The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 05, 1899, Image 4

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TUESDAY, DEC. 5, 1899.
1UA.L BARE, Editor and Pkopiiiktoii
bubscription bates.
One Year, cnnh In advance
Six Months, cash la advance.. 75 Cents'
B ttrdUhNortbriatt(NbrMk)postoffleat
Gov. Bradley, of Kentucky, Is
being groomed aB .a running mate
lor President McKinlcy next year.
The Bradley boomers expect to
secure delegations from all the
southern states for him.
It is stated that Hanna will not
accept another term as chairman
of tliu republican national com
mittee on the ground that his
health will not permit him taking
up the duties of an active cam
paign. Bhyan has leased his Lincoln
residence and will bpend the win
ter with liia family in Texas. He
wants to rest up for the campaign
ot next year, which he expects will
be a vigorous one, However, he
might as well save liln strength
and cnergy.for he wiir play a losing
Congressman Neville, who is
dubbed "the sandhill congressman
for Nebraska" had his first inter
view in a New York paper Satur
day and he expressed himself at
considerable length. He said if he
could consistently vole against
giving Roberts, the Utah Mormon,
his scathe would. Mr. Neville docs
not believe that polygamy has a
right to exist anywhere under the
American flag.
Not for a number of years has a
party had such complete power as
has the republican party to-day.
The president, the senate and the
house arc republicans, and upon
the party will rest the responsibil
ity of both the enactment and the
execution of new laws. Congress
which convened yesterday, will
have a number of very important
measures before it, among which
is a disposition of the Cuban and
Philippine questions and the pas-
Bacc of a currency bill, But the
republican party in the past has
been equal to all tasks imposed up
on it, and its present representa
tives in concrcBs will solve the
problem which confronts them in
a manner that will prove best to
all concerned.
Up in Holt county a few days
ago a man and woman armed with
a spade and a club killed ibo mon
ster rattlesnakes, Neighbors
vouch tor thU snake Btory.
Patrick Marvin, living near Ans
ley, Custer county, has Btartcd on
a trip around the world. He took
with him a kodak and by selling
views he takcB he hopes to pay his
OwcnB Brother, who have the
contract for grading and ballasting
the Union Pacific track nave gone
into camp just cast of Sidney nud
beirin work. They have an outfit
of fifty men ami teams,
Instead of sliding down the eel
lar door, Frank Wutsoa'd thirteen
year old hoii, residing at Anslcy
slid down a haystack and ran the
tines of a pitchfork into his thigh
making a very painful wound.
Jerry Mead, while botingn well
in the north part of Custer county
drilled through a stratum of rock
forty feet in thickness. It in very
unusual to strike a solid rock
while drilling in western Nebrns
Coyotes and wolves are quit
numerous in the vicinity of Calla
way and arc reported us killing
young pigs, calves and even colts
The tanners are making prepara
tious for a wolf hunt and expect
to kill a few at least.
II. J, Jenkins, of Wyoming, haB
made arrrangemcnts to feed six
thousand head of sheep this white
at Lexington and an equal number
at Shelton. It will require 20,000
bushels of corn and 800 tons of hay
to get the sheep ready for market
Makes the blood pure, ronovntos tho
ontlre BVBtom.Kivon now life and strcnuth
Ueraa' Wood Purlllor. "It on roil mo
ot n loug-stnnding nud chroulo ciibo ot
llatmn.' K. A. JJoutiy, bummit, inoriua
Hudorsou by puyBicinus wuahantek
oottofall. Try It. A. P. BtrOltz.
Death of C. E. Osgood.
The startling news waB received
here yesterday afternoon of the
death of C. E. Oigood in a wreck
on the D. & R. G. at English, a sid
ing about six miles west of Salida.
The first telegram said simply that
he was reported dead but later tele
grams and the press dispatches in
the Denver and Omaha papers con
firmed the report. A letter was re
ceived this morning by a North
Platte business man from Mr. Os
good wriltcn on Sunday in which he
said that he expected to leave that
evening for the mines. He was
enroute there when he was killed.
The accident occurred early yester
day morning. A broad guagc train
crashed into a narrow gauge train
which was standing on a siding and
nfltantly killed bIx of the passen
ger b in the rear sleeper, Mr. Osgood
being among the number.
