The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 12, 1899, Image 1

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NO. 92.
Toys and Holiday Goods.
Toilet Sets and Trays,
Vases, Triple Mirrors,
Bisque Novelties,
Brush and Comb Sets,
China Novelties,
China Cups and Saucers,
Cigar Vases,
Smoking Sets,
Collar and Cuff Boxes.
Santa Claus Headquarters
We have so many Holiday Goods this
year we are at a loss to know how to dis
play them. Our trade has already begun.
I If von do not know what vou want come
and see us. You can certainly find it at
Doll Carriages,
Doll Cradles, Etc
A very nice line, and cheap.
A Kodak makes a nice Present. We
have them from $2:50 up.
Kid Body
Cloth Body
China Dolls,
Bisque Dolls
Negro Dolls
Dressed Dolls
Rubber Dolls
And all kinds of
Dolls from lccnt
up to six dollars.
Books of all Kinds.
Fancy Box Paper and Envelopes.
Stationery of all kinds and always
the best grades.
The Highly Glazed Louwelsa Ware
Jardineres, Work baskets.
Sleds, Toy Chairs, Velocipedes,
Iron Wagons, Rocking and Shoo
Fly Horses.
To get any sort of an idea of our
immense stock vou will have to come and
see what we have.
Newton's "Book and Novelty Store
Toys of all
Mmnmmmmmnminmff in it? itHmmiHmtntf m mma
"""3? kfcTcy WAGUINS
Woocliijaijsee Wiclixjilis,
Carriages, Buggies, Road Wagons,
Carts, Spring Wagons,
Latest Styles and Best Quality for the Price.
Locust St., North Platte, Neb.
XjvuaaJoex Coal
and Q-xairj
Yards and Elevators at
North Platte, Nob.,
Sutherland, Nob.,
Julesburg, Colorado.
(0. if. IDDINOS.)
Manufacturer of
Order by telephone from Newton's Book Store.
Wo will moll you nn nrtiolo to wonr tlmt poeitivojy euros UHEUMATISM,
SOIATIGA, LUMBAGO AND GOUT by drawing tho urio ncid from tlio oyetom.
A writton gnaromo to rorunti your tnonoy in tinny uiys it not outiroiy wiiihiiio
torv. It costs only 82.00. Sond 2o fitiimp for booklet tolling nil about tho won
dlfrtul euro. AUUrWPB ItNX RHBUMATIO C0lfBox U, HrimnaitD,aJNN
Gono to His Long Homo.
One of the earliest pioneers of
western Nebraska, Louis II. Baker,
died at his home on west Sixth
Btrcet Saturday morning after a
long and painful illness. While he
had not been confined to his bed
very long1, he had been confined to
the House tor months, aim dunuir
part of the time hud suffered ex
cruciating pain, but bore it with a
very cheerful resignation. All of
his family were present at the time
of his death but his step-son and
step-daughter and his son Charley,
who had but recently returned to
his home in iMinturn.
Louis Henry Baker was born in
Brownsville, Pa., on December 18,
1830. About forty years ago, while
he was still a young man, he came
west and engaged in the fur busi
ness, making trips along the Mis
souri river almost to its source. In
I860 he came to Lincoln county and
established a trading post on a
ranch. He has resided here con
tinuously since then. Shortly a -ter
he came to this country he wn
married to Mrs. Lewis, who sur
vives him.
His life here during the sixties
and early seventies was a very stir
ring one and was full of thrilling
adventures, as the Indians con
stantly menaced his life and prop
erty. In fact they destroyed a
large amount of his property, a
claim for which is still pending in
congress although it ought to have
been paid long ago.
Mr. Baker was one of the small
band of men who by coming here
and enduring all sorts of hardships
and peril made it possible for this
country to be settled, He was a
man ot many excellent qualities
and his death has brought &udunss
to many.
He is survived by a wife, three
sons, Charley. John and Will, and
two daughters. Mrs. 151 ma Crane
and Mrs. II. G. Atkinson. The
funeral waH held at the Church ot
Our Saviour yesterday afternoon
and was attended by a large con
course ot people anxious to pay a
last tribute of respect.
Sweeping reduction in Jackets,
Capes and Millinery at Rennie's.
Victims to Btomnoh, llvor nnd kidnoy
troublrp as woll ns womon, and all fool
tho results in loss of appetite, poifionn in
tho blood, backnoho, norvouBiicRS, head
aoho nnd tirod, listless, run-down fooling.
