The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 23, 1900, Image 3

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Bayou Nc Pique, Acadia, La., cor
respondence: In Southern Louisiana
you may sit under an "umbrella tree,"
look at green roses and cat white'
blackberries. You may watch tho
chameleon turn Bcarlot, blue, green,
brown or gray, or hoar the mocking
bird pour forth its wild melody from
tho roof of a veranda, or see a flight of
whlto cranca descend, llko great snow
flakes, on a distant riccfleld.
This subtropical land, with Its trees
ghostly with Spanish moss, its bayous
ablaze with scarlet leafage, out of
whoso fire of color leaps tho Louisiana
red bird; Its pale green prairies, its
intense sunlight, orango sunsets, swift
twilight and brilliant moonlight, is
weird and enchanting.
It looks as If it had been borrowed
from n fairy book and did nnt belong to
geogrnphy at all.
It is midwinter, yet tho door yards of
Acadia, St. Landry nnd Calcasieu par
ishes, aro abloom with roses. Christ
mas trees of live oak or holly or mls
tletono, still bright In tho llttlo farm
houses, were dressed on Christmas
day with tho fresh flowers gathered
out of doors.
Tho umbrella tree is common. Ev
cry fanner has half a dozen to lend.
It Is easy to borrow tho use of ono on
a rainy day, and as it la chained to
tho ground by its roots no one over
'forgets to roturn It. Its branches radi
ate from tho trunk llko umbrella stays.
Its foliage forms a waterproof cover
ing llko an umbrella top. Its trunk
Is tho handle. It will keep on entirely
dry in a subtropical storm. In sum
mer It affords a perfect shado from tho
sun. A tramp onco explained his wan
derings through Louisiana by saying
that ho was a traveling tinkor, mend
ing umbrella trees.
Tho green rose, tho c.ily ono I have
over seen, is not as largo as the red
rose, nor does It display Its petala as
fully, but It is distinctly a rose. If
some northern floriculturist would de
velop thl3 greon roso further It might
becomo a prlzod nnd unique bloom in
tho beautiful sisterhood of flowers.
Boutonnlers nnd bouquets of green
roses might become u feature of St.
Patrick's day ln Now York.
White blackberries aro much esteem
ed ln Acadia and Calcasieu, becauso
thoy aro superior In flavor to tho black
kind. Some regard them as a conces
sion of nature to tho color prejudice.
They differ from tho black blackborries
mainly ln comploxlon.
In Louisiana la what popularly Is
known as tho "dishcloth plant." It
produces a green pod, which yields,
when opened, a largo pleco of cellular
vegetable tissue, often used In kitchens
as a "dishcloth."
Tho native horses and cattlo in this
part of tho state formerly lived on
sweet potatoes, grass and hay. When
northern farmers came here to settlo
thoy found that tho Creole ponlo3
would not eat corn or oats. Doth re
mained untouched in their feed boxes.
In some cases tho nutlvo horses had to
bo starved for days boforo they would
touch cither.
A northern farmer throw an enr of
corn among a hord of wild cattle. They
came up to It, looked at It. sniffed It,
: -.w7.: , A
Thi accompanying illusl ration Is
from a photograph of the queen of
Swaziland, nnd shows hor majesty sit-
ting In front of tho sarnboti, or royal with a roval nr nciten nf thn
Swazls on either hand. This roynl
kraal Is noar Bromcrsdorp, and It Is
Interesting to know that this Is tho
first photograph ever taktn of tho
queen, who is known to her people un-
and walked away again. Not a etocr
would eat It. Tho colonists from tho
north Inferred thit to the horses and
cattlo of these parishes corn and oats
wore an acquirer! taste.
Tho bread fruft of Louisiana Is tho
sweet potato. It will grow anywhere
In any kind of soil. Tho varieties of
sweet potatoes aro almost innumer
able. Thoy yield from 200 to BOO bush
els to the acre, and usually sell for
fifty cents a barrel or twenty cents a
bushel, though in seasons of scarcity
they aro thirty and even forty cent3 a
bushel. They are the dally food of the
.farmers, and aro fed to horses, cattle,
swino and poultry. The Louisiana
sweet potatoes are wholesome, but lack
tho flno flavor of those raised In Vlr
glnln. Irish potatoes aro regarded hero
as a luxury, and tho people have them
on Sundnys and holidays.
