X ' ', fflkt lorth FIFTEENTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, TOES DAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1899. NO. 68. pattc anirmmmmitnimntrmmw McCormick Binders and Mowers and Rqp'kc jtm Carriages, Buggies, Road Wagons, Carts, Spring; Wagons, Latest Styles and Best Quality for the Price. BARB WIRE AND STAPLES. nn, , , T;t,n pumps, pipes and fittings, A uompietG Lino WIND MILLS, MACHINE OIL, AXLE GREASE. JOS. HERSHEY. Locust St., North Platte, Neb. iuiuiiiiiiiiiiiuuiuiuiiiiUiiuuiiiiUiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiimiaiii 'l f 1 if iTi tf I 111 tif. l tTi tf i K$ STREITZ' SEDUCTIVE SODfl Uf j! l i' V . . .T. III. r r 72r U ?V O. F. IDDING8 X-j"a.rra-"ber, Coal and (3-xa.irL Yards and Elevators at North Platte, Nob., Sutherland, Nob., Julesburg, Colorado. NORTH FLATTE MILLS, (C. P. IDDINdS.) Manufacturer of HIGH AND MEDIUM GRADE FLOUR BRAN AND CHOP FEED. Order by telephone from Newton's Book Store. N. McCABE. Proprietor. J. E. BUSH, Mnn&cor. North Platte Pharmacy. Drugs and Druggists' Sundries. fy We aim to handle the best grades of goods jfc Sell everything at reasonable prices, and -jjfc warrant all goods to be just as represented, jfe All Proscriptions Carefully Filled by a Llconsod Pharmacist. Orders from the country and along the line of the Union Pacific Railway is respectfully solicited. First door north of First National Bank. THERE ARE e & : : MANY 9 6 e ft ON THE LINK VIA g-:fefe&g-:c.;g.&:&:&fr"g6ia DIRECT LINE To All POINTS WEST. 14 KAt. UK m m h nbs .... 1 , -t L J I -lJ You will find Fishing in Rocky Mountain Streams Hunting in Wyoming, Curative Waters in the Hot Springs of Idaho, For Time Tablc8, Folders, Illustrated Boo&i, Pamphlets Descriptive of the territory tfatefsedt call on nr iiniFwuMifwiiniFiifwwrM: a5 The Sibilant Sizzle of m m n ? n m m -g.isw- , Satisfying and Stomach Soothing Qool Retreats OK ItEACIIED THE jfl33-aa:-a:3aa3ra-3fl-a-a SOLID Vestibulod Trains DAILY, ,ia'agi9'9aa-9iB-aa-a3a Commissioner's Procoodlilps. Sept. 12, 1899, Board met pursuant to adjourn ment. Present Garrison, Wood hurst, McNecl and county clerk. M. N. Holcombe, Treasurer of Lincoln county: You arc authorized by the board of county commis sioners to refund to C. II. Fisher the sum of $13.56 taxes paid under protest. The above order, was issued by commissioners upon pro test of II. C. Fisher, of Fox Creek, for double assessment, Bids for Sutherland bridge were taken up. On motion the contract was granted to Jacob Delay his bid being the lowest and best on file. Clerk instructc d to notify Mr. Delay, C. F. Idding's presented bill for $6.40. This was accepted for grain from poor farm together with check for $4.30. Report of C. P. Ross as surveyor on road 240 received. Bill of R. B. Arundalc for ser vices as janitor at court house, July an d August, $100.00, was al lowed on general fund. Application was received from school board of dist. 36, Lincoln count' asking that county com missioners appraise a portion of Sec. 3645-33 for school house Bite. Board decided to comply with said request on Wednesday. Sept. 13th and decided to inspect at that time bridges on south side ditch in O'Fallons precinct not yet accepted. Sept. 15, 1899. The board returned from two days absence of the 13th and 14th inst. on which dates they appraised school lauds for school house site in Dist. No. 36 also inspected bridges on the south side ditch situation road No. 83 between sections 16 and 17 Tp. 14 N. of range 33 west and on road No. 19, between sec tions 22 and 27 Tp. 14 N. of range 33 west, and the eathe are hereby accepted. Bridges were examined on the F. & M. ditch and are here by accepted. The county treasurer is author ized to employ help in making out the real estate depnquent tax list Bill of A. II. Davis for $8.00 for room rent for office of county sur veyor for July and AugUBt 1899 allowed on general fund. Bill of G. F. Copper for printing county treasurer's statement, stationery and blanks, $81.40 allowed on gen erel fund. Bill of U. P. R. R. Co. for rent of part of right of way for county road purposes from Dec. 9, 1898 to Dec. 9, 1899 on lease No. 162 for $20.00 allowed on road fund. Brolto Jail. Wednesday night Donnelly the man who was confined in our county jail, on complaint of Fred Zimmcrcr for the crime of forgery, succeeded in making his escape. He was the only occupant of the jail and it seems that the sheriff did not con fine him in his cell as it was hot, but permitted him to occupy the room or corridor outside the cell. The prisoner in some way suceeded in removing some bricks from the partition wall and by that means got into the outside hall. He then