The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 30, 1899, Image 8

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    i nrai News in Brief wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I $
Local News in Bnef. iJlye j UP-TO-DATE FURNITURE
Mr. W. H. Turple and Miss
Maude Hinman are to be married
Thursday evening at the Church of
Our Saviour.
Dr. Seymour here Nov. 14.
The ladies' guild will be enter
tained Friday afternoon by Mrs. J.
S. lloagland.
M. W. Clair is soendinir the
week at the Ilcrshcy sanitarium
takine treatment of Ihe famous
physician, 13. F. Sccbcrgcr.
Buy that Home Blanket of Wilcox
Dopartmcnt Store.
County superintendent Thoclcckc
left yesterday afternoon on an ex
tended trip to the western and
southern part of the county visiting
Dr. Sevmour will be nlcascd to
meet all those suffcrinir from de
fective sitrht at the Neville
Nov. 14th.
Nearly alt of the North Platte
candidates spent Sunday in town
resting from their oratorical and
hand shaking labors and visiting
with their families.
Lena, the fourteen-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin
"Witzki, died at their home in Myrtle
precinct Friday afternoon of
pheumonia. The funeral was held
We are pleased to announce that
Dr. Seymour, Omaha's leading
optician, will visit North Platte
Nov. 14, for one dav only. At the
Hotel Neville.
15d Lovcland returned Saturday
morning from Denver where he had
been buying cattle. He succeeded
in getting two car loads of southern
Colorado cattle which he is dispos
ing of to feeders.
Lieut. Geo. T. Patterson is in
the cast-spending his leave of ab
sence, He expect? to return to his
post during the latter part of Nov
ember. ISnroute he will stop here
and visit relatives.
"That fellow
is a stunning dresser, though I won
der how he can do it on his small sal
ary," How frequently one hears that re
mark about town. No doubt, if the
truth were known, the person referred to
instead of going to a merchant tailor
and paying $20, $25 or $30 for his suit
of clothes.buys one of The Star's whole
sale tailored kind, for which we have
made to order and knowing and study
ing your wants, are perfect in every de
tail. These suits are as well made, as
well trimmed and in nine cases out ten
better fitting than those which the tailor
makes to order and charges well, any
price he pleases, or he thinks you will
STAR'S SUITS $10, $12, $15--
which arc fit to wear the minute you want them, and
your money back if you are not thoroughly satisfied that
you have your money's worth. Complete new line of
Ulsters and Overcoats
for Men, Boys and Children
W. A. VOLLMBR, Proprietor.
Across the street from old location.
C. S. Clinton spent Sunday in
J. J. Halligau and son spent Sun
day in Ogallala.
W. T. Wilcox transacted business
in Sherman county yesterday.
Frank Bacon returned Sunday
night from his eastern trip.
J. S. Hongland returned Sunday
morning from a business trip to
Mr. and Mrs. S. II. Donehower
leave to-nicht for Denver on busi
Mrs. M. II. Douglas will go to
Grand Island the latter part of the
week to spend a few days.
Miss Hannah Kcliher will enter
tain a number of her friends at a
Hallow 10'en party to-night.
H. 13. Fleharty was down from
Ogallala yesterday looking after
some political business.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Salcctti have re
turned from their wedding trip and
are "at home" on Front street.
Mrs. II. J. Roth and daughter
Helen spent Saturday and Sunday
visiting with Mr. Koth in Sidney.
Miss Gertie Hine who is teach
ing in the vicinity of Mooreficld,
spent Sunday in town visiting her
Miss Bertha Owens has arrived
Costs 110 more thau that of "antedulivan" make.
Our designs are of the latest, and this fact cou
pled with the reasonable prices we ask for first
class goods, accounts for our big business. We
feel assured that our heavy sales are eudorse
ments of our goods and prices. You will find
our stock complete at all times new goods are
received daily to replace those sold. If you want
anything in the furniture line you'll find it here.
nnn cm I nluc nl nru E. R. WARNER.
Tho Patricolo Concert.
The concert given Friday evening
under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A.
by Signor Angclo Patricolo and
three other artists was a rare treat.
Signor Patricolo proved to be a
pianist of rare ability and the
selections which he gave were
highly appreciated by the audience,
especially so by the musicians who
were present. Miss E. Ruth An
derson, the violinist, was an artist
of marked talent and her playing
surpassed anything which has been
heard in North Platte 111 a long
time. Miss Shoemaker took the
audience by storm with her reading
from Quo Vadis. Her delsartean
exhibition was also very good. The
soloist, Miss Eleanor Goodman, had
well cultivated voice of great
from Cheyenne where bhe has been ranfe but 8Ue was rather unfortun
visiting since her parents returned ate ;n i,er selections and the aud-
We are
Kept Busy
Dorscy Lcypoldt, of Ilcrshcy,
spent Saturday in town while en
route to Bclvidcre where he will
join the ranks of the benedicts.
AVm. Edis has purchased the lloa
ford ranch which was lately owned
by Henry Diencr. He will pasture
part of his herd of cattle on that
New ami Rtvlinh coats and
Drop in and inspect the complete jackets at Bank's.
