The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 13, 1900, Image 1

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Wat Jtorilt BMt tmx WuM Sfttfame.
NO. 6.
fa Fine Grown and Bridge Work a Specialty. 2
to to
to to
e: 5r: rr. 5r 3r: 5r 5? 3 & & : s--
O You can bank on it being
O fresh and as represented.
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HiULsaQtaez, Coal
and. G-rsiian.
Yards and Elevators at
North Platte, Neb.,
'- "Sutherland, Neb.,
Julesburg, Colorado.
(C. P. IDDINQ3.)
Manufacturer of
Order by telephone from Newton's Book Store.
John W. Masury's
Celebrated Paint
Davis Hardware Store. j
3 When you get ready to paint your house, S
call on us and let us sell you first-class
Paiut at reasonable prices,
N. McCABE. Proprietor.
J. E. BUSH, Manaaer. J
North Platte Pharmacy.
j Drugs and Druggists' Sundries. j
We aim to handle the best grades of goods jfc
jf-V Sell everything at reasonable prices, and 0
warrant all goods to be just as represented, jjfc
Al! Prescriptions Carefully Flllod by a Llconsod Pharmacist.
Orders from the country and along the line of the Union
Pacific Railway is respectfully solicited.
First door north of First National Bank.
The Ariel Ladies Sextette will
give a concert at JWoyu b opera
house Saturday cening, Feb. 17.
The concert is one of the Y. M. C.
A. course and parties holding tick
kcts may have them reserved at
Stamp's after 9 a, m. Thursday
Feb. 15.
Presbyterian Entertainment.
The Ladies' Aid Society of the
fresoytertan cliurcu will give an
entertainment at Lloyd's opera
house Monday evening, Feb. 19,
1900. Admission 25 cents, reserved
Beats without extra charge at usual
place. The following is the pro
gram: Selection by Orchpstra;
Quartette; Selection by Orchestra;
A Political Farce, "The New
Woman's Congress;" Tableau.
Social, serving ice cream and cake
10 cents, Watch for full program.
H. T. Club Meeting.
The H. T. Club met Saturday
evening at the home of one of
its members, Miss Adda Kockeu.
The meeting was rather more in
formal than the club meetings
usually arc and a wide range of
topics -was discussed. An inter
esting letter from the cx-prcsident,
Miss Frances Clayton, waB read.
It was decided to hold a reception
for a number of friends of the club
at Federhoof's hall. Thursday even
ing, February 22nd. Although the
club members are all exceedingly
intellectual they are not above en
joying the material things of this
life and consequently they very
heartily enjoyed a delicious lunch
which was served during the latter
part of the evening by Miss Kockeu.
Looking for Witnesses.
Sheriff Johnson, of Julesburg,
was in town yesterday looking
after some witnesses to be used
in a horse stealing case which is
to be tried there this week. Her
bert Morris and Leforrest Libbey
are under arrest for horse stealing
but Morris seems to be thn prin-
cible offender, Libbey having kept
the horses on his ranch supposing
that the deal whereby he became
the owner of them was straight.
Morris gave a North Platte boy
who was working for Libbey at
the time the stealing occurred,
two horses for work he. had pre
formed for him. The boy brought
them down here and disposed of
one of them, Fred Tobas finally
purchasing it. It now transpires
that both of the horses were
V. V. Xc "Receipt.
Up to Saturday night over 900
cars of ice containing about
15.500 tons had been received and
stored in the ice houses here. It is
figured that it will take between
150 and 200 more cars to fill all of
the houses, The work of storing
the ice will have taken about six
weeks when it is finally completed.
There have been all sorts of diffi
culties to contend with in the work,
Next year it is planned to put in a
cable system at the lake whereby
ten cars can be loaded in a very
short space of time and this in
connection with the elevators at
the houses will greatly expedite
the work of handling the Ice. The
Crop which is now being harvested
at Pawnee Lake is the finest ice
that has been handled this year,
It is about twelve inches thick and
very clear. Sunday the wind blew
water and sand on the ice and the
cutting was stopped but it was
resumed again this morning.
