CIDCDnCX .I WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE. u DC O co K Z LI I LI Q O o -I 5 HARDWARE. 28-inch Plow Singletree 20c Doubletree Clevis large 10c Small Singletree Clevis, 2 for 15c '2-b box assorted Copper Rivets. . 18c Ilamc Staples 2 for 05c Ilamc Clips 2 for 05c Line Snaps each 03c Breast Snaps each 05c Cockeyes each 05c Rolled" Steel Stovepipe per joint... 15c Common Stovepipe Elbow 10c Adjustable Stovepipe Elbows 15c 12-quart Galvanized Pail 20c No. 8 Galvanized Wash Boiler 95c Black Powder per lb 30c Shot 2 lbs for 15c 12 Gauge Rival empty Shells per 100 f0c 10 Gauge Rival empty Shells per 100 65c 12 Gauge Loaded Shells per box. . . 45c 10 Gauge Loaded Shells per box. . . 50c 12 Gauge Smokeless Loaded Shells per box. . i 60c Can furnish Cultivator Shovels fin ished with Castings, Clevises, Bolts, Set Screws, etc., to fit almost any Cultivator at $2.75 per set. These will'bc supplied only on order. Cash with order. If you wish a set of these place your order early. HARNESS. ll-inch Halters each 85c Ilamc Straps each . , 10c Riding Bridles each 90c to $1.50 Sinches each 20c to 50c Bridle Bits each 8c to J0c Our stock is complete in Team Harness, Leather Collars, Canvas Collars, Work Bridles, Back Bands, Belly Bands, Breast Straps, Yoke straps, Tugs, Trace Chains, Leather by hide or cut in strips. Ev erything needed to fit up for Spring work. GROCERIES. Beef Extract 2 oz per jar. ... , 25a Tabic Salt, 2 sack for 05c 25 lbs Corn Ical (White or Yellow) 25c Snow Flake Patent Flour per sack. J0c Kingsfords Silver Gloss Starch per pkgc 08c Corn Starch per pkge 05c Yeast F oam 2 pkges for 05c On Time Yeast 2 pkges 05c Bird Seed per lb 07c Battle Ax Tobacco per plug 35c Horse Shoe Tobacco per plug 45c Star Tobacco per plug . 45c J. T. Tobacco pev plug 20c Duke's Mixture Tobacco per lb. . , . 35c Kerosene Oil per gallon 16c Vinegar per gallon 20c 3 lb Pail Lard 25c 5 lb Pail Lard 40c Buckwheat Flour per lb M$ Bakers Chocolate 18c, 2 cakes for . . 35c Diamond C Soap 9 bars for 25c Cream of Wheat per pkg 15c Search Light Matches per box. . . ., 04c Vitos Pillsburys 13c, 2 pkgs for. . . 25c Shredded Whole Wheat Biscuit 2 pkgs for 25c Horse Radish per bottle 10c Grand Pa's Wonder Soap 05c Armours Tar Soap. . , 05c Bakers Cocoa 14 lb can 25c K. C. Baking Powder 25 oz '20c Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour a pkgc 10c Rice, the best, 3 lbs 25c Bon Ami, large cake 10c GLASSWARE. No. 1 Common Lamp Chimneys. .. 04c No. 2 Common Lamp Chimneys.. . 06c No. 1 Heavy Lamp Chimneys 10c No. 2 Heavy Lamp Chimneys 12c No. 2 Rochester Lamp Chimneys. . 10c No. 3 Rochester Lamp Chimneys. . 15c Tubular Lantern Globes 07c NOTIONS. Thread, 4 spools for 15c, 7 for 50 yd Corticclli Sewing Silk 100 yd Corticclli Sewing Silk 10 yd Corticclli Button Hole Twist. New IdcaPattcrns Baby Ribbon per yd . . ' Cotton Tape per roll Velveteen Skirt Binding per yd. . . . Waterproof Skirt Binding per yd . . Envelopes per bunch Scinarc Envelopes per bunch Writing Paper 36 sheets for Slate Pencils 6 for Best Shoe Laces 3 pairs for Sewing Machine Needles per paper Crochet Hooks each Thimbles each Silver Thimbles, each 2 qt Fountain Syringe (guaranteed) 3 qt Fountain Syringe (guaranteed) 2 qt Hot Watcr'Bottlc (guaranteed) Ulcer and Ear Syringe (soft rubber) 3 oz Rectal Bag Syringe Chamios Skins, 5, 10 and Good Sponge Full Count Pins per paper Table Oilcloth per yd Alarm Clocks Chalk per gross Library Paste per bottle Imported Saxony per skein Spanish Yarn 13c, 2 skeins Ladies Neckties (new styles) Hat Pins per doz ". Silk Binding Ribbon per bolt 7-inch Nickel Back Horn Comb. . . . Agate Buttons per gross Round Combs each Pompador Combs )with sets) Carpet Warp on spools, Colored, pr lb Carpet Warp on Spools, white per lb 2oc 04c 08c 02c 10c 01c 01c 03c 08c 03c 05c 05c 01c 05c 05c 02c 01c 25c 75c 90c 85c 20c 50c 25c 10c 02c 20c 85c 10c 05c 07c 25c 25c 04 c 10c 08c 05c 05c 25c 19c 17c DRY GOODS. Indago Blue Print per yd 05c Light Blue Print per yd 05c L. L. Muslin per yd 05c Outing Flannel per yd 05c Outing Flannel per yd 8c and 10c Canton Flandel per yd . . .5c, 8c and 10c Percales per vd. .6c, 8c, 9c, 10c and 12 Good Apron Gingham per yd 05c DRESS GOODS. Cotlon Plaid Dress Goods per yd . . 