FRIDAY. NOV. 3, 1899 lKAIi BAJIB.'Editobawu PnorniKTon SUUHOIIII'TION HATES. One Your, cash In advance 91.25 Six Mootha, oath In advance 75 Cents' BatrdtthNorlhPlatt(Nsbrska)potofflcai sscond-clanmsttsr. Republican Ticket. For Su promo Judo M.U.RKKSE. For Roffontn of tlio University E. G. M'OILTON, WM. H. ELY. Vnr Member ConHrPBfl-SIJtth district M.P.KINKAID For Judco. 13th Judlolnl District, il M. GRIMES. For'County Clork, WM.M. HOITRY. For County Troneuror, C. F. SOIIARMANN. """liNOOH CUMMINGS. For County Sunt, BERTHA TIIOELEOKE. For Clerk cf District Court, V. 0. ELDER. For County Judpo, A. S. 11ALDWIN. For County Survoyor, OIIAS. P. ROSS. For Coroner, D. W. RAKER. For CountylCommiBaionor.Hd DM., LINCOLN CARPENTER. To Republican Voters. The republican county cen tral committee earnestly re quests all republican voters, who can possibly do so, to vote early, if possible before one o'clock p, m. By so doing you will as sist the committee in its effort to get every republican vote cast before the polls close. , No campaign of recent yearn lias been conducted by the populistB and fusiouists In audi a villainous, lying and deceptive manner an the present one. For several week, the local fusion organ has teemed with contemptible and lying re marks and inuendocs concerning the republican nominees, Not con tent with this course the fusion county central committee has se cretly' circulated throughout the county a number of circulars con taining a lot of rot and lies which the committee did not have the manhood and couracre to have printed in the the Era. Not only this; hirelings have canvassed the county and traduced and villiflcd the republican nominees; in fact nothing that is mean and contempt iblc haB been left undone. At the beginning of the campaign the fu- sionists recognized the fact that the republican ticket was composed of clean, honorable men nnd as thcr, the fusionistp, could not truthfully speak ill of the rcpubli can nominees, they at once con cluded to take up the cudgel of abtiRC and villification and used it with the vain hope that ttiey could impeach the character and standing of the candidates on the republican ticket. Hut their efforts will prove futile; falsehoods will not win nor make votes, and we feel confident that the better element of voters in the county will net the foot of dis approval on the methods pursued by the fusionista and will rebuke them by voting the straight re publican ticket. Tun Uryan meeting in this city last Tuesday was in no way a huc cess, and the result was a great dis appointment to the fusionists, The meeting had been widely advertised in every precinct in the county, and it was expected that GOO or 800 farmers would come in to hear the wind jammer. These expectations fell Bhort, very short; there was not to exceed 150 farmers in town that day and only a part of them attended the meeting. The opera house was fairly well filled with men, women and children, the two latter class forming nearly one half the audience. Bryan was dis appointing to many,. and the general verdict among fair minded people is that Hryan is at present more of a ward politician than a statesman, nnd that he uses abuse instead of argument. Tub 15ra says over two thousand - -mark the number, two thousand visitors thronged the streets of North Platte last Tuesday on the occasion. of Bryan's visit Thia is an adulterated lie, the editor of the ICra knows it la a lie. the citizens of North Platte know It Ja a lie, and everybody, by reason of hia assertion, will brand the editor of the 15 ra as an accomplished liar. I To the Judges and and all Good Citizens of Lincoln County: It has iust been disclosed that an nrrnmnr in rmmf- ; the fusion, slate ticket by fraud will be made. Edmisten who is managing the Holcomb campaign, is the same person who engineered tnc recount iraud at Lincoln of the vote on the constitutional amendment increasing the number of su prcmc judges. Ellingsworth, of Gothenburg, Edmistcn's l! special agent, Was in the city yesterday and arranged the j! deal with the local fusion managers. Thenrnrrrnm ia ,..,. 