He has been ho prominently iden
tified with Lincoln county's in
terests for so long and has so many
warm friends here that his sudden
cath has cast a gloom over the
entire community. Mr. Osgood
came to Lincoln county in an early
ay and, until about three years
ago, made His Home on a ranch
about five miles south of town
where he engaged quite extensively
n the cattle business. He also held
the office of county treasurer and
made a splendid record an a county
officer. Nearly three years ago he
went to Denver to accept the posi
tion of cashier of the Colorado Fuel
& Iron Co., of which his brother J,
Osgood, is president and general
manager, blnce taking that posi
tion he has become quite prominent
n Colorado coal mining circles. At
the time of his death he was only
fifty-two years old and as he was a
man of very vigorous constitution
is friends always thought of liim
as a man with a long life yet before
him. He had many attractive traits
of character, was warmhcartcd, a
good business man and a model
UBband and father. His death
brings a sense of personal loss to a
great many citizens of North Platte.
A wife and six children, three sons
and three daughters, arc left to
mourn his untimely demise. The
eldest son, C. R. Osgood, has been
n charge of one of the company's
mines at Pitkin this summer and
Clcvc, the second son was working
under his lather in the company of-
itces at Denver. JNo tlcliiiilc news
concerning the arrangements for
the funeral has as yet been received
Falls Citv is having a siege of
diphtheria. Precautions are being
taken to stay its violence.
The building ol the Ii. & M. in
Clicycuuc county has brought many
coplc into the north part of the
county, and the increase of popula
Hon Ii.'ih already resulted in amove
tuent for dividing the county and
making Bayard the seat of govcr
Ouros coughs, colds, uroup, whooping
cough, In grippo, pneumonia and con
sumption llogp'Chorry Cough Syrup.
"Host doctors In tho stnto told mo I hnd
consumption; two bottloa Hoggs' Chorry
Cough Syrup cured mo," Wm. Whit
Held, Lincoln, Nob. A. V, Stroltz.
No Torture Equal to the
Itching and Burning of
This Fearful Disease.
Eczema which la more than ekin-deop, and can not bo reached by local appli
cations of ointments, Halves, etc, applied to tho surface Tho diseaso itself,
tlio roat causo or tlio trouble, Is in the blood, although all sulTorlng In produced
through tho skin ; tho only way to reach tho diseaso, therefore, in through
mo uioou.
Mr. Phil T, Jones, of Mixorsvlllo, Ind., writes:
"I had Eczema thirty years, uiul after u great deal
of treatment my leg was so raw and coro that It gavo jm
constant pain. It iinally broke into a running soro, mid
begun to spread and grow worse. For the past flvo or
six years 1 havo sulTored untold agony and had given up
all hope of over being free from the dlscuso, as I huvu
boon treated by somo of the best physlolnnn and havo
taken many blood medicines, all in vain. With littlo
faith loft I began to take 8. S, S., and it apparently
mndo tho Eczema worso, but I know that this was tho
way tho remedy got rid ot tho poison. Continuing
B. . 8., tho Boro healed up entirely, tho skin becamo
oloar and smooth, and I was cured perfectly."
Eczema ii an obstlnato dlsoaso and can not bo cured by a remedy which is
only a tonic. Bwlft'u Specitle
Is superior to other blood remedies booauso it cures diseases which they oan
not roaoh. It goes to tho bottom to tho cause of tho disease and will euro
tho worst case of Eczema, no matter what other treatment has failed. It is
tho only blood remedy guaranteed to be freo from potash, mercury or any
other mineral, and never fails to euro Eczema, Scrofula, Contagious Blood
Poison, Oancor, Tetter, Rheumatism, Open Sores, Ulcers, Bolls, etc. Insist
upon B. 8, 8. ; nothing can take its place,
Hooks on theso discuses will bo mailed freo to any addrcbs by Swift Spe
clflo Company, Atlanta, Georgia.
The Woodmen dance was well
attended by the men but there was
so few ladicB present that the dance
was not the usual success.
The church ladies cleared about
twenty dollars at their dinner on
Thanksgiving day and served a
dinner of such quality that no one
need be ashamed to say that some
of their cooking was there.
E. A. Johnson was a North
Platte visitor Wednesday.
MIbs Gerta Hinc and Miss May
McGovcru came over from their
schools Wednesday and took num
ber 101 for the Platte to eat turkey
at home in approved schoolteacher
Mr. and Mrs. n. E. Worrell
spent Thanksgiving holidays in
the city.