It is supposed generally In tho north
that Louisiana is a swamp country, n
network of morass and bayou, and that
Micro Is llttlo ground ln its limits that
is firm beneath one's feet. This is a
North of tho Red river, ln tho north
western part of the state, lies tho fa
mous hill country of Louisiana. Herri
tho land Is uphoaved In Innumerable)
llttlo mountains, which rise sixty or
seventy feet abovo tho surrounding
landscape. Tho highest peak in tho
state Is in this wild district, and It
towers 150 feet abovo the gulf of Mex
ico. Tho hill country might make the
mountaineers of tho Alps or the Andes
smile, but It Is as seriouB a fact In this
stato as aro tho Highlands ln Scotland
or tho Catsklll mountains in New York.
This mountainous country is tho lum
ber belt. It Is full of sawmills, and
turns out vast quantities of handsome
yellow pine lumber for the nothern
In tho southwestern part of tho state
lies the Acadian country. It is n land
of beautiful prairies and of magnificent
yellow pine forests, that in tho dis
tance look blue. This Is tho upland
of Louisiana, tho foothills of tho lit
tle Switzerland to the north. It is
tho rice bolt and cattlo country of the
In Acadia tho prairies aro small, be
ing ten or twelve miles long nnd live
or six miles wldo. Thoy aro girded
round by yellow pine forests, through
which run bayoun. It Is a fertile par-
dor the name of Uhmlagovas, SwasI-
land, by tho way, Is one of tho most
prosperous of ttte British dependencies
n Africa, for, unllko tholr cousins, tho
". incici iuiiuwihk an
rlcultural and pastoral pursuits. They
aro u hospitable and democratic peo
ple, the women working In tho fields
along with the men, and both living
on the fruits of tholr industry when
they have passed middle life.
lsh, but not as pretty to the cyo ns
Calcasieu. The Calcasieu pralrlo Is the
largest In the state about fifty mllos
long and from flvo to forty miles v;ldo.
The parish Itself, which Is also tho
largest ln tho commonwealth, com
prises 4,000 Bqunro miles, and la about
two-thirds tho size of Connecticut.
Hero the land Is firm nnd solid. In
digging wells tho farmers havo to go
deeper to find water than they do in
Wisconsin. Tho land, which is now
flfty or sixty feet above tho gulf of
Mexico, was onco Its bod, and contains
n great deal of sand. Tho roads aro
sometimes dry within twelve hours
after a semi-tropical rain. Thoro is so
little mud, except In proximity to rlco
marshes, that onn may rldo n blcyclo
along n highway covered with water.
This Is tho upland, and yet it is tho
rice country. Tho explanation la sim
ple. From a foot to two feet under tho
soil lies a bed of clay which Is impervi
ous to water. Whorovcr land lies In
n shallow saucer shnpe, so that Its
edges aro slightly higher than its in
terior, the falling rain will All It to' tho
rim and form a marsh, becauso tho
water cannot percolate through the un
derlying bed of clay and escape. In
Louisiana you often will And the low
grounds hard and dry nnd marches on
tho ridges. This paradox puzzlod tho
northern soldiers who woro on Banks'
Red river expedition. They wero ln n
country ln which thoy were likely to
get lost.
The alluvial land which lies In tho
Mississippi bottom seems to bo planta
tions part of the tlmo and part of tho
timo Mississippi rlvor. Swamps aro
not unknown there.
"Wo uro having a Louisiana bliz
zard," said a northern settler In Cal
casieu parish. "Tho thermometer has
fallen to 70 degrees abovo zero."
The children ln tho country go to
school barefoot all winter. In u
country school house, on a sharp mid
winter day, there was only ono child
who woro shoes. All tho children had
shoes at homo, but they did not care
to wear them.
