The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 26, 1900, Image 8

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    Local News in Brief. tZsz&ti
Miaslrma Cody will entertain at
Welcome Wigwam" next Thurs
day evening.
M. B. Cryderman expects to es1
tablish an office in Harlman'rj con
fectionary store for the benefit of
his patronB.
A. L. Davis is constructing a
small house ou the Wilkinson farm
south of town which he recently
Wanted Chickens, Turkeys,
Geese, Ducks and Pigeons.
Capt. W. II. Hamilton went to
Lexington yesterday to be present
at the annual Firemen's fair
which is being held there this
For Rent A seven room house.
Apply to John Ottcnstein.
The losing side at the shooting
match which was held Tuesday
has challenged the winners to a re
turn match which will be nliot on
22nd ol February.
Wanted. A women to take care
ot house and do general house
work, Mks. Fred Marti.
Mrs. F. W. Rinckcr, Mrs, A. F.
Parsons and Mrs. F, T. Field will
be the hostesses at a Kensington
to be iriven at Fcderhoof's hall to
morrow afternoon.
I have for sale good alfalfa in the
stack or delivered. Order of A- II.
Davis. W. II. Turi'IE.
The Hub grocery company has
recently made some minor improve
ments in its store room which
greatly expedites the work of hand
ling its feed business.
Sewing Mnchino NoodJcs at Wile ox
Dopartmont Storo.
V. R. Meyers in erecting a small
building on the lot adjoining his
former location in which to trans
art business until the insurance on
his other property is settled and he
is able to rebuild there.
James M, Ray, Lawyer,
Quite a number of dealers arc
buying hogs in the local market
and the result is that farmers arc
obtaining a very good price for
their hogB, competition tending to
strengthen the market.
Aunt Jemimu ancako Flour lOo a
package at Wilcox Department Storo.
The sociable given
be II
i o
Special Stress Should
Laid on Our Undoubtedly
Double-breasted, Satin Faced Serges
or Nobby Single-breasted Serges, true
blue or black, and heavy weight Black
Clay Worsted, Satin Lined Bird's Eye
Worsted; Worsted and Cassiuicres in
grand variety of patterns, pure woolens,
stylishly and substantially made
Light, or medium, or heavy weight
Coverts, and nobby Herringbone weaves
of Beavers, of Meltons, of Kerseys, all
made in The Star's style and sold with
The Star's guarautee.
Cheaper and better ones. See the
new lines. Buy new goods at the same
price you pay for old stuff.
W. A. VOLLMER, Proprietor.
Across the street from old location.
A dozen couples of friends were
entertained at high-five last night
by Mr. and Mrs. F. 10. Bullard in a
manner that made the hours pass
Wednesday very pleasantly. The game was of
night by the Altar society at the the progressive nature, but no re
home of John Kcliher was attended wards for good playing were given.
by a large number ot people and Following the games very nicely
netted the society quite a neat prepared refreshments were served.
Special sale of Jackets, Capes
and Millinery, at Rcnnic's.
Hi Ballard was up before Judge
Baldwin Tuesday afternoon
charged with using menacing lan
guage to MrB. J. M. Mooney when
thc was releasing some impounded
cattle. The trial was continued
for thirty days.
Odds and ends in Men's Shoes,
$4.50 values at $3; $3.50, $J,$2'50
values at $2. Best $150 Men and
Boys Shoes in town.
Star Clothing Housi:.
a young uerman uy me rame
of Adolph Frontwlck, who whb
attempting to steal a ride on train
No. 6 Wednesday morning by
clinging to the out side of the ves
tibule, was thrown off near Kim
ball by the rapid motion of the
train and probably fatally injured.
lie fell ou a barbed wire fence and
was badly cut as well as bruised.
He had a partner with hi in who
auemptcu to ride ou another car
in the same manner but realizing
his danger he pounded on the door
and attracted the attention of
conductor Mooney who rescued him
from his precarious position
Frontwick s home is at Bloom-
Special sale on Ladies'
Capes and Jackets at
The Hub.
Some person with burglarious in
tent Is again abroad in the laud.
