J Local News in Brief. Alba Haywood's bi-chlor-ide of fun will cure everything (except intoxication). Throats examined while you laugh; yells extracted while you wait. He treats the entire system through the eye and car. No pain (except in the side.) See him at Lloyd's Saturday ev ening. MIsb Nellie Austin has returned from a visit in Cheyenne. Alvin and Jack Pool arc spend ing" the week with relatives in Omaha. h. P. Derby is doing- clerical work in the county treasurer's oflice.- Mr, and Man. Chas. 1511 returned yesterday morning' from a short visit in Cheyenne. Miss Eunice Babbitt spent Sat and Sunday visiting friends in Omaha and Dunlap. Mrs. Wood W. White and son re turned yesterday afternoon from a visit in Grand Island, Soe the Now Dross floods at Wilcox Dopt. Store Mrs. Sam Richards and daugh ters returned Sunday afternoon from a brief stay in Omaha. A son was born last week to Mr, and Mrs. J. 1 Campbell, who arc now living in Pliillipsburg, Kan. Mr. and Mrs, John JJ. Day went to Omaha last night to spend a few days taking- in the exposition sights. The ladies' aid society of the Lu theran church will meet at the home of Mrs. Syl Friend Thursday afternoon. Harry Fleischmann, of Omaha, has accepted a position in the Fair store and assumed his new duties yesterday morning. Reporter Cary returned from Gandy Saturday afternoon and yes terday afternoon went to Kimball to attend a term of court. MSbb Gertie JcfTcrs returned Sun day night from a visit of several weeks with relatives in Green Riv er and other Wyoming points. Miss Thca Hansen went to Suth erland Saturday and yesterday morning assumed her duties as teacher in the north Sutherland school. Call on Dr. Miller of the Rotnine Dental Co. Teeth extracted with out pain. All work guaranteed. Oflicc over Strcits drug1 store. Miss Edith Wendt left for Chey enne last night to visit for a Bhort time. From Cheyenne she will go to Laramie, where she will Bpcnd the winter with a sister. Dovoo's Mixed Painta at Wilcox Do pnrtmont Storo. At the Western Nebraska Con ference held at Broken Bow last week Rev. Jas. Leonard was elect ed one of the delegates to the Gen eral Conference which meets in Chicago next May. Victor VonOoetz now has an added dignity due to the fact that he is the grandfather of a ten pound Kausau, a soil having- been born to Mr, and Mrs. C. B. Wine gar, of Lebanon, last Thursday. Extra Quality Maohino Oil atWil oox Dopnrtuiout Storo, Burk's Uncle Tom's Cabin Co. played to a very good audience Sat urday night, nearly all of the seals in the tent being filled. The com pany Sundaycd here and left that night for Cozad where they played last night. Commander John 15. Evans re turned home Sunday night. Dur ing his absence he attended both the National Encampment and the State Reunion. Mrs. Evans, who 1h visiting- in Lincoln will return Thursday night. Consult Dr. Miller of the Roniino Dental Co. before you go elsewhere for your dental work. Office over Strcitz' drug- store. Invitations are out for the wed ding of Jeremiah McCartyand Miss Georgia McNcel at Butte on Thurs day, September 21st. Mr. McCarty is the mayor of Butte and Miss McNcel is a former resident of North Platte, who has hosts of friends here. Colored men have been very much in evidence on the streets during the past few days. A gang of them was sent down from Denver to work on the roadbed west of here but they decided that the nights were too cold and quit working just a few days after itiey coitUheiiccd. Come ONE PRICE AND PLAIN FIGURES. STAR CLOTHING HOUSE, W. A. VOLLMER, Proprietor. Across the street from old location. Attention Ex-Soldlera. An cx-Boldicrs basket picnic will be held on the Fairgrounds, Thurs day, Sept. 21st. All old soldiers and members of the W. R. C. are cordially invited to attend. Come and bring your family and a full basket. Admission free. Miss Laura McColl returned to her home in Lexington Saturday, after a short visit here. Mrs. D, Neuman and daughter returned to Gothenburg yesterday after a short visit here. Jat. Hart who had been viaittnjr hia brothers Luke and Leo. re turned to his home at Onawa. R. L. Taylor armed from Fre mont Sunday and is putting the the separator slatlon machinery in place. Quartermaster Elder and his daughter Frances returned Friday night from Lincoln where they had been spending the week. America's greatest flour Waah burn Crosby Co. Superlative flour at W. F. McGlone & Co's. $1.15 F. H. Vaughan, the superintend ent ot the Fremont creamery sep arator station spent Sunday in town making arrangements for the opening of the separator station here. An effort is being made to tret a lirat class vocal and violin in structor to locate here. All those who arc interested in such an effort are requested to report to Mrs. E. A Cary. FRUIT" sASONis ON. The poaoh season is draw ing to a close. We are re ceiving 60 boxes daily. If you want to get in on the ground floor place your order with the house that handles the fruit. Harrington & Tobin. I Boys' and Youths Shoes. Not a day passes that some customer does not commend the durable qualities of our Boys' Shoes. Wo have, this fall, the best and most comploto lino of these goods wo havoovor yet shown. Quality is a first consideration with us, but the prices are low- For instance: Youths' sizes, Veal Calf Shoes $1.00 Boys' sizes, Veal Calf Shoos $1.25 Youths' and Boys' Satin Oil, heavy soles, sizes 13 to 54 $.50 Boys' Calf Skin, selected stock, half double soles, medium too $2.00 I Yellow Front Shoe Store, A G1SO. Af. G11A.HAAT, Alanngor. 