took the outside door oil the hinges and was then in the open air, and departed lor parts unknown. The man, it will be recollected, passed a forged check upon Mr. Zimmcrcr some time ago, being accompanied by a woman. The pair went to North Platte and the same game was played there by the woman. Mr. immcrer had the man brought here, on the charge, but up to the time of his escape lie had had no preliminary examination Clipper Citizen. ifflaiy Keep Young The real secret of youthful fen lures lu women Is regular menotruntlon. If there is an irregularity of any nature if the menses be suppressed or too scanty, too profuse or painful the trouble will show in the face. The eyes will be encircled with black, the skin sallow; blotches and pimpleB will appear, and the sufferer, although young in years, will appear old in looks. The un failing remedy io Bradfield's Female Regulator It cures alt ills of the womanly or gans, FnlHnjr of the Womb, Leucor rhcea or Whites and Bearing-down Pains. Cures llucknche. Headache and Nervousness, nil of which arc duo to weakness in the same organs. , targe b6ttl te told by Drugo'i tor SI. flW tolADPlBLD RBQVlATQtl CO., Mania, da. $ County News. i Between tho Itivors. S. J. Koch and I. B. Bostwick lost several tons of hay over on the south side Wednesday night by lightning. Several in the valley took in Uncle Tom's Cabin at North jpiattc Saturday evening. Lon Graves, of North Platte, was the guest of 10. F. Seebcrgcr at Hershey Saturday. Owing to sickness, Oscar Good win has been off duly on the Her shey section for Bcvcraldays lately. Martin Mickelsen, of Hershey, returned from Omaha the latter part of the week accompanied by his wife and little daughter who had been visiting relatives and friends at and in the vicinity of Rock Is land, 111., for several months. A. A. Leister nearly severed the heel from his left loot Friday with an ax. Xavier Toillion delivered 45 hogs to Secbcrger & Co. at Hershey Sat urday, that netted him the neat little sum of $310.00. The box sociable at the Hershey school house last Friday evening was quite well patronized and a nice little sum of money was realized from it. The Nichols section crew is busy at this time putting down the new side track and spur at that place when they don't have to wait for cinders. Lightning Blruck on the Manion . . a . ianu over oy mc north river on Wednesday evening last week and set fire to the grass burning up sev eral stacks oi hay for J. B. and Xavier Toillion no insurance. J. h. Strickler has started to construct a small barn just west of his bunding at Hershey. Frank Toillion and family now expect to depart for their new home in Oklahoma the first of next month. Mr. and Mrs. O. II. lSyerly are the happy parents of a new thirteen pound son who came to make his home with them a few days ago. Parties from over south loaded a car at Nichols one day last week with household effects and farm tools for the west. If you want to seethe fiuestlot of Poland chuia pigs of both sex and also short-horned calves in western Nebraska go to Win. II. Sullivan's farm near Nichols and you will find them, Rev. Evans has returned from an extended business trip up west. "Patience ceases to be a virtue" when a party is being bothered all of the time by his neighbors slock. Jim Thomas who had the contract of moving the residence that G. W. Brown purchased of W. O. Thomp son on the H. H. Cook farm down to the village of Hershey succeeded in landing it there after a counle of days of great trials and tribulations it will as soon as possible be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. W. h. Hackney of that place. Archie Anderson has torn down the barn that stood jtist east ot the house on their farm near Nichols and we understand will reconstruct it just north and west of the residence. We understand that Dave Mc Conncl's wife has been adjudged insane and taken to the asylum lately. Somerset Briefs. Arthur Green caught a poHsuni the other night in a trap which he had set for a coyote. Several from here will attend the tair to be held at North Platte the latter part of this week. Theodore Smith sold a cow and calf the othcrday for forty-five dol lars also several brood bows for ten dollars each. Mr. Blazer and son Victor are working on the Somerset section. Mr. Heckleman and family, of Curtis, were recent visitors at John McConncls. John McConnell will harvest 300 bushels of very fine potatoes. Some one, supposed to be a ped dler, started a prairie fire south of Kounig's, and the north wind drove it to the coilhty Hue before the piitninintfiiinntriininininimritnifiiniiitninimninm iNew Goods Never in the history of this busi ness have we