The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 28, 1899, Image 8

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    Local News in Brief.
J. C. Flcharty is ill with a se
vere attack of tonsilitas. He is
being1 cared for at the hospital.
Hon. J. E. Evans returned Sat
urday night from Lincoln where he
had been transacting G. A. R. bus
iness. Sowing Machlno NoedJca at Wilcox
Department Store.
Rev. R. Randolph spent yester
day in Elm Creek, ilia special
mission there was to conduct the
funeral services of an old friend.
Inspector Swift of the postofficc
department spent Sunday in town
looking over offairs in the local
office. He found Postmaster Hill's
accounts all correct.
The postofficc was closed Satur
day afternoon between the hours
of two and four out 6f respect to
the memory of Vice-president
Hobart whose funeral occurred at
Princeton during those hours.
E. 13. Warner has commenced
the task of moving his stock of
furniture into his new store. The
floor was oiled yesterday and the
rest of the small finishing' touches
were added. By next week it is
expected that the new store will
be in ubc,
The Orr property in the western
part of town again changed hands
on Friday, John Vernon, who had
just purchased it. selling it to E.
13. McGiunncss at a slight advance
on the original price. Mr. McGiun
ness will take possession ah soon
as Mr. Orr moves to the Fcdcrhof
place which he has leased.
II. C. Langdon has been appoint
ed traveling engineer lor the Ne
braska division of the Union Pacific.
He assumed his new duties Sunday.
He Will still make his home in
North Platte as this will be the
most central point. Harry's num
erous friends arc much pleased over
his promotion.
The Wilcox Department Store will
oloae at 10 o'clook Thanksgiving Day.
Will not reopon until 7i30 Friday
A mysterious man has recently
been terrorizing women who have
been out after dark unaccompanied
by any escort. A good horsewhip
ping would be an excellent dose to
mete out to a man who is despic
able enough to enjoy frightening
defenceless women. The policemen
arc on the trail of the man and he
will undoubtedly soon be rounded
up and given his deserts.
The Epworth League will clear
thirty-live dollars as a result
of the entertainment given by the
Scandinavian quartette under the
League's auspices Saturday night.
The program rendered by the
quartette was a very entertaining
one and the large audience which
heard them felt amply repaid for
Thos. Healey, who had his hand
crushed Friday morning at Sidney
while he was muking a coupling',
cimc down that afternoon. He
hdd his hand rc-dresscd soon
after he reached here. It was at
fust thought that he would have to
lose a finger but the physician is
now of the opinion that it can be
Baved but it will always be stiff.
Dandelions are popularly sup
posed to be harbingers of spring
but that supposition is evidently a
mistake aa far as Nebraska is con
cerned because at the present time
there is a large number of the
plantB in blossom on the lawn sur
rounding the superintendent's
office. The usual accompaniments
of Thanksgiving are snow and ice
bui this year it is spring bios-
Will pay the highest mar
ket price prevailing for alfal
fa seed. Send samples and
ask prices,
Harrington &Tobin.
The anniversary of the founding
of the H. T. club was very fittingly
celebrated Friday evening at the
home of the president, MIbb Eunice
I3abbitt. Nearly every member,
who was present, contributed a
share toward the evening's enter
tainment and the result was an
unusually delightful program
with some very unique features.
Oysters were served shortly before
the members departed for their
It hos bocomo a household niodlolno
with us wo cuutiot get nlong without
it," writes Mrs. It. P. Wilson, Gordon,
Ark., of neggs' Cliorry Cough Syrup,
the guaranteed remedy for coughs, "colila
lagrlppo.coiiBumptlon nnd nil brcnohlnl
BtfsotlonB, Never falls. A. F. StroiU
W. A. VOLLMER, Proprietor.
Across the street from old location. )
Fred Capron, ot the Grand
Trunk R. R. one of the yctcrans
among railway traveling men,
spent yesterday in town trans
acting business.
Attorneys Wilcox, Muldoon and
Hoagland went to Ogallala yester
day to attend a term of court
which is being held there this week
by Judge Sullivan for Judge
Sweeping reduction in Jackets,
CapcB and Millinery at Rennie's.
Richmond Anderson, from Union
Pacific headquarters at Omaha, has
been spending' several days in
town arranging for some changes
in the method of handling some
of the business of the traffic de
partment. A. R. Adamson has purhascd a
lot In the Third watd from Henry
Cordcu, and in the spring- will
erect a five room cottage on it. Mr.
Adamsouhas decided to abandon
farming and bring- his family to
Dr. Hannah makes nervous and
chronic diseases a specialty and
treats same oateopathically.
Judge Neville and his son Keith
left Sunday night for Lincoln and
Omaha. From there they will go
to St. Louis to viBit a few dayH and
then on to Annapolis where Keith
will enter St. John's school, an
EpUcopal academy. The Judge
expects to reach Washington
Friday. Mrs. Neville and Irene
will not leave for Washington un
til hear the holidays.
itii'ijuiixl'.L jl'i .. .. .. .4-.
Is more or less particular about tho Shoes &
no wears.
-.iou imj wuuta
lows Inm to "forgot
Wo furnish it.