8dooriBonthofPostnlo. .-K .4. .4.. i .i. X Wplrnmp if Ynn Alone- Thrice welcome if you bring your brothers, uncles nnd cousins to The btar and see those NEW FALL SUITS at $10, $12 and $15. A welcome sight you'll meet. There are so many styles nnd kinds that we haven't space to explain to you. Among the lot is the Blue Serge, very popular for Fall and Winter, made in all styles. The fabrics are absolutely pure wool and fast colors and no matter how extraordinary your shape, we will fit you as well as any tailor can make to your measure. Goa Chamberlain Injured. While attempting to make a pilot bar coupling Friday night Gus Chamberlain received a very painful ilcsh wound in his left leg just above the ankle. Gus was breaking on the first section of train No. 19. The engine which was pulling the train wasn't steaming very well and it was necessary to couple on another engine. While Gus was attempting to make the coupling the pilot bar slipped and his leg was pinched between the bar and pilot in such a manner that quite a large piece of flesh was cut out. He was also pretty severely bruised. He was brought home and his wounds were dressed. He in mak ing very fair progress. Barn Burned. Sunday afternoon the large barn on the rear of the Cunningham property in the First ward was almost totally destroyed by ,fire. The fire was not discovered until it had gained considerable head way and by the time the alarm was turned in and the hose companies and hook and ladder company reach the barn the whole interior was ablaze. The department worked hard and succeeded in getting the fire under control but not until the building was so badly burned and charred that it is practically worthless. Fortunately there were no horses in the barn at the time it caught fire but there waB about a hundred sacks ot feed stored in it and some household goods which were soaked with water and are very much damaged. The barn was insured but there will be about $100 Iobb on the con tents. It is not known definitely how the fire started but as there is a window oyer one of the mows and the lire evidently started there it is thought that Borne passerby must have dropped a match in the window. , NORTH PLATTE, NED. vfr -X .1 l l ) . . , ,V People and Events. Frank Edmonds spent Sunday in Lincoln. Percy Thornton spent Sunday in Sidney. Frank Bacon spent yesterday transacting business in Lexing ton. County superintendent Thoelecke started out this morning to visit schools. Mrs. V. VonGoetz is visiting her daughter, Mrs. C. B. Wincgar, in Lebanon. David Day left yesterday morn ing for a months visit at various points in New York state. Mrs. F. L. Mooney went to Lex ington yesterday to visit relatives and take in the street fair. Mrs. II. J. Roth and daughter o returned Sunday evening from a icw uays visit in Sidney, W. V, Hoacland will cro to Lex ington tomorrow to look after some uawson county bankruptcy cases Mrs. Jno. Kclkcr, who had been visitincrher daughter. Mrs. C. A. Weir, left Sunday for her home in Jf ueoio. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Whclan re turned Saturday night from Omaha where they had been spending a few days. Judge Grimes returned Saturday afternoon from Gandy and went to Kimball Sunday afternoon to hold a term ot court. Mrs. B. C. Clinton and children who had been visiting relatives here, returned to Lexington yes terday morning. Geo. W. Russell and his daugh ters returned Friday night from Lincoln where they had been spend ing the week at the reunion. Ed Barraclough returned Sat urday evening from the encamp ment at Lincoln. Euroutc home he Bpcnt a few days in Omaha. Miss Norton arrived from Chi cago Saturday afternoon and yes terday morning took charge of 'the millinery department of the Fair. Mrs, Jo.eC. Clinton and son, who have been Spending the summer in Iowa with relatives, arc ex pected Home the latter part of the week. Mrs. C. E. Gunnell and children who have been visiting relatives here for a short time, returned to their home in Paxton Saturday morning. Miss Frances Clayton spent yes terday in town visiting her many friends. Miss Clayton was enroute to Salt Lake City to accept a posi tion in the city schools. Dr. and Mrs. E. B. Warner and their daughter Blanche' returned Sunday night