&k Mortlt FIFTEENTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30, .1899. NO. 80. mwiir'itntntfwwntfuntF m stud?2Ly WAGONS Wboclirfaijsee Wii7cl.iT7ii.is, Carriages, Buggies, Road Wagons, Carts, Spring Wagons, Latest Styles and Best Quality for the Price, PUMPS, PIPES AND FITTINGS, uuwjjinu uiuo BALE MACHINE OIL, Locust St., North Platte, Neb. f JUST AT PRESENT 3k f Arc our specialty, and the line we arc showing is j a little the smoothest we have ever had. Heat- ag jfc ers in many styles and sizes, hoth for hard and g soft coal. And ranges, lots of them. On stoves 9g $ we lead, we sell more than any other dealer be- j cause we have THE stock. J & X-.. ID--"V-IS. tf Q. F. IDDINQ8 Hi-u.no.Toex, Coal Yards and Elevators at North Platte, Nob., Sutherland, Neb., Julesburg, Colorado. -NORTH PLATTE MILLS, (C. IMDDINOS.) ' , Manufacturer of HIGH AND MEDIUM GRADE FLOUR BRAN AND CHOP PEED. Order by telephone from Newton's Book Store. S IF IT'S IN THE DRUG LINE $ BUY IT $r You can bank on it being fresh and as represented. Hardware and Furniture. We carry the BEST line of Stoves on the Market Radiant Home Base Burners, Air Blast Heaters, Riverside Oaks, Steel Ranges and Oook Stoves of all sizes. t I A Complete lino of Pumps, Pipes, Fittings, Windmills n-rtA Tnnrnrn Alan Onrrlfi croa "RilfrrrloB PTrinfT mrciss that riinr comrnTiTios. Victor 'E. Meyer, m iffiintFiinininirmwiintfMj TIES, AXLE GREASE. -JOS. HERSHEY. $f STOVES 1 and G-raazx I " $ OF STREITZ. . 4 and Farm Wagons, Etc. f - North Side. 6 To tho Voters of Lincoln County, An anonymous circular lias been put in circulation insinuating tliat P. L. Harper is supporting mc for the purpose of securing my assist ance, when elected, toward a bank at North Platte. I desire to stamp that circular or any charges of that character as false. I have no knowledge as to whether or not Mr. Ilurpcr is sup porting inc. But if he is, I presume it is for the same reason that any other republican would, that i, because 1 am the the republican nominee, 1 want again to assure every vo ter of the county that when I ent r upon the duties of the office of county treasurer next January, it will be with the determination to run the oflice according to law and in the interests of the whole peoplr, and no man or any set of men will have any strings on inc. Very respectfully, C. F. Schakmanx. A Card rrom Mr. Holtvy. ICniToit Thuiuni:. The Urn has been publishing some statements which arc false and deeming it right I called upon the editor, and asked him if it was to late to put a notice in this issue, (Oct., 30!h The editor said it was not too late so I handed him a statement and asked him to publish it, wheri upon he began to make excuses that they had to let a good deal if matter go unpublished in that issue and asked if the next issue would do. not saying that, th'y would publish it and as he said it was not too late I prepared it then as I wanted it to get before the public. One of them said leave if, if it gets in it gets in, if not. not. I left it and was informed later they would not publish it. Now 1 wish to be placed before the people in a true light and will give the ques tions and ans.wprs. First: They claim I have been promising cattle to parties to keep or winter for their votes, wliil I have no cattle. ' Now there is not one man in Lin coln county or any other county for tnat matter that I have prom ised any cattle for their vote and who ever put it in print tells what is not so and more he cannot bring a, man that will say so. The truth is I have some cattle in my enre whichl have kept. I make con tracts in the fall for the keeping for the winter and summer, 1 have had several applications for keep ing them this winter and for some next summer and I have told all applicants I would not contract until after election. If lam elect ed they will be to let, if not. if is probable that I will look after them myself. Second, as to sheep, I have none. Third: As to boarding, Hint is another falsehood that originated with the editor of the ICrn. Fourth: The Fra says will Tin: TnniUNi: be honest enotiirh to ad mit that Mr. Iloltry held out everv dollar in fees which the law allowed and the county commissioners would permit him to expend in the way of additional clerical help. Now this is a fact and the records will bear me out. The 3lst dav of December, 1808. there was short en my salary about $150. I had to wait until the next July to get it. I had a claim against Lincoln com. ty for 5800 which