1.-1.1.1 r .. mini mr? rni rnc i inm tim -w,.-, ...w ..... v., , wuiimiy uituuub unm inc rcLiirn?; rt t f frt I 1.. , .1 .. If cuu in Hum iuugiu&unu Lancaster counties and then to ma ..pum uiu uunuib bu as to uanuib aubciy, anci insist on a uaiiauuiiauun OI tllC returns to minsten s tools testified before the committee of the legisla- Hire that under Edmisten's instructions he manipulated the ballots on the recount by the use of a short pencil held be- tween his first two fingers with which hn wns nntr,nr ln mark in the square opposite the affirmative on the ballots on the supreme court amendment so that it would 'nullify the negative vote on such ballots. This man Edmisten will stop at iiuuiiii iu accompnsn nis purpose. Stand by the ballot until the last OIK is r.nuntnr nnrl nf 1- ..wv- .u u u, isuil u nun a sampie oaiiot to the undersigned. vvun a lair Dauot and publican ticket will be elected in i nc republican countv , . - .v...u.u iUi tui iiuuiiuauoii ui cu uui; THOSE BALLOTS. The Brain its efforlstn ortn .. prcjndico iiuiiinst W. 3r. HmU rv 1ii- votes nenrly n column to abusiiiL' him on nccount o tho tnnniicr in winch the officinl ballot is propnred in this county. The article is filled wiin nus-stntements of facts. Aiiioiir otlier things tho Em says that tho supremo court lias held that tho secretary of state has the right to arrange tho ticket and de termine in whnt rmW llm ti fi lima shnll appear on the ticket. Now theso ballots nro prepared under the new election law passed last winter and the only conrls that hnvo passed upon it wero thn ilist.riVf.. imri. r Sahno county and the district court of Douglas county and both courts agree on the proposition that the secretary of slate has authority only to certify what names shall appear on tho ofiicial ballot and that tho ii yi Prcpnring and arranginir tho ballot devolves nnnii tlm niuifv clerk, ltistrun that the secretary ul auuu uuempieu 10 imurp the du- ues or mo county clerk nnd ar ranged Dallot that was calculated to deceive tho voter. Tho form of the ballot, is Inid down on pages 1JJ0 and 181 oftho session laws, and in this county tho clerk hns followed the form there laid down, which gives tho republican party preced ence and provides that each candi dalo shall be given one lino on the b:illnl, first his name, to bo followed by tho names of tho parties whose candidato hois, all in ono line. The ballot as prepared by the secretary of stale violated the law, as will bo seen by tho followinir copy: von sui'ukmk Juoai:. SIlaH A.llolcomli I'cuiilc'Hlniluii'nilenl Democrat Silver Heimbllcan Manoali 11. iu-c . KciuMtcnn Tho object of this arrangement whs io ciiicn tno unwary republican 7. l,,,,."oru republican 011 the tbml line afler Holeomli's m.m. Nowthon astn the ciaim that the fusion ciindidalo ia entitled to first Place on the ticket. The law pro vide that "The party polling tho highest nunioer of votes at the hist general election for the Imad of the state ticket shall havo the right of na iiumiiieo unmeiiiatelv beneath the niuno of tho ollice'for which Fllnli .......1M I .... nn uinmniau' is liominateil. As wo said before, this law has been passed 1111011 )V tho diKhinf of Saline and Dougl counties. The lormer lion hat t in f.iinn Unb.j uiu youyma counly district court Wlliell H tllU lutlil' lie Pismn l.nlMwW the republicans were entitled to first place. Wo boliovo that the hitter ease is sunporle.l by tho law ami Minmiited to tho court on a btipula lion of facts. anionriilli..iM n.. f ..