The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 17, 1899, Image 6

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    TUESDAY. OCT. 17, 1899
IRA-Jj BARE, EDrron and PKOi'iiiKTon
One Xenr, cash In Advance,,,,, ... 11.23
Six Months, cash In Advance..., ,.75 Cents
Entered nttheNortbPlatt(HebrMkA)postoffleAi
second-olais m fitter.
Republican Ticket.
For Surromo Judjro
For lloconla of tho University-
K. G. M'GIL'fON,
For Mombor Coiwrewi--Sixtii district
For Judiro, 13th Judicial District,
fr. M. GRIMES.
For County Clork,
For County TronBiiror,
For Sheriff,
For County Sunt,
For Clerk of District Court,
W. 0. ELDER.
For County Jmlpo,
For County Survoyor,
For Coroner,
d! W. BAKER.
For County CommlBRionor.fld Dint.,
It might be well for the editor of
the local fusion organ to inter
view Everett Ware as to how be
found certain populists in the south
part of the county; alao as to the
advice they gave him.
Con Schakmann cannot be de
feated by the ridicule of Editor Cop
per, and the latter should know
that ridicule is not argument, even
though the average pop orator
believes that such is true.
With the fusion candidate for
congress owing Lincoln county over
fifteen hundred dollars in back
taxes, it is certainly poor taste for
the local fusion organ to call the at
tention of the public to the tax de
linquencies of any certain individual
IV the editor of the Era knows
that republican candidates are ped
dling whiskey through the county
precincts, it is his duty as a man
nnd as a christain to file an Infor
mation, against the offenders. ."But
the facts are the editor of the lra
doss not know, does not iiKWBVi
that the republican candidates are
peddling whiskey. It is only an
other of the Era's slanderous false
Aa the political course of the Era
is not popular with a great number
of populists in the county, it will
probably be wise for Mr. Copper to
keep a close watch on the fellows
who arc dnilv tlireateninsr to start
another populist newspaper ii
Nortli Platte. In doing this he will
not have so much time to devote to
informing the public that a terrible
breach cxints between The Tele
graph and Tin: Tkiiiuni:.
An old school teacher of forty
years' experience, writes the fol
lowing commendatory note: If edu
cational and executive ability be
taken into consideration at the
coming election, Miss Thoclccke
should certainly outstrip her oppo
nent in the race for county superin
tendent of public instruction, and I
have no hesitation in Baying that
nil experienced teachers in Lincoln
comity, if pressed, would endorse
the statement not even excepting
Mr. Kinley when he gets over his
disappointment aud will speak his
honest conviction.
Yi;s, il ib trueaa.tlie Era says,
that the interest earned by precinct
or school district sinking funds
cannot be lawfully credited to said
funds. A populist legislature in
1897, at the instance of populist
county olficialB, amended the de
pository law bo aa to divert the in
terest earned by these funds to the
county general fund, instead of
crediting it to said funds as had
been done prior to that time,
There could not be a more iniqu
oti a piece of legislation. These
precinct sinking iuuds now amount
to over twenty thousand dollarsaud
Hchool district sinking funds to over
six thousand dollars. These sink
ing funds have been paid in by the
taxpayers of the precincts and dis
tricts in not to exceed one-third of
the county to anticipate the pay.
ment of bonds on which
these taxpayers are paying interest.
In all justice, the interest earned
by these funds ounht to be credited
to each of said funds bo as to re
duce the amount necessary to be
paid by thcBe precincts and school
districts. By this unitist law the
tnxnavern ttl tlioKK nrerinrlH nml
ffchonl districts cnntrilinto mnre in
the county general fund than their
lair proportion,
Poor Burritt! How the Era is
tearing- its shirt to lift him out of
the soup. And how earnestly Bur
rltt is pleadiu; for the voteB of
populists and republicans alike.
Less than seven hundred dollars
of the 1899 levy left to pay the ex
penses of the county for the next
cifrht and onc.half months. Oh,
yes, the courity finances are hi fine
shape under populist management.
If Ib hoped that Judge Neville
will be more successful in disproving-
the charge that he is a
gambler than he has been in prov
ing that he never wrote the letter
which appeared in the Nebraska
Independent over his signature.
Juan Boyi,k, late chairman of the
democratic congressional com
mittee, holds that as the demo
cratic congressional convention re
fused to endorse Judge Neville,
the committee had no right to
place his name on the ticket. Mr.