Ilutthorols no nood to fool liko that
J. W. Gardnor, of Idnvillo, Ind , cayH:
"Elootrio Dittore nro just 'ho thing for
a man when ho don't euro whothor ho
lives or dies. It gavo mo now strength
and good appotito. I can now oat any
thing nnd havo n now lcaso on llfo."
Only COo at StroltK1 Drug store Evorj
Uuttlo gunrnntbcil.
A Delightful Surprlso.
Saturday being Mrs. C, P. Tra
cy's birthday, a number of ladtcs
decided to celebrate the occasion by
tendering her a surprise party in
the afternoon, They gathered at
the home of one of the ladicsnnd at
three o'clock presented themselves
at the Tracy home and demanded
admittance. Mrs. Tracy was com
pletely surprised but soon regained
her self-possession and proved her
self to be a charming hostess even
when taken unawares. The ladies
presented her with a very hand
some hund-paiutcd vase as a token
of their esteem. They had also
not forgotten the material side of
life and had brought with them the
essentials for an elegant lunch
which was served during the latter
part of the afternoon. The occasion
was one which will long be rcincm
bcrcd by all who were there as one
of the most pleasant afternoons
ever spent.
The ladies who were present
were McfidauiCH Cnry,Miltonberger,
Buchanan, White, Strahoru, Ham
ilton, Luse, Stamp, Belton, Strcitz,
Orr, Hartmau, Eves, Parsons, Goo
zee Verucr, Bullard, Stuart, Kikes,
Iddings, Baldwin, Hershey, Davis,
Clabuugh, McDonald, Hammond,
Scntcr, Birge, Dillon, Baskin, 15d
Davis, Gautt, Hallignn. Patterson
and Wcingand and Misb Carrie
' District Court.
The entire day Friday was devot
ed to the case ot the State vs Con
nors. The prisoner stoutly main
tained his innocence whenever he
had an opportunity but the evidence
against linn was so great that the
jury brought in a verdict of guilty
in a very short time after the case
was given to them. After the jury
brought in its verdict Connors
weakened and finally admitted that
he had a hand in the burglary of
the store but insisted that it was
his accomplices who made the entry
into the building and that he re
ceived the goods outside.
Saturday morning Judge Grimes
passed sentence upon the men who
had been convicted. Harry Foil,
who stole the clothing from the
Vienna, was given twenty days in
jail; A. M. McDaniel, who appro
priated the shotgun, was given
twenty days in jail as was also Ira
James who plead guilty to stealing
the Bilker harness.' Connors was
sentenced to live years in the pen
itentiary. Judge Grimes has set aside the
decree of divorce in the case of
Sarah Loan vs Patrick Loan be
cause within two uavs alter the
decree was granted the plaintiff
went to Julesburg and was married
to A. 15. Sanford. If the plaintiff
returns to Nebraska she will be
prosecuted for bigamy as the Judge
is resolved to put a stop to the pre
vailing laxity in regard to immedi
ate remarriage after divorce and the
obtaining of divorces to marry
other people.
We arc told that corn stalks for
feed arc belling in the valley for
iiity cents an acre, a fair price. .. .
Corn shelters are humming all
over the valley at this time. The
crop is reported very good and over
runs by weight in nearly every in
stance D. A. Brown of North
Platte was frolicking with the boys
in the vicinity of Nichols a couole
of days recently Mrs, Corwin
ot ilershcy is said to oe convalesc
ing from her late illness, which
her fiieuds are glad to hear
II. Newberry has returned from a
visit to his farm in McPhcrsou
county Section foreman G. M.