Witfi this ho desires a shape suitablo to f
ins toot, yet is a
We have it.
Then thero must
aim worKinanslup
We guarantee
A splendid showing of Men's Winter Y
onoes horo,emuodyiiig tho above features at Y
3, $3.50, 4-
Yellow Front
G1SO. M. GRAHAM, Mnnttfior.
vfr 3 doors south of PoBtoflico,
Of the proper styles, fabrics and
fit are here in abundance. Many
clothiers try to fit youths or young
men who measure 32 to 35 inchca
around the chest from the small sizes
in their men's stock, cutting down and
altering'. We, however, carry a spec
ial stock of Youth's and Young' Men's
sizes, comprising
Fashionable fabrics and cut
in as modish a style as the young
fellows like and ought to have.
Suits arc cut with single and double-breasted
coats and vests, trousers
arc shaped with a distinctive crease
and break over the instep.
From $5 to $15.
New stock of White and Colored
Shirts at $1.00.
Miss Mary Sullivan will enter
tain a few friends Saturday night
to celebrate her birthday.
Wanted- Live Pigeons.
McCuu,ouc.n & Carter.
The authentic announcement of
Judge Neville's private secretary
has finally been made. Rod Smith.
Congressman Green's former secre
tary, has been given the appoint
ment. The new hospital already has a
number of patients and several
others arc awaiting an opportunity
to enter. The patients, who have
undergone operations, arc all doing
nicely and their friends arc quite
enthusiastic, over the hospital.
Special Bale on carpets and drcsB
goods at Rennie's.
The services held at the Metho
dist church Sunday night under
the auspices of the Jr. 0. A. U. M.
were attended by a large congre
gation. The sermon preached by
the pastor, Rev. C. C. Wilson, was
a very eloquent one and the sing
ing was a very attractive feature.
Furnished room for rent.
Enquire of Mrs. Wm. Eves.
The Scandinavian Quartette left
yesterday for Ogallala where they
gave a concert last night, Miss
'lourtelotte, one of the members of
tllC COmnanv. is ail old nrlinnlmntn
of Mrs. O. W. Neal and spent part
if thnlinin tl.n.. ........ I..-. I
v...v.i.iv invjr ntlt liurc ill llCl
Mnkos tho blood pure, ronovntos the
UepKB' Illood Purillor. "It cured mo
of a loug-BtnndlDg nnd ohronio enso or
llstuln.' "It. A. Bontly, Summit, Ploridn.
IiindorGcd by phyaioinns. Guaiuntked
noi 10 mil. Try it. A. v , Btroitz.
j. a. j. j . .
uuiuiui ease cnac ai- J
his feet."
correct style. .
be quality of leather 2
that will givo good wear &
ours. ' 2
Shoe Store,
People and Events, f
Gust Fries spent Sunday in
Omaha visiting- his family.
fl. S. Ridgcly returned Friday
night from a business trip to
J. M. C Wood was down from
Ilcrshcy Saturday transacting bus
Mr$. Wm, Eves returned yester
day morning-from a brief visit in
Mrs. M. H. Douglas returned
Friday night from a short visit In
Grand Island.
Miss Salina Holcombc has re
turned from a visit with relatives
near Ogallala.
Mrs. A. M. Babbitt came down
from Cheyenne yesterday morning
to visit relatives.
Will Harden Is home from Salt
Lake where he was called by the
death of his mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hanlon and
son George have returned from a
brief visit in Grand Island,
Mrs. E. Votaw went to Lincoln
Saturday morning to spend a short
time visiting relatives there,
Mrs. A. S. Baldwin, who has
been visiting- relatives in Chicago,
is expected home tomorrow night.
Mrs. Wm. Hagar and children
went to Maxwell Saturday morn
ing to visit friends for a few
Geo. C. McAllister came down
from Chappell Sunday and yester
day went to Maywood on legal
P. L. Harper, who had been
transacting bnsiness in town re
turned to his home in Wallace
Mrs. C, E. Spear came down from
Hershey Saturday morning and
later in the day left ior Garfield to
visit relatives.
Mtb, A. M. Dill and Mrs
P. W. Sitton and daughter
Vera have returned
a short visit in Omaha.
Court reporter Cary went to
Ogallala yesterday morning to re
port a term of court being held
there by Judge Sullivan.
Mrs. Altred Hazlett arrived from
Beatrice Friday night and will
visit her parents, Mr, and MrB.
T. D, Cotton, for a few weeks.
A colony of beavers has located in
the Elkhorn river near Oakdale and
is constructing a dam. They are
cutting down six inch trees and
floating them down to the dam.
Mrs. H. V, Hilliker and children
left yesterday morning for their
new home in Grand Island. Their
departure causes sincere regret
among their larce circle of
Miss Alice Fisher, of Salt Lake
City, is the guest of her cousin
Miss Lena Scbatz. MisB Fisher
js enroute home from Springfield
where bIic has been visiting rela
tives. J. B. Jeter and family and Miss
Clara Rankin, who have been mak
ing an extended visit in Washing
ton and Indiana, returned home
Friday night. They report a very
enjoyable trip.
