The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 09, 1900, Image 1

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NO. 5.
5J Fine Groom and Bridge Work a Specialty. $
1 111 it i 111 111 111 iti i! .t. 111 .i. ."t. . I't'i I!'. it. t'i'i i
rt4.' ,4.' M1 ' W 'J1 ' '1 l l" l' ,l ' ll lr,M,1
You can bank on it being
fresh and as represented.
. . K 11. i!. i't'i . ,t. . .K i't'i ff . i. .K ,'. . i't'i 'f I!. I!. .!. 111 r. .. .
' 14.1 14.1 . 14.1 14.1 t57!5.' 4.t 15 1-14.1 14,1 14,1 '4-1 4 'V 'J' '41 ll l' ll
Hi-u.m.Toer, Coal
a-rLd. 3-za,in
Yards and Elevators at
North Platte, Neb.,
.. i m Sutherland, Neb.,
Julesburg, Colorado.
Manufacturer of
Order by telephone from Newton's Book Store.
I N. MoCABE. Proprietor.
J. E. BUSH, Manaeer.
North Platte Pharmacy.
Drugs and Druggists' Sundries.
We aim to, handle the best gTades of goods jfc
Sell everything- at reasonable prices, and
warrant all goods to be just as represented, jfe
I All Proscriptions Carofully Filled by a Licensed Pharmacist, j
, . 1
Orders from the country and along the line of the Union
Pacific Railway is respectfully solicited.
First door north of First National Bank.
Wo will mail you nn nrtlolo to wonr that positively curoa RHEUMATISM,
SCIATICA, LUMBAGO AND GOUT by drawing tho uno acid from tho system.
A written Rnarantoe to refund your money in thirty days if not ontlroly sntisfnc
torv. It coats only 82.00. Send 2o stamp for booklet tolling nil about tho won
derful cure. AddrosB HEX RHEUMATIC CO., Box 14, HARTFORD, CONN.
And all kinds of
Farm (Vlaehinery.
Standard Goods at
Reasonable Prices.
prorRTn ri.ATf E.
A Well
is he who who get us to
make his clothes. Wc
are now receiving our line
of new and fashionable
Spring Suitings.
F. J. Broeker,
County News. i:
Geo. Eves and family visited the
former's parents at Hcrshcy last
Archie Stricklcr took a load ol
the Sea foam washing machines to
North Platte Monday.
The North Platte Land and Wa
ter Co. is having a dredge boat con
structed which will be used at the
head of the canal for removing the
sand. A centrifugal dredge pump
and a twelve horse power gasoline
engine wilt be used.
The members of the Herahcy
commercial club arc pleased to learn
that the business men of North
Platte have organized a club on
the same plan as adopted here.
G. V. Brown and wife were re
cent visitors in Curtis,
G. A. Staples and crew have fin
ished baling 120 tons of hay on the
Dillon ranch and arc now baling on
the south side.
C. B. McKinstry did not ship the
hogs he purchased of "W. O. Thom
son west from Hcrshcy, but instead
drove them to Sutherland.'
About fifty acres of sugar bcctB
will be cultivated in the valley be
tween Spuds and old 6'Fallon the
coming season, the most of which
have already been contracted. In
order to promote and encourage su
gar beet culture the North Platte
Land & Water Co. will permit
their tenants to use three acres of
laud free for this purpose and will
give a premium of ten dollars to the
farmer who cultivates at least
three acres of beets and which at
tains the best results according to
chemist's test at the Grand Island
factory, and five dollars for the
second best. Those wishing to
engage in this business should call
on fe. F. Seebergerat Hershey,who
is authorized to make contracts.
W. H. Hill transacted business
at the state metropolis this week.
W. A. Paxton shipped two cars
of hogs from his ranch Tuesday,
and Seeberger & Co. shipped a car
the same day.
It waB G, L. Clayton who joined
the Woodman camp at Hershey
last Saturday instead of G. L. Tay
lor. For the best line of cigars in
western Nebraska, go to W. L.
Hackney's at Hershcy.
Frank and Will Loker will not
work with the Dillon & Patterson
grading outfit at Sidney as was
reported. The wages were not
Rumor has it that Geo. Shoup is
entertaining a new daughter at his
home on the north side.
The Royal Neighbors held an en
thusiastic meeting at the school
house hall on Tuesday evening.
Quite a little interest is being tak
en in this order, and more should
be as it's a good thing, so push it
Shoup Bros, and Brown & Mc
Kinstry both shipped hogs to Den
ver Monday.
Rcnbcn Ellsworth will sell his
goods on the 10th inst., and then
will leave for Wisconsin. E, A.
Stone aud Tacob Delay will also
have a sale in the near future. Mr.
Stone intends moving to Lincoln
and Mr. Delav to California.