Boyle's view of the matter will no
doubt be upheld by hundreds of
democrats in the Sixth district.
the lira. attempts to spring a
bugaboo by stating that in the
event of Mr. Carpenter's election 'as
commissioner a certain "Wallace
banker might move to North Platte
and establish a bank tor tlic ex
press purpose of handling the
county funds. Tins is very far
fetched, indeed. In these times of
McKinley prosperity banks care
very little for the county deposits;
they have more deposits than they
can loan to good advantage. Cline.
McDonald has not made any effort
to secure any of the county de
posits ior several years because )ie
did not care to bother with them
Tlie first National Bank has ac
cepted them for a couple of years
past, but the bank officers, we arc
told, do not consider that they are
a good line of deposits. Aud more
than this, the Wallace bank was
designated as a county depository
for several years, but rarely took
advantage of its right to receive
county deposits. These simple
statements show how bankers rc
gard county deposits, aud also the
absurdity of the Eca's campaign
That County Interest.
When the Era puts forward the
claim that more interest upon
county funds has been collected by
the populist county treasurers than
has been collected by republican
county treasurers, why can't it be
honest with its readers by inform
ing them that during the eight
years the law making provision for
the payment of interest by deposi
tory batiks has been in force, that
the republicans only had one treas
urer in office and that was the late
John II, Clark, who held the office
in 1892 and 1893 belorc the law had
been interpreted by the courts.
Clark did not pretend to be a
lawyer capable of construing' the
law, bo he called upon the Attorney
General of the State for a written
opinion aa to the construction to be
put upon the law, and based his
ictiona upon such opinion.
The populist board of county com
missioners who were then in office
acquiesced in the ruling of the At
torney General,
Clark, at the expiration of his
term of office, paid over to the
county every dollar which he had
collected in accordance with the At
torney General's construction of the
law. And he also paid over to his
successor every dollar of the prin
cipal belonging to the county and
mat is more tnan any ot Ms popu
list successors has done,
llnbhflr NnnVa
Bhonld mo Bork'b German Snlvo. It
win provoui minces ot sum, oiuuiinir,
iliBtors, oto. It in tho, crent Gorman
honllug Bnlvo. Cures piles, old soroe,
burne, oto. Hoiils without n eenr. Sold
by A. F. Strolls:.
NovUJo as mx Expansionist.
Last December Judge Neville
wrote a letter to the Nebraska In
dependent, thcpopulist state organ,
explaining why the fusionists had
received such a black eye last fall
and in that letter there appeared
the following paragraph:
'The war was declared and
justified upon the demand of suffer-
immunity, xu ucuvur me
Philippines back to Spain or even
abandon them to their own fate
would belie the declaration of war.
When the proper time comes for an
issue upon the independence of the
Philippines the populists will
probably divide upon the question,
just in proportion as they believe
annexation will concentrate or
distribute wealth. The war was
conducted to glorious yictory for
American valor and everyone knows
that a vast army cannot be
equipped in a hurry without some
unworthy and incompetent sub-1
ordinateB being selected, and the
people were not willing to mar a
great national victory by denounc
ing the administration for the be
trayal of trust by Bttch sub
ojdinatcs." Though this letter appeared over
Neville's signature, he is now dis
claiming its authorship, and sug
gests that it was written by his
brother, who resides in Omaha.
This is about the most cowardly
act we have ever known Neville to
The undisputed fact is that
Judge Neville was, up to within a
few monlliB ago, a firm supporter
of expansion and strongly upheld
McKinley in his Philippine policy.
The above extract from his letter
proves it, but there is also ad
ditional proof. Last winter the
frcc-silvcritcs held a banquet at
the Ilotel Neville in this city, aud
in the course of a brief speech
Judge Neville expressed his sen
timents even more forcibly than
in the extract above published, and
he was "called down" by W. B.
McNcel, now secretary of the dem
ocratic congressional committee.
That Neville advocated expansion
at that time is certified to by M. C.
Harrington and twenty-five or
thirty other prominent citizen's who
were present at the meeting. And
another proof that Neville was an
expansionist: Last winter Judge
Sullivan, of Broken Bow, was in
North Platte holding a term of
court for Judge Grimes, and one
evening while the attorneys were
awaiting the return of a jury,
Sullivan and Neville discussed the
Philippine war. Sullivan opposed
expansion and Neville favored it,
the latter making a very radical
talk in favor of subjugating the
Taglos and holding the islands,
In view of Neville's expressions
on expansion in the cases cited
above, we repeat that his attempt
to deny the authorship of the
letter in the Nebraska Independent
is very cowardly, and will tend to
lower him in the estimation of men
of his own party.