Chas. lSU's residence was entered
Monday night for the sccoud time
An informal farewell parly was
tendered Miss Myrtle Frcy at the
Sherman home Wednesday even
ing. The evening was spent in
playing games and enjoying music
both instrumental and vocal. A
delicious lunch was served during
the latter part of the evening.
Although the affair was purely in
formal it was productive of much
12 bars good laundry soap 25c.
Fancy naval oranges per doz. 25c.
at McCui,i,ouoii & Carter's.
Dobbins Uncle Tom's Cabin Com
pany will present tliat stirring
drama at the opera house on Tues
day evening, January. 30ti. The
New York Sun has the following
to say of the Dobbins Company
"Never has bucu a perfect per
formancc of Harriet Bccchcr Stowe's
masterpiece been irivcn in New
York, as that rendered by the big
double company which now occupies
the boards at the Academy. The
house ie always filled, matinee and
night, and though in the eighth
week of their run there seems to be
no indication of a falling oil
Carpet Warp
Colored, per pound., 19c
White, per pound 17c
Wilcox Dept. Store.
Tho Separator Station.
Business at the separator sta
tion Ins shown a decided upward
trend during the past few weeks.
Last Monday 2700 pounds of milk
were received. If those who have
signified their intention of sending
their milk to the station do so the
receipts will pass the 3000 pound
mark within a few days and then
the company will begin paying
rent for the station.
At present the station here is in
operation Mondays, Wednesdays
and Fridays. The process by which
the butter fat is separated from
the cream is a very interesting one
uid it is well worth a trip to the
station ou operating days to ob
serve it. (superintendent Eves
keeps everything around the
siatioti in excellent suapc anu is
very accomodating about explaiu-
ng the process of operating the
Samples are taken each day
rom the milk received at the
station and twice a mouth tests
are made to determine the exact
percentage of butterfat which the
milk contains. The milk received
at this Btation is superior to that
received at the majority of those
operated by the Fremont Creamery
Co., the tests showmu that the
average percent is four and two
tenths and some of the milk shows
as high as live per cent.
i i . i .
w uen uie siaiiou was tirst cs
lauiisueu nerc uie tanners were
rather backward about patronizing
it, the majority ot them thinking
that they could make more out ot
tlieir milk by working it up into
butter themselves but at the pres
em price me company is paying
for butterfat, twenty cents,
large number of them have become
convinced that it is more profitable
to market their milk at th
The board of education held a
within two weeks but the wonld-be special meeting Tuesday night to
burglar was probably disturbed consider several matters in connect
shortly after he effected an en- ion with the bids for the con
trance as there were evidences of a structlon of the new high school
hasty flight and he took nothing building. When the board fixed
with him. A piece of caudle which the amount of the contractor's
he had been using was left lighted boud at $50,000 the members sup
but fortunately was discovered be- posed that that was the amouii
lore it aid any uamage. The same required by law but their attor
evening entrance was made to the ney's having informed them that so
W J 1 II I . la .
uangs rcsiuencc out noiiiiiig was large a uonu was unnecessary the
taken, 'rue otneera are using every amount was fixed at $20,000. Ar
possible means to apprehend the raugemcnta were made to adver
burglar,' brtburglars', but so far tisc for-bids in Diuycr Omaha arid
'iwf hayfe.bfcen Uuiuc'c't'Asful,
I Lincoln p'ap'crs.
People and Events.
Miss Allie Grace went to Omaha
yesterday morning.
Rev. G. A. Becchcr spent last
evening in Hershey.
Miss Annie Johnson went to
Omaha yesterday morning to visit
with relative for a short time.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Wood and
son will go to Ogallala tomorrow
to spend a few days with relatives.
Mrs. W. C. Blackmorc and son,
of Sutherland, spent several days
in town viaitinir Mrs. G. L.
Mr. and Mrs. George Austin, Jr.,
came down trom Cheyenne yester
day morning to attend the Bedell-
Austin wedding.
Mrs. Summer, who had been the
guest of Miss Minnie Fcderhoof for
a few days, returned to her home at
Bloomington yesterday.