Wedding bells will commence to
ring this week and if Dame Rumor
is to be credited they will ring a
number of times before the holiday
season commences.
P. B. Gavin, of Wallace, spent
Saturday in town lookintr after
some business in connection with
the bank case which was being
heard by JudgeGrimcs, in chambers.
line of coats and jackets on sale
at Bank's.
Mr. Frank Wiser and Mrs. Mel
issa S. Johnson were married at
Sidney last Wedndsday evening by
Rev. Thos. Bakes. Frank has
scores of friends in North Platte
who extend their congratulations.
Mrs. C. P. Dick has received a
letter from her son Charlie, who was
with the Montana volunteers, tell
ing of his safe arrival in San Fran
cisco. After being discharged he
expects to remain in California.
"Uncle Sam" netted $250 from
the public sale of government pro
perty which was held in the
southern part of town on Saturday.
Part of the property brought very
The K. P. band and a number of
popocratM from Lexington came up
on train No. 5 this morning to help
make a crowd to greet Bryan.
Wanted White and yellow corn
Miss Lulu Salisbury, who is
teaching school in the southern
part of the county, spent Saturday
in town visiting her parents.
F. W. Blue returned from his
western trip Saturday and spent
SundayMiere visiting with relatives.
Will pay a premium for good white leaving for Gibbon yesterday morn-
10. R. Ripley and I, Dcats hayc re
turned from their hunting expedi
tion into the lake country. They
shot an abundance of chicken,
(rouse and ducks but failed to get
any deer although they saw a num
ber of deer tracks.
Will pay tho highost mar-
irood nrlces but the live stock was ket price prevailing for alfal
cnld fnr rnnnlilnrnlilv Ipbu limit ta fa seed. Send samples and
value. uuH-pnuod.
.Harrington oc to Din.
Call on Dr. Miller of the Routine ,, .
Denial Co. Teeth extracted with The High School Athletic Assoc
out pain. All work guaranteed, nation commenced holding its seini-
Ofliceover Strcita drugstore. annual tournament, Saturday. The
The netition of the receiver of the first events were the doubles and
Wallneu T.tnti. Bnnlr fnr nRi-ttitnnlnn M"gleH ill tennis. Everett Dickill
11 j. ...m. . -! ' .,1 in hou and George Ranuie won the
luntt ,mu u. auuiun doubles and Everett won in the
assetHOttue Dank yet undisposed 8inirlcs which the two doubles
and uncollected was heard by Judge champions played. Some event will
Grimes, sittinir in clinmhcm. nit be given every evening this week
Saturday. The permission was
granted and December first was
fixed as the day of sale,
Conductor Mooncy went up on
the second section of No. 1 yester
day and is bringing down the
Bryan special today, It is under
Hood that the "boy orator of the
Platte" has made arrangements
with Joe to deliver addresses from
the pilot while he IctB fall silver
words of wisdom from the rear
Consult Dr. Miller of the
Romiuc Dental Co. before you go
elsewhere for your dental work.
Office over Strciu'drug store.
Julia Edmbnds, who is in Omaha
with her mother, Mrs. G. E. French,
met with an accident Saturday
afternoon. She w.ib at the exposi
tion grounds and while riding 111
one of the Bwan boats in boiiic inex
plicable manner her loot became
caught in the machinery by which
the boat is operated and before it
could be extricated it was badly
lacerated. The wounds were dressed
by the hospital surgeon. No serious
resulta arc apprehended from her
injuries but it will be some time be
fore the toot will be healed.
Just unloaded a oar New
York apples the choicest
apples that grow. Northern
Spys, Baldwins, Eussetts and
Bollflowers 84.00 per barrel.
Choice Western grown ap
ples $3.25 bbl.
Harrington & Tobin.
after the close of school hours.
C. F. Idmngs.
W. M. Rector's residence in the
third ward is faBt approaching
completion. When finished it will
be one of the best small houses in
"The faithful" arc beginning to
gather, to some extent, to hear
their seer und prophet, W. J. Bry
an, ten now tne country is going
to "demnitiou bow-wows" but his
utterances will fall rather flat 111 a
town where prosperity is stalking
abroad to the extent that it is in
North Platte.
Ordor baled liny from
Harrington & Tobin.
The second entertainment given
under the direction of the Rcbekah'a
will occur Tnesday evening, Nov.
0th, at Lloyd's opera house. W. F.
Wcntworth, impersonator, will
appear in a miscellaneous program
and is one of the most versatile
platform entertainers of the present
day. His dramatic ability and
keeu sense of humor places him in
the front ranks of platform celeb
rities. The late Frances 10. Wil
lard Baid of him "Each- character
was vividly portrayed with all the
objectionable features of style pro
duction left out. Reserved seats
50 cents children 25 cents. Tickets
procured at Stamp's.
it $3.00
Tho Three Dollar Shoes you'll find here
lire better than most, and tho equal of any
at tho prico. An assortment sufficiently
largo to allow a selection to your liking.
