REPUBLICAN RALLY ySSfci at the court r.ousi:, Ur vwwwv-, w.-vv ANNIE 0. KRAMl'Il, Cm- Editoh. ft i TUESDAY 0C1 17, 1899 E. A. Cary transacted business m raxton yesterday. Judge Grimes left this morning iur mc wesi part ot tlic state. All experienced trlmmnr la u-nnlx.l at the Fair Store millinery depart ment, uoou wages; apply at once Furniture and stoves for sale Must be old this week. Inquire ill III IS OIIICC, Plums $1.00 por box at Wilcox xiopartmcnt Storo. mi. . . ..... a ue oest meals obtainable in town will be found at the Vienna Kestaurant. Short orders are made u specialty, day and night. Prepare yourself for the chilly wums oi winter oy investing in a new Btylish jacket at Bank's. The annual chicken and waflle supper of the Lutheran ladies' aid society will be given to-night in the Ottenstein building on west Sixth street. W. F. McGlone & Co. arc selling mason iruic jars at tlie iollowing wnces. 1'iius iuc, quarts iiUc, Halt gallons 55c. Mrs. II. P. Hnnchett arrived from u ratio Island yesterday afternoon and will spend several weeks here visiting her daughter Mrs. W. II. Hamilton. J. L. Murohv brought emrinp Jn 1479 down from the Wyoming divisl ion ounuay morning aim yesterday afternoon went on. through to Oma ha with it. Order baled hay from Harrington & Tobin. Thursday, Oct. 19th, the ladies of the W. R. C. will wflvimi nil who call one door north of McCabe's drug store. They will entertain you with a uood hot supper from G to 8 p. m. Supt. Eves, of the separator sta tion, has been authorized by the company to offer seventeen cents pound for butter fat, an advance of one cent over the price which was paid last mouth. Special sale on carpets and dress (juuuh ui lteunic s. The walls of the Warner block are comrltteil to Hi and a iarge force of carpenters is at work getting the timbers in place so that work may be commenced on iiiu bctuiiu biury. All the latest creations in coats and jackets at Bank's. W. II. Sullivan, of NTirlmla nr. cinct, who is making a specialty of raising morougiiored and graded stock, is now offering lor sale fine Poland China pigs and high grade bull calves. Mr. Sullivan's stock ia pronounced among the best in the west part of the state. Fruit at reasonable prices at Ilartman's. Chaplain Mailley.late of the First Nebraska regiment, will make a po. litical address at the court house on Wednesday evening of next week, October 25th, He will be accompanied by Judge Kin kade, the republican nominee for congressman, and perhaps by Judge Reese, republican candidate for supreme judge. The Chaplain is a very interesting talker, and his discussion of the issues in this campaign should be heard by all, and especially by those who hold opposite political views. Received our fall supply of the celobratrd Olub House brand of canned goods. Harrington & Tobin. The social to be given by the Altar Society of St. Patrick's church will be Held Thursday evening, Oct. 19th, instead of 18th, as pre viously announced. The iollowing program will begin shortly after eight o'clock; Piano Solo. "Parson Ringtail's Weddintr March," Miss Hannah Keliher; Duett, selected, Airs, J. D. Ifoncrgan and Mrs. C. T. Whalen; Recitation, selected, Mrs. Joa. Quinn; Solo, "Without thee love, oh let me die," Mjss Annie Rebhausen; Piano Duett, selected, Misses Nellie and Theresa Austin; Recitation, "Nellie's Prayer," Mrs. Frances Moynahan; Piano Solo, selected, Miss Ida Ottenstein; Se lection by Choir. Games will be provided and refreshments consist, ing of coffee, cake and sandwiches, etc., will be served. The public is cordially Invited to attend and pass a pleasant evening. This social will be held at the bcIiooI house cast of the church. A Fenny for Yonr Thoughts. 