Jihe Semi-Weekly Tribune. IltA T IIAltK, Proprietor. TEHM8: (1.25 IN ADVANCE. NORTH PLATTE NEBUASKA. THE NEWS IN BRIEF. Floods nrc causing widespread dam nge in Southern Germany and Austria The northerly part of Zwickau Is Inun dated. By an unanimous vote the Kansas City board of trndo adopted resold tlons denouncing the procedure which resulted In the conviction of Captain Dreyfus. Kay B. Umbrcc, a sheep man from Kcmercr, Wyo., In charge of a train of sheep, was struck by the Union Pacific fast mall at Paplllon, Neb., and Instantly killed. The lntcst "doublo" of Admiral Dcwoy to bo discovered Is Henry T. Simmons of Bloomington, Ind. Tho likeness Is said by friends of the ad miral to be really remarkable. Advices from Kallsch, Russian Po land, sayH thirty-two women and chil dren were crushed to digith and many In In ro0 In a panic In a synagogue, caused by the upsetting of a lamp. Whatever may have happened to the corn and small grain through hot winds and not enough rain or too much rain, the sugar beets nro all right In Nebraska, so the Klkliorn reports'. Richard Ilonccl; and Herman Hand hausen, who are charged with the murder of their former schoolmate, Walter Kocllor, were held to the grand Jury by a Chicago coroner's Jury with out ball. Baron Watson, lord of appeal In ordinary and former member of parlia ment In tho conservative Interest of the universities of Glasgow and Aber deen, died recently, in his 71st year. The proposal to boycott tho Paris exhibition on account of the verdict of tho Renncs court martial has met with littlo or no support In Hungary, nnd the work of preparing tho Hunga rian exhibit will bo continued. With tho exception of n settlement as to the lino of march for the land parade, the preliminary urrangcmcntii for tho Dewoy reception ceremonies are about complete In New York City. The line of march will bo agreed upon at once. Tho American Jewish Year Book, Just lasuod, estimates the Jewish popu lation of tho United States nt 1,043,800. Now York has 100,000; Illinois, 95,000; Pennsylvania, 05,000; Ohio, CO.OOO; Cal ifornia, 35,000, Maryland, 35,000; Mis souri, 35,000. Imports of wheat Into Liverpool for tho weok: From Atlantic ports, 83, 300 quarters; Pacific ports, none; other ports, 27,000 quarters. Imports of corn Into Liverpool from Atlantic ports during tho week were 82,200 quartern. At tho offices of tho United States commission to tho ParlB Exposition It wbb suld that there has been no evi dence at that ofllco that any exhibitor will withdraw from tho exposition In conRcqucnco of tho verdict in tho Drey fus enso. At Flskcdalc, Mass., John King and his wife, an aged couple, were killed by their son. Peter, who was crazed from liquor. Tho murderer also at tempted to kill his brother, Thomas, but only Inflicted sovcro wounds. Peter was arrested. Captain Leary, tho governor general of the Island ot Guam, has reported his arrival at his post on tho steamer Yosemlto under, date of Aug. 7. Tho collier Brutiiu and tho surveying ship Hero arrived nt tho namo Island Aug. 13 nnd Bcpt. 7, respectively. Private lottois received nt tho papal delegation In Washington speak of tho excellent health tho popo has boon en joying of late, his vigorous appearance and tho Interest ho takes In current af fairs. These udvlccs from tho best posted sources within the vntlcnn are regarded as offsottlng the frequently repeated reports of tho popo's decline. Tho now Vonezuola tarltf which is about to go Into effect may call for an oxerclso of the retaliatory ulauso of tho Dlngloy taint law. Tho United StntcB minister to Venezuela, Mr. Loomts, la to make a careful study of tho new law with a view ot determ ining if Its effect Is to discriminate unfavorably against, tho United States. Fifteen hundred mombors or the Amalgamated Journeymen Houso painters' association wont on a strike in I'ntlndolphln In consequence of tho fnlluro of tho mastor painters to sign tho agreement presented thorn by tho association. Tho union demands an eight hour work day at 35 cents an hour, time an a halt for extra work, nnd