, etc. Charge of the programme has been given over to the pastor Rev. Wolfe, who will direct the chorus of voices, and also do some solo work. Prof. Wilt II. Wolf, of Lockport, Illinois, vocalist, chorus director, and cornctist and a brother of ReV. Wolfe, is expected to be here to take part in the programme. The concert will be of an elevat ing character, as well as entertain ing and a credit to tbe city. At the conclusion of the program the ladies will serve some grand refreshment. Remember the date and watch the paper for further an nouncements. Mrs. Smith Clark Dead. The sad news was received here Wednesday morning of the death of Mrs. Smith Clark at her home in South Omaha. Mrs. Clark had been ailing for a number of months and spent a number of weeks at LasVrgas hoping that tbe change miirlit prove benificial but she grew steadily weaker. Her death w.ts due to a complication of liver and Mtomach troubles. Mrs Clark v;i born in Silver Creek, N. Y. in 1842 and Bpent her girlhood and young womanhood there, coming west about twenty years ago. She made her home in North Plalte for a number of years and has a large circle of very warm friends here to whom the news of her death comes as a blow. She was a loving, warm hearted woman with - many splendid traits of character. She is survived by her husband, a son, F. IS. Clark and a daughter, Mrs. Warren Davis. Both her son and daughter reside in South OmaHa and were with her at the time of Ijer death. It is thought that the remains will be taken to Silver Creek for burial. COMBnBSIONERSrpHbcEEDINaS Saturday, Feb. 24. 1900. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment. Present full board and county clerk. Minutes ot previous day read and approved. Bill of 13. T. Latimer was allowed in settle ment as overseer District No. 47 and certificate issued on said Road District fund for the sum of 10.00, Adjourned to meet Fcb 27, 1900. Fcruary27, 1900. Board met pursuant to adjourn, ment. Present Commissioners Woodhurst and McNeel and county clerk. County attorney Ridgely is hereby authorized and directed to accept propositiu of Attorney ChaB. T. Anderson, of Beaver City to collect claim of Lincoln county vb Furnas Co., Neb. Claim of T. A. Roberts allowed on bridge fund for 4.50. Adjourned until tomor row. BETWEEN TIlilllVEItS. W. T. Milter has returned from Phillips where he was recently called by the death of his father. Mrs. F. C. Callaway became a member of the Loyal Mystic Legion at Hershey last Saturday evening. After the ceremonies all partook of a bountiful oyster supper. P. 15. Rrickson returned recently from a business trip to his farm in the vicinity of Lincoln. Several friends of J. F. Ware, wife and mother, called on them Tuesday evening with well ladened baskets and a bountiful repast was spread to which nil did ample justice. A pleasant time is reported by those present. G. w. Brown and Co. have put in a general line of groceries in the building at Hershey formerly occu pied by W L. Hackney as a con fectionery and stationery store. Frank, the little sou of Steve Albro, has about recovered from a recent siege of pneumonia. The Hershey gun club indulged in a blue rock shoot on Saturday last and did som,e fine shooting by breaking from seven to ten blue rocks out often. G. A, Staples rcccutly baled a car .. .K .!. .. t. .t. .K .K .K K .K .1. .K T, ifr. .T. fr. .T. if. .fr. K ."a, ,4. .K .!. 'i. .K .h. ,4. .t. jK .4. .fi. .'t. .3 'V X? 'J.1 'J. 'J.' 'J.' "J.' 'J.1 V '' '1 ,' ' '1 ' ' N" '' ' '1 ,' '-V 'V 'V '1 V l' If You are Looking For a modern, clean, up-to-dato Grocery Store, go to HARRING TON & TOBIN'S new building east of the First National Bank where you will see the finest and neatest store in all "Western Ne braska. Plenty of room, no crowding liko in tho old narrow store. Great Reduction in Prices. As we arc not paying rent, and have otherwise reduced expenses, we propose to sell goods at tho VERY LOWEST CASH PRICES prevailing. Take notice of tho following prices and compare them with tho prices you are paying elsewhere if you do not now buy from us. Apple Butter Hcinzs 12,54c per lb Bromangclon 15l a pkg Buckwheat Flour New York.. A)4c per lb Bakers Chocolate 18c a cake, -2 for 35c Coffee in bulk 10c a lb Battle Ax Tobacco 35c a plug Canned Milk, Eagle brand 2 for 35c Bird Seed 7c a lb Com Meal, white or yellow 25c a bag Canned Corn High grade 8c a can Canned Tomatoes- High rade.. .10c a can Canned PeasHigh grade 12Jc a can Currents- 1 lb packnges 10c a p'k'gc Catsup Snyder's high grade. . .25c a bottle Durham Tobacco 55c a lb Epps Cocoa lb cans 25c Elastic Starch 8c French Peas 12c a can Gran Pa's Wonder Soap, large size 8c Grape Nuts 15c Hominy Flake 5c a lb Star Tobacco 45c a lb Horse Shoe Tobacco 45c a lb Horse Radish Home made. .. . 10c a 'bottle Honey in Comb 15c a lb Kingsford Corn Starch 8c a lb Kingsiords Gloss Starch.. .. .. . . ... ..8c a lb Lewis Lye - 8c a can Lye Merry War 7c a can Lye Champion 6c a can Lexington Patent Flour $1.00 a sack Lexington Crystal Flour 90c a sack Macaroni Domestic 12 Kc a lb Macaroni Imported . . .' 17;4 c a lb Maple Syrup in bulk 75c a gal Maple Sugar 12;c a lb Mince Meat nctuzs 12c a lb MushrooniB French 25c a can North Platte Patent Flour $1.00 a Back North Platte Gold Crown Flour.. 