0rth lite J&emi -IBIeelUg Qfrtfame. SIXTEENTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1900. NO. 8. 1 9 i Dr. F. W. MILLER, DEKHPIS'T. (FORMERLY ROMINI3 DENTAL COMPANY.) m Fine Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty, jjv OFFICE OVER STREIT7S DRUG STORE. (f 4.- " T T -r t -r -r -r t t & IF IT'S IN THE DRUG LINE BUY IT OF STREITZ. 1 You can bank on it being fresh and as represented. X Stiicletoakei' ai?el ) Old Hickory) WAGONS Wooclttjaijsee Wii) clip Ills, Carriages, Buggies, Road Wagons, Carts, Spring Wagons, Latest Styles and Best Quality for the Price. BARB WIRE AND STAPLES. PUMPS, PIPES AND FITTINGS, A Complete Line BALE TIES, MACHINE OIL, AXLE GREASE. JOS. HERSHEY. Locust St., North Platte, Neb. 3 3 iili'UiliilUliliUUiUilUliiUiUiiUlUiiiiiiiUiUliiiiiUiiiiiiii O. P. IDDINGS X-iia.rm.loer, Coal Yards and Elevators at North Platte, Neb., Sutherland, Neb., f Juleaburg, Colorado. NORTH PLATTE MILLS, (C. P. IDDINGS.) Manufacturer of HIGH AND MEDIUM GRADE FLOUR BRAN AND CHOP FEED. Order by telephone from Newton's Book Store, I PAINTS. A FULL LINE OF John W. Masury's Celebrated Paint ON SALE AT Davis Hardware Store. When you get ready to paint your house, s call on us and let us sell you first-class Paint at reasonable prices. A Card Party. Twelve couples of society young people were entertained at a card party Friday evening by judge and Mrs. II. M. Grimes. As soon as the guests arrived tucy were each supplied with noinc exquisite Mowers and soon afterwards card playing was commenced. Walker Haiuline succeeded in winning the largest number of games and was rewarded for his skill with a very handsome bunch of daffodtlB, hyacinths and carnations. Miss Nellie Hartman was the winner of the next largest number of games and her prowess was rewarded with a lovely bunch of daffodils. At the close of the scries of card cs a very dainty lunch was served in a charming manner. The guests who had the pleasure of enjoying the hospitality of Judge and Mrs. Grimes were the Misses Gertie Grady, Mabel Uoozee Nellie Hartman, Adda Kockcn. Josic Goodman. Irene Hartman. Mae Walker, Minnie Fcdcrhof, Ruth Patterson and Jessie Bratt; Messrs Haiuline, White, Goodman, Dil'on, Lusc, McColl, Lucas, Hart man, Likcrt, and Will and Charles Hendy:and Mr. and Mrs. Ray C. Langtord. "Havo You Soon Smith?" A new acquaintance and what seems to be a universal favorite wherever it haB been seen is "Have You Seen Smith." It is a merrv melange of satire and nonsense of the day, a comedy ot tlic tunes tuned" everyday brisk, colorful, tuneful and refined. While no claim is made to the possession of a pretentious story or intricate plot, it provides a very satisfactory vehicle tor the exhibition of the diverse talents of a wondrously versatile company. lun pure and simple is the sole object of the farce, and all of it is of that spark ling, cifcrvosccnt sort that catches the popular fancy. It is one of the very lew farces tliat deals with humorous incidents of the present day and introduces cnararters with winch one constantly comes in con tact, incidental to tlic amusing comeoy situations and tableaux is introduced a perfect avalanche of .songs, dances, marcucs and grace tul and grotesque cavortings of every description. All the recent novelties in the line ot music nnr mirth are seen in ,4Have You Seen Smith" and to predict a rousing en gagement here seems superfluos. At Lloyd s opera House baturday evening, 1' eb y 4tli. COMMISSIONERS' FROCEEDINQS February 14, 19U0. Board met nursuattt to adiourn .. . - 1 -A. ment. Present full board auu 4ft county clerk. Kccord ot previous day read and approved. In pur Buatice of law the board selected sixty ttieii haviug the qualifications j of jurors from the body ot the & for - the March 19UU term ol the district court. BUI of W. M. Ger kin allowed on the bridge fund lor $4- Upon examination of the (state ment submitted by County Treat urer Scharmuun the following order is hereby made: North Platte, JNcb., Feb. 14, rjuu. C. P. Scharrnann, Co. Treas: You are hereby authorized to make transfer uponyour record asfollows: Court house bond fund 69.33, court house bond funa interest 40 87, South Platte bridge fund 16.84, South Platte bridge fund interest 4.68. outstanding indebtedness 27.10, total to county general fund 157.87: County poll 18 and prior i&.'Zi to lava road tund. school district No. 44. bond 15.32. interest 5. 