Morris Tones arrived from Ked
Oak Friday night and will remain
here a week or ten days disposing
of some of the horses belonging to
the M, C. Keith estate. The horses
which are not disposed of here will
be shipped to Mr. Jones' farm near
Red Oak to be disposed of at private
The Hendry farm riear Monroe
was recently Bold to a large seed
growing firm to be used as a seed
farm. It contains 400 acres and
was Bold for $50 an acre, the high
est price ever paid in Platte county
for a large tract of laud. It is ex
pected that the new company will
spend ubout $50,000 per year in
tWlUmUuts fdr ialidr, etc.
If You are Looking
EST? modn.oloan, up-to-date Grocery Store, go to HAK RING
TON & TOBIN'S new building eaat of the First National Bank
where you will fco the finest and neatest store in all Western Ne
braska. Plenty of room, no crowding hko in the old narrow store.
Great Reduction in Prices.
As we arc not paying rent, and have othorwiso reduced expenses,
we propose to sell goods at the VERY LOWEST CASH PRICES
prevailing. Tako notice of the following prices and compare them
with tho prices you are paying elsewhoro if you do not now buy
from us.
Apple Butter Ileinzs 12c per lb
Beef Extract 40c a jar
Buckwheat Flour New York.. ,4c per lb
Bakers Chocolate 18c a cake
Battle Ax Tobacco 35c a plug
Bird Seed 7c a lb
Corn Meal 25c a bag
Canned Corn High grade 8c a can
Canned Tomatoes High grade.. .10c n can
Canned Peas High grade 12Jc a can
Currents 1 lb packages 10c a p'k'gc
Catsup Snyder's high grade.. .25c a bottle
Duke's Mixture Tobacco 35c a lb
Durham Tobacco. 55c a lb
Epps Cocoa lb cans 25c
Elastic Starch 8c
French Peas , Ylyiz a can
Gran Pa's Wonder Soap 8c
Grape Nuts ; 15c
Hominy Flake 5c a lb
Horse Shoe Tobacco 45c a lb
Horse Radish Home made..,12;fc a bottle
Honey in Comb 15c a lb
Kingsford Corn Starch ; ,8c a lb
KingbtordB Gloss Starch.: .... T.8c a lb
Lewis Lye 8c a can
LyeMerry War 7c a can
Lye Champion Cc a can
Lexington Patent Flour $1.00 a Back
Lexington Crystal Flour 90casack
Macaroni Domestic 12c a lb
Macaroni Imported 17c a lb
Maple Syrup in bulk. 75c a gal
Maple Sugar 12tfc a lb
Mince Meat Hcinzs 12c a lb
Mushrooms French. 25c a can
North Platte Patent Flour $1.00 a sack
North Platte Gold Crown Flour.. 90c a sack
Noodles 12c a p'k'gc
On Time Yeast 3c a p'k'gc
Pilsbury's Best Flour $1.15 a sack
Pickles Sweet and Mixed 20c a qt
Pickles - Sour 35c a gal
Postum Cereal Large package 25c
Pillsburys Oats Finest on earth 12c
Quaker OatB 12c
Quail Oats 8c
Raisins 8c a lb
Rice Tiik liiisr 10c a lb
Sapolio 8c
Sauer Krout Hcinzs. s .....10c a qt
Soap Nuggetl 40 bars for $1.00
Soap White Russian 7 bars for 25c
Vcrmccilla 12c a p'k'gc
Vitos Pillsburys 15c a p'k'gc
Vinegar 25c a gal
Whole Wheat Shreded Biscuit. .15c a p'k'ge
Wheat Cream of',."'. 15oa p'k'ge
Yeast Foam ; 3c ' a p'k'ke
All above goods guaranteed of the very
best quality and fresh stock.
In the rear of the store we have a counter containing some goods that
were slightly damaged by smoke in our recent fire which we are selling
considerably below cost. Ask for the fire sale counter and get a great ben
efit on goods that are strictly first-class except that labels on cans and
packages arc slightly blackened by smoke.
Harrington & Tobin.