double time for Sunday. Tho measure declaring free Importa tion of coffco from Porto Rloo to Cuba bus caused a bud Impression In tht city nnd province of Santiago. Tho planters held a meeting und after a prolonged discussion agreed to cable 8enor Do Qucuada In Washington nnd request him to prosont n protest to President McKlnloy. They deelaro thai such a regulation will kill tho Cuban coffco Industry and leave thousands penniless. Martin Julian, manager and business partner of Boo Fltzslmmous, said uioro was no doubt that tho rod-topped Anti podean would bo Been In tho ring ugaln. Julian proudly proclaims that ho has tho four signatures that will In Huro a light between Fltislmmons and tho winner of tho meeting Qctober 23 between Sharkey nnd Jorrrles. After considerable trouble Julian has secured tho slgnnturca of Tom O'Rourko nnd Tom Sharkoy on one paper, nnd those of Billy Brady and Jim Joftrlea on an other. Tho Chicago House Wrecking com pany hnB purchased tho buildings ot tho Trnns-Mlsalsslppl Exposition nt Omaha, and everything that remains on tho exposition grounds after Nov. ,1, when the Greater America Exposi tion closes. Tho price paid was $50, 000. Tho remains of Hon. James B. Eus tlB, fornior ambassador to Franco, wero laid to rest In Cnvo Hill, Louisville, Ky,, besldo his wlfo. Tho Gould Hues In Texan aro rapidly arranging to test business ground with tho Huntington system. They propose to do this by paralleling tho latter lines as much nB possible. rut i AT UUll 1 u Mr. Bryan Will Hot Meet Cochrane in Discussion, LARGE AUDIENCE COME TO HEAR. Mr. Ilrjnn DUclitlinf tlm AMcrllon tlml lie Would Follow Hit' Now Yorker In Debate 111 Tnlk Will Come I.ntcr Sir. L'orkran 1'nya Compliment to the NVIirmUun, CHICAGO, Sept. 1C The exciting Joint debate looked for last night be tween William J. Bryan and Bourko Cochrane on trust did not tako place. Central Music hall was packed with an eager audience, but tho people pres ent had to content themselves without tho orntory of the famous Nebraska!!, who occupied a scat on the platform. Mr. Bryan' reached tho hall early In tho evening. He went to a room upstairs, where he was greeted by Chairman Fianklln Head, Congressman Gains Rnlph M. Easley and other members of tho program commlttco of the Civic Federation. Mr. Bryan declined to rpenk nt tho night session with W. Bourko Coch rane, In accordance with tho program previously arrnnged, Mr. Brynn ex plained that ho did not wish to let the Impression go out that he was to enter Into a debate with Mr. Cochrane. For that reason he said ho would not speak at the same session with Mr. Cochrane. Mr. Cochrnnc was sent for and he and Mr. Bryan discussed tho situation. The committee withdrew to allow the two orators to scttlo tho dispute. Mr. Bryan asserted that ho never said ho would follow Mr. Cochrnnc with nn address on tue same evening. If tho committee got that Impression from tho conversation he had with them by telcphono ho said thoy misunderstood him. Mr. Uoenrniio wanted to talk nt the sumo session with the noted Nebraskan and offered to flit n coin to detcrmlno who should have tho privilege of dcllvcrlni; tho closing address. Then Mr. Cochrane agreed to appear at any time the committee desired. The program was changed, however, to meet Mr. Brynn's wishes, Mr. Brynn said he was nnxlous to address tho conference, nnd repeated that his only reason for changing the program was to avoid any Indication of n public discussion with Mr. Coch ran. Mr. Bryan will speak at tomor row's session. Though disappointed In falling to sco such a spectaclo us Bryan and Cochrnn pllJd ngalnst each other, tho audience nevertheless en- Joyed a rare treat, an Mr. Cochran wan at his best, nnd his speech was punc tuated with frequent and prolonged ap plause. When Mr. Brynn mndo his nppcnr- nncc nt tho entrance It wns tho signal for tumultuous cheering, which lasted until tho Ncbrnsknn had tnken his scat on tho stand. Mr. Foulko of In diana, who was In tho intddlo of an address when tho outburst occurred, put tho nudlenco In good humor