90c a sack Noodles 12tf c a p'k'ce Oat Meal, high grade. . . . . . .8 lbs lor 25c On Time Yeast 2 pkgs for 5c Pilsbury's Best Flour $1.15 a sack Pickles Sweet and Mixed 20c a qt Pickles -Sour 35c a gal Postutn Cereal Large package. ..... ..25c Pillsburys Oats Finest on earth 12c Quaker Oats 12c Ouail Oats k...8c Raisins , 8c a lb Rice The uest 3 lbs for 25c Sapolio 8c Sauer Krout Heinzs.s 10c a qt Soap Nuggett 40 bar for $1.00 Soap White Russian 7 bars for 25c Vermccilla !2c a p'k'gc Vitos Pillsburrs 2 p'k'gcs for 25c Vinegar, Heinz'n 25c a gal Whole Wheat Shredcd. Biscuit.. 15c a p'k'gc Wheat Cream of , s. . v 15c a p'k'go Yeast Foam 2 pkgs for 5c All above goods guaranteed of the very beBt quality and fresh utock. In the rear of tho store wo have a counter containing: some goods that were slightly damaged by smoke in our recent fire which ivo are selling considerably below cost. Ask for tho fire sale counter and get a great ben efit on goods that are strictly first-class except that labels on cans and packages are slightly blackened by smoke. Harrington & Tobin. t. i tti tf 1 1!, iti 111 iTi tt ti iTi tti fo 111 tli I't'i 111 il! t'tt I't'i ttt 111 i!! if i!. .'fr. ."jr, t fit jf r 1,1 14.1 1,1 14.1 ix" '4.' v '4.' '4." 4t '4.' '4.' 4f '4.' "4.' $J 4. X' 'V V 'V ,1 'V ' ll ,l , V " 1 '' " ' " ' V of hay for Charley Toillion and he will bale about the same for N. B. Spurrier as soon as the weather will permit. A. A. Leister and Geo, Hackney the Hershey blacksmiths are busy at this time putting farming tools in shape for spring work. I. J. Johnson who recently sold his farm in the valley to old Mr. Applegatc, sold his personal effects tor good prices at public auction last Monday. He and his family will soon take up their abode in Omaha. The inclemency of the weather the past week has prevented several farmers in the valley from moving onto new farms as they had in tended, but if the weather is favor able next week will be a busy time in that line. Ortcar Sullivan loaded a car with baled hay for the western market at Nichols this week. O. A. Staples did the baling for him. James demons is now working on the section at Nichols in the place of 15. C. Thompson who is laid up with rheumatism. W. II. Sullivan, of Nichols, sold four yearling Short Horn bulls the past week to different parties, t)ie net price being $210. Blood tells. J. I) Myers' .youngest daughter is at this time quite ill with lung trouble, N. B. Spurrier transacted busi ness at Omaha this week. Geo. 15. Sullivan has been ser iously ill with pneumonia for the past week. He is reported on the mend at this time. Dr. McCabe is attending him, Mr. and Mrs, C. 15. Snear. of I Hershey, entertained relatives from Garfield the fore part of the week, Ed. Stone, of Hershey, is attend ing court at Ogalalla where he is plaintiff in a suit tor damages against the Kcincr grading out-fit which worked on the U. P. grade west last season! Several from the valley are up there as wituesscss in the case. There will be a meeting of the Riverside Cemetery Association at the Hershey school house on Mon day evening, March 5th, to transact such business as may properly come before said meeting. All those who have contributed to said cemetery are earnestly requested to be present as business of import ance will be transacted. N. B. Spurrier, we understand, is going out the old Fir ranch over south with his cattle in the spring. He will erect a small house on it and keep a man over there with them. M. Mcltillip has moved from the Delay farm over south onto one of W. A, Paxton's farms near the O'Fallon school house, Miss Bessie Eshelmeu closed a very successful term of school over south last Saturday. A number of young people assem bled at the home of G. W. Brown to surprise the school, teacher, Miss Bertha Picrsou, who teaches in the O'Fallon school, last Tuesday evening, but those who went there were the ones who were surprised as Miss Piersou is sick at the home of a friend southeast of North Platte, where she went on a visit the last of last week. M. W. Davis returned to his home in Wellflect Wednesday mdrning. The master carbuilder's associ ation at a recent meeting discussed the advisability of adopting a standard size for all box cats to be built hereafter. A uniformity of size in cars would be beneficial to all roads and it seems quite prob able that some standard may be adopted by them. The following art: the deinenstoiis. eight feet hiurh eight feet six mchcs wide and thirty-four feet long. Scotts Bluffs county expects to have! wo new bridges across the North Platte in the near future to give the people residing in the south part of the county an oppor tunity to reach the new railroad. The Commercial rlub fever is spreading, York being the latest town to realize that such an organ ization is eminently beneficial. A permanent organization was effected Tuesday evening, Picture tells a story that thousands of women will re-coirnUo-a story of monthly sut fcrincr iust be fore and during moustruatlon a story of aches, darting pains, torture in buck, head, Hmb3 and abdomen. DflADtlELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR will euro these sufferers regulate their mensofl and drive out ail " fe male troubles." Druggists sell It for $1 a bottle. THl BRADITILD RSOVUTOH CO., MUstr, ft.