Tho well-to-do French farm or, with
land by tho leaguo and cattlo by tho
hundreds, with money hurled In the
ground or hidden In hollow trees or
dcposltod In tho bank, goes barefoot
tho year round, except when ho visits
tho parish town. Ills winter dress Is
n straw hat, a calico shirt and a pair of
bluo cotton trousers. Ho goes with
out collar, cravat nnd shoes. His foot
aro as Inscnslblo to cold ns aro tho
hands of a northern man who novor
wears gloves. It is a common sight In
Acadia, on a wlnter'B day, to sco a man
from tho north, In a heavy ulster, talk
ing to a barofootod French farmor ln
his shirtsleeves.
Probably tho school children hero
nover saw a sled or a pair of skates,
but it does get colder than 70 degrcos
abovo zero, for sometimes thoro Is
snow on tho ground and Ico strong
enough to hold up tho small chlldron
who slide on It.
Though tho January sun Is somo
tlmcs eo uncomfortably warm as to
make ono movo out of its rays, yet tho
air, owing to Its high humidity, Is often
chill, and men accustomed to tho sharp
winters of tho north And it uncomfort
able to wear heavy overcoats ln Louis
iana all winter. To leave your winter
clothes behind when you como couth
is n mistake. You will need them.
AnU Tlior lluvo to lie ttunirleiitly
forvlil, Too.
Thoy must havo un Impulslvo man
ner. Thoy must look fiufllclontly fer
vid, says tho Ladle&' Homo Journal, It
Is a curloua Bight that of two players
who aro to express the ardent lovo
which Shakespeare hns written for hln
"Romeo and Juliet," but who nt ro
hcarsals, in modern clothes and no ac
cessories of glamour, prnctlco a kiss
as mechanically nnd unfeelingly as
though It woro aB St U then utterly
devoid of sentiment. Thcro muii i
no hesitation nor clumsiness. Homeo
is not pormltted to decide whothor to
throw both arms around his swoot
hcart or only one, or which. Nor may
Juliet bo shy or forward, yielding or
resisting, as sho chooses. Tho director
wilt place their arms for them If thoy
do not themselves mnke n plcturesquo
exhibit of tenderness. And tho kiss?
Shnll It bo delivered by tho wooer on
tho Hps of tho won, or on brow or
chcok? That question Is considered
and settled. Aro kisses on tho stago
genuine? Well, not nt rehearsals, ex
cept, maybe, once or twice, in order to
show tho effect fully. An actress would
icsent a real klsa nt a rehearsal except
when ncccssnry. For tho satisfaction
of natural curiosity on that point it
may bo told right hero that most of
tho kisses ln tho public performances
of plnyB are actual kisses.
No Dligraro Ho Urcnt n uti Unpaid
llflil on New Wnr'i Day.
The Now Year's festival of tho
Chinese, said to bo tho most complete
holldny season kept by any nation on
earth, Is celebrated wherever a single
Chinaman Is found, whether In Pckln
or New York. It Ik a movnblo festival,
falling upon nny date between Jan 21
and Fob. 10. Preparations for tho great
holiday season begin weeks before
hand. Tho accumulated dirt of many
months dlsappearn as if by magic.
ICven the Chlnnmnn himself passes
through tho cleaning process, washing
his clothes and bathing his person
tho lattor being n grcU event ln tho
lives of n few, slncn it occurs but onco
a year. Buildings of every description
nro elaborately decorated. Flowers
arn In great domnnd, tho favorite being
tho Chinese narcissus. Tho prospect
of happiness for the year Ib believed to
bo" ln proportion to tho number of
flower-stalks produced from a slnglo
bulb. During tho closing days of the
old year Chinese streets present a busy
nnd animated scene. Shops aro
thronged with customers eagerly lay
ing in largo quantities of food, cloth
ing and Now Year's gifts. Debtors and
creditors nro scon hurrying to nnd fro,
endeavoring to settlo tholr accounts,
for according to a most commcndablo
custom nil debts must bo paid or Bot
tled ln Bomo satisfactory manner bo
foro tho Now Year dawns. To meet
these liabilities shopkeepers offer their
goods nt unhenrd-of prices, and fami
lies frequently part with odd bits of
bric-a-brac, curious rollcs and valuable
ornaments for a sum pitifully small.