by re marking: 'I guess you enmo hero tonight to hear somebody elso speak." Mr. Foulko wns followed by Hon. Edward Roso- wntcr of Omaha, whoso address re ceived close attention. Tho chair then Introduced Hon. W. Bourko Cochran of Now York. At tho close of hlfl speech the New Yorker won tho hearts of hla listeners by paying Mr. Brynn a few well chosen compliments, which the democratic leader blushlngly acknowledged. Mr. Cochran likened Mr. Bryan to a mo nopoly and claimed ho was a bigger monopoly as tho leader of the demo cratic party than nny financial corpo ration In tho world. Mr. Cochran spoke for about two hours, and when ho con cluded cries for Mr. Brynn canio from all over the houso. Finally Mr. Bryan arose and said that for the good ot the conforenco all partisan feeling shou.u bo eliminated from tho gnlhorlng, nnd although ho agreed with Mr. Cochran In ninny of his arguments, It was necessary thnt hla sldo of tho contro versy should bo given tomorrow. DREYFUS WILL BE PARDONED. Hvcrytliluc lit rrcnont I'olnU In Unit hh Holiitlou of the nininill). LONDON. Sent. 1C. M. Do Blowltsi. tho PnrlB correspondent of tho Tlmea, says: "I lenrn thnt Cnntnln Drnvfuu will shortly withdraw his petition for a revision, which will lnnvn thn irrnnnri clear for tho government to tnko lui- mcdlnto steps to pardon him. This pardon will not annul tho civil and military conscouenroH nf Mm vorrll.-i and ho will no longer bolong to thn army. "There Is nathlnc. linwnvnr. in i,. vent htm from nnnlvlnir to thn nnurt rr cassation to quash tho Rennos trial wnonover the now fact required by lnw Is produced. When llbernted ho will sottlo In tho south of Frrnee. as tho members of his family do not wl.-.lt to oxposo him to such demonstrations ot sympathy abroad as intern t. hn nnnd against him by hla adversaries at nomo. ' Tho Paries eorrcannnilint nf Mm DallV NOWH OnVH! "Thn nrn.nlnr 1 Waldcck Rousseau, has promised do- Ilnltely to proposo a pardon for Droy fm nt next Tuesday's cabinet council " Ak Clvmuniir for llniiiphnnVr. WASHINGTON. D. C Sent. 1iV Sonntor Foster of Washington yo3tor- uay received n telegram from E. C. Bellowes nt Vnncouvor, Wash., saying that Corporal Dnmphorfer, Company B. Sixteenth Infnntr-v. Iiml Imnn mn. fenced to bo Bhot to death at Manila. Tho dispatch stated thnt Dnmphoffor waB ft resident nf Vn " - ....uuiHUI tltll M lid only 10 years of nge. Senator Foster wuh uhhl-u iu uuHiHi in unving tno sen tonco mitigated. Tho senator will see President McKlnloy today and ask clemency for Damphoffer. LINCOLN HAS A BAD FIRE. Hnlf it lllorlt In Hi a Center of the City l.ovi'lril by the Finnic. LINCOLN, Sept. 1C The building occupied by tho Western Newspaper Union, Jacob North nnd the Nebraokn Independent t on fire nnd will be totally destroyed. This building was built five years ago by the printing firm of Pace, Williams & North. It was estimated to be worth $50,000. It is occupied entirely by printing flrma. Tho stock, which Includes printing innchlnery nnd paper, was entirely de stroyed, no pnrt being (saved. Fire was discovered In the building nbout 1:30, and within fifteen minutes the entire uuiKiing wns encompassed by flameft The bulldlne lmn bpon nwnml mrnin. slvely for years by Jacob North, tho other two members having rctlrod from the firm recently after It wni ouiit. 'iiie department store of II Herpolshelmer ft Co,, north of the building, nnd St. Paul's Methodist church, east, nrn In lnnnm Tim nrn- r - - - n 1 1 , nu mon hnvn no enntrnl nvnr ihn n n ty no Tho Btock In the North building was csiimntcu to do worth ?100,000. 3 a. m. Tho Mnsonle Temnln Iniltd Ing Is now In ruins, carrying with It tho property of the Masonic lodge, tne i.incoin pumic library and the plant of the Evenlntr Post. Tim l.tiiidi In tho north hnlf of the block are not out or danger, but they mny possibly bo saved. The damage so far Is esti mated about as follows: North building nnd stock, $150,000. Methodist church, $25,000. Masonic tcmnlo. Including rnntnnta. $160,000. Webster block, $20,000. Elite studio, $10,000. Tills mnkes tho total lnsa nvnr inna . 