was not filed be cause there was no mo.ney in the fund to pay it. If there had bun I would have filed and collected it. then I could have got the balance .f my salary and would have turned the balance in to the county, a it waB the county lost not a cent of interest but I am out the interest on $150 for six months. Now you can comeback at me as much as ) on please. I am proud ot my record and the records are here for ex amination ami anyuody out a twister will find them correct. Respectfully submitted, W. M. HointY, County Clerk, Your Minister will furnish y on ii bottlo of Hul'l'h' Chor- ry Cough Syrup froo if you have- not tl o nionoy to pay for it. It stops coutjhiiK in claircih. euros coughs mid oolda. Bold uy a. v stoma. , Botwoou tho'HIvors. The fusionists in this commun ity are "as meek as lambs" at this time. Swbcrger & Co. shipped a car load of hogs west from Ilershey Friday evening. We understand that J. K. White is purchasing a car load of horses in this section to take back to Illinois with him. A crew of U. P. men with a hand car passed along the line the last of last week pulling up the grade stakes that the recent bal asting was done by. Millard McKcllip, of the south side, marketed a couple of loads of hog at Ilershey last Friday. 0. A. Staples is baling and car ing hay at Nichols that he pur chased of P. F, Hilligas, who resi des on the Ferguson farm cast of Nichols W. O. Cole shipped in a car load of calves from Omaha Friday. They wtfre unloaded at Spuds. flungcrford & Lokcr have just finished baling for J. M. Dwyer live or six carloads of hay which lie had sold to Seebcrgcr & Co. at Hemhey, D. F. Davis has lately had a resi dence constructed on his claim over north. pX. A. Lokcr is up and around again nfter hia recent back-set. County clerk L. C. Reneau and wile, of McPherson county vi-ited Mrs, Reticuu's parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. Newberry, in the valley last week. Corn husking is slowly but steadily on the move notwithstand ing the scarcity of help. W. R, Parks and family recently moved from the county seat to the Dillon ranch over by the north river. A certain populist in this part of the wild and woolly west remarked to, a friend when he learned that "Vrr3'. liryan was coming .dowif-th is way soon that he must be in pcr suit of the regiment of soldiers he lost while on his way to Cuba some tune ago. J. M. Dwyer informs the writer that the car of hogs t,hat he recent ly shipped from Ilershey to South Omaha, brought the highest price of any sold upon the market that day which was $4,221 per cwt. Who says there are no good hogs in" the Platte valley? The local hay market begins to loom up. If the weather the coming winter should be cold and stormy there will hardly be hay enough in this country for homecousumptioii. "Old Dame Rumor", "the old huzzy" says that Dorscy Leypoldt, of Ilerbhey, departed a couple of clays ago for Beividere, Neb., where he will on the 3rd of next mouth be united in marriage to Miss Nellie Wills of that place ilo that they will beat home to their many friends in this vicinity at Ilershey after Nov. 0. "Pat-" u Brady Island, AValtcr Favy has been painting the 10a vy store, residence and the new granary. Miss Mabel Donehowor came down Saturday to attend teachers meeting and remained until Sunday as the guest of Mrs. Worrell. There is some talk of organizing a reading circle for the ICpworth League. The force of carpenters are no longer working on the elevator. The brick masons are working to complete the oilice and engine room. The proposed plans for the eleva tor here now include a track scale,a car dump ami a cleaner. It is not known just who will be in charge of the company's interests here. The teachers meeting Saturday was quite well attended, Most of the teachers had not the books so the work was read and discussed Nello Cover had an interesting paper on the Manilla conditions. Miss llakir bang a very pretty patriotic song. The teachers seemed interested and seemed to gain sonic good from the work. MibH Ilertha Thoelecke was in this vicinity visiting schools tlje fore part ol the week, tiniMintnin!ii!nif!i(i!Mtfitn!riin!nifnnininintn!fmni THE EAIE'S FALL OPENING. The first three clays of our Grand Fall Opening1 3 has passed, and as those clays were a great sue- cess, we hope to make the ; remaining days of s: this opening still more so. Our store has been 3 s visited by more people these few days than ever 3! s before on such occasions, and