( the last general election that I'ovn terwas the candidate of J..... arato and distinct nai ties. nnli ,r whioh occunied a seniiniln nnln.,,.. 011 tho ollicial ballot undern distinct mriy eniDieni, that i'oyuter's com hined voto by theso three n.nH,. aggregated 05, 7(JJ, that Ilayward the republican timmin. .,Ut votes. Under thn f.w.l a Btipulatcd tho court held that -'In the absence of any showlnt to the contrary," he said, "it must be presumed that a public olliwr performs his dutv. n.i :.. n... tlORCUCC Of a Slldwliiir i rarvi that the three nnrt) 'pi 1 f cen t oi the total vote. 1 he duty of prepnrinp the ballots tor thin county M15S WITH Tflif COUNTV ClilCRK in con,plia!,ce win uic iaw, una regardless of any action of the secretary of state, Clorks of Election managers. 1 h( nrno-rnm itj tn witU O .-I h- vr ..IVI1 ( -.. ..m .. . cnange tne result. Watch the prompt count and the prompt tllC COUIltV C crk. One nf.Frl. -w waBa,wv4 UIIU (U an honest count, the entire re this county. centra cnmmirtnn --....vw inau win lead to the detection viuiaiuir tIic election laws. IRA L. BARE. Chrmn Republican Co. Cen. Committee. "As to the passage of the law. it is proper to consider the purpose of the legislature. In a case tried re. ceutly I had occasion to examine tllC tlflV 1.11V fltlrl flm f ...1.1.1. it was amendatory quite fully and iuiniu nun auoui tne only import- am. was to prevent the placing of a candidate's name more man once upon the ballot. It might with some deirreu of tmtli. fulness have been labeled a law to prevent fusion, and its evident pur- 1uhu was io mane lusion more difficult. "Under mv .W fn,. i, i the stipulated facts I can only find ssss.ETX'rt'a least 1 per cent of thf? tninl vnfn i ll, 1UI1Q 1.i.' i. . . I yv. iu Kiukuun, which, Buotracteu from the rotn the vote lmvcii Mr Pnnti.r lc :ft but 91,000 and some odd, or less than was polled by the republican Any other holding would violate common sense. Suppose the con- i-iau ui una iri)IO-ltlOn was nolU to ho the law, then each of tho three nisioii pariiua, it they had each nominated a separato ticket, would have been entitled to como in ahead ot the republican ticket and tho re publicans would have had fourth place and in that case 05,803 would have been held to bo menfnr Hum three times 02,082, which- would invo been absurd. riw. 'rr:.:;:.:;:... out and pradticnlly admits defeat fnr tlm fnai'm. Pnm. n nv UIU III IB IIISL INIUG eClIUPS I tl i " ' v ' r:, ",r rw imuii wmi uiu ciaim mat the coming disaster will be due to the hick ol frying fat from Lin, protected industries to liihrienl n ( In- sijiieaky tnple'eoncern liicli Ihuv have been attempting to run. But Mr. Conner how about the fut. d 'ntn the great sclf-nroteetimr Rilt.,.r rust, allied with the fat from Hi., othce trust you have been wallow ing in uunug me campaign Y A vole fo.Mhes'uSnibHean eountyt eketwi.lbea-votefor the idun, of economy ... county af- A QOLDUN DISCOVERY. Hie famous Klondike rettion is not nil gold. Hundreds ot prospectors drop mid die of lumper nun fnlifrtw. without ever fiiidiiiK the precious inetnl. Often the most precious tilings of life arc found onlv nfter infinllo evort u.uuuiKiuK scnrcii. ainny n man mil woman looking vainly for health almost nrops uy xne wnysuie Delorc the golden iiv:uii oi rcuci is ni last niscoverctl ' Almilt Vlvf Vam nrm mn. C D rt ..aver. iSqV; or mtira;,n;ii;,Vig-,0lco:; rn., " I via cuiUlcnly taken witti n pain in tho !tlTic until It cimncil wnterbrasli nml vomltliif; of n Mitiiy yellow matter. I cotuulte.1 n plnWlai am. he tout me I hail n formofilyiietsfn,niiii jrenicn mo ror nlKiut Mx months with but llttla L!lcfi 1 ?.'m kePl Kcld''S m weak I couUl rvmvviy ii (link. rorvra i.Hr t.. WMt.?. ""." v.?'