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The blue rock Bhoot at Hershey
ast Friday was attended by a
large crowd but only sixteen took
part in the shooting. J. M. Dwyer
and Everett Ware were chosen cap
tains. At the end of the first round
of five shots each, Dwyer's side was
five points in the lead, but at the
end of the second round of five shots
each it was a tie with one man to
hhoot on Ware's side, who was his
father who is about sixtv-seven
years of age. He took his gun and
toed the mark and very easily broke
two out of five putting Ware's side
two points in the lead. The losers
then invited the winners to the
hotel where a bountiful oyster sup
per was in waiting and to which all
present did ample justice, It was
a jolly crowd and everything passed
off as slick as a pin. The number
of points made were as follows:.
Dwyer'B side 25. and Ware's side 27.
The following is the Bcore of each
participant: E. Ware 6, W. A.
Lokcr 1, Ed Coker3, H. B. Hunger
ford 6. II. Smith 2. Ed Ware 3, W.
J. Shinkle 3, Win. Ware 2, total 27.
M. Dwyer 5, Mr. Claver4, Bob
Carpenter 3, Dr. Eves 2, D. Roberts
3, C. E. Spear 1, F. Ware 4, D. M.
Leypoldt 3, total 25,
The following parties became
members ol the Herhhey Woodman
camp at a special meeting held last
Thursday evening for that purpose:
D. N. Leypoldt. D. B. White, W. F.
Cordes, E. Edminstou, Will Mar
N. Branson, of Grand Island,
purchased a car of stock of See
bcrger Si Co. Saturday that he
stii-f-fc-d to San Fru-tfclu'cA
MisB Maud Ware and Miss Gar
nett Nickelsen entertained a num
ber of their young ft lends nt Maud's
home Friday evening, the event
being their birth anniversary, Gar
nctt wan seven and Maud fourteen.
George Brownfield waB surprised
by a number of boys who arrived
at his home on the 9th, it being his
eleventh birthday,
Seebcrger & Co. expect to ship a
car of hogB west from Hershey to
day or tomorrow.
If the people of Nichols and vicin
ity don t get a skimming station
this spring it will be their own
E. Spitsnogle, W. R. Brooks and
Geo, II. Hackney furnished the
music for the dance at Sutherland
Friday night of last week. The
two former ones played the violinn
and the latter fingered the keys on
the organ.
J. B. Toilliou, jr. is critically ill
with pneumonia at his home near
Nichols. He is reported a little
better at this writing. Dr. McCabc
is the attending physician.
John Walters is still confined to
the house by illness.
A few from Hershey and vicinity
took in the dance at Sutherland last
Friday evening.
Mrs. Win. Eves returned from
the county heat Friday eveuing.
O, H. Eyerly and Chris. Pearson
arc at this time patronizing the
skimming station at North Platte.
A. A. Leister, of Hershey, is
combining business with pleasure
at Big Springs and other western
The man who patronizes home
industries . when he wants credit
lut ttH ttcxta db lie tfcta imJdey unll
previous to liquidating his home
debt sends to or goes to some other
place to purchase his goods is con
sidered in general to be of no bene
fit to the community in which he
Road Master Conner, J. K. Eshcl
man and Chris. Koch were among
those who marketed hogs at Her
shey Saturday.
M. McKelllp is moying from the
Delay farm over south to a Paxton
farm in the valley near the O'Fallon
school house.
Mrs. W. M. Evans has been at
Paxton lately where her husband
Rev. Evans, has been assisting in u
scries of meetings.
W. II. Hill, o? Hershey, has re
turned from a business .trip to
Tecumseh has decided to tax all
transient firms locating there to li
business temporarily, thirty dol
lars for each month or fraction
FRIEND (tlie ex.
tcrnm liniment),
is a true safe
guard for expect
ant mothers. It
holps them thro'
tho early stages
without mornfiii;
sickness, and as
tho critical hour approaches it relaxes
unci rollovcs tho overstrained muscles.
Lalx'r is shortened and robbed of nearly
all pain. Safo dolivcry is assured, and
the danger of rising or swelled breaBts
sntirely avoided. Quick recovery aud a
itrong offspring aro certain.
Druggists sell it for $1 a bottle.
Strait for our free Illustrated
book on tho subject.