from their eastern trip. While in Washington they attended a reception giyen by the president. Miss Lillian McCracken is the guest of her sister Mrs. H. M. Grimes. Miss McCracken is en- route from Portland, where bIic has been spending the past year, to Bedford, la., where she will spend the summer with relatives and friends. A carload Pillsbury's Best. Finest flour on earth. Sold in every part of the world. Will arrive Saturday, 16th. $1.15 a sack. HARRINGTON & TOBIN. The bright and witty satire in Hoyt'B "A Milk White Flag" is directed toward the National Guard. But it is done in snch a manner that not the least offense can be taken or was any ever in tended. The comedy which is one of Hoyt'a happiest efforts has for the past few seasons crowded the theatres everywhere. Its popu larity seems to increase instead of diminish, But this is no doubt due to the management kcepiug the company presenting it strictly up to the standard of original cast. The author has also seen fit to revise it to meet changed conditions of the day and to introduce new musical numbers and a change of specialties. The company is a large otic numbering nearly fifty people. Its superb scenic embell ishments and showy costuming presents a charming view to the eye while the musical numbers de light the car with melody. This is by far the most pretentious pro duction scut out by the ambitious author, who judges so accurately L wn.it me puouc ciestre in uie amusement line. UP-TO-DATE FURNITURE Costs no more than that of "antednlivan" make. Our designs are of the latest, and this iact cou pled with the reasonable prices we ask for first class goods, accounts for our big business. We feel assured that our heavy sales are endorse ments of our goods and prices. You will find our stock complete at all times new goods are received daily to replace those sold. If you want anything in the furniture line you'll find it here. ODD FELLOWS BLOCK. Entertained by Hiss Walker. Miss Mae Walker entertained a number of friends at a very charm ing party Friday evening. High five and Up Jenkins furnished the principal amusement of the evening. The guests all spent a most delightful evening. Among those who were present were the Misses Josic Goodman, Adda Kncken, Nellie Hartmau, Mayme Watts, Maude Hinman, Ida Von Gocte, Maizic Cunningham, Eliza beth and JesBie Bratt, Minnie Sor enson, Ruth Patterson, Mabel Goozcc, Abbic Day, Minnie Fcdcr hoof and Jessie Dullard and Messrs McNamara, Likert, White, Lang ford, Thornton, Stephens, Cox, Fawcctt, Luse, Searle, Lucas and Chaa. and Wtn, Hendy. Editorial Excursion. The Minnesota Editorial excur sion passed through here Sunday night enroute to Denver. The editors will spend several days visiting the various resorts in the vicinity of Denver. On their re turn they will breakfast here Thursday morninjr. E, C. Hunt ington, the president of the editor ial association, has charge of the excursion. There are 104 people who arc enjoying the onting. Mrs. V, W. Lee, of the Rush City Post, was one of the excursionists, Mrs, Lee who was Miss Upright, spent several years in North Platte and ban numbers of friends here. On the return trip she will spend a few days here visiting old friends. For Rent Five room house. Mrs. W. D. Puiver. Carpet Weaving I hayc just bought a new loom and am pre pared for carpet and rug weaving. Orders may be left at Meycr'B store. F. A. Sturtevant. NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Tuns asraaw store osj W. F. McGLONE & CO. is now open for business with a fresh clean stock of GROCERIES, FLOUR, ETC, First Class in every respect. Low Prices and Fair Treatment Guaranteed. OUR LEKD9RS f Club House Coffee, Superlative Flour, Seasonable : Goods : WHSON Pints, 45 cts. per dozen Quarts 55 cts. per dozen. .J Gallons 65 cts. at 5 When the Mercury Just remember that Davis the Hardware J Mnu carries a full lino of hot weather specialties jf j Refrigerators, which will use the least ice and g Jfc keep the coolest of any, Icecream Freezers, Wire $f Netting and Screen Doors, all grades of Hose, H & and every conceivable variety of Nozzle and H JJ Sprinkler. All at prices to suit the average pock- J 5 etbook. 3 44444444444444444444444! E. B. WARNER. Mtb. Lute Garman has accepted a position in Rcnnie's store. The ice cream social given at the residence of Henry Yost Friday ev ening was well patronized, despite the cool weather. The ladles netted ten dollars. Attorneys Wilcox and Halligan returned Saturday from Gaudy, and later Mr. Wilcox went to Ger ing and Mr. Halligan to Tryon to look after legal business. LLOYD'S OPERA HOUSE, Sept. 21. Scan carefully the amuBcmeut bar gains offered in HOYT'S Spectacular fare? Comedy CarijiVal A MILK WHITE FLAG. Usual prices of admission re served seats at Stamp's. Heinz Pickles, Pure Spices, at : Reasonable : Prices. JKRS Jelly Glasses large size one-half pints 30 cts. per dozen.