Wbt Mo rllt FIFTEENTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE; NEBRASKA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1899. NO. 88. sawwifFUfwnfuntniniTHf m m itntr mm m mm m mm m stWeSU WAGONS Woodtpaisee Wiijcliijilis, Carriages, Buggies, Road Wagons, Carts, Spring Wagons, Latest Styles and Best Quality for the Price. BARB WIRE AND STAPLES. nn w,TJr,n pumps, pipes and fittings, A complete Lino BALE TIES, MACHINE OIL, AXLE GREASE. JOS, HERSHEY. Locust St., North Platte, Neb. 3 3 3 ft STOVES X X X X X X X TTTfim i m TMrnn-niTm 1 J UQl AT rJKH.QJJji.NT g Are our specialty, and the line we are showing is 35 jjf a little the smoothest we have ever had. Heat- g ers in many styles and sizes, both for hard and jg Jfc soft coal. And ranges, lots of them. On stoves X J6 wo lead, we sell more than any other dealer be- X cause we have THE stock. 5 X 3 Q. F. IDDINQ8 Lvimloei, Coal Yards and Elevators at , w North Platte, Neb., Sutherland, Neb., Julesburg, Colorado. NORTH FLATTB MILLS, (C. P. IDDINOS.) Manufacturer of HIGH AND MEDIUM GRADE FLOUR. BRAN AND CHOP PEED. Order by telephone from Newton's Book Store. I IF IT'S IN THE DRUG LINE BUY IT Olf xou can uanic on it oeing fresh and as represented. STREITZ. Hardware"and Furniture, j We carry the BEST line of Stoves on the Market I Radiant Home Base Burners, Air BlaBt Heaters, Riverside Oaks, Steel Ranges i and Cook Stoves of all sizes. A Complete lino of Pumps, Pipes, Fittings, Windmills j and Towers. Also Carriages, Buggies, Spring and Farm Wagons, Etc. i nuens that nmY competition. Victor E. Meyer, - North Side. I County News. BllADY ISLAND. D. II, Kavy was a Gothenburg visitor Friday. Friday evening the League held a social at the parsonage. About twenty were present and a good time had by all. The League read ing circle waB organized, also the Bible study work. School will be closed Thursday and Friday next. Tne meeting of the Brady division of teachers was held Saturday at the school house. Very few were present, The next meeting will be held Dec. 23. F. George is tearing down the sheds surrounding the old G. D. Mathcwson barn and repairing the barn. The sheds will be taken to one of Mr. George's other places. A team attached to a wagon loaded with lumber concluded to exercise their muscles Saturday and chased around town with that intent. They were stopped back of Eavy's store. No harm done. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ginapp were Gothenburg visitors Friday. Mrs. Geo. Parsons and Mrs. J. R. Elliott were Gothenburg visitors Friday. From Monday to Thursday night we have had rain, fog and clouds. The ground is now in excellent condition. The turkey shoot Saturday was quite well attended and judging by the crowd and firing quite a num ber of turkeys changed owners. Mr. and Mrs. Stiff were up Satur day from Vroman and remained over Sunday. Miss Bertha Stiff has gone to Cozad to visit with friends for a few days. The livery barn was sold Friday and Mr. Strowbridge will move to his place over south. BETWEEN THE RIVERS. Geo. Hackney, of Hershey, boarded train No. I at this station Friday evening for Big Springs on a visit to his guess. Several farmers in the yalley have been plowing since the recent rain. Fully one half or more of the corn planted in the valley this season is still in the field. Mrs. Lottie Jones departed from Hershey Friday evening for an ex tended visit with relatives and old time friends at Belvidcre, Nebr. J. R. White, of Champaign county, 111., who recently purchased a car load of horses in this vicinity for that place had to unload them twice while euroutc to keep them from smothering in the car and when they reached their destination one of them was so far gone that it died shortly after being taken from the car. Remember the free entertainment at the O'Fallons bcIioo! Iioubc on Wednesday evening, Nov. 2'Jth, after which oysters will be served. The proceeds derived from the same will be used in purchasing books for the school library. Hogs arc dying in large numbers both east and west of Nichols from some unknown disease. There seems to be no cure for it as most of the remedies for diseases in hogs have been tried and all to no