endeavored to do so much for our customers as we are doing this month in the way of saving thorn money. Oomo in and compare prices with what you havo been paying. There's no doubt in our mind but what you will decide that this is the place to trade. Every article is thoroughly reliable in quality. S. RICHARDS. ?JiUllUlilUilillimillilllUllilliJUilUlllllJllililliiUHiliillUlK flames were extinguished Mr. Havens lost all his hay and pasture and W. K. Gartrell had part of hay burned. The loss of the pasture is a heavy one for cattle growers. J. F. Brittain will dig and cement a cistern for John McConuet, Accordino to the English prcs s when Sir Alfred Milner was leav ing England for the cape, he ex plained the British policy by ask ing: "If you saw a solid pile of gold worth 500,000,000 over there with 20,000 Boers armed to the teeth sitting upon it what would you do?" One of the leaders of the Outlanders' movement has been frank enough to say: "We don't care about the franchise; we want the mines." At the recent rate of interest the Transvaal mines will yield annually in dividends, in a year or two, about $75,000,000. That is the real explanation of the British attitude toward the South African republic. Boston Advertiser. A si'KctAi telegram from New York to the St. Louis Globe-Democrat says that local silvcritcs arc greatly disturbed over an announce ment made by Willis J. Abbott that Bryan is ready to have silver retired to the rear in the demo ocratic national platform of 1900 Those who know Bryan well do not doubt it. He will make silver and anti-imperialism hot issues right up to the time of the conven tion, but he will be prepared to take any line of policy that in his judgement will add the greatest strength to his candidacy, should he be the nominee. Kearney Hub. Earnest Calling sold 270 head of cattle this week to J. II. Norswor- thy for the consideration of $10,000. This purchase by Mr. Norsworthy practically makes him the cattle king of Dawson county as he now controls over $50,000 worth of cat tle. Mr. Calling bought his stock last spring and has cleared, by the sale over $2,000, and if shipped by Mr. Norsworthy at the present lime he would realize a good profit on the purchase. Gothenburg In dependent. 8100 Howard, S100. Tlio roudors of thin pnpor will bo pluiiisod to lonrn thnt thoro is at least ono drondod diseneo that Ecionoo hns boon nblo to euro in all its Htngon, mid that is cntnrrh. Jllnll's Catarrh Curo is tho only ponltivo euro known to tho mod ioul fratornily. Cntnrrh boing a constl tutionul dlnoiiBo, ronulrcsa constitutional trontmont. Hall's Catarrh Curo la takon internally, acting diroctly upon tho blood and mueoua mirfucoH of tho eyetom, thoroby doutroylo tho foundation of tho dloonno, and Kh'iug tho pntiont strength by building up tho constitution and aa uinthiff nnturo In doing its work. Tho proprietors huvo do much faith In it curntlvo powors, that they olTor ono hundred dollars for anycnBo that it fails to euro. Sond for list of toatimontalB. AddroBo, F. J. Chonoy A Go. ... , . ToIoclO, O. Bold by fill drUjhrista, 7Go. Hhll'B Family IMUb aro thb bbsl. 2-8 THE FAIR. AUCTION ! I will sell at public auction on my premises one-fourth mile west of the Platte Valley school-housc, eight miles northwest of North Platte on k.Sat'y, Sept. 30, '99, the following described property: One coming 3-ycar old bull; Nine milch cows; Five yearling heifers; Seven sucking calves; Twelve head stock hogs; Gne sulkcy plow; One drill and lister; One disk pulverizer; Two cultivators; One binder; Two stirring plows; Also a lot 01 household goods. Sale to COIttltlPllfp nf 1 n'Mnl, n ni. Terms will be announced prior f -v I la . . 1 I m i-v iiiuB.ui:. v HANK l OIMJON. P. II. SuudvAN, Auctioneer, PROFESSIONAL OARDS. C V. BEDELL, PHYSICIAN AND SUTlOEOtt. OIHoob: North Platto National Bank Building, North Platte, Nob. J F. DENNIS, M. D., IIOMOEOPATH1ST, Over First Nstlonnl Bank, NOtlTll 1-I.ATTK, - . NE1IHABKA, D"' ANNA PEOKHAM- OIHco Cor. Locust and Gth-sla. Spoinl altontion to diseases of women and children. JjJ E. NORTlHtTJP, DBNTISTi Ofllco ovor Modol Cloth in Storo, NORTH PLATTE, NEB. IT. S. RIDGELY, ATTOBNE Y-AT-L A W . Ofllco in Ilinman Block, Dowoy Btroot. NORTH PLATTE, - - NEBRASKA F. II, Edmonds. j, m. Calhoun. Edmonds & Oalhoun, LAW AND COLLECTIONS. Over l'pstomcc, NOKTH PLATTE, NED. TILCOX & HALLIQAN, ATT0W1SY8-AT.LAW, fOUTH PLATTE, . . . NEDUABKA Office over North PUtt National Bank. J.S. IIOAOKANI). W. V. HOAOLAND. Hoagland & Hoagland, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS OIUch over MoDounld'a Bank. NOUTU PLATTK, NEB, rp O. PATTERSON, omcb ovift tblldw Ffofit BVri Store toORTll rLATTfi, NEB.