1 whs just tliinkinir if you would got n bottlo of Hoggs' Cherry Couh Syrup It wiuldouro your cough nnd lot your wife sloop eomo to-night. Guurnntecd. Sold by A. F. Stroitz. ADDRESSES BY CHAPLAIN MAILLEY, $ Of the First Nebraska Regt. Wilcox Department Store. AND c ; M. P. KINKAIDE, Republican Nominee for Congress. JSVBKYBODY INVITI3D. The Kpworth League will hold a icial Friday evening at the home Mr fi,rl A 1 f T tl.t ' B. Li. Robinson, 80CI of Mr. and Mrs. Supt. Park came in from the east tut Hi ii a. i f. . I tnw iruv Liii vtHiiTf :i v niinr. noon and went west this morninir. Complete line of frrnli -- IIIIUII Consult Dr. Millor ,-f ,i,. I Komine Dental Co. Iinfntv mn m i , . . - yw" frw UlSUWUCrC lOr VOlir fliMilnl wtsrU umce over Strcitz' drug store. Geo. II. Prime, who was formerly in attorney at Grant, but who has aieiy oeen located in Chicago, i.iusiicieu uusincss in town yester-iay. Wanted White .mil v.1l Will pay a premium for irood while LUl 11, C. F. Iddinc.s. We arc nleased to nnnnim.-o imf ur. bevmour. Omalm't; Ipariinn- PtlCtaU. Will Visit Mnrll, Plnftn nov. 14, for one dav only. At the iioiei iNevillc. Capt. J. II. Brown, oi Wakefield, former member of the Third ref luent, spent Saturday in town ransactinir some leiral business in connection with the defunct Rf.iio Hail Ins. Co. and visitiuir Mai. C. Scharmanu. New line of coats and jackets ust opened at Bank's. M. B. Crvderman is on ttir Usf n( the iniurcd owim- to n Knridpn cn,,. tact with a sharp shod horse's hoof. iuan ntiu imo me oarn yesterday morninir to feed the h one of them, without any warning. kicked him in the s dc inflict inn- an ugly gash about three inches loner. The force of .in. hirh knocked Mart some distance. He was brouiht down to i1ir lnri-.- C7 . "UWIWI and tup wound dressed HARDWARE DEPT. Stacker Ropes, Wood Pulleys, Iron Chains, Pitchforks, Bolts, Braces, . . Drill Bits, ' Babbitt Metal; I Scythes, Pitcher Pumps, Granite Preserve Kettles, Flour Bins, Kitchen Sinks, One-Half Bushels. HARNESS DEPT. l-inch Halters 85c ltf-jnch Breast Straps 45c lj-inch Pole Straps 45c Harness Leather, cut in strips, per lb 45c uoou ucavy 'ream Harness, l inch Breast Straps.l Pole Strap, 1-inch 18-Foot Lines, Good Wool Faced Collars, Per Set $22.00 Riding Bridles, Team Bridles, Throw Ropes with ITotidu braided in. GROCERY DEPT. Horse Shoe Tobacco, per lb 45c Standard Navy Tobacco, per lb 35c Salt per barrel $1.55 Table Salt, 2 sacks for 05c Kerosene Oil, per gallon 16c Pearl Barley per lb 05c Tapioca per lb 05c Sago per lb 05c Oil Sardines per can 04c 25 pounds Corn Meal 25c Powdered Borax per lb, Potted Ham per can Stoneware, per gallon, 15c 05c 10c CROCKERY DEPT. Handled Cups and Saucers per set. . . . 45c 7-inch Plates per set 45c Vegetable Dishes 12c, 15c aud 18c, Sauce Dishes per set 20c: S 100 Piece Dinner Sets $7.50 to $28.00: Table Tumblers per set 20c: SThin Tumblers per set 30c: No. 1 Common Lamp Chimneys 04c: No. 2 Common Lamp Chimneys 0f.c; Tubular Lantern GlobeH ()7c: No. 2 Rochester Chimneys (Lead glass) 10c : DRY GOODS DEPT. ; Kearney Hoir c MtiBlin per yd 04c I Good Apron Ginghams, per yard 05c Canton Flannels per yard, 05c Lining Cambric per yard.. 04c Fine White Goods per yard, 10c to.. .. 25c Straw Ticking per yard 08c Table Oilclotu per yard 15c Lawns, per yard 03c Dresa Prints per yd 5c, 6c aud 7c NOTION DEPT. Thread 3 spools for 10c 50-yd Corticclll Sewing Silk 04c Curling Irons 04c Hair Pins 4 bunches for 01c Brass Thimbles , oic Sterling Silver 'Pliimlilo. oc o - - - 1 w . j MV Velveteen Skirt Binding, per yd 03c Two-quart Fountain Syringes 55c Silk Mitts 25c to 50c Ladies' Velvet Grip Hose Supporters. 20c 4 yards Finishing Braid vaseline per bottle Corset Laces, per dozen.. uarm uiocks.. t White Bed Spreads ni... tt!i.i . uauv iviiiuuii icr vnrii Bone Buttons, for Underwear, per doz 05c 05c 05c 85c 70c 01c 02c Goods marked in plain figures and sold at One Price for Cash Only. WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE. 1 ft ft ft ft ft ft ik & ft ft m i Hi b iXf iti ft iXt ft ft itt ft ft ft ft NORTH PLKTTE, NEB. 0 be a number of days before he will ue aoie 10 wrestle with freight again. James M. Kay, Lawyer. The bell tor St. Patricks' rlmrM, has been received. It is the largest bell 111 town, the Weirrlit nf flm Knll aloiie being 1800 pounds. The ser vice of blessing the bell will be held