000. It Is Impossible to cstlmnt,. ilm Insurance. It is thought that nnn fl rnmnn .vna killed When tho roof Of tlm Mnnnnln temple foil. KILLED IN A WRECK. Three Triiliimeii I,n Their l.lu i In n Niniuhiip NVnr Nelmnlot Oltyi! NEBRASKA CITY. Nr.li Sont m Tho first section of train No. 124, n fast tiuigui on me Missouri Pacific rond mm iuii nero at 4:10 yesterday after noon, was enmrilptnlv wrr,.lrn,l nn miles south of hero nn hour later. The engineer, fireman and head brakeman w.-ro burled In tho wreck and their bodies wero ronsiimnil In tlm nnnncrn. Hon that followed. The killed: TOM GILLIAN, onglneer. MILLER ROUSE, llreman. WILLIAM FOSTER, brnkoman. TIlP Wreck WnH rnllnnd liv thn l.ion- IllR of a brldirn nnn nnd nnn.lmlf mil,.,, east of Paul station. Although the iminuwurK 01 tno linage was entirely burned out. the rnlln llTlfl (Inn rnmalnml In plnce and tho train plunged In with out tno siigntest intimation to tho engineer thnt anything wns wrong. The trnln wns composed ot thirty eight cms. Eighteen empty stock cars and twelvo cars of miscellaneous mer chandise, anthracite coal, etc., wero ditched, and together with the onglno, reduced to a shapeless mnss of wreck age which caught fire from tho burning embers of the bridge nnd wore cntlrrily consumed. A car of anthracite coal went In last, which made the burning wrcckago n seething furnace. Conductor Montgomery, who wns In the way car nnd uninjured, ran for ward Immediately after tho wreck occurred nnd heard a cry from Engin eer Gillian, who was buried under the wreck', but the flro wns so hot that ho could do nothing townrd extricating him. Not a vestigo of tho three train men has been found. SUPPLIES CHEAP IN MANILLA. Comnilmiiiry (Iriicml Hiiy Critic Are M lain formed. WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. 1C Commlssnry General Weston says tho Boldlor of tho Colorado regiment who hns found so much to crltlclso at Ma nila evidently was misinformed about tho exorbitant prices which wero being paid for supplies In tho Philippines. Sugar s bought about 10 per cent cheaper than In tho United States; rlco I 50 per cent cheaper nnd n conslder nolo reduction Is found In tho prices of beef purchnsed In Australia and the prevailing prices in Chlcngo. The gov ernment saves transportation on these nrticlcs. As to other artleles which aro a pari of tho commissary stores bought by tho department nnd sold to the olllccrs nnd men at cost price, aonernl Weston says there Is no possibility of loss to tho government upon them. The com missary department does not purchaso wines, except for tho hospitnls. These nro bought upon tho rccommondntlon of tho surgeons and tho money for them comeB out of tho 40 conts n day allowed to each soldier In tho hospital. lllc Ciitllp Drill, KANSAS CITY, Mo., Sept. 1C Georgo B. Loving, who Is promotng a cnttlo deal that ho snya will amount to $23,500,000. was In the city yester day on his way homo to Fort Worth, Tex., from Now York. Mr. Loving said the capital for a company to buy 000,000 cattle and 12.000,000 acres of ranch land in Texas, Now Moxlco and Wyoming had been pledged after olgh works' work In New York. JS'o Mih Mretliii; III New York. NEW YORK, Sept. 10. There will ho no mnss meeting In this city to pro test ngalnst tho condemnation of Dreyfus. Efforts wero mndo to ar range such 11 gnlhorlng, but tho men who wero nsked to tako u loading part declined to do so and oxprcssed tho opinion that the inovemont was u mis take. Consequently tho promoters of the affair decided to abandon tho Idea rulilry tltwii 11 C'ommiiiiil. WASHINGTON, Sopt. 1C Rear Ad miral Schley Is to bo assigned to the command of tho South Atlantic squad ron. Tho navy department haB order ed him to bold himself In readlnosa for sea, preliminary to formal onlern assigning him to command tho South Atlnutlo Eq und ron, In deciding upon this courso Secre tary Long, it is understood, assumes that Admiral Schley Is desirous of sea duty, ib expressed In his nppllcntlon to tho depnrtnu'iit nomo tlmo ago THE KM LAID ASIDE