10c Part Wool Dress Goods 12, 15, and 20c Good Henrietta per yd .' 25c Black Goods, .25c, 30c, 50c to $2.00 Wc have the finest line of Black Goods in North Platte, consisting of Crcpons, Granite Crepous, Mohairs Sicilians, Briil liantines, Serge, Henrietta, etc. SHOE DEPARTA1ENT Wc have opened a Shoe Depart ment in which we have a full line of CM. Henderson SCo's FAMOUS Little Red School House Shoe. as well as a full line of Ladies' Mcns'r Boys' and Infants' Shoes. In put ting in this department it has not been our aim to see how cheap a shoe we could sell you but how good. We have not put a shoe in stock that we cannot recommend the wear of. Goods marked in plain figures and. sold at one price for cash only. NORTH PLATTE, o o X m H 2 pi z H if) H O 7 Pi nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniunnnnnnnnnnnnnnozDnDnnn to 1900 Bicycles. I have the agency for the to to . 'A to to 55 8 to to to and would be pleased to j have you call and examine Q them. They are strictly up to date. 55 to '1 t to i 'A to to to to to to I Crescent Bicycle to to to M to to to to fA to in f U. P. Wntch Examlnor. to Clinton, THE JEWELER. Mrs. A. 3SI. Lock spent Wednes day evening1 yisitiug relatives in Sutherland. Yesterday's summer tempera ture had rather a disastcrous effect on t lie ice at Pawnee Lake. Prof. K C. Elliott is spending the day in town as the guest ot Iub parents, lie is enroute from Lead ville to Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Chas, R. Osgood came down from Denver this morn ing and will spnd a week here visiting relatives. The Commercial Club will here after hold its weekly meetings on Thursday evening instead of Mon day afternoon. District court will convene in Ogallala next week. Judge Grimes, Reporter Cary and several attor neys will go up Monday. W. T. Brown received a telegram yesterday afternoon containing the sad intelligence that his son Dave had been very seriously injured in a wreck near Rock Springs and had been sent to the hospital there. Mrs. Drown and his wife left on train No. 101 lor Rock Springs. Prof. Brandon's orchestra will play several selections during the presentation ot "The Two Or phans" at the opera house next Tuesday evening. John P. Sutton, a well known frontiersman, who was a resident nf North Platte during its early history, dfed at his home in Rus sell Gulch, Col., a few days ago at the age of seventy-one. During liis life time he made and lost several fortunes, It is said that Conductor Thos. Cnliill is slated to succeed N. W. Chapman as assistant superintend ent on- the First district and its branches. Tom has many friends here all of whom hope that the rumor will prove to be a reality aB he will undoubtedly make a splen did superintendent. Silk Ginghams at The Leader. The necessary alterations and renovations in the Foley storeroom arc very nearly complete and Ruth & Murray expect to move into it uext week. As soon as they move they expect to increase their stock. Their store will present quite an attractive appearance with new fixtures and a fresh stock of gdods. JameH M. Ray, Lawyer, The secret of our success is that we keep moving a little in advance of the procession. Notice show window and see W. L. Douglas five dollar shoe value for?3.50. Dr. Reed's Cushion Shoes. Shoes as low as S1.35, 1.50. 