Duoklon's Arnica Salvo.
THE BEST SALVE In the world Tor
Guts, Bruises, Soros, Ulcers, SnltRhoum
Fovor Soros, Totter. Chnnned Iluudp.
Chilblnlus, Corns, nnd nil Skin Erup
ttons, nnd positively curoB Pilos, or no
tmv roauircd. It laounmntaivl ti ifiiA
Blltisfnotion or tnnnnv rnfnntlml. I'rii.n
Uocontopor box. FOR SALE BY A.
After Six Years of Intense
Suffering, Promptly Cured
Oy Q J C onliro circulation ia in a depraved condition. They
uj oi Oi Oi ftr0 u Bovero drain upon tho Bystom, and nro con
Htantly sapping away the vitality. Iu ovory enso tho poison must
bo eliminated tr m tho blood, and no amount of oxtornal treatment
can have any ofloct.
Thoro is no uncertainty about tho morita of S. S. S. : ovory claim
nmuo ior it id uaciceu up airomjiy oy convincing
testimony of thoso who havo "hoon ourod by it
and kiipw of its virtues by o.xporionco.
Mr. L. J. Clark, of Orange Courthouso.Va., writos:
" For six years I had an obstinate, runnhip; ulcer on my
nnklc, which nt times caused 1110 iuteiitJO Biitreriug. I was
so disabled for a lonjr whllo that T was wholly unfit for
business. Ono of tho beat doctors treated mi constantly,
but did mo 110 Rood. I then triod various blood rotnodies,
without tho least benefit. S. 8. S, was bo highly recom
mended that 1 conohuled to try it, nnd tho effoct was
wonderful. It seemed to got right at tho seat of tho
dlsenso nnd foreo the lwison out, nud I was soou com
pletely cured." Swift's Bpecifla-
drivos out ovory traco of impurity in tho blood, and in this way
euros pormnnontlv tho most obatinato, deop-seatod soro or ulcer. It
is tho only blood remedy yuunrntoed purely vogotablo, nnd con
tains not a particlo of potash, mercury, or othor mineral. S. S S
cures Contagious Blood Poison. Scrofula, C'nncor, Catarrh, Eczema,
Ithouiimtisin, Soros. Ulcors Boils, or any othor blood trouble Insist
upon S. H. S ; nothing can tnko its lilaco.
Valuablo books mulled froo by Swift Spocifio Company, Atlanta, Ja.
" I Stand Firm to Recommend ft."
"I 'had been nmicled with lung trouble for
two years," says Charles A. Moore, of Hlvemlle,
Mason Co., V. Vn. I tried all the surrounding
physiclniii. but they did me no pood. After n
otig period I bought a bottle or your great
Coldcn Medical Hlscovery,' and after taking
four bottle I am entirely cured, nnd I Btand
firm to recommend your great 'Discovery to
all .people amicted with lung trouble. I now
feel stronger than I ever did."
Miss Myrtle Frey returned Sat
urday night from a business trip to
Chicago and other points in the in
terests of the hospital which is to
be established here. One carload
of the necessary furniture for the
building has been shipped and Miss
Frey will go cast again in a short
time to secure the balance. The
idea of buying a building has almost
been abandoned and instead a build
ing for temporary quarters will
probably be leased and later a
building, which will be more suit
able for hospital purposes than any
thing which can be purchased, will
be built in the western part of
town. Miss Frey's partner, Mi9s
Watkins, of Graud Island, is ex
pected here in a few days and
definite arrangements will then be
made. The hospital is now an
assured fact.
C. D. Shrader, a former well
known Logan county politician
who is now located at Perry, O. T.,
transacted business in town to-day
and visited some of his old frieude.
Your Minister
Will furnish YOU n lint t in nf npnWPImr
ry Couch Svrun froo if vou Imvn not thn
monoy to puy for it. ft Btops coughinpr
in onurcn, euros coughs nnd colds. Sold
by A.F. Stroilz.