Colors of the Firs'. NobraBia Turned Over to Ouatody of tho State. ARE TO BE CAREFULLY TREASURED Lrrcmony in Inn Hare Nrur llif Hpoi. Where the I'lnjr Were Orlclnally (liven to (lie Col.ir llenrcm Serrrtnry of Wnr Melklejolin, Oov. I'oyntvr hiiiI Other (imdnU In Atleiiilitnce. LINCOLN, Neb., Sept. 16. The for mal return to the custody of tho state of tho battle flags of tho First Ne braskti regiment wns made yesterday on the state houso grounds Colonel Mulford, for the regiment, turning oer tnc nags to tiie governor, who, on nenaii or tiie state, took charge and Instructed tho adjutant genernl to care fully treasure them among thu most sacred relics of thn sintn The ceremonies were ot tho simplest Kinii, and tno Bpeecnmnlclng wns con- llllCd 10 a trior ndilrnnn ln fVilnnnl Mlllford. aild thn nhnnat na hrlnf'rn nnnnon I... !, rn. spouse bj the governor. The ceremony, took n nee within n fn.v fnot r.r n, took place within n few feet of tho spot wnere in May, 1898, tho Hags wero given to the rolnr linnr rn liv Governor Holcomb. The governor nnd atuu occupied tue Btand nnd the mem bers of the First regiment wero drawn up facing them, nnd Just ncrasa tho pavement, running north from the State llOUSe. Annlfltnnt Snorntnrv nt War Melklelohn vnn In tlm ntnml. wltl. tho governor nnd staff. Colonel Vlf- qunin, ciiier marshal of tho day, nnd his aides, mounted, wero In position In front of the ntnttfl. thn rnlnrti with the bearers and guard occupying tho center or tno open space. UCneral Ylfmintn nnnnnnnml thn Order Of tho Iirnrnndlnpa nnil fnlminl Mulford, who, with the ex-ofllcors of me iirst, wore on foot, udvnnccd to the front nnd tnndorrd tlm (Inrli Thn luiui ueurers enmo iorwaru and tno commands were brought to attention and saluted. Governor Povnter ncnontml thn flnco nnd tho colors were furled, tho crowd stnnuing uncovered, whllo the bnnd Iiuiyeu. EXPORT EXPOSITION OPENS. I'hllitdelplilu'i Show lleR'tm With HIiir lil(T "The Slur Sputiclrd Ilimner." PHILADELPHIA. Hnnt. inWltli reremonles unattended by ostentation the Nntional Export exposition was tormaiiy opened nt noon yesterday. Distinguished vlBltors from nil nnn. t!o!18 of the countrv worn In nttnnrl. r.nco, Including representatives of the diplomatic corps, otneers of tho nrmy and nnvy, scientists nnd business and Lrofesalonnl men. After tho benediction by Archbishop uuricn, wnicn concludod the dedica tory exercises, a messairn wnn rnrnlvnil from President McKlnley, extending greetings nnd olllelally opening tho GUNBOAT HAS A SHARP EIGHT. rirMl on by Nn liven Whllo Capturing ln mirernt Hrbnoiipr WASHINGTON. D. C. Sent. 15. Thn following dispatch has been received ui me nnvy department: "Mnnlln, Sept. 14. Secretary of NttVy. WaShlncton: flnvldann nnn. mnndlng Pnrngua, reports a sham on Kiigement nt uaiemno. THo vessel was struck many times by rlflo shots; no casualties, i'arnmia hi nnrnii thn in surgentB" fire in twenty minutes. Tho range wns from 400 tn 9(in vnnia rinnn slon, capture Filipino schooner, which tjaviuson destroyed. WATSON." uuiuuiuu ih in tno province ot Mas- bate, south of Luzon und north of tho Vlzayas. uaiemao Is In tho province of Mas- 00M PALL MAKES REPLY. rntimTUHl (lnrniiint SbikIi Its Aimwer to (Ireut Ilrltuln'i) Domuml. LONDON. Sent. IK. A fnrnrnat nf tile draft of thn TrntiHvnnla' rnnlv tn tno last noto or tho British secretary of state for the colonies. Mr. fihnmlinr- lnln, hns been received, but Its nature is not yet known. At the colonial odleea n rnnnrtnr nf tnc Associated Press was Informod that nothing will be given out for tho present. I'rrililnnt Will Not Art. NEW YORK. Sent. IK A n.tnr'li.l tn ino tiernid rrom Washington says: The president Is receiving petitions asKing mm to request tho French Gov ernment to pnrdon Droyfus. No such action will bo taken. th n flml.llatrn- non noiamg mat to do so would un- aouuteniy uo orfenslvo to Franco. which would say that this govern ment had no rlcht tn lntnrfnrn I n n matter Which relntra tn Intnrnnl ml. ministration nnd which slin nlnnn .mint uuciue. Hnrr in WN !) ittri u Work ST. THOMAS. D. W. I.. Snnt 1K Advices received nt St. Kltts today irom tno isinnn ot Anguilla, ono of tho British West Illdlll laln.uln T.nmf,l group, say that a hurricane during tho nignt or aepiomnor 8 destroyed 200 houses nnd rendered 800 nonnin lmmn. loss. There wan ennaidnrnl.ln Inan ,.r property ami slmllnr damago at St. 