Thursday morning Miss Adda
Baker and Mr. Ira Perdue lclt on
No. 6 for Lexington and in the
evening returned as Mr, and Mrs.
Perdue. The bride is a well known
school teacher, at present teaching
in the Brady schools and the
groom is a young man ot good
habits and well liked by all his
associates and is working here now
for the U. P. Mr. and Mrs. Per
due arc keeping house in the small
house across from Mrs. Perdue's
brother's place.
Ed Springer and the Miss Stnpel-
ton were North Platte visitors on
The lumbcrfor thenewcarpenter
shop arrived Wednesday and work
has so far progressed as to give
it the scmblcncc ot a house now.
Let the good work of Brady's
growth go on.
"Wednesday the local "sports"
held a turkey shoot and seemed to
enjoy the shooting greatly.
Saturday was the time for the
annual election with the Royal
Neighbors but as there was not a
sufficient number out the election
will have to be held next meet
ing. At the annual election of officers
for the Woodmen held Saturday,
P. Shields was elected V. C; Chris
Parsons W. A; Phil Hespin clerk;
S. Clapp E. B; R. McMurray E.
These gentlemen are noted for
their interest in the good of the
order and there is no doubt that
the camp here will continue to
grow and improve under their ad
ministration of its affairs.
There is not much being heard
of the lodge of I. O. O. F. that was
The Woodmen have an applica
tion for adoption.
Airs. A. w. Matiicwson was
quite ill the lore part of the
Phill Hespin has the very great
comfort and satisfaction ot being
the only man in town with a car
bu uclc.
"Ono of Dr. King's Now Lifo Pills
each night for two weeks linn put mo in
my 'teons' again," writes D. II. Tumor
ot Dt'mpsoytown, Pn. They'ro tho host
in tho world for liver, etomnrh nnd
bowols. Purely vegotnblo. Novor gripe
umy -:do ni sirouz a urug store.
For Rout.
A choice irrigated farm of 300
acres near Nichols. Apply to
T. C. Patterson.
Not mueh attention la often pnld to tho
first symptoms of Eczema, but it is not long
boforo tho littlo redness begins to itch nnd
burn. ThU is but tho beginning, and will
load to suffering and torture almost unen
durable It Is a common mistake to regard
n roughness and rednesB of tho skin as
merely a local irritation ; it is but an indica
tion nf a linmnp in tlin 11wm1 of tnrrlliln
A fourteen-year-old boy who re
sides near Stanton, attempted to
wreck a passenger train on the
Minneapolis & Omaha R. R. by
placing obstructions on the track.
When arrested he contested his
guilt and said that he just did it
tor fun.
Editor W. V. Barry, ot Lexington
Toon., in exploring mammoth cavo con
tracted a sovoro enso ot Piles. His quick
euro through using Bucklon's Arnica
Salvo convinced him it isnoothor world's
wondor. Cures pllos, injuries, Inflam
mation and all bodily eruptions. Only
25 conts at Stroitz's,
We will deliver Oil to any
part of the city for i6c
per gallon. We take it
to the house in our can.
Vlfilcox; DepartjuBiifc $fotfe.
Contractor and Builder.
Estimates furnished on all classed of build
ings, Jobbing promptly attended to.
Host of references Riven.
Front Street, opposite Ulrec's office,
Albert Davis,
'The Kid Jeweler,"
Has just received a new
stock of
Only reliable goods sold and your
money 8 worm every time. All
goods warranted.
BQy-With A. L. Davis, Dewey St
And all kinds of
Farm JIaehinepy.
Standard Goods at
Reasonable Prices.
General Repairer.
Special attention given to
Oillcos: North Platto Nutional Bank
Building, North Platto, Nob.
Over First Hollow)) JMnk,
Olllco ovor Model Clotblmr Storo,
A. II, IHvti.
I,, 12. ltOACIf,
NORTH PLA'ITK.. . . wuiiPAKifA
Grady Block Rooms 1 &15.
Oflleo m Utuniun Block, Dewey stroet.
Edmonds & Calhoun,
Over I'QStqnice, NQRT1I I'LATTK, NEU.
Hoagland& Hoagland,
Onictt over
MoUoualil'4 Hank. KOUT1I 1'I.ATTK, NE1J.
Office oyer North l'latte National Dank,
OlUctt ovor Yollow Front Shoo Sttiro
We are
Kept Busy
Repairing shoes for t
people who appreciate ,2
neat, substantial work
the only kind we do.