1', II. Edmonds has returned
from a week's visit in Lincoln and
A Unrrnuf Cimn --
Thntikfnl words written by Mrs. Ada
xj. ittri.f ui urown, o. u "woe uiKon
with n bad cold which Fottled on my
lunffs; cough Bot in nnd finnlly tormina ted
by enying I could live but n short timo.
minod it I could nptfltny with my friends
on onrth, I would moot my absent ones
nbovo. My husband was advised to got
tion, Coughs nnd Colds. I envo it n
trial, took In nil eight buttles. It hns
ourod mo, nnd I thnnk God I am tnved
nllrl rtrttir n tits1l nrl l,AnUI.. t
uiitl WUt (1 V til UUU IIUMlllljr V UllllUl
Trial bottloB froo at A. F. Stroitz'B Drue
ni T 1 wr. .
own). iwKuuir bizo duo anu 91.W
Gunrnntood or money refunded. 1
Obstinate sores nnd ulcers which
rofuso to hoiil utulor ordinary treat
ment Boon bocomo chronio mid doop
soatod. und nro a suro Bicrn that, thn
Poland China Pigs
both sex, heed headed by King I
Know No. 5025$, a dtrcct son of the
great prize winner Chief I Know
No. 11902. Also some
High Grade Bull Calves
sired by my full blood Scotish
bull Noble Victor 2d, No. 139,834.
P. 0. Nortli Platte, Neb
& We are 4
V Kert, Bnsv i
Repairing shoes for
people who appreciate yj
neat, substantial work k
the only kind we do. ""i
V tner we solicit your ?
Yellow Front Shoe Store.
Fall and
Which have just arrived.
F. J. Broeker,
Merchant Tailor.
The best
Cnn bo found nt
j. i mmimn.
Our Ten-Cent Cigars are the
equal of any.
Your attention is invited to
our fine line of Chewing- and
Smoking Tobaccos and Smok
ers articles.
Legal Notices.
I VIN 0. 11ACON. Deceased:
This cause camo oa for bearing upon the
report and moUon of Orlo O. Uacon, administra
tor Of tbo Oxlllte of Alvlu O. llaoon. ilM'nimn.1. fnt-
tliu confirmation of tho sale of tho Southwest.
quarter of soctlon H, lu Township 10 north, ot
Hhtikp2'J west, In Lincoln county. Nebraska; snld
muu uuviiiK ueen soiu on me .Kjlli nay or HHptetu
Lor. lHW. by the nald administrator hr vl rtiin nt
r.u order of snlo Isoued by me on Uio lOfli day of
V UUU, .ou.
It It Is thorefore ordered that nil persons In
turcsted In said estate appear before me ou the
tith day of Novembor, I81K1, nt ono o'clock p. ru.,
M nir iiilloo slttlue la rhamber. at Vnrtli l'lnltn
Nebrnskn, to bhow cause why such sale hould not
uo conunuou.
II. M. OltlMEB.
ol7S JudRu ot the District Court.
Vnn nrA
hereby notified that on tho 31st day of August.
lh'Jll. Mrs. Lenn Miller filed n petition nRalnst you
In the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska,
uiu uujpt, mm jiiujcr m wiucu are 10 outaiu a
llvoroo from you ou the irrnuml nf mirm cm.
elly, laok of support and habitual drnnkonness;
huu dim, priiyiDK ior a uecreo ior lue caro anu
custody of minor chlldron.
You nro required to answer said petition on or
uwuro aiuuuny, iuo muuay or woTomlior. lfftill.
. ., t MrlH, LENA M1LI.K1!
lly J, E. Evans, her attornoy.
Hy virtue of an onlcr of sale IhsuciI from
the DlBtrlct Court of r.lncoln County, Ne
braska, under a decree In an action wherein
Marie Conlen Is plaintiff and Harbara Kress,
John Kress, et. al., are defendants, to me
ilu ectcil. 1 Bhall offer at imbllosale anil sell
to the highest bidder for canh at the east
mini unor 01 me court Mouse in Nortli
I'latte, I.lncQln County, Nebraska! on the
31st clay of October, IfcWl, at one o'clock 11. m.
of Nald day. the followlnR described real
estate to wit: The northwest quarter of
section twenty, township thirteen, ranee
thlrty-two, West uth l. M. in Lincoln County.
Amount due on said decree Is 4I.SS and
iiiierenL. corns aim accruine costs.
Dateil this ;7th day of sppt. im.
lly vlrturc of an order of sale Issued from
braska. under .1 decree In an action wherein
et. al., are detendants, to me directed. I
nn.lil line .11. jniiiiii b,hc, ,11111 neil IO me
hlKhest bidder for cash ( t the east front
door of tliu Court House in Morih I'latte.
..iiivu.i. .... j , ..u... uiv, uii naj 01
October WW at one o'clock n, m. of said dav.
. fnl Irtllt I niv i1ijiiI1i.ii1 ...... t i i
wit (uiiifniiih vtuavui'VU KI'Ul l!3iaiC IO Will
Tno prtuthwcBt quarter of section twelve.