? .Vlt ,uc ",orc llin "y ' hail ccr lakcil. Por coustltxttion, notl.1.,K Is ec ttai'to Dr.ricrce'sIWintrelletB. i I mcii tried another nhvslcl.iti nml l, int.) . LlJf. .ve iVrM out or on,r nml ,hat 1 ,ia'1 '- "s "loroury will auro y destroy tho boiibo irici unotlier one wliofalil i had chronic liVli. Jhol ym whon ontorim: it throuL'h K7,JT,li,iLc,er.nU?,Vu,el,!UnRof the Momnch. tho tiitiBcoiis Burfnoos. Such artiufoH torptil liver nml klilncy nircctlon. He treteii bIiouIiI nnvnr ln mc...i ' "rutlOB ine for more tlinii n year ami I felt much bitter .i" : " " 0r Uo .Ub..(' cOpt Oil porBorip. imi ii tun not laal. nuim uuill ruilllinu IU lihVR (! nna no il,n .,ii.! ,c",??,ouV,,?8cv'ern,V,',elyn' rt dnmngot ioy v do is ton fold tn t potent medlcliiM, hut recc veil no more llmi ciiod von nnn tw.aoil.i,. i ' l? 1,10 (enumrnry re lef while u,x. I then trle.l l"r B ?i,,fi? A ?H, I'081"1 tIo"VO froin thom. 1 it;."',cdlc "T?1 n?l!! 'w.'Ooi'len Meiiicn ,,,',lli,.H Catrrh Cure, innnufnetured by w o n' JS&J 'it IM"' .i'f .' "."I. '' J- Co,, Toledo, O. If von nre one of (1in f1ls.nrnnn.i I fn,10; N:.V. I c will send you friendly Tostimonin b fmo Wiono A Co. Hwtuv fciuiL win iiiil ciisi vmi ntiA rmtt l. Getting Plumpest Values & & I C A s l THE ! S' A Good LFu worth r K aonars, I p7 i, The Best Irish Frieze worth $15.00, for mem gKPrices just a them for $3,50, $5.00, $7.50, $10, $15 and -r""7 v7 W : tn ts:cr ani exan,ino om stock and s Jc. tO CiaQC at c. T .Vi. i. Mode W71? Dl?liiTT7r varm - rnnrr . xviij u kj 1.1 xj Tim fusionists evidently believe l,iat tll0,r only hope to win is in t,le aecret circulation of campaign lies relative to the republican 110111 lilce8 11 is not lie'y. however Hilf Mm i.a! -f.I. . Z nnl W, takc a"V slocl 111 bee canards winch a ire being so assiduously cir dilated. It was on account of Neville' un savory record that the populists o mis judicial district turned him down four years ago and elected Judge Grimes. The leopard has not changed his Foots. It is the same Neville, only a little more so ...comT ,ji ubiican J , board will see that the fusion can! uiuiiik-jui congress, pays ma taxes. uri i r n ueii you vote ior congressman place your A after tho name of Aloses I'. Kinkade. a man who stands well wherever known. A votk for the fusion tieknh will be giving aid and comfort to tin. tellows who nro firing on tho Amer. ienn Hag and its defenders. How Will You Vote? For the present conditions, 1899 Republican tariff, pros perity, plenty work, trood vVnrriq qnnnrl mnno,,. oOUIKl Il)Oney; Or for conditions of 1896 Tl 1 1 v,lbU innir, idle mills and r factories, soup house paupers ailfl trnnmc? tU,U lllpSr - . Bowaro of Olntmenta for Catarrh that contain Mercury, no morourv. find Is tnknn innr.;n.. .. '. big directly upon tho blood and mt icoim Hlirrnnna nf Mm o. ii ... rr,V.Vi. i: ' 1 1"1""'- ouyuur unire Rnl.l I... boTtlo. ' " 70o. per Hnl family Pilla aro thn l,,t In all your October buying is guaranteed here, when its in a selec hop of an Overcoat or Suit or Furnishing Goods or Boots and Shoes. With .the. sale goes every advantage we possess in buying, that best , makers can afford, that assures you they are always newest, a , blending of correct styles and little prices. Note our handsome fall and winter stock and you'll feel that our statements are sincere; that ! this is the store that makes it interesting buying for you. i & EIGHT OVERCOAT One that best becomes you and returns you found ill Olir llew OVKUC.nAT ttnot.