'Martin. Crll In Siuito Diimlnro. SANTO DOMINfiO. Hent. IK A nrl. als has been reached In the monetnry sltuntlon today. Merchants wero com pelled to tnko paper money and tlj peoplo wero unnolo to purchase food. tins resuueii m serious dlsturbnnccs in tue market place this morning and great disorder prevailed. Welcome (lie AnivruMii 1'liiir, WASHINGTON. Sent. 1R Mull nil. Vices received at the war ilnnni'tmnnt from Manila state that the natives of tuo island or Snmnr are praying tor tho Btieedv arrival nf Inn Atnnrlrnna and will welcome the hoisting of the American nag. IN OKNCItAI.. Officials In Wnnhl Venezuelan situation ns critical. A lllIRt nf ir.Snnnlnr Ilnul In linlncr executed in oronzc for tue Maine Iegls lature. Thn Wnr ilennrtmnnt lino ,dmrtnrn,l tnc meainpr minim, wnicn win rnrrv 650 animals to Manila. General Miles linn nrrnntpd nn Invi tation 10 act as marsiiai or tue Dewey paruuo at Washington, D. C. In tho pnst eighteen months Prcsl dent McKlnley hns been the victim of rnmarn f1nn.1t ilw.nnnt.,l times. An Insnnn mnrnhnnl nf llnrlln nnmnit - - ....... uwiui,a,,i ,(a uiv il uiitoivit at n hotel In Lclpslc for threatening A.. 1.11 . Mltrmnn Hnrilnanh Hnu Imnn n.ADlml to kiii ino King ot saxony. Mayor Buck of Portland. Mo., a con- tlemnn 7r. vnnn nf i,n (.. nnn.. nleted the feat of wiUkln to thn sum- mlt of Mount Washington, N. II., nnd oacK again. Thn flU'nnr nf Ulnnntinnirp thn nlil Drlllrl mnniffrintit rn 3nllatttt.t. nlnln tnrcntens to sen it to tiie nignest Did der unless the British government will give mm suzs.ooo ror it. j lie directors oi tne .Mcrgentnnicr Llnotvne comnnnv haB declared the The directors of the Mcrgenthnlcr regular quarterly dividend of pes- cenI- nnu CXtm ( VIUC1U cont Davnbln SontembPr 20 cent pajaoie acptemoer o. i-cui iniu nn uxir.i tuviueuu ot per Kilwnril Ilnlwnr I.vttnn ninltntiu nnn nf fl.A nnvnllat hna linmi nnnnltilml n rabbit Inspector by the New South waies government, lie wns lormeriy n member of the colonial parliament. ExiinilinpnlH nrn nlinnt tn lineln In Louisiana for tho manufacture of nnnei from refuse sugar cane. Paper made irom sugar cane should be In great re- queBt for the corresponUeuce of Bveet- hearts. Thn linllRO In whlnh Rnt.nrnl Rhnl-mnn illerl In Now Vnrlr hna linan onld htr thn heirs for about $35,000. It la sltuutcd on west aeventy-nrst street, nnd was purchased by tho general a year before 1. 1 j it. ma ucaui. A nlntform enr rnppnllv pntntilotpfl at tho Boston & Maine railroad shops, In Rnlnm. XTnoa Tina n nnrrvlntf nnnnnl. ny of 100.000 pounds, 40,000 pounds more man nny otner car on tne roao. It Is thirty-two feet lone. The celebrations of Old Home week In wow iiampsnlre towns wero so sue CCSsflll thin venr. thn flrnt nf Ita nil servnnce, that they are likely to bo repeated annually hereafter, though tue unto may oo cnangeu. Smnllnnv n.irnnil In Altnnnti Pn nnd tho town board of health ordered tho killing of all dogs and catB In Infected houseB, that they might not distribute the norma of thn illnnnnn. Thn hmllna oi tno animais were mimed. flnn nf Pnnnlm. nnmmlaalnnnr Flvnnu critics recently accused that official of naving n literary nureau." Mr. tsvans replied emphatically: "Yes, I have, nnd it consists of every reputable newspaper in tho United States." The wooden belfry of famous Fancull hall. Boston, has been renlneed liv nnn exactly Bimllar of Iron, and it is hope At A At 1- 1 . I . . ., tlmt tho worl1 of altering and streni cnlnB tnc ,llstr'c building wfll uuu me won; ot altering nnu strengtu nntrt fnf vlnlnHtiir ilin nnil.ninimnr garme laws, wns to hnvo been held In Albany yesterday. It was adjourned uniii oupiuiuuur .u. Tllpndnrn Tlltnn wnn nnnnda hla lima between Pnrls und London, has lost none of his