54; school district No. 88, bond $6.01, interest 2.39: school district No. 89, bond 5.20, interest 2 00; school district No. 85, bond 4.45, interest 1.66; school district No 68, bond 2.68, interest 1,35; school district No. 82, bond 3 24, interest 1.79; school district No. 83, bond 1.28, interest 67 cents; school dis trict No, 27. bond 31.75 interest 4.68; school district No. 81, bond 1.39, interest 65 cpnts; school district No, 58, bond 2.26, interest 56 cents; school district No 70, bond 4.43, in tercst 1.36; school district No. 36, bond 5 13; school district No. 60, bond 3.20, interest 5.09; school dis trict No. 16, bond 39.32, interest 30.52; school district No, 85, bond 2.26, interest 5 25; school district No. 61. interest 99, bond 17: school district No. 38. bond 25.85, interest 6.18; school district N. 51, bond 18,85, interest 29 47; school district No. 48. bond 1-51. interest 99 cents; school district No, 4, specirl 2 0s bond 16.58, interest 2.11; school district No. 31, bond 38 22, interest 4.44 These several amounts are to be transferred to the district fund in each district for the reason that the bonds and interest coupons have all been paid, which order is signed by the board, Adjourned until tomorrow. t. .'. Ti Ai I't'i i?, ifo iTj iTt iti ii 111 i!! .' ' X v X? ll &' '4-1 h-1 ' '1 ll l4, lV V V V ' ' '1 ', ,' "1 '1 '1 V ' 'V V V V V V V 1 " If You are Looking For a modern, clean, up-to-date Grocery Store, go to HARRING TON & TOBIN'S new building east of the First National Bank where you will pee the finest and neatest store in all Western Ne braska. Plenty of room, no crowding like in the old narrow store. Great Reduction in Prices. As we are not paying rent, and havo otherwise reduced expenses, we pronoso to sellg oods at the VERY.LOVVEST CASH PRICES prevailing. Taken otico of the following prices and compare them with the prices you are paying elsewhere if you do not now buy from us. Apple Butter Heinzs 12jc per lb Bromangclon 15c a pkg Buckwheat Flour New York.. .4c per lb Bakers Chocolate 18c a cake, 2 for 35c Coffee in bulk 10c a lb Battle Ax Tobacco. 35c a plug Canned Milk, Eagle brand 2 for 35c Bird Seed 7c a lb Corn Meal, white or yellow 25c a bag Canned Corn High grade 8c a can Canned Tomatoes High grade... 10c a can Canned Peas High grade 12Jc a can Currents 1 lb packages 10c a p'k'ge Catsup Snyder's high grade., ,25c a bottle Durham Tobacco 55c a lb I5pps Cocoa i lb cans 25c Elastic Starch 8c French Peas 1)c a can Gralt Pa's Wonder Soap, large size 8c Grape Nuts -. ..15c Hominy Flake 5c a lb Star Tobacco 45c a lb Horse Shoe Tobacco 45c a lb Horse Radish Home made... . 10c abottlc Honey in Comb,., ,. ,15c alb Kingsford Corn Starch .8c a lb Kiugbtords Gloss Starch 8c a lb Lewis Lye 8c a can Lye Merry War 7c a can Lye Champion 6c a can Lexington Patent Flour $1.00 a sack Lexington Crystal Flour 90c a sack Macaroni Domestic 12;c a lb Macaroni Imported 17 JSC a lb & i . ..it. t 'T mapic oyrup in uuik oc a gai Maple Sugar r24c a lb Mince Meat Heinza 12ic a lb Mushrooms French 25c a can North Platte Patent Flour $1.00 a sack North Platte Gold Crown Flour. .90c a sack Noodles 12c a p'k'ge Oat Meal, high grade 8 lbs lor 25c On Time Yeast 2 pkgs for 5c Pilsbury s Best Flour $1.15 a Back Pickles sweet and Mixed mc a qc jr. J. ikitiun -oum a (;.u Postum Cereal Large package 25c Pillsburys Oats Fiuest on earth 12c Quaker Oats 12c Ouail Oats . 8c RaisinB 8c a lb v Rice Tub hkht 3 lbs for 25c Sapolio 8c Saner Krout Heinzs. a 10Lajt Soap-Nuggctt 40 bars for 1.00 Soap White Russian 7 bars for 25c Vermecilla 12c a p'k'ge Vitos Pillsburrs 2 p'k'gcs for 25c J? Whole Wheat Shreded Biscuit. ,15c a p'k'ge Wheat Cream of 15c a p'k'ge Yeast Foam 2 pkgs for 5c All above goods guaranteed of the very best quality and fresh stock. In the rear of tho. store we have a counter containing some goods that were slightly damaged by smoke in our recent lire which we are selling considerably below cost. Ask for the fire sale counter and get a great ben efit on goods that are strictly first-class except that labels on cans and packages are slightly blackened by smoke. Harrington & Tobin. Ti iTi iTi T iTi T iTi iTi iTi iTi iTi ill iTi t t t t t iT. t mT t. if. iTi tTi tf m jt iT t iT ti t it iTi iT aTi v v v ,1 r iv ,1 v v v v ,, v v ,l v ll v ll " 1 ,1 "' '"t1 " 1 w v v v "l v f v "f f " w KKTWEBN THE RrVBKS. John Show, who has been work, ing bn the Paxfdn ranches thb past season, lias returned to lus former home in Wisconsin, A. A. Leister, of Hcrshey, has re turned safe and sound from lus western trip. W. A, Paxton recently had over 900 head of cattle driven from the Keystone