If not already a custo
tner we solicit your
work. !
r 1 , T? i 1 ! .
" tlj
A good and desirable lot
on the corner of Ninth and
Dewey streets, Third ward.
For particulars address,
Albany, Oregon.
The best
Can bo found at
Our Ten-Cent Cigars are the
equal of any.
Your attention is invited to
our fine line of Chewing and
Smoking Tobaccos and Smok
ers articles.
Fall and
Which have just arrived.
F. J. Broeker,
Merchant Tailor.
Legal Notices.
To John A. Slmms, Louisa Draman, Itu
ilolph llraman, Edward Draman; You will
take notice that on the 18th day of Novem
ber, 18W. p. A. Johnson, plalntlrf herein, tiled
his petition In the district court of Lincoln
countv. Nebraska, the oMect and nraver of
which Is to foreclose a certain mortgage cxi
ecuicu uy r.rneai urainan ami i.ouih;i lira
man to Lew E. Darrow.and duly assigned to
It. F. Young and by his executor duly as-
signpu w mis piainiin, on uie louowing tie
scrlbpd premises, to-wlt: The North
west nuarter of Section lO.TowtishlnD north
of Jtahgc 10 west Cfh P. t.,'ln LJncpIn cpun-
certain coupon bond and onp certain prpmr
Issory note both of which are datpd Jaiipary
1st. 1800. and due
live yenw from tup date
thereof. There Ih now
due on said bond nnd
coupon bond and note the Hum of 101 M. for
which sum together with Interest from till
oate at me rate 01 ten per cent per annuni,
nlalntliT oravN for decree that dciendanttt bo
required to pay the same orthc said prsm.
lscM may ue koki 10 huukiv mc amount
found due and for other proper relief.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 18th day of December, 1800.
F. A. JOHNSON, Plaintiff.
Ily Davis & ltoach, his attorneys.
pursuance to an order or the circuit
Court of the United States for the Elgth Ju
dicial Circuit and District of Nebraska, on
the 30th day of December, 1800, 1 will offer for
sale for cash to the highest and best bidder
for cash, at my olllcc in North Platte, Ne-
urasxa, commencing at iu ociock in the
forenoon, all of the assets of the North
Platte National Dank at that time remain
tnii upppld, cpnststtng of bills receivable,
HIUCKH, UDIlUf, IllllKUieillH
uiL'nts, real estate, oftlce
rps, !pd other mlscella
furniture and fixtures.
iirous aetH anil articles pfhpsatd Nbrtl)
Platte National Dank, said ussots to be of
fered 11 rut singly, thpn In parcpls, and thpn
as a whole. A printed llstm Raid collaterals
can be had on application either personally
or In writing from the undersigned. In the
meantime I will compromise, sell, settle, und
dispose of at private sale, any of Bald ansetH.
Notice Is further given tlmt by virtue of
an order Issued bv the Court aforesaid. I
will on t lie anh day of December. 1800, sell to
M.1111UC1 uoozae mc casi nan oi i.oi n, nioctc
11(1, In tho original plat of the City of North
Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, for the
sum of too. subject to a certain mortgage to
the Mutual liulldlng & Loan Ahsoclatlou of
North Platte, Nebraska, unless a higher and
better bid Is had by that time.
Notice Is further given that by virtue of an
order 6f lhe court aforesaid I will on the
:wth diy bf December. 1800, sell to Charles
McDonald foVtA) a' ne A Of 'safety deposit
boxes, unless a higher 4ml btttcr'bld'rtin bo
haitoh or before said Hte " 4 1
Ilecclver or the North Platte ftallnnM Dank
of Jf orth Platte. Nebraska.
I'laiuwn. mm iipr ii:iuiiu ill l lie msirici
Court of r.liii'olu iDliiitv. Nebraska,
against the hum deftiluliWMs, the ob
ject and prayer of which are to qulut tlio tl
tie of said plaintiff In tho westSdU feet of
Lot tl, In Dlock 110, In North Platte, Nebra
ka, and for a decree declaring that two cer
tain mortgages executed by Samuel Adams
to said liraud Island Mercantile Co. on
March SMh- 1803, are void and for a decree
declaring that certain Judgments of C, A
Morrill s Co., Syinns Grocer Co. and other
defendants against Samuel Adams and tiled
of record In the mtlco of the clerk of the dis
trict court of Lincoln county arc not liens
against said premises, and for such other
relief regarding sad premises as may be
euuttablc and Just.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 8th day of January, 1000.