nptness for repartee. The other day a friend asked him when It Is a man begins to feel old. He replied nt once: "I'll tell you when, it Is when ho Is a sophomore In college." Twentv-elcht head of snoclallv fed Aberdeen-Angus cattle, U-year-ol'ds, raised m lndlunn, nenr Terro Haute, uy jonn Mcfaii, sold in uiilcngo Sep- tnmhnr f! nt til fin thn hlirhout nrlcn paid for cattle thero since Christmas, 1892, and the highest ln September since issi. The nnenllnr illnrnsn frnm whirl, thn czar is said to oe sintering is Known as nphasia, and in plain English Is using ono word when another Is meant. If ono word when another Is meant. If m iimjcoiy wimio ins auu uwn t fntnnmltnr llin n.ri.l I'll...' ... nnl.n t n romember tho word "hut" ho asks for somotning else, nnd ho is unable to recollect the mean Ing of words when ha I'ntidci thin. .v .v. ii. a wiv.ii. I ,. . , . v.i, il,n. ni . n ii V i T ork that ClmrleB B. Loving has mndO 1J1H It' UIL I lllTlllIIlT I ,'XHH I Tf 1.11 rnn.tni S y"? 'Cat wKh, ?40'000'0?0 rnnltnl ntnnlr n aitrnnun nwn r.nu nmnh i i ..Vi -i- T IntnroHt ln rnttln rlrnlna Innamnrih nn ,. . " thero Is some nnunaltlnn tn thn nrn. . , .:. .... , t noso o inn an terr tciry und Knnsas. If la unlrl will 1iltt urltli iUn n1 v.i r. tie men ln fighting Lovlnk's syndicate, maKing prounmo a temporary reduc tion In the price of meet on the hoof, LIVE STOCK AND PRODUCE. OiiihIiu, Chlcugn nnil New York Murknt i otutlniiK. OMAHA. flutter Creamery eetmrutor. 17 (i mitter-Ctialcc fancy country 1C fOirrru lPciuli 1tf iln. lll.A. qiilckenH..BprlnK, per lt iH-di' i .,ii.i,,,0 ...ii.-, nut,. ...... . tu vi raj lliemnnH l'er box 4 75 'it G 60 .Ijrutiberiiett Jersey, per bbl. 6 23 fti1 r. no Apples per barrel It (c) 'it 2 2.'i IL.In .. I t. ..I -y nn. fiKcoim i.ive. per iioz.,,. HotatoeH Now, per Inmiiei. 2fl i .m Kweot potutoea Pur bbl... 2 00 dl 2 2.. lluy llplniiil, per (on 5 00 Hi B 01 i south riMAiiA Hogs Choice light I 2.", (f( 4 30 iiokh Heavy weights i 17 'i I 2.1 neet steers ( io io It.lllM . 1 IM ft n r.,i StllirH . . IK. n -. ........ .(.. u nr - V tt 1U ?iltVPrt I 01 Tt G 23 U ostornH 4 to t( r r. Cows :i to ii a bs StoekorK nnd f,.diri n tin w i i-. Hlioe l.unitm 47:, t 4 jjo ijiiei-ii r eeuer WUIUerH U vr-.1 fcU CHIUAGO llPIl I V,-i u,iilrtry 7 W worn rcr niiHiiei, 21 ft ai? linrioy no. 2 .... Oats Per huahol 43 2214 id 4 5(i ..... m JU W U Timothy seed, per liu 2 20 a. t 2,-, f,irl l..i niul T rn o tiyc io, til w... . ii will................. u m o y., Cuttle Htoeknrs anil feeders 4 20 ft 4 &- "inn , a ii ft a jj HHiiKei'H , 4 w '(f Ii 30 Wni'MMlvitil i r. r- Hliee itinus ,., 4 7fi ' i u 11 . 1M Hneep iMiuive wetners 4 33 NEW YOIHf MAnKMW Outs-No. 2 k S n Wheat No. 2 red ?t Corn No. 2 red KANSAS CITY. Rhoet. Al.illnnu ' ,vr-i gt? n cu Jtoe-.Mlxeu 4 2.3 4 37 . . . . i , u i i , jnj ILL OVER THE STATE NeliriMkn 1'rolilhltl LINCOLN. Noli Hnnt 1rt n.nt.lhl. tloil Worknrn nRRPmhlnrl In Hi I a Mlv . . ...V.S(. vuuiuuiiiu nu:j put forward for supremo Judge. For regents Charles E. Smith nf niolinni- son nnd Rlbert Fitch of Merrlt, wero nominated. The following platform wus adopted. Mlf- A 1. t. - . . ot Nebraska, In convention assembled. I fPMPWln rr nnr nllAttlnM.... t a 1 1 l a ijuu as tnc sovereign or all men, de clare In favor of tho following prlnci- in;n, i2,i , ihe nbsolute suppression of the traffic 111 alcoholic llmtnra fnr ".g.es m,rP08.CB5 tnc complete enfran- ""scmeni 01 women as an equal with man' 1,10 initiative and referendum." llllllll OllrHtlnn Itp.nl.,. ,11 1.. I HASTINGS. Neb.. council nassrd nn nrrll special election on Monday, November u next, at which tlmo tho question ot VOtitlC S20.0n0 fnr nn nlntrln 1lv,t plnnt will be resubmitted to the people. n"' uu resuomitted to tiie people. rll'B proposition was voted on' nnmu t,m,0 "Ko nnd was carried bv n big majorlty, but owing to Insufficient ad vertising of the election It was lound the bonds would not bn 1pi-.i1 if tac.w.,i nnd the mntter was dropped for tho tlmo belli C. Ttprnntlv n nHtUn circulated asking tho council to call another