The Methodist brethren are liav.
ing.i turmoil in their camp on ac
count of some remarks having
been made derogatory to the char
acter of the Methodist preacher,
but stories after being tun down
appear to have no foundation. The
reverend gentleman is so enthusi
astic over his work thot he some
times oversteps the line nud un
pleasantness occasionally results.
James Shoup nud Nels Peterson
transacted business at North
Platte Monday.
Nate Trogo, of Lilac, spent &ev
eral days in this vicinity last week.
Fred Pierson is spending this
week in Denver looking up hay
Frank HVa'eka, W. 0. Thompson
SXa aVi.1-'... ' VV...4-1I J Jl.Jj
auu xuuen mc-wunncii ui ucrsucv
If You are Looking
For a modern, clean, up-to-dato Grocery Store, go to HARRING
TON & TOBIN'S now building east of tho First National Bank
where you will see tho finest and neatest storo in all Western No
braska. Plenty of room, no crowding like in tho old narrow storo.
Great Reduction in Prices.
As we are not paying rent, and have otherwiso reduced expenses,
we propose to sell goods at tho VERY LOWEST CASH PRICES
prevailing. Take notice of the following prices and comparo thorn
with tho prices you aro paying elsewhere if you do not now buy
from us.
Apple Butter Ileinzs 12;fc per lb
Beef Extract 40c a jar
Buckwheat Flour New York..;4c per lb
Bakers Chocolate 18c a cake
Battle Ax Tobacco. .' 35c a plug
Bird Seed 7c a lb
Cranberries 8c a qt
Corn Meal !25c a bag
Cabbage , 3c a lb
Canned Corn High grade 8c a can
Canned TomatocB High grade. . .10c a can
Canned Peas High grade 12c a can
Currents 1 lb packages 10c a p'k'gc
Catsup Snyder's high grade... 25c a bottle
Duke's Mixture Tobacco 35c a lb
Durham Tobacco 55c a lb
Epps Cocoa i lb cans 25c
Elastic Starch 8c
French Peas 12c a can
Granulated Sugar for $1.00 17 lbs
Gran Pa's Wonder Soap 8c
Grape Nuts 15c
Hominy Flake , 5c a lb
Horse Shoe Tobacco 45c a lb
Horse Radish Home made. . .12jC a bottle
Honey in Comb 15c a lb
Kingsford Corn Starch 8c a lb
Kinghlords Gloss Starch .... T. ... . .". 8c"a lb
Lewis Lye 8c a can
Lye Merry War 7c a can
Lye Champion 6c a can
Lexington Patent Flour $1.00 a sack
Lexington Crystal Flour OOcasack
Macaroni Domestic 12c a lb Imported 17c a lb
Maple Syrup in bulk 75c a gal
Maple Sugar. 12c a lb
Mince Meat IIciiizb a lb
Mushrooms French 25c a can
North Platte Patent Flour $1.00 a Back
North Platte Gold Crown Flour.. 90c a sack
Noodles 12;-;c a p'k'gc
On Time Yeast 3c a p'k'gc
Pilsbury's Best Flour $1.15 a sack
Pickles Sweet aud Mixed 20c a qt
Pickles - Sour 35c a gal
Postum Cereal Large package 25c
Pillsburya Oats Finest on earth 12c
Quaker Oats 12c
Ouail Oats ' 8c
Raisins , 8c a lb
Rice Tin: iiust 10c a lb
Sapolio 8c
Saucr Krout Hcinzs.s 10c a qt
Soap Nuggett 40 bars for $1.00
Soap White Russian 7 bars for 25c
Vcrmccilla 12jic a p'k'gc
Vitos Pillsburvs 15c n p'k'gc
Vinegar.. , 25c a gal
Whole Wheat Shrcdcd Biscuit.. 15c a p'k'gc
Wlicat Cream of. .. v .. . .15c a p'k'ge -
Yeast Foam 3c a p'k'kc
Alt above goods guaranteed of the very
best quality and fresh Btock.
In the roar of the store we have a counter containing somo goods that
were slightly damaged by smoke in our recent fire which we aro selling
considerably below cost. Ask for the fire sale counter and got a great ben
efit on goods that aro strictly first-class except that labels on cans and
packages are slightly blackened by smoke.
Harrington & Tobin.
i iTi if a iTi iTi iTt iXi tTi iTt Ai i't'i if i ! 'fri 'fri tlt t'i'i lS rfi tfri At ifi ifo tit iTt i't'i rti - " jAm -fr
r iy 14.1 ix' 'J.' 4. 14.1 '4.' 14.1 tyi 14.1 14.1 tyi iff 14.1 14.1 14J 14.1 14.1 fj v jf '4.1 iff '4.' vpvp vp X? XJ
delivered hogs at Sutherland Monday.