Dated November SMth. 1600.
1)381 FANNIE H. ADAMS, Plaintiff.
In the matter of th estate of Jaiuea 11, llang,
Iu lh Oquntr Oourt Of Lincoln County, Ne
braska, November 11 ii, 1800.
Nollco U heretr given that the creditor ot wild
deconuHl will meet (ho pilmlneratrlx of raid es
tate before the county judge of Lincoln county,
Neb., nt the county oourt room fit pnil county on
the 1Mb day of December, lbW.atuI on the 18th iay
of May, 114)0, at U o'olnok n. ni. oact) day, for tie
luroae nt ireBntn lliulr nlalma for piamlr
nation, edinatment ami allowance BU liiontln
are a'loweil forcredttora to preoent their claims,
and one year for the admluUtratrli to aettlo aalil
eatate from the 1Kb day of Norember, 18 W.
lilT-1 A. 8. BALDWIN, Covnly Judge,
I'll,, flrand Island Marcantibi Da .11 A.
fii Co, and Synins qrpcer Co.. Dp
nts. will take nonce mat on thp Sftth
nf November. 1800. Fannie II. AMntim
Dv virtue of an order of nalc lsued from
the District Court of Lincoln County, Ne
braska, under a decree In an action wherein
The McKinley-Lannlng Loan and Trust
company is piainiin, ami isaac n. wusou,
ct, al are defendants, and to me directed.
I will on the 88th day of December, 1899, at
one o'clock p. in. of said day. sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the
east front door of the court house In North
Platte, Nebraska, the following described
real estate to-wlt: The Northeast quarter of
Section Twenty-sir, Township Sixteen,
HangeTwcnty-Blx West of the Ctli P. M., In
Lincoln County, Nebraska.
Amount due on said decree Is 1121 10 and
Interest, subject to a prior mortgage of
tcoo.OO and Interest, 137.08 costs and accruing
Dated Novcmlier 25th, 1899.
n285 TIM T. KELIHEIt, Sheriff.
We, the underpinned, do heroby Munclale our
selves together for the purpose of forintnu a cor
Hirntlnn under and In accordance with (he stat
utes of Nebraska, and to adopt these articles of
AtiTICI.E I The name of such corporation
shall bo Maxwell Hall Company.
AHT. II The purpose for which said corpora
tion Is formed Is to bnlld a hall In the town of
Maxwell. County ot Lincoln. Btato of Nobraska.
AHT. Ill The principal place for transacting
business of such corporation shall be at Maxwell,
County ot Lincoln, Stats ot Nebraska.
AllT. IV The amount of capital stock of Ihls
corporation shall be Two Thousand Dollars
($2,000) divided Into two hundred shares nf the
par value ot Ten Dollars ($10 00) each, which
stock shall be non-assessable, When one bun
dred shares have boen sold the corporation shall
bo authorized to commenco bnslness.
AllT, V The existence of this corporation shall
begin on the first day of November, 1809, and ter
minate on the first day of November, 1034.
AHT. VI Tho highest amount ot Indebtedness
or liability to which this corporation may atany
time subject Itself on Its shares of stock Issued to
the strckbolders shall not exceed Five Hundred
Dollars (KiOO.OO).
AHT. VII The B(Tlrs of this corjoratlon shall
be managed by n board of Five (ft) directors who
shall be elected by Iho stockholders as follows:
At the first stockholders' meeting after tho execu
Uonand Acknowledgement of these articles of In
corporation, to serve until the annual meeting of
H.O.), or uutll their successors nro elected and
AllT, VIII This company shall have lhe power
to sue and be sued, grant and to receive grants,
and to do alt acts which they may legally do n
corporato name.
AllT. IX It shall havo a common seal which It
oan make, break or renow at pleasure .
AHT. X These articles of Incorporation cannot
be changed sxcopt upon a voto ottwo-thjrda ot all
tho stockholder.
A. W. l'iumer,
O. II. Powell,
J. L. Border,
W.II. I'lumer.
George W, Cohen,
U. M. Fellows.
W. II. Merrfck,
O. II. Kuhns.
W. O. Dolan,
J. A. Moors.
A. W. IJorno,
Tnos, Hanraban.