2.00, 2.50 and 3.00. Star Clothing Housk. The following musical progaam will be rendered at the Eastern Star social to be held at Feder hoof's hall Monday night, February 26th:- -Music, Mandolin Club; Quartette. Mesdames Doolittle and Woodhurst and Messrs Clinton and Doolittle; Piano solo, Miss Grace Langdon; Vocal solo, Miss Minnie Sorenson; Reading, Mrs. Chas. Ivitzmiller; Mandolin solo, Prof. Brandon; Trio, Mr. and Mrs. M. Doolitte and C. S. Clinton; Violin solo. Alvin Pool; Piano solo, Miss Jessie Brattc. Through tht kindness of S. Kempton a new piano will be used. The public is cotdially invited to attend. Royal Absolutely "Pure Baking Powder Makes the food more delicious and wholesome H. T. Club Kooeption. The members of the H. T. Club entertained thirty young ladies at a colonial reception at P euerliool s hall last evening. The hall was very prettily decorated with llagB and bunting in honor of the occasion. The club members were gowned in Martha Washington costumes. One of the features of the eyening was a minuet danced by fourteen stately dames to music from a piano which the guests were assured was orignally owned by Martha Washington. An old faslioned spelling match created much merriment and effectually proved that both the club members and their guests had forgotten how to spell. As a consolation to those who were approaching dangerously near to that age where they will be spoken of by the world as old maids the president read an article which proved conclusively that now-a-days a woman was not to be considered an old maid till she had reached sixty. During the evening the guests were regaled with ginger snaps and Adam's ale from a punch bowl presided over by Miss Frances McNamara. At eleven o'clock ice cream and cake were served. The reception ended shortly after twelve, the guests expressing a hope as they bade their hostesses "good night" that the clubs receptions would be many and frequent. Gun Club Shoot. The live pigeon shoot held by the Gun Club yesterday afternoon was attended by a laige crowd. The two teams were captained by W. S. Dolson and Alvin Pool, the former winning by a score of seventy-one to sixty-six. The captain of the defeated team was presented with a leather mule, and each member with a leather medal. A supper was served to the two teams at the Vienna Restaurant, the losing team paying the expenses. The individual scores was as follows: DoiHon 2 a i x 2 a a a a t carter a a a a a a 2 o a a o Starkey 1 I o 1 1 I a I l I U r. sawyer a i x a a a a a a a n l sawyer x o o a x a o a o. n J no. Loncrgaii. x a 1 1- a 1 I I I I) h Sorenson o u a i a x a a I a " Homier oiooaioiii a wrlpht x a l x a i a o o i n WUHon x o x o a o a i a i . ft .. a i i a a x o i (i. n Total A. Pool. . nulmcttu a i i a i a i i a i in nravea 1 a 2 x o 2 t o a a. 7 nichhinltti a o a x i a a o o i., n wiicox a x a i a a a o o o. n Kciiatz a a o a o a a I a x . 7 Wlnkowltcli... . o o i 2 0 a ii I o a ft H lietiiiauhc... x I t i a a .' a u. h c Pool i o a o a a x x o l s wrnon a a o a a o a o a x o Total M Referees, Henry Schoott, 1 hos O'Neil; score keeper, Charley Sey- lcrtli. Diedrich Scliroeder, of Fremont. Is the gubattff Jasi li. bVanlali Cdday X Railroad Notes. ? m The shopmen enjoyed a holiday yesterday by virtue of George Washington s birthday. II. C. Langdon returned yester day morning from a week's stay at Cheyenne where he had been look ing after the engines on the Fourth district. The Union Pacific is ntill adding to its passenger service equipment. Several more new Pullmans have gone into service and quite a num ber of new composite cars have been going through on the "Limited." Since the bulletin concerning the physical examination ot trie tail road employes was posted the two company surgeons, Drs. McCabc and Lucas, have had their hands full as the men are all desirous of being examined jis soon as possi ble. O. H. Cole, of the Union Pacific claim department was in Sidney Wednesday taking photographs of some of the relics of the Suuol wreck to try and get evidence as to the identity of the man who was burned to death in the wreck and who is believed to be I5mil Pressler the Brooklyn man who has been missing since January, 1899 The