Judge and Mrs. H. M. Grimes
returned home Saturday afternoon.
The fore part of the week they
spent in Broken Bow where the
Judge held a term of court for
Judge Sullivau and the latter part
of the week they Bpent in Ord vibit
iug old friends.
Broken Bow is to have a new
hotel, 50 x 100 sect, two stories
high. It will be built of brick and
will contain fifty rooms. The
hotel is to cost $8,500.
Tor the Ladies.
We are now manufacturing the
Sea Foam Steam Laundry Machine
the latest and best washing ma
chine on earth and if you contem
plate buying a washer let us know
and it will cost you nothing to try
it and be convinced our machine
is all we claim and that it will do
perfect work quicker and with leas
labor than any machine made.
Strickler Mdse, Co.
Hershey, Neb.
Six torribld failures of six dilTeront
dootors nonrly sontWm. II. Mullen, ot
Look land, O., to nn onrly grnvo. All
Bnul ho had u fatal lung trouble and
that ho must soon dlo. Hut ho was
urged to try Dr. King' Now Discovory
for Consumption. Aftor taking live
bottles ho wob entiroly ourod. It Is jkb
itivoly gunrnntood toouro all dlBoneos
ot Throat, Chest and LuDge, including
coughs, colds. In grlppo, puoumonin,
bronchitis, nsttimn, hny fovor, oroup,
whooping cough. 50o and 81. Trial bot
tloB froo at Stroitz'B drug store.
Costs no more than that of "antedulivan" make.
Our designs are of the latest, and this fact cou
pled with the reasonable prices we ask for first
class goods, accounts for our big business. We
feci assured that our heavy sales are endorse
ments of our goods and prices. You will find
our stock complete at all times new goods arc
received daily to replace those sold. If you want
anything in the furniture line you'll find it here.
Jackets, Capes, Collarettes
and Millinery
All S15.00 to $20.00 Jackets and Capes at . $12.50
All 12.50 Jackets and Capes at 8.50
All 10.00 Jackets and Capes at 7.50
All 7.50 Jackets and Capes at 5.00
All 5.00 and 6.00 Jackets and Capes at 4.00
All 4.00 Jackets and Capes at 2.50
All 15.00 Collarettes at 10.00
All 10.00 and 12.00 Collarettes at 7.50
All 7.50 Collarettes at 5.00
All 5.00 Collarettes at; 3.00
All 3.50 Collarettes at. 2.00
Sweeping Reductions in. Millinery.
$10.00 and 12.00 Hats at $7.00
7.50 and 8.00 Hats at 5.00
5.00 and 6.50 Hats at 4.00
3.00 and 4.00 Hats at 2.00
2.00 and 2.50 Hats at 1.25
2.00 Walking Hats at 1.00
1.00 Crushers at 50c
John Wilson, deputy internal
revenue collector, was in town Sat
urday looking after busiuess in his
Commissioner Davis is filling
in the crosswalks on Dewey street
with stone to see if he cannot over
come the mud problem. The pre
sent style of crossing might well be
dubbed a mud catcher.
Farmers, who sold their seed rye
because, on account of the unusual
ly dry fall, they did not intend to
plant it, are now regretting that
they did so as the ground since the
rain is in prime condition for plant
ing and those who have seed arc
hustling it into the ground at a
rapid rate.
For Rent.
A choice irrigated farm of 300
acres near Nichols. Apply to
T. C. Patterson.
The secretary of the Interstate
Commerce commission has notified
the railroads, which have not yet
fully obeyed the act of congress
providing for safety couplings,
that a hearing will be granted
them in Washington, December, 9
as to the possibility of extendiug
the time beyond January 1, 1900.
n 1 . . IT fl -k r -m-9 n. n
x uc r . Mi. iv M. v. k. k. announce
that it has fully complied with the
law but it is probable that the U,
P. and the B. & M. will be among
t hose who will ask for an cxteti
tion of the time as a small per cent
of the rolling stock is not yet
equipped and cannot be before
Jan. 1st.
Editor W. V. Iinrry, of Iioxlngton
Tonn , in exploring mammoth cavo con
trnotod nsevoro enso of Piles. His quick
ouro through using Buoklon's Arnica
Snlvo convinced him it is nnothor world's
wondor. Curoa pilo?, injuries, inflnm
mntion nnd nil bodily oruptiona. Only
25 conts at StroiU's,
I H. McCABE. Proprietor.
I North Platte Pharmacy.
Drugs and Druggists' Sundries. 3
We aim to handle the best grades of goods j
Sell everything at reasonable prices, and
warrant all goods to be just as represented, jfc j
All Proscriptions Carefully Flllod by n Llconsod Pharmacist. !
Orders from the country and along the line of the Union
I Pacific Railway is respectfully solicited,
k First door north of First National Bank.
Albert Davis,
"The Kid Jeweler,"
Has just received a new
stock of
Only reliable goods sold and your
money's worth every time. All
goods warranted.
&With A. h. Davis, Dewey St.
And all kinds of
Fawn flffachinspy.
Standard Goods at
Reasonable Prices.
General Kepairer.
Special attention given to
j. E. BUSH, Manager.