Mrs. Flora Kitzmiller, who had
been visiting relatives here for ten
davB, left this morning for her
home in Dcs Moines.
Mrs. L. C. Hansen and son ar
rived from Grand Island yesterday
afternoon and will spend a few
days here visiting relatives.
Mrs. M. Beecher will arrive from
Kearney tomorrow afternoon and
spend some time here as the' guest
of her son. Rev. G. A, Beecher.
Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Barnum
Bpent Wednesday in town, Mr.
Barnum was here on business
connected with the motive power
Mrs, Robt. Arundale will no to
Denver next week to join Mr. Aruiv
ale who has gotten that far on his
return trip. They will visit there
for several days before returning
lid Rebhauscn ana his "family
returned Tuesday afternoon from
Wood River where they had been
visiting relatives. Ed left later
for Sidney where he will work
in the Union Pacific yards lor
Miss Myrtle Frey left yesterday
atternoon tor Portland. Alter a
short stay there she will go down
the coast to Los Angeles and
from there to Honolulu. She has
not yet definitely decided upon a
Mrs. M. McNamara and daught
ers Omega and Mrs. S. H. Done-
bower, left on No. 5 Sunday morn
ing for several weeks visit with her
daughter Mrs. G. II. Hirst, at Cle
burne, Texas, stopping on their
way at Denver and other points.
We sell Dwinel & Wright's High
Grade Coffee and Spices. These
goods are from the largest coffee
roasting establishment in the world
and guaranteed to be equal to any
goods on the market.
Rush & Murray.
Our Elegant Line of Furniture
Catches the eyes of the people, and the
quoting of prices makes the sale. Our
stock is so complete in every line that
the purchaser finds no difficulty in find
ing just what he or she wants
rue uancu ot ucruani uecr con
sisting of several sections of laud
all under fence, good buildings
1 . m aim several windmills sup
plying the pastures with an abun
dance of good water, The ranch
includes 300 acres of land under
cultivation, about half of it under
irrigation, a large amount of pas
I 1 . t - .
iurc ana nay lanu, located six
miles from North Platte. Will
rent all or part to suit tenants
Apply to
T, C. Pattkrson, Agent
NbYtu PlatftfT Nell
ot odds and ends in Ladies'
and Girls' Fine Shoes has
helped many to just the shoes
tney liKeci pest, at prices
much below real worth.
There are yet 37 pairs of the
Ladies' Shoes at $1.95
and nearly all sizes and widths
arc in the lot. Most of them
are black kid, either cloth or
leather tops, but a few pairs
of Tans yet remain. Goods
that are worth, and sell regu
larly, at $2.50 and 83,00.
Girls' Shoes at $1.40
for odd pairs from our finest
and best lines; black kid and
spring heel, coiu toes, hook
lace; dressy, serviceable and
worth $2.00. Smaller sizes of
same at, worth $i. 60.
North Platte, Neb.
; Special Sale
Jackets, Capes, Collarettes
and Millinery
All $15.00 to $20.00 Jackets and Capes at $12 50
All 12.50 Jackets and Capes at 8.50
All 10.00 Jackets and -Capes at 7.50
Alt 7.50 Jackets and Capes at 5.00
All 5.00 and 6.00 Jackets and Capes at 4.00
All 4.00 Jackets and Capes at 2.50
All 15.00 Collarettes at 10.00
All 10.00 and 12.00 Collarettes at 7.50
All 7.50 Collarettes at 5 00
All 5.00 Collarettes at 3.00
All 3.50 Collarettes at : 2.00
Sweeping Reductions in Millinery.
$10.00 and 12.00 Hats at $7.00
7.50 and 8.00 Hats at 5.00
5.00 and 0.50 Hats at 4.00
.0)ail 4.00 Hats at 2 00
2.00 and 2 50 Hats at 1.25
2.00 Walking Hats at 1.00
1.00 Crushers at 50c
Shooting Match.
At the pigeon shooting match
held in the south part of town
Tuesday afternoon the side which
was captained by R. L. Graves
shot 68 pigeons and the side cap
tained by W. S. Dolson shot 64.