next Suudav evening. Tli of the diocese will nmlmhiv v, present and cnnrinrl tif Instead of the tower in ili Mmrviii yard which was at first planned for luc icmpurury accommodation of the bell a small belfrv will iw erected on the west end of the church, provision for its erection havin"1 been made bv the members of the church. New efTects in coats at Bank's. Saturdav afternoon nhoni n An?. en member's of the Loval RTvRli'p Leiriotl drove to Herslmv nnrl in h evening attended a meeting of the lodge there. At the cloBe of the business session a verv elalmmt.. supper was served to all the meni- oers ot t ie order. TIib affair n-nt. one of the most delightful eveuts which has occurred in Romr time and that the North Platte visitors appreciated the li onnirn I. Dlroctoro' Mootlunr. A special meeting of the board of .li . r i . . . n . uircciurs oi me i. ai. vj. t. was held in the association parlor last evening. The principle object of but it will question of bringing an evangelist ro lie will 1 , : i !...., ...j i -'c""e ""ti hereto hold special revival services under the auspices of the asso ciation. Fred Schiverea, an evang elist who has frequently assisted Mr. Moody in his evangelical work win oe in urana isianu next ween to hold a two weeks revival service and the board decided to brinir hi m here to hold services. An elFort will be made to obtain the court house for the week " day meetings ami tue opera house will be ob tamed for the,Sunday services. As the revival is to be under the aus pices of the Y. M. C. A. it will be of the nature of a union revival service and the' members of all of the churches will be urged to help maKe it a success. No definite date can 18 yet be given for the first ser vice a6 it is not Known just wlien the evangelist will close his work in Grand Island. The entertainment committee was instructed by the board to make arrangements for an entertainment to be given in the near future by home talent. The committee was also instructed to confer with the Ladies' Auxiliary concerning pome form of entertainment to be given by them. The association is sadiy hampered in its work by lack of tunda and the board is makini? ty of the Hershev lod'e is nrnwn ... . n by the iact that the wee Bma Hnf i ,,eerin,i hours had begun to grow rather large before they returned home, KEROSENE OIL. We will deliver Oil to any part of the city for i(5c per gallort. We take it to the house in our can. Word has been received bv Mr. V. A. Cary that he has obtained the required number of vocal and in strumeulal scholars to secure the services of Prof. Rossignol, who is now at the head of n,,i i. strumental department of music in a iiuivcrtm V. M lie rn innnr luill be on hand ready to commence his work here sometime between No vember 15th and December 1st. Scholars will please bear the d;.te n mind. The Professor'n nimila hm'II be pleased to learn that Mr Cary has received the highest references ns to his oualihcatiotiH and instrunientjil inRimrtnr t quote from the University paper, he lias mo superiors and few equals." Makes the food more delicious and wholesome anitxvWawwmwm,wtWyft'm,. Wanted An experienced trimmer and nnlenlnrlv ill llm m!11inr- ln- . .. ... . u ....... J II W partmeut of the Fait Store. Good wages for the right party. Brakeman Injured. Will II. Finney, an extra brake man, was knocked from a freight train by a cattle-guard near Lodge Pole this morning and quite ber iously injured. lie was on the lad der on the side of a car looking for hot boxes, when the accident occurred, nnd did not notice that the train was passing the cattle guard until it was too late to save himself. He struck on his side when he fell and at present it is difficult to tell now serious his injuries are as there is dancer of some internal in. jury wnich has not yet made itbclf evident. Unless some complication of that nature should set in the physician is of the opinion that he will recover. He was brought down from Lodire Pole on train No. f. tnwl was taken at once to the home of his parents