Double soles that are welted and stitched
with uppers of genuine Box Calf, Gom
Calf and leather lined Vici Kid. Both
circular soam golf pattern and regular cut
stylo. Comfortablo fitting, neat shaped
lasts, low broad heels and neat toe shapes.
Tho best of all three dollar shoos for men.
Yellow Front Shoe Store,
GttO. Af. GRAHAM. Arnnitaov.
Mrs, D. S. . Chappell, who had
been spending a few days here as
the guest of her sister, Mrs. S. 10.
Douglass, returned to her home in
Gandy Sunday.
Maj. L. H, Dow, of Ft. McPhcr
son, was in town Saturday. The
major and his wife have only
recently returned 'from a two weeks
visit in the cast.
Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Goodallcamc
down from Ogallala Saturday
night. Mrs. Goodall returned Sun
day afternoon but Mr. Goodall re
mained longer.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Adamson and
dnughter of Jerome who have been
visiting in Denver, arrived yester
day morning and will spend a few
dayB here visiting relatives.
Mrs. II. P. Hanchett. who had
been spending several days here
visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. II.
Hamilton, returned to her home in
Graud Island Saturday morning.
Miss Anna L. McGrow arrived
from Palmyra Sunday. Miss Mc
Grcw has been elected to teach a
school in the northern part of the
county and will leave for there this
Mr. and Mrs. O. 10. Hughes, and
Mrs. Geo. Van Camp and son
George left Sunday night for Red
Cloud where they expect to make
their home. Mr. Van Camp will
remain here a few weeks longer.
The lamily has a wide circle of
friends in North Platte who very
much regret their decision to locate
ouit riiouns.
Washburn's Superlative $1.1
North Platte Best 1.00
Noath Platte Gold Crown 90
Schuyler Snow Flake 1.00
Scliuyler bundancc "u
Whole wheat Hour 10 lb sacks. .25
Another train crew was taken out
of service on the Third district yes
terday, leaving eighteen crews in
service on that district.
ieuce failed to appreciate her talent
as highly as it otherwise would
Bowaro of Ointments for Catarrh that
contain Morcury,
as morcury will surely dostroy tho eonso
of emoll nnl completoly dorntiRO tho
whole systom whon outorlnc it through
tho muBcous surfaces. Such nrticjos
should novor bo used oxcopt on porscrip
tions from roputnblo physiolnnp, ns the
damnRO thoy will do is ton fold to tho
good you can po6sibly dorlvo from thoin.
llnU'B Catarrh Curo. manufactured by
F. J. Chonoy & Co., Toledo, O., contains
no morcury. and is takon Internally, act
ing directly upon tho blood and mucous
surfaces of tho system. In buying llall s
(Jatarrh Uuro bo sure you got tho gouuino
It Is takon intornally, and made in To
ledo, Ohio, by F. J. Chonoy it Co
Testimonials treo.
Sold by Druggists, price 1O0. por
Hall's Family Pills aro tho boat.
Repairing shoes for
people who appreciate
neat, substantial work
the only kind we do.
If not already a cuBto- ''3
mer we solicit your
work. TCifm vis
Yellow Front Shoe Store.
Fall and
Which have just arrived.
F. J. Broeker,
Merchant Tailor.
There is no Climate like it on
this Continent for a
Winter Resort.
Fine Train Service via the
Palace Sleeping Cari, Dining Cars
Free Reclining Uuair L"ars,
Buffet, Smoking and Library Cars
Ordinary bleeping Cars,
Pintsch Light, Steam Heat,
5 Trains Daily Irom Missour River
For timo tables, foldore, Illustrated
books, pHmphlots,deiioriptlvo of tho tor
ritory travoreou, call on
Poland China Pigs
both sex, herd headed by King
Know No. 50259, a direct son of the
irreat prize winner Chief I Know
No. 11W2. Also some
High Grade "Bull Calves
sired by my full blood Scotis
bull Noble Victor 2d, No. 139,834.
P. 0. North Platte, No
Very Old.
tried and truo is Hoggs' Chorry Cough
Syrup. Has stood tho rains and tho
eunsiunp, i.iib Boon oiuors como ami go
but is btlll working for humanity. Curos
coukIib, colds and all bronchial troubles.
SolU uy A. i airoitz.
A good and desirable lot
. 1 n it , 1 1
on tnc corner or in intn anu
Dewey streets, Third ward.
For particulars address,
Albany, Oregon.
Improved Yorkshire
Call on or addross VM. N. PARCEL,, Neil ranch 5Jj mlleB
northwest of Wolllloot.
General Repairer.
Special attention given to
3 doorB south of Poatofllco,
y; SBfriVr
N. McCABE. Proprietor. J. E. BUSH, Mnnncor.
North Platte Pharmacy.
Drugs and Druggists' Sundries, j
I El
: We- aim to handle the best grades of goods
Sell everything at reasonable prices, and
warrant all goods to be just as represented.
All Proscriptions Carefully Filled by a Llconsod Pharmacist.
Orders from the country and along the line of the Union
Pacific Railway is respectfully solicited.
First door north of First National Bauk,
And all kinds of
Farm JVIaehinepy.
Standard Goods at
Reasonable Prices.