election, and It was upon thlf that action was taken. Cuptnlii I'orliv'i Itmlv ti of the late Captain Leo Forby of Com- Pliny G. First NobniRkn vnlnntonro Who WllS killed 111 thn Phlllnnlnna n,-. I'lVed In the cltV mill Wil osnnrtol fmn, the depot to the nrmory of the Thurn- io uiuen, wnere it win remain until after the funeral services, which will be held tomorrow. Cnntnln Vnrh wn shot on March 25, 189D. nnd died two- uays inter, wiien stricken down ho was leading the charge on tho Filipino trenches nt San Frunclsco del Norte, n fortified town a short distance from Mnnlln, llnrxrn nnil llitriirm Stolmi. PAWNEE CITY. Nnh .. Rnnt 1 Tt R. Lenlev. who lives u,m nrnQH thn line In Knnsas, was In town nnd re ported that a crmd te nm nf mnrno alv and seven years old, was stolen from ins pasture, a st of work harness waa also taken from .1. At. sinn-v. barn. A nnlr of lirlill. H wnn tnimn from James Carrolls'. Tlmsn nl nrpQ nrn cnr. erul miles dlBtnnt from cneh other, but tho Slinnosltloil Is tlml nil wnnt tn. gether and the thieves nro now driving. a rig out or tins part of tho country. Oinulm riiTnlrliiii Ilnnorrtl. OMAHA. Neb.. Sent. Ifi nr. w w Purncll, n prominent colored physician of the city, has been annolntml nunlcr- nnt surgeon ot the Forty-clghtu Infan try, one of two roclmenta nf nnlnrnil men now being recruited. Dr. Purnell Immunes, stationed nt Fort Thomas nnu latcr nt CHleknmauga. nmili nf ....... .... 11..11..11... LINCOLN, Neb., Sept. 1C Joseph II. Mnllalleu, recently nppolntcd clerk of tho district court to succeed Sam 13. Low, died of heart failure, resulting from blood poisoning. Mr. Mallnlleu had been confined at homo sovernl weeks, but none of his friends wero nware of the serloiiB nnture of his Illness. The deceased wns n vnnnc man of wide acquaintance. I KootnailN Wnrklnir Chiiilron. CHAlinON. Nnil Spnt. 1R Prnnlt O'Neill, wlllln linilnr thn Intlnnnnn nf liniinr. wan rnlilmd nf lila wntnh liv nn unknown man, nnu William Moffatt of Cheyenne, who stopped off here a day on his way to Hot Springs, S. D., was rouoeu in tne rear or a saloon by un I i ... known norsons of nulto n sum at money nnd a gold wntch. iiiiiii iviiikiiiii h niniur iiith. I . . - . ... n . UHAU1UK, PiOU., Hept. 1U. . Ul gO Wntnvnr Inft hnrn to hnld rnnrt nt O'Neill for Judge Klnkald. whoso twin I . . ... . . . . ... Bister, living ln west Virginia, died I ... . . ... Hiiutieniy. a jury nnu uecn impaneiei . . . . . and tne trim oi a case wa3 aoout to i,eglI1 wj,en tne news enme. Judge Kin- knll took ll)0 flrgt traln for tho 80Uth I ICrtiiili.il ut I.oi.ir I'liir. l.nNfJ PIKR Snnt. 1R Thn nnnnnl nnnlnn nf thn nlil anlfllnra nnd W TI C. In Brown, Rock. Cherry nnd Keya Pnlm nnnntlpn will l.n l.nld nn thn Chnntniinnn L'rnnnilH Rnntnnilinr 9K 21! nnd 27. The program is now being ar ranged and it is the Intention to mako it tne uest over neiu. IIh IIIh l.ec AiniiiitiitHil. niOOMlVflTOV lCnh Rnnt 1(1 W P. Strnttnn. whn wns kloltpil nn thn lne several yenra ngo by n mule dnd later .vnn Inliirnil hv hlfl tnnm runnlni. nwnv has his. leg amputated close to his hip! tuo operation waa successtui, out ue Incr vrnrs old and in nnnr hnnlth hlu recovery is doubtful. Thleveit Tie u (Irmit .tlerrliiint. filtANT. Neb.. Sent. 1fi 13. n v.nr. ler's general store was broken Into by nrs find S18 tnkon. Mr. F!ntrtnr was awakened by two men commnnd- Inir him tn lln utlll nnfnrnlnf tlml.. order by striking him with a revolver. i nen tnoy ootind mm nnn gagged Him. llnrstvi Sold Will. SOUTH OMAHA. Nel. Rnnt 1fij Vhe Fred Torrv Commission rnmnnnv'a Bale of range horses yesterday was con. sniered n a success. Tiiero wero nearly 00 of them In all and most of them found rendv sale to Iowa and Np.hmnn farmers and stockmen. The drivers tool; well, and tho unbrnnded coltn wore In great demnnd. Tho unbroken 2-year-olds, It Is stated, sold fairly well. The salo Is ono of tho largest herd for some time, nnd Its results nlfJispil Mr. Tnrrv. wbn fnnld thnt tin lu bi.'Ud!ug up one of tho biggest horse t-'aitie-siiociiers una recdeni 3 v) it 4 msri.;is in tnc country.