on west Fifth street. MASON JAIIS. Pinta per doe 3CC. Quarto por iIob 40o. Half Qnllon por doa SOo. "Wilcox Dopartinont Storo.' Under the new schedule cmulnc. tor Rincker and Hine will run on trains No. lOl nnd No. 9 nnrl ductor Mooney and Adams will run un utilUB 1U, 1 illlll ISO, 0, ' Our people can afford to buy the celebrated Pillsbury's Best Minnesota flour at only 81.16 a sack. Harrington & Tobin. Hear Chaplain Maillcy at the court house Oct. 25th. A disastrous collision occurred on the Union Pacific, yesterday morning about two o clock at Granite Canon, a station twenty miles west of Chej'ennc. A stock tram was just pu'ling into the siding there when train No. 0 crashed into it. The caboose was almost completely demolished, two men were killed and several others were seriously tniurcd. The colli umn .-niicml ninfn n r1..1i.. I 4 . fT n ...w.. i . UI.KIJ 111 LllllllK. ind. the equipment of the overland partot tram ISo. 6 came inns one section of No, 2. Street Commissioner Davis has several gangs of men at work re building crosswalks in the central part of town wliich had become so old and broken ns to be unsafe. Pillsbury's Best flour is the best Minnesota flour &old in the west. SI. 16. Harrington & Tobin. Aftor Dlnnor Tnko tiltmpiint nftnr dinnt-r pill euros indicos- tion. Sold by A. F. Stroitz. FOR S-AX.TI2. A half section oi laud near Her- shey, most of it in crops and alfal fa, witli four water rights in the North Platte ditch. For further information address W. O. Thonio- snn, Hershey, Neb., or A. J. Eaton, iaiou, vjoio. FOR SALE. A erood nnd dosimhln lot on the corner of Ninth and Dewey streets, Third ward. For particulars address, Albany, Oregon. 1-1 n F n v. D O X n 3 2 Cnbstltutlon ia u fraud prnoticotl by frauds. Whon you link for DeffSH Gormnn Siilvo for toltor, nczomn, itoh, snlt rhoum, ota., bo sum you ki it, tako uo othor. Sold by A F. Stroitz. Albert Davis, "The Kid Jeweler;" Has just received a new stock of JEWELHY, WATCHES AND CLOCKS, AND Tins LATEST IN IjACE PJNS, CIW BUT TONS AND WAIST SETS. Only reliable goods sold and your money's worth cverv time. All goods warranted. JtearWith A. L. Davis. Dewey St. City Property For Bale by the Receiver oi me iorui Piattc Na tional Bank.North Platte , No. 1. rots 11 and 12, Mock 0, North Platte i ?& W a,,,,!on t the city of North ' l'latte. Nel. Location on the corner of i lAkutiiiu Liiiitwiii avenues. of No. 'i Lot 0, block 24. of the nwn North l'latte, NoliraHka. Nn. .1. 1-!HHt hnlf nf in, A ,,a .... orlKlnal town of North l'latte, Nebraska; ItiU property la only one block anil a half rrom the court hoii8c wquarc. On thelot in a comfortable, story and a half. ilv room frame house. Location Is on Fifth street, between Locust and Vine streets. No. 4. Lots 1,2,3.4, 8, 0.7, 8, (, 10. 14. 15. and in. lilnck2 In North Viatte Town' Lot ( Addition to the City of North l'latte. Locad linn nn Klvth .lri.i.1 n..nL Jenerson aveuucH. no. 6. Lots 3 and 4. niock OH, In the orlir nal jilat ot the City of North l'latte, Nebras ka. Location on Prnnt .imni Ash. On Lot 3 Is comfortable eight room framn rnllnm. rv,nv..,l...,. . ..iP." Shops """""""" " iamuau anu NOItf OPEN FOR BUSINESS- .TT3I3X7- 8TOIII OF- W. F. McGLONE & CO. is now open for business with a fresh clean stock of GROCERIES, FLOUR, ET6., First Class in every respect. Low Prices and Fair . Treatment Guaranteed. ' - OUR Club Coffee, Superlative Flour, Seasonable : Goods : at WKSON Pints, 40 cts. per dozen Quarts 50 cts. per dozen. i Gallons 55 cts. LEiKDBRS f Heinz Pickles, Pure Spices, Reasonable : JHRS-te Jelly Glasses large size one-half pints 30 cts. per dozen. Prices. J. F. FILLION, Plumber, Tiiiworkr General Repuirer. Special attention tjiven to W HEKLS TO RENT LKMIN mum DOCTOU imiK MLKCtlANf FittAtlitR jASMCIt Rich Man, Poor Man, Artist, Teacher, Doctor, Lawyer, Merchant, Preacher, Farmer, Artisan, Soldi :r nnd Sailor Got fits from FRED KAUFFMAHM TI,ETKCA" THHOUQII A. P. Carlson, North Platte, LOCAL (.SB IT. AHlliT TtACllLK r- mm 'AflUIHOtHBltH' M!L(ll SOLOltd