appetite of the monster ice houses for ice i'b still unappeased although a good many cars of ice are stowed away every day and Foreman Fries hopes to be fortu nate enough to complete the work of filling the houses within a few days. Several of the twelve eleva tors, which will be used on the houses, are completed and in active operation. Work on the two plat forms which connect the various houses is at a stand still on account of lack of material. The amount of lumber, which has been used in building the new houses and mak ing improvements on the old ones, is something enormous. Tuesday afternoon a bulletin was posted by Supt. Park instruct ing the following employes of the Union Pacific to present them selves to one of the company sur geons for examination: conduc tors, engineers, firemen, brakemeu, signalmen, llagmeu, bridge tender, switch tenders, gatcmcii, switch men, train baggagemen, engine XYXYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY X X X X X X X X X X X H H H H H H H H H Do You Know .THAT. X I L u one k Co Have opened up at their new store in the Odd Fellows' Huilding with the best stock of Groceries in the city at prices that are right? Club Mouse Coffee, Naban Ceylon Tea, Pure Spices, Fancy N. Y. Apples, Oueensware, Heinz Bottled Pickles, Heinz Bulk Pickles, Heinz Kraut. Washburn Superlative Flour, Snow Flake Flour. North Platte Flour. H H H H H H H X X X X X X X X X X X CALL AND BE CONVINCRfY dispatchers and bridge and track fopumcn. Supt. Korty has also instructed the operators to present tlicitiHelvew for examination. The bulletin says that the company bears nl! of the expense of ex amination. "L. 13, Hastings, C. A. Weir and Mobc McFarland are enjoying a lorced vacation. They have not yet learned its extent. II. J'. Hansen's condition, which lia been quite Hcrious for a num ber of days, now sIiowb some slight improvement. Nice baled, alfalfa hay for miloh cows, sold by Harring ton & Tobin. Nightly rehernals of The Two Orphans" have been held this week,, and the production of the play next TueHduy evening promises to be such as to reilect much credit on those taking part. Railroad men are putting in con siderable of their spare time now-a-days industriously studying colors in orti'er that they may be able to pass the examination in sight, that being one of the most puz zling parts of the examination. For Hent. Two nice large rooms in the Postofiice Block. T. C. Pattukson. ItlU'OllT 01' thij condition of Liiu rim. iwimi mhl At North riutto, In tho Hlmto of Ntibruoka, nt tlxicloHonf liunLnoM, February 18lli, HKW, UlCHOUlIol. lnniiN ami illncouiilx , $Hti ;i0 p(l Ovonlmfl, Mjctirml nml uimoHired ;ai :w if, H. Ix.mMo KM-uro circulation l'j mm iki l'rvmlumn on u, h. IioiuU , 1 MjO ikj Stock, r. vourltlfK, uto ,., 1U !K2 iH Iinukliiif.h nu0, Mnilturti mill lUturcn. fti ma 4tl Otliur nml oftulo ml uiorlKiiKunowuml. 4 H7 SI Iluu from tatlnunl bank (not rtuorvH "KOMl" ) 3 221 10 Duo from itutu ImuIch nuil bnnkcrx. . UI0 (HI Dili, fvriln niuir..i'wl ,ii.ii.u n..!... a. ... . Olu-nkHiind ntlini cin-Ii Hiiiiik.,,,, (m ft Notiw of itlier national bank ja) oil 1'rurl tonal jinpni I'lirrrncy, nickel ami , cunt.,. mffi lAWM'l, JKINint IIKUKJIVK N JUNK, VIZ! Hedu W DM 00 v U'Kiil tmiilur nolo 1! (XKJ 00 ii i , RH (..t. ti Itedennitlon fuml with V, H, troiwuror (flVB l'Krooiit; of circulation,,, fi2 50 Total ).. ioi rq Capital Uok jialil in ' HiirpliiH fund , llnillvliil irotlt(i, :.(, oiiii'UHm'uuii tuitm iili,,,, ,. Natlnniil llu ok uol8 outrtoudinB.".'.'. .' Duo to HtutU llankn nml 1 Individual iluialtit Huhjiict In check. Demauil cortlucuttin of duitoult ' 'liiiii'urtltlcutiwitMMH u., ... v-., , 3t1 181 ....... , ..m.riimimjmiiny ot Lincoln , , .,n,n,.i'i ,.l!1"'iMul.,""arH' 0"'lor nftho . ii Ull M0NAMAtA . r ... """in u uwioru JUQ I HkVL, (lOOZICK, TOTOl-AHUni II. H. WllITK $50 11 :i a lrtl 20 57 tXK) (10 njo oo IVi 15 'J50 00 WJ u:i 817 Ul 023 02 Ski 37