avail. If one gets 'sick it dies within a short time. Farmers in the valley have buried thousands of dollars in that way within the past, two months. D. B. While who went to Cham paign Co., 111., recently with a car load of horses from this vicinity for his brother, J. R. White, of that place is expected home the last of this week. While Chas. Toillion was plow ing with a team of young mules hitched up with a horse to a walk ing plow the other day the team with the long ears started for an other held taking Chas. and the horse with them making things buzz before " they were held up in their mad career. Chas. was some what bruised but otherwise the damage was slight. Eastern cattle are not worth a cent to rustic as some people have lately found out to their sorrow. It takes lots of good feed and shelter to take them through the cold "snaps." Friday last was "pig day" at Hershey. Sccbergcr took in about two car loads upon that day. One car load was shipped to Cheyenne that evening. Howard Arnold ac companied them. C. C. Wetzel came in on No. I Friday evening from a business trip down cast. Quite a body of water is at this time flowing down the south river in ttiis vicinity. Cards arc out announcing the marriage of Mr. Jos. 11. McConncll and Miss Grace Viola Brown at the home of the bride's parents Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Brown on Thursday, Nov. 30th, at 4 p. in. We extend our congratulations in advance. Several of the Woodmen at Her shey attended the supper given by the Woodmen at Sutherland Sat urday evening. All report a social time. .A daughter and a niece from Col orado are the guests of Rev. Evans and wife at Hershey. A man by the name of Meyers has rented the T. W. Anderson farm at NichoU and has taken possession of the same. The Anderson family will take up their abode at the county seat thiB week where they expect to reside in the future. W. C. Tucll a dining car con ductor out of Chicago is visiting his family who reside with Mrs. Tuell's parents, Mr. and Mm. J. B. Aveline just cast of Nichols. People who are always finding fault with a country and have noth ing to keep them in it but hang to it "like-a dog to a root" ought to be disfranchised, Seeberger and Co. are preparing to bale and car the hay that they haxe on the Hershey ranch as soon as the earth is dry enough to get to it and haul it to the station. J. H. Hershey, of North Platte, shipped two car loads of hogs from his ranch in the valley to South Omaha Monday. They were loaded at the station bearing his name, Clyde Smith, son of section fore man Smith of Hershey, hub recov ered from his recent illness and has also returned from Cheyenne and is at this time finjrerinir kevs at North Platte. MYRTLE NEWS. The infant child ot Mr. and Mrs. Clias. Gambrel was laid to rest in Myrtle cemetery Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Cora Fuller and Miss Mina Mills were North Platte visitors Saturday. Don't forget the clothcR-piu social at Pleasant Valley school house Thanksgiving evening. The ladies promise all an enjoyable evening. Most of the schools have prepared a snort program tor to-morrow afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Will Daly, of Tryon, have been visiting relatives the past week. A peddler carrying a fair quality of dry goods passed through this vicinity the first of the week. Mr. Jerome Stearns and famijy have moved to Uncle Free Derby's place. Mr. Null had the misfortune to loose two hogs last week. Mr. Null threw some lumps of salt out and he is of the opinion that they ate Don't Do This Don't tako In to rn a 1 inedi- cities before the llttlo one cornea. They endanger tho health of both mother and bubo. winrusraffs nmirtn. the trood and long-tried external liniment, will relievo tho early distress and tho later pains bet ter than anything clso in the world. Its good effects are most marked not only before childbirth, but during tho ordeal itself and aftcrwani. uistrcf s is over como hvU nnlns lessoned labor short ened and subsequent dangers avoided. Sold by I)ruiKlt lor 51 a Dome. 8mi4 tor cur froo tllantraM UxiV mi th. ttibjwf. THE BKADFlElD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, G. IIMirmmwmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! CAPES