JL - - 1- Mast night to rfftmti U. IUIAMI'11, UlTY tiDlTOK. TUESDAY, OCT. 31. 1899. fhnnn Lll ll.Tl. no A. E. CADY. There is a treat in store for of our citizens who out Friday evening to ar Ai E. Cady at the court house. Mr. Cady is one of the most forceful and logical speakers in Nebraska. Come out and hear him. Mrs. Jerry Dwycr, of Hcrshey, is spending the day in town visiting friends. A. R Parsons went to Gothen burg this morning to pave the way for "wind jammer" Dryan. Clitn. W. Burkland is down from Sutherland transacting business and watching tlic Bryan procession. V Mr. and Mrs. II. S. White lett tljk morning for Beatti, Kan., to look after some property interests near there. The lyad'tes' aid society of the Jttthcran Church will meet at the home of Mrs, John Sorcnson next Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Arthur 13. Marr came down from Cheyenne this morning. After visiting here Mrs. Marr will go to Lognu county to visit relatives. Morcy Alexander and his family returned Sunday morning from their eastern trip; later in the day they left for their home in Alex ander. Mrs. IIvenback and eon, who had boen the guests of Mrs. Win. Eves for ten days, have left for their home in Williamsport. While enroute they will visit for a few days in Pittsburg. A nrn Hv ttrnntr nhiL-tt lesson ill . it l"-t'J e -i Rwrosnerity was lurnished yesterday when the local Union Pacific ol ficjals were unablu to obtain five men to work at $1 05 per day. No men could be found, livery one was employed. PUlabury's Beat flour is the hqst Minnesota Hour told in tho west. $1.15. V Harrington & Tobin. Chicago forecast for North Platte and vicinity: Colder and threaten ing tonight. Wednesday Fair and continued coo'. The maximum temperature yesterday was 73 the minimum this morning 36. A year ago the maximum was 50 and the minimum 30. An entertainment ijs to be given at the Mylander log school houst Saturday evening and quite a nurn ber of North Platte people expect o drjvc out and attend it. The procepdsof the entertainment are o be used in maintaining church scryipes at the school liau&e. MASON JARS." Bints per doz , 35c. Quarts por do 40c. Jtaf (Jnllon por doq COc. "VyUgoi? Oopartmont Store. 8qllyalgf3r-M.cIlQan Wedding. Mr. Joseph Schwaiger and Miss Mary McLean were married this morning a St. Patrick's church by Rev. Father Haley. The bride's irown was a very handsome travel- ing costme of dark blue cloth. Miss Justine Ottman attended the bride. The groom was attended by Mj Joseph Grace. At the close of the wedding ceremony the bridal party was driven to the Hotel Ne ville where a wedding breakfast was served. Mr. and Mrs. Seliwai gqr left for the east on train No. (V The bride has grown from girl: jiood tq womanhood in Norh Platte Jkd js deservedly popular among Trier associates. She is a young lady of many attractive qualities. The groom is a. firein.au jn the em ploy of the Union Pacific and is a young mail of Stirling worth. Ilnbbor Hecks should iio Hock's (Jbrinnn Suho. It will nrovont reduces of skhi, ehiillniu . , ' T A f ll. 1 innniiK mmu. wny rii iiirnB. ntc. llenla without u spur. Md py A.'P. Strpit?, rench went to Omaha spend a few days. Frank Uacon went to Cozad this morning to hear Senator Thurston speak. Coats and iackcts of all descrip tions at Hank's. Miss Winnie Heeler will entertain a few friends at a Hallow E'en party this evening. The Redmond Company gave its opening performance at the opera house last night to a fair sized audience. The performance was above the standard of the usual all week" companies, Furnished rooms to rent. In quire of Mrs. Annie