No disgrace Is equal to being found on
Now Year's morning with an unpaid
debt. On the other hnnd, tho creditor
who falls to collect his debts at this
tlmV may not press thorn again for
many months. Ho thoicforo pursues
IiIh creditor far Into tho night, contin
uing his search into tho New Yenr's
day, If necessary. This he may do If
ho carries u lighted lantern to Indi
cate that ho Is still engnged In Inst
night's bushier nnd has not discov
ered that tho day has dnwned! Wom
en's Homo Compnnlon.
Tho accompanying picture Is from
tho latest photograph of Lady Audrey
Duller, tho talented and grnclous wlfo
of tho English general who has boon
lighting tho Boera In South Africa.
Lafy Bullor is no longer a young wom
an, for sho hns a daughter who JiaH
Just mndo her debut Into tho London
social world. Sho bus, nevertheless,
shown horsolf ono of tho most onor
gotlc of tho many EnfjMsh noblowomon
who havo been Interesting thomselvo
In nllovlatlng tho sufferlnpH of tho
English sick and wounded at tho Capo.
Owing to tho recont sovorlty of tho
fighting thoro seems plenty of oppor
tunity ahead for all such rollot work.
Good meat una rruuiBh brown
color and contains no clits of blood.
All Comity Trcss.tror Ifiivo Now Iloport
rl to tho State Auditor,
All the county treasurers of Nc
Oraskn have reported to tho stato aud
itor concerning the amount of stato
money collected ns tnxes nnd turned
Into the treasury during tho year 18D9.
Douglas county licuds the list, being
credited with depositing $164,994.37
with the stnto treasurer. The Indi
vidual reports show how the money
was apportioned nnd from what
sources it was dcrlvod. For compiling
these reports the county treasurer of
Douglas county wna allowed a feo of
$2,881.32, the treasurer of Lancaster
received $1,805.32 and tho troasuror of
Hooker county for tho snmo work wns
paid $17.42. The treasurers of other
counties received similar fee in pro
portion to tho amount turned Into tho
treasury. Tho following 'summary
shows the amount paid by each coun
ty: Adams ,., j s3.wj.iii
Antelopo 22,375.05
Manner s.tvj.tti
Wulnn 1.5U7.32
lloono 19,008.62
Hox Unite , S.923.50
f"vn MUX.
HulTnlo 31.3T0.t6
Hurt ;, mM
Hutlcr ). .IS.ns.riS
Cass 37.7S5.OI
Cedar 36.fin.T3
Chaso 6.51S.K9
berry .s.273.Kt
Choycnno 11.755.00
Clay 37.HW.0i
Colfax , 25,99S(49
cuming 25,i3:Uh;
Custer 25.KI2.55
Dakota , 1.1,052.51
Dawes ,;.i
nawHon lT.Tii.ixi
I'emd i 7,547.45
IJoUlTO , 2rt.345.9t
Douglas ....'A ii,
IJlUI'Iy I.32K.13
Fillmore 26.51S.5T
Krnnkllii 13,103.77
Furnas JP.02t1.nT
On go 41.939.5S
(larllold lf.riSS.7T
Gosper , 10.B9T.I9
Oram 2.OS4.90
Greeley 12.048.2S
Hamilton , 2l.2Mi.7S
Harlan , i5.MH.rci
Hayes , , 5.(117.19
Hitchcock 7.962.M.