Sam Anderson lias rented the A.
Foyer farm and has erected a small
house thereon. It is said that his
sister, or some other fellow's Bis
ter, will keep house for him.
James Buchanan and Chas Cockle
returned from their Grant trip on
Several of the farmers here re
ceived their checks this week for
their laBt year'B melon seeds which
they shipped to Waterloo, Neb.
and eastern points,
Fred Bickford, of Wclllleet, waB
in town Thursday and Friday vis
iting with J. M. Fristo and family.
Mrs. J. II. Jolli He was visiting in
Somerset s few days last week.
Mrs. Jas. Waggoner of Somerset
recently transacted business in
FRIEND (tbe ex.
tcrnal Unlment),
is a true safe
guard for expect
ant mothers. It
helps them thro
the early $tapeu
without morning
sickness, and an
tho critical hour approaches it relaxes
ana relieves tno overstratneu muscles.
Labor is shortened and robbed of nearly
all noin. Safe delivery is assured, and
tho danger of risinK or swelled breaHts
entirely avoided. Quick rcvvery and a
itrong on spring aro certain.
Druggists sell it for SI a bottle.
Send (or our free Illustrated
book on the uhloct.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderson,
who formerly lived here, but now
reside near Madrid, are in this lo
cality this week visiting with their
old time friends.
Rev. Johnson of Somerset deliv
ered an excellent sermon to the
people of Dickens and vicinity Sun
day night.
There scciiib to be a great de
mand here for places to rent. The
prospects are now that Dickens
will have new families in the near
luture. Two new houses are be
ing built already and several are
being remodeled.
Ouite a good dealot corn is being
brought into Dickens this week,
Votaw Bros, being the principal
purchasers. The most of it has
sold for twenty-five cents a bushel.
S. J. Dowell is building a fine,
large house on hin place cast of
town this week. Dad Wolfe is as
sisting him,
The beets which the Standard
Beet Sugar company is working up
at its factory near Ames are. prov
iug to be in rather poor coudition
Because the company was not able
to commence operating its plant as
early as expected it was compelled
to store a large quantity of beets in
the beet house and silos. During
the warm weather in January these
beets thawed out and the percent
age of sugar in them was very
materially reduced. Beets that
freeze and stay frozen do not lose
any of the sugar but when they
freeze and thaw they are apt to he
spoiled for sugar. The factory is
running day ant nigjit BbiCtf aud
heel's o u'ri ab'du) forty byi,
Work on the B. & M. extension
iijWestcrn Nebraska is progressing
very rapidly considering that it is
being done in the winter time. It
has been completed to a point oppo
site Gcriug, about one third of the
entire length of the proposed nesv
Hue. Trains will be runniug that
far before the week is ended,
The State Board of Transporta
tion rendered a decision in the rate
case Wednesday alternoou. The
order made in 1897 restoring car
load rates 011 Btock waB revoked aud
an order issued instructing the
various railroad companies to make
a reduction of ten per cent on ex
isting cattle rates aud five per cent
on hog rates. If the companies re
fuse to accept the reduction they
are ordered to appear before the
board and show cause.
Dr. Humphreys'
Specifics act directly upon U10 dUcasc,
without oxcltlng disorder iu other parta
of the system. Thpy Curo tho Sick.
no, ccre-1, rsicu.
1-I'ecr, Congcttloui, Inflammation!. ,VJ5
'J-Vofm, Worm Fever, Worm Colic...
a-Tcellilns. Colic, CrylDe,Tkefulnts ,23
4-Dlarrhra, of Cblldreu or AJulti 23
7-Coualn. Coldi, IlroDCbltll. ,.23
B-,ruralslo, Toollitctie, t'acetcbe 23
0-lledrlio,8lclcnt(laclio, Vertigo.. .23
10- IvpM.ln,Iu(lltf((lim,VfUHIomcli.2.'$
1 l-Hii'iprrMt-tl orl'olnril l'crlodi 23
IM-WIiHoi. Too I'roruie Period! 23
lH-C'oup, I.nrvnaltli, lloariencu 25
1 1- Hnll Illiemn, Erjilpelaa.ErupUoni., .23
1 B-Illieuniotliim, llbtumatlc Paint 25
lG-.lnlnrl, Clillli, Fever and Aguo 2S
1 n-t'ntarrli. Influenza, Cold In the Head ,33
20 WlioopluK't'oiiah .23
' 27-Kldncy nitenir , 23
2rt-.iTvou netillltv 1.00
ao-l'rlimrv UVnknen, Wcttlni:od.., ,25
77-4Jrlp, viS
Dr. Ilumpbreyi' Mnnnal of all Dltcaien at your
uruRuiui ur jnunci i rvv.