F. Church. Michael C, Harrington went to Sidney last night to lend his dig nity to the Bryan special. II. M. Nichols was a passenger on train No. 6 this morning enroute to Florida where he will spend the winter. Markwood Holmes, the editor of the Clipper-Citizen, is one of the Bryan admirers from Lexington who is in town today. Win. J. Edwards, who has been visiting relatives here for several weeks expects to return to his home in Ridge way, Colo., in a few days. Jam on M. Hay, Lawyer. The oyster supper given at the K. P. hall last niirht bv the A. O. U. W. and D. of II. was not as well patronized as the excellent supper which they served, deserved but they will clear a fair sum for their abors, A carload of good Winter Applos now on nalo at Wilcox Dopt. Store. Tonight U Hallow E'en, the night sacred to the small boy and the hob-goblins, so it will be well to securely fasteti nil movable art- cles although a special policeman has been appointed in each ward to guard against wilful destruction of propertp. Received our fall supply of the celebrated Olub House brand of canned goods. Harrington & Tobin. Large shipments of cattle still continue to come in from the west and a number of carloads have changed hands here during the past ten days, buyers from the South Omaha market being on the ilert for bargains in feeders. Special sale on carpets and dress goods at Reunie's. Several carloads of mules from the west were fed at the stockyards yesterday. The animals were con signed to St. Louis, the great mule market. As almost all of the best mules which are now marketed there are bought by buyers for the British army and are an uncommon ly fine lot they will probably land eventually in, the Transvaal region. Do not make your Xmas gifts but purchase them at the bazaar to be held Nov. IQUi. That the Union Pacific intends to do away with the steep grades sharp curves and the high bridge at Hale yreeic, on biicrman moun tain, between Che, enne and Laram ie, there can no longer be any uouut. iJiiring tne last lew years a number of lines have been run so as to avoid these difficulties, but none were at the time found to be practical, engineer otnueiey ar rived in Cheyenne today from Bu lord on the east side ot tlie moun tain and about twenty miles west of that city, having completed the work of running the line for the new cut-ofT from Laramie to that point. This new line, which will probably be adopted, is about 400 feet longer than, tle present road, but in addjtiou t t',c abandon ment of the bridge which spans Dale creek and which is about 140 feet high, a number o( sharp curves will bu avoided. Only one bridge will be needed on the new line, and that will he where Hie road will qross Dak Creek. A 2?0foot ttui ne will have to he constructed, however. Bee, renny for Your Thoughts , I was just thinking if you would got n bottlo of Ups' Cherry Couch Syrun it wiUdmuo yourcouKh and lot your wjfo sloop boiiio to nitfht. Guaranteed. Sold by A. V, StroU. Ml V) Mr it; it V) w it; to to to to to to to to to to to to to Wilcox Department Store. HARDWARE DEPT. Stacker Ropes, Wood Pulleys, Iron Chains, Pitchforks, Bolts, Braces, Drill Bits, Babbitt Metal, Scythes, Pitcher Pumps, Granite Preserve Kettles, Flour Bins, Kitchen Sinks, One-Half Bushels. HARNESS DEPT. ltf-inch Halters 85c li-jnch Breast Straps 45c lj-inch Pole Straps 45c Harness Leather, cut in strips, per lb 45c Good Heavy Team Harness, lyi inch Breast Straps.lJ Pole Straps, 1-inch 18-Foot Lines, Good Wool Faced Collars, Per Set $22.00 Riding Bridles. Team Bridles, Throw Ropes with Ilondu braided in. GROCERY DEPT. Horse Shoe Tobacco, per lb 45c Standard Navy Tobacco, per lb 35c ; Salt per barrel SI. 55 Table Salt, 2 sacks for 05c Kerosene Oil, per gallon 16c ; Pearl Barley per lb 05c Tapioca per lb 05c ; Sago per lb 05c Oil Sardines per can 04c 9 nmimtR Prim ATnfil . . OC, i Powdered Borax per lb 15c ; Potted Ham per can 05c ; Stoneware, per gallon 10c CROCKERY DEPT. Handled Cups and Saucers per set. ., . 