Holt 19,732.55
Honker 5X1.06
Howard 16,170.33
Jonorson ., 115.104. 63
Johnson 19.122.7S
Kearney 19.7H.52
Keith ' 7.720.60
K'nya Paha 5,140.41
Klmhall 4,757.62
Knox 45,107.59
Lam-ssler 112,710.15
Lincoln T
Logan l.lSX.M)
Loup ,, 2.56.X.30
Madison 3ll.6S2.K2
Mol'hilsou I.1T1.KT
Merrick 2(1.71X27
Nance , N.S20.2O
Nemuhii 23,1).ll
Nuckolls 20.M2.93
Otoe -10,403.91
Pawnee ', 26.59S.51
Perkins l.ll;t.2!i
Philips 16,1.15.34
Plorco , 23.12S.3.S
1'latto , 29,462.03
Polk 21.952.57
Hod Willow 16.39T.56
lllolmilson , 23,400.37
Mock ; 6,990.00
Hallm 3H,7li.57
Harpy 15.71U9
Saunders 32,506.56
Bcotts limn' 3.6i9.:ii
Howard 2S.85M.02
Hherltlan 12.077.90
Hherman 1 9.99T.02
Hloux 6.ST6.29
Htanton 19.629.91
Thayer 26,527.10
'inoinaH i,25Z.:m
ThlllHtoii 2.4KS.22
Valley 11,975.86
WaHhliurton 1S.:!M.!S
Wayno ax,4r,.m
Welmti-r 2I.549.T1
Wheeler 3,;llW.23
York 31,491.09
Total l,SfiS,S!l.7i
Htnti) Ciipltul Note.
Thoro Is ti constant demand from tho
government for trained civil engineers
from tho State university. This de
lii nnd has been so grent that sovoral
undergraduate students havo loft tho
university to accept positions in tho
Hold. Fred II. Hyon left recently for
Havana, Cuba, to 1111 u position In tin
government corps of englners. Sov
oral other studcutH loft last wcok for
tho Phlltpplno lBlnnds.
Prof. Harbour of tho Stnto university
has ln his possession u letter written
by King Charles 1 of England In 1644.
Tho letter belongs to James Mitchell
of Wilbur nnd Is considered a very
valuable relic. Thu paper bears tho
water-mnrks of tho roynl papor makers
nnd Is of oxcollent quality and almost
natural In color. Tho handwriting Is
bold nnd almost nu legible as printed
matter. Librarian llari ett of tho Stnte
Historical society Is making an effort,
to securn thu letter us a loan for tho
l'mpiirn for Holtllnr'M lloily.
l'LATTSMOUTH, Neb., Fob. 1.
Drs. T. 1. and .1. S. Livingston havo re
cdlved a telegram from Qunrtermaster
Long of Snn Francisco stating that tho
body of tholr brother, H. Ouy LIvlngB
ton, had been forwarded from there
by express. Upon tho arrival of the
body hero It will at onco bo taken to
tho homo of his mother, Mrs. Robert
It. Livingston. Ilov. H. 1). Hurgc3S
will conduct tho funeral services In
St. Luko'H Uplscopul church. (Juy
Livingston was a moniDer of Company
iM, First Nebraska, and whllo with the
Thurston Hllles ungngod ln battlo at
Manila was shot In tho hend nnd died.
1'ever Clour NchooN,
NOItTH MONO, Nob., Fob. 1C The
Hoard of Health hns ordered tho
fchoohi, churches and nil other platen
of public assemblage closod on account
of tho scarlet fovcr. Thcro havo boon
ubout twenty ciisoh. Most of tho castm
aro mild, but thu board wishes to
stamp out nil traces of Infection,
Pitm I'opo IhulH 1 1 In l.lfc.
FltHMONT, Nob,, Fob. Hi Bum I'opo
committed milcldo nt his father's homo
at Lewis, Ia by Bending ii 44.cullbor
bullet through his brain.
Pope was well known In Fremont,
having been ono of tho central tlgurea
In a shooting scrape on August 8, last,
growing out of trouble with his gurab
ling partner, ISdwurd Joronio. On that
tlato Jerdme Invited him to nn up
stairs room and without warning shot
him six times.
liiiliuneonicnt or Vnlutt of Llro Stock h
MiimlrnU or Million.
Only n few fewlers nnd stock cattl worn
In tho yards, In ilrnt hniulM, ns compurml
with the totnl receipts, There wor
enotiRh, however, conxldejltis; the condi
tion of tho market. Speculator had oult.i
h Rood many cattle on hand. Still then
was a fair buying demand and ttn inont
of the olTcrlnRs changed hand In good
scamm. Heef Htecrs. W.75fJ5.10; cows. 12.24
fl.25; cows and heifers, M.Wit.OO; hctfors,
U131M.75; hulls, $3,1013.90; Texas steor.