ranch to his ranch at Hershev where he has nlentr of coarse feed for them. We understand that Will Funk- liouser and family will in the near future depart for Sacramento, Cal., where they expect to make their future home. Remember the dance in the Her Bhey hall on Friday eveuing of this week. J. U. Toillion, ir., is fast conval escing from his recent illness. John Walters and urant uow hower were made acquainted with the mysteries of the Woodman Camp at Hcrshey last Saturday evenimr. Mrs. G. Li. Mudd accompanied ner sister-in-law. Mrs. Verier, recently to her home in Wisconsin, wuer' she expects to remain until after her sister Miss Alma Show s, wed ding, which will take place at the nome of her parents tue nrsi weeK in March. Win Ware recently purchased fine three seated light srr ng wag u of W. II. Hill at HerMiey. C. S. Trovulo purchased a new feed irrinder the other day. - - .... i W. II. mil received a car loau or farm imnlemcntH, wagons and buirirics at Hershev Saturday. The recent cold spell matured the ice crop and it is now being liar vested. If the farmers of Nichols and viclnitv wnut a skimming station now is the time to strike while the iron is hot. -Delays.are dangerous II. II. Cook who formerly resided in the vallev but thought he could do better in the south hills, tried it the nast year and will shortly for sake that barren country and move some diBtincc east in the valley on the south Bide, where he can irr gate bia cttipti. Mr. McGinnis, who owns a large herd of Galloway cattle over south about seven miles, was a Hershey visitor on business the other day. Mr. k'McGinnis' family reside at York and he is keeping bachelor's hall and looking after his fine herd of cattle at his present location. li. 13. tlungerford and family will Boon move from Hershey to otic of w, A. i'axtou h farms in the valley. The present indications are that there will be a large acreage of sugar beetB cultivated in the valley the coming season. Parties from abroad have been circulating among the farmers in this country lately taking orders for groceries, which it is Btatcd they are selling cheaper by far, for the same goods, than the dealers at North Platte or at any of the country towns. The goods are shipped subject to inspection betore they are paid tor. beveral of the farmers have ordered from $10 to $50 worth. What the outcome will be remains to be seen. A number of S. L. FunkhouBcr's friends, over 60 years of age, by in vitatiou arc assisting him today (Tuesday) in celebrating lus 70tl birth anniversary at his home just north of the village ot HerBltcy. A certain man claims that he picked up a garter snake frozei on the cold bare ground the other day and put it in his coat pocket where it thawed out and began to crawl. We will not vouch for the veracity of the story. MYRTLE NEWS. Mr. L. P. Derby visited several days at Garfield last week. Mrs, Blanch Wright has been visiting friends in North Platte several daya. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dichl enter tained a n li tuber ol friends Wednes day evening, t Bert Hoover, dl the valley, is staving at D. BrunkV. The junior members of the F. S. 8. Xeru entertained by Mrs. U, , Moore Valent a day. Mrs. J. 10. Fuller and Miss Mina Mills assisted Miss Moore iu entertaining the children. Mrs. H. Phillips is repotted on the sick list. Chas. Gambrcl was caught down town in Tuesday's storm. Mr. McNicol and son Alex, pur chased four head of cattle from Sam Dichl. The old iron bridge over the 131k- horn near West Point was recently replaced by a new steel structure and the board of supervisors let the contract for renovating the old structure to Peter Jensen. He loosened one end of the bridge and let it down upon the ice which broke and the enc' of the bridge sank into the water. The entire structure soon became loosened and sank into the river. Quicksand abounds at that point and the bridge has now almost disappeared from sight, Albion is to have a new public library, the citizens having sub scribed enough iunds for that purpose. READ THIS If yen aro fading under the "weakening influenco of "fomolo troubles," do not longer experiment with usolcss or dan gerous drugs, but try Bradf fold's Ft mil Rtgulif or It will regulate the menses perfectly, and euro Falling of the Womb, Leucorrhrca, Headache, llackacho and Nervousness. It is n hurmless vegetable remedy, which puts the mciiRtrual organs in perfect health, stops drains and pains und over tomes weakness. Sold at d rue store for $1 a bottle. .