45c 7-inch Plates per set 45c Vegetable Dishes 12c, 15cnndI8c Sauce Dishes per set 20c 100 Piece Dinner Sets $7.50 to ?28.00 Table Tumblers per set 20c Thin Tumblers per set 30c No. 1 Common Lamp Chimneys 04c No. 2 Common Lamp Chimneyo Ode Tubular Lantern Globes 07c No. 2 Rochester Chimneys (Lead glass) 10c DRY GOODS DEPT. Kearney Home Muslin per yd , . 04c Good Apron Ginghams, per yard 05c Canton Flannels per yard 05c Lining Cambric per yard 04c Fine White Goods per yard, 10c to.. .. 25c Straw Ticking per yard 08c Table Oilcloth per yard 15c Lawns, per yard 03c Dress Prints per yd 5c, 6c and 7c NOTION DEPT. Thread 3 spools for 10c 50-ytl Corticelli Sewing-Silk 04c Curling Irons 04c Hair Pins 4 bunches for 01c Brass Thimbles 01c Sterling Silver Thimbles 25c Velveteen Skirt Binding, per yd 03c Two-quart Fountain Syringes 55c Silk Mitts 25c to 50c Ladies' Velvet Grip Hose Supporters. 20c 4 yards Finishing Braid 05c Vaseline per bottle 05c Corset Laces, per dozen 05c Alarm Clocks 85c White Bed Spreads 70c Baby Ribbon per yard 01c Bone Buttons, for Underwear, per doz- 02c Goods marked in plain figures and sold at Ono Price for Cash Only. WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE. NORTH PLHTTE, NEB. to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to m i i i i t i if mn-t rn r 9r Makes the food more delicious and wholesome I Tail " ll'llBm mImWMII M '''il iTlMMlii Railroad Notes. Gust Fries spent Sunday visiting with his family in Omaha. Engine No. 1715 is out of the shops resplendent in a new coat of paint. Caboose No. 2040 has been taken out of service temporarily and w ill be repaired. Supt. R. "W. Baxter was in town tor a short time yesterday. He went east on the second section of train No. 6 in his car No. 013. Train No. 19 has been, ri a a special on a schedule (or several days, everything both passenger and freight except train No. 2 being sidetracked for it. Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Humphrey, of Sutherland, were in town yesterday. They came down for the purpose of consulting u physician concerning their rton's health. The alterations in the office of the Pacific Hotel incident to the changes in the station have at last been commenced, the workmen having put in an appearance there Friday afternoon. J. C. Clinton returned Saturday from the Wyoming division where he has been running an engine for several weeks. Joe says that the weather on the hill is not exactly balmy and springlike. All of the engines in use were run out of the round house yester day and some much needed repairs were made to nc turn table. The table now works yery much easier, much to the joy of the men who have to handle t, The mterll for the addition to the superintendent's ofB.ce has finally all arrived and Foreman Fries has a large force of men at work there. The telegraph ollicc and battery will be moved as soon as the addition is completed, and then the work on the station improvements will be commenced in earnest and rushed to completion. By the first of the year that part of the work will nil be finished. Engine No.