we are glad to say 3 that each one had a good word to say in our fa- vor. We are receiving new goods every day. j Come and examine them. Have you seen our g latest fads in GOLF CAPES? They are the 3 s latest creation 31 g Millinery Dept. e: In our Millinery Department you can get the finest hats for the least money in the city. The j2 ; matter of buying a hat should be of the greatest gj importance to every lady, and they can best ob- 2 tain them here. Our hats possess that style and 3 finish which adds grace and ease to the wearer. I SHEET MU5IG FREE. 1 Commencing Monday morning we will give free I? with each purchase to man, woman or child a jj piece of fine sheet music, instrumental or vocal. : This sheet music cannot be bought anywhere 3 S for less than from 10 to 40 cents, as they are the 3 latest and most popular productions. Come 3 early and get the best of the stock. gS. RIGHARDS. THE FAIR, i The social Saturday evening at the home of Mr. B. A. Johnson wns quite well attended. Saturday evening Miss Angic West gave a party to a few of her friends. What do you suppose would act uate a poor lone bachelor in fixing up a house. F. George was a North Platte visitor Saturday. F. Murphy has gone to North Platte to seek employment in the round house. The Iloltzmark stock is in posi tion now and the Star seems to be doing a thriving business. The entire plant of the Kearney Flectric Liht and Power Co. was sold last Thursday to the North western Electric Heat and Power Co., a corporation organized under the laws of the state of Missouri. The president of the new company is l . w. UleeB, ot Macon, Mo., who is rated as worth two millions. The company is capitalized at $50,- 030. The new company proposes to add about $15,000 worth of improve ments to tue plant and will be pre pared to furnish heat, light and power. Kearney citizens are very jubilant over the transfer as it menus that the plant is to be made to yield the proper return. During the month of September the Sidney separator station handled 16.028 pounds of milk and in twenty-one days dispersed 116,16 among its patrons. WOMAN'S NIGHTMARE. Gho Bhuddors Whon 8ho Itoalizoa tho Danger and Pain of Ohild-bcarinff. Thcro is so much suffering and danger In storo for tho young mother, that nor happy anticipation soon gives wuy to a fooling of drend at tho thought of tho pain which eho must undergo. This constant four so preys upon thu mind of muny women that it fills them with ter ror mid inukes buby's coming a source 01 too greatest nnxioty and dreuu. All tho suffering and danger of tho ordeal can vo avoided ly tho uho of "Mother's Friond," which prepares tho laxly for this important event. It relieves "morning Blcknoss," and many other unpleasant conditions which ex ist during this time. Thousands ot women m-alao "Mother's Friend" for bringing them safely through tho most critical period of their lives. Every woman should send tholr name and address to tho Bradilold llegtilator uo,, Atlanta, ueorma, mid rpcoivo trco, VU1UUU10 llUOriUUMOU 011 1110 suu,oct, lOK S.A.Ij!E). A half section ot laud near Her shey, most of it 111 crops and alfal fa, with four water rights in the worm Platte ditch. For further information address W. O. Th nmn. sou, Ilershey, Neb., or A. J. Katon, I2aton, Colo. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Jj F. DENNIS, M. D., HOMOEOPATIII8T, Over Flmt Nntlonul Uank. nohth matte, . neiikaska. I. V. llKDKLU BEDELL &. DENT, O, 11. DZMT PHYSICIANS AND Rimnvn OI,l008,i N,orth,rintto National Dank muuiiug, ixorui l'jotto, Nob, 1) It. ANNA PEOKIIAM- Onleo-Cor. LoouBt and DUVets. SnOial nt tniltint! tn (llannona nf ... and children. jj E. NORTHRTJP, DBNTIST, Onico over Modot Clothing Storo. NORTH PLATTE, NEB. ' A. 11. luvm. r v .,, jAVIS & ROACH ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. NORTH PLATTE,, . - NEBRASKA uraciy wo0C Rooms 2. j S.RIDQELY, n ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW . Olllco in Hinman Block, Df wey street. NORTH PLATTE, - - NEBRASKA I' H. KDMONDS. J, M. OALHOON. Edmonds & Oalhoun, LAW AND COLLECTIONS. Over I'OHtomce, NOHTH I'LATTK. NEI1. J . S. IIOAdUANI). V, V. HOAOLAND. Hoagland & Hoagland, ATTORNEYS ND COUNSELORS Olllcd over McDonnlrt'H Dnnk. NOKT1I TLATTE, NEB, yiLCOX & IIALLIOAN " ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, tfOHTlI I'LATTK, . . . NEBKASKA Office over North Mode Netlonel Dunk. 'J1 O. TATTERSON, KTTO R N m Y-KT-LHanr, Olllco oVor Yollow Front Shoo Storo NORTH PLATTE, NEB.