- Tim materials OVERCOATS for comfort and Black Melton Overcoat ! $7.50 S10.00, for The finest Montanac Overcoat worth $18.00 for $15.00 Men's Gray Ulsters, worth nine '1 $6.00 tor Dress Fall and Winter Suits Every possible excellence in making every style, detail just exactly correct,buta lowness in the prices -you would hardly feel possible when you note the character of the materials little less than real worth. We .VV. WAV, U n One lot an lylX liSCHfiflum Prop. xuuit MUiNJiii J' GOODS G. M. Smith is visiting friends in town today. He is off duty on sic leave at present as he is just re covering- troma serious illness Loose hay and baled hay always ior sale. Harrington & Tobin. l'KOHATK NOTICK. State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, hs. In the County Court. October SI. inw. ll.Wlcr.f KStatCf Jan,MR' u i reamnK aim llltnK the pet t on of Sarah 1,,ian?.FYylnB. kUaK the' In.tnnnent llle on the aitii day of October, WW, anil purport, ltitf to be the last will am. tentament ol the 8.dil ilereaseil may be proveil, api.roveil. pro bateil, allowfil and recorded a tlie last will ...11. itniauiLni. ui m Ham james n, Hani's ....i.gii.uiui in. 11. inu execution or sa d In strument may becoinniltled and the admin LlSh,' CHta,' e granted to will annexed """" ith the Ordered, that November I Ith A. I). lhOD. at -.irt . I? aswiKiien ior hearliiKsa d petition, when all pertionH Interested In nald matter may appear at a county court to be held in and for said county ami Hhow cause Krantcil. ,,raycr of l''t'ontrshouldnotbe o'.Ma " A. S. JIAIjUWIN, County Judge ITNITKn HTATKS LAN.) Oi'FIOE, SIDNKV U Nobratka, AiiKUHt 1(1, lhW. Notlco U horoby Klvou tlmt. iiursumit tolnatructlon and In accuril' " uireeiiooH oi inn Bocrulary of lliu In turlor, unilBr the provisions of tho third .cllori ol thn Act of July S, WM, Stat., llKl! iho followinc Iractn In tho lort HlUaey, l'obt, uLumloucil milt, ary recurvation, Nebraska, vlzt Lotsl, b'N 1' .,)y 'i' ih0 8 IS J4, ami tho w Heo x iia., Jl. 4f u contnlnfnir 10 uppim ..,111 i... , . , ..r. uuisrj ai uid meal inm offlca at Bldney. Kobraoka, In tracts of tho muall it li'tinl subillvldoii, on iho 15th tiny of Novum . ... ... .., iu IUU lllgllfM Ulll. ileratnot lees than tho apprulseil value, for tho laud nud for the iiiiprciveineuts, (ho purchnsa money to be paid at the tlmo ot tho nlo, the sub- UlvIrInnv,hlchuootlnKoverniuiiitbiilliliiKstubo nVercd nud olil.tiuiuthur with tlui I,iiM.iIm,, n,..,.. nn .,..! .... .....l "P ..j., ...... ... ,r nKm iu i no reiiurvailiiu to ho ' vtHoie, nepnraieiy rrom the lands nml other Improvumouts. lioill.l'V n lUintlB, lteKb.tor ilATT DAUOlllat Jy, it": ce ver. Approu-di UIIOH. It VAN, ActlnK Hal. I.ICOAI, NOTICIJ. To II. II. Hralth. Hick, lJrother, Estate of Bpoonnr LiiW'."1 National Hank of ClZlJJ. !Tim ii ill A?rn"" Hlwer k On, v m i, V "!"". nml William II. Conklln lou aud each of you are heri'by uotiHe I thai you nnnrthe pi.tlllnn tiled against you in, S action ou or before November 27 1KH). the n i. tlons of said nuiiMn,. . 1 ...""'"f . ri't". ti 1,0 K18 ?nlr,,f ,,1B ''""' " tjuar"er " ml i-1'f T,''iVul!".',1, 'mr of Beotlon Thirty, and t o l;at Half of ho West Half nml Lot. On", Two. t w.?Tni1 r:',"r '''"""' Thlrty-ouo, nil In CJ ""''' ItariKO Tenty.ulne 'west, n I.hcoIh Uoimty, Nehrnskn. ' " LAWIrr.Vnn it niTiniAvt. m. James M. ltny, l-lfp. Attorney. ' oSoi 1M cause came on forhoarlns upon tho report am) motion of oro 0 llacon ' ml. I lirn. or ot the estate of Alvln 0. llac.m ',Wci ed, lor the conllrmat on of the ni nf ,i... u.,.i . . tiuartur of Hectlon 8, In Township 1Q lioVUi of aui.'20 west. In Unmln ,i i!...'" ' ?! wvlnir been sold on the Hut'l day of Heptem bor. JhW, by the ail administrator by vlrli io of Jiiuo IMH)0 I'"1 100 " the'lOil, day of .Ji !' 'i ,,l,ere.f'"'0 ordered that nil reroin In. h?i. JnK-M ?'lal8 ajipear before mo on the at , ' ?.'! JP, '. v v : ' z v 1 ,M wininuon inform r rue. conarmed. 