..-.,..,...,. ......w, iufu, ,J31. UWll'.'
M in Lincoln County. Nebraska. -
A.Timiitt illm .in otl.t .1...... I .
TOIM .iuut in CI. II UUU
Interest. tu7.7H costs and accruliiR costs,
liitil Until lT U 4 C.ul
L Nebraska, AuRust II!, IJ. Nollcu Is hereby
Khcn that, pursuant to luslructlnn nnd In accord.
nr with the directions of Ihe Secretary of tho In
tenor, under the prorlsloiisnf tho third section of
Ihe Act of July 6, IBM, (23rjlnt., 103) the following
tructs In the Fort Hlduey, I'ost, abandoned mill.
tary reservation, nenrnssa, yut Lots I, 2, 8', N K
1.4, Ihe N W U, tho H K 'a, and tbe S W 8eo.
32. J". 11 N.. It. ID W.. rontalntnir (I(1 srr ulll I..
offered for side at publlo outcry at Ihe local land
ofiloo nt Sidney, Nebraska, In tracts of tbe small,
est irsal subdivision, on the 1Mb. day of Noveru.
1X1, IW.ot ten o'clock n, in., to tho highest bid.
dei nt not lwss than the appraised value, for the
I m. i ami tor the Improvements, the purcbuo
1I1I.III.V In ll. Vllllil ( (hi. Ilnwi nf lhu . . ......
illvMiins which contain government bulldiutfs to bo
n irod nnd sold,tonther wilb Ihe bnllcllna there-
uu. ami me wnier rifinr ou uio rei.orvallon to be
iiflvicHl 0'id sold as a wholo, separately from the
lands and other Improvements. 1I01II.EY D.
HARMS, Iteulsteri MATT DAUailEllTV, Ite.
c ver. Approvelt T1I08. ItYAN, Acting Bee.
IJy virtue of an order of ale Issued f om
the Ulstrlct Court of Mncolti County, c
biaska, under a decree in an action win eln
Kdward A. Kced Is plaintiff and Eltnt E.
Itccse. et al., are defendants, to me dirt ted
and delivered. I shall nubile sale, ind
acll to the highest bidder for cash, at the fast
front door of the county court hout ! in
North IMattc. Lincoln County, Ncbrask. . on
the 31st day of October, im. at the hoi r of
one oclock p. tu. of said day, the follo ine
described real estate to wit: The southeast
quarter of section thlrty-onc, In town hl
nine nortli, In range twentv-clRht. wet of
the 6th l. M. In Lincoln County. Ncbratka.
Dated this 27tU day of Sept. IfiOO.
Attorney for l'latntitr. Sheriff.
Notice Is hereby Riven that on the 9tli
day of September, 1809. P. H. Oavln.Kcce ver
of the State Hank of Wallace. Wallace. Ne
braska, presented bis application to me. th c
object and prayer of which arc to obtain a n
order for the sale at public auction o' all
the assctts of said bank yet ui disposed tntl
uncollected, and notice Is hereby Riven Uiat
on the 28th day of October, 1RW. at my o.tlce
In the city of North Platte, in said county, 1
will sit at chambers and hear any objecfons
that may be presented by any party or par
tlcx Interested In said assctts to tbe granting
of said application.
S3 1 II. M. CRIMES, Judre.
lly virtue of an order Of fale iisued from
the District Court of Lincoln County. Ne
braska, under a decree, in an action whe eln
The McKinley Lanning Loan and lVust
Company Is plaintiff and Ella W. Rltcn iur,
John W. Hitcnour. et. al are defendants, to
rre directed. I Bhall offer at public sale md
sell to the highest bidder for cash at the cast
front door ot the court house in North
I'latte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, on the
3lst day of October, 18W. at one o'clock p. m.
of said day. the following described ical
estate to wit: The northeast quarter of
section eight, township fourteen north, raiec
twenty-six, WcstOthP.M. In LlncolnCouaty,
Amount due on said decree Is f.190.00 and
interest, t.11.03 costs and accruing costs.
Dated this Wthday of Sept. isuo.
. She-iff.
Land Office nt North Platte, Neb.,
Kept. 14th. 18M.
Notlco Is hereby Riven that tho folIowloK-namad
settler has filed notlco of his Intention to mike
final proof In support of his claim, nnd that -aid
proof will be mnln before lteglster nnd HoctWer
at North I'lntto, Neb , on October IKlh, 1809. Ti
AIlTllUIt 0. HOW A 111),
who mndo homestead entry No, 17U8U for the so lib
west quarter nt section Hi, township 15 north,
rotiRo SO west. 0 I. M.