AND i JACKETS. An outor garment must have a swell, stun s ning stylo or you won't liko it, but besides that, it must have the right kind of mate- g rial, making and fit, and abovo everything g else must havo a low prico, that in connec- g tion with the stunning stylo will help you g to liko it. Our prices aro.tis low as hon- esty will allow, and our garments will make tho wearer feel well dressed and 2 36 comfortable i s. richards. THE FAIR, n g "We Never Sleep." Dr. F. W. MILLER, DENTIST. (FORMERLY ROMIN15 DENTAL COMPANY.) m J Fine Groom and Bridge Work a Specialty. $ (ft OFFICE OVER STRKITSS'S DRUG STORE. flV RHEUMATISM CURED ! Wo will mall von an nrtiolo to wear that noslttvolv euros RHEUMATISM. SCIATICA, LUMUAGO AND GOUT by drawing tho urio acid from tho oystom. A wriuon Knarauioo to roiunu your money in tuirty unys it not entirely BtutBrna tory. It costs only 82.00. Bond 2a stamp for booltlot tolling nil nbout tho won derful euro. Address REX RHEUMATIC CO., Box 14, HARTFORD, CONN. too much of it, which caused their death. Mrn. McNicol and Alex were trading- and visiting John McNicol in North Platte Saturday. Let every one remember to come out and hear Bro. Bowland Satur day evening at Pleasant Valley school house. I'lnco your confldonco in n romody thitt Is (lUAitANTKr.D to euro. " I cough ed coDBtnntly nnd my strength was nil exhausted; I looUod moro liko ono dond thnn alivo. Hoggs' Chorry Cough Syrup entirely cured mo." Mrs. S. D. Harsh, Fuirport, Kan. For nil throat and lung troubles, It has nkvku i'aii.kd. A. F. Stroitz. Fremont will probably have a pickling plant in the near future. AugUBt Nutmacher, of Quincy, has been there for several days .endeav oring to interest the farmers and others in the project and he has been meeting with a fair degree of success. Bowaro of Ointment for Catarrh that contain Mercury, as morcury will suroly destroy tho senso of Btnoll uni completely durango tho wholo system whon ontorlng it through tho muscous surfaces. Such articlos should novor bo used oxcept on porsorip tionn from roputablo physicians, us the damngo thoy will do is ten fold to tho good you can possibly dorivo from them. Hairs Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J, Chonoy & Co,, Toledo, O,, contains no mercury, and is taken internally, not ing directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Curo bo euro you gottno gonuino It Is taken internally, ana made in To ledo, Ohio, by F. J. Chonoy & Co ToRtimonials froo. .Sold by Druggists, price 7ro. por uouio. Hall'g Family Pills nro tho best. '1 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. a. V, llKiiEU.. a, 11, Dint JJWDKLL & DENT, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, Onicos: North Plntto National Hank lluilding, North Platte, Nob. F. F. DENNIS, M. D., IIOMOEOPATHIST. Oter First National Hank, NOllTU I'LATTE, - - NED1USKA. E. E. NORTHRUP, DENTIST, Ofllco over Modol Clothing Storo, NORTH PliATTE, NEB. A. II. Uivm. QAVIS & ROACH it, K. lioAou. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. NORTH PLATTE.. Grndy Block NEBRASKA Rooms 1 & 2. H. S. RIDGELY, ATTORNE Y-AT-L A W . OlTloo in Hinman Block. Dewov street. NORTH PLATTE, - NEBRASKA P. H. KUMONDS, J, M. OAMIOUN. Edmonds & Oalhoun, LAW AND COLLECTIONS. Over I'ostolucc, NOKTII PLATTB, NHII. J, 9. IIOAOLANn. W. V. IIoaolawd. Hoagland & Hoagland, ATTORNEY8 AND COUNSELORS Odlco nvor MoOonald'i Uank. 1,'OUTH PLATTE, NEU. yiLCOX & HALL1GAN, ATTOllNE YB-AT-LA TP, fiOWIU l'LATTK, . . . NEBRASKA Onic over North Flatte National Dank. rp O. PATTERSON, KTTO R N EY-KT-LHM, Olllco over Yolldw Front Shoo Storo NORTH PLATTE, NEB. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS bst's Nnf. Always reliable. I.nrilra, uk Prueffltt for :ill4'IIUNTt:irN KNUMNII In ltd and Jnll inctolllo boxen, sealed with blue ribbon. Tnl no oilier. Ilfuc ditiiicrriuia uuil. tiitlouitiiitil Imitation. Jluyof yourDnigglst, ir Mind . In Htamm for l'arilcular, Trull motiliiU and "ll-llrr Top I.ndlrc.," In Mter, y rolurnMnll. 10,000 Testimonials. Hold by all UruKKlstn. OIIIOIIBBTEil OIIUMIOAti OO. "IM MiulUou Miunre, rillbA., PA. MtulliinlhUpaptr.