Smith of Ilershcy purchased seven
head of line heitcrs of Win. Johnson
the other day and will put them on
his farm southeast of Spuds
George Sullivan marketed a num
ber of dressed chickens and ducks
at the county scat Saturday
Homer and Jack Ilungcrford have
made good wages husking nnd de
livering at Hershey corn for the
old ditch company at live cents a
bushel The cool nights and
warm days have brought out the
wild geese in large numbers, many
of which have been killed by local
hunters Charles and Louis
Toillion recently sold to Secberger
& Co. at Hershey about a car of
fine young hogs .... Miss Alma
Show has returned to Omaha after
a short visit with her sister Mrs,
Mudd J. II. Hershey of North
Platte was up to his ranch in the
valley a lew days ago Some
unprincipled scoundrel poisoned
Agent Spear's bird dog at Hershey
last Wednesday, About a week
ptcvious the animal received a dose
from which he recovered. The par
ties are suspected and trouble is
liable to ensue Joe Leach, who
was hit in the mouth by a stone
while recently present at a chiava
ri, is said to be in bad shape at
this time J. L. Stricklcr has
been somewhat indisposed lately,
but is now improving The
Royal Neighbors of Hershey held
tin byater supper in tilts hall 'lMiurB
An outer garment must havo a swell, stun
ning stylo or you won't liko it, but fyesidos
that, it must have the right kind of mate
rial, making and fit, and above everything
else must havo a low price, that in connec
tion with tho stunning stylo will help you
to liko it. Our prices aro as low as hon
esty will allow, and our garments will
make tho wearer fool well dressed and
g 11 We Never Sleep' g
2j pine Groom and Bridge Work a Specialty. 2
to to
l3tV 111 itI 114 111 ltl A ltt fcfrl fl!! Atl iffa Att " 'fr Mfr
V V Ms 1l ,t V 1 " V " 1 V M1 ", f V V nh1 1 1 '1 "V l" ,l h1 fV '
4 lli IT o 1IN Tllili
r-. i 1. .. il i.
iji xuu can uumt un u uemg
fresh and as represented.
day evening1, an event which proved
a pleasant one to an participant
Since tlic (rrounu uas irozen
up and hojrs in the valley have a
dry place to cat, the disease that
has been working havoc among'
them for the past two months or
more, is fast abating1,
Wllov Matthews w.ib over to the
county "capitol Tuesday and Wed
nesday Mr. Leach and son of
Dlair, Neb., were visiting with Mr.
and Mth. Jerome Bai'cy and family
the first of the week Cecil
Tuell had a very severe attack of
rheumatism the first of the week
but is improving at this writing
w, u'. a. vjonner was u
North Platte visitor Tuesday and
Wednesday Chas. Bailey, of
Marengo was in DickciiB Wednes
day Miss Jennie Latimer who
has been working at North Platte
returned home a few days ago
Leslie Pristo was on the sick
list last week Will Dukes of
15ddy delivered hogs in town Thurs
day W. J. Duggan has bought
800 bushels of corn from J. Beyers
and L. Heavens, ot Wel'lltet
D. 15. JollifTc went to North Platte
Priday with a load of eggs, butter
and chickens Miss Sheridan
of Blue Hill, Neb., came in Wed
nesday night. She will visit for a
few days with her cousin Miss
Grace Sheridan.. ., .,L. Polzel has
just completed a large dwelling
house on his place southeast of
town and quite a number of people
gathered there Tuesday evening
and spent the tune in dancing and
eating oysters. All report an en
joyable time.
Try The "'TrtUunfc 3 mbnth-35iJ.
Part of the goods which were
stolen from stores nt Chappell on
Thursday last were recovered at
Julesburg. The goodB had been
left at the express office by a man
calling hiuiBclf ChaB. Reed for
shipment to Gothenburg1. The of
ficers arc hot on Reed's trail.
It wan u thrilling oscnpo Hint Clinrlcs
Dnvis, ot Doworston, O., lately had from
n frightful donth. Por two years u sovoro
lung troublo constantly grow woreo un
til it Boomed ho must dlo ot Coneump
tion. Thon ho botran to ubo Dr. King's
Now Discovery nnd latoly wroto:uIt gavo
inotant rohot and olloatod a pormnnont
euro." Such wondorful euros havo fur
25 years, provon its power to euro all
Tli rout, C'liont and Lung troublo. Prico
Mo and 81.00. Evory bottlo guarantood.
Trial bottlo froo at Stroitz drug store.
A Valuable Little Book of Interest
to All Women Sont Froo.
Evory woman locks forward with feol
incs of joy indcscribablo to tho
ono great ovent In hor llfo, com
pared with which all others palo Into in
oinnifionnco. How proud olio will feci
when her babo nestles on her breast
how sweet tho namo of "Mother I" And
yot, her anticipation ot this ovent is
clouded with dread of tho pain and dan
ger ot tho ordenl, so that it is impossi
ble to avoid tho feeling of foreboding
which creeps over hor. Tho danger
nnd Buffering attendant upon being n
mothor can oo entirely prevented, so
that tho coming of tho littlo stranger
need notbo looked forward to with fear.
Every woman who reads this, can obtain
freoa, valuable littlo book entitled "Be
fore Baby is Born," by pending her ad
dress to tho Brndileld Regulator Oo,,
Atlanta Ga, This book contains price
less information for all women, and no
rino ilftmra Ml to jsttml fur It,