0,U9l,W,,,r "' 'l""l'luo ol7 11. M aitlMEH, Judso of the District Court l .p. the greatest comfort is easily nnnnlnr cti-lnc tlio itinct ncnrl for dress, nnd prices that cap- f have 18, yoat PaJ L J TT i3 13 House, i DON'T SUIT NOTICE FOIt I'UIILIOATION. Land Olllco at North I'latte, Neb., ) February 3d, lb'JU. J Notlco Is hereby Klvon that tho followlnfr-namod sett er has llled notice of her Intention to make tlnnl proof In support of his claim and that said proof will bo made before the Ilestster nnd llo- lgi-viz"' Nortl 1,Mt' NebM on N0V 17t"' WALTEH CONNELLY, who mndo Homestead Entry No. lOSWfl for the oast half of tho northeast quarter, east half of .U!Si'!0Ut,le2,l!t luarter, section 20, townfhip is, north rano 30 west 0 p. m. Ho names tho following wltnescs to provo his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Charles Wilkinson, James C. Crow. John "iaanttcnNeb "ry Co"noll of NbrtU ol3-0. OEOHOE E. 1'ItENOlI, lleglster. NOTICE KOll PUIIMCATION. Lana Office at North I'latU , Neb., . . , September 10th IBW. f Notlco Is hereby filven that the followlnR-named settler has tiled notlco of his Intention to make Who made HotilPMtnnil l,itlrv ffn ' itack u ii. - eoutheiist quarter of the southeast quarter ficc ci uuii ui mo uoriueasi quartor, anj tho northeast niiHrtr nr ti,n .,,,,ii,Jn.. Bectlon 7, Township 10 norih, ranKo 81 west. Ho names the follolnK wltues.-es to provo his cont!miousrcltlenco upon and cultivation of said m,Ui I'n.'u Y',1!,".nm. M' I'n'ler Iluchonan and llllllard ltldKoly of North Platte, Neb., and Oeor8o Kulck, of Somerset. Neb. OEO. E. FltENOH, ltcalster. N0TI0K FOR PUIIMCATION. .... .. fulled Htates Land Office, . North Platte, Neb., September 18tb, 18KU. f Notlco Is hereby ulveu that tliiifollrmi settler has filed notice of his Intention to mako rlnal proof lu support of his claim, and that said proof will bo made before Itegletor and lloccher at North Platte, Neb., on November tth, lKKLvlil WILLIAM II 110UOIITALINC1, ' S ho made Homestead Entry No. 1(1,805 for the south half of tho Norlhnn.t .i , J. and 2, Hoctlou 2, Town 0 north, llnnia 27 west, lie names tho fnllowlniwltnna ... .,. t.i. coidluuiHis reslilenco upon and cultivation of said "iiiiam jicuinnis, William l'etorron, Claud Ulondonnlni. nml in, irti...i,ti. nii n ham, Neb. " . OEOltOE E. FUENCII, i?:fl , Jtelster. NOTICE roll VW1ILICATION. IjiuiI Olllco at North I'latte, Neb , 1 ., . Heptetnbor 23d, 183'J. f Notice Is heruhr alvun Hint M.rii,,. v Artllp, widow of Pavld Artllp, deceased, has filed notlco nf intention to mako final proof befnro tho ltealster ami linnelvn i . i. ... ottlco In North I'latte, Nebraska, on Friday, the 3d day of November. on timber culture nppl. cation No. 13738,for the south half of tho northwest ?aVenMawne"t, 4 ' 80CU ' ,owt181"" "rth, tine names ns witnesses: Jacob Cusslns, Hiirnh Uusslns. Wllllnm Hrlllllh nn.l ifin all of North I'latte. Neb. " li:a K. F1IKNCII, Iteglster. NOTICE FOH 1'UPLIOATION. ImbiX Office at North Pintle, Neb.. I v. it k . , . HuI'l"i"ber lMh, 18UU f Mil left Is hcrebv ulvnn Hint ih. f.,li..,i.,,. I . settler hai i llled notlroof hi. .Mention to make final proof ustinnort,,, ..n.i it.... ...77 irv !o",'..1n1""i 0.tof"ro ll'Kl'r and peceher at North I'latte, Neb., on November 0th, 189V. Vtti , WILLIAM l'.McOINNIs ' ' who i mado Homestead Entry No. 16773 for the Southeast quarter of Hectlon 31, Towushlp 0 north, llauiie !i7 west fi.h p, M. 1 He names tho follnulnu uiinnu. ... .,..,.. u. conlltiuous residence npnii ami cultivation of said !. William Peterson nnd William Iloiwh. iium imiini, iuu.,an(l J.W.Johnson aud I red Jacobs of Mooreficlil. Neb. sivo UKO. E. FltUNRlf. ii.ui.i. . ' n t NOTICK. Tn Dud In v I. Mm IbW. Mrs, Lena Miller filed a potllloS mraln.t , ,' n ins. . district court of Lincoln county, Nebratka. he object aud prayer of which arp t!. olitaln a uvnrce rrom vim on ili, oily, lack of . ir,H)rt aud habi ual drunkenness: and a so pruylu for a decree for the carp am custody of minor children. p " ufoTe nMro.5r!dT;worffl Uy J. E. Era,,,, her atlofe ,ENA U,U'E,i' 'i s you ''I iiff - .,. , ' '"I'pori or jus claim, and that said proof will be miule before ItCKletor and Kocelvor at ftorth Platte, Neb., on November 3d, 18W). viz: i