-1813 lost a drive wheel Sunday afternoon about midway between Barton and Big Springs The engine was pulling train No. 1 and was going at least fifty miles an hour when the accident occurred. One side of the engine was badly wrecked and the ties for about seven car lengths were reduced to kindling wood. Engineer Congdon succeeded in stopping the engine in an exceedingly brief time other wise the damage would have been even greater than it was. After Dlnnor Tnkoonoof HeKs' Littlo Giants. Thp ploasunt nrtor dinner pill otircs incligcq tion. Sold by A. F. Stroltz. John Lanktrec came in from Omaha this morning to supervise the Union Pacific improvements. Engine No. 1813 was brought down from the scene of Us grief last night and has gone into the shops for an overhauling. Patrick Henry McEvoy suspended libor yesterday afternoon donned his ,'go-to-uieeting" garments and went to Sidney to help arouse cal amity enthusiasm. The roadbed work is practically completed for this season. One large gang of men which has been working on the main line was sent, Saturday, to Cheyenne to work on a cut-oil. The resident engineer's office will probably be maintained here for another month an there is considerable clerical work incident to the closing up of the track work. Our people can afford to buy the celebrated PillBbury's Best Minnesota flour at only $1.15 asack. ' Harrington & Tobin. Mrs. Gillies, of the U. P. hotel, who has had the best of advantage in voice culture and voice building is prepared to take a few pupils. Pure Italian method. Dr. Hannah, the osteopath, will reopen his office at the Hotel Ne ville and will be at his office in that place Wednesday. Saturday and Sunday of each week. Hours ') a. m. to 4 p. in.. :vcningsby appoint ment. Coa,ts and Jackets for all ages of people at nanu s W. II. Michaels, of Harmon, and A. P. Michaels and family, of Colo rado City, who have been the guests of Mr. ami Mrs. E. R Ripley on the Park larm for the past two weeks, left for their homes this morning. While here they enjoyed the pleasure of it ten days hunt under the guidance of Mr. Ripley All the latest styles of wraps at Bank's. The annual bazair and supper to be given November ldtb, by the ladies' guild of the Episcopal church will equal those that' have been held in previous yeais in many re spects. An efiort will, be made to supply the great demand for embroidered center pieces, doylies, sofa cushions etc. A tempting nip per will be served at the usual hour. A short programe will be rendered for the enjoyment of the guests. Home made candy and cut flowers will be on sale at reasonable prices. The public U cordially in vited to attend. Loose hay and baled hay always for sale Harrington & Tobin. Stroltz's Drug Storo n tho place for taVlots and Uno otntiowory, Ik't'Ks Lit tip G,iau,t 1'UIb (or sick huadauho. Apples! Apples! New York. New York. If you want a choice barrel of Northern Spys or Baldwins, call at once. Only a few bar- els of BelUlowers. Harrington & Tobin. The best LLOYD'S OPERA. HOUSE, ALL THIS WEEK. THE REDMOND DRAMATIC AND VAUDEVILLE CO. IN TOWN Can bo .'ound at J. t mum - Our Ten-Cent Cigars are the equal of any. Your attention is invited to our fine line of Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos and Smok ers articles. IS- -PEOPLE IS In a new and up-to-date Repertoire of Comedies and Dramas. A Contin uous Show. KEROSENE OIL. We will deliver Oil to any part of the city for iOc per gallon. We take it to the house in our. can. Wilco Deparifeirjeritj j&oi'e. City Property For sale by the Receiver of the North Platte Na tional Uank.North Platte No. I. I.oU It and 12, block fl. North l'lattc Town i.oico n. iiililltlon to tuuclty of North I'lutte, nod. Locution on inc corner 01 Sixth nml Lincoln Avcnut'M. No. 