Ho names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of aid
land, vli: Athlsy I'cterr, Jesse Osterl. iUs,
George Kay, nnd lluuli T. Crookett nil of North
07-fl.' ' GEO. E. FltENCir, iteglstcr,
Lund Onico at North I'latte, Neb., )
February 3d, IBV9. J
Notice Is hereby gtvon that the follo'wlng-nai jed
settler has filed notice of her Intention to n ike
final proof In support of his claim and that iA)d
proof will be made before the lteglster and te
relver nt North I'latte, Nob., on Nov. 17th,
1809, via'
who mnde Homestead Entry No, 10080 for ,be
east half of tho northeast quarter, cast half of
the southeast quarter, section CO, township 13,
north range 80 west (1 p. m.
Ho names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upnu nnd cultivation of
said land, viz:
Charles Wilkinson, James d. Crow, John
Rankin and Henry Connelly, all of No. th
i'latte. Neb. ,
oiw. OEonon E. FnENOjf,
Lund Office nt North rintti , Neb.,
Boptember 10th 1890. (
Notlco is hereby given that tbe following-named
settlor has filed notice of his Intention to m.tka
final proof In support 6f bis claim, nnd that nlfl
proof will bo made before Heglster and IteceWer
at North riatte. Neb., ou November 8d, 1800. Ii:
who mado Homeslend Eulry No. 17085 for'he
southeast quarter of the southeast quarter fieo
tlon 0, the enst half of tbe northeast quarter, Tnd
tho northeast quarter of the southeast quoi'e
Section 7, Township 10 north, range 31 wesl.
Ho names the following witnesses to prove bis
continuous residence upon and cultivation of nld
land, viz: William M. Holtry, Uutlor lluchai an
nnd Ililllnrd ltldgoly of North Platte, Neb., tnd
George Knlck, of Somerset, Neb.
,22 QEO, VL. F11EN01I, Eeglstor.
United Htntes Laud Office, ,
North Plutte, Neb., September 18th, 1800. V
Notlco Is hereby given that tbe following-named
settlor hns filed notice nf his Intention to mi'ko
final proof In support of his claim, nnd thnt r.ild
proof will be made before Heglster and ItocoWer
at North Platte, Neb., on November 0th, 1800, ' Iz:
Who made Homestead Entry Nn. 10,8(15 fnr iho
south half ot tho Northeast quartor and Lots 1
und , Section 2, Town U north, ltnnge 37 west.
Ho names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous rosldenco upon nnd cultivation of r Jd
laud viz: William McGInnls, William Peterson,
Olnud Olendennlng and Aus Wllinulb, all of lug
bam, Nob.
s-2-iO Heglster.
Land Office at North PIntte, Neb ,
September 23d, 1890. I
Notlco Is hereby glvon that Martha E,
Arlllp, widow of David Artllp, decerned,
has filed notice ot Intention to make final
proof before the Heglster nnd Hecclver nt th lr
office in North Platte. Nebraska, on Friday, the
3d day of Novembor, 1609, on timber culture appli
cation No. 13738,for the south halt ot the northwest
and lots 3 and 4 of section I, township 10 north,
rango 31 west,
She names as witnesses: Jacob Gusslns, Sarah
E. Cusslns. William Griffith and William Jones,
all ot North PIntte, Neb.
iCOOp GEO. E. FHENClf, Register
Land Office at North PIntte, Neb., I
Beptomber 15th, 1809 f
.,,... u ,a ..u.uuj .uu. lug IUI1UWIUK nnniOU
settler has filed notice ot his Intention to make
final proof In support of his cUlm, nnd that et Id
proof will be mnde before Heglster and Itocehar
nt North Platte, Neb., on November Oth, 1800. ,zl
, .... . .,. mi,., ior me
Southeast quarter of Secllon III, Township 10
north, Ilango 27 wesl Dili p. M.
He names the following nltneees to prove bis
continuous residence upon nnd culllvntlpn of mud
land, viz: William l'ptoruon nnd William llouth.
telling of Ingham, Nub., nnd J. W. Jo)nson nud
Traill .lnaiilm nC trn..A.I I Ti.
"-" GEO. E. FKHNCH, Heglster
American Beauties.
F. C.
Kalamazoo Gorset Go.
J. P1ZER, Prop,
On Kach Dor. .