State ot Nebraska, Lincoln County, s. t.
Defore me, J, J. O'Hourke, a notary public In
and for the state nnd county aforesaid, personally
appeared tho Above named A. W. riumer, W. If.
Merrick, O. II. Powell, O. II.Kuhns. J, L. Snyder,
W. O. Dolan, W. II. I'lnmer, J. A. Moore George
W. Cobon, A, W. Home, E. M Fellows and Thos.
Hanraban, personally known to me to be the Iden
tical persons who signed the above Instrument,
and severally ncknowlodged It to be their volun
tary act and deed for the purposes therein ex
pressed. Witness my hand and official seal tho 10th day
of November, 1809.
J.J. 0'tOOItr?E, Notary Tubllo.
Vr commission expires Deo. 19, 1809.
I .win
Land Otllce at North Platto, Neb., I
November 1Mb. 1800 f
Nollco Is hereby given that tho following named
settler has filed notice ot bis Intention to make
final proof In support of his cUlm, and that said
proof will be wiulo botore Register and Receiver
nt North rutto. Neb., on December lOtti, 160V, vlll
who mode Homestead Entry No, Wit for the
south half of the Northeast quarter and north half
of the Southeast quarter of flection 10, Township
IS north, Hanga 30 west Olh P. M,
He names tho following wllnessos to provo his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of sold
land, lv Charles Mallette, George E. Knox,
Claude Wclngnnd and Charles Stamp, all of
North Platto, Neb.
nlf-6 GEO. E. FRENCH, Register
Land Office at North Platte, Neb.,
Oct. 281 b, 1809.
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice ot bis Intention to make
final proof In support ot his claim, and that said
proof will be mndo before Register and Receiver
at North Platte, Neb , on December Uth, 1899. viz:
who made homestead entry No. 10872 for the lots 1,
2,3, and 4 section 30, township 15 north, range 29
Ue names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous rpsldepcp dnon abd'cultlvatlon'of slid
(and, viz: Charles Mallatt, Jesqq Ostorhotlt,'
Ash'ey Peters and Phnrles It. l)relerntz all of
North Plattp, Neb. r' 1 r u w
nIHJ. OfiQ. 1'5- FRK.NOII, lrcgser,
NdfiCK FOHl'Uill.JOAfiav;
Land Office nt North Platte. vih )
Nov. am, 1800. (
Notice Is hereby given that the followlng-namud
settler has filed notice of his Intention to make
final proof In support ot bis claim, and that said
proof will be mauo before Register and Reoelvor
at North Platte, Neb., on December l-'tb, 1899, viz:
who m ado Homestead Entry No. 1088A, for the
southeast quarter of the northwest quarter and
Lot 3 Section 3 Twp. 0 North Rango 31 W. ,
Ho names the following witnesses to prrvo his
continuous residence upon and cultivation t said
land viz: Orison Bchofleld, Henry llobout, Tim
othy Hanlfln and Edward 11. Farrell, all ot Wallace,
113-0 OEOltQE E. FRENCH, Register,
United States Jjiud Office,
North Plalte, Neb., November II, 1899.
A sufficient contest affidavit having been flol
n this ' ofllcp by Annd BcHwalgor, cohtpefhAfi
ngn ujt rper . Bobbin. lIoinqitea( Enfry No
7bil made Juno W 180f, fqr NorwBsT qliarfor
of Section Kit, Twp. ttt north, Range 3Q Vest, by
Archer R. floblen, contpstee, n wilc) t Is a,
leged that Archer R, Relden has never resided
upon said land slnoe tho date of entry, but has
wholly abandoned the same. The said defeats
oxst to the present date. That he has not been
In the employ ot tho bnltoj States army, navy
or marine corps. Sold parties aro hereby notified to
appear, reKnd nnd offer evldenco touching said
allegation at 10 o'clock a. in., on January 6th,
1900, before the Register and Receiver at the Unl
ted States Land Office In North Platto, Neb.
The laid contestant having, In a propor affida
vit, fllod Nov. llth.1899, st forth facts which show
that after due diligence personal service of this
notice cannot be made, it Is hereby ordered and
directed that such notice be given by due and
' nnu
GEO. K. FRENCH, Register
American Beauties,
models. ' m
' ' " ' Oa Kacb Uor. i
Kalamazoo Dorset Co.
J. PIZER, Prop.