'i Int it, block 1, of the original town of North l'lattc!. Nebraska. No.:). Kast half of lot l. block III), of the original town of North l'lattc. Nubranka. TIiIh iiropcrtv In only ono block anil a half from tne court lioune miuare. On tho lot In a comfortable, Htory anil a half, live room frame houxe. Location It) on I'lftti Mtrect. between I.ocut anil Vine streets. No. I. I,otH I,-. :!.). A, 0,7. H. U, 10, II, 1ft, and If), mocks In North l'lattu Town Lot Com. Addition to the City of North I'latte, Loc.nl tion on sixth street between Madison an Jefferson avenues. No. ft. Lots a ami 4. lllock !, In the orlR Inal plat ot tho City of North I'latte, Nobras ka. Location on Front street corner o Ash. On Lot Ills com for table ulL-ht room frame cottaue. Convenient to railroad anil shop. Albert Davis, "Tho Kid Jowelor," Has just received a stock of new .JHWIChRY, WATCH KS AND CLOCKS, AM) TUB UTKST IN I; ACE PINS, CUFF HUT TONS AND WAIST SETS. Only reliable floods sold and your :.. i ' ah iihmiuv m ii i ii vvuiy lime. i oorin warranted. JCffl-WitU A. Iv. Davis, Dewey St 5c CIGAR I.ICdAL NOTIOIJ. Toll. 1. Hitilth, Hicks llrnthern, Kstnto of Htmonor it iimrnn, nrct Nniional liaulc of GMnngo, r.ulim H. Ailtuus, Abraham ltlnner k Co , 'iVllllam II. UUtn and William II. Conlilla. You mid flirli of mil nrn hnrnliv nntlniul ll.t yon hiivnt)niiiifiit In tho District Court of Lincoln County. Nobranka. by Lnwretico II, ltathbono in (lit) action I'nlltltvl Lawrence II, luthunno T. I.lr.lnKor Jtiilcnlt Compnnyot al, ami that unlets you nnrwer thu piitlllnu lllml aKalnxt you In unltt action on or lieforn Novrmlior 27, lKtt), the allcun. tloiis ot raid petition will b taken as true and jiiilmnont roniloreil against you nuletlntf Plaintiff's uno in inn i.ioa ntnioi inn rtomnweiit quarter and bold 'lliri'O nuil l'onr of Knctlon Thirty, nml llin biut Half of till) Wont Half and I.oli One. Two. Tlireu and Tour of Sotlon Thirty-one, nil In inwii itii norm, oi uaiiKU l weniy-nlno went, In Lincoln County. Nebrntkn. I.AWJUSNUIS II. 11AT1I1 ONE. V In nt IT. lames SI. Hay, Pill's Attorney, o'JOl N Till! 11 ATT K 1 1 OF T1IK ESTATE OF AL VIN O. 1IACON, Dccenneili Tilts cauno cnino on for honrlnir nimn thn report mid motion of Orln O llacon, iidmlnbitrn for of Hie OHtalu of Alvlti O. llacon, deceased, for tho roiillrinallnu ot tho nalo of the Houtlnvimt lunrtur of Heiillnn 8, in Townchlp 10 north, of iiiiuku i wusi, in Lincoln rmniiy, ineuraKKa) mill laud luivliuf Im'oii mild on llm Until day of Septem ber, IhW), by the said ndmlulatrntor by Tlrtuo of mi order ot rale leut-d by mo on tho 10th dar of Juno, 1HWI. It it U thorcrnre ordered Hint all persons In leruntud In snld nutate anneiir betoro mn on Ilia Mb day of Nnnmilior, 18VJ, nt ono o'clock p, in.. iu my iiiui'u miiiiik in rnninuvrs ill norm i'lnuo, Vfbrnkn, tokliow rninio why such unto should not bo coutlruivil. II. M OIIIMKH, ol7:i JihIko ot tho Dlatrlct Court. NOTIOU, To Dudluv L, Miller, ilefondnnti You nro hereby nolltlod Hint on the illst tiny ot AliKUtt, i nun. .lire, i.uun aiiuur men a pumion nunuiH you In the district court of Lincoln cuuntT.Nabraiks. tho object nod nrayor of which are to obtain a divorce from you on tho urnunil nt extreme cru elly, lack of support nnd Iiatiltunl drunkenness! ntid also priiylnif for n decree for the euro ami ciiftodyof minor children, you nro reipuriMi in mmwer snld petition on or before Monday, the flthilny of NoTnmhnr. 18011. .HUM, Li:iNA JULLl.ll. Ily J. n. lCvnut, her nttoriiey. FX. CORSETS MAKE American Beauties. F. C mm n i mm LATEST MODELS, Kalamazoo Corset Go. SOLE MANUFACTURERS. BOLD BY TI-IE3 X.JA.JDBR, J. PIJ5I0R, Prop.