H.73ff4.00; steors and hnlfers. Jl.SOtffS.W;
en Ives. 5.50iiT.2.'i: stags and heifers,
4.25; stags and hulls, J3.85flf4.00; stockers
and feeders, I2.90!f 4.30.
HOC1S The general market could ho
best described as 2Ho higher. Tho hogs
sold very largely at J4.S0, II.82V& hnd J4.W.,
as against II.7T. $4.M nnd 1.J2 yester
day. A few right choice, heavy hogs sold
at JI.90. the top, as against $1.85, tno top
8IIKKP Quotations: Good to cholco
fed yearlings. r,.tm-",i fair to good year
lings. $5.35'il5.r.O; good to cholco welhers.
5.2..1ffl.l0; fair to good wothors, $4.75fiT5.00:
good to eholco fed ewes. $1.054.75; good
to choice fed native lambs, $6.90lf7.lM; irood
tn choleo WHtern lambs, )6.7&0f7.(; fair
to good fed western lambs, $.NW8.Ki.
iffiitrrf wctners, it.2T4f4.75, feeder year
lings. t5.OOtf5.60; good to cholco feeder
lambs, Jt.751i5.7.. Tho markPt closed
weak to loc lower on lambs, nnd tho pens
wero not cleared until after midday, as
sellers wero very backward about making
any concessions.
CHICAGO, Feb. 15.-CATTl,U-Kalrly
ncilvu and generally stonily, Including
lexans, butchers' stock and canuors;
calves, lowor; top. 7.R0; Blockers and
feeders, about steady; good to cholco,
$...101irt.fl0; poor to medium, $4.00i'4.N5: mix
ed slockers, I3.23ff3.80.
HOtlH AVi'rago n shade higher, top,
f.i.05; fair clearnnco; mixed add butchers,
IU0H5.05; good to cholco heavy, 11.051
5.05: rough heavy, JI.WH.IH): light. JUTBl
4.97H; bulk of sales; UHr5.W.
8IIHHP AND liAMHH-Strong; lilmlls.
10o lower; closing weak! natlvo wothors,
I.Mi....5; lambs, J5.0Mi7.30; westorn weth
ers, Jl.65ff5.50; western lambs, $8.00ti7,20.
Market shado hotter for best grades and
other nctlvo nnd steady; heavy natlvn
steers, J4.759f5.40; lightweights. J1.4(M5.);
stockcra ami feeders, J2.2.V!5.00; butchers'
cows and heifers, J3.00TM.60,
HOUH -Packing grades active nnd a.
ahado higher; butcher weights, 5c higher.
lY'7:.UM, fc"Ni mlxed, ji.70Jh.83; fight.
JI.50fl4.8O; pigs. JI.10fM.50.
HJIKHP AD LAMllU-Markpt sstendy
to 10c higher; supply or killers short of
demand! lambs, j6.40f(0.R5: yearlings, J3.J-.
5.4(): muttons, Jl.751i5.25: stockers and
feeders, JX50Jf3.50; culls. J3.00(?f3.60.
NK WYOltK. Fob. 15.-VHKAT-l)u!l:
yot, strom; No. 2 red, 77Vio;. elevator;
No. 2 red. 7Dl4c, f. o. b. alloat. In stow;
No. 1 northern, Duliith. 81 Vic r. o. h.
alloat prompt; No. 1 hard, Uuluth, S3ic
f. o. b, atloat "prompt.
COHN-Closcd steady at o net nd
viince; May. 40H(tf40!4o; closed at lOc,
July, 41 Il-Wmiio; closed nt 41Vic.
OATS-Huot. Ilrm; No, 2. 29c; No. 3,
if ?0i Xn' -HHc No. 3 white,
u Vie; track, mixed western, MitSOHc.
trsoif. whllo, 3l',yrir.c. Options, dull but
cuiCAgo. Kob. is.-wiii:at-No. s
spring, tiifiiwej No. 2 red. 70Hf(7lo,
"N-No. IX 3V.ic; No. 2 yellow. :uujC.