The following is the score made by
those shooting on Graves' side out
of a possible ten birds: JR. L.
Graves ten, Alvin Pool ten, Fred
Ouimette ten, W. H. C. Woodhurst
eight, C. M. Highuinith seven,
Geo. Schatz six, C. H. Pool six,
C. O. Wilcox six and Geo. Wiuko-
witcli- five. The score made by
Dolson's side is as follows: W. S.
Dolson nine, G. L. Carter eight,
Fred Sawyer seven, W. H. Ryan
seven, Perry Sawyer seven, John
Lonergan eight, R. Starkey seven,
John Fcderhoof seven and A. B.
Yates four. The match attracted
quite a large crowd of specta
The losing side tendered the
winners a banquet at the Star res
taurant in the eventug. The ban
quet was a very elaborate affair
and was well served. It was a
very enjoyable occasion for all
who participated. The toasts were
full of wit and wisdom and pro
voked considerable merriment par
ticularly when reference was made
to Graves' and SchaU' fondness
for Carter's doc-. The winners
wcie all decorated with blue rib
bons. VV. S. Dolson, who was the
principal promoter of the match
but who was unfortunately on the
losinir side, was decorated with a
till horse so that all the beholders
might know that it was a 'horse
on him."
Safkin-Woolnian Wedding.
Mr. Chas, II. Safkin and Miss
Elizabeth Woolman were united in
marriage Wednesday morning at
eight o'clock at St. Patrick's
church by Rev. Thos. F. Hfiley,
Only relatives and a few intimate
friends were present. The bride's
I costume was a beautiful white
cashmere. She was attended by
her sister, Miss Annie Woolman
whose costume was a very pretty
one ot wlnte mull, i ne groom
who was a member of the Cody
Guards, wore his uniform. After
the cere money a wedding break
fast was served to the bridal party
at the home of the bride's par
The bride is the daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. Fred Woolman and is a
most estimable young lady. The
groom is a well known young
inan who ib in the employ ot t lie
Union Pacific here.
Sweeping reduction in Jackets;
Cnpfcs artfl Mll'llnefy ill Re'tlrile's
MoOarty Residence Burned.
The residence of V. E. McCarty
was almost totally destroyed bv
fire Tuesday night. The origin of
the fire is somewhat of a mystery
as there .was no one in the house at
the time it Btarted, the entire fam
ily being down at the depot as
Mrs. McCarty and the children
were going to take No. 4 for Cozad.
Their theory however is that the
drapery on the dresser must have
taken fire from a lamp aittinir
underneath it and after smoulder
ing for a time had broken out in
ilames which spread in the other
draperies. The fire had gained so
mucb headway before an alarm
was sent in that it was impossible
to save the house but the piano and
a large part of the furniture in the
front room was saved. The bal
ance ot the furniture, silverware
and all of the family's clothing
except what they were taking with
them to Cozad were totally des
troyed. The furniture was insured
for $1,000 and the house for
See what Happens!
Listen to a child story :
arnv i " Did you ay your prayers laat
Alice t " Ycs.'t
Mauyi "Well, I .U.ln't, and I'm not
going to y ' to-night I Nor to-morrow
tilghtl Kor tlio next night ! I'm going to
top now for tlvo nights nnct If nothing hap
pens to 1110. then I'm never going to say 'em
any more."
This is the way children reason ;
and some grown-up people, top I
They arc all right because " noth
ing happens I
Now you probably drink, coffee.
How can we make you realize
what you are losing in not trying
Nothing happens to you if you
don't uso it I So it is hard to get
you started,
But sopietfiing happens if you
once try a cupl You find the grocer
delivers it in an imported, air-tight,
parchment-lined bag, You wonder
about tlls, But when you taste the
coffee you get a hint, This coffee is
only roasted on order it Is then
hermetically sealed as it comes
from the roaster; it is packed un
der the Chase & Sanborn Seal
warranted trade-mark, and is guar
anteed to be highest quality.
Try It just once;