W?A lSN.0' ?: z;1'r: N" 2 whlto, 23,vii
llitvo; No. 3 while. SSliUStHip.
UYH-No. 2. 55V4C.
MAItl.HY-No. 2, 3Kfn.1c,
t,J15.KUli?-1'',,1,,XMer,,l No- 1 "d northwest.
Jl.fO! prlmo timothy, $2.5214.
'''WVIBIONS-Moss pork, per bbl., J9.H.-,
j 10.90. . per, 100 )!.. ' $3.82V;iJ ii.02.
Short ribs sides (loeso), $5.93lf0.15. Dry
salted shoulders (boxed). JLIE-tfiCaT.
Short clear sides (boxed), $0.lOiiG.15.
John Hydo, tho ntntlstlclan of tho
Department of Agriculture, has cbm.
plotcd his nnnunl estlmuto of tho num
ber nnd valuo of llvo stock on farms.
Iteturns from moro thnn fiO.OOO corre
spondonts show thnt on January l
thoro woro on tho farms of tho Unltod
States 1 3,537,024 horsos, 2,080,027
mules, 10,202,31)0 milch cows, 27,010,054
other cattlo, nnd 41.883,005 shcop. This
is ii decreaso of 127.083 In tho numbor
of horses, of 48,180 in that of muloH
and of 384,171 In that of cattlo other
than milch cows.
On tho other hnnd, It. Ib an lncrcnso
of 232,245 In tho numbor of milch cows
nnd of 2,708,102 in that of Bhoop.
Tho dopnrtmont has made no ostl
mato of tho numbor of Bwino, but will
nwnlt tho onumerntion to bo mndo by
tho United States census in Juno.
Thoro has been nn Increase In valuo
during tho yeur averaging $7.21 por
head In tho caso of horses, $6.80 por
bond In thnt of mules, $1.94 per head
In that of milch cows, $2.18 por head
ln that of other cuttlo .and 18 conts
por head In thuV of Bhoop. This repre
sents it total lncronso In valuo during
the yenr of nearly $210,000,000, exclu
sive of u manlfustly considerable, but
not definitely ascertained, lncronso iu
tho vnluo of tho farm animals of tho
United States during tho last three
jenrH, exceeding $570,000,000.
righting tb IMugiiKsit llonoluln.
Consul General Haywood at Hono
lulu has sent tho Btato department a
very Interesting dlBpntch on tho meth
odH adopted ln that city -to Btamp out
tho bubonic plngua.t Ho nays: "Tho
city him boon divided Into forty dis
tricts, nnd proBidod over by nn inspec
tor, who Ik responsible to tho central
committee for tho hcnlth uhd perfect
mini tury condition of ovory house in
his dliitrlct. llo divides his district In
to HiibdlstrlctH so email that tho In
hnbltnnts can bo Inspected by ono man
In an hour.
Itrjiui Talks at Italolgli,
V. .J. Hryan, accompanied by n com
mittee of Unlolgh cltlzons, urrlvod
from Richmond. Short stops woro
mndo ut Wnrron Plains, hondorson
and Wuko l'orost, wuoro Mr. Bryan
npoko briefly to largo crowds. On his
arrival Mr. Hryan was mot by :i lnrgo
crowds. On his urrlvnl In Ilalolgh Mr.
Hryan vus met by n largo crowd. Ho
witB Immediately dr.voii to a largo
tout, whoro ho spoke for nn hour nud
n half,
Hoareli for it (JoiiiiuUilonrr.
Thn only subject of discussion nt tho
cabinet mooting Tucsdny waB that of
inn personnel of tho Pmllpplno com
mission. It was etnted that tho nresi-
uoiii is in search of a Bontlmtn m
no n mcmbor of tho commission
uiiii. up 10 huh timo ho has i
ciueu to whom tho place will
appoint Honator Lindsay,
mill, no would no of